// File: ctr.cpp
// Module: CMDIAL32.DLL
// Synopsis: Implements the Ole Container object for the future splash
// Animation control.
// Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// Author: nickball Created 02/10/98
#include "cmmaster.h"
#define STRICT
// macros used to reduce verbiage in RECT handling.
#define WIDTH(r) (r.right - r.left)
#define HEIGHT(r) (r.bottom - r.top)
// max size for LoadString.
// string constants
const WCHAR g_awchHostName[] = L"ICM FS OC Container";
// Function: LinkToOle32
// Synopsis: Initializes the specified Ole32Linkage by linking to the DLL
// specified in pszOle32 and retrieving the proc address for the
// functions that we need to call
// Arguments: pOle32Link - ptr to Ole32LinkagStruct
// pszOl32 - ptr DLL name string
// Returns: TRUE if SUCCESS
// FALSE otherwise.
// History: nickball Created 8/14/97
BOOL LinkToOle32( Ole32LinkageStruct *pOle32Link, LPCSTR pszOle32) { MYDBGASSERT(pOle32Link); MYDBGASSERT(pszOle32); LPCSTR apszOle32[] = { "OleInitialize", "OleUninitialize", "OleSetContainedObject", "CoCreateInstance", NULL };
ZeroMemory(pOle32Link, sizeof(Ole32LinkageStruct)); return (LinkToDll(&pOle32Link->hInstOle32, pszOle32, apszOle32, pOle32Link->apvPfnOle32)); }
// Function: UnlinkFromOle32
// Synopsis: The reverse of LinkToOle32().
// Arguments: pOle32Link - ptr to Ole32LinkagStruct
// Returns: Nothing
// History: nickball Created 8/14/97
void UnlinkFromOle32(Ole32LinkageStruct *pOle32Link) { MYDBGASSERT(pOle32Link);
if (pOle32Link->hInstOle32) { FreeLibrary(pOle32Link->hInstOle32); }
ZeroMemory(pOle32Link, sizeof(Ole32LinkageStruct)); }
VOID CleanupCtr(LPICMOCCtr pCtr) { if (pCtr) { pCtr->ShutDown(); pCtr->Release(); } }
// move (translate) the rectangle by (dx, dy)
inline VOID MoveRect(LPRECT prc, int dx, int dy) { prc->left += dx; prc->right += dx; prc->top += dy; prc->bottom += dy; }
// Member: CDynamicOleAut::CDynamicOleAut
// Synopsis: ctor for the Dynamic OleAut class
// Arguments: None
CDynamicOleAut::CDynamicOleAut() { //
// Setup OLEAUT32 linkage
LPCSTR apszOleAut[] = { "VariantClear", "VariantCopy", "VariantInit", "VariantChangeType", "SysAllocString", "SysFreeString", NULL };
MYDBGASSERT(sizeof(m_OleAutLink.apvPfnOleAut)/sizeof(m_OleAutLink.apvPfnOleAut[0]) == sizeof(apszOleAut)/sizeof(apszOleAut[0]));
ZeroMemory(&m_OleAutLink, sizeof(m_OleAutLink));
// Do the link, but make it obvious if it fails
if (!LinkToDll(&m_OleAutLink.hInstOleAut, "OLEAUT32.DLL", apszOleAut, m_OleAutLink.apvPfnOleAut)) { if (m_OleAutLink.hInstOleAut) { FreeLibrary(m_OleAutLink.hInstOleAut); } ZeroMemory(&m_OleAutLink, sizeof(m_OleAutLink)); }
MYDBGASSERT(m_OleAutLink.hInstOleAut); }
// Member: CDynamicOleAut::~CDynamicOleAut
// Synopsis: dtor for the Dynamic OleAut class
// Arguments: None
CDynamicOleAut::~CDynamicOleAut() { if (m_OleAutLink.hInstOleAut) { FreeLibrary(m_OleAutLink.hInstOleAut); } }
// Member: CDynamicOleAut::DynVariantClear
// Synopsis: Wrapper for VariantClear in OLEAUT32.DLL
// Arguments: See OLEAUT32.DLL documentation
HRESULT CDynamicOleAut::DynVariantClear(VARIANTARG FAR* pVar) { if (NULL == m_OleAutLink.hInstOleAut || NULL == m_OleAutLink.pfnVariantClear) { return E_FAIL; }
return m_OleAutLink.pfnVariantClear(pVar); }
// Member: CDynamicOleAut::DynVariantCopy
// Synopsis: Wrapper for VariantCopy in OLEAUT32.DLL
// Arguments: See OLEAUT32.DLL documentation
HRESULT CDynamicOleAut::DynVariantCopy( VARIANTARG FAR* pVar1, VARIANTARG FAR* pVar2) { if (NULL == m_OleAutLink.hInstOleAut || NULL == m_OleAutLink.pfnVariantCopy) { return E_FAIL; }
return m_OleAutLink.pfnVariantCopy(pVar1, pVar2); }
// Member: CDynamicOleAut::DynVariantInit
// Synopsis: Wrapper for VariantInit in OLEAUT32.DLL
// Arguments: See OLEAUT32.DLL documentation
VOID CDynamicOleAut::DynVariantInit(VARIANTARG FAR* pVar) { if (m_OleAutLink.hInstOleAut && m_OleAutLink.pfnVariantInit) { m_OleAutLink.pfnVariantInit(pVar); } }
// Member: CDynamicOleAut::DynVariantChangeType
// Synopsis: Wrapper for VariantChangeType in OLEAUT32.DLL
// Arguments: See OLEAUT32.DLL documentation
HRESULT CDynamicOleAut::DynVariantChangeType( VARIANTARG FAR* pVar1, VARIANTARG FAR* pVar2, unsigned short wFlags, VARTYPE vt) { if (NULL == m_OleAutLink.hInstOleAut || NULL == m_OleAutLink.pfnVariantChangeType) { return E_FAIL; }
return m_OleAutLink.pfnVariantChangeType(pVar1, pVar2, wFlags, vt); }
// Member: CDynamicOleAut::DynSysAllocString
// Synopsis: Wrapper for SysAllocString in OLEAUT32.DLL
// Arguments: See OLEAUT32.DLL documentation
BSTR CDynamicOleAut::DynSysAllocString(OLECHAR FAR* sz) { if (NULL == m_OleAutLink.hInstOleAut || NULL == m_OleAutLink.pfnSysAllocString) { return NULL; }
return m_OleAutLink.pfnSysAllocString(sz); }
// Member: CDynamicOleAut::DynSysFreeString
// Synopsis: Wrapper for SysFreeString in OLEAUT32.DLL
// Arguments: See OLEAUT32.DLL documentation
VOID CDynamicOleAut::DynSysFreeString(BSTR bstr) { if (m_OleAutLink.hInstOleAut && m_OleAutLink.pfnSysFreeString) { m_OleAutLink.pfnSysFreeString(bstr); } } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Member: CDynamicOleAut::Initialized
// Synopsis: Simple query to report if linkage is valid
// Arguments: None
BOOL CDynamicOleAut::Initialized() { return (NULL != m_OleAutLink.hInstOleAut); }
// Member: CICMOCCtr::CICMOCCtr
// Synopsis: ctor for the OLE Controls container class.
// Arguments: [hWnd] -- hWnd for the main browser
#pragma warning(disable:4355) // this used in initialization list
CICMOCCtr::CICMOCCtr(const HWND hWndMainDlg, const HWND hWndFrame) : m_hWndMainDlg(hWndMainDlg), m_hWndFrame(hWndFrame), m_CS(this), m_AS(this), m_IPF(this), m_IPS(this), m_OCtr(this), m_PB(this), m_pActiveObj(0), m_Ref(1), m_pUnk(0), m_pOC(0), m_pVO(0), m_pOO(0), m_pIPO(0), m_pDisp(0), m_state(OS_PASSIVE), m_dwMiscStatus(0), m_fModelessEnabled(TRUE) { ::memset(&m_rcToolSpace, 0, sizeof m_rcToolSpace); InitPixelsPerInch(); // initialize the HIMETRIC routines
// init all the state mappings to -1
for (INT i = PS_Interactive; i < PS_Last; i++) { m_alStateMappings[i] = -1; } } #pragma warning(default:4355)
// Member: CICMOCCtr::HasLinkage
// Synopsis: Initialize - verify that we have a link to OLEAUT32.DLL
BOOL CICMOCCtr::Initialized(VOID) { return m_DOA.Initialized(); }
// Member: CICMOCCtr::ShutDown
// Synopsis: cleanup all the OLE stuff.
VOID CICMOCCtr::ShutDown(VOID) { if (m_pOC) m_pOC->Release(); if (m_pIPO) { MYDBGASSERT(m_state == OS_UIACTIVE || m_state == OS_INPLACE); if (m_state == OS_UIACTIVE) { m_pIPO->UIDeactivate(); // m_state = OS_INPLACE; // for documentation purposes
if (m_pActiveObj) { m_pActiveObj->Release(); m_pActiveObj = 0; } }
m_pIPO->InPlaceDeactivate(); // m_state = OS_RUNNING;
} if (m_pVO) { // kill the advisory connection
m_pVO->SetAdvise(DVASPECT_CONTENT, 0, 0); m_pVO->Release(); } if (m_pOO) { m_pOO->Close(OLECLOSE_NOSAVE); m_pOO->SetClientSite(0); m_pOO->Release(); } if (m_pDisp) m_pDisp->Release(); if (m_pUnk) m_pUnk->Release();
m_pDisp = 0; m_pOC = 0; m_pIPO = 0; m_pActiveObj = 0; m_pVO = 0; m_pOO = 0; m_pUnk = 0; m_state = OS_PASSIVE; }
// Member: CICMOCCtr::AddRef
// Synopsis: bump refcount up on container. Note that all the
// interfaces handed out delegate to this one.
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CICMOCCtr::AddRef(VOID) { return ++m_Ref; }
// Member: CICMOCCtr::Release
// Synopsis: decrement the refcount on container, and delete when it
// hits 0 - note that all the interfaces handed out delegate
// to this one.
if (!ulRC) { delete this; }
return ulRC; }
// Member: CICMOCCtr::QueryInterface
// Synopsis: this is where we hand out all the interfaces. All the
// interfaces delegate back to this.
// Arguments: [riid] -- IID of interface desired.
// [ppv] -- interface returned.
// Returns: HRESULT
STDMETHODIMP CICMOCCtr::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR * ppv) { *ppv = 0;
if (::IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IOleClientSite)) pUnk = &m_CS; else if (::IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IAdviseSink)) pUnk = &m_AS; else if (::IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown)) pUnk = this; else if (::IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IOleInPlaceFrame) || ::IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IOleInPlaceUIWindow)) pUnk = &m_IPF; else if (::IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IOleInPlaceSite)) pUnk = &m_IPS; else if (::IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IPropertyBag)) pUnk = &m_PB; else return E_NOINTERFACE;
*ppv = pUnk;
return S_OK; }
extern "C" CLSID const CLSID_FS = { 0xD27CDB6E, 0xAE6D, 0x11CF, { 0x96, 0xB8, 0x44, 0x45, 0x53, 0x54, 0x00, 0x00 } };
// Member: CICMOCCtr::CreateFSOC
// Synopsis: Creates an instance of the Future Splash OC, embedding it in
// our container. QIs for all the relevant pointers and
// transitions the control to the UIActive state.
// Arguments: pOle32Link - ptr to Ole32LinkageStruct containing funtion
// pointers to dynamically linked OLE32 DLL
HRESULT CICMOCCtr::CreateFSOC(Ole32LinkageStruct *pOle32Link) { MYDBGASSERT(pOle32Link);
// GetFrameWindow() also asserts that hwnd ::IsWindow()
// Use dyna-linked CoCreateInstance to create the OC
if (pOle32Link->hInstOle32 && pOle32Link->pfnCoCreateInstance) { hr = pOle32Link->pfnCoCreateInstance( CLSID_FS, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IUnknown, (LPVOID *) &m_pUnk); } else { hr = E_FAIL; }
if (S_OK != hr) goto Cleanup;
m_state = OS_RUNNING;
// get the View object - although we rarely draw the OC thru this.
// since we immediately transition it to the UIActive state, it
// usually draws itself through its own wndproc.
hr = m_pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IViewObject, (LPVOID FAR *) &m_pVO); if (S_OK != hr) goto Cleanup;
// get the IOleObject pointer - the main interface through which
// we handle the basic OLE object state transition stuff
// for the Future Splash OC
hr = m_pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IOleObject, (LPVOID FAR *) &m_pOO); if (S_OK != hr) goto Cleanup;
// get status bits on the OC - we're not currently doing anything
// with them.
hr = m_pOO->GetMiscStatus(DVASPECT_CONTENT, &m_dwMiscStatus); if (S_OK != hr) goto Cleanup;
// set our client site into the oleobject
hr = m_pOO->SetClientSite(&m_CS); if (S_OK != hr) goto Cleanup;
hr = m_pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistPropertyBag, (LPVOID *) &pPPB); if (S_OK != hr) goto Cleanup;
hr = pPPB->Load(&m_PB, 0); if (S_OK != hr) goto Cleanup;
// set our advise sink into the view object, so we
// get notifications that we need to redraw.
hr = m_pVO->SetAdvise(DVASPECT_CONTENT, 0, &m_AS); if (S_OK != hr) goto Cleanup;
// Use dyna-linked OleSetContainedObject
if (pOle32Link->hInstOle32 && pOle32Link->pfnOleSetContainedObject) { // standard OLE protocol stuff.
hr = pOle32Link->pfnOleSetContainedObject(m_pUnk, TRUE); } else { hr = E_FAIL; } if (S_OK != hr) goto Cleanup;
// ditto
hr = m_pOO->SetHostNames(g_awchHostName, 0); if (S_OK != hr) goto Cleanup;
// get the IDispatch for the control. This is for late-bound
// access to the properties and methods.
hr = m_pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (LPVOID FAR *) &m_pDisp); if (S_OK != hr) goto Cleanup;
// get the IOleControl interface; although we use it for very little.
hr = m_pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IOleControl, (LPVOID FAR *) &m_pOC); if (S_OK != hr) goto Cleanup;
// transition the control to the inplace-active state - it will have
// an hWnd after it returns from DoVerb, and will begin drawing
// itself.
_GetDoVerbRect(&rc); // get rect for firing verbs.
hr = m_pOO->DoVerb(OLEIVERB_INPLACEACTIVATE, 0, &m_CS, 0, GetMainWindow(), &rc); if (S_OK != hr) goto Cleanup;
// go ahead and UI activate it. This will cause it to QI for our
// IOleInPlaceFrame and call SetActiveObject, which we will store
// in m_pActiveObj
hr = m_pOO->DoVerb(OLEIVERB_UIACTIVATE, 0, &m_CS, 0, GetMainWindow(), &rc); if (S_OK != hr) goto Cleanup;
Cleanup: if (pPPB) pPPB->Release();
return hr; }
// Member: CICMOCCtr::_AdjustForTools
// Synopsis: adjusts the rect passed in for any toolspace claimed by the
// FS OC. Currently, the FS OC always just
// passed in a rect with four zeros in it - but if it ever
// does decide to do this, we're ready :).
// Arguments: [prc] -- the rect we want to reduce by the BORDERWIDTHS
// stored in m_rcToolSpace.
VOID CICMOCCtr::_AdjustForTools(LPRECT prc) { prc->left += m_rcToolSpace.left; prc->top += m_rcToolSpace.top; prc->bottom -= m_rcToolSpace.bottom; prc->right -= m_rcToolSpace.right; }
// Member: CICMOCCtr::GetSize
// Synopsis: returns the size, in pixels, of the FS OC.
// Arguments: [prc] -- returned size.
// if we're inplace active, just ask the frame window.
if (m_state >= OS_INPLACE) { MYDBGASSERT(m_pIPO); ::GetClientRect(GetFrameWindow(), prc); hr = S_OK; } else // not inplace active - probably this is never hit.
{ SIZEL sizel; hr = m_pOO->GetExtent(DVASPECT_CONTENT, &sizel); if (S_OK == hr) { prc->left = 0; prc->top = 0; prc->right = ::HPixFromHimetric(sizel.cx); prc->bottom = ::VPixFromHimetric(sizel.cy); } }
// adjust the borders for any tools that a UIActive object
// wants to place there.
if (S_OK == hr) _AdjustForTools(prc);
return hr; }
// Member: CICMOCCtr::DoLayout
// Synopsis: manages the vertical layout of things -
// sizes the OC container itself.
// Arguments: [cxMain] -- width
// [cyMain] -- height
VOID CICMOCCtr::DoLayout(INT cxMain, INT cyMain) { RECT rc;
MYDBGASSERT(m_hWndFrame && ::IsWindow(m_hWndFrame));
::GetClientRect(m_hWndFrame, &rc);
SetSize(&rc, TRUE); }
HRESULT CICMOCCtr::_SetExtent(LPRECT prc) { SIZEL sizel; HRESULT hr;
sizel.cx = ::HimetricFromHPix(prc->right - prc->left); sizel.cy = ::HimetricFromVPix(prc->bottom - prc->top);
hr = m_pOO->SetExtent(DVASPECT_CONTENT, &sizel); if (S_OK != hr) goto cleanup;
hr = m_pOO->GetExtent(DVASPECT_CONTENT, &sizel); if (S_OK != hr) goto cleanup;
prc->right = ::HPixFromHimetric(sizel.cx); prc->bottom = ::VPixFromHimetric(sizel.cy);
cleanup: return hr; }
// Member: CICMOCCtr::SetSize
// Synopsis: sets the size of the FS OC space (the HTML area)
// Effects: if fMoveFrameWindow is TRUE, then it moves the whole
// framewindow around, otherwise, it just readjusts how much
// of the framewindow space is used by the OC itself.
// In reality, what happens is that the OC calls us to
// set some border space (although at this writing it still
// is setting BORDERWIDTHS of 0,0,0,0), we allow that
// much space, then call IOleInPlaceObject->SetObjectRects
// to resize the object to whatever's left.
// Otherwise, if the object is not yet active, we just
// call IOleObject::SetExtent().
// Arguments: [prc] -- size to set object to
// [fMoveFrameWindow] -- is the hwnd size changing, or just
// the object within?
HRESULT CICMOCCtr::SetSize(LPRECT prc, BOOL fMoveFrameWindow) { HRESULT hr; RECT rcClient; RECT rcExtent;
// get client coords.
rcClient = *prc; ::MoveRect(&rcClient, -rcClient.left, -rcClient.top);
if (fMoveFrameWindow) { ::SetWindowPos( GetFrameWindow(), 0, prc->left, prc->top, prc->right - prc->left, prc->bottom - prc->top, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
if (m_pActiveObj) m_pActiveObj->ResizeBorder(&rcClient, &m_IPF, TRUE); }
// subtract off any tools the client has around .
rcExtent = rcClient; hr = _SetExtent(&rcExtent); if (S_OK != hr) goto cleanup;
// now we need to call SetObjectRects
if (m_pIPO && m_state >= OS_INPLACE) hr = m_pIPO->SetObjectRects(&rcExtent, &rcClient);
cleanup: return hr; }
// Member: CICMOCCtr::Paint
// Synopsis: Paint with no parameters
// we don't need to call IViewObject if the object is activated.
// it's got an hWnd and is receiving paint messages of its own.
if (m_state < OS_INPLACE) { if (S_OK == GetSize(&rc)) { ::BeginPaint(GetFrameWindow(), &ps); Paint(ps.hdc, &rc); ::EndPaint(GetFrameWindow(), &ps); } } }
// Member: CICMOCCtr::Paint
// Synopsis: paint with the hdc and rect passed in. Uses
// IViewObject::Draw()
// Arguments: [hDC] -- dc to draw to - can be container's or
// even print dc (never is a print dc in
// our scenario -
// [lpr] -- rect for painting.
VOID CICMOCCtr::Paint(HDC hDC, LPRECT lpr) { // adjust the borders in to allow for any tools the OC
// wanted to insert - so far it never does.
// have to use a RECTL instead of RECT - remnant of the
// OLE 16 bit days.
RECTL rcl = {lpr->left, lpr->top, lpr->right, lpr->bottom}; if (m_pVO) m_pVO->Draw(DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, 0, 0, 0, hDC, &rcl, 0, 0, 0); }
VOID CICMOCCtr::MapStateToFrame(ProgState ps) { // if the statemappings are -1, they are unitialized, don't use them.
LONG lFrame = m_alStateMappings[ps]; if (-1 != lFrame) SetFrame(lFrame); // ignore error - nothing we can do.
HRESULT CICMOCCtr::SetFrame(LONG lFrame) { HRESULT hr; OLECHAR * pFrameNum = OLESTR("FrameNum"); OLECHAR * pPlay = OLESTR("Play"); DISPPARAMS dp = {0, 0, 0, 0}; DISPID dispidPut = DISPID_PROPERTYPUT; VARIANTARG var; EXCEPINFO ei; DISPID id; UINT uArgErr;
V_VT(&var) = VT_I4; V_I4(&var) = lFrame;
dp.cArgs = 1; dp.rgvarg = &var; dp.cNamedArgs = 1; dp.rgdispidNamedArgs = &dispidPut;
hr = m_pDisp->GetIDsOfNames( IID_NULL, &pFrameNum, 1, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, &id);
if (S_OK != hr) goto Cleanup;
hr = m_pDisp->Invoke( id, IID_NULL, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, &dp, 0, &ei, &uArgErr);
if (S_OK != hr) goto Cleanup;
hr = m_pDisp->GetIDsOfNames( IID_NULL, &pPlay, 1, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, &id);
if (S_OK != hr) goto Cleanup;
::memset(&dp, 0, sizeof dp);
hr = m_pDisp->Invoke( id, IID_NULL, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD, &dp, 0, &ei, &uArgErr);
if (S_OK != hr) goto Cleanup;
Cleanup: return hr; }
// Member: CICMOCCtr::OnActivateApp
// Synopsis: all WM_ACTIVATE messages (forwarded from
// main browser hWnd wndproc) must call
// IOleInPlaceActiveObject::OnFrameWindowActivate(),
// per the OLE compound document spec.
// Arguments: [wParam] -- whatever the WM_ACTIVATE msg passed
// [lParam] -- ditto
// Returns: 0 - to say we handled the message.
LRESULT CICMOCCtr::OnActivateApp(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (m_pActiveObj) m_pActiveObj->OnFrameWindowActivate((BOOL)wParam);
return 0; }
// Member: CICMOCCtr::SetFocus
// Synopsis: transfers focus from framewindow to the current
// in-place active object. Per OLE Compound Document spec.
if (pAO) { if (S_OK == pAO->GetWindow(&hWnd)) { if (hWnd && !::IsWindow(hWnd)) hWnd = NULL; } }
// if no inplaceactive object, set focus to frame window.
if (!hWnd) hWnd = GetFrameWindow();
::SetFocus(hWnd); return 0; }
// Class: CAdviseSink implementations
// Purpose: to implement IAdviseSink for CICMOCCtr
// Notes: we don't do much with this interface - it's required
// for contractual reasons only.
STDMETHODIMP CAdviseSink::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR * ppv) { return m_pCtr->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CAdviseSink::AddRef(VOID) { return m_pCtr->AddRef(); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CAdviseSink::Release(VOID) { return m_pCtr->Release(); }
CAdviseSink::CAdviseSink(LPICMOCCtr pCtr) : m_pCtr(pCtr) { }
// Member: CAdviseSink::OnViewChange
// Synopsis: IAdviseSink::OnViewChange() - we do get called with this
// occasionally, but it appears that we're better off just
// letting the control's wndproc paint it.
// Calling this was causing extra flicker.
STDMETHODIMP_(VOID) CAdviseSink::OnViewChange(DWORD dwAspect, LONG lIndex) { return; }
STDMETHODIMP_(VOID) CAdviseSink::OnClose(VOID) { }
// Class: COleClientSite ()
// Purpose: our implementation of IOleClientSite
// Interface: COleClientSite -- ctor
// QueryInterface -- gimme an interface!
// AddRef -- bump up refcount
// Release -- bump down refcount
// SaveObject -- returns E_FAIL
// GetMoniker -- E_NOTIMPL
// GetContainer -- returns our COleContainer impl
// ShowObject -- just say OK
// OnShowWindow -- just say OK
// RequestNewObjectLayout -- E_NOTIMPL
// Notes: probably the most important thing our IOleClientSite
// implementation does is hand off our IOleContainer
// implementation when GetContainer() is called.
COleClientSite::COleClientSite(LPICMOCCtr pCtr) : m_pCtr(pCtr) { }
STDMETHODIMP COleClientSite::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR * ppv) { return m_pCtr->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) COleClientSite::AddRef(VOID) { return m_pCtr->AddRef(); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) COleClientSite::Release(VOID) { return m_pCtr->Release(); }
// Member: COleClientSite::SaveObject
// Synopsis: not implemented - makes no sense in this scenario.
STDMETHODIMP COleClientSite::SaveObject(VOID) { return E_FAIL; }
// Member: COleClientSite::GetMoniker
// Synopsis: Not yet implemented; never will be implemented.
STDMETHODIMP COleClientSite::GetMoniker(DWORD dwAssign, DWORD dwWhich, LPMONIKER FAR * ppmk) { *ppmk = 0; return E_NOTIMPL; }
// Member: COleClientSite::GetContainer
// Synopsis: returns our implementation of IOleContainer. For some
// reason, unless we do this, frames don't work. Note that
// our IOleContainer implementation is stubbed out with
// E_NOTIMPL (it seems kind of odd to implement this for
// a container with one embedding). But it turns out the
// FS OC has a bug in it's error handling - it
// QIs for IOleContainer, then QIs from that for
// IQueryService. In truth, we'll hand out our implementation
// of IQueryService, from any interface - we're easy :).
// We *want* to provide every service the OC asks for.
// Anyway, when it can't get IOleContainer, the OC's failure
// path seems to be constructed in such a way that frames
// don't work thereafter.
// Arguments: [ppCtr] -- returned IOleContainer
// Returns: S_OK. Never fails.
STDMETHODIMP COleClientSite::GetContainer(LPOLECONTAINER FAR * ppCtr) { *ppCtr = &m_pCtr->m_OCtr; (*ppCtr)->AddRef();
return S_OK; }
// Member: COleClientSite::ShowObject
// Synopsis: IOleClientSite::ShowObject implementation. To quote the docs:
// "Tells the container to position the object so it is visible
// to the user. This method ensures that the container itself
// is visible and not minimized."
// In short, we ignore it. We're not going to un-minimize
// the container on the embeddings' whim :).
STDMETHODIMP COleClientSite::ShowObject(VOID) { return S_OK; }
// Member: COleClientSite::OnShowWindow
// Synopsis: fine with us, return S_OK.
STDMETHODIMP COleClientSite::OnShowWindow(BOOL bShow) { return S_OK; }
// Member: COleClientSite::RequestNewObjectLayout
// Synopsis: not being called by WebBrower OC, so do not implement.
STDMETHODIMP COleClientSite::RequestNewObjectLayout(VOID) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
// Member: CInPlaceFrame::CInPlaceFrame
// Synopsis: inits m_pCtr - pointer to MSNOCCtr
CInPlaceFrame::CInPlaceFrame(LPICMOCCtr pCtr) : m_pCtr(pCtr) { }
STDMETHODIMP CInPlaceFrame::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR * ppv) { return m_pCtr->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CInPlaceFrame::AddRef(VOID) { return m_pCtr->AddRef(); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CInPlaceFrame::Release(VOID) { return m_pCtr->Release(); }
// IOleWindow stuff
// Member: CInPlaceFrame::GetWindow
// Synopsis: returns frame window
// Arguments: [phwnd] -- place to return window
STDMETHODIMP CInPlaceFrame::GetWindow(HWND * phwnd) { MYDBGASSERT(phwnd);
// this can never fail if we've gotten this far.
*phwnd = m_pCtr->GetFrameWindow(); MYDBGASSERT(*phwnd);
return S_OK; }
// Member: CInPlaceFrame::ContextSensitiveHelp
// Synopsis: This is not implemented by design - this is for
// the SHift+F1 context sensitive help mode and Esc
// to exit. Esc is already being used in the main
// accelerator table to mean 'stop browsing' to be
// like IE3. We do not do help this way.
STDMETHODIMP CInPlaceFrame::ContextSensitiveHelp(BOOL fEnterMode) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
// IOleInPlaceUIWindow stuff
// Member: CInPlaceFrame::GetBorder
// Synopsis: IOleInPlaceFrame::GetBorder() - let's us restrict where
// the server can put tools. We don't care, they can put
// them anywhere.
// Arguments: [lprectBorder] -- return border info in here.
// Returns: S_OK always with entire frame client rect -
// we place no restrictions.
STDMETHODIMP CInPlaceFrame::GetBorder(LPRECT lprectBorder) { // we have no restrictions about where the server can put tools.
::GetClientRect(m_pCtr->GetFrameWindow(), lprectBorder);
return S_OK; }
// Member: CInPlaceFrame::RequestBorderSpace
// Synopsis: IOleInPlaceFrame::RequestBorderSpace()
// inplace object actually requests border space - if
// we can satisfy the request, we return S_OK, otherwise
// INPLACE_E_NOTOOLSPACE. It doesn't actually use the
// borderspace until it calls
// IOleInPlaceFrame::SetBorderSpace(). This is used for
// negotiation.
// Arguments: [pborderwidths] -- structure (actually a RECT) that is
// interpreted differently from a RECT.
// The left.top.bottom.right members
// represent space on each of our four
// borders the server would like to use.
// Returns: HRESULT
STDMETHODIMP CInPlaceFrame::RequestBorderSpace(LPCBORDERWIDTHS pborderwidths) { RECT rc; RECT rcBorder;
if (!pborderwidths) return S_OK; // they're telling us no toolspace necessary.
rcBorder = *pborderwidths;
if (S_OK != GetBorder(&rc)) return INPLACE_E_NOTOOLSPACE;
if (rcBorder.left + rcBorder.right > WIDTH(rc) || rcBorder.top + rcBorder.bottom > HEIGHT(rc)) return INPLACE_E_NOTOOLSPACE;
return S_OK; }
// Member: CInPlaceFrame::SetBorderSpace
// Synopsis: Sets border space for tools - for some reason, the
// FS OC always calls this with a pborderwidths
// consisting of four zeros - it never actually uses any
// border space (sigh). Well, the code is here for this
// to work. We do a SetSize() to relayout stuff when
// it does this.
// Arguments: [pborderwidths] -- space the OC wants to use.
// Returns: HRESULT
STDMETHODIMP CInPlaceFrame::SetBorderSpace(LPCBORDERWIDTHS pborderwidths) { RECT rc;
if (!pborderwidths) { ::memset(&m_pCtr->m_rcToolSpace, 0, sizeof m_pCtr->m_rcToolSpace); return S_OK; }
if (S_OK != RequestBorderSpace(pborderwidths)) return OLE_E_INVALIDRECT;
// we get the entire client space to pass to setSize().
::GetClientRect(m_pCtr->GetFrameWindow(), &rc); m_pCtr->m_rcToolSpace = *pborderwidths;
return m_pCtr->SetSize(&rc, FALSE); }
// Member: CInPlaceFrame::SetActiveObject
// Synopsis: IOleInPlaceFrame::SetActiveObject(). The server calls
// this normally whenever it transitions to the UIActive
// state. There can only be one UIActive object at a time.
// This UIACtive object is represented by its
// IOleInPlaceActiveObject implementation. We call this
// object's implementation of TranslateAccelerator() right
// in the main message loop to give the current embedding
// first shot at keyboard messages.
// Normally, this is only called when the container transitions
// an object to UIActive by calling
// IOleObject::DoVerb(OLEIVERB_UIACTIVE) for the object,
// transitioning all the other objects (we don't have any :))
// or even just OS_RUNNING.
// Effects: sets a new active object in m_pActiveObj. Releases the
// old one, if any.
// Arguments: [pActiveObject] -- new active object
// [pszObjName] -- name of object - we don't use this.
// Returns: S_OK always.
STDMETHODIMP CInPlaceFrame::SetActiveObject( IOleInPlaceActiveObject * pActiveObject, LPCOLESTR pszObjName) { // reset the toolspace rect in case the last inplacactive object
// forgot to.
// if it was already set, save it so we can release
// it. We don't want to release it before we addref
// the new one in case they're the same thing.
m_pCtr->m_pActiveObj = pActiveObject; if (pActiveObject) { MYDBGASSERT(OS_UIACTIVE == m_pCtr->GetState()); m_pCtr->m_pActiveObj->AddRef(); }
if (pOld) pOld->Release();
return S_OK; }
// IOleInPlaceFrame stuff
// Member: CInPlaceFrame::InsertMenus
// Synopsis: OC calling us when it wants to do menu negotiation
// It calls us with a blank hmenu that we're supposed to
// add items to and fille out the OLEMENUGROUPWIDTHS
// structure to let it know what we did.
// We're not adding items to it currently.
// Arguments: [hmenuShared] -- menu to append to
// [pMGW] -- OLEMENUGROUPWIDTHS struct to fill out.
// Returns: S_OK
// Note: OC doesn't call this.
STDMETHODIMP CInPlaceFrame::InsertMenus(HMENU hmenuShared, LPOLEMENUGROUPWIDTHS pMGW) { // we're not inserting anything of our own to this menu.
pMGW->width[0] = 0; // 'File' menu
pMGW->width[2] = 0; // 'View' menu
pMGW->width[4] = 0; // 'Window' menu
pMGW->width[5] = 0; // 'Help' menu
return S_OK; }
// Member: CInPlaceFrame::SetMenu
// Synopsis: This is the OC calling the container asking us to
// set the shared menu in its frame. We're supposed to
// use the HOLEMENU object passed in and the
// hWndActiveObject to call OleSetMenuDescriptor() so
// that OLE can do message filtering and route WM_COMMAND
// messages.
// Arguments: [hmenuShared] -- shared menu.
// [holemenu] -- ole menu descriptor thingy
// [hwndActiveObject] -- hwnd of server who's merging menus
// Returns: HRESULT
STDMETHODIMP CInPlaceFrame::SetMenu(HMENU hmenuShared, HOLEMENU holemenu, HWND hwndActiveObject) { // we're not doing any menu negotiation
return S_OK; }
// Member: CInPlaceFrame::RemoveMenus
// Synopsis: IOleInPlaceFrame::RemoveMenus(), this is where the
// server gives us a chance to remove all our items from
// the hMenu. We're not adding any, so we don't remove any.
// Arguments: [hmenuShared] -- menu to clean up.
STDMETHODIMP CInPlaceFrame::RemoveMenus(HMENU hmenuShared) { // we aren't adding anything to this thing anyway.
return S_OK; }
// Member: CInPlaceFrame::SetStatusText
// Synopsis: called by the FS OC to put text in our status
// text area.
// Returns: HRESULT
// Arguments: [pszStatusText] -- text to display
STDMETHODIMP CInPlaceFrame::SetStatusText(LPCOLESTR pszStatusText) { return m_pCtr->_DisplayStatusText(pszStatusText); }
// Member: CICMOCCtr::_DisplayStatusText
// Synopsis: helper that displays status text.
// Arguments: [pszStatusText] -- text to display
// Returns: S_OK or HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError());
HRESULT CICMOCCtr::_DisplayStatusText(LPCOLESTR pszStatusText) { CHAR ach[MAX_STATUS_TEXT];
if (::WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, pszStatusText, -1, ach, NElems(ach), 0, 0)) { // put the status text somewhere.
return S_OK; } else { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()); } }
// Member: CInPlaceFrame::EnableModeless
// Synopsis: this is called by the embedding to let us know it's
// putting up a modal dialog box - we should 'grey' out
// any of our modeless dialogs. It delegates to
// CICMOCCtr::EnableModeless()
// Arguments: [fEnable] -- enable or disable.
STDMETHODIMP CInPlaceFrame::EnableModeless(BOOL fEnable) { return m_pCtr->EnableModeless(fEnable); }
// Member: CICMOCCtr::EnableModeless
// Synopsis: delegated to from CInPlaceFrame::EnableModeless().
// always returns S_OK - we don't have any modeless
// dialogs (yet).
// Arguments: [fEnable] -- enable or disable.
// Returns: S_OK
HRESULT CICMOCCtr::EnableModeless(BOOL fEnable) { m_fModelessEnabled = fEnable; // in case anyone wants to know.
return S_OK; }
// Member: CInPlaceFrame::TranslateAccelerator
// Synopsis: The current active object's
// IOleInPlaceActiveObject::TranslateAccelerator() is being
// called at the top of our main message loop. If it
// does *not* want to handle a message, it will call
// this method of ours to pass the keyboard message back to
// us. We call ::TranslateAccelerator on the global main
// haccel, and, if it's handled (by returning TRUE - 1),
// we indicate it's handled by returning S_OK (0 :).
// On the other hand, if it's *not* handled, we return
// Arguments: [lpmsg] -- keyboard msg to handle
// [wID] -- command identifier value - per spec.
// Returns: HRESULT
STDMETHODIMP CInPlaceFrame::TranslateAccelerator(LPMSG lpmsg, WORD wID) { // note this should never be called - only local servers
// (out of process) should call this by using
// OleTranslateAccelerator().
return m_pCtr->_TransAccelerator(lpmsg, wID); }
// Member: CICMOCCtr::_TransAccelerator
// Synopsis: handle accelerator messages coming from
// either IOleInplaceFrame::TranslateAccelerator, or
// IOleControlSite::TranslateAccelerator.
// Effects: forwards them to the main accelerator table.
// Arguments: [lpmsg] -- keyboard msg.
// [wID] -- per spec.
// Returns: S_OK if we handled it, S_FALSE otherwise.
HRESULT CICMOCCtr::_TransAccelerator(LPMSG lpmsg, WORD wID) { // the docs suggest that this method might need to return E_INVALIDARG.
// anyway, this is defensive. If the FS OC
// calls us with an 0 ptr, we just return error
if (!lpmsg) return E_INVALIDARG;
// forward the keystroke to the main accelerator table, if you have one.
// if you handle it, say S_OK.
#if 0
// this sample has no main accelerator table.
if (::TranslateAccelerator(GetMainWindow(),GetMainAccel(), lpmsg)) { return S_OK; // we handled it
} else #endif
{ return S_FALSE; // we didn't.
} }
// Class: CInPlaceSite ()
// Purpose: IOleInPlaceSite implementation.
// Interface: CInPlaceSite -- ctor
// QueryInterface -- get a new interface
// AddRef -- bump ref count
// Release -- decrement ref count
// GetWindow -- returns frame window
// ContextSensitiveHelp -- not implemented by design
// CanInPlaceActivate -- returns S_OK.
// OnInPlaceActivate -- caches IOleInPlaceObject ptr
// OnUIActivate -- returns S_OK - sets state
// GetWindowContext -- returns IOleInPlaceFrame,
// IOleInPlaceUIWindow,
// PosRect and ClipRect
// Scroll -- not implemented ever
// OnUIDeactivate -- kills objmenu
// OnInPlaceDeactivate -- releases cached IOleInPlaceObject
// DiscardUndoState -- returns S_OK
// DeactivateAndUndo -- deactivates in place active object
// OnPosRectChange -- never implemented.
CInPlaceSite::CInPlaceSite(LPICMOCCtr pCtr) : m_pCtr(pCtr) { }
STDMETHODIMP CInPlaceSite::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR * ppv) { return m_pCtr->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CInPlaceSite::AddRef(VOID) { return m_pCtr->AddRef(); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CInPlaceSite::Release(VOID) { return m_pCtr->Release(); }
CPropertyBag::CPropertyBag(LPICMOCCtr pCtr) : m_pCtr(pCtr) {
CPropertyBag::~CPropertyBag(VOID) { for (INT i = 0; i < m_aryBagProps.Size(); i++) { m_pCtr->m_DOA.DynSysFreeString(m_aryBagProps[i].bstrName); m_pCtr->m_DOA.DynVariantClear(&m_aryBagProps[i].varValue); } }
STDMETHODIMP CPropertyBag::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR * ppv) { return m_pCtr->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CPropertyBag::AddRef(VOID) { return m_pCtr->AddRef(); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CPropertyBag::Release(VOID) { return m_pCtr->Release(); }
static LONG LongFromValue(LPTSTR sz) { if (CmIsDigit(sz)) return CmAtol(sz);
return -1; }
HRESULT CPropertyBag::AddPropertyToBag(LPTSTR szName, LPTSTR szValue) { BagProp bp; HRESULT hr; LONG lValue; LPWSTR pawch; //WCHAR awch[INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH] = {0};
// initialize so error cleanup can work properly.
bp.bstrName = 0; m_pCtr->m_DOA.DynVariantInit(&bp.varValue);
if (!(pawch = (LPWSTR)CmMalloc(INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH*sizeof(WCHAR)))) { goto MemoryError; }
//if (-1 == ::mbstowcs(awch, szName, NElems(awch)))
#ifndef UNICODE
if (!MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szName, -1, pawch, INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH)) // NElems(awch)))
{ hr = E_FAIL; goto Error; } #else
lstrcpyU(pawch, szName); #endif
bp.bstrName = m_pCtr->m_DOA.DynSysAllocString(pawch);
if (!bp.bstrName) goto MemoryError;
// see if it's a VT_I4.
lValue = ::LongFromValue(szValue);
// it's a VT_BSTR - probably most common case
if (-1 == lValue) { //if (-1 == ::mbstowcs(awch, szValue, NElems(awch)))
#ifndef UNICODE
if (!MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szValue, -1, pawch, INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH)) // NElems(awch)))
{ hr = E_FAIL; goto Error; } #else
lstrcpyU(pawch, szValue); #endif
V_VT(&bp.varValue) = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR(&bp.varValue) = m_pCtr->m_DOA.DynSysAllocString(pawch); if (!V_BSTR(&bp.varValue)) goto MemoryError; } else // it's a VT_I4
{ V_VT(&bp.varValue) = VT_I4; V_I4(&bp.varValue) = lValue; }
hr = m_aryBagProps.AppendIndirect(&bp); if (S_OK != hr) goto Error;
Cleanup: if (pawch) { CmFree(pawch); } return hr;
MemoryError: hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
Error: if (bp.bstrName) m_pCtr->m_DOA.DynSysFreeString(bp.bstrName);
if (pawch) { CmFree(pawch); }
goto Cleanup; }
STDMETHODIMP CPropertyBag::Read(LPCOLESTR pszName, LPVARIANT pVar, LPERRORLOG pErrorLog) { for (INT i = 0; i < m_aryBagProps.Size(); i++) { if (!::lstrcmpiU(m_aryBagProps[i].bstrName, pszName)) { if (V_VT(pVar) == V_VT(&m_aryBagProps[i].varValue)) { return m_pCtr->m_DOA.DynVariantCopy(pVar, &m_aryBagProps[i].varValue); } else { return m_pCtr->m_DOA.DynVariantChangeType( pVar, &m_aryBagProps[i].varValue, 0, V_VT(pVar)); } } } return E_INVALIDARG; // we don't have the property.
// IOleWindow stuff
// Member: CInPlaceSite::GetWindow
// Synopsis: returns frame window.
// Arguments: [phwnd] -- return window *here*
STDMETHODIMP CInPlaceSite::GetWindow(HWND * phwnd) { // just reuse the CInPlaceFrame impl
return m_pCtr->m_IPF.GetWindow(phwnd); }
// Member: CInPlaceSite::ContextSensitiveHelp
// Synopsis: This is not implemented by design - this is for
// the SHift+F1 context sensitive help mode and Esc
// to exit. Esc is already being used in the main
// accelerator table to mean 'stop browsing' to be
// like IE3. We do not do help this way.
STDMETHODIMP CInPlaceSite::ContextSensitiveHelp(BOOL fEnterMode) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
// IOleInPlaceSite stuff
// Member: CInPlaceSite::CanInPlaceActivate
// Synopsis: just say yes.
STDMETHODIMP CInPlaceSite::CanInPlaceActivate(VOID) { return S_OK; }
// Member: CInPlaceSite::OnInPlaceActivate
// Synopsis: caches the IOleInPlaceObject pointer.
STDMETHODIMP CInPlaceSite::OnInPlaceActivate(VOID) { HRESULT hr = m_pCtr->m_pOO->QueryInterface( IID_IOleInPlaceObject, (LPVOID *) &m_pCtr->m_pIPO);
if (S_OK == hr) m_pCtr->SetState(OS_INPLACE);
return hr; }
// Member: CInPlaceSite::OnUIActivate
// Synopsis: just sets state bit
STDMETHODIMP CInPlaceSite::OnUIActivate(VOID) { m_pCtr->SetState(OS_UIACTIVE); return S_OK; }
// Member: CInPlaceSite::GetWindowContext
// Synopsis: returns a bunch of interfaces and positioning interface
// the inplace-active object needs to do its thang.
// Arguments: [ppFrame] -- return our IOleInPlaceFrame implementation
// [ppDoc] -- return our IOleInPlaceUIWindow impl.
// [prcPosRect] -- position info
// [prcClipRect] -- clip info - same as pos info for this case
// [pFrameInfo] -- return 0 - inproc object doesn't use this.
// Notes: note that ppFrame and ppDoc are really just the same
// object because we're an SDI app.
STDMETHODIMP CInPlaceSite::GetWindowContext( IOleInPlaceFrame **ppFrame, IOleInPlaceUIWindow **ppDoc, LPRECT prcPosRect, LPRECT prcClipRect, LPOLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO pFrameInfo) { // get the frame
HRESULT hr = m_pCtr->QueryInterface( IID_IOleInPlaceFrame, (LPVOID *)ppFrame);
// return the frame again :) - this is all per-spec.
hr = m_pCtr->QueryInterface( IID_IOleInPlaceUIWindow, (LPVOID *) ppDoc);
// get the clip and pos rect - same for this application.
HWND hWnd = m_pCtr->GetMainWindow(); MYDBGASSERT(hWnd); HWND hWndFrame = m_pCtr->GetFrameWindow(); ::GetClientRect(hWndFrame, prcPosRect); //
// NTRAID - #148143
// Apparently the W9x implementation is different, so MapWindowPoints for
// the clipping and position rect only on 9X. Also, make sure that the
// origin is NULL to keep post 2.0 versions of future splash happy on 9X.
if (OS_W9X) { ::MapWindowPoints(hWndFrame, hWnd, (LPPOINT)prcPosRect, 2); prcPosRect->top = 0; prcPosRect->left = 0; } *prcClipRect = *prcPosRect;
// OLYMPUS - #156880
// Clipping handled differently by future splash versions > 2.0
// so don't re-map the rect points, just use the client rect so we
// work with all splash versions - nickball
//::MapWindowPoints(hWndFrame, hWnd, (LPPOINT)prcClipRect, 2);
return S_OK; }
// Member: CInPlaceSite::Scroll
// Synopsis: never implement this for FS OC. This has
// nothing to do with the scrollbars you see on the HTML.
STDMETHODIMP CInPlaceSite::Scroll(SIZE scrollExtent) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
// Member: CInPlaceSite::OnUIDeactivate
// Synopsis: set state bits
// Arguments: [fUndoable] -- not used
STDMETHODIMP CInPlaceSite::OnUIDeactivate(BOOL fUndoable) { m_pCtr->SetState(OS_INPLACE); return S_OK; }
// Member: CInPlaceSite::OnInPlaceDeactivate
// Synopsis: releases the IOleInPlaceObject pointer we were
// caching for the object, and sets state to OS_RUNNING.
// Also fires the OLEIVERB_DISCARDUNDOSTATE at the control
// to tell it to release any undo state it's holding onto.
// I very much doubt the FS OC has any undo state,
// but, this is the protocol.
STDMETHODIMP CInPlaceSite::OnInPlaceDeactivate(VOID) { RECT rc;
if (m_pCtr->m_pIPO) { m_pCtr->m_pIPO->Release(); m_pCtr->SetState(OS_RUNNING); m_pCtr->m_pIPO = 0; }
if (m_pCtr->m_pOO) { m_pCtr->_GetDoVerbRect(&rc); // get rect for firing verbs.
m_pCtr->m_pOO->DoVerb( OLEIVERB_DISCARDUNDOSTATE, 0, &m_pCtr->m_CS, 0, m_pCtr->GetFrameWindow(), 0); }
return S_OK; }
// Member: CICMOCCtr::_GetDoVerbRect
// Synopsis: whenever firing DoVerb(), we need a rect for the object
// that describes the area for the object in parent client coords.
// Arguments: [prc] -- rect returned.
VOID CICMOCCtr::_GetDoVerbRect(LPRECT prc) { ::GetClientRect(GetFrameWindow(), prc); ::MapWindowPoints(GetFrameWindow(), GetMainWindow(), (LPPOINT)prc, 2); }
// Member: CInPlaceSite::DiscardUndoState
// Synopsis: just say OK - we don't hold any undo state for
// object.
STDMETHODIMP CInPlaceSite::DiscardUndoState(VOID) { return S_OK; }
// Member: CInPlaceSite::DeactivateAndUndo
// Synopsis: absolutely minimum implementation of deactivateandundo.
// just calls IOleInPlaceObject::InPlaceDeactivate().
// Returns: S_OK always.
STDMETHODIMP CInPlaceSite::DeactivateAndUndo(VOID) { if (m_pCtr->m_pIPO) m_pCtr->m_pIPO->InPlaceDeactivate();
return S_OK; }
// Member: CInPlaceSite::OnPosRectChange
// Synopsis: never implement this.
STDMETHODIMP CInPlaceSite::OnPosRectChange(LPCRECT lprcPosRect) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
// Class: COleContainer ()
// Purpose: our implementation of IOleContainer. does nothing.
STDMETHODIMP COleContainer::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR * ppv) { return m_pCtr->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) COleContainer::AddRef(VOID) { return m_pCtr->AddRef(); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) COleContainer::Release(VOID) { return m_pCtr->Release(); }
COleContainer::COleContainer(LPICMOCCtr pCtr) : m_pCtr(pCtr) {
STDMETHODIMP COleContainer::EnumObjects(DWORD grfFlags, IEnumUnknown **ppenum) { MYDBGASSERT(FALSE); // never called
return E_NOTIMPL; }
STDMETHODIMP COleContainer::LockContainer(BOOL fLock) { MYDBGASSERT(FALSE); // never called
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP COleContainer::ParseDisplayName( IBindCtx *pbc, LPOLESTR pszDisplayName, ULONG *pchEaten, IMoniker **ppmkOut) { return E_NOTIMPL; }