// File: dialogs.h
// Module: CMDIAL32.DLL
// Synopsis: This header contains definitions for the dialog UI code.
// Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// Author: quintinb Created Header 08/17/99
#include "cm_misc.h"
#include "ModalDlg.h"
// class CInetSignInDlg
// Description: The standalone "Internet Sign-In" dlg
// History: fengsun Created 10/30/97
class CInetSignInDlg : public CModalDlg { public: CInetSignInDlg(ArgsStruct * pArgs);
virtual void OnOK(); virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); virtual DWORD OnOtherCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
protected: ArgsStruct *m_pArgs; // pointer to the huge structure
static const DWORD m_dwHelp[]; // help id pairs
inline CInetSignInDlg::CInetSignInDlg(ArgsStruct * pArgs) : CModalDlg(m_dwHelp, pArgs->pszHelpFile) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs); m_pArgs = pArgs; }
// class CPropertiesPage
// Description: A general properties property page class
// History: fengsun Created 10/30/97
class CPropertiesPage : public CWindowWithHelp { friend class CPropertiesSheet;
public: CPropertiesPage(UINT nIDTemplate, const DWORD* pHelpPairs = NULL, const TCHAR* lpszHelpFile = NULL); CPropertiesPage(LPCTSTR lpszTemplateName, const DWORD* pHelpPairs = NULL, const TCHAR* lpszHelpFile = NULL);
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); // WM_INITDIALOG
virtual DWORD OnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); // WM_COMMAND
virtual BOOL OnSetActive(); // PSN_SETACTIVE
virtual BOOL OnKillActive(); // PSN_KILLACTIVE
virtual void OnApply(); // PSN_APPLY
virtual void OnReset(); // PSN_RESET
// If the derived class need to overwrite thses help function, make this virtual
void OnPsnHelp(HWND hwndFrom, UINT_PTR idFrom); // PSN_HELP
virtual DWORD OnOtherMessage(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
protected: LPCTSTR m_pszTemplate; // the resource ID
protected: void SetPropSheetResult(DWORD dwResult); static INT_PTR CALLBACK PropPageProc(HWND hwndDlg,UINT uMsg,WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); };
// class CPropertiesSheet
// Description: The properties property page class
// History: fengsun Created 10/30/97
class CPropertiesSheet { public: CPropertiesSheet(ArgsStruct *pArgs); void AddPage(const CPropertiesPage* pPage); void AddExternalPage(PROPSHEETPAGE *pPsp); BOOL HasPage(const CPropertiesPage* pPage) const; int DoPropertySheet(HWND hWndParent, LPTSTR pszCaption, HINSTANCE hInst);
protected: enum {MAX_PAGES = 6}; enum {CPROP_SHEET_TYPE_INTERNAL = 0, CPROP_SHEET_TYPE_EXTERNAL = 1}; PROPSHEETHEADER m_psh; // propertysheet header
PROPSHEETPAGE m_pages[MAX_PAGES]; // property pages array
DWORD m_adwPageType[MAX_PAGES]; // property page type
UINT m_numPages; // number of property pages
ArgsStruct *m_pArgs;
public: TCHAR* m_lpszServiceName; // the profile name, used as the mutex name for OK
protected: static LRESULT CALLBACK SubClassPropSheetProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); static int CALLBACK PropSheetProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, LPARAM lParam); static WNDPROC m_pfnOrgPropSheetProc; // Original propertysheet wnd proc before subclass
// pointer to the property sheet which can be accessed by static function.
// Not works quite safe, if there are multiple instance of CPropertySheet.
// Should be protected by CriticalSection.
static CPropertiesSheet* m_pThis; };
// Inline functions
inline CPropertiesSheet::CPropertiesSheet(ArgsStruct *pArgs) { m_pArgs = pArgs; MYDBGASSERT(m_pArgs); ZeroMemory(m_pages, sizeof(m_pages)); m_numPages = 0; ZeroMemory((LPVOID)m_adwPageType, sizeof(m_adwPageType)); }
inline void CPropertiesPage::SetPropSheetResult(DWORD dwResult) { SetWindowLongU(m_hWnd, DWLP_MSGRESULT, (LONG_PTR)dwResult); }
class CInetPage; //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// class CGeneralPage
// Description: A dialing property page class
// History: fengsun Created 10/30/97
class CGeneralPage :public CPropertiesPage { public: CGeneralPage(ArgsStruct* pArgs, UINT nIDTemplate); void SetEventListener(CInetPage* pEventListener) {m_pEventListener = pEventListener;}
protected: virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); virtual DWORD OnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); virtual void OnApply(); virtual BOOL OnKillActive(); // PSN_KILLACTIVE
void OnDialingProperties(); void OnPhoneBookButton(UINT nPhoneIdx); BOOL DisplayMungedPhone(UINT uiPhoneIdx); BOOL CheckTapi(TapiLinkageStruct *ptlsTapiLink, HINSTANCE hInst); DWORD InitDialInfo(); void EnableDialupControls(BOOL fEnable); void ClearUseDialingRules(int iPhoneNdx); void UpdateDialingRulesButton(void); void UpdateNumberDescription(int nPhoneIdx, LPCTSTR pszDesc); //
// Access Points
void UpdateForNewAccessPoint(BOOL fSetPhoneNumberDescriptions); BOOL AccessPointInfoChanged(); void DeleteAccessPoint(); void AddNewAPToReg(LPTSTR pszNewAPName, BOOL fRefreshUiWwithCurrentValues); virtual DWORD OnOtherMessage(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); enum {WM_INITDIALINFO = WM_USER+1}; // message posted to itself to load dial info
protected: ArgsStruct* m_pArgs; // pointer to the huge structure
PHONEINFO m_DialInfo[MAX_PHONE_NUMBERS]; // local copy of dial info,
UINT m_NumPhones; // Number of phone # to display (1 for connectoid dialing)
TCHAR m_szDeviceName[RAS_MaxDeviceName+1]; // modem device name
TCHAR m_szDeviceType[RAS_MaxDeviceName+1]; // device type
CInetPage* m_pEventListener; // the object to receive event on this page
BOOL m_bDialInfoInit; // whether we have loaded dialing information
static const DWORD m_dwHelp[]; // help id pairs
BOOL m_bAPInfoChanged; // whether Access point information has changed
protected: static LRESULT CALLBACK SubClassEditProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static WNDPROC m_pfnOrgEditWndProc; // the original phone # edit window proc for subclassing
// class CInetPage
// Description: The internet sign-on property page class
// History: fengsun Created 10/30/97
class CInetPage :public CPropertiesPage { public: CInetPage(ArgsStruct* pArgs, UINT nIDTemplate); void OnGeneralPageKillActive(BOOL fDirect);
// The following functions are shared with CInetSignInDlg,
// For simplicity, we makes them static member function of class CInetPage
// instead of having another class
static void OnInetInit(HWND hwndDlg, ArgsStruct *pArgs); static void OnInetOk(HWND hwndDlg, ArgsStruct *pArgs); static void AdjustSavePasswordCheckBox(HWND hwndCheckBox, BOOL fEmptyPassword, BOOL fDialAutomatically, BOOL fPasswordOptional);
protected: virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); virtual DWORD OnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); virtual void OnApply(); virtual BOOL OnSetActive(); // PSN_SETACTIVE
protected: ArgsStruct* m_pArgs;// pointer to the huge structure
BOOL m_fDirect; // the current connection type selection in General page
BOOL m_fPasswordOptional; // whether the PasswordOptional flag is set in
// the profile
static const DWORD m_dwHelp[]; // help id pairs
// class COptionPage
// Description: The options property page class
// History: fengsun Created 10/30/97
class COptionPage :public CPropertiesPage { public: COptionPage(ArgsStruct* pArgs, UINT nIDTemplate);
protected: virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); virtual DWORD OnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); // WM_COMMAND
virtual void OnApply();
void InitIdleTimeList(HWND hwndList, DWORD dwMinutes); DWORD GetIdleTimeList(HWND hwndList); BOOL ToggleLogging();
protected: ArgsStruct* m_pArgs; // pointer to the huge structure
BOOL m_fEnableLog; // is logging enabled
static const DWORD m_dwHelp[]; // help id pairs
static const DWORD m_adwTimeConst[]; // = {0,1, 5, 10, 30, 1*60, 2*60, 4*60, 24*60};
static const int m_nTimeConstElements;// = sizeof(adwTimeConst)/sizeof(adwTimeConst[0]);
// class CVpnPage
// Description: The VPN property page class
// History: quintinb Created 10/26/00
class CVpnPage :public CPropertiesPage { public: CVpnPage(ArgsStruct* pArgs, UINT nIDTemplate);
protected: virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); virtual void OnApply();
protected: ArgsStruct* m_pArgs; // pointer to the huge structure
static const DWORD m_dwHelp[]; // help id pairs
// class CAboutPage
// Description: The about property page class
// History: fengsun Created 10/30/97
class CAboutPage :public CPropertiesPage { public: CAboutPage(ArgsStruct* pArgs, UINT nIDTemplate);
protected: virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); virtual BOOL OnSetActive(); virtual BOOL OnKillActive(); virtual void OnApply(); virtual void OnReset(); virtual DWORD OnOtherMessage(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
protected: ArgsStruct *m_pArgs; // pointer to the huge structure
// class CChangePasswordDlg
// Description: The network change password dlg
// History: v-vijayb Created 7/3/99
class CChangePasswordDlg : public CModalDlg { public: CChangePasswordDlg(ArgsStruct *pArgs);
virtual void OnOK(); virtual void OnCancel(); virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); virtual DWORD OnOtherCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
protected: ArgsStruct *m_pArgs; };
inline CChangePasswordDlg::CChangePasswordDlg(ArgsStruct *pArgs) : CModalDlg() { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs); m_pArgs = pArgs; }
// class CCallbackNumberDlg
// Description: Emulation of the RAS Callback Number dialog
// History: nickball Created 3/1/00
class CCallbackNumberDlg : public CModalDlg { public: CCallbackNumberDlg(ArgsStruct *pArgs);
virtual void OnOK(); virtual void OnCancel(); virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); virtual DWORD OnOtherCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
protected: ArgsStruct *m_pArgs; };
inline CCallbackNumberDlg::CCallbackNumberDlg(ArgsStruct *pArgs) : CModalDlg() { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs); m_pArgs = pArgs; }
// class CRetryAuthenticationDlg
// Description: Emulation of the RAS Retry authentication dialog
// History: nickball Created 3/1/00
class CRetryAuthenticationDlg : public CModalDlg { public: CRetryAuthenticationDlg(ArgsStruct *pArgs);
virtual void OnOK(); virtual void OnCancel(); virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); virtual DWORD OnOtherCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); virtual UINT GetDlgTemplate();
protected: ArgsStruct *m_pArgs; BOOL m_fInetCredentials; static const DWORD m_dwHelp[]; // help id pairs
inline CRetryAuthenticationDlg::CRetryAuthenticationDlg(ArgsStruct *pArgs) : CModalDlg(m_dwHelp, pArgs->pszHelpFile) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs); m_pArgs = pArgs;
if (m_pArgs) { //
// If the phone number calls for a tunnel, and we're not using
// UseSameUserName and we're not actively dialing the tunnel,
// then we must be dialing the Inet portion of the connection.
m_fInetCredentials = (!m_pArgs->fUseSameUserName && !IsDialingTunnel(m_pArgs) && UseTunneling(m_pArgs, m_pArgs->nDialIdx)); } }
// class CNewAccessPointDlg
// Description: Dialog to get the name of a new Access Point from the user
// History: t-urama Created 8/2/00
class CNewAccessPointDlg : public CModalDlg { public: CNewAccessPointDlg(ArgsStruct *pArgs, LPTSTR *ppAPName);
virtual void OnOK(); virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); virtual DWORD OnOtherCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
protected: LPTSTR *m_ppszAPName; ArgsStruct *m_pArgs; static LRESULT CALLBACK SubClassEditProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static WNDPROC m_pfnOrgEditWndProc; // the original edit control window proc for subclassing
inline CNewAccessPointDlg::CNewAccessPointDlg(ArgsStruct *pArgs, LPTSTR *ppszAPName) : CModalDlg() { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs); m_pArgs = pArgs;
m_ppszAPName = ppszAPName; }