// Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name: If.c
// Abstract:
// This module implements some of the Igmp API's related with interfaces.
// _AddInterface, _DeleteInterface, _EnableInterface, _DisableInterface,
// _BindInterface, _UnbindInterface, _ConnectRasClient, _DisconectRasClient,
// _SetInterfaceConfigInfo, _GetInterfaceConfigInfo.
// Author: K.S.Lokesh (lokeshs@) 11-1-97
#include "pchigmp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// _AddInterface
// This api is called to add an interface to Igmp. The interface can be a Proxy
// or an Igmp router(v1/v2). Further, the interface can be a RAS or DemandDial
// or a Permanent interface. This routine creates the interface entry and
// associated structures including timers.
// Locks: Runs completely in ListLock and ExclusiveIfLock.
// Calls: _AddIfEntry()
// Return Values: ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE, Error, NO_ERROR.
DWORD WINAPI AddInterface( IN PWCHAR pwszInterfaceName,//not used
IN ULONG IfIndex, IN NET_INTERFACE_TYPE dwIfType, IN DWORD dwMediaType, IN WORD wAccessType, IN WORD wConnectionType, IN PVOID pvConfig, IN ULONG ulStructureVersion, IN ULONG ulStructureSize, IN ULONG ulStructureCount ) { DWORD Error=NO_ERROR; CHAR str[60];
if (!EnterIgmpApi()) { return ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; } // make sure it is not an unsupported igmp version structure
if (ulStructureVersion>=IGMP_CONFIG_VERSION_600) { Trace1(ERR, "Unsupported IGMP version structure: %0x", ulStructureVersion); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); LeaveIgmpApi(); return ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; }
switch (dwIfType) { case PERMANENT: //lan
lstrcpy(str, "PERMANENT(IGMP_IF_NOT_RAS)"); break; case DEMAND_DIAL: lstrcpy(str, "DEMAND_DIAL(IGMP_IF_RAS_ROUTER)");break; case LOCAL_WORKSTATION_DIAL: lstrcpy(str, "LOCAL_WORKSTATION_DIAL(IGMP_IF_RAS_SERVER)"); break; } Trace2(ENTER, "entering AddInterface(): IfIndex:%0x IfType:%s", IfIndex, str);
// entire procedure runs in IfListLock and exclusive IfLock.
ACQUIRE_IF_LIST_LOCK("_AddInterface"); ACQUIRE_IF_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE(IfIndex, "_AddInterface");
// create the interface entry
Error = AddIfEntry(IfIndex, dwIfType, (PIGMP_MIB_IF_CONFIG)pvConfig, ulStructureVersion, ulStructureSize );
RELEASE_IF_LIST_LOCK("_AddInterface"); RELEASE_IF_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE(IfIndex, "_AddInterface");
Trace2(LEAVE1, "leaving AddInterface(%0x): %d\n", IfIndex, Error); if (Error!=NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR, "Error adding interface:%0x to IGMP\n", IfIndex); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); } LeaveIgmpApi(); return Error; }
// _AddIfEntry
// Creates and initializes a new interface entry and associated data structures.
// Called by: _AddInterface().
// Locks: Assumes IfListLock and exclusive IfLock throughout.
DWORD AddIfEntry( DWORD IfIndex, NET_INTERFACE_TYPE dwExternalIfType, PIGMP_MIB_IF_CONFIG pConfigExt, ULONG ulStructureVersion, ULONG ulStructureSize ) { DWORD Error = NO_ERROR, IfType; PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite = NULL; PLIST_ENTRY ple, phead; PIGMP_IF_TABLE pIfTable = g_pIfTable; BOOL bProxy;
// fail if the interface exists.
pite = GetIfByIndex(IfIndex);
if (pite != NULL) { Trace1(ERR, "interface %0x already exists", IfIndex); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; GOTO_END_BLOCK1; }
// convert iftype to igmp iftype
switch (dwExternalIfType) { case PERMANENT : IfType = IGMP_IF_NOT_RAS; break; case DEMAND_DIAL: IfType = IGMP_IF_RAS_ROUTER; break; case LOCAL_WORKSTATION_DIAL: { IfType = IGMP_IF_RAS_SERVER;
// currently there can be at most one ras table entry
if (g_RasIfIndex!=0) { Trace2(ERR, "Error. Cannot have more than one ras server IF(%0x:%0x)", g_RasIfIndex, IfIndex ); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); Error = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; Logerr0(RAS_IF_EXISTS, Error); GOTO_END_BLOCK1; } break; } case REMOTE_WORKSTATION_DIAL : Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break;
default : Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break;
} //end switch (IfType)
// Validate the interface config
Error = ValidateIfConfig(pConfigExt, IfIndex, IfType, ulStructureVersion, ulStructureSize ); if (Error!=NO_ERROR) GOTO_END_BLOCK1;
// allocate memory for the new interface and Zero it.
// Fields that are to be initialized to 0 or NULL are commented out.
pite = IGMP_ALLOC(sizeof(IF_TABLE_ENTRY), 0x2, IfIndex); PROCESS_ALLOC_FAILURE3(pite, "error %d allocating %d bytes for interface %0x", Error, sizeof(IF_TABLE_ENTRY), IfIndex, GOTO_END_BLOCK1); Trace2(CONFIG, "IfEntry %0x for IfIndex:%0x", (ULONG_PTR)pite, IfIndex);
ZeroMemory(pite, sizeof(IF_TABLE_ENTRY));
// set the interface type
pite->IfType = (UCHAR)IfType;
// if proxy, make sure that a proxy interface does not already exist
if ( IS_CONFIG_IGMPPROXY(pConfigExt) ){
bProxy = TRUE;
// multiple proxy interfaces cannot exist
if (g_ProxyIfIndex!=0) { Error = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; Trace1(IF, "Cannot create multiple proxy interfaces. " "If %d is Proxy", g_ProxyIfIndex); Logerr0(PROXY_IF_EXISTS, Error); GOTO_END_BLOCK1; } } else { bProxy = FALSE; }
} END_BREAKOUT_BLOCK1; if (Error != NO_ERROR) { IGMP_FREE_NOT_NULL(pite); return Error; }
// initialize fields for the interface
InitializeListHead(&pite->LinkByAddr); InitializeListHead(&pite->LinkByIndex); InitializeListHead(&pite->HTLinkByIndex); InitializeListHead(&pite->ListOfSameIfGroups); InitializeListHead(&pite->ListOfSameIfGroupsNew); InitializeListHead(&pite->Config.ListOfStaticGroups); //pite->NumGIEntriesInNewList = 0;
// IfType already set before
pite->IfIndex = IfIndex;
// Ip addr set when interface is bound
//pite->IpAddr = 0;
// set interface status (neither bound, enabled or activated)
pite->Status = IF_CREATED_FLAG;
// copy the interface config
CopyinIfConfig(&pite->Config, pConfigExt, IfIndex);
// initialize the Info struct, and If bindings to 0/NULL
//pite->pBinding = NULL;
//ZeroMemory(&pite->Info, sizeof(IF_INFO));
// Create RAS table if it is a RAS server interface
if ( IS_RAS_SERVER_IF(pite->IfType)) { InitializeRasTable(IfIndex, pite); } else { //pite->pRasTable = NULL;
// initialize the sockets to invalid_socket
pite->SocketEntry.Socket = INVALID_SOCKET; pite->SocketEntry.pSocketEventsEntry = NULL; InitializeListHead(&pite->SocketEntry.LinkByInterfaces); // set (non)query timer to not created.
//Other fields set in activate interface.
//pite->QueryTimer.Status = 0;
//pite->NonQueryTimer.Status = 0;
//pite->pPrevIfGroupEnumPtr = NULL;
//pite->PrevIfGroupEnumSignature = 0;
pite->StaticGroupSocket = INVALID_SOCKET;
// insert the interface in the hash table at the end.
InsertTailList(&pIfTable->HashTableByIndex[IF_HASH_VALUE(IfIndex)], &pite->HTLinkByIndex);
// insert the interface into the list ordered by index
{ PIF_TABLE_ENTRY piteTmp; phead = &pIfTable->ListByIndex; for (ple=phead->Flink; ple!=phead; ple=ple->Flink) {
piteTmp = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, IF_TABLE_ENTRY, LinkByIndex); if (pite->IfIndex < piteTmp->IfIndex) break; } } InsertTailList(ple, &pite->LinkByIndex);
// changes to the interface table fields.
// the interface will be inserted into list ordered by IpAddr
// when it is activated.
// create proxy HT, and set proxy info in global structure.
if (bProxy) { DWORD dwSize = PROXY_HASH_TABLE_SZ * sizeof(LIST_ENTRY); DWORD i; PLIST_ENTRY pProxyHashTable;
BEGIN_BREAKOUT_BLOCK2 { pProxyHashTable = pite->pProxyHashTable = IGMP_ALLOC(dwSize, 0x4, IfIndex);
PROCESS_ALLOC_FAILURE2(pProxyHashTable, "error %d allocating %d bytes for interface table", Error, dwSize, GOTO_END_BLOCK2);
for (i=0; i<PROXY_HASH_TABLE_SZ; i++) { InitializeListHead(pProxyHashTable+i); }
InterlockedExchangePointer(&g_pProxyIfEntry, pite); InterlockedExchange(&g_ProxyIfIndex, IfIndex);
pite->CreationFlags |= CREATED_PROXY_HASH_TABLE;
// set ras info in global structure. Ras table already created before.
if (IS_RAS_SERVER_IF(pite->IfType)) { InterlockedExchangePointer(&g_pRasIfEntry, pite); InterlockedExchange(&g_RasIfIndex, IfIndex); }
if ( (Error!=NO_ERROR)&&(pite!=NULL) ) DeleteIfEntry(pite);
return Error; } //end _AddIfEntry
// _DeleteInterface
// Deletes the interface, deactivating if it is activated.
// Calls: _DeleteIfEntry()
// Locks: Exclusive SocketsLock, IfListLock, Exclusive IfLock
DWORD DeleteInterface( IN DWORD IfIndex ) { DWORD Error = NO_ERROR; PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite = NULL;
if (!EnterIgmpApi()) { return ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; } Trace1(ENTER, "entering DeleteInterface: %0x", IfIndex);
// acquire exclusive SocketsLock, IfListLock, Exclusive IfLock
ACQUIRE_SOCKETS_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE("_DeleteInterface"); ACQUIRE_IF_LIST_LOCK("_DeleteInterface"); ACQUIRE_IF_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE(IfIndex, "_DeleteInterface");
// retrieve the interface specified
pite = GetIfByIndex(IfIndex);
if (pite == NULL) { Trace1(ERR, "_DeleteInterface() called for non existing interface(%0x)", IfIndex); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// delete the interface if found.
else { Error = DeleteIfEntry(pite);
//DebugCheck deldel remove #if dbg
#if DBG
DebugScanMemoryInterface(IfIndex); #endif
RELEASE_SOCKETS_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE("_DeleteInterface"); RELEASE_IF_LIST_LOCK("_DeleteInterface"); RELEASE_IF_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE(IfIndex, "_DeleteInterface");
Trace2(LEAVE, "Leaving DeleteInterface(%0x): %d\n", IfIndex, Error);
return NO_ERROR; }
// _DeleteIfEntry
// Assumes exclusive IF lock. Marks the interface as deleted, and removes it
// from all global lists. Then queues a work item to do a lazy delete of
// the Interface structures without having to take the exclusive IF lock.
// If Ras interface, the work item will delete the Ras clients also.
// Called by: _DeleteInterface() or _AddIfEntry()
// Calls:
// _WF_CompleteIfDeactivateDelete (this calls _DeActivateInterfaceComplete())
// Lock:
// runs in exclusive SocketLock, IfListLock, exclusive IfLock
DWORD DeleteIfEntry ( PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite ) { DWORD dwRetval, Error = NO_ERROR; BOOL bProxy = IS_PROTOCOL_TYPE_PROXY(pite);
// Set deleted flag for the interface
pite->Status |= DELETED_FLAG;
// remove the interface from the InterfaceHashTable and IfIndex lists.
RemoveEntryList(&pite->LinkByIndex); RemoveEntryList(&pite->HTLinkByIndex);
// if activated, remove the interface from the list of activated interfaces
// and if proxy or ras server, remove from global table.
// do not replace the below with IS_IF_ACTIVATED, as deleted flag is set
if (pite->Status&IF_ACTIVATED_FLAG) RemoveEntryList(&pite->LinkByAddr); if (bProxy) { InterlockedExchangePointer(&g_pProxyIfEntry, NULL); InterlockedExchange(&g_ProxyIfIndex, 0); } if (g_pRasIfEntry == pite) { InterlockedExchangePointer(&g_pRasIfEntry, NULL); InterlockedExchange(&g_RasIfIndex, 0); }
// From now on, the interface cannot be accessed from any global list
// and is as good as deleted. The only way it can be accessed is
// through group list enumeration and timers getting fired, or input on
// socket.
// if Interface activated, deactivate it
// Note: deleted flag is already set.
if (pite->Status&IF_ACTIVATED_FLAG) {
// I have already removed the interface from the list of activated
// interfaces
// Call MGM to release the interface ownership. If proxy then
// deregister proxy protocol from Mgm. If RAS, deregister all clients
DeActivationDeregisterFromMgm(pite); //
// queue work item to deactivate and delete the interface.
// _WF_CompleteIfDeactivateDelete will delete the Ras clients,
// GI entries, and deinitialize pite structure. It will call
// _CompleteIfDeletion() in the end.
CompleteIfDeactivateDelete(pite); }
// if it is not activated, then go ahead and delete it completely.
else {
CompleteIfDeletion(pite); }
// decrement the total number of interfaces
return NO_ERROR;
} //end _DeleteIfEntry
// _CompleteIfDeletion
// Frees memory with the static groups, frees
// rasTable, proxyHashTable, binding and pite.
// Called by:
// _DeleteIfEntry() if interface is not activated.
// _DeActivateInterfaceComplete() if the pite deleted flag is set.
VOID CompleteIfDeletion ( PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite ) { if (pite==NULL) return;
// delete all static groups.
{ PIF_STATIC_GROUP pStaticGroup; PLIST_ENTRY pHead, ple; pHead = &pite->Config.ListOfStaticGroups; for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ) { pStaticGroup = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, IF_STATIC_GROUP, Link); ple = ple->Flink; IGMP_FREE(pStaticGroup); } }
// if ras server, then delete ras table.
if ( IS_RAS_SERVER_IF(pite->IfType) ) {
IGMP_FREE(pite->pRasTable); }
// if proxy interface, then delete the proxy Hash Table
if (IS_PROTOCOL_TYPE_PROXY(pite)) { if ( (pite->CreationFlags&CREATED_PROXY_HASH_TABLE) && pite->pProxyHashTable ) {
// clean the hash table entries
{ DWORD i; PPROXY_GROUP_ENTRY ppge; PLIST_ENTRY pHead, ple, pProxyHashTable = pite->pProxyHashTable;
for (i=0; i<PROXY_HASH_TABLE_SZ; i++) { pHead = &pProxyHashTable[i];
for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ) {
ppge = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, PROXY_GROUP_ENTRY, HT_Link); ple=ple->Flink;
// delete all sources
{ PLIST_ENTRY pHeadSrc, pleSrc; PPROXY_SOURCE_ENTRY pSourceEntry; pHeadSrc = &ppge->ListSources; for (pleSrc=pHeadSrc->Flink; pleSrc!=pHeadSrc; ) {
pSourceEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(pleSrc, PROXY_SOURCE_ENTRY, LinkSources); pleSrc = pleSrc->Flink;
IGMP_FREE(pSourceEntry); } } IGMP_FREE(ppge); }
InitializeListHead(pHead); } }
IGMP_FREE_NOT_NULL(pite->pProxyHashTable); } }
// delete the bindings
// delete the interface table entry
return; }
// _ActivateInterface
// an interface is activated: when it is bound, enabled by routerMgr & in config
// When activated,
// (1) call is made to MGM to take interface ownership,
// (2) static groups are appropriately joined, and socket for it created if req.
// (3) Igmprtr: query timer and input socket is activated.
// Note: it is already put in the list of activated IFs(ordered by IpAddr)
// Locks: assumes socketLock, IfListLock, exclusive IfLock
// Called by: _BindIfEntry, _EnableIfEntry,
DWORD ActivateInterface ( PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite ) { DWORD IfIndex = pite->IfIndex; PIGMP_IF_CONFIG pConfig = &pite->Config; PIF_INFO pInfo = &pite->Info; PIGMP_TIMER_ENTRY pQueryTimer = &pite->QueryTimer, pNonQueryTimer = &pite->NonQueryTimer; LONGLONG llCurTime = GetCurrentIgmpTime(); BOOL bProxy = IS_PROTOCOL_TYPE_PROXY(pite); DWORD Error = NO_ERROR; PLIST_ENTRY pHead, ple; PIF_STATIC_GROUP pStaticGroup; Trace2(ENTER, "entering ActivateInterface(%0x:%d.%d.%d.%d)", IfIndex, PRINT_IPADDR(pite->IpAddr));
// set time when it is activated
pite->Info.TimeWhenActivated = llCurTime;
// create sockets for interface
Error = CreateIfSockets(pite);
if (Error != NO_ERROR) {
Trace2(IF, "error %d initializing sockets for interface %0x", Error, pite->IfIndex); GOTO_END_BLOCK1; } pite->CreationFlags |= SOCKETS_CREATED;
if (bProxy) {
// set status to activated here so that the MGM (*,*) join callbacks will
// be successful.
pite->Status |= IF_ACTIVATED_FLAG;
// register the protocol with mgm
Error = RegisterProtocolWithMgm(PROTO_IP_IGMP_PROXY); if (Error!=NO_ERROR) GOTO_END_BLOCK1; pite->CreationFlags |= REGISTERED_PROTOCOL_WITH_MGM;
// enumerate all existing groups from MGM
{ DWORD dwBufferSize, dwNumEntries, dwRetval, i; MGM_ENUM_TYPES MgmEnumType = 0; SOURCE_GROUP_ENTRY BufferSGEntries[20]; HANDLE hMgmEnum;
// start enumeration
dwBufferSize = sizeof(SOURCE_GROUP_ENTRY)*20; Error = MgmGroupEnumerationStart(g_MgmProxyHandle, MgmEnumType, &hMgmEnum); if (Error!=NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR, "MgmGroupEnumerationStart() returned error:%d", Error); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); GOTO_END_BLOCK1; }
// get group entries from mgm
// and insert group into Proxy's group list / increment refcount
do {
dwRetval = MgmGroupEnumerationGetNext(hMgmEnum, &dwBufferSize, (PBYTE)BufferSGEntries, &dwNumEntries);
for (i=0; i<dwNumEntries; i++) {
ProcessProxyGroupChange(BufferSGEntries[i].dwSourceAddr, BufferSGEntries[i].dwGroupAddr, ADD_FLAG, NOT_STATIC_GROUP); } } while (dwRetval==ERROR_MORE_DATA);
// end enumeration
dwRetval = MgmGroupEnumerationEnd(hMgmEnum); if (dwRetval!=NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR, "MgmGroupEnumerationEnd() returned error:%d", dwRetval); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); } } //end block:enumerate existing groups
// take interface ownership
Error = MgmTakeInterfaceOwnership(g_MgmProxyHandle, IfIndex, 0);
if (Error!=NO_ERROR) { Trace1(MGM, "MgmTakeInterfaceOwnership rejected for interface %0x", IfIndex); Logerr0(MGM_TAKE_IF_OWNERSHIP_FAILED, Error); GOTO_END_BLOCK1; } else { Trace1(MGM, "MgmTakeInterfaceOwnership successful for interface %0x", IfIndex); } pite->CreationFlags |= TAKEN_INTERFACE_OWNERSHIP_WITH_MGM;
// proxy does a (*,*) join
Error = MgmAddGroupMembershipEntry(g_MgmProxyHandle, 0, 0, 0, 0, IfIndex, 0, MGM_JOIN_STATE_FLAG); if (Error!=NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR, "Proxy failed to add *,* entry to MGM on interface %0x", IfIndex); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); GOTO_END_BLOCK1; } Trace0(MGM, "proxy added *,* entry to MGM"); pite->CreationFlags|= DONE_STAR_STAR_JOIN;
// do static joins
pHead = &pite->Config.ListOfStaticGroups; for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ple=ple->Flink) { DWORD i; pStaticGroup = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, IF_STATIC_GROUP, Link); for (i=0; i<pStaticGroup->NumSources; i++) { ProcessProxyGroupChange(pStaticGroup->Sources[i], pStaticGroup->GroupAddr, ADD_FLAG, STATIC_GROUP); }
if (pStaticGroup->NumSources==0) ProcessProxyGroupChange(0, pStaticGroup->GroupAddr, ADD_FLAG, STATIC_GROUP); }
GOTO_END_BLOCK1; } // done processing for a proxy interface
// take interface ownership
Error = MgmTakeInterfaceOwnership(g_MgmIgmprtrHandle, IfIndex, 0);
if (Error!=NO_ERROR) { Trace1(MGM, "TakeInterfaceOwnership rejected for interface %0x", IfIndex); Logerr0(MGM_TAKE_IF_OWNERSHIP_FAILED, Error); GOTO_END_BLOCK1; } pite->CreationFlags |= TAKEN_INTERFACE_OWNERSHIP_WITH_MGM;
// see if any other MCast protocol is owning that interface
// this affects whether a non-querier registers group with Mgm or not
{ DWORD dwProtoId, dwComponentId; MgmGetProtocolOnInterface(IfIndex, 0, &dwProtoId, &dwComponentId); if (dwProtoId==PROTO_IP_IGMP) { SET_MPROTOCOL_ABSENT_ON_IGMPRTR(pite); } else { SET_MPROTOCOL_PRESENT_ON_IGMPRTR(pite); } }
// when interface is activated, it is by default enabled by mgm.
// if ras server interface, then register all the ras clients as they
// would not have been registered
if (IS_RAS_SERVER_IF(pite->IfType)) { PRAS_TABLE_ENTRY prte; // join all ras clients
pHead = &pite->pRasTable->ListByAddr; for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ple=ple->Flink) {
prte = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, RAS_TABLE_ENTRY, LinkByAddr); Error = MgmTakeInterfaceOwnership(g_MgmIgmprtrHandle, IfIndex, prte->NHAddr); if (Error!=NO_ERROR) { Trace2(MGM, "TakeInterfaceOwnership rejected for interface %0x " "NHAddr(%d.%d.%d.%d)", IfIndex, PRINT_IPADDR(prte->NHAddr)); Logerr0(MGM_TAKE_IF_OWNERSHIP_FAILED, Error); } else { prte->CreationFlags |= TAKEN_INTERFACE_OWNERSHIP_WITH_MGM; } } }
// start as querier with version specified in the config
pInfo->QuerierState = RTR_QUERIER;
pInfo->QuerierIpAddr = pite->IpAddr;
pInfo->LastQuerierChangeTime = llCurTime;
// how many startup queries left to be sent
pInfo->StartupQueryCountCurrent = pConfig->StartupQueryCount; { MIB_IFROW TmpIfEntry;
TmpIfEntry.dwIndex = IfIndex; if (GetIfEntry(&TmpIfEntry ) == NO_ERROR) pInfo->PacketSize = TmpIfEntry.dwMtu; else pInfo->PacketSize = INPUT_PACKET_SZ; }
// initialize the query timer
pQueryTimer->Function = T_QueryTimer; pQueryTimer->Context = &pQueryTimer->Context; pQueryTimer->Timeout = pConfig->StartupQueryInterval; pQueryTimer->Status = TIMER_STATUS_CREATED;
// initialize non query timer
pNonQueryTimer->Function = T_NonQueryTimer; pNonQueryTimer->Context = &pNonQueryTimer->Context; pNonQueryTimer->Timeout = pConfig->OtherQuerierPresentInterval; pNonQueryTimer->Status = TIMER_STATUS_CREATED;
// take timer lock and insert timers into the list
// insert querier timer in the list
SET_TIMER_ID(pQueryTimer, 110, IfIndex, 0, 0); #endif;
InsertTimer(pQueryTimer, pQueryTimer->Timeout, TRUE, DBG_Y); RELEASE_TIMER_LOCK("_ActivateInterface");
// activate Input socket
Error = WSAEventSelect(pite->SocketEntry.Socket, pite->SocketEntry.pSocketEventsEntry->InputEvent, FD_READ );
if (Error != NO_ERROR) { Trace3(IF, "WSAEventSelect returned %d for interface %0x (%d.%d.%d.%d)", Error, IfIndex, PRINT_IPADDR(pite->IpAddr)); Logerr1(EVENTSELECT_FAILED, "%I", pite->IpAddr, 0); GOTO_END_BLOCK1; }
// set the activated flag here so that the joins will work
pite->Status |= IF_ACTIVATED_FLAG;
if (pInfo->StartupQueryCountCurrent) {
// send the initial general query
// decrement the number of startupQueryCount left to be sent
pInfo->StartupQueryCountCurrent--; }
// do static joins (no static joins for ras server interface)
if (!IS_RAS_SERVER_IF(pite->IfType)) { PGROUP_TABLE_ENTRY pge; PGI_ENTRY pgie; DWORD GroupAddr; SOCKADDR_IN saLocalIf;
// socket for static groups already created in _CreateIfSockets
// irrespective of whether there are any static groups
pHead = &pite->Config.ListOfStaticGroups; for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ple=ple->Flink) {
if (pStaticGroup->Mode==IGMP_HOST_JOIN) {
if (pStaticGroup->NumSources==0 || pStaticGroup->FilterType==EXCLUSION) { JoinMulticastGroup(pite->StaticGroupSocket, pStaticGroup->GroupAddr, pite->IfIndex, pite->IpAddr, 0 ); } for (i=0; i<pStaticGroup->NumSources; i++) { if (pStaticGroup->FilterType==INCLUSION) { JoinMulticastGroup(pite->StaticGroupSocket, pStaticGroup->GroupAddr, pite->IfIndex, pite->IpAddr, pStaticGroup->Sources[i] ); } else { BlockSource(pite->StaticGroupSocket, pStaticGroup->GroupAddr, pite->IfIndex, pite->IpAddr, pStaticGroup->Sources[i] ); } } }
else { BOOL bCreate = TRUE; DWORD i; GroupAddr = pStaticGroup->GroupAddr; ACQUIRE_GROUP_LOCK(GroupAddr, "_ActivateInterface");
pge = GetGroupFromGroupTable(GroupAddr, &bCreate, 0); pgie = GetGIFromGIList(pge, pite, 0, pStaticGroup->NumSources==0?STATIC_GROUP:NOT_STATIC_GROUP, &bCreate, 0); for (i=0; i<pStaticGroup->NumSources; i++) { GetSourceEntry(pgie, pStaticGroup->Sources[i], pStaticGroup->FilterType, &bCreate, STATIC, MGM_YES); } RELEASE_GROUP_LOCK(GroupAddr, "_ActivateInterface");
} } }
if (Error!=NO_ERROR) {
DeActivationDeregisterFromMgm(pite); DeActivateInterfaceComplete(pite);
pite->Status &= ~IF_ACTIVATED_FLAG;
if (bProxy) { Logerr1(ACTIVATION_FAILURE_PROXY, "%d",IfIndex, Error); } else { Logerr2(ACTIVATION_FAILURE_RTR, "%d%d", GET_IF_VERSION(pite), IfIndex, Error); } }
else { if (bProxy) { Loginfo1(INTERFACE_PROXY_ACTIVATED, "%d", IfIndex, NO_ERROR); } else { Loginfo2(INTERFACE_RTR_ACTIVATED, "%d%d", GET_IF_VERSION(pite), IfIndex, NO_ERROR); } Trace1(START, "IGMP activated on interface:%0x", IfIndex); }
Trace1(LEAVE, "leaving ActivateInterface():%d\n", Error);
return Error; } //end _ActivateInterface
// _DeActivateDeregisterFromMgm
DWORD DeActivationDeregisterFromMgm( PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite ) { HANDLE hMgmHandle = IS_PROTOCOL_TYPE_PROXY(pite) ? g_MgmProxyHandle: g_MgmIgmprtrHandle; DWORD Error=NO_ERROR, IfIndex=pite->IfIndex; PLIST_ENTRY pHead, ple; //
// Call MGM to release the interface ownership
if (pite->CreationFlags&TAKEN_INTERFACE_OWNERSHIP_WITH_MGM) { Error = MgmReleaseInterfaceOwnership(hMgmHandle, IfIndex,0); if (Error!=NO_ERROR) { Trace2(ERR, "MgmReleaseInterfaceOwnership returned error(%d) for If(%0x)", Error, IfIndex); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); } else pite->CreationFlags &= ~TAKEN_INTERFACE_OWNERSHIP_WITH_MGM; }
// if releasing proxy interface, then deregister proxy from mgm
if (IS_PROTOCOL_TYPE_PROXY(pite) && (pite->CreationFlags®ISTERED_PROTOCOL_WITH_MGM)) { Error = MgmDeRegisterMProtocol(g_MgmProxyHandle);
if (Error!=NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR, "MgmDeRegisterMProtocol(proxy) returned error(%d)", Error); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); } else pite->CreationFlags &= ~REGISTERED_PROTOCOL_WITH_MGM; }
// delete all proxy alert entries
ACQUIRE_PROXY_ALERT_LOCK("_DeActivationDeregisterMgm"); { for (ple=g_ProxyAlertsList.Flink; ple!=&g_ProxyAlertsList; ) { PPROXY_ALERT_ENTRY pProxyAlertEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, PROXY_ALERT_ENTRY, Link); ple = ple->Flink; IGMP_FREE(pProxyAlertEntry); } }
InitializeListHead(&g_ProxyAlertsList); RELEASE_PROXY_ALERT_LOCK("_DeActivationDeregisterMgm"); }
// if ras interface, then call mgm to release ownership of all ras clients
if (IS_RAS_SERVER_IF(pite->IfType)) { PRAS_TABLE_ENTRY prte; pHead = &pite->pRasTable->ListByAddr; for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ple=ple->Flink) {
Error = MgmReleaseInterfaceOwnership(g_MgmIgmprtrHandle, IfIndex, prte->NHAddr);
if (Error!=NO_ERROR) { Trace3(ERR, "error:%d _MgmReleaseInterfaceOwnership() for If:%0x, " "NHAddr:%d.%d.%d.%d", Error, IfIndex, PRINT_IPADDR(prte->NHAddr)); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); }
prte->CreationFlags &= ~TAKEN_INTERFACE_OWNERSHIP_WITH_MGM; } } }
return Error; }
// DeActivateInterfaceInitial
// deregister from MGM. Then create a new interface entry structure which
// replaces the old one in all the lists. Now the old interface entry and
// all its associated structures can be lazily deleted.
// Also update the global Proxy and Ras table pointers.
// Called by _UnBindIfEntry(), _DisableIfEntry()
PIF_TABLE_ENTRY DeActivateInterfaceInitial ( PIF_TABLE_ENTRY piteOld ) { DWORD IfIndex = piteOld->IfIndex; PIF_TABLE_ENTRY piteNew; DWORD dwRetval, Error=NO_ERROR; PLIST_ENTRY pHead, ple, pleNext; Trace0(ENTER1, "Entering _DeActivateInterfaceInitial()");
// deregister from Mgm
// allocate memory for the new interface
piteNew = IGMP_ALLOC(sizeof(IF_TABLE_ENTRY), 0x8, IfIndex);
PROCESS_ALLOC_FAILURE3(piteNew, "error %d allocating %d bytes for interface %0x", Error, sizeof(IF_TABLE_ENTRY), IfIndex, return NULL);
// copy the old pite fields to the new pite
CopyMemory(piteNew, piteOld, sizeof(IF_TABLE_ENTRY));
// copy the old static groups to the new pite
InitializeListHead(&piteNew->Config.ListOfStaticGroups); pHead = &piteOld->Config.ListOfStaticGroups; for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ple=pleNext) {
pleNext = ple->Flink; RemoveEntryList(ple); InsertTailList(&piteNew->Config.ListOfStaticGroups, ple); }
// set the status
// LinkByAddr (not inserted in this list as the IF is deactivated)
// insert the new entry before the old entry, and remove the old
// entry from the list of IFs ordered by index and from hash table
InsertTailList(&piteOld->LinkByIndex, &piteNew->LinkByIndex); RemoveEntryList(&piteOld->LinkByIndex);
InsertTailList(&piteOld->HTLinkByIndex, &piteNew->HTLinkByIndex); RemoveEntryList(&piteOld->HTLinkByIndex);
// initialize GI list to empty
InitializeListHead(&piteNew->ListOfSameIfGroups); InitializeListHead(&piteNew->ListOfSameIfGroupsNew); piteNew->NumGIEntriesInNewList = 0;
// set binding of piteOld to NULL so that it doesnt get deleted
piteOld->pBinding = NULL;
// reset the Info fields
ZeroMemory(&piteNew->Info, sizeof(IF_INFO));
// create a new RAS table if it is a RAS server interface, and set ras
// pointer in global table. I could have reused the ras table, but dont
// so that resetting the fields is cleaner.
if ( IS_RAS_SERVER_IF(piteNew->IfType)) {
InitializeRasTable(IfIndex, piteNew);
// recreate all ras client entries
pHead = &piteOld->pRasTable->ListByAddr; for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ple=ple->Flink) {
CreateRasClient(piteNew, &prte, prte->NHAddr); } InterlockedExchangePointer(&g_pRasIfEntry, piteNew); }
// if proxy, then update the entry in the global table
// I reuse the proxy hash table. set it to null in piteOld so that it is not
// delete there.
if (g_pProxyIfEntry == piteOld) { InterlockedExchangePointer(&g_pProxyIfEntry, piteNew);
// clean the hash table entries
{ DWORD i; PPROXY_GROUP_ENTRY ppge; PLIST_ENTRY pProxyHashTable = piteOld->pProxyHashTable; if (piteOld->CreationFlags&CREATED_PROXY_HASH_TABLE) {
for (i=0; i<PROXY_HASH_TABLE_SZ; i++) { pHead = &pProxyHashTable[i];
for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ) {
ppge = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, PROXY_GROUP_ENTRY, HT_Link); ple=ple->Flink;
// delete all sources
{ PLIST_ENTRY pHeadSrc, pleSrc; PPROXY_SOURCE_ENTRY pSourceEntry; pHeadSrc = &ppge->ListSources; for (pleSrc=pHeadSrc->Flink; pleSrc!=pHeadSrc; ) {
pSourceEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(pleSrc, PROXY_SOURCE_ENTRY, LinkSources); pleSrc = pleSrc->Flink;
IGMP_FREE(pSourceEntry); } } IGMP_FREE(ppge); }
InitializeListHead(pHead); } } }
piteOld->pProxyHashTable = NULL; }
// socket is created when the interface is activated
piteNew->SocketEntry.Socket = INVALID_SOCKET; //piteNew->SocketEntry.pSocketEventsEntry = NULL;
// initialize the new timers
piteNew->QueryTimer.Status = 0; piteNew->NonQueryTimer.Status = 0;
piteNew->pPrevIfGroupEnumPtr = NULL; piteNew->PrevIfGroupEnumSignature = 0; piteNew->StaticGroupSocket = INVALID_SOCKET;
// creationFlags already copied.
Trace0(LEAVE1, "Leaving _DeActivateInterfaceInitial()"); return piteNew;
}//end _DeActivateInterfaceInitial
// _DeActivateInterfaceComplete
// If ras server, then for each ras client queues a work item to delete it.
// the last ras client will delete the pite entry.
// Deletes the GI entries, and calls _CompleteIfDeletion() if deleted flag
// or DeactivateDelete flag set on the IF entry.
// This routine assumes that the interface has been removed from any global
// lists that it needs to be removed from, and that the appropriate flags have
// been set. The only way they can still be used is by timers getting fired or
// by input on socket.
// Called by:
// _ActivateInterface:(if it fails), only in this case pite is not deleted.
// _DeleteIfEntry -->
// _DeActivationDeregisterFromMgm & _WF_CompleteIfDeactivateDelete
// _UnbindIfEntry & _DisableIfEntry -->
// _DeActivateInterfaceInitial & _WF_CompleteIfDeactivateDelete
// Lock:
// If called when interface is being deleted, then no interface locks required.
// else assumes exclusive interface lock.
// requires exclusive sockets list lock in either case.
VOID DeActivateInterfaceComplete ( PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite ) { DWORD IfIndex = pite->IfIndex; DWORD Error = NO_ERROR, dwRetval; PLIST_ENTRY pHead, ple; PGI_ENTRY pgie; BOOL bProxy = IS_PROTOCOL_TYPE_PROXY(pite);; Trace1(ENTER1, "Entering _DeActivateInterfaceComplete(%d)", IfIndex);
// do all deactivation here which is common for all interfaces
// whether ras server or not.
// unbind sockets from Input event and then close the sockets
if (pite->SocketEntry.Socket!=INVALID_SOCKET) {
// proxy does not bind its socket to input event as it
// does not want to receive any packets
if (!bProxy) WSAEventSelect(pite->SocketEntry.Socket, pite->SocketEntry.pSocketEventsEntry->InputEvent, 0);
if (pite->CreationFlags&SOCKETS_CREATED) DeleteIfSockets(pite);
// go through the list of Ras clients. Mark them as deleted, remove them
// from all global lists, and set work item to delete them.
if (IS_RAS_SERVER_IF(pite->IfType)) { PRAS_TABLE prt = pite->pRasTable; PRAS_TABLE_ENTRY prte;
// go through the list of all Ras clients and set them to be deleted
pHead = &prt->ListByAddr; for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ) { prte = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, RAS_TABLE_ENTRY, LinkByAddr);
// if ras client has deleted flag already set, then ignore it.
if (!(prte->Status&IF_DELETED_FLAG)) {
// set deleted flag for the ras client, so that no one else will
// try to access it
prte->Status |= IF_DELETED_FLAG;
// remove the RAS client from the Ras table lists so that no one
// will access it.
RemoveEntryList(&prte->HTLinkByAddr); RemoveEntryList(&prte->LinkByAddr);
// clean up the ras client
DeleteRasClient(prte); }
// delete the timers from pite entry
if (IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(pite->QueryTimer)) RemoveTimer(&pite->QueryTimer, DBG_Y);
if (IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(pite->NonQueryTimer)) RemoveTimer(&pite->NonQueryTimer, DBG_Y);
pite->CreationFlags = 0; prt->RefCount--;
// deleting the pite entry(if deleted flag is set), and ras table will
// be done by the work item which deletes the last Ras client
// (when refcount==0) however if there are no ras clients, then I will
// have to do the cleanup here
if ( ((pite->Status&IF_DELETED_FLAG) ||(pite->Status&IF_DEACTIVATE_DELETE_FLAG)) &&(prt->RefCount==0) ) { CompleteIfDeletion(pite); } }
// PROXY INTERFACE. Just clean the hash table, and delete interface if req
else if ( (!IS_RAS_SERVER_IF(pite->IfType)) && bProxy) {
// the proxy hashTable will be deleted if
// necessary in _CompleteIfDeletion().
// delete the interface if either IF_DELETED_FLAG or
// IF_DEACTIVATE_DELETE_FLAG set. (interface not deleted when cleaning
// up because activate interface failed
if ( (pite->Status&IF_DELETED_FLAG) ||(pite->Status&IF_DEACTIVATE_DELETE_FLAG) ) { CompleteIfDeletion(pite); } }
// NOT PROXY interface
else if ( !IS_RAS_SERVER_IF(pite->IfType) ) { //
// take exclusive lock on the If_Group List and remove all timers.
// From now on no one can enter from outside and no one is inside
// as all timers have been removed.
// have to take the if_group_list lock to make sure that no
// one is changing it.
ACQUIRE_IF_GROUP_LIST_LOCK(pite->IfIndex, "_DeActivateInterfaceComplete");
// Remove all timers
// delete all timers contained in GI entries and the sources
pHead = &pite->ListOfSameIfGroups; DeleteAllTimers(pHead, NOT_RAS_CLIENT); pHead = &pite->ListOfSameIfGroupsNew; DeleteAllTimers(pHead, NOT_RAS_CLIENT); pite->NumGIEntriesInNewList = 0;
// delete query timer
if (IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(pite->QueryTimer)) RemoveTimer(&pite->QueryTimer, DBG_Y);
if (IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(pite->NonQueryTimer)) RemoveTimer(&pite->NonQueryTimer, DBG_Y);
RELEASE_IF_GROUP_LIST_LOCK(pite->IfIndex, "_DeActivateInterfaceComplete"); //
// revisit the list and delete all GI entries. Need to take
// exclusive lock on the group bucket before deleting the GI entry
// No need to lock the If-Group list as deleted flag already set and
// no one can visit the list from outside or inside(all timers removed).
// if deleted flag set, then also delete the interface
if ( (pite->Status&IF_DELETED_FLAG) ||(pite->Status&IF_DEACTIVATE_DELETE_FLAG) ) { CompleteIfDeletion(pite); } } //deactivated if: Not(ras server if)
// do not use pite, or prt from here as they are deleted.
if (bProxy) Loginfo1(PROXY_DEACTIVATED, "%d",IfIndex, NO_ERROR); else Loginfo1(RTR_DEACTIVATED, "%d",IfIndex, NO_ERROR); Trace1(LEAVE, "leaving _DeActivateInterfaceComplete(%d)", IfIndex); } //end _DeActivateInterfaceComplete
// EnableInterface
// sets the status to enabled. If interface is also bound and enabled in
// config, then activate the interface.
// Locks: SocketsLock, IfListLock, Exclusive IfLock
DWORD EnableInterface( IN DWORD IfIndex ) { DWORD Error = NO_ERROR;
if (!EnterIgmpApi()) { return ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; } Trace1(ENTER1, "entering _EnableInterface(%0x):", IfIndex); Trace1(IF, "enabling interface %0x", IfIndex); //
// enable the interface
ACQUIRE_SOCKETS_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE("_EnableInterface"); ACQUIRE_IF_LIST_LOCK("_EnableInterface"); ACQUIRE_IF_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE(IfIndex, "_EnableInterface");
Error = EnableIfEntry(IfIndex, TRUE);
RELEASE_SOCKETS_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE("_EnableInterface"); RELEASE_IF_LIST_LOCK("_EnableInterface"); RELEASE_IF_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE(IfIndex, "_EnableInterface");
Trace2(LEAVE1, "leaving _EnableInterface(%0x): %d\n", IfIndex, Error); if (Error!=NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR, "Error enabling interface:%0x\n", IfIndex); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); } LeaveIgmpApi();
return Error; }
// _EnableInterface_ConfigChanged
// Set the status to enabled. If it is also bound, activate the interface.
// Locks: Runs entirely in Exclusive interface lock.
// Calls: EnableIfEntry() with mode config
DWORD EnableInterface_ConfigChanged( DWORD IfIndex ) { DWORD Error=NO_ERROR;
Trace1(ENTER, "entering _EnableInterface_ConfigChanged(%d):", IfIndex);
Trace1(IF, "Enabling Interface(%0x) due to change made by _SetInterfaceConfigInfo", IfIndex);
// enable the interface
Error = EnableIfEntry(IfIndex, FALSE); // FALSE->change made by config
Trace2(LEAVE, "leaving _EnableInterface_ConfigChanged(%d): %d\n", IfIndex, Error);
return Error; } //end _DeActivateInterfaceInitial
// BindInterface //
DWORD BindInterface( IN DWORD IfIndex, IN PVOID pBinding ) /*++
Routine Description: Sets the binding for the interface and activates it if it is also enabled. Return Value ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER NO_ERROR Lock: runs entirely in Interface Exclusive lock Calls: BindIfEntry() --*/ { DWORD Error=NO_ERROR;
if (!EnterIgmpApi()) { return ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; } Trace1(ENTER1, "entering BindInterface: %0x", IfIndex); Trace1(IF, "binding interface %0x", IfIndex);
// pBinding should not be NULL
if (pBinding == NULL) {
Trace0(IF, "error: binding struct pointer is NULL"); Trace1(LEAVE, "leaving BindInterface: %0x", ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
LeaveIgmpApi(); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// now bind the interface in the interface table
// take sockets lock, as activate interface might be called, and
// sockets lock should be taken before interface lock
Error = BindIfEntry(IfIndex, pBinding);
Trace2(LEAVE1, "leaving _BindInterface(%x): %d\n", IfIndex, Error); if (Error!=NO_ERROR){ Trace1(ERR, "Error binding interface(%0x)\n", IfIndex); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); } LeaveIgmpApi();
return Error; }
// _BindIfEntry
// Binds the ip addresses to the interface. The lowest of the ip addresses is
// picked up as the de-facto address for that interface. If the interface is
// already bound, it makes sure that the bindings are consistent. Currently
// you cannot change the bindings of an interface.
// If the interface is already enabled, then it is also activated.
// Locks:
// assumes exclusive interface lock.
// Called by: _BindInterface().
pib = NULL;
// retrieve the interface entry
pite = GetIfByIndex(IfIndex);
if (pite == NULL) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } //
// If the interface is already bound, check to see if he is giving
// us a different binding. If he is, then it is an error.
// return from this case. dont break.
if (IS_IF_BOUND(pite)) {
Trace1(IF, "interface %0x is already bound", IfIndex);
pib = pite->pBinding;
Error = NO_ERROR;
// number of address bindings before and now should be same
if(pib->AddrCount != pBinding->AddressCount){ Trace1(IF, "interface %0x is bound and has different binding", IfIndex); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// make sure that all address bindings are consistent
paddr = (PIGMP_IP_ADDRESS)((pib) + 1);
for(i = 0; i < pBinding->AddressCount; i++) { bFound = FALSE;
for(j = 0; j < pBinding->AddressCount; j++) { if((paddr[j].IpAddr == pBinding->Address[i].Address) && (paddr[j].SubnetMask == pBinding->Address[i].Mask)) { bFound = TRUE; break; } }
if(!bFound) { Trace1(IF, "interface %0x is bound and has different binding", IfIndex); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } }
return NO_ERROR; }
// make sure there is at least one address. However, unnumbered
// RAS server interfaces might have no IP addresses.
if ( (pBinding->AddressCount==0)&&(!IS_RAS_ROUTER_IF(pite->IfType)) ) {
BEGIN_BREAKOUT_BLOCK1 { if (pBinding->AddressCount!=0) { //
// allocate memory to store the binding
dwSize = sizeof(IGMP_IF_BINDING) + pBinding->AddressCount * sizeof(IGMP_IP_ADDRESS);
pib = IGMP_ALLOC(dwSize, 0x10, IfIndex);
PROCESS_ALLOC_FAILURE3(pib, "error %d allocating %d bytes for binding on interface %0x", Error, dwSize, IfIndex, GOTO_END_BLOCK1);
// copy the bindings
pib->AddrCount = pBinding->AddressCount; paddr = IGMP_BINDING_FIRST_ADDR(pib); MinAddr = ~0; for (i=0; i<pib->AddrCount; i++,paddr++) { paddr->IpAddr = pBinding->Address[i].Address; paddr->SubnetMask = pBinding->Address[i].Mask;
if (INET_CMP(MinAddr, paddr->IpAddr, cmp)>0) MinAddr = paddr->IpAddr; }
// set the Interface effective address to the smallest bound address
pite->IpAddr = MinAddr; pite->Config.IpAddr = MinAddr;
// save the binding in the interface entry
pite->pBinding = pib; } // dont have to do the below as they are already set to those values
else { pite->IpAddr = pite->Config.IpAddr = 0; pite->pBinding = NULL; }
// mark the interface as being bound
pite->Status |= IF_BOUND_FLAG;
// if interface is also enabled, it is now active
// so activate it
if (IS_IF_ENABLED_BOUND(pite)) {
// place interface on the list of active interfaces
Error = InsertIfByAddr(pite);
// error if another numbered interface with same IpAddr already exists
if (Error != NO_ERROR) { Trace2(IF, "error %d inserting interface %0x in active list", Error, IfIndex); GOTO_END_BLOCK1; }
// Activate the Interface
Error = ActivateInterface(pite);
// if could not activate the interface then undo the binding
if (Error != NO_ERROR) {
Trace1(ERR, "Unbinding interface(%0x) because it could not be activated", IfIndex); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); RemoveEntryList(&pite->LinkByAddr);
// if there was any error, then set the status to unbound (pite is null
// if interface was not found)
if (Error!=NO_ERROR) { if (pite!=NULL) { pite->Status &= ~IF_BOUND_FLAG; pite->pBinding = NULL;
pite->IpAddr = pite->Config.IpAddr = 0; }
IGMP_FREE_NOT_NULL(pib); } return Error; } //end BindIfEntry
// UnBindInterface //
DWORD UnBindInterface( IN DWORD IfIndex ) /*++
Routine Description: Calls UnBindIfEntry to unbind the interface. Calls: UnBindIfEntry(); Locks: Runs completely in exclusive interface lock --*/ {
if (!EnterIgmpApi()) { return ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; }
Trace1(ENTER, "entering UnBindInterface(%0x):", IfIndex);
// unbind the interface
// take sockets lock, as activate interface might be called, and
// sockets lock should be taken before interface lock
Error = UnBindIfEntry(IfIndex);
Trace2(LEAVE, "leaving UnBindInterface(%0x): %d\n", IfIndex, Error);
return Error;
// _UnBindIfEntry
// If the interface is activated, deactivates it. Removes the binding.
// MayCall: _DeActivateInterfaceComplete().
// Locks: assumes exclusive interface lock.
DWORD UnBindIfEntry( DWORD IfIndex ) { DWORD Error = NO_ERROR, dwRetval; PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite, piteNew; DWORD bProxy;
// retrieve the interface specified
pite = GetIfByIndex(IfIndex);
if (pite == NULL) { Trace1(ERR, "_UnbindInterface called for non existing interface(%0x)", IfIndex); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; GOTO_END_BLOCK1; }
// quit if the interface is already unbound
if (!IS_IF_BOUND(pite)) {
Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; Trace1(ERR, "interface %0x is already unbound", IfIndex); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); GOTO_END_BLOCK1; }
// clear the "bound" flag
pite->Status &= ~IF_BOUND_FLAG;
// unbind IF
IGMP_FREE(pite->pBinding); pite->pBinding = NULL;
// if IF activated (ie also enabled), deactivate it
// note: check for activated flag, and not for enabled flag
if (IS_IF_ACTIVATED(pite)) {
// unset activated flag
pite->Status &= ~IF_ACTIVATED_FLAG;
// remove the interface from the list of activated interfaces
piteNew = DeActivateInterfaceInitial(pite);
// queue work item to deactivate and delete the interface.
// CompleteIfDeactivateDelete will delete the Ras clients, GI entries,
// and deinitialize pite structure
// set flag to indicate that the interface is being deleted following
// partial deactivation
Trace2(WORKER, "Queuing IgmpWorker function: %s in %s", "_WF_CompleteIfDeactivateDelete:", "_UnBindIfEntry"); #endif
} else { pite->IpAddr = pite->Config.IpAddr = 0; }
return Error; } //end _UnBindIfEntry
// Function: _EnableIfEntry
DWORD EnableIfEntry( DWORD IfIndex, BOOL bChangedByRtrmgr // changed by rtrmg or SetInterfaceConfigInfo
) /*++
Routine Description: Sets the status to enabled. If the interface is also bound, then activates the interface. Called by: EnableInterface(). MayCall: ActivateIfEntry() Locks: Assumes exclusive interface lock. --*/ { DWORD Error = NO_ERROR; PLIST_ENTRY ple, phead; PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite = NULL;
// retrieve the interface
pite = GetIfByIndex(IfIndex);
if (pite == NULL) { Trace1(IF, "could not find interface %0x",IfIndex); Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; GOTO_END_BLOCK1; }
if (bChangedByRtrmgr) { //
// quit if the interface is already enabled by the router manager
if (IS_IF_ENABLED_BY_RTRMGR(pite)) { Trace1(IF, "interface %0x is already enabled by the router manager", IfIndex); Error = NO_ERROR; GOTO_END_BLOCK1; }
// set the flag to enabled by router manager
pite->Status |= IF_ENABLED_FLAG;
// print trace if enabled flag not set in the Config.
if (!IS_IF_ENABLED_IN_CONFIG(pite)) { Trace1(IF, "Interface(%0x) enabled by router manager but not enabled" "in the Config", pite->IfIndex); } }
else { //
// quit if the interface is already enabled in config
if (IS_IF_ENABLED_IN_CONFIG(pite)) { Trace1(IF, "interface %0x is already enabled in Config", IfIndex); Error = NO_ERROR; GOTO_END_BLOCK1; }
// set the config flag to enabled
// print trace if interface not enabled by router manager
if (!IS_IF_ENABLED_BY_RTRMGR(pite)) { Trace1(IF, "Interface(%0x) enabled in config but not enabled by router manager", IfIndex); Error = NO_ERROR; GOTO_END_BLOCK1; } } //
// if interface is already bound, it should be activated
// if the bInterfaceEnabled flag is also set in config (by the UI)
if (IS_IF_ENABLED_BOUND(pite)) {
// place interface on the list of active interfaces
Error = InsertIfByAddr(pite);
// error if another interface with same ip address already exists
if (Error != NO_ERROR) { Trace2(IF, "error %d inserting interface %0x in active list", Error, IfIndex); GOTO_END_BLOCK1; }
// Activate the Interface
Error = ActivateInterface(pite);
// if could not activate the interface then disable it again
if (Error != NO_ERROR) {
Trace1(ERR, "Disabling interface(%0x) because it could not be activated", IfIndex); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); RemoveEntryList(&pite->LinkByAddr);
// if an error occured somewhere, set the interface back to the previous
// disabled state.(pite may be null if interface was not found).
if ((Error!=NO_ERROR)&&(pite!=NULL)) {
if (bChangedByRtrmgr) pite->Status &= ~IF_ENABLED_FLAG; else pite->Config.Flags &= ~IGMP_INTERFACE_ENABLED_IN_CONFIG; }
return Error; }//end EnableIfEntry
// _DisableInterface
// If interface is activated, then deactivates it. Finally sets the disabled flag
// Locks: Runs completely in exclusive interface lock.
// Calls: _DisableIfEntry()
DWORD DisableInterface( IN DWORD IfIndex ) { DWORD Error=NO_ERROR;
if (!EnterIgmpApi()) { return ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; } Trace1(ENTER, "entering DisableInterface(%0x):", IfIndex);
// disable the interface
ACQUIRE_SOCKETS_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE("_DisableInterface"); ACQUIRE_IF_LIST_LOCK("_DisableInterface"); ACQUIRE_IF_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE(IfIndex, "_DisableInterface");
Error = DisableIfEntry(IfIndex, TRUE);
RELEASE_SOCKETS_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE("_DisableInterface"); RELEASE_IF_LIST_LOCK("_DisableInterface"); RELEASE_IF_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE(IfIndex, "_DisableInterface");
Trace2(LEAVE, "leaving DisableInterface(%0x): %d\n", IfIndex, Error); LeaveIgmpApi();
return Error; }
// _DisableInterface_ConfigChanged
//If interface is activated, then deactivates it. Finally sets the disabled flag
// Locks: assumes IfLists lock and exclusive If lock.
// Calls: _DisableIfEntry() with mode config
// Called by: _SetInterfaceConfigInfo()
DWORD DisableInterface_ConfigChanged( DWORD IfIndex ) { DWORD Error=NO_ERROR;
Trace1(ENTER1, "entering _DisableInterface_ConfigChanged(%d):", IfIndex);
Trace1(IF, "disabling interface(%0x) due to change made by _SetInterfaceConfigInfo", IfIndex);
Error = DisableIfEntry(IfIndex, FALSE); // false->disabling from config
Trace2(LEAVE, "leaving _DisableInterface_ConfigChanged(%d): %d\n", IfIndex, Error);
return Error; }
// _DisableIfEntry
// if interface is activated, then calls DeActivateInterfaceComplete(). Removes
// the enabled flag.
// Locks: Assumes exclusive interface lock.
// Called by: _DisableInterface()
DWORD DisableIfEntry( DWORD IfIndex, BOOL bChangedByRtrmgr ) { DWORD Error = NO_ERROR; PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite, piteNew; BOOL bProxy; BEGIN_BREAKOUT_BLOCK1 {
// retrieve the interface to be disabled
pite = GetIfByIndex(IfIndex);
if (pite == NULL) { Trace1(IF, "could not find interface %0x", IfIndex); Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; GOTO_END_BLOCK1; }
if (bChangedByRtrmgr) { //
// quit if already disabled by router manager
if (!IS_IF_ENABLED_BY_RTRMGR(pite)) { Trace1(IF, "interface %0x already disabled by router manager", IfIndex); Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; GOTO_END_BLOCK1; } }
else { //
// quit if already disabled in Config
if (!IS_IF_ENABLED_IN_CONFIG(pite)) { Trace1(IF, "interface %0x already disabled in config", IfIndex); Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; GOTO_END_BLOCK1; } }
// clear the enabled flag
if (bChangedByRtrmgr) pite->Status &= ~IF_ENABLED_FLAG; else pite->Config.Flags &= ~IGMP_INTERFACE_ENABLED_IN_CONFIG;
// if IF activated (ie also enabled), deactivate it
// note: check for activated flag, and not for enabled flag
if (IS_IF_ACTIVATED(pite)) {
// unset activated flag
pite->Status &= ~IF_ACTIVATED_FLAG;
// remove the interface from the list of activated interfaces
piteNew = DeActivateInterfaceInitial(pite);
// queue work item to deactivate and delete the interface.
// CompleteIfDeactivateDelete will delete the Ras clients, GI entries,
// and deinitialize pite structure
// set flag to indicate that the interface is being deleted following
// partial deactivation
Trace2(WORKER, "Queuing IgmpWorker function: %s in %s", "_WF_CompleteIfDeactivateDelete:", "_DisableIfEntry"); #endif
return Error;
} //end _DisableIfEntry
// _CreateRasClient
DWORD CreateRasClient ( PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite, PRAS_TABLE_ENTRY *pprteNew, DWORD NHAddr ) { DWORD Error=NO_ERROR; PLIST_ENTRY pHead, ple; PRAS_TABLE prt = pite->pRasTable; PRAS_TABLE_ENTRY prteCur, prte;
// Create new Ras client entry and initialize the fields
prte = IGMP_ALLOC(sizeof(RAS_TABLE_ENTRY), 0x20, pite->IfIndex); PROCESS_ALLOC_FAILURE2(prte, "error %d allocating %d bytes in CreateRasClient()", Error, sizeof(RAS_TABLE_ENTRY), GOTO_END_BLOCK1);
*pprteNew = prte;
prte->NHAddr = NHAddr; prte->IfTableEntry = pite; InitializeListHead(&prte->ListOfSameClientGroups);
// increment refcount for the ras table
// insert into HashTable
InsertTailList(&prt->HashTableByAddr[RAS_HASH_VALUE(NHAddr)], &prte->HTLinkByAddr);
// insert the client into list of clients ordered by IpAddr
pHead = &prt->ListByAddr; for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ple=ple->Flink) { prteCur = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, RAS_TABLE_ENTRY, LinkByAddr); if (NHAddr>prteCur->NHAddr) break; } InsertTailList(&prt->ListByAddr, &prte->LinkByAddr);
// Set Interface stats to 0
ZeroMemory(&prte->Info, sizeof(RAS_CLIENT_INFO));
prte->Status = IF_CREATED_FLAG; prte->CreationFlags = 0; } END_BREAKOUT_BLOCK1; return Error; }
// _ConnectRasClient
// Called when a new RAS client dials up to the RAS server.
// A new entry is created in the RAS table.
// Locks: shared interface lock
// exclusive RAS table lock.
// Note:
// Ras client entry is created even if the interface is not activated
DWORD APIENTRY ConnectRasClient ( ULONG IfIndex, PVOID pvNHAddr ) { PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite = NULL; PRAS_TABLE prt; PRAS_TABLE_ENTRY prte, prteCur; PLIST_ENTRY pHead, ple; DWORD Error = NO_ERROR; PIP_LOCAL_BINDING pNHAddrBinding = (PIP_LOCAL_BINDING)pvNHAddr; DWORD NHAddr = pNHAddrBinding->Address;
// mightdo
// currently rtrmgr passes 0 for IfIndex. so I set it to the value required
IfIndex = g_RasIfIndex;
Trace2(ENTER, "Entering ConnectRasClient(%d.%d.%d.%d):IfIndex(%0x)\n", PRINT_IPADDR(NHAddr), IfIndex); if (!EnterIgmpApi()) return ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE;
// take a shared lock on the interface
ACQUIRE_IF_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE(IfIndex, "_ConnectRasClient");
// retrieve the RAS interface entry
pite = g_pRasIfEntry;
if ( (pite==NULL)||(g_RasIfIndex!=IfIndex) ) { Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; GOTO_END_BLOCK1; }
// check that it is a RAS server Interface
if (!IS_RAS_SERVER_IF(pite->IfType)) { Error = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; Trace2(ERR, "Illegal attempt to connect Ras client(%d.%d.%d.%d) to non-Ras" "interface(%0x)", PRINT_IPADDR(NHAddr), IfIndex ); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); Logerr2(CONNECT_FAILED, "%I%d", NHAddr, pite->IfIndex, Error); GOTO_END_BLOCK1; } } END_BREAKOUT_BLOCK1;
// if error, return from here
if (Error!=NO_ERROR) {
RELEASE_IF_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE(IfIndex, "_ConnectRasClient");
LeaveIgmpApi(); return Error; }
// get pointer to RasTable, write lock RasTable and release interface lock
prt = pite->pRasTable;
// check if a RAS client with similar address already exists
prte = GetRasClientByAddr(NHAddr, prt);
if (prte!=NULL) { Trace1(ERR, "Ras client(%d.%d.%d.%d) already exists. _ConnectRasClient failed", PRINT_IPADDR(NHAddr) ); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; GOTO_END_BLOCK2; }
// Create new Ras client entry and initialize the fields
prte = IGMP_ALLOC(sizeof(RAS_TABLE_ENTRY), 0x40, IfIndex);
PROCESS_ALLOC_FAILURE2(prte, "error %d allocating %d bytes in _ConnectRasClient()", Error, sizeof(RAS_TABLE_ENTRY), GOTO_END_BLOCK2);
prte->NHAddr = NHAddr; prte->IfTableEntry = pite; InitializeListHead(&prte->ListOfSameClientGroups);
// increment refcount for the ras table
// insert into HashTable
InsertTailList(&prt->HashTableByAddr[RAS_HASH_VALUE(NHAddr)], &prte->HTLinkByAddr);
// insert the client into list of clients ordered by IpAddr
pHead = &prt->ListByAddr; for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ple=ple->Flink) { prteCur = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, RAS_TABLE_ENTRY, LinkByAddr); if (NHAddr>prteCur->NHAddr) break; } InsertTailList(&prt->ListByAddr, &prte->LinkByAddr);
// Set Interface stats to 0
ZeroMemory(&prte->Info, sizeof(RAS_CLIENT_INFO));
prte->Status = IF_CREATED_FLAG; prte->CreationFlags = 0;
// call MGM to take ownership of this (interface, NHAddr)
// This call is not made if the interface is not activated.
if (IS_IF_ACTIVATED(pite)) { Error = MgmTakeInterfaceOwnership(g_MgmIgmprtrHandle, IfIndex, NHAddr); if (Error!=NO_ERROR) { Trace2(MGM, "_TakeInterfaceOwnership rejected for interface %0x NHAddr(%d.%d.%d.%d)", IfIndex, PRINT_IPADDR(NHAddr)); Logerr0(MGM_TAKE_IF_OWNERSHIP_FAILED, Error); } else { prte->CreationFlags |= TAKEN_INTERFACE_OWNERSHIP_WITH_MGM; } } // register ras client with MGM when the interface is activated.
else { Trace3(ERR, "ras client(%d.%d.%d.%d) connected to an inactive ras server(%0x:%d)", PRINT_IPADDR(NHAddr), IfIndex, pite->Status); }
RELEASE_IF_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE(IfIndex, "_ConnectRasClient");
LeaveIgmpApi(); Trace2(LEAVE, "Leaving _ConnectRasClient(%d.%d.%d.%d):%d\n", PRINT_IPADDR(NHAddr), Error); return Error;
} //end _ConnectRasClient
// _DisconnectRasClient
// Takes shared interface lock. retrieves the Ras interface, takes write
// lock on the ras table, and then releases the shared interface lock.
// Removes the RasClient Entry from the Ras table so that no one can access
// it through a RAS table. Then queues a work item that will delete all
// GI entries.
// Calls: _DeleteRasClient()
DWORD APIENTRY DisconnectRasClient ( DWORD IfIndex, PVOID pvNHAddr ) { PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite = NULL; PRAS_TABLE prt; PRAS_TABLE_ENTRY prte, prteCur; DWORD Error = NO_ERROR; PLIST_ENTRY pHead, ple; PGI_ENTRY pgie; PIP_LOCAL_BINDING pNHAddrBinding = (PIP_LOCAL_BINDING)pvNHAddr; DWORD NHAddr = pNHAddrBinding->Address;
// mightdo
// currently rtrmgr passes 0 for IfIndex. so I set it to the value required
IfIndex = g_RasIfIndex;
Trace2(ENTER, "Entering DisconnectRasClient for IfIndex(%0x), NextHop(%d.%d.%d.%d)", IfIndex, PRINT_IPADDR(NHAddr));
if (!EnterIgmpApi()) return ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE;
// take an exclusive lock on the interface
ACQUIRE_IF_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE(IfIndex, "_DisconnectRasClient");
// retrieve the RAS interface entry from the global structure.
if ( (g_RasIfIndex!=IfIndex) || (g_pRasIfEntry==NULL) ) { Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; Trace2(ERR, "attempt to disconnect Ras client(%d.%d.%d.%d) from non-Ras " "interface(%0x)", PRINT_IPADDR(NHAddr), IfIndex ); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); Logerr2(DISCONNECT_FAILED, "%I%d", NHAddr, IfIndex, Error); GOTO_END_BLOCK1; }
pite = g_pRasIfEntry;
// if error, return from here.
if (Error!=NO_ERROR) {
RELEASE_IF_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE(IfIndex, "_DisconnectRasClient");
LeaveIgmpApi(); return Error; }
// get pointer to RasTable
prt = pite->pRasTable;
// retrieve ras client
prte = GetRasClientByAddr(NHAddr, prt); if (prte==NULL) { Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; Trace2(ERR, "Illegal attempt to disconnect non-existing Ras client(%d.%d.%d.%d) " "from Ras interface(%0x)", PRINT_IPADDR(NHAddr), IfIndex); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); Logerr2(DISCONNECT_FAILED, "%I%d", NHAddr, pite->IfIndex, Error); GOTO_END_BLOCK2; } //
// break if ras client has deleted flag set
// set deleted flag for the ras client, so that no one else will
// try to access it
prte->Status |= IF_DELETED_FLAG;
// remove the RAS client from the Ras table lists so that no one will
// access it.
RemoveEntryList(&prte->HTLinkByAddr); RemoveEntryList(&prte->LinkByAddr);
// release RasClient virtual interface
if (prte->CreationFlags & TAKEN_INTERFACE_OWNERSHIP_WITH_MGM) { Error = MgmReleaseInterfaceOwnership(g_MgmIgmprtrHandle, pite->IfIndex, prte->NHAddr); if (Error!=NO_ERROR) { Trace2(ERR, "Error: _MgmReleaseInterfaceOwnership for If:%0x, NHAddr:%d.%d.%d.%d", pite->IfIndex, PRINT_IPADDR(prte->NHAddr)); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); }
// remove the ras client's GI entries from the ras server interface
// list
ACQUIRE_IF_GROUP_LIST_LOCK(IfIndex, "_DisconectRasClient"); pHead = &prte->ListOfSameClientGroups; for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ple=ple->Flink) { pgie = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, GI_ENTRY, LinkBySameClientGroups); RemoveEntryList(&pgie->LinkBySameIfGroups); InitializeListHead(&pgie->LinkBySameIfGroups); } RELEASE_IF_GROUP_LIST_LOCK(IfIndex, "_DisconnectRasClient");
// Delete ras client. The refcount is not changed
// so the prte, prt, pite fields will be valid.
// release the interface lock
RELEASE_IF_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE(IfIndex, "_DisconnectRasClient"); Trace3(LEAVE, "Leaving _DisconnectRasClient(%d) for IfIndex(%0x), NextHop(%d.%d.%d.%d)\n", Error, IfIndex, PRINT_IPADDR(NHAddr) ); LeaveIgmpApi(); return Error; } //end _DisconnectRasClient
// _SetInterfaceConfigInfo
// Resets the interface config. The router parameters might have changed.
// Also proxy<-->router transition might have taken place.
// Locks: takes IfLists lock initiallly itself just in case the interface had to
// be disabled. Runs completely in exclusive interface lock.
DWORD WINAPI SetInterfaceConfigInfo( IN DWORD IfIndex, IN PVOID pvConfig, IN ULONG ulStructureVersion, IN ULONG ulStructureSize, IN ULONG ulStructureCount ) { DWORD Error=NO_ERROR; PIGMP_IF_CONFIG pConfigDst; PIGMP_MIB_IF_CONFIG pConfigSrc; PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite = NULL; DWORD OldState, OldProtoType, NewProtoType; BOOL bIgmpProtocolChanged=FALSE, bEnabledStateChanged=FALSE; BOOL bOldStateEnabled=FALSE; if (!EnterIgmpApi()) { return ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; } Trace1(ENTER, "entering SetInterfaceConfigInfo(%d)", IfIndex); // make sure it is not an unsupported igmp version structure
if (ulStructureVersion>=IGMP_CONFIG_VERSION_600) { Trace1(ERR, "Unsupported IGMP version structure: %0x", ulStructureVersion); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); LeaveIgmpApi(); return ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; }
ACQUIRE_SOCKETS_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE("_SetInterfaceConfigInfo"); ACQUIRE_IF_LIST_LOCK("_SetInterfaceConfigInfo"); ACQUIRE_IF_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE(IfIndex, "_SetInterfaceConfigInfo");
if (pvConfig==NULL) { Error = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; GOTO_END_BLOCK1; } pConfigSrc = (PIGMP_MIB_IF_CONFIG)pvConfig;
// find the interface specified
pite = GetIfByIndex(IfIndex);
// validate the new config values
Error = ValidateIfConfig(pConfigSrc, IfIndex, pite->IfType, ulStructureVersion, ulStructureSize ); if (Error!=NO_ERROR) GOTO_END_BLOCK1;
pConfigDst = &pite->Config;
// make sure you are not setting multiple proxy interfaces
if (IS_CONFIG_IGMPPROXY(pConfigSrc) &&!IS_CONFIG_IGMPPROXY(pConfigDst) && (g_ProxyIfIndex!=0) ) { Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; Trace1(ERR, "Cannot set multiple Proxy interfaces. Proxy exists on %d", g_ProxyIfIndex); IgmpAssertOnError(FALSE); Logerr0(PROXY_IF_EXISTS, Error); GOTO_END_BLOCK1; }
// Process change in IgmpProtocolType (between proxy and router)
// (no special processing for changes between ver-1 and ver-2)
if (pConfigSrc->IgmpProtocolType != pConfigDst->IgmpProtocolType) { bIgmpProtocolChanged = TRUE; GOTO_END_BLOCK1; } else bIgmpProtocolChanged = FALSE;
OldProtoType = pConfigDst->IgmpProtocolType;
// if interface enabled state has changed, then process that change
// I dont have to look for version changes, etc
if (IGMP_ENABLED_FLAG_SET(pConfigSrc->Flags) != IGMP_ENABLED_FLAG_SET(pConfigDst->Flags)) {
bEnabledStateChanged = TRUE;
pite->Info.OtherVerPresentTimeWarn = 0; bOldStateEnabled = IGMP_ENABLED_FLAG_SET(pConfigDst->Flags); GOTO_END_BLOCK1; }
else bEnabledStateChanged = FALSE;
// copy the new config
if (IS_IF_ACTIVATED(pite)) CopyinIfConfigAndUpdate(pite, pConfigSrc, IfIndex); else CopyinIfConfig(&pite->Config, pConfigSrc, IfIndex);
NewProtoType = pConfigDst->IgmpProtocolType;
// if changing from V1 <-> V2
if ( ((OldProtoType==IGMP_ROUTER_V1) && (NewProtoType==IGMP_ROUTER_V2)) || ((OldProtoType==IGMP_ROUTER_V2) && (NewProtoType==IGMP_ROUTER_V1)) ) { pite->Info.OtherVerPresentTimeWarn = 0; } */ } END_BREAKOUT_BLOCK1;
// change the protocol and check for state changes.
// This function will effectively delete the interface with the old
// protocol and create a new interface with the new protocol.
if ( (bIgmpProtocolChanged)&&(Error==NO_ERROR) ) ProcessIfProtocolChange(IfIndex, pConfigSrc);
// Process State Change: enable or disable interface
else if ( (bEnabledStateChanged)&&(Error==NO_ERROR) ) {
// disable the interface and then copy in the new config
if (bOldStateEnabled) {
// old state enabled, new state disabled
// copy the config
// get the pite entry again, as disable creates a new one
pite = GetIfByIndex(IfIndex); CopyinIfConfig(&pite->Config, pConfigSrc, IfIndex);
} //
// copy the new config before enabling it
else {
CopyinIfConfig(&pite->Config, pConfigSrc, IfIndex); //
// set the enable state to false, so that the below call can
// enable the interface.
// old state disabled, new state enabled
EnableInterface_ConfigChanged(IfIndex); } }
RELEASE_SOCKETS_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE("_SetInterfaceConfigInfo"); RELEASE_IF_LIST_LOCK("_SetInterfaceConfigInfo"); RELEASE_IF_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE(IfIndex, "_SetInterfaceConfigInfo");
Trace2(LEAVE, "leaving SetInterfaceConfigInfo(%d):%d\n", IfIndex, Error);
return Error; } //end _SetInterfaceConfigInfo
// _ProcessProtocolChange
// Called when the interface protocol has changed (proxy<->router).
// First disables the old interface so that all old protocol data is cleaned up.
// then sets the new config, and enables the interface again (if it was
// enabled before). This process takes care of creation/deletion of sockets, etc
// Locks: no locks when called. Except for _Disable(_Enable)Interface, all work
// is done inside an exclusive IfLock.
// Calls: _DisableInterface(), _EnableInterface() if required.
DWORD ProcessIfProtocolChange( DWORD IfIndex, PIGMP_MIB_IF_CONFIG pConfigSrc ) { DWORD Error=NO_ERROR, dwDisabled; PIGMP_IF_CONFIG pConfigDst; PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite = NULL;
Trace1(ENTER, "Entered _ProcessIfProtocolChange(%d)", IfIndex);
// disable the interface so that all protocol specific data is lost
dwDisabled = DisableIfEntry(IfIndex, TRUE);
// find the interface specified and copy the config info. The config
// has already been validated.
ACQUIRE_IF_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE(IfIndex, "_ProcessIfProtocolChange");
// get interface again
pite = GetIfByIndex(IfIndex);
pConfigDst = &pite->Config;
// if old interface was Proxy, then remove it from the Global Struct
// and delete the Proxy_HT related structures
// _DisableIfEntry would have deleted all the entries in the proxy
// Hash table
InterlockedExchange(&g_ProxyIfIndex, 0); InterlockedExchangePointer(&g_pProxyIfEntry, NULL); }
// copy the new config values
CopyinIfConfig(&pite->Config, pConfigSrc, IfIndex);
// if new interface is Proxy, then add it to the Global Struct
// and create the Proxy_HT structures
if (IS_PROTOCOL_TYPE_PROXY(pite)) { DWORD dwSize = PROXY_HASH_TABLE_SZ * sizeof(LIST_ENTRY); DWORD i; PLIST_ENTRY pProxyHashTable; pProxyHashTable = pite->pProxyHashTable = IGMP_ALLOC(dwSize, 0x80,IfIndex);
PROCESS_ALLOC_FAILURE2(pProxyHashTable, "error %d allocating %d bytes for interface table", Error, dwSize, GOTO_END_BLOCK1);
for (i=0; i<PROXY_HASH_TABLE_SZ; i++) { InitializeListHead(pProxyHashTable+i); }
InterlockedExchangePointer(&g_pProxyIfEntry, pite); InterlockedExchange(&g_ProxyIfIndex, IfIndex);
pite->CreationFlags |= CREATED_PROXY_HASH_TABLE;
RELEASE_IF_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE(IfIndex, "_ProcessIfProtocolChange");
// enable the interface if the new state requires
// it to be enabled.
if ( (Error==NO_ERROR) && (dwDisabled==NO_ERROR) ) Error = EnableIfEntry(IfIndex, TRUE);
Trace2(LEAVE, "Leaving _ProcessIfProtocolChange(%d): %d\n", IfIndex, Error); return Error; } //end _ProcessIfProtocolChange
// _GetInterfaceConfigInfo
// The Router Manager calls us with a NULL config and ZERO size. We return
// the required size to it. It then allocates the needed memory and calls
// us a second time with a valid buffer. We validate parameters each time
// and copy out our config if we can
// Return Value
// ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER If the size of the buffer is too small
DWORD WINAPI GetInterfaceConfigInfo( IN DWORD IfIndex, IN OUT PVOID pvConfig, IN OUT PDWORD pdwSize, IN OUT PULONG pulStructureVersion, IN OUT PULONG pulStructureSize, IN OUT PULONG pulStructureCount ) {
if (!EnterIgmpApi()) { return ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; } Trace3(ENTER1, "entering _GetInterfaceConfigInfo(%d): ConfigPrt(%08x) SizePrt(%08x)", IfIndex, pvConfig, pdwSize );
ACQUIRE_IF_LOCK_SHARED(IfIndex, "_GetInterfaceConfigInfo");
// check the arguments
// find the interface specified
pite = GetIfByIndex(IfIndex);
pConfigSrc = &pite->Config;
// get the size of the interface config
// check the buffer size
if (*pdwSize < pConfigSrc->ExtSize) { Error = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else {
pConfigDst = (PIGMP_MIB_IF_CONFIG)pvConfig;
// copy the interface config, and set the IP address
CopyoutIfConfig(pConfigDst, pite);
*pdwSize = pConfigSrc->ExtSize;
RELEASE_IF_LOCK_SHARED(IfIndex, "_GetInterfaceConfigInfo");
if (pulStructureCount) *pulStructureCount = 1; if (pulStructureSize && pdwSize) *pulStructureSize = *pdwSize; if (pulStructureVersion) *pulStructureVersion = IGMP_CONFIG_VERSION_500;
Trace2(LEAVE1, "leaving _GetInterfaceConfigInfo(%d): %d\n", IfIndex, Error); LeaveIgmpApi();
return Error; }
DWORD WINAPI InterfaceStatus( ULONG IfIndex, BOOL bIfActive, DWORD dwStatusType, PVOID pvStatusInfo ) { DWORD Error = NO_ERROR; switch(dwStatusType) { case RIS_INTERFACE_ADDRESS_CHANGE: { PIP_ADAPTER_BINDING_INFO pBindInfo = (PIP_ADAPTER_BINDING_INFO)pvStatusInfo; if(pBindInfo->AddressCount) { Error = BindInterface(IfIndex, pvStatusInfo); } else { Error = UnBindInterface(IfIndex); }
break; }
case RIS_INTERFACE_ENABLED: { Error = EnableInterface(IfIndex); break; }
case RIS_INTERFACE_DISABLED: { Error = DisableInterface(IfIndex); break; }
return Error; }
if (pConfig->NumStaticGroups && !IS_CONFIG_IGMP_V3(pConfig)) { Size += pConfig->NumStaticGroups*sizeof(IGMP_STATIC_GROUP); } else if (pConfig->NumStaticGroups && IS_CONFIG_IGMP_V3(pConfig)) {
DWORD i; PSTATIC_GROUP_V3 pStaticGroupV3 = GET_FIRST_STATIC_GROUP_V3(pConfig); for (i=0; i<pConfig->NumStaticGroups; i++) { DWORD EntrySize = sizeof(STATIC_GROUP_V3) + pStaticGroupV3->NumSources*sizeof(IPADDR); Size += EntrySize; pStaticGroupV3 = (PSTATIC_GROUP_V3) ((PCHAR)(pStaticGroupV3) + EntrySize); } }
return Size; }