Copyright (c) 1999, Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
The file contains a hash table implementation.
#include "pchsample.h"
#pragma hdrstop
Routine Description Creates a hash table.
Locks None
Arguments hHeap heap to use for allocation ulNumBuckets # buckets in the hash table pfnDisplay function used to display a hash table entry pfnFree function used to free a hash table entry pfnHash function used to compute the hash of an entry pfnCompare function used to compare two hash table entries pphtHashTable pointer to the hash table address
Return Value NO_ERROR if success Failure code o/w
--*/ { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; ULONG i = 0, ulSize = 0; PHASH_TABLE phtTable; // validate parameters
if (!hHeap or !ulNumBuckets or !pfnFree or !pfnHash or !pfnCompare or !pphtHashTable) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
*pphtHashTable = NULL; do // breakout loop
{ // allocate the hash table structure
ulSize = sizeof(HASH_TABLE); phtTable = HeapAlloc(hHeap, 0, ulSize); if (phtTable is NULL) { dwErr = GetLastError(); break; }
// allocate the buckets
ulSize = ulNumBuckets * sizeof(LIST_ENTRY); phtTable->pleBuckets = HeapAlloc(hHeap, 0, ulSize); if (phtTable->pleBuckets is NULL) { HeapFree(hHeap, 0, phtTable); // undo allocation
dwErr = GetLastError(); break; }
// initialize the buckets
for (i = 0; i < ulNumBuckets; i++) InitializeListHead(phtTable->pleBuckets + i);
// initialize the hash table structure's members
phtTable->ulNumBuckets = ulNumBuckets; phtTable->ulNumEntries = 0; phtTable->pfnDisplay = pfnDisplay; phtTable->pfnFree = pfnFree; phtTable->pfnHash = pfnHash; phtTable->pfnCompare = pfnCompare;
*pphtHashTable = phtTable; } while (FALSE); return dwErr; }
DWORD HT_Destroy( IN HANDLE hHeap, IN PHASH_TABLE phtHashTable) /*++
Routine Description Destroys a hash table. Frees up memory allocated for hash table entries.
Locks Assumes the hash table is locked for writing. Arguments hHeap heap to use for deallocation phtHashTable pointer to the hash table to be destroyed
Return Value NO_ERROR always
--*/ { ULONG i; PLIST_ENTRY pleList = NULL; // validate parameters
if (!hHeap or !phtHashTable) return NO_ERROR;
// deallocate the entries
for (i = 0; i < phtHashTable->ulNumBuckets; i++) { pleList = phtHashTable->pleBuckets + i; FreeList(pleList, phtHashTable->pfnFree); }
// deallocate the buckets
HeapFree(hHeap, 0, phtHashTable->pleBuckets);
// deallocate the hash table structure
HeapFree(hHeap, 0, phtHashTable);
return NO_ERROR; }
DWORD HT_Cleanup( IN PHASH_TABLE phtHashTable) /*++
Routine Description Cleans up all hash table entries.
Locks Assumes the hash table is locked for writing.
Arguments phtHashTable pointer to the hash table to be cleaned up
Return Value NO_ERROR always
--*/ { ULONG i; PLIST_ENTRY pleList = NULL;
// validate parameters
if (!phtHashTable) return NO_ERROR;
// deallocate the entries
for (i = 0; i < phtHashTable->ulNumBuckets; i++) { pleList = phtHashTable->pleBuckets + i; FreeList(pleList, phtHashTable->pfnFree); }
phtHashTable->ulNumEntries = 0; return NO_ERROR; }
DWORD HT_InsertEntry( IN PHASH_TABLE phtHashTable, IN PLIST_ENTRY pleEntry) /*++
Routine Description Inserts the specified entry in the hash table. Memory for the entry should already have been allocated.
Locks Assumes the hash table is locked for writing.
Arguments phtHashTable pointer to the hash table to be modified pleEntry entry to be inserted
Return Value NO_ERROR if success Error code o/w (entry exists)
--*/ { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; PLIST_ENTRY pleList = NULL;
// validate parameters
if (!phtHashTable or !pleEntry) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
do // breakout loop
{ // entry exists, fail
if (HT_IsPresentEntry(phtHashTable, pleEntry)) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; }
// insert the entry in the hash table
pleList = phtHashTable->pleBuckets + (*phtHashTable->pfnHash)(pleEntry); InsertHeadList(pleList, pleEntry); phtHashTable->ulNumEntries++; } while (FALSE);
return dwErr; }
DWORD HT_GetEntry( IN PHASH_TABLE phtHashTable, IN PLIST_ENTRY pleKey, OUT PLIST_ENTRY *ppleEntry) /*++
Routine Description Gets the hash table entry with the given key.
Locks Assumes the hash table is locked for reading.
Arguments phtHashTable pointer to the hash table to be searched pleKey key to be searched for ppleEntry pointer to matching entry's address
Return Value NO_ERROR entry exisits ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER o/w (entry does not exist)
--*/ { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; PLIST_ENTRY pleList = NULL;
// validate parameters
if (!phtHashTable or !pleKey or !ppleEntry) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; pleList = phtHashTable->pleBuckets + (*phtHashTable->pfnHash)(pleKey);
FindList(pleList, pleKey, ppleEntry, phtHashTable->pfnCompare); // entry not found, fail
if (*ppleEntry is NULL) dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
return dwErr; }
DWORD HT_DeleteEntry( IN PHASH_TABLE phtHashTable, IN PLIST_ENTRY pleKey, OUT PLIST_ENTRY *ppleEntry) /*++
Routine Description Deletes the entry with the given key from the hash table. Memory for the entry is not deleted.
Locks Assumes the hash table is locked for writing.
Arguments phtHashTable pointer to the hash table to be searched pleKey key to be deleted ppleEntry pointer to matching entry's address
Return Value NO_ERROR entry exisits ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER o/w (entry does not exist)
--*/ { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR;
// validate parameters
if (!phtHashTable or !pleKey or !ppleEntry) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
do // breakout loop
{ dwErr = HT_GetEntry(phtHashTable, pleKey, ppleEntry);
// entry not found, fail
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) break;
// entry found, delete from hash table and reset pointers
RemoveEntryList(*ppleEntry); phtHashTable->ulNumEntries--; } while (FALSE);
return dwErr; }
BOOL HT_IsPresentEntry( IN PHASH_TABLE phtHashTable, IN PLIST_ENTRY pleKey) /*++
Routine Description Is key present in the hash table?
Locks Assumes the hash table is locked for reading.
Arguments phtHashTable pointer to the hash table to be searched pleKey key to be deleted
Return Value TRUE entry exisits FALSE o/w
--*/ { DWORD dwErr; PLIST_ENTRY pleEntry = NULL;
// validate parameters
if (!phtHashTable or !pleKey) return FALSE; dwErr = HT_GetEntry(phtHashTable, pleKey, &pleEntry);
// entry not found, fail
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) return FALSE; // entry found, delete from hash table
return TRUE; }
DWORD HT_MapCar( IN PHASH_TABLE phtHashTable, IN PVOID_FUNCTION pfnVoidFunction ) /*++
Routine Description Applies the specified function to all entries in a hash table.
Locks Assumes the hash table is locked for reading.
Arguments phtHashTable pointer to the hash table to be mapcar'ed pfnVoidFunction pointer to function to apply to all entries Return Value NO_ERROR always
--*/ { ULONG i; PLIST_ENTRY pleList = NULL;
// validate parameters
if (!phtHashTable or !pfnVoidFunction) return NO_ERROR;
for (i = 0; i < phtHashTable->ulNumBuckets; i++) { pleList = phtHashTable->pleBuckets + i; MapCarList(pleList, pfnVoidFunction); }
return NO_ERROR; }