Copyright (c) 1999, Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
The file contains IP router manager API implementations.
#include "pchsample.h"
#pragma hdrstop
DWORD WINAPI StartProtocol ( IN HANDLE NotificationEvent, IN PSUPPORT_FUNCTIONS SupportFunctions, IN LPVOID GlobalInfo, IN ULONG StructureVersion, IN ULONG StructureSize, IN ULONG StructureCount ) /*++
Routine Description After the protocol has been registered, the IP Router Manager calls this function to tell the protocol to start. Most of the startup code is executed here.
Arguments NotificationEvent Event to Set if the IP Router Manager needs to be notified to take any action on our behalf SupportFunctions Some functions exported by IP Router Manager GlobalInfo Our global configuration which was setup by our setup/admin DLL
Return Value NO_ERROR Success Error Code o/w
--*/ { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR;
TRACE3(ENTER, "Entering StartProtocol 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x", NotificationEvent, SupportFunctions, GlobalInfo);
do // breakout loop
{ // validate parameters
if (!NotificationEvent or !SupportFunctions or !GlobalInfo) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } dwErr = CM_StartProtocol(NotificationEvent, SupportFunctions, GlobalInfo); } while(FALSE); TRACE1(LEAVE, "Leaving StartProtocol: %u", dwErr);
return dwErr; }
DWORD WINAPI StartComplete ( VOID ) { TRACE0(ENTER, "Entering StartComplete"); TRACE0(LEAVE, "Leaving StartComplete");
return NO_ERROR; }
DWORD WINAPI StopProtocol ( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description This function is called by the IP Router Manager to tell the protocol to stop. We set the protocol state to IPSAMPLE_STATUS_STOPPING to prevent us from servicing any more requests and wait for all pending threads to finish. Meanwhile we return PENDING to the IP Router Manager.
Arguments None
Return Value ERROR_PROTOCOL_STOP_PENDING Success Error Code o/w
--*/ { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; TRACE0(ENTER, "Entering StopProtocol");
dwErr = CM_StopProtocol(); TRACE1(LEAVE, "Leaving StopProtocol: %u", dwErr);
return dwErr; }
DWORD WINAPI GetGlobalInfo ( IN PVOID GlobalInfo, IN OUT PULONG BufferSize, OUT PULONG StructureVersion, OUT PULONG StructureSize, OUT PULONG StructureCount ) /*++
Routine Description The function is called by the IP Router Manager, usually because of a query by the admin utility. We see if we have space enough to return our global config. If we do, we return it, otherwise we return the size needed.
Arguments GlobalInfo Pointer to allocated buffer to store our config BufferSize Size of config.
Return Value NO_ERROR Success ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER If the size of the buffer is too small Error Code o/w
--*/ { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; TRACE2(ENTER, "Entering GetGlobalInfo: 0x%08x 0x%08x", GlobalInfo, BufferSize);
do // breakout loop
{ // validate parameters
if (!BufferSize) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } dwErr = CM_GetGlobalInfo(GlobalInfo, BufferSize, StructureVersion, StructureSize, StructureCount); } while(FALSE); TRACE1(LEAVE, "Leaving GetGlobalInfo: %u", dwErr);
return dwErr; }
DWORD WINAPI SetGlobalInfo ( IN PVOID GlobalInfo, IN ULONG StructureVersion, IN ULONG StructureSize, IN ULONG StructureCount ) /*++
Routine Description Called by the IP Router Manager usually in response to an admin utility changing the global config. We verify the info and set it.
Arguments GlobalInfo Our globals configuration
Return Value NO_ERROR Success Error Code o/w
--*/ { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR;
TRACE1(ENTER, "Entering SetGlobalInfo: 0x%08x", GlobalInfo);
do // breakout loop
{ // validate parameters
if (!GlobalInfo) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } dwErr = CM_SetGlobalInfo(GlobalInfo);
} while(FALSE); TRACE1(LEAVE, "Leaving SetGlobalInfo: %u", dwErr);
return NO_ERROR; }
DWORD WINAPI AddInterface ( IN LPWSTR InterfaceName, IN ULONG InterfaceIndex, IN NET_INTERFACE_TYPE InterfaceType, IN DWORD MediaType, IN WORD AccessType, IN WORD ConnectionType, IN PVOID InterfaceInfo, IN ULONG StructureVersion, IN ULONG StructureSize, IN ULONG StructureCount ) /*++
Routine Description Called by the ip router manager to add an interface when it finds our information block within the interface's configuration. We verify the information and create an entry for the interface in our interface table. Then we see all the configured addresses for the interface and create a binding structure for each address The interface comes up as UNBOUND-DISABLED (INACTIVE).
Arguments InterfaceName The name of the interface, used for logging. InterfaceIndex The positive integer used to refer to this interface. AccessType Access type of the interface InterfaceInfo Our config for this interface
Return Value NO_ERROR Success Error Code o/w
--*/ { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR;
TRACE4(ENTER, "Entering AddInterface: %S %u %u 0x%08x", InterfaceName, InterfaceIndex, AccessType, InterfaceInfo);
// interface properties unused for now
if (AccessType != IF_ACCESS_POINTTOPOINT) AccessType = IF_ACCESS_BROADCAST; do // breakout loop
{ // validate parameters
if ((wcslen(InterfaceName) is 0) or !((AccessType is IF_ACCESS_BROADCAST) or (AccessType is IF_ACCESS_POINTTOPOINT)) or !InterfaceInfo) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } dwErr = NM_AddInterface(InterfaceName, InterfaceIndex, AccessType, InterfaceInfo); } while(FALSE); TRACE1(LEAVE, "Leaving AddInterface: %u", dwErr);
return dwErr; }
DWORD WINAPI DeleteInterface ( IN ULONG InterfaceIndex ) /*++
Routine Description Called by the ip router manager to delete an interface and free its resources. If the interface is ACTIVE we shut it down.
Arguments InterfaceIndex The index of the interface to be deleted
Return Value NO_ERROR Success Error Code o/w
--*/ { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR;
TRACE1(ENTER, "Entering DeleteInterface: %u", InterfaceIndex);
dwErr = NM_DeleteInterface(InterfaceIndex); TRACE1(LEAVE, "Leaving DeleteInterface: %u", dwErr);
return dwErr; }
DWORD WINAPI InterfaceStatus ( IN ULONG InterfaceIndex, IN BOOL InterfaceActive, IN DWORD StatusType, IN PVOID StatusInfo ) /*++
Routine Description
Called by ip router manager to bind/unbind/activate/deactivate interfaces.
BIND ( (StatusType is RIS_INTERFACE_ADDRESS_CHANGE) and (((PIP_ADAPTER_BINDING_INFO) StatusInfo)->AddressCount > 0) )
Called by the ip router manager once it learns the address(es) on an interface. This may happen as soon as the router starts (after the interface is added, of course) when the interface has a static address or may happen when an interface acquires a DHCP address or may happen when IPCP acquires the address for a dial up link. The binding may consist of one or more addresses. UNBIND ( (StatusType is RIS_INTERFACE_ADDRESS_CHANGE) and (((PIP_ADAPTER_BINDING_INFO) StatusInfo)->AddressCount is 0) )
Called when the interface loses its ip Address(es). This may happen when the interface is shutting down. It may be because an admin disabled IP on the interface (as opposed to just disabling the protocol on the interface). It can happen when the admin releases a DHCP acquired interface or when a dial up link disconnects.
Called to enable the interface after it has been added or when the interface is being reenabled after being disabled by the admin. The bindings on an interface are kept across Enable-Disable.
Called to disable an interface. This is usually in response to an admin setting the AdminStatus in IP to DOWN. This is different from an admin trying to disable an interface by setting a flag in our interface config because that is opaque to IP. That is a routing protocol specific disable and is conveyed to us via SetInterfaceConfig() calls. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT DISTINCTION. A ROUTING PROTOCOL NEEDS TO MANTAIN TWO STATES - AN NT STATE AND A PROTOCOL SPECIFIC STATE.
INTERFACE ACTIVE This flag is used to activate the protocol over the interface independent of whether the interface has been bound or enabled. An unnumbered interface will not have a binding even when activated.
Arguments InterfaceIndex The index of the interface in question InterfaceActive Whether the interface can send and receive data StatusType RIS_INTERFACE_[ADDRESS_CHANGED|ENABLED|DISABLED] SattusInfo Pointer to IP_ADAPTER_BINDING_INFO containing info about the addresses on the interface
Return Value NO_ERROR Success Error Code o/w
--*/ { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR;
TRACE4(ENTER, "Entering InterfaceStatus: %u %u %u 0x%08x", InterfaceIndex, InterfaceActive, StatusType, StatusInfo); do // breakout loop
{ dwErr = NM_InterfaceStatus(InterfaceIndex, InterfaceActive, StatusType, StatusInfo); } while(FALSE); TRACE1(LEAVE, "Leaving InterfaceStatus: %u", dwErr);
return dwErr; }
DWORD WINAPI GetInterfaceConfigInfo ( IN ULONG InterfaceIndex, IN PVOID InterfaceInfo, IN OUT PULONG BufferSize, OUT PULONG StructureVersion, OUT PULONG StructureSize, OUT PULONG StructureCount ) /*++
Routine Description Called by the IP Router Manager to retrieve an interface's configuration. Usually this is because an admin utility is displaying this information. The Router Manager calls us with a NULL config and ZERO size. We return the required size to it. It then allocates the needed memory and calls us a second time with a valid buffer. We validate parameters each time and copy out our config if we can.
Arguments InterfaceIndex Index of the interface being queried InterfaceInfo Pointer to buffer to store the config BufferSize Size of the buffer
Return Value NO_ERROR Success Error Code o/w
--*/ { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR;
TRACE3(ENTER, "Entering GetInterfaceConfigInfo: %u 0x%08x 0x%08x", InterfaceIndex, InterfaceInfo, BufferSize);
do // breakout loop
{ // validate parameters
if(BufferSize is NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; }
dwErr = NM_GetInterfaceInfo(InterfaceIndex, InterfaceInfo, BufferSize, StructureVersion, StructureSize, StructureCount); } while(FALSE);
TRACE1(LEAVE, "Leaving GetInterfaceConfigInfo: %u", dwErr);
return dwErr; }
DWORD WINAPI SetInterfaceConfigInfo ( IN ULONG InterfaceIndex, IN PVOID InterfaceInfo, IN ULONG StructureVersion, IN ULONG StructureSize, IN ULONG StructureCount ) /*++
Routine Description Called by the IP Router Manager to set an interface's configuration. Usually this is because an admin utility modified this information. After validating parameters we update our config if we can.
Arguments InterfaceIndex Index of the interface being updated InterfaceInfo Buffer with our updated configuration
Return Value NO_ERROR Success Error Code o/w
--*/ { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR;
TRACE2(ENTER, "Entering SetInterfaceConfigInfo: %u 0x%08x", InterfaceIndex, InterfaceInfo);
do // breakout loop
{ // validate parameters
if(InterfaceInfo is NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; }
dwErr = NM_SetInterfaceInfo(InterfaceIndex, InterfaceInfo); } while(FALSE); TRACE1(LEAVE, "Leaving SetInterfaceConfigInfo: %u", dwErr);
return dwErr; }
Routine Description This is called by the IP Router Manager if we indicate that we have a message in our queue to be delivered to it (by setting the g_ce.hMgrNotificationEvent)
Arguments Event Routing Protocol Event Type Result Message associated with the event
Return Value NO_ERROR Success Error Code o/w
--*/ { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR;
TRACE2(ENTER, "Entering GetEventMessage: 0x%08x 0x%08x", Event, Result);
do // breakout loop
{ // validate parameters
if (!Event or !Result) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } dwErr = CM_GetEventMessage(Event, Result);
} while(FALSE); TRACE1(LEAVE, "Leaving GetEventMessage: %u", dwErr);
return dwErr; }
DWORD WINAPI DoUpdateRoutes ( IN ULONG InterfaceIndex ) /*++
Routine Description This function is called by the IP Router Manger to ask us to update routes over a Demand Dial link. The link has already been brought up so should be in ENABLED-BOUND state. After we are done we need to set the g_ce.hMgrNotificationEvent to inform the Router Manager that we have a message in our queue to be delivered to it. The Router Manager will call our GetEventMessage() function in which we will inform it that we are done with update routes (and the routes have been stored in RTMv2). The Router Manager will "freeze" these routes by converting them to AUTOSTATIC.
Arguments InterfaceIndex Interface index on which to do the update
Return Value NO_ERROR Success Error Code o/w --*/ { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR;
TRACE1(ENTER, "Entering DoUpdateRoutes: %u", InterfaceIndex);
dwErr = NM_DoUpdateRoutes(InterfaceIndex); TRACE1(LEAVE, "Leaving DoUpdateRoutes: %u", dwErr);
return dwErr; }
DWORD WINAPI MibCreate ( IN ULONG InputDataSize, IN PVOID InputData ) /*++
Routine Description This function does nothing, since IPSAMPLE does not support creation of interface objects via SNMP. However, this could be implemented as a sequence of calls to NM_AddInterface(), IE_BindInterface() and IE_EnableInterface. The input data would then have to contain the interface's index, configuration, and binding.
Arguments InputData Relevant input, some struct defined in ipsamplerm.h InputDataSize Size of the input Return Value ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE for now --*/ { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE;
TRACE2(ENTER, "Entering MibCreate: %u 0x%08x", InputDataSize, InputData);
TRACE1(LEAVE, "Leaving MibCreate: %u", dwErr);
return dwErr; }
DWORD WINAPI MibDelete ( IN ULONG InputDataSize, IN PVOID InputData ) /*++
Routine Description This function does nothing, since IPSAMPLE does not support deletion of interface objects via SNMP. However, this could be implemented as a call to NM_DeleteInterface(). The input data would then have to contain the interface's index.
Arguments InputData Relevant input, some struct defined in ipsamplerm.h InputDataSize Size of the input Return Value ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE for now --*/ { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE;
TRACE2(ENTER, "Entering MibDelete: %u 0x%08x", InputDataSize, InputData);
TRACE1(LEAVE, "Leaving MibDelete: %u", dwErr);
return dwErr; }
DWORD WINAPI MibSet ( IN ULONG InputDataSize, IN PVOID InputData ) /*++
Routine Description This function sets IPSAMPLE's global or interface configuration.
Arguments InputData Relevant input, struct IPSAMPLE_MIB_SET_INPUT_DATA InputDataSize Size of the input Return Value NO_ERROR success Error Code o/w --*/ { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR;
TRACE2(ENTER, "Entering MibSet: %u 0x%08x", InputDataSize, InputData);
do // breakout loop
{ // validate parameters
if ((!InputData) or (InputDataSize < sizeof(IPSAMPLE_MIB_SET_INPUT_DATA))) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; }
} while(FALSE); TRACE1(LEAVE, "Leaving MibSet: %u", dwErr);
return dwErr; }
DWORD WINAPI MibGet ( IN ULONG InputDataSize, IN PVOID InputData, IN OUT PULONG OutputDataSize, OUT PVOID OutputData ) /*++
Routine Description This function retrieves one of... . global configuration . interface configuration . global stats . interface stats . interface binding
Called by an admin (SNMP) utility. It actually passes through the IP Router Manager, but all that does is demux the call to the desired routing protocol.
Arguments InputData Relevant input, struct IPSAMPLE_MIB_GET_INPUT_DATA InputDataSize Size of the input OutputData Buffer for struct IPSAMPLE_MIB_GET_OUTPUT_DATA OutputDataSize IN size of output buffer received OUT size of output buffer required Return Value NO_ERROR success Error Code o/w --*/ { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR;
TRACE4(ENTER, "Entering MibGet: %u 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x", InputDataSize, InputData, OutputDataSize, OutputData);
do // breakout loop
{ // validate parameters
if ((!InputData) or (InputDataSize < sizeof(IPSAMPLE_MIB_GET_INPUT_DATA)) or (!OutputDataSize)) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; }
TRACE1(LEAVE, "Leaving MibGet: %u", dwErr);
return dwErr; }
DWORD WINAPI MibGetFirst ( IN ULONG InputDataSize, IN PVOID InputData, IN OUT PULONG OutputDataSize, OUT PVOID OutputData ) /*++
Routine Description This function retrieves one of... . global configuration . interface configuration . global stats . interface stats . interface binding
It differs from MibGet() in that it always returns the FIRST entry in whichever table is being queried. There is only one entry in the global configuration and global stats tables, but the interface configuration, interface stats, and interface binding tables are sorted by IP address; this function returns the first entry from these.
Arguments InputData Relevant input, struct IPSAMPLE_MIB_GET_INPUT_DATA InputDataSize Size of the input OutputData Buffer for struct IPSAMPLE_MIB_GET_OUTPUT_DATA OutputDataSize IN size of output buffer received OUT size of output buffer required Return Value NO_ERROR success Error Code o/w --*/ { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR;
TRACE4(ENTER, "Entering MibGetFirst: %u 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x", InputDataSize, InputData, OutputDataSize, OutputData);
do // breakout loop
{ // validate parameters
if ((!InputData) or (InputDataSize < sizeof(IPSAMPLE_MIB_GET_INPUT_DATA)) or (!OutputDataSize)) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; }
TRACE1(LEAVE, "Leaving MibGetFirst: %u", dwErr);
return dwErr; }
DWORD WINAPI MibGetNext ( IN ULONG InputDataSize, IN PVOID InputData, IN OUT PULONG OutputDataSize, OUT PVOID OutputData ) /*++
Routine Description This function retrieves one of... . global configuration . interface configuration . global stats . interface stats . interface binding
It differs from both MibGet() and MibGetFirst() in that it returns the entry AFTER the one specified in the indicated table. Thus, in the interface configuration, interface stats, and interface binding tables, this function supplies the entry after the one with the input address.
If there are no more entries in the table being queried we return ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS. Unlike SNMP we don't walk to the next table. This does not take away any functionality since the NT SNMP agent will try the next variable (having ID one greater than the ID passed in) automatically on getting this error.
Arguments InputData Relevant input, struct IPSAMPLE_MIB_GET_INPUT_DATA InputDataSize Size of the input OutputData Buffer for struct IPSAMPLE_MIB_GET_OUTPUT_DATA OutputDataSize IN size of output buffer received OUT size of output buffer required Return Value NO_ERROR success Error Code o/w --*/ { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR;
TRACE4(ENTER, "Entering MibGetFirst: %u 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x", InputDataSize, InputData, OutputDataSize, OutputData);
do // breakout loop
{ // validate parameters
if ((!InputData) or (InputDataSize < sizeof(IPSAMPLE_MIB_GET_INPUT_DATA)) or (!OutputDataSize)) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; }
} while(FALSE);
TRACE1(LEAVE, "Leaving MibGetNext: %u", dwErr);
return dwErr; }
DWORD WINAPI MibSetTrapInfo ( IN HANDLE Event, IN ULONG InputDataSize, IN PVOID InputData, OUT PULONG OutputDataSize, OUT PVOID OutputData ) /*++
Routine Description This function does nothing at the moment... Return Value ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE for now --*/ { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE;
TRACE0(ENTER, "Entering MibSetTrapInfo"); TRACE1(LEAVE, "Leaving MibSetTrapInfo: %u", dwErr);
return dwErr; }
DWORD WINAPI MibGetTrapInfo ( IN ULONG InputDataSize, IN PVOID InputData, OUT PULONG OutputDataSize, OUT PVOID OutputData ) /*++
Routine Description This function does nothing at the moment... Return Value ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE for now --*/ { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE;
TRACE0(ENTER, "Entering MibGetTrapInfo"); TRACE1(LEAVE, "Leaving MibGetTrapInfo: %u", dwErr);
return dwErr; }
// Function: RegisterProtocol
// Returns protocol ID and functionality for IPRIP
Routine Description This is the first function called by the IP Router Manager. The Router Manager tells the routing protocol its version and capabilities. It also tells our DLL, the ID of the protocol it expects us to register. This allows one DLL to support multiple routing protocols. We return the functionality we support and a pointer to our functions.
Arguments pRoutingChar The routing characteristics pServiceChar The service characteristics (IPX 'thingy')
Return Value NO_ERROR success ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED o/w
--*/ { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; TRACE0(ENTER, "Entering RegisterProtocol");
do // breakout loop
{ if(pRoutingChar->dwProtocolId != MS_IP_SAMPLE) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; }
if ((pRoutingChar->fSupportedFunctionality & (RF_ROUTING|RF_DEMAND_UPDATE_ROUTES)) != (RF_ROUTING|RF_DEMAND_UPDATE_ROUTES)) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; } pRoutingChar->fSupportedFunctionality = (RF_ROUTING | RF_DEMAND_UPDATE_ROUTES);
// Since we are not a service advertiser (and IPX thing)
pServiceChar->fSupportedFunctionality = 0;
pRoutingChar->pfnStartProtocol = StartProtocol; pRoutingChar->pfnStartComplete = StartComplete; pRoutingChar->pfnStopProtocol = StopProtocol; pRoutingChar->pfnGetGlobalInfo = GetGlobalInfo; pRoutingChar->pfnSetGlobalInfo = SetGlobalInfo; pRoutingChar->pfnQueryPower = NULL; pRoutingChar->pfnSetPower = NULL;
pRoutingChar->pfnAddInterface = AddInterface; pRoutingChar->pfnDeleteInterface = DeleteInterface; pRoutingChar->pfnInterfaceStatus = InterfaceStatus; pRoutingChar->pfnGetInterfaceInfo = GetInterfaceConfigInfo; pRoutingChar->pfnSetInterfaceInfo = SetInterfaceConfigInfo;
pRoutingChar->pfnGetEventMessage = GetEventMessage;
pRoutingChar->pfnUpdateRoutes = DoUpdateRoutes;
pRoutingChar->pfnConnectClient = NULL; pRoutingChar->pfnDisconnectClient = NULL;
pRoutingChar->pfnGetNeighbors = NULL; pRoutingChar->pfnGetMfeStatus = NULL;
pRoutingChar->pfnMibCreateEntry = MibCreate; pRoutingChar->pfnMibDeleteEntry = MibDelete; pRoutingChar->pfnMibGetEntry = MibGet; pRoutingChar->pfnMibSetEntry = MibSet; pRoutingChar->pfnMibGetFirstEntry = MibGetFirst; pRoutingChar->pfnMibGetNextEntry = MibGetNext; pRoutingChar->pfnMibSetTrapInfo = MibSetTrapInfo; pRoutingChar->pfnMibGetTrapInfo = MibGetTrapInfo; } while (FALSE);
TRACE1(LEAVE, "Leaving RegisterProtocol: %u", dwErr);
return dwErr; }