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Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Header file for interface maintenance module.
Vadim Eydelman 05-15-1995
Revision History:
--*/ #ifndef _SAP_INTFDB_
#define _SAP_INTFDB_
// Number of additional recv requests to post when binding the interface
// that has listen enabled
extern ULONG NewRequestsPerInterface;
// Default filtering mode (for standalone service only)
extern UCHAR FilterOutMode;
// Externally visible part of interface control block
typedef struct _INTERFACE_DATA { LPWSTR name; // Name
ULONG index; // Unique index
BOOLEAN enabled; // enabled flag
UCHAR filterOut; // supply filtering node
UCHAR filterIn; // listen filtering node
#error "Sap filter constant mismatch!!!!"
SAP_IF_INFO info; // Configuration info
IPX_ADAPTER_BINDING_INFO adapter; // Net params of adapter
// to which interface is bound
SAP_IF_STATS stats; // Interface statistics
// Exported internal network parameters
******************************************************************* C r e a t e I n t e r f a c e T a b l e
Routine Description: Allocates resources for interface table
Arguments: None Return Value: NO_ERROR - resources were allocated successfully other - reason of failure (windows error code)
******************************************************************* --*/ DWORD CreateInterfaceTable ( );
******************************************************************* S h u t d o w n I n t e r f a c e s
Routine Description: Initiates orderly shutdown of SAP interfaces Stop reception of new packets Arguments: None Return Value: None
******************************************************************* --*/ VOID ShutdownInterfaces ( HANDLE doneEvent );
******************************************************************* S t o p I n t e r f a c e s
Routine Description: Stops all sap interfaces if not already stopped. Arguments: None
Return Value: None
******************************************************************* --*/ VOID StopInterfaces ( void ); /*++
******************************************************************* D e l e t e I n t e r f a c e T a b l e
Routine Description: Release all resources associated with interface table
Arguments: None
Return Value: NO_ERROR - operation completed OK
******************************************************************* --*/ VOID DeleteInterfaceTable ( void );
******************************************************************* S a p C r e a t e S a p I n t e r f a c e
Routine Description: Add interface control block for new interface
Arguments: InterfaceIndex - unique number that indentifies new interface SapIfConfig - interface configuration info
Return Value: NO_ERROR - interface was created OK ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS - interface with this index already exists other - operation failed (windows error code)
******************************************************************* --*/ DWORD SapCreateSapInterface ( LPWSTR InterfaceName, ULONG InterfaceIndex, NET_INTERFACE_TYPE InterfaceType, PSAP_IF_INFO SapIfConfig );
******************************************************************* S a p D e l e t e S a p I n t e r f a c e
Routine Description: Delete existing interface control block
Arguments: InterfaceIndex - unique number that indentifies the interface
Return Value: NO_ERROR - interface was created OK IPX_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE - interface with this index does not exist other - operation failed (windows error code)
******************************************************************* --*/ DWORD SapDeleteSapInterface ( ULONG InterfaceIndex );
******************************************************************* S a p G e t S a p I n t e r f a c e
Routine Description: Retrieves configuration and statistic info associated with interface Arguments: InterfaceIndex - unique number that indentifies new interface SapIfConfig - buffer to store configuration info SapIfStats - buffer to store statistic info Return Value: NO_ERROR - info was retrieved OK IPX_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE - interface with this index does not exist other - operation failed (windows error code)
******************************************************************* --*/
DWORD SapGetSapInterface ( IN ULONG InterfaceIndex, OUT PSAP_IF_INFO SapIfConfig OPTIONAL, OUT PSAP_IF_STATS SapIfStats OPTIONAL ); /*++
******************************************************************* S a p S e t S a p I n t e r f a c e
Routine Description: Compares existing interface configuration with the new one and performs an update if necessary. Arguments: InterfaceIndex - unique number that indentifies new interface SapIfConfig - new interface configuration info Return Value: NO_ERROR - config info was changed OK IPX_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE - interface with this index does not exist other - operation failed (windows error code)
******************************************************************* --*/ DWORD SapSetSapInterface ( ULONG InterfaceIndex, PSAP_IF_INFO SapIfConfig ); /*++
******************************************************************* S a p S e t I n t e r f a c e E n a b l e
Routine Description: Enables/disables interface Arguments: InterfaceIndex - unique number that indentifies new interface Enable - TRUE-enable, FALSE-disable Return Value: NO_ERROR - config info was changed OK IPX_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE - interface with this index does not exist other - operation failed (windows error code)
******************************************************************* --*/ DWORD SapSetInterfaceEnable ( ULONG InterfaceIndex, BOOL Enable );
******************************************************************* S a p S e t I n t e r f a c e F i l t e r s
Routine Description: Compares existing interface configuration with the new one and performs an update if necessary. Arguments: Return Value: NO_ERROR - config info was changed OK ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER - interface with this index does not exist other - operation failed (windows error code)
******************************************************************* --*/ DWORD SapSetInterfaceFilters ( IN ULONG InterfaceIndex, IN PSAP_IF_FILTERS SapIfFilters ); /*++
******************************************************************* S a p G e t I n t e r f a c e F i l t e r s
Routine Description: Compares existing interface configuration with the new one and performs an update if necessary. Arguments: Return Value: NO_ERROR - config info was changed OK ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER - interface with this index does not exist other - operation failed (windows error code)
******************************************************************* --*/ DWORD SapGetInterfaceFilters ( IN ULONG InterfaceIndex, OUT PSAP_IF_FILTERS SapIfFilters, OUT PULONG FilterBufferSize ); /*++
******************************************************************* S a p B i n d S a p I n t e r f a c e T o A d a p t e r
Routine Description: Establishes association between interface and physical adapter and starts sap on the interface if its admin state is enabled Arguments: InterfaceIndex - unique number that indentifies new interface AdapterInfo - info associated with adapter to bind to Return Value: NO_ERROR - interface was bound OK IPX_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE - interface with this index does not exist other - operation failed (windows error code)
******************************************************************* --*/ DWORD SapBindSapInterfaceToAdapter ( ULONG InterfaceIndex, PIPX_ADAPTER_BINDING_INFO AdptInternInfo );
******************************************************************* S a p U n b i n d S a p I n t e r f a c e F r o m A d a p t e r
Routine Description: Breaks association between interface and physical adapter and stops sap on the interface if it was on Arguments: InterfaceIndex - unique number that indentifies new interface Return Value: NO_ERROR - interface was bound OK IPX_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE - interface with this index does not exist other - operation failed (windows error code)
******************************************************************* --*/ DWORD SapUnbindSapInterfaceFromAdapter ( ULONG InterfaceIndex );
******************************************************************* S a p R e q u e s t U p d a t e Routine Description: Initiates update of services information over the interface Completion of this update will be indicated by signalling NotificationEvent passed at StartProtocol. GetEventMessage can be used then to get the results of autostatic update Arguments: InterfaceIndex - unique index identifying interface to do update on Return Value: NO_ERROR - operation was initiated ok ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER - the interface does not support updates IPX_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE - interface with this index does not exist other - operation failed (windows error code) ******************************************************************* --*/ DWORD SapRequestUpdate ( ULONG InterfaceIndex );
******************************************************************* S a p G e t F i r s t S a p I n t e r f a c e
Routine Description: Retrieves configuration and statistic info associated with first interface in InterfaceIndex order Arguments: InterfaceIndex - buffer to store unique number that indentifies interface SapIfConfig - buffer to store configuration info SapIfStats - buffer to store statistic info Return Value: NO_ERROR - info was retrieved OK IPX_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE - no interfaces in the table other - operation failed (windows error code)
******************************************************************* --*/
******************************************************************* S a p G e t N e x t S a p I n t e r f a c e
Routine Description: Retrieves configuration and statistic info associated with first interface in following interface with InterfaceIndex order in interface index order Arguments: InterfaceIndex - on input - interface number to search from on output - interface number of next interface SapIfConfig - buffer to store configuration info SapIfStats - buffer to store statistic info Return Value: NO_ERROR - info was retrieved OK IPX_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE - no more interfaces in the table other - operation failed (windows error code)
******************************************************************* --*/ DWORD SapGetNextSapInterface ( IN OUT PULONG InterfaceIndex, OUT PSAP_IF_INFO SapIfConfig OPTIONAL, OUT PSAP_IF_STATS SapIfStats OPTIONAL ); /*++
******************************************************************* A c q u i r e I n t e r f a c e R e f e n c e
Routine Description: Increments reference count of interface block. If reference count is grater than 0, the externally visible data in the block are locked (can't be modified)
Arguments: intf - pointer to externally visible part of interface control block
Return Value: None
******************************************************************* --*/ VOID AcquireInterfaceReference ( IN PINTERFACE_DATA intf );
******************************************************************* R e l e a s e I n t e r f a c e R e f e n c e
Routine Description: Decrements reference count of interface block. When reference count drops to 0, cleanup routine gets called to dispose of all resources allocated at bind time and if interface control block is already removed from the table it gets disposed of as well
Arguments: intf - pointer to externally visible part of interface control block
Return Value: None
******************************************************************* --*/ VOID ReleaseInterfaceReference ( IN PINTERFACE_DATA intf );
******************************************************************* G e t I n t e r f a c e R e f e r e n c e
Routine Description: Finds interface control block that bound to adapter and increments reference count on it (to prevent it from deletion while it is used). Arguments: AdapterIndex - unique number that indentifies adapter Return Value: Pointer to externally visible part of interface control block NULL if no interface is bound to the adapter ******************************************************************* --*/ PINTERFACE_DATA GetInterfaceReference ( ULONG AdapterIndex ); /*++
******************************************************************* S a p I s S a p I n t e r f a c e
Routine Description: Checks if interface with given index exists Arguments: InterfaceIndex - unique number that indentifies new interface Return Value: TRUE - exist FALSE - does not
******************************************************************* --*/ BOOL SapIsSapInterface ( ULONG InterfaceIndex );