Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. /*++
  2. Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
  3. Module Name:
  4. routing\netsh\ipx\ipxstrng.h
  5. Abstract:
  6. Definitions for non-localizable strings.
  7. Revision History:
  8. V Raman 1/20/99 Created
  9. --*/
  10. //
  11. // Option TAG strings
  12. //
  13. #define TOKEN_INTERFACE_NAME L"name="
  14. #define TOKEN_ADMINSTATE L"admstate="
  15. #define TOKEN_WANPROTOCOL L"wanprotocol="
  16. #define TOKEN_ADVERTISE L"advertise="
  17. #define TOKEN_LISTEN L"listen="
  18. #define TOKEN_GNSREPLY L"gnsreply="
  19. #define TOKEN_UPDATEMODE L"updatemode="
  20. #define TOKEN_INTERVAL L"interval="
  21. #define TOKEN_AGEMULTIPLIER L"agemultiplier="
  22. #define TOKEN_BCASTACCEPT L"bcastaccept="
  23. #define TOKEN_BCASTDELIVER L"bcastdeliver="
  24. #define TOKEN_NEXTHOPMACADDRESS L"nexthopmacaddress="
  25. #define TOKEN_TICKS L"ticks="
  26. #define TOKEN_HOPS L"hops="
  27. #define TOKEN_NETWORK L"network="
  28. #define TOKEN_NODE L"node="
  29. #define TOKEN_SOCKET L"socket="
  30. #define TOKEN_SRCNET L"srcnet="
  31. #define TOKEN_SRCNODE L"srcnode="
  32. #define TOKEN_SRCSOCKET L"srcsocket="
  33. #define TOKEN_DSTNET L"dstnet="
  34. #define TOKEN_DSTNODE L"dstnode="
  35. #define TOKEN_DSTSOCKET L"dstsocket="
  36. #define TOKEN_PKTTYPE L"pkttype="
  37. #define TOKEN_LOGPACKETS L"log"
  38. #define TOKEN_IPXGLOBAL L"global"
  39. #define TOKEN_LOGLEVEL L"loglevel="
  40. //
  41. // Option value strings
  42. //
  43. #define VAL_ENABLED L"Enabled"
  44. #define VAL_DISABLED L"Disabled"
  45. #define VAL_STANDARD L"Standard"
  46. #define VAL_NONE L"None"
  47. #define VAL_AUTOSTATIC L"Autostatic"
  48. #define VAL_STATICONLY L"StaticOnly"
  49. #define VAL_ONLYWHENUP L"OnlyWhenUp"
  50. #define VAL_PERMIT L"Permit"
  51. #define VAL_DENY L"Deny"
  52. #define VAL_INPUT L"Input"
  53. #define VAL_OUTPUT L"Output"
  54. #define VAL_NULLFILTER L"NULL"
  55. #define VAL_UP L"Up"
  56. #define VAL_DOWN L"Down"
  57. #define VAL_SLEEPING L"Sleeping"
  58. #define VAL_CLIENT L"Client"
  59. #define VAL_DEDICATED L"Dedicated"
  60. #define VAL_WANROUTER L"Demand Dial"
  61. #define VAL_INTERNAL L"Internal"
  62. #define VAL_HOMEROUTER L"Demand Dial"
  63. #define VAL_DIALOUT L"Dial-Out"
  64. #define VAL_OTHER L"Other"
  65. #define VAL_LOCAL L"Local"
  66. #define VAL_STATIC L"Static"
  67. #define VAL_RIP L"RIP"
  68. #define VAL_SAP L"SAP"
  69. #define VAL_PPP L"PPP"
  70. #define VAL_IPXWAN L"IPXWAN"
  71. #define VAL_DIALINCLIENT L"Dial-in"
  72. #define VAL_ANYNAME L"*"
  73. #define VAL_ANYNETWORK L"xxxxxxxx"
  74. #define VAL_ANYNODE L"xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  75. #define VAL_ANYSOCKET L"xxxx"
  76. #define VAL_ANYPKTTYPE L"xx"
  77. #define VAL_YES L"Yes"
  78. #define VAL_NO L"No"
  79. #define VAL_ERRORS_ONLY L"Errors_Only"
  80. #define VAL_ERRORS_AND_WARNINGS L"Warnings_And_Errors"
  81. #define VAL_MAXINFO L"Maximum_Information"
  82. #define VAL_NA L"N/A"
  83. //
  84. // Command strings
  85. //
  86. #define CMD_GROUP_ADD L"add"
  87. #define CMD_GROUP_DELETE L"delete"
  88. #define CMD_GROUP_SET L"set"
  89. #define CMD_GROUP_SHOW L"show"
  90. #define CMD_IPX_DUMP L"dump"
  91. #define CMD_IPX_HELP1 L"?"
  92. #define CMD_IPX_HELP2 L"help"
  93. #define CMD_IPX_UPDATE L"update"
  94. #define CMD_IPX_ADD_ROUTE L"staticroute"
  95. #define CMD_IPX_ADD_SERVICE L"staticservice"
  96. #define CMD_IPX_ADD_FILTER L"filter"
  97. #define CMD_IPX_ADD_INTERFACE L"interface"
  98. #define CMD_IPX_ADD_HELPER L"helper"
  99. #define CMD_IPX_DELETE_ROUTE L"staticroute"
  100. #define CMD_IPX_DELETE_SERVICE L"staticservice"
  101. #define CMD_IPX_DELETE_FILTER L"filter"
  102. #define CMD_IPX_DELETE_INTERFACE L"interface"
  103. #define CMD_IPX_DELETE_HELPER L"helper"
  104. #define CMD_IPX_SET_ROUTE L"staticroute"
  105. #define CMD_IPX_SET_SERVICE L"staticservice"
  106. #define CMD_IPX_SET_FILTER L"filter"
  107. #define CMD_IPX_SET_INTERFACE L"interface"
  108. #define CMD_IPX_SET_GLOBAL L"global"
  109. #define CMD_IPX_SHOW_ROUTE L"staticroute"
  110. #define CMD_IPX_SHOW_SERVICE L"staticservice"
  111. #define CMD_IPX_SHOW_FILTER L"filter"
  112. #define CMD_IPX_SHOW_INTERFACE L"interface"
  113. #define CMD_IPX_SHOW_GLOBAL L"global"
  114. #define CMD_IPX_SHOW_ROUTETABLE L"route"
  115. #define CMD_IPX_SHOW_SERVICETABLE L"service"
  116. //
  117. // IPX DMP Commands
  118. //
  119. #define DMP_IPX_HEADER L"\
  120. \npushd routing ipx"
  121. #define DMP_IPX_FOOTER L"\
  122. \n\npopd"
  123. #define DMP_IPX_SET_GLOBAL L"\
  124. \nset global loglevel=%1!s!"
  125. //
  126. // Dump interface
  127. //
  128. #define DMP_IPX_ADD_INTERFACE L"\
  129. \nadd interface \"%1!s!\""
  130. #define DMP_IPX_SET_INTERFACE L"\
  131. \nset interface \"%1!s!\" admstate=%2!s!"
  132. #define DMP_IPX_SET_WAN_INTERFACE L"\
  133. \nset interface \"%1!s!\" admstate=%2!s! wanprotocol=%3!s!"
  134. #define DMP_IPX_DEL_INTERFACE L"\
  135. \ndelete interface \"%1!s!\""
  136. //
  137. // dump filters
  138. //
  139. #define DMP_IPX_ADD_FILTER L"\
  140. \nadd filter %1!s!"
  141. #define DMP_IPX_SET_FILTER L"\
  142. \nset filter \"%1!s!\" %2!s! %3!s!"
  143. //
  144. // dump static routes
  145. //
  146. #define DMP_IPX_ADD_STATIC_ROUTE L"\
  147. \nadd staticroute \"%1!s!\" 0x%2!.2x!%3!.2x!%4!.2x!%5!.2x! \
  148. nexthopmacaddress = 0x%6!.2x!%7!.2x!%8!.2x!%9!.2x!%10!.2x!%11!.2x! ticks = %12!3.3d! \
  149. hops = %13!2.3d!"
  150. //
  151. // dump static services
  152. //
  154. \nadd staticservice \"%1!s!\" %2!.4x! %3!s! network = 0x%4!.2x!%5!.2x!%6!.2x!%7!.2x! \
  155. node = 0x%8!.2x!%9!.2x!%10!.2x!%11!.2x!%12!.2x!%13!.2x! socket = 0x%14!.2x!%15!.2x! hops = %16!d!"