Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
IPX Router Console Monitoring and Configuration tool. SAP Filters configuration and monitoring.
Vadim Eydelman 06/07/1996
--*/ #include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
DWORD AdmSetSapFlt( int operation, LPWSTR InterfaceNameW, ULONG Action, ULONG Mode, PSAP_SERVICE_FILTER_INFO SapFilter );
DWORD CfgSetSapFlt ( int operation, LPWSTR InterfaceNameW, ULONG Action, ULONG Mode, PSAP_SERVICE_FILTER_INFO SapFilter );
DWORD SetSapFltAction ( LPBYTE pIfBlock, BOOLEAN Output, ULONG Action );
DWORD APIENTRY HelpSapFlt ( IN int argc, IN WCHAR *argv[] ) { DisplayMessage (g_hModule, HLP_IPX_SAPFILTER); return 0; }
DWORD APIENTRY ShowSapFlt ( IN int argc, IN WCHAR *argv[], IN HANDLE hFile ) { DWORD rc, i;
if (argc > 0) { PWCHAR buffer[2]; LPBYTE pIfBlock; BOOLEAN fRouter = FALSE, fClient = FALSE; ULONG mode = 0; unsigned count; WCHAR IfName[ MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN + 1 ]; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(IfName); #define InterfaceNameW argv[0]
count = wcslen (InterfaceNameW);
if ( !_wcsicmp( argv[0], VAL_DIALINCLIENT ) ) { fClient = TRUE; } else if ((count > 0) && (count <= MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN)) { fClient = FALSE; } else { if ( !hFile ) { DisplayIPXMessage (g_hModule, MSG_INVALID_INTERFACE_NAME); } rc = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Exit; }
if (argc > 1) { UINT n; if ( (argc == 2) && !MatchEnumTag( g_hModule, argv[1], NUM_TOKENS_IN_TABLE( FilterModes ), FilterModes, &mode ) ) { NOTHING; } else { if ( !hFile ) { DisplayMessage (g_hModule, HLP_IPX_SAPFILTER); } rc = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Exit; } }
if (g_hMprAdmin) { if (fClient) { DWORD sz;
rc = MprAdminTransportGetInfo( g_hMprAdmin, PID_IPX, NULL, NULL, &pIfBlock, &sz ); if (rc == NO_ERROR) { fRouter = TRUE; } else { if ( !hFile ) { DisplayError( g_hModule, rc); } goto GetFromCfg; } } else { HANDLE hIfAdm; //======================================
// Translate the Interface Name
rc = IpmontrGetIfNameFromFriendlyName( InterfaceNameW, IfName, &dwSize );
if ( rc == NO_ERROR ) { rc = MprAdminInterfaceGetHandle ( g_hMprAdmin, IfName, &hIfAdm, FALSE ); if (rc == NO_ERROR) { DWORD sz; rc = MprAdminInterfaceTransportGetInfo ( g_hMprAdmin, hIfAdm, PID_IPX, &pIfBlock, &sz ); } if (rc == NO_ERROR) { fRouter = TRUE; } else { if ( !hFile ) { DisplayError( g_hModule, rc); } goto GetFromCfg; } } } } else { GetFromCfg: if (fClient) { HANDLE hTrCfg; rc = MprConfigTransportGetHandle ( g_hMprConfig, PID_IPX, &hTrCfg ); if (rc == NO_ERROR) { DWORD sz; rc = MprConfigTransportGetInfo ( g_hMprConfig, hTrCfg, NULL, NULL, &pIfBlock, &sz, NULL ); } } else { HANDLE hIfCfg;
rc = IpmontrGetIfNameFromFriendlyName( InterfaceNameW, IfName, &dwSize );
if ( rc == NO_ERROR ) { rc = MprConfigInterfaceGetHandle ( g_hMprConfig, IfName, &hIfCfg ); if (rc == NO_ERROR) { HANDLE hIfTrCfg; rc = MprConfigInterfaceTransportGetHandle ( g_hMprConfig, hIfCfg, PID_IPX, &hIfTrCfg ); if (rc == NO_ERROR) { DWORD sz; rc = MprConfigInterfaceTransportGetInfo ( g_hMprConfig, hIfCfg, hIfTrCfg, &pIfBlock, &sz ); } } else { if ( !hFile ) { DisplayError( g_hModule, rc ); } } } else { if ( !hFile ) { DisplayError( g_hModule, rc ); } } } }
if ( rc == NO_ERROR ) { PIPX_TOC_ENTRY pSapToc;
pSapToc = GetIPXTocEntry( (PIPX_INFO_BLOCK_HEADER)pIfBlock, IPX_PROTOCOL_SAP ); if (pSapToc != NULL) { PSAP_IF_CONFIG pSapCfg; UINT i;
pSapCfg = (PSAP_IF_CONFIG) (pIfBlock + pSapToc->Offset); if ((mode == 0) || (mode == OUTPUT_FILTER)) { if (pSapCfg->SapIfFilters.SupplyFilterCount > 0) { PSAP_SERVICE_FILTER_INFO pSapFilter = &pSapCfg->SapIfFilters.ServiceFilter[0]; buffer[ 1 ] = GetEnumString( g_hModule, pSapCfg->SapIfFilters.SupplyFilterAction, NUM_TOKENS_IN_TABLE( SapFilterActions ), SapFilterActions ); if ( buffer[ 1 ] ) { if ( hFile ) { DisplayMessageT( DMP_IPX_SAP_SET_FILTER, InterfaceNameW, VAL_OUTPUT, buffer[ 1 ] ); }
else { DisplayIPXMessage( g_hModule, MSG_SAPFILTER_TABLE_HDR, VAL_OUTPUT, buffer[ 1 ] ); } }
for (i = 0; i < pSapCfg->SapIfFilters.SupplyFilterCount; i++, pSapFilter++) { if ( pSapFilter->ServiceName[0] ) { WCHAR wszServiceName[ 48 + 1 ]; mbstowcs( wszServiceName, pSapFilter->ServiceName, 48 ); if ( hFile ) { DisplayMessageT( DMP_IPX_SAP_ADD_FILTER, InterfaceNameW, VAL_OUTPUT, pSapFilter->ServiceType, wszServiceName ); }
else { DisplayIPXMessage ( g_hModule, MSG_SAPFILTER_TABLE_FMT, pSapFilter->ServiceType, wszServiceName ); } }
else { if ( hFile ) { DisplayMessageT( DMP_IPX_SAP_ADD_FILTER, InterfaceNameW, VAL_OUTPUT, pSapFilter->ServiceType, VAL_ANYNAME ); }
else { DisplayIPXMessage ( g_hModule, MSG_SAPFILTER_TABLE_FMT, pSapFilter->ServiceType, VAL_ANYNAME ); } } } } else { if ( hFile ) { DisplayMessageT( DMP_IPX_SAP_SET_FILTER, InterfaceNameW, VAL_OUTPUT, VAL_DENY ); }
else { DisplayIPXMessage( g_hModule, MSG_SAPFILTER_TABLE_HDR, VAL_OUTPUT, VAL_DENY ); } } }
if ((mode == 0) || (mode == INPUT_FILTER)) { if (pSapCfg->SapIfFilters.ListenFilterCount > 0) { PWCHAR bufferW = NULL; PSAP_SERVICE_FILTER_INFO pSapFilter = &pSapCfg->SapIfFilters.ServiceFilter[ pSapCfg->SapIfFilters.SupplyFilterCount ];
buffer[ 1 ] = GetEnumString( g_hModule, pSapCfg->SapIfFilters.ListenFilterAction, NUM_TOKENS_IN_TABLE( SapFilterActions ), SapFilterActions );
if ( buffer[ 1 ] ) { if ( hFile ) { DisplayMessageT( DMP_IPX_SAP_SET_FILTER, InterfaceNameW, VAL_INPUT, buffer[ 1 ] ); }
else { DisplayIPXMessage( g_hModule, MSG_SAPFILTER_TABLE_HDR, VAL_INPUT, buffer[1] ); } }
for ( i = 0; i < pSapCfg->SapIfFilters.ListenFilterCount; i++, pSapFilter++ ) { if ( pSapFilter->ServiceName[0] ) { WCHAR wszServiceName[ 48 + 1 ]; mbstowcs( wszServiceName, pSapFilter->ServiceName, 48 ); if ( hFile ) { DisplayMessageT( DMP_IPX_SAP_ADD_FILTER, InterfaceNameW, VAL_INPUT, pSapFilter->ServiceType, wszServiceName ); }
else { DisplayIPXMessage ( g_hModule, MSG_SAPFILTER_TABLE_FMT, pSapFilter->ServiceType, wszServiceName ); } }
else { if ( hFile ) { DisplayMessageT( DMP_IPX_SAP_ADD_FILTER, InterfaceNameW, VAL_INPUT, pSapFilter->ServiceType, VAL_ANYNAME ); }
else { DisplayIPXMessage ( g_hModule, MSG_SAPFILTER_TABLE_FMT, pSapFilter->ServiceType, VAL_ANYNAME ); } } } } else { if ( hFile ) { DisplayMessageT( DMP_IPX_SAP_SET_FILTER, InterfaceNameW, VAL_INPUT, VAL_DENY ); }
else { DisplayIPXMessage( g_hModule, MSG_SAPFILTER_TABLE_HDR, VAL_INPUT, VAL_DENY ); } } } } else { rc = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; if ( !hFile ) { DisplayError( g_hModule, rc); } } if (fRouter) { MprAdminBufferFree (pIfBlock); } else { MprConfigBufferFree (pIfBlock); } } else { if ( !hFile ) { DisplayError( g_hModule, rc); } } } else { if ( !hFile ) { DisplayMessage (g_hModule, HLP_IPX_SAPFILTER); } rc = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
return rc; #undef InterfaceNameW
VOID ConvertToUpper( OUT UCHAR *strDst, IN UCHAR *strSrc, IN DWORD count ) {
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { #if defined(UNICODE) || defined (_UNICODE)
strDst[i] = (UCHAR)toupper(strSrc[i]); #else
strDst[i] = (UCHAR)toupper(strSrc[i]); #endif
} }
DWORD APIENTRY CreateSapFlt ( IN int argc, IN WCHAR *argv[] ) { DWORD rc;
if ( argc == 4 ) { PWCHAR buffer = NULL; ULONG mode; UINT n; SAP_SERVICE_FILTER_INFO SapFilter; BOOLEAN fClient; unsigned count;
#define InterfaceNameW argv[0]
count = wcslen (InterfaceNameW);
if ( !_wcsicmp( argv[0], VAL_DIALINCLIENT ) ) { fClient = TRUE; } else if ((count > 0) && (count <= MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN)) { fClient = FALSE; } else { DisplayIPXMessage (g_hModule, MSG_INVALID_INTERFACE_NAME); rc = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Exit; }
if ( !MatchEnumTag( g_hModule, argv[1], NUM_TOKENS_IN_TABLE( FilterModes ), FilterModes, &mode ) && ( swscanf (argv[2], L"%4hx%n", &SapFilter.ServiceType, &n) == 1 ) && ( n == wcslen (argv[2]) ) ) {
count = wcstombs( SapFilter.ServiceName, argv[3], sizeof(SapFilter.ServiceName) );
if ( (count > 0) && (count < sizeof (SapFilter.ServiceName)) ) {
ConvertToUpper(SapFilter.ServiceName, SapFilter.ServiceName, count);
if (strcmp (SapFilter.ServiceName, "*") == 0) { SapFilter.ServiceName[0] = 0; }
if (g_hMprAdmin) { rc = AdmSetSapFlt( OPERATION_ADD_SAPFILTER, fClient ? NULL : InterfaceNameW, IPX_SERVICE_FILTER_PERMIT, mode, &SapFilter ); } else { rc = NO_ERROR; } if (rc == NO_ERROR) { rc = CfgSetSapFlt ( OPERATION_ADD_SAPFILTER, fClient ? NULL : InterfaceNameW, IPX_SERVICE_FILTER_PERMIT, mode, &SapFilter ); } } else { rc = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; DisplayMessage (g_hModule, HLP_IPX_SAPFILTER); } } else { rc = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; DisplayMessage (g_hModule, HLP_IPX_SAPFILTER); } } else { DisplayMessage (g_hModule, HLP_IPX_SAPFILTER); rc = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Exit: return rc; #undef InterfaceNameW
DWORD APIENTRY SetSapFlt ( IN int argc, IN WCHAR *argv[] ) { DWORD rc; if (argc == 3) { PWCHAR buffer = NULL; ULONG mode, action; UINT n; SAP_SERVICE_FILTER_INFO SapFilter; BOOLEAN fClient; unsigned count;
#define InterfaceNameW argv[0]
count = wcslen (InterfaceNameW);
if ( !_wcsicmp( argv[0], VAL_DIALINCLIENT ) ) { fClient = TRUE; } else if ((count > 0) && (count <= MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN)) { fClient = FALSE; } else { DisplayIPXMessage (g_hModule, MSG_INVALID_INTERFACE_NAME); rc = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Exit; } if ( !MatchEnumTag( g_hModule, argv[1], NUM_TOKENS_IN_TABLE( FilterModes ), FilterModes, &mode ) && !MatchEnumTag( g_hModule, argv[2], NUM_TOKENS_IN_TABLE( SapFilterActions ), SapFilterActions, &action ) ) {
if ( g_hMprAdmin ) { rc = AdmSetSapFlt ( OPERATION_SET_SAPFILTER, fClient ? NULL : InterfaceNameW, action, mode, NULL ); } else { rc = NO_ERROR; } if (rc == NO_ERROR) { rc = CfgSetSapFlt( OPERATION_SET_SAPFILTER, fClient ? NULL : InterfaceNameW, action, mode, NULL ); } } else { rc = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; DisplayMessage (g_hModule, HLP_IPX_SAPFILTER); } }
else { DisplayMessage (g_hModule, HLP_IPX_SAPFILTER); rc = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
Exit: return rc; #undef InterfaceNameW
DWORD APIENTRY DeleteSapFlt ( IN int argc, IN WCHAR *argv[] ) { DWORD rc; if (argc == 4) { ULONG mode; UINT n; SAP_SERVICE_FILTER_INFO SapFilter; BOOLEAN fClient; unsigned count; #define InterfaceNameW argv[0]
count = wcslen( InterfaceNameW );
if ( !_wcsicmp( argv[0], VAL_DIALINCLIENT ) ) { fClient = TRUE; } else if ((count > 0) && (count <= MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN)) { fClient = FALSE; } else { DisplayIPXMessage (g_hModule, MSG_INVALID_INTERFACE_NAME); rc = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Exit; }
if ( !MatchEnumTag (g_hModule, argv[1], NUM_TOKENS_IN_TABLE( FilterModes ), FilterModes, &mode ) && ( swscanf (argv[2], L"%4hx%n", &SapFilter.ServiceType, &n) == 1 ) && ( n == wcslen (argv[2])) ) {
count = wcstombs( SapFilter.ServiceName, argv[3], sizeof(SapFilter.ServiceName) );
if ( (count > 0) && (count < sizeof (SapFilter.ServiceName)) ) { ConvertToUpper(SapFilter.ServiceName, SapFilter.ServiceName, count);
if (strcmp (SapFilter.ServiceName, "*") == 0) { SapFilter.ServiceName[0] = 0; }
if (g_hMprAdmin) { rc = AdmSetSapFlt( OPERATION_DEL_SAPFILTER, fClient ? NULL : InterfaceNameW, IPX_SERVICE_FILTER_PERMIT, mode, &SapFilter ); } else { rc = NO_ERROR; } if (rc == NO_ERROR) { rc = CfgSetSapFlt( OPERATION_DEL_SAPFILTER, fClient ? NULL : InterfaceNameW, IPX_SERVICE_FILTER_PERMIT, mode, &SapFilter ); } } else { rc = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; DisplayMessage (g_hModule, HLP_IPX_SAPFILTER); } } else { rc = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; DisplayMessage (g_hModule, HLP_IPX_SAPFILTER); } } else { DisplayMessage (g_hModule, HLP_IPX_SAPFILTER); rc = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Exit:
return rc; #undef InterfaceNameW
DWORD AdmSetSapFlt ( int operation, LPWSTR InterfaceNameW, ULONG Action, ULONG Mode, PSAP_SERVICE_FILTER_INFO SapFilter ) { DWORD rc; HANDLE hIfAdm; LPBYTE pIfBlock; DWORD sz; WCHAR IfName[ MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN + 1 ]; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(IfName);
if (InterfaceNameW != NULL) { //======================================
// Translate the Interface Name
rc = IpmontrGetIfNameFromFriendlyName( InterfaceNameW, IfName, &dwSize ); if ( rc == NO_ERROR ) { rc = MprAdminInterfaceGetHandle ( g_hMprAdmin, IfName, &hIfAdm, FALSE ); if (rc == NO_ERROR) { rc = MprAdminInterfaceTransportGetInfo ( g_hMprAdmin, hIfAdm, PID_IPX, &pIfBlock, &sz ); } } } else { rc = MprAdminTransportGetInfo ( g_hMprAdmin, PID_IPX, NULL, NULL, &pIfBlock, &sz ); }
if (rc == NO_ERROR) { UINT msg; LPBYTE pNewBlock;
switch (operation) { case OPERATION_ADD_SAPFILTER: rc = UpdateSapFilter ( (PIPX_INFO_BLOCK_HEADER)pIfBlock, (BOOLEAN)(Mode == OUTPUT_FILTER), NULL, SapFilter, (PIPX_INFO_BLOCK_HEADER * ) & pNewBlock ); if (InterfaceNameW != NULL) { msg = MSG_SAPFILTER_CREATED_ADM; } else { msg = MSG_SAPFILTER_CREATED_ADM; }
rc = SetSapFltAction ( pIfBlock, (BOOLEAN)(Mode == OUTPUT_FILTER), Action ); if (InterfaceNameW != NULL) { msg = MSG_SAPFILTER_SET_ADM; } else { msg = MSG_CLIENT_SAPFILTER_SET_ADM; } pNewBlock = pIfBlock; break; case OPERATION_DEL_SAPFILTER: rc = UpdateSapFilter ( (PIPX_INFO_BLOCK_HEADER)pIfBlock, (BOOLEAN)(Mode == OUTPUT_FILTER), SapFilter, NULL, (PIPX_INFO_BLOCK_HEADER * ) & pNewBlock ); if (InterfaceNameW != NULL) { msg = MSG_SAPFILTER_DELETED_ADM; } else { msg = MSG_CLIENT_SAPFILTER_DELETED_ADM; } break; }
if (rc == NO_ERROR) { if (InterfaceNameW != NULL) { rc = MprAdminInterfaceTransportSetInfo ( g_hMprAdmin, hIfAdm, PID_IPX, pNewBlock, ((PIPX_INFO_BLOCK_HEADER)pNewBlock)->Size ); } else { rc = MprAdminTransportSetInfo ( g_hMprAdmin, PID_IPX, NULL, 0, pNewBlock, ((PIPX_INFO_BLOCK_HEADER)pNewBlock)->Size ); } if (pNewBlock != pIfBlock) { GlobalFree (pNewBlock); } if (rc == NO_ERROR) { DisplayIPXMessage (g_hModule, msg, InterfaceNameW); } else { DisplayError( g_hModule, rc); } } else { DisplayError( g_hModule, rc); }
MprAdminBufferFree (pIfBlock); } else { DisplayError( g_hModule, rc); }
return rc; }
DWORD CfgSetSapFlt ( int operation, LPWSTR InterfaceNameW, ULONG Action, ULONG Mode, PSAP_SERVICE_FILTER_INFO SapFilter ) { DWORD rc; HANDLE hIfCfg; HANDLE hIfTrCfg; HANDLE hTrCfg; LPBYTE pIfBlock; DWORD sz; WCHAR IfName[ MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN + 1 ]; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(IfName);
if (InterfaceNameW != NULL) { //======================================
// Translate the Interface Name
rc = IpmontrGetIfNameFromFriendlyName( InterfaceNameW, IfName, &dwSize ); if ( rc == NO_ERROR ) { rc = MprConfigInterfaceGetHandle( g_hMprConfig, IfName, &hIfCfg ); } if (rc == NO_ERROR) { rc = MprConfigInterfaceTransportGetHandle ( g_hMprConfig, hIfCfg, PID_IPX, &hIfTrCfg ); if (rc == NO_ERROR) { rc = MprConfigInterfaceTransportGetInfo( g_hMprConfig, hIfCfg, hIfTrCfg, &pIfBlock, &sz ); } } } else { rc = MprConfigTransportGetHandle ( g_hMprConfig, PID_IPX, &hTrCfg ); if (rc == NO_ERROR) { rc = MprConfigTransportGetInfo ( g_hMprConfig, hTrCfg, NULL, NULL, &pIfBlock, &sz, NULL ); } }
if (rc == NO_ERROR) { UINT msg; LPBYTE pNewBlock;
switch (operation) { case OPERATION_ADD_SAPFILTER: rc = UpdateSapFilter ( (PIPX_INFO_BLOCK_HEADER)pIfBlock, (BOOLEAN)(Mode == OUTPUT_FILTER), NULL, SapFilter, (PIPX_INFO_BLOCK_HEADER * ) & pNewBlock ); if (InterfaceNameW != NULL) { msg = MSG_SAPFILTER_CREATED_ADM; } else { msg = MSG_CLIENT_SAPFILTER_CREATED_ADM; } break; case OPERATION_SET_SAPFILTER:
rc = SetSapFltAction ( pIfBlock, (BOOLEAN)(Mode == OUTPUT_FILTER), Action ); if (InterfaceNameW != NULL) { msg = MSG_SAPFILTER_SET_ADM; } else { msg = MSG_CLIENT_SAPFILTER_SET_ADM; } pNewBlock = pIfBlock; break; case OPERATION_DEL_SAPFILTER:
rc = UpdateSapFilter( (PIPX_INFO_BLOCK_HEADER)pIfBlock, (BOOLEAN)(Mode == OUTPUT_FILTER), SapFilter, NULL, (PIPX_INFO_BLOCK_HEADER * ) & pNewBlock ); if (InterfaceNameW != NULL) { msg = MSG_SAPFILTER_DELETED_ADM; } else { msg = MSG_CLIENT_SAPFILTER_DELETED_ADM; } break; }
if (rc == NO_ERROR) { if (InterfaceNameW != NULL) { rc = MprConfigInterfaceTransportSetInfo ( g_hMprConfig, hIfCfg, hIfTrCfg, pNewBlock, ((PIPX_INFO_BLOCK_HEADER)pNewBlock)->Size ); } else { rc = MprConfigTransportSetInfo ( g_hMprConfig, hTrCfg, NULL, 0, pNewBlock, ((PIPX_INFO_BLOCK_HEADER)pNewBlock)->Size, NULL ); } if (pNewBlock != pIfBlock) { GlobalFree (pNewBlock); } if (rc == NO_ERROR) { DisplayIPXMessage (g_hModule, msg, InterfaceNameW); } else { DisplayError( g_hModule, rc); } } else { DisplayError( g_hModule, rc); }
MprConfigBufferFree (pIfBlock); } else { DisplayError( g_hModule, rc); }
return rc; }
DWORD SetSapFltAction ( LPBYTE pIfBlock, BOOLEAN Output, ULONG Action ) { DWORD rc; PIPX_TOC_ENTRY pSapToc;
pSapToc = GetIPXTocEntry ( (PIPX_INFO_BLOCK_HEADER)pIfBlock, IPX_PROTOCOL_SAP ); if (pSapToc != NULL) { PSAP_IF_CONFIG pSapCfg;
pSapCfg = (PSAP_IF_CONFIG) (pIfBlock + pSapToc->Offset); if (Output) { pSapCfg->SapIfFilters.SupplyFilterAction = Action; } else { pSapCfg->SapIfFilters.ListenFilterAction = Action; } rc = NO_ERROR; } else { rc = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; }
return rc; }