#include "precomp.h"
CONST WCHAR pszRemoteAccessParamStub[] = L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\RemoteAccess\\Parameters\\"; CONST WCHAR pszEnableIn[] = L"EnableIn"; CONST WCHAR pszAllowNetworkAccess[] = L"AllowNetworkAccess";
CONST WCHAR c_szCurrentBuildNumber[] = L"CurrentBuildNumber"; CONST WCHAR c_szWinVersionPath[] = L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion"; CONST WCHAR c_szAssignFmt[] = L"%s = %s"; CONST WCHAR c_szAssignFmt10[] = L"%s = %d"; CONST WCHAR c_szAssignFmt16[] = L"%s = %x";
typedef struct _NAME_NODE { PWCHAR pszName; struct _NAME_NODE* pNext; } NAME_NODE;
DWORD WINAPI RutlGetTagToken( IN HANDLE hModule, IN OUT LPWSTR *ppwcArguments, IN DWORD dwCurrentIndex, IN DWORD dwArgCount, IN PTAG_TYPE pttTagToken, IN DWORD dwNumTags, OUT PDWORD pdwOut )
Routine Description:
Identifies each argument based on its tag. It assumes that each argument has a tag. It also removes tag= from each argument.
ppwcArguments - The argument array. Each argument has tag=value form dwCurrentIndex - ppwcArguments[dwCurrentIndex] is first arg. dwArgCount - ppwcArguments[dwArgCount - 1] is last arg. pttTagToken - Array of tag token ids that are allowed in the args dwNumTags - Size of pttTagToken pdwOut - Array identifying the type of each argument.
Return Value:
{ DWORD i,j,len; PWCHAR pwcTag,pwcTagVal,pwszArg = NULL; BOOL bFound = FALSE;
// This function assumes that every argument has a tag
// It goes ahead and removes the tag.
for (i = dwCurrentIndex; i < dwArgCount; i++) { len = wcslen(ppwcArguments[i]);
if (len is 0) { //
// something wrong with arg
pdwOut[i] = (DWORD) -1; continue; }
pwszArg = RutlAlloc((len + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), FALSE);
if (pwszArg is NULL) { DisplayError(NULL, ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
wcscpy(pwszArg, ppwcArguments[i]);
pwcTag = wcstok(pwszArg, NETSH_ARG_DELIMITER);
// Got the first part
// Now if next call returns NULL then there was no tag
if (pwcTagVal is NULL) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, ERROR_NO_TAG, ppwcArguments[i]);
// Got the tag. Now try to match it
bFound = FALSE; pdwOut[i - dwCurrentIndex] = (DWORD) -1;
for ( j = 0; j < dwNumTags; j++) { if (MatchToken(pwcTag, pttTagToken[j].pwszTag)) { //
// Tag matched
bFound = TRUE; pdwOut[i - dwCurrentIndex] = j; break; } }
if (bFound) { //
// Remove tag from the argument
wcscpy(ppwcArguments[i], pwcTagVal); } else { DisplayError(NULL, ERROR_INVALID_OPTION_TAG, pwcTag);
RutlFree(pwszArg); }
return NO_ERROR; }
DWORD WINAPI RutlCreateDumpFile( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, OUT PHANDLE phFile ) { HANDLE hFile;
*phFile = NULL;
// Create/open the file
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return GetLastError();
// Go to the end of the file
SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_END);
*phFile = hFile;
return NO_ERROR; }
VOID WINAPI RutlCloseDumpFile( HANDLE hFile ) { CloseHandle(hFile); }
// Returns an allocated block of memory conditionally
// zeroed of the given size.
PVOID WINAPI RutlAlloc( IN DWORD dwBytes, IN BOOL bZero ) { PVOID pvRet; DWORD dwFlags = 0;
if (bZero) { dwFlags |= HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY; }
return HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), dwFlags, dwBytes); }
// Conditionally free's a pointer if it is non-null
VOID WINAPI RutlFree( IN PVOID pvData ) { if (pvData) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pvData); } }
// Uses RutlAlloc to copy a string
PWCHAR WINAPI RutlStrDup( IN LPCWSTR pwszSrc ) { PWCHAR pszRet = NULL; DWORD dwLen; if ((pwszSrc is NULL) or ((dwLen = wcslen(pwszSrc)) == 0) ) { return NULL; }
pszRet = (PWCHAR) RutlAlloc((dwLen + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), FALSE); if (pszRet isnot NULL) { wcscpy(pszRet, pwszSrc); }
return pszRet; }
// Uses RutlAlloc to copy a dword
LPDWORD WINAPI RutlDwordDup( IN DWORD dwSrc ) { LPDWORD lpdwRet = NULL; lpdwRet = (LPDWORD) RutlAlloc(sizeof(DWORD), FALSE); if (lpdwRet isnot NULL) { *lpdwRet = dwSrc; }
return lpdwRet; }
// Returns the build number of operating system
DWORD dwErr, dwType = REG_SZ, dwLength; HKEY hkVersion = NULL; WCHAR pszBuildNumber[64];
// Initialize
pServerInfo->dwBuild = 0;
do { //
// Connect to the remote server
dwErr = RegConnectRegistry( pServerInfo->pszServer, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &pServerInfo->hkMachine); if ( dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; }
// Open the windows version key
dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx( pServerInfo->hkMachine, c_szWinVersionPath, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkVersion ); if ( dwErr != NO_ERROR ) { break; }
// Read in the current version key
dwLength = sizeof(pszBuildNumber); dwErr = RegQueryValueEx ( hkVersion, c_szCurrentBuildNumber, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE*)pszBuildNumber, &dwLength ); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; }
pServerInfo->dwBuild = (DWORD) wcstol(pszBuildNumber, NULL, 10); } while (FALSE);
// Cleanup
{ if ( hkVersion ) { RegCloseKey( hkVersion ); } }
return dwErr; }
DWORD WINAPI RutlParseOptions( IN OUT LPWSTR *ppwcArguments, IN DWORD dwCurrentIndex, IN DWORD dwArgCount, IN DWORD dwNumArgs, IN TAG_TYPE* rgTags, IN DWORD dwTagCount, OUT LPDWORD* ppdwTagTypes)
Routine Description:
Based on an array of tag types returns which options are included in the given command line.
ppwcArguments - Argument array dwCurrentIndex - ppwcArguments[dwCurrentIndex] is the first arg dwArgCount - ppwcArguments[dwArgCount - 1] is the last arg
Return Value:
--*/ { LPDWORD pdwTagType; DWORD i, dwErr = NO_ERROR; // If there are no arguments, there's nothing to to
if ( dwNumArgs == 0 ) { return NO_ERROR; }
// Set up the table of present options
pdwTagType = (LPDWORD) RutlAlloc(dwArgCount * sizeof(DWORD), TRUE); if(pdwTagType is NULL) { DisplayError(NULL, ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
do { //
// The argument has a tag. Assume all of them have tags
if(wcsstr(ppwcArguments[dwCurrentIndex], NETSH_ARG_DELIMITER)) { dwErr = RutlGetTagToken( g_hModule, ppwcArguments, dwCurrentIndex, dwArgCount, rgTags, dwTagCount, pdwTagType);
if(dwErr isnot NO_ERROR) { if(dwErr is ERROR_INVALID_OPTION_TAG) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX; break; } } } else { //
// No tags - all args must be in order
for(i = 0; i < dwNumArgs; i++) { pdwTagType[i] = i; } } } while (FALSE);
// Cleanup
{ if (dwErr is NO_ERROR) { *ppdwTagTypes = pdwTagType; } else { RutlFree(pdwTagType); } }
return dwErr; }
BOOL WINAPI RutlIsHelpToken( PWCHAR pwszToken ) { if(MatchToken(pwszToken, CMD_RAS_HELP1)) return TRUE;
if(MatchToken(pwszToken, CMD_RAS_HELP2)) return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
PWCHAR WINAPI RutlAssignmentFromTokens( IN HINSTANCE hModule, IN LPCWSTR pwszToken, IN LPCWSTR pszString) { PWCHAR pszRet = NULL; LPCWSTR pszCmd = NULL; DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR, dwSize; do { pszCmd = pwszToken;
// Compute the string lenghth needed
dwSize = wcslen(pszString) + wcslen(pszCmd) + wcslen(c_szAssignFmt) + 1; dwSize *= sizeof(WCHAR);
// Allocate the return value
pszRet = (PWCHAR) RutlAlloc(dwSize, FALSE); if (pszRet is NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
// Copy in the command assignment
wsprintfW(pszRet, c_szAssignFmt, pszCmd, pszString);
} while (FALSE);
// Cleanup
{ if (dwErr isnot NO_ERROR) { if (pszRet isnot NULL) { RutlFree(pszRet); } pszRet = NULL; } }
return pszRet; }
PWCHAR WINAPI RutlAssignmentFromTokenAndDword( IN HINSTANCE hModule, IN LPCWSTR pwszToken, IN DWORD dwDword, IN DWORD dwRadius) { PWCHAR pszRet = NULL; LPCWSTR pszCmd = NULL; DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR, dwSize; do { pszCmd = pwszToken;
// Compute the string length needed
dwSize = 64 + wcslen(pszCmd) + wcslen(c_szAssignFmt10) + 1; dwSize *= sizeof(WCHAR);
// Allocate the return value
pszRet = (PWCHAR) RutlAlloc(dwSize, FALSE); if (pszRet is NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
// Copy in the command assignment
if (dwRadius == 10) { wsprintfW(pszRet, c_szAssignFmt10, pszCmd, dwDword); } else { wsprintfW(pszRet, c_szAssignFmt16, pszCmd, dwDword); }
} while (FALSE);
// Cleanup
{ if (dwErr isnot NO_ERROR) { if (pszRet isnot NULL) { RutlFree(pszRet); } pszRet = NULL; } }
return pszRet; }
DWORD RutlRegReadDword( IN HKEY hKey, IN LPCWSTR pszValName, OUT LPDWORD lpdwValue) { DWORD dwSize = sizeof(DWORD), dwType = REG_DWORD, dwErr;
dwErr = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, pszValName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)lpdwValue, &dwSize); if (dwErr == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { dwErr = NO_ERROR; }
return dwErr; }
DWORD RutlRegReadString( IN HKEY hKey, IN LPCWSTR pszValName, OUT LPWSTR* ppszValue) { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR, dwSize = 0;
*ppszValue = NULL; // Findout how big the buffer should be
dwErr = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, pszValName, NULL, NULL, NULL, &dwSize); if (dwErr == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { return NO_ERROR; } if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return dwErr; }
// Allocate the string
*ppszValue = (PWCHAR) RutlAlloc(dwSize, TRUE); if (*ppszValue == NULL) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// Read the value in and return
dwErr = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, pszValName, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)*ppszValue, &dwSize); return dwErr; }
DWORD RutlRegWriteDword( IN HKEY hKey, IN LPCWSTR pszValName, IN DWORD dwValue) { return RegSetValueExW( hKey, pszValName, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, sizeof(DWORD)); }
DWORD RutlRegWriteString( IN HKEY hKey, IN LPCWSTR pszValName, IN LPCWSTR pszValue) { return RegSetValueExW( hKey, pszValName, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)pszValue, (wcslen(pszValue) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); }
// Enumerates all of the subkeys of a given key
DWORD RutlRegEnumKeys( IN HKEY hkKey, IN RAS_REGKEY_ENUM_FUNC_CB pCallback, IN HANDLE hData) { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR, i, dwNameSize = 0, dwCurSize = 0; DWORD dwCount = 0; HKEY hkCurKey = NULL; PWCHAR pszName = NULL; NAME_NODE *pHead = NULL, *pTemp = NULL;
do { // Find out how many sub keys there are
dwErr = RegQueryInfoKeyW( hkKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, &dwCount, &dwNameSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return dwErr; } dwNameSize++;
// Allocate the name buffer
pszName = (PWCHAR) RutlAlloc(dwNameSize * sizeof(WCHAR), FALSE); if (pszName == NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
// Loop through the keys building the list
for (i = 0; i < dwCount; i++) { dwCurSize = dwNameSize; // Get the name of the current key
dwErr = RegEnumKeyExW( hkKey, i, pszName, &dwCurSize, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { continue; }
// Add the key to the list
pTemp = (NAME_NODE*) RutlAlloc(sizeof(NAME_NODE), TRUE); if (pTemp == NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } pTemp->pszName = RutlStrDup(pszName); if (pTemp->pszName == NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } pTemp->pNext = pHead; pHead = pTemp; }
BREAK_ON_DWERR(dwErr); // Now loop through the list, calling the callback.
// The reason the items are added to a list like this
// is that this allows the callback to safely delete
// the reg key without messing up the enumeration
pTemp = pHead; while (pTemp) { // Open the subkey
dwErr = RegOpenKeyExW( hkKey, pTemp->pszName, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkCurKey); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { continue; }
// Call the callback
dwErr = pCallback(pTemp->pszName, hkCurKey, hData); RegCloseKey(hkCurKey); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; }
pTemp = pTemp->pNext; }
} while (FALSE);
// Cleanup
{ RutlFree(pszName); while (pHead) { RutlFree(pHead->pszName); pTemp = pHead->pNext; RutlFree(pHead); pHead = pTemp; } }
return dwErr; }
// Generic parse
DWORD RutlParse( IN OUT LPWSTR* ppwcArguments, IN DWORD dwCurrentIndex, IN DWORD dwArgCount, IN BOOL* pbDone, OUT RASMON_CMD_ARG* pRasArgs, IN DWORD dwRasArgCount) { DWORD i, dwNumArgs, dwErr, dwLevel = 0; LPDWORD pdwTagType = NULL; TAG_TYPE* pTags = NULL; RASMON_CMD_ARG* pArg = NULL;
if (dwRasArgCount == 0) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
do { // Initialize
dwNumArgs = dwArgCount - dwCurrentIndex; // Generate a list of the tags
pTags = (TAG_TYPE*) RutlAlloc(dwRasArgCount * sizeof(TAG_TYPE), TRUE); if (pTags == NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } for (i = 0; i < dwRasArgCount; i++) { CopyMemory(&pTags[i], &pRasArgs[i].rgTag, sizeof(TAG_TYPE)); }
// Get the list of present options
dwErr = RutlParseOptions( ppwcArguments, dwCurrentIndex, dwArgCount, dwNumArgs, pTags, dwRasArgCount, &pdwTagType); if (dwErr isnot NO_ERROR) { break; }
// Copy the tag info back
for (i = 0; i < dwRasArgCount; i++) { CopyMemory(&pRasArgs[i].rgTag, &pTags[i], sizeof(TAG_TYPE)); } for(i = 0; i < dwNumArgs; i++) { // Validate the current argument
if (pdwTagType[i] >= dwRasArgCount) { i = dwNumArgs; dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX; break; } pArg = &pRasArgs[pdwTagType[i]];
// Get the value of the argument
switch (pArg->dwType) { case RASMONTR_CMD_TYPE_STRING: pArg->Val.pszValue = RutlStrDup(ppwcArguments[i + dwCurrentIndex]); break;
case RASMONTR_CMD_TYPE_DWORD: pArg->Val.dwValue = _wtol(ppwcArguments[i + dwCurrentIndex]); break; case RASMONTR_CMD_TYPE_ENUM: dwErr = MatchEnumTag(g_hModule, ppwcArguments[i + dwCurrentIndex], pArg->dwEnumCount, pArg->rgEnums, &(pArg->Val.dwValue));
if(dwErr != NO_ERROR) { RutlDispTokenErrMsg( g_hModule, EMSG_BAD_OPTION_VALUE, pArg->rgTag.pwszTag, ppwcArguments[i + dwCurrentIndex]); i = dwNumArgs; dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } break; } if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; }
// Mark the argument as present if needed
if (pArg->rgTag.bPresent) { dwErr = ERROR_TAG_ALREADY_PRESENT; i = dwNumArgs; break; } pArg->rgTag.bPresent = TRUE; } if(dwErr isnot NO_ERROR) { break; }
// Make sure that all of the required parameters have
// been included.
for (i = 0; i < dwRasArgCount; i++) { if ((pRasArgs[i].rgTag.dwRequired & NS_REQ_PRESENT) && !pRasArgs[i].rgTag.bPresent) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, EMSG_CANT_FIND_EOPT); dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX; break; } } if(dwErr isnot NO_ERROR) { break; }
} while (FALSE); // Cleanup
{ if (pTags) { RutlFree(pTags); } if (pdwTagType) { RutlFree(pdwTagType); } }
return dwErr; }
DWORD RutlEnumFiles( IN LPCWSTR pwszSrchPath, IN LPCWSTR pwszSrchStr, IN RAS_FILE_ENUM_FUNC_CB pCallback, IN HANDLE hData) { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR, dwSize = 0; PWCHAR pwszFileSearch = NULL; HANDLE hSearch = NULL; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData;
do { if (!pwszSrchPath || !pwszSrchStr || !pCallback) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; }
dwSize = lstrlen(pwszSrchPath) + lstrlen(pwszSrchStr) + 1; if (dwSize < 2) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; }
pwszFileSearch = RutlAlloc(dwSize * sizeof(WCHAR), TRUE); if (!pwszFileSearch) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
lstrcpy(pwszFileSearch, pwszSrchPath); lstrcat(pwszFileSearch, pwszSrchStr);
hSearch = FindFirstFile(pwszFileSearch, &FindFileData); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hSearch) { dwErr = GetLastError(); break; }
for (;;) { PWCHAR pwszFileName = NULL;
dwSize = lstrlen(pwszSrchPath) + lstrlen(FindFileData.cFileName) + 1; if (dwSize < 2) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; }
pwszFileName = RutlAlloc(dwSize * sizeof(WCHAR), TRUE); if (!pwszFileName) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
lstrcpy(pwszFileName, pwszSrchPath); lstrcat(pwszFileName, FindFileData.cFileName); //
// Call the callback
dwErr = pCallback(pwszFileName, FindFileData.cFileName, hData); //
// Clean up
if (dwErr) { break; }
if (!FindNextFile(hSearch, &FindFileData)) { break; } }
} while (FALSE); //
// Clean up
return dwErr; }
DWORD RutlEnumEventLogs( IN LPCWSTR pwszSourceName, IN LPCWSTR pwszMsdDll, IN DWORD dwMaxEntries, IN RAS_EVENT_ENUM_FUNC_CB pCallback, IN HANDLE hData) { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR, dwSize, dwRead, dwNeeded, dwCount = 0; LPBYTE pBuffer = NULL; HANDLE hLog = NULL; HMODULE hMod = NULL; PEVENTLOGRECORD pevlr = NULL;
do { hLog = OpenEventLog(NULL, pwszSourceName); if (!hLog) { dwErr = GetLastError(); break; }
dwSize = 1024 * sizeof(EVENTLOGRECORD);
pBuffer = RutlAlloc(dwSize, FALSE); if (!pBuffer) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
hMod = LoadLibrary(pwszMsdDll); if (!hMod) { dwErr = GetLastError(); break; }
pevlr = (PEVENTLOGRECORD)pBuffer; //
// Opening the event log positions the file pointer for this
// handle at the beginning of the log. Read the records
// sequentially until there are no more.
for (;;) { if (!ReadEventLog( hLog, EVENTLOG_BACKWARDS_READ | EVENTLOG_SEQUENTIAL_READ, 0, pevlr, dwSize, &dwRead, &dwNeeded)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); break; }
while ((dwRead > 0) && (dwCount < dwMaxEntries)) { //
// Call the callback
if (pCallback(pevlr, hMod, hData)) { dwCount++; }
dwRead -= pevlr->Length; pevlr = (PEVENTLOGRECORD) ((LPBYTE) pevlr + pevlr->Length); }
if (dwCount >= dwMaxEntries) { break; }
pevlr = (PEVENTLOGRECORD)pBuffer; }
} while (FALSE); //
// Clean up
if (hMod) { FreeLibrary(hMod); } RutlFree(pBuffer); if (hLog) { CloseEventLog(hLog); }
return dwErr; }
INT RutlStrNCmp( IN LPCWSTR psz1, IN LPCWSTR psz2, IN UINT nlLen) { UINT i;
for (i = 0; i < nlLen; ++i) { if (*psz1 == *psz2) { if (*psz1 == g_pwszNull) return 0; } else if (*psz1 < *psz2) return -1; else return 1;
++psz1; ++psz2; }
return 0; }
// Returns heap block containing a copy of 0-terminated string 'psz' or
// NULL on error or is 'psz' is NULL. The output string is converted to
// MB ANSI. It is caller's responsibility to 'Free' the returned string.
PCHAR RutlStrDupAFromWInternal( LPCTSTR psz, IN DWORD dwCp) { CHAR* pszNew = NULL;
if (psz) { DWORD cb;
cb = WideCharToMultiByte(dwCp, 0, psz, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); ASSERT(cb);
pszNew = (CHAR* )RutlAlloc(cb + 1, FALSE); if (!pszNew) { return NULL; }
cb = WideCharToMultiByte(dwCp, 0, psz, -1, pszNew, cb, NULL, NULL); if (cb == 0) { RutlFree(pszNew); return NULL; } }
return pszNew; }
PCHAR RutlStrDupAFromWAnsi( LPCTSTR psz) { return RutlStrDupAFromWInternal(psz, CP_ACP); }
PCHAR RutlStrDupAFromW( LPCTSTR psz) { return RutlStrDupAFromWInternal(psz, CP_UTF8); }
BOOL RutlSecondsSince1970ToSystemTime( IN DWORD dwSecondsSince1970, OUT SYSTEMTIME* pSystemTime) { LARGE_INTEGER liTime; FILETIME ftUTC; FILETIME ftLocal;
// Seconds since the start of 1970 -> 64 bit Time value
RtlSecondsSince1970ToTime(dwSecondsSince1970, &liTime); //
// The time is in UTC. Convert it to local file time
ftUTC.dwLowDateTime = liTime.LowPart; ftUTC.dwHighDateTime = liTime.HighPart;
if (FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&ftUTC, &ftLocal) == FALSE) { return FALSE; } //
// Convert local file time to system time.
if (FileTimeToSystemTime(&ftLocal, pSystemTime) == FALSE) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
LPWSTR RutlGetTimeStr( ULONG ulTime, LPWSTR wszBuf, ULONG cchBuf) { ULONG cch; SYSTEMTIME stGenerated;
if (RutlSecondsSince1970ToSystemTime(ulTime, &stGenerated)) { cch = GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &stGenerated, NULL, wszBuf, cchBuf); if (!cch) { wszBuf[0] = g_pwszNull; } }
return wszBuf; }
LPWSTR RutlGetDateStr( ULONG ulDate, LPWSTR wszBuf, ULONG cchBuf) { ULONG cch; SYSTEMTIME stGenerated;
wszBuf[0] = g_pwszNull;
do { if (!RutlSecondsSince1970ToSystemTime(ulDate, &stGenerated)) { break; }
cch = GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, &stGenerated, NULL, wszBuf, cchBuf); if (!cch) { wszBuf[0] = g_pwszNull; }
} while (FALSE);
return wszBuf; }
VOID RutlConvertGuidToString( IN CONST GUID *pGuid, OUT LPWSTR pwszBuffer) { wsprintf(pwszBuffer, L"{%08X-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X}", pGuid->Data1, pGuid->Data2, pGuid->Data3, pGuid->Data4[0], pGuid->Data4[1], pGuid->Data4[2], pGuid->Data4[3], pGuid->Data4[4], pGuid->Data4[5], pGuid->Data4[6], pGuid->Data4[7]); }
DWORD RutlConvertStringToGuid( IN LPCWSTR pwszGuid, IN USHORT usStringLen, OUT GUID *pGuid) { UNICODE_STRING Temp;
Temp.Length = Temp.MaximumLength = usStringLen;
Temp.Buffer = (LPWSTR)pwszGuid;
if(RtlGUIDFromString(&Temp, pGuid) isnot STATUS_SUCCESS) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
return NO_ERROR; }