Copyright (c) 1997, Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved
Description: Remote Access PPP Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol core routines
History: Mar 24, 1997: Vijay Baliga created original version.
#include <nt.h> // Required by windows.h
#include <ntrtl.h> // Required by windows.h
#include <nturtl.h> // Required by windows.h
#include <windows.h> // Win32 base API's
#include <rasman.h> // Required by pppcp.h
#include <pppcp.h> // For PPP_CONFIG, PPP_BACP_PROTOCOL, etc
#include <ppputil.h> // For HostToWireFormat16(), etc
#include <stdlib.h> // For rand(), etc
#include <rtutils.h> // For TraceRegister(), etc
#include <raserror.h> // For ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET, etc
#include <rasbacp.h>
DWORD DwBacpTraceId;
Returns: VOID
Description: Used for tracing. */
VOID TraceBacp( CHAR * Format, ... ) { va_list arglist;
va_start(arglist, Format);
TraceVprintfEx(DwBacpTraceId, 0x00010000 | TRACE_USE_MASK | TRACE_USE_MSEC | TRACE_USE_DATE, Format, arglist);
va_end(arglist); }
Returns: A random number
Description: Returns a 4 octet random number that can be used as a magic number.
DWORD CreateMagicNumber( VOID ) { srand(GetCurrentTime()); return(rand()); }
Returns: NO_ERROR: Success non-zero error: Failure
Description: Called to initialize/uninitialize this CP. In the former case, fInitialize will be TRUE; in the latter case, it will be FALSE.
DWORD BacpInit( IN BOOL fInitialize ) { static BOOL fInitialized = FALSE;
if (fInitialize && !fInitialized) { fInitialized = TRUE; DwBacpTraceId = TraceRegister("RASBACP"); TraceBacp("RasBacpDllMain: DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH"); } else if (!fInitialize && fInitialized) { fInitialized = FALSE; TraceBacp("RasBacpDllMain: DLL_PROCESS_DETACH"); TraceDeregister(DwBacpTraceId); }
return(NO_ERROR); }
Returns: NO_ERROR: Success non-zero error: Failure
Description: This entry point is called once before any other call to BACP is made. Allocate a work buffer and initialize it.
DWORD BacpBegin( IN OUT VOID** ppWorkBuf, IN VOID* pInfo ) { DWORD dwError;
TraceBacp("BacpBegin"); *ppWorkBuf = LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(BACPCB));
if (*ppWorkBuf == NULL) { dwError = GetLastError(); TraceBacp("BacpBegin: ppWorkBuf is NULL. Error: %d", dwError); return(dwError); }
return(NO_ERROR); }
Returns: NO_ERROR: Success
Description: This entry point frees the BACP work buffer. */
DWORD BacpEnd( IN VOID * pWorkBuf ) { TraceBacp("BacpEnd");
if (pWorkBuf != NULL) { LocalFree(pWorkBuf); }
return( NO_ERROR ); }
Returns: NO_ERROR: Success
Description: This entry point is called to reset the state of BACP. Will re-initialize the work buffer.
DWORD BacpReset( IN VOID * pWorkBuf ) { BACPCB * pBacpCb = (BACPCB *)pWorkBuf;
TraceBacp("BacpReset"); pBacpCb->dwLocalMagicNumber = CreateMagicNumber(); pBacpCb->dwRemoteMagicNumber = 0;
TraceBacp("BacpReset: Local Magic-Number: %d", pBacpCb->dwLocalMagicNumber);
return(NO_ERROR); }
Returns: NO_ERROR: Success
Description: This entry point is called when BACP is entering Open state.
DWORD BacpThisLayerUp( IN VOID* pWorkBuf ) { BACPCB * pBacpCb = (BACPCB *)pWorkBuf;
TraceBacp("BacpThisLayerUp: Local Magic-Number: %d, " "Remote Magic-Number: %d", pBacpCb->dwLocalMagicNumber, pBacpCb->dwRemoteMagicNumber);
return(NO_ERROR); }
Returns: NO_ERROR: Success ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL: pSendConfig is too small
Description: This entry point is called to make a confifure request packet. */
DWORD BacpMakeConfigRequest( IN VOID * pWorkBuffer, IN PPP_CONFIG * pSendConfig, IN DWORD cbSendConfig ) { BACPCB * pBacpCb = (BACPCB*)pWorkBuffer; PPP_OPTION * pPppOption = (PPP_OPTION *)pSendConfig->Data;
TraceBacp("BacpMakeConfigRequest"); if (cbSendConfig < PPP_CONFIG_HDR_LEN + PPP_OPTION_HDR_LEN + 4) { TraceBacp("BacpMakeConfigRequest: Buffer is too small. Size: %d", cbSendConfig); return(ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL); }
pSendConfig->Code = CONFIG_REQ; HostToWireFormat16((WORD)(PPP_CONFIG_HDR_LEN + PPP_OPTION_HDR_LEN + 4), pSendConfig->Length);
pPppOption->Type = BACP_OPTION_FAVORED_PEER; pPppOption->Length = PPP_OPTION_HDR_LEN + 4; HostToWireFormat32(pBacpCb->dwLocalMagicNumber, pPppOption->Data);
return(NO_ERROR); }
Returns: NO_ERROR: Success ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET: Length of option is wrong
Description: This entry point is called when a configure request packet is received. */
DWORD BacpMakeConfigResult( IN VOID * pWorkBuffer, IN PPP_CONFIG * pRecvConfig, OUT PPP_CONFIG * pSendConfig, IN DWORD cbSendConfig, IN BOOL fRejectNaks ) { BACPCB * pBacpCb = (BACPCB*)pWorkBuffer; PPP_OPTION * pSendOption = (PPP_OPTION *)(pSendConfig->Data); PPP_OPTION * pRecvOption = (PPP_OPTION *)(pRecvConfig->Data); LONG lSendLength = cbSendConfig - PPP_CONFIG_HDR_LEN; LONG lRecvLength = WireToHostFormat16(pRecvConfig->Length) - PPP_CONFIG_HDR_LEN; DWORD dwResultType = CONFIG_ACK; DWORD dwResult;
TraceBacp("BacpMakeConfigResult"); while(lRecvLength > 0) { if (pRecvOption->Length == 0) { TraceBacp("BacpMakeConfigResult: Invalid option. Length is 0"); return(ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET); }
if ((lRecvLength -= pRecvOption->Length) < 0) { TraceBacp("BacpMakeConfigResult: Invalid option. Length: %d", pRecvOption->Length); return(ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET); }
if ((pRecvOption->Length != PPP_OPTION_HDR_LEN + 4) || (pRecvOption->Type != BACP_OPTION_FAVORED_PEER)) { TraceBacp("BacpMakeConfigResult: Unknown option. " "Type: %d, Length: %d", pRecvOption->Type, pRecvOption->Length); dwResult = CONFIG_REJ; } else { pBacpCb->dwRemoteMagicNumber = WireToHostFormat32(pRecvOption->Data);
// A Magic-Number of zero is illegal and MUST always be Nak'd.
if ((pBacpCb->dwRemoteMagicNumber == 0) || (pBacpCb->dwRemoteMagicNumber == pBacpCb->dwLocalMagicNumber)) { TraceBacp("BacpMakeConfigResult: Unacceptable Magic-Number: %d", pBacpCb->dwRemoteMagicNumber); pBacpCb->dwRemoteMagicNumber = CreateMagicNumber();
TraceBacp("BacpMakeConfigResult: Suggesting new " "Magic-Number: %d", pBacpCb->dwRemoteMagicNumber); dwResult = CONFIG_NAK; } else { dwResult = CONFIG_ACK; } }
If we were building an ACK and we got a NAK or reject OR we were building a NAK and we got a reject. */
if ( ((dwResultType == CONFIG_ACK) && (dwResult != CONFIG_ACK)) || ((dwResultType == CONFIG_NAK) && (dwResult == CONFIG_REJ))) { dwResultType = dwResult; pSendOption = (PPP_OPTION *)(pSendConfig->Data); lSendLength = cbSendConfig - PPP_CONFIG_HDR_LEN; }
// Add the option to the list.
if (dwResult == dwResultType) { /*
If this option is to be rejected, simply copy the rejected option to the send buffer.
if ((dwResult == CONFIG_REJ) || ((dwResult == CONFIG_NAK) && (fRejectNaks))) { CopyMemory(pSendOption, pRecvOption, pRecvOption->Length); } else { pSendOption->Type = BACP_OPTION_FAVORED_PEER; pSendOption->Length = PPP_OPTION_HDR_LEN + 4; HostToWireFormat32(pBacpCb->dwRemoteMagicNumber, pSendOption->Data); }
lSendLength -= pSendOption->Length;
pSendOption = (PPP_OPTION *) ((BYTE *)pSendOption + pSendOption->Length); }
pRecvOption = (PPP_OPTION *)((BYTE*)pRecvOption + pRecvOption->Length); }
If this was an NAK and we have cannot send any more NAKS then we make this a REJECT packet. */
if ((dwResultType == CONFIG_NAK) && fRejectNaks) pSendConfig->Code = CONFIG_REJ; else pSendConfig->Code = (BYTE)dwResultType;
TraceBacp("BacpMakeConfigResult: Sending %s", pSendConfig->Code == CONFIG_ACK ? "ACK" : (pSendConfig->Code == CONFIG_NAK ? "NAK" : "REJ")); HostToWireFormat16((WORD)(cbSendConfig - lSendLength), pSendConfig->Length);
return(NO_ERROR); }
Returns: NO_ERROR: Success ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET: This is not the packet we sent
Description: This entry point is called when a configure ack or configure rej packet is received.
DWORD BacpConfigAckOrRejReceived( IN VOID * pWorkBuffer, IN PPP_CONFIG * pRecvConfig ) { BACPCB * pBacpCb = (BACPCB *)pWorkBuffer; PPP_OPTION * pRecvOption = (PPP_OPTION *)(pRecvConfig->Data); DWORD dwLength = WireToHostFormat16(pRecvConfig->Length); DWORD dwMagicNumber = WireToHostFormat32(pRecvOption->Data);
TraceBacp("BacpConfigAckOrRejReceived"); if ((dwLength != PPP_CONFIG_HDR_LEN + PPP_OPTION_HDR_LEN + 4) || (pRecvOption->Type != BACP_OPTION_FAVORED_PEER) || (pRecvOption->Length != PPP_OPTION_HDR_LEN + 4) || (dwMagicNumber != pBacpCb->dwLocalMagicNumber)) { TraceBacp("BacpConfigAckOrRejReceived: Invalid packet received"); return(ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET); } else return(NO_ERROR); }
Returns: NO_ERROR: Success ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET: Length of option is wrong
Description: This entry point is called when a configure nak packet is received. */
DWORD BacpConfigNakReceived( IN VOID * pWorkBuffer, IN PPP_CONFIG * pRecvConfig ) { BACPCB * pBacpCb = (BACPCB *)pWorkBuffer; PPP_OPTION * pOption = (PPP_OPTION*)(pRecvConfig->Data); LONG lRecvLength = WireToHostFormat16(pRecvConfig->Length) - PPP_CONFIG_HDR_LEN; TraceBacp("BacpConfigNakReceived"); while (lRecvLength > 0) { if (pOption->Length == 0) { TraceBacp("BacpConfigNakReceived: Invalid option. Length is 0"); return(ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET); }
if ((lRecvLength -= pOption->Length) < 0) { TraceBacp("BacpConfigNakReceived: Invalid option. Length: %d", pOption->Length); return(ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET); }
if ((pOption->Type == BACP_OPTION_FAVORED_PEER) && (pOption->Length == PPP_OPTION_HDR_LEN + 4)) { pBacpCb->dwLocalMagicNumber = WireToHostFormat32(pOption->Data);
TraceBacp("BacpConfigNakReceived: New Local Magic-Number: %d", pBacpCb->dwLocalMagicNumber); }
pOption = (PPP_OPTION *)((BYTE *)pOption + pOption->Length); }
return(NO_ERROR); }
Returns: NO_ERROR: Success ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: Protocol id is unrecogized
Description: This entry point is called to get all information for the control protocol in this module.
DWORD BacpGetInfo( IN DWORD dwProtocolId, OUT PPPCP_INFO* pCpInfo ) { if (dwProtocolId != PPP_BACP_PROTOCOL) return(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
ZeroMemory(pCpInfo, sizeof(PPPCP_INFO));
pCpInfo->Protocol = PPP_BACP_PROTOCOL; lstrcpy(pCpInfo->SzProtocolName, "BACP"); pCpInfo->Recognize = PROT_REJ; pCpInfo->RasCpInit = BacpInit; pCpInfo->RasCpBegin = BacpBegin; pCpInfo->RasCpEnd = BacpEnd; pCpInfo->RasCpReset = BacpReset; pCpInfo->RasCpThisLayerUp = BacpThisLayerUp; pCpInfo->RasCpMakeConfigRequest = BacpMakeConfigRequest; pCpInfo->RasCpMakeConfigResult = BacpMakeConfigResult; pCpInfo->RasCpConfigAckReceived = BacpConfigAckOrRejReceived; pCpInfo->RasCpConfigNakReceived = BacpConfigNakReceived; pCpInfo->RasCpConfigRejReceived = BacpConfigAckOrRejReceived;
return(NO_ERROR); }