// Copyright (c) 1995, Microsoft Corporation
// File: treelist.c
// History:
// Abolade Gbadegesin Nov-20-1995 Created.
// Implementation routines for TreeList control.
// The TreeList control is implemented as a custom control,
// which creates and manages an owner-draw listview.
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <nouiutil.h>
#include <uiutil.h>
#include <list.h>
#include "treelist.h"
#include "tldef.h"
#if 0
#define TLTRACE (0x80000002)
#define TLTRACE (0x00000002)
// Function: TL_Init
// Registers the TreeList window class.
BOOL TL_Init( HINSTANCE hInstance ) {
INT i; HICON hicon; WNDCLASS wc;
// do nothing if the class is already registered
if (GetClassInfo(hInstance, WC_TREELIST, &wc)) { return TRUE; }
// setup the wndclass structure, and register
wc.lpfnWndProc = TL_WndProc; wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(hInstance, IDC_ARROW); wc.hIcon = NULL; wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; wc.hInstance = hInstance; wc.lpszClassName = WC_TREELIST; wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW + 1); wc.style = CS_DBLCLKS; wc.cbWndExtra = sizeof(TL *); wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
return RegisterClass(&wc); }
// Function: TL_WndProc
// This function handles messages for TreeList windows
LRESULT CALLBACK TL_WndProc( HWND hwnd, UINT uiMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) {
TL *ptl;
if (NULL == hwnd) { return (LRESULT)FALSE; }
// attempt to retrieve the data pointer for the window.
// on WM_NCCREATE, this fails, so we allocate the data.
ptl = TL_GetPtr(hwnd);
if (ptl == NULL) {
if (uiMsg != WM_NCCREATE) { return DefWindowProc(hwnd, uiMsg, wParam, lParam); }
// allocate a block of memory
ptl = (TL *)Malloc(sizeof(TL)); if (ptl == NULL) { return (LRESULT)FALSE; }
// save the pointer in the window's private bytes
ptl->hwnd = hwnd;
//Reset Error code, TL_SetPtr won't reset error code when
//it succeeds
SetLastError(0); if ((0 == TL_SetPtr(hwnd, ptl)) && (0 != GetLastError())) { Free(ptl); return (LRESULT)FALSE; }
return DefWindowProc(hwnd, uiMsg, wParam, lParam); }
// if the window is being destroyed, free the block allocated
// and set the private bytes pointer to NULL
if (uiMsg == WM_NCDESTROY) { Free(ptl); TL_SetPtr(hwnd, NULL);
return (LRESULT)0; }
switch (uiMsg) {
TL_OnEraseBackground(ptl, (HDC)wParam); return (LRESULT)TRUE; }
case WM_HELP: {
// change the control-id and HWND for the help to our values
// and pass the message on to our parent
HELPINFO *phi = (HELPINFO *)lParam;
phi->iCtrlId = ptl->iCtrlId; phi->hItemHandle = ptl->hwnd; return SendMessage(ptl->hwndParent, WM_HELP, 0L, lParam); }
// notify the listview window that a color has changed
TL_CreateTreeImages(ptl); FORWARD_WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE(ptl->hwndList, SendMessage); // ListView_SetBkColor(ptl->hwndList, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW));
return (LRESULT)0; }
// if we receive the focus, give it to the listview instead
SetFocus(ptl->hwndList); return (LRESULT)0; }
case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED: { TL_OnWindowPosChanged(ptl, (WINDOWPOS *)lParam); return 0; }
// the following cases handle TreeList-defined messages
case TLM_INSERTITEM: { return (LRESULT)TL_OnInsertItem(ptl, (TL_INSERTSTRUCT *)lParam); }
case TLM_DELETEITEM: { return (LRESULT)TL_OnDeleteItem(ptl, (HTLITEM)lParam); }
case TLM_DELETEALLITEMS: { return (LRESULT)TL_OnDeleteAllItems(ptl); }
case TLM_GETITEM: { return (LRESULT)TL_OnGetItem(ptl, (LV_ITEM *)lParam); }
case TLM_SETITEM: { return (LRESULT)TL_OnSetItem(ptl, (LV_ITEM *)lParam); }
case TLM_GETITEMCOUNT: { return (LRESULT)TL_OnGetItemCount(ptl); }
case TLM_GETNEXTITEM: { return (LRESULT)TL_OnGetNextItem(ptl, (UINT)wParam,(HTLITEM)lParam); }
case TLM_EXPAND: { return (LRESULT)TL_OnExpand(ptl, (UINT)wParam, (HTLITEM)lParam); }
case TLM_SETIMAGELIST: { return (LRESULT)ListView_SetImageList( ptl->hwndList, (HIMAGELIST)lParam, LVSIL_SMALL ); }
case TLM_GETIMAGELIST: { return (LRESULT)ListView_GetImageList(ptl->hwndList, LVSIL_SMALL); }
case TLM_INSERTCOLUMN: { return (LRESULT)TL_OnInsertColumn( ptl, (INT)wParam, (LV_COLUMN *)lParam ); }
case TLM_DELETECOLUMN: { return (LRESULT)TL_OnDeleteColumn(ptl, (INT)wParam); }
case TLM_SETSELECTION: { return (LRESULT)TL_OnSetSelection(ptl, (HTLITEM)lParam); }
case TLM_REDRAW: { return (LRESULT)TL_OnRedraw(ptl); }
case TLM_ISITEMEXPANDED: { return (LRESULT)TL_IsExpanded((TLITEM *)lParam); }
case TLM_GETCOLUMNWIDTH: { return (LRESULT)SendMessage( ptl->hwndList, LVM_GETCOLUMNWIDTH, wParam, lParam ); }
case TLM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH: { return (LRESULT)SendMessage( ptl->hwndList, LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, wParam, lParam ); } }
// let the default processing be done
return DefWindowProc(hwnd, uiMsg, wParam, lParam); }
// Function: TL_OnCreate
// This is called after WM_CREATE, and it initializes the window structure,
// as well as creating the listview which will contain the items added
BOOL TL_OnCreate( TL *ptl, CREATESTRUCT *pcs ) {
RECT rc; HD_ITEM hdi; HWND hwndList; TLITEM *pRoot; DWORD dwStyle, dwExStyle;
// initialize the window structure
ptl->hbrBk = NULL; ptl->hbmp = NULL; ptl->hbmpStart = NULL; ptl->hbmpMem = NULL; ptl->hdcImages = NULL; ptl->hwndList = NULL; ptl->iCtrlId = PtrToUlong(pcs->hMenu); ptl->hwndParent = pcs->hwndParent; ptl->nColumns = 0;
// initialize the invisible root item
pRoot = &ptl->root; pRoot->pParent = NULL; pRoot->iLevel = -1; pRoot->iIndex = -1; pRoot->nChildren = 0; pRoot->uiFlag = TLI_EXPANDED; pRoot->pszText = TEXT("ROOT"); InitializeListHead(&pRoot->lhChildren); InitializeListHead(&pRoot->lhSubitems);
// we pass on some of our window style bits to the listview
// when we create it as our child; we also remove certain styles
// which are never appropriate for the contained listview
// create the listview window
GetClientRect(ptl->hwnd, &rc); hwndList = CreateWindowEx( dwExStyle, WC_LISTVIEW, NULL, dwStyle, 0, 0, rc.right, rc.bottom, ptl->hwnd, NULL, pcs->hInstance, NULL ); if (hwndList == NULL) { return FALSE; } // ListView_SetBkColor(hwndList, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW));
// We to set the background color to "NONE" to prevent the listview
// from erasing its background itself. Removing the background color
// causes the listview to forward its WM_ERASEBKGND messages to its parent,
// which is our tree-list. We handle the WM_ERASEBKGND messages
// efficiently by only erasing the background when absolutely necessary,
// and this eliminates the flicker normally seen when windows are updated
// frequently.
ListView_SetBkColor(hwndList, CLR_NONE);
ptl->hwndList = hwndList;
return TRUE; }
// Function: TL_OnDestroy
// Delete all the items in the tree, and free the image bitmap
// used for drawing the tree structure
VOID TL_OnDestroy( TL *ptl ) {
if (ptl->hdcImages != NULL) {
if (ptl->hbmp) { SelectObject(ptl->hdcImages, ptl->hbmpStart); DeleteObject(ptl->hbmp); }
DeleteDC(ptl->hdcImages); }
if (ptl->hbmpMem) { DeleteObject(ptl->hbmpMem); } }
// Function: TL_OnWindowPosChanged
// When the window width changes, we destroy our off-screen bitmap.
VOID TL_OnWindowPosChanged( TL *ptl, WINDOWPOS *pwp ) {
RECT rc;
GetClientRect(ptl->hwnd, &rc);
SetWindowPos( ptl->hwndList, ptl->hwnd, 0, 0, rc.right, rc.bottom, pwp->flags ); }
// Function: TL_OnEraseBackground
// When we are asked to erase the background, first test to see if
// the update region is completely in the item-area for the listbox. If so,
// we know we'll be called to update each item, so we can ignore this
// request to erase our background.
VOID TL_OnEraseBackground( TL *ptl, HDC hdc ) {
RECT rc; INT count; HBRUSH hbrOld; LV_HITTESTINFO lvhi;
// Retrieve the rectangle to be erased
GetClipBox(hdc, &rc);
TRACEX4( TLTRACE, "WM_ERASEBKGND: ClipBox: (%d, %d) (%d %d)", rc.left, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom );
// Retrieve the count of listview items.
// This is necessary because the smooth-scrolling code triggers
// a repaint inside the ListView_DeleteItem() processing,
// at which point our indices may be out of sync (i.e. we have more items
// than the listview).
// The count retrieved is used to do a sanity-check
// on the treelist-item indices below.
count = ListView_GetItemCount(ptl->hwndList); TRACEX1(TLTRACE, "WM_ERASEBKGND: Count: %d", count);
// If there are no treelist items, we always have to erase.
// If there are treelist items, we only have to erase
// if part of the erase-region lies below our lowest item.
while (!IsListEmpty(&ptl->root.lhChildren)) { // one-time loop
RECT rctop; INT iTopIndex; INT cyUpdate; TLITEM *pItem; LIST_ENTRY *phead;
// We need to factor in the height of the header-control, if any;
// to this end, we get the bounding rectangle of the topmost item
// visible in the listview, and then we use the top of that item
// as the basis for our computations below
iTopIndex = ListView_GetTopIndex(ptl->hwndList); TRACEX1(TLTRACE, "WM_ERASEBKGND: TopIndex: %d", iTopIndex);
ListView_GetItemRect(ptl->hwndList, iTopIndex, &rctop, LVIR_BOUNDS); TRACEX1(TLTRACE, "WM_ERASEBKGND: rctop.top: %d", rctop.top);
rc.top = rctop.top;
// If the area to be erased extends further right in the window
// than our items do, we'll have to erase
if (rctop.right < rc.right) {
TRACEX2( TLTRACE, "WM_ERASEBKGND: rctop.right < rc.right (%d < %d)", rctop.right, rc.right );
break; }
// Get the total height of the area to be updated;
// this excludes the area occupied by the header-control.
cyUpdate = rc.bottom - rctop.top; TRACEX1(TLTRACE, "WM_ERASEBKGND: CyUpdate: %d", cyUpdate);
// Get the lowest item; it is the one at the tail of the item-list
phead = ptl->root.lhChildren.Blink; pItem = CONTAINING_RECORD(phead, TLITEM, leSiblings);
TRACEX1(TLTRACE, "WM_ERASEBKGND: CyItem: %d", ptl->cyItem);
// If the lowest item or one of its visible descendants is lower
// than the bottom of the update region, we don't have to erase;
// therefore, we walk down the list of the lowest item's descendants,
// checking each time whether the descendant is lower than the region
// we've been asked to erase.
do {
TRACEX1( TLTRACE, "WM_ERASEBKGND: pItem->iIndex: %d", pItem->iIndex );
// force the erasure if the item's index is higher
// than the number of listview items
if (pItem->iIndex >= count) { break; }
// defer the erasure if the item is lower than the bottom
// of the update-rect
if ((pItem->iIndex - iTopIndex + 1) * (INT)ptl->cyItem > cyUpdate) { TRACEX(TLTRACE, "WM_ERASEBKGND: DEFERRING"); return; }
// move on to the item's lowest child;
// if it has none, it means the erase-region's lowest edge
// is lower than our lowest item, and that means
// that we'll have to erase it now instead of just letting it
// get updated when we handle the WM_DRAWITEM
if (IsListEmpty(&pItem->lhChildren)) { pItem = NULL; } else {
phead = pItem->lhChildren.Blink;
pItem = CONTAINING_RECORD(phead, TLITEM, leSiblings); }
} while (pItem && TL_IsVisible(pItem));
break; }
// One of the points was not on an item, so erase
hbrOld = SelectObject(hdc, ptl->hbrBk); PatBlt( hdc, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top, PATCOPY ); SelectObject(hdc, hbrOld); }
// Function: TL_OnDrawItem
// This is called by the listview when an item needs to be drawn.
// make sure this is from our listview
if (pdis->CtlType != ODT_LISTVIEW) { return FALSE; }
switch (pdis->itemAction) {
// currently listviews always send ODA_DRAWENTIRE,
// but handle all cases anyway
case ODA_DRAWENTIRE: case ODA_FOCUS: case ODA_SELECT: return TL_DrawItem(ptl, pdis); }
return TRUE; }
// Function: TL_DrawItem
// This function does the actual drawing for a treelist item
HDC hdcMem; TCHAR *psz; RECT rc, rcItem; HBITMAP hbmpOld; HIMAGELIST himl; TLSUBITEM *pSubitem; HFONT hfont, hfontOld; TLITEM *pItem, *pParent; LIST_ENTRY *ple, *phead; INT cxIndent, cxImage, cyImage, i, tx, x, y, xcol;
// the itemData contains the lParam passed in ListView_InsertItem;
// this lParam is the TLITEM pointer for the tree-item, so we retrieve it
// and use the information it contains to draw the item
cxIndent = ptl->cxIndent; pItem = (TLITEM *)pdis->itemData; rcItem.left = 0; rcItem.top = 0; rcItem.right = pdis->rcItem.right - pdis->rcItem.left; rcItem.bottom = pdis->rcItem.bottom - pdis->rcItem.top;
// create a compatible DC
hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(pdis->hDC);
if(NULL == hdcMem) { return FALSE; }
if (ptl->hbmpMem) {
if (rcItem.right > (INT)ptl->cxBmp || rcItem.bottom > (INT)ptl->cyBmp) { DeleteObject(ptl->hbmpMem); ptl->hbmpMem = NULL; } }
if (!ptl->hbmpMem) {
ptl->hbmpMem = CreateCompatibleBitmap( pdis->hDC, rcItem.right, rcItem.bottom );
ptl->cxBmp = rcItem.right; ptl->cyBmp = rcItem.bottom; }
hbmpOld = SelectObject(hdcMem, ptl->hbmpMem);
hfontOld = SelectObject(hdcMem, GetWindowFont(pdis->hwndItem));
// erase the background
#if 0
ptl->hbrBk = FORWARD_WM_CTLCOLOREDIT( ptl->hwndParent, hdcMem, ptl->hwnd, SendMessage ); #endif
FillRect(hdcMem, &rcItem, ptl->hbrBk);
// set the text background color based on whether or not
// the item is selected
if (pdis->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) { SetTextColor(hdcMem, GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)); SetBkColor(hdcMem, GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)); } else { SetTextColor(hdcMem, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)); SetBkColor(hdcMem, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); }
// compute the starting position as a multiple of
// the item's level and the indentation per level
x = rcItem.left + pItem->iLevel * cxIndent; y = rcItem.top;
xcol = rcItem.left + ListView_GetColumnWidth(pdis->hwndItem, 0); tx = x; x += cxIndent;
// now draw the item's tree image;
// only draw as much as will fit in the first column
if (tx < xcol) { BitBlt( hdcMem, tx, y, min(cxIndent, xcol - tx), ptl->cyItem, ptl->hdcImages, pItem->iImage * cxIndent, 0, SRCCOPY ); }
// draw the lines going down from the item's ancestors
// to the item's ancestors' corresponding siblings;
// in other words, for each ancestor which is not its parent's last child,
// there should be a line going down from that ancestor to its next sibling
// and the line will pass through the rows for all of that item's expanded
// descendants.
// note that we do not draw lines at the root-level
pParent = pItem->pParent; for (i = pItem->iLevel - 1, tx -= cxIndent; i > 0; i--, tx -= cxIndent) {
if (tx < xcol && pParent->leSiblings.Flink != &pParent->pParent->lhChildren) { BitBlt( hdcMem, tx, y, min(cxIndent, xcol - tx), ptl->cyItem, ptl->hdcImages, TL_VerticalLine * cxIndent, 0, SRCCOPY ); }
pParent = pParent->pParent; }
// draw the state image, if there is one,
// and increment the left position by the width of the image
himl = ListView_GetImageList(pdis->hwndItem, LVSIL_STATE);
if (himl != NULL && TL_StateImageValue(pItem)) { ImageList_GetIconSize(himl, &cxImage, &cyImage); ImageList_Draw( himl, TL_StateImageIndex(pItem), hdcMem, x, y + (ptl->cyItem - cyImage), ILD_NORMAL );
x += cxImage; }
// draw the image, if there is an image list,
// and increment the left position by the width of the image
himl = ListView_GetImageList(pdis->hwndItem, LVSIL_SMALL); if (himl != NULL && (pItem->lvi.mask & LVIF_IMAGE)) { ImageList_GetIconSize(himl, &cxImage, &cyImage); ImageList_Draw( himl, pItem->lvi.iImage, hdcMem, x, y + (ptl->cyItem - cyImage) / 2, ILD_NORMAL );
x += cxImage; }
// compute the rectangle in the first column
// which will be the clipping boundary for text
rc.left = x; rc.right = xcol; rc.top = rcItem.top; rc.bottom = rcItem.bottom;
// draw the first column's text
if (pItem->lvi.mask & LVIF_TEXT) {
// center the text vertically in the item-rectangle
psz = Ellipsisize(hdcMem, pItem->pszText, rc.right - rc.left, 0); ExtTextOut( hdcMem, rc.left + 2, rc.top + (ptl->cyItem - ptl->cyText) / 2, ETO_CLIPPED | ETO_OPAQUE, &rc, psz ? psz : pItem->pszText, lstrlen(psz ? psz : pItem->pszText), NULL ); Free0(psz); }
// draw the subitems' texts
i = 1; phead = &pItem->lhSubitems; for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) {
// we need to draw blank texts for subitems which have not been set;
// this enables us to save memory on items which don't have
// certain subitems set
for ( ; i < pSubitem->iSubItem; i++) { rc.left = rc.right; rc.right = rc.left + ListView_GetColumnWidth(pdis->hwndItem, i); ExtTextOut( hdcMem, rc.left + 2, rc.top + (ptl->cyItem - ptl->cyText) / 2, ETO_CLIPPED | ETO_OPAQUE, &rc, TEXT(""), 0, NULL ); }
// now draw the text for the current item
rc.left = rc.right; rc.right = rc.left + ListView_GetColumnWidth( pdis->hwndItem, pSubitem->iSubItem );
psz = Ellipsisize(hdcMem, pSubitem->pszText, rc.right - rc.left, 0); ExtTextOut( hdcMem, rc.left + 2, rc.top + (ptl->cyItem - ptl->cyText) / 2, ETO_CLIPPED | ETO_OPAQUE, &rc, psz ? psz : pSubitem->pszText, lstrlen(psz ? psz : pSubitem->pszText), NULL ); Free0(psz);
++i; }
// we need to draw blank texts for subitems which have not been set
for ( ; i < (INT)ptl->nColumns; i++) { rc.left = rc.right; rc.right = rc.left + ListView_GetColumnWidth(pdis->hwndItem, i);
ExtTextOut( hdcMem, rc.left + 2, rc.top + (ptl->cyItem - ptl->cyText) / 2, ETO_CLIPPED | ETO_OPAQUE, &rc, TEXT(""), 0, NULL ); }
// restore the original background and text color
#if 0
if (pdis->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) { SetTextColor(pdis->hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)); SetBkColor(pdis->hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); } #endif
// draw the focus rectangle if necessary
if (pdis->itemState & ODS_FOCUS) { rc = rcItem; rc.left = min(x, xcol); DrawFocusRect(hdcMem, &rc); }
// Blt the changes to the screen DC
BitBlt( pdis->hDC, pdis->rcItem.left, pdis->rcItem.top, rcItem.right, rcItem.bottom, hdcMem, rcItem.left, rcItem.top, SRCCOPY );
SelectObject(hdcMem, hbmpOld); SelectObject(hdcMem, hfontOld);
return TRUE; }
// Function: TL_OnMeasureItem
// This is called by the listview when it needs to know
// the height of each item; we use this opportunity to rebuild
// the bitmap which holds images used for drawing tree lines.
// TODO: the listview currently seems to ignore the value we set,
// and instead uses the height of a small icon (SM_CYSMICON).
VOID TL_OnMeasureItem( TL *ptl, MEASUREITEMSTRUCT *pmis ) {
HDC hdc; INT cyIcon; HFONT hfont; TEXTMETRIC tm; HWND hwndList;
if (pmis->CtlType != ODT_LISTVIEW) { return; }
// retrieve the listview, its font, and its device context
hwndList = GetDlgItem(ptl->hwnd, pmis->CtlID);
hfont = GetWindowFont(hwndList);
hdc = GetDC(hwndList);
if(NULL == hdc) { return; }
SelectObject(hdc, hfont);
// get the height of the listview's font
if (!GetTextMetrics(hdc, &tm)) { ReleaseDC(hwndList, hdc); return; }
ptl->cyText = tm.tmHeight; pmis->itemHeight = ptl->cyText;
// make sure the item height is at least as high as a small icon
cyIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON); if (pmis->itemHeight < (UINT)cyIcon) { pmis->itemHeight = cyIcon; }
pmis->itemHeight += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER); #if 0
pmis->itemHeight = (pmis->itemHeight + 1) & ~1; #endif
ptl->cyItem = pmis->itemHeight; ptl->cxIndent = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON);
ReleaseDC(hwndList, hdc);
// rebuild the images used in drawing tree lines
TL_CreateTreeImages(ptl); }
// Function: TL_CreateColorBitmap
// Utility function fro creating a color bitmap
HBITMAP TL_CreateColorBitmap( INT cx, INT cy ) {
HDC hdc; HBITMAP hbmp;
hdc = GetDC(NULL);
if(NULL == hdc) { return NULL; } hbmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, cx, cy); ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);
return hbmp; }
// Function: TL_CreateTreeImages
// This function builds a list of images which are scaled to
// the height of each item in the tree. The appearance of the images
// is shown in ASCII text in the code below
VOID TL_CreateTreeImages( TL *ptl ) {
HDC hdc; RECT rc; HBITMAP hbmpOld; INT cxIndent, x, c, xmid, ymid; HBRUSH hbrOld, hbrGrayText, hbrWinText;
// invalidate the listview's client area, to force a redraw
if (ptl->hwndList != NULL) { InvalidateRect(ptl->hwndList, NULL, TRUE); }
// create a device context if necessary
if (ptl->hdcImages == NULL) { ptl->hdcImages = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
if(NULL == ptl->hdcImages) { return; } }
hdc = ptl->hdcImages; cxIndent = ptl->cxIndent;
ptl->hbrBk = FORWARD_WM_CTLCOLOREDIT( ptl->hwndParent, hdc, ptl->hwnd, SendMessage );
// create the bitmap to be used
hbmpOld = ptl->hbmp; ptl->hbmp = TL_CreateColorBitmap(TL_ImageCount * cxIndent, ptl->cyItem); if (hbmpOld == NULL) { ptl->hbmpStart = SelectObject(hdc, ptl->hbmp); } else { SelectObject(hdc, ptl->hbmp); DeleteObject(hbmpOld); }
// retreive system color brushes for drawing the tree images
hbrWinText = GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT); hbrGrayText = GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_GRAYTEXT);
hbrOld = SelectObject(hdc, hbrGrayText);
rc.top = 0; rc.bottom = ptl->cyItem; rc.left = 0; rc.right = TL_ImageCount * cxIndent;
// fill the image with the background color
FillRect(hdc, &rc, ptl->hbrBk);
xmid = cxIndent / 2; ymid = ((ptl->cyItem / 2) + 1) & ~1;
c = min(xmid, ymid) / 2;
// |
// |
x = TL_VerticalLine * cxIndent; TL_DottedLine(hdc, x + xmid, 0, ptl->cyItem, TRUE);
// ---
x = TL_RootChildless * cxIndent; TL_DottedLine(hdc, x + xmid, ymid, cxIndent - xmid, FALSE);
// +-+
// |+|--
// +-+
x = TL_RootParentCollapsed * cxIndent; TL_DottedLine(hdc, x + xmid, ymid, cxIndent - xmid, FALSE); TL_DrawButton( hdc, x + xmid, ymid, c, hbrWinText, hbrGrayText, ptl->hbrBk, TRUE );
// +-+
// |-|--
// +-+
x = TL_RootParentExpanded * cxIndent; SelectObject(hdc, hbrGrayText); TL_DottedLine(hdc, x + xmid, ymid, cxIndent - xmid, FALSE); TL_DrawButton( hdc, x + xmid, ymid, c, hbrWinText, hbrGrayText, ptl->hbrBk, FALSE );
// |
// +--
// |
x = TL_MidChildless * cxIndent; SelectObject(hdc, hbrGrayText); TL_DottedLine(hdc, x + xmid, 0, ptl->cyItem, TRUE); TL_DottedLine(hdc, x + xmid, ymid, cxIndent - xmid, FALSE);
// |
// +-+
// |+|--
// +-+
// |
x = TL_MidParentCollapsed * cxIndent; TL_DottedLine(hdc, x + xmid, 0, ptl->cyItem, TRUE); TL_DottedLine(hdc, x + xmid, ymid, cxIndent - xmid, FALSE); TL_DrawButton( hdc, x + xmid, ymid, c, hbrWinText, hbrGrayText, ptl->hbrBk, TRUE );
// |
// +-+
// |-|--
// +-+
// |
x = TL_MidParentExpanded * cxIndent; SelectObject(hdc, hbrGrayText); TL_DottedLine(hdc, x + xmid, 0, ptl->cyItem, TRUE); TL_DottedLine(hdc, x + xmid, ymid, cxIndent - xmid, FALSE); TL_DrawButton( hdc, x + xmid, ymid, c, hbrWinText, hbrGrayText, ptl->hbrBk, FALSE );
// |
// +--
x = TL_EndChildless * cxIndent; SelectObject(hdc, hbrGrayText); TL_DottedLine(hdc, x + xmid, 0, ymid, TRUE); TL_DottedLine(hdc, x + xmid, ymid, cxIndent - xmid, FALSE);
// |
// +-+
// |+|--
// +-+
x = TL_EndParentCollapsed * cxIndent; TL_DottedLine(hdc, x + xmid, 0, ymid, TRUE); TL_DottedLine(hdc, x + xmid, ymid, cxIndent - xmid, FALSE); TL_DrawButton( hdc, x + xmid, ymid, c, hbrWinText, hbrGrayText, ptl->hbrBk, TRUE );
// |
// +-+
// |-|--
// +-+
x = TL_EndParentExpanded * cxIndent; SelectObject(hdc, hbrGrayText); TL_DottedLine(hdc, x + xmid, 0, ymid, TRUE); TL_DottedLine(hdc, x + xmid, ymid, cxIndent - xmid, FALSE); TL_DrawButton( hdc, x + xmid, ymid, c, hbrWinText, hbrGrayText, ptl->hbrBk, FALSE );
if (hbrOld != NULL) { SelectObject(hdc, hbrOld); }
DeleteObject(hbrGrayText); DeleteObject(hbrWinText);
// Function: TL_DottedLine
// Draws a dotted line eiter vertically or horizontally,
// with the specified dimension as its length.
VOID TL_DottedLine( HDC hdc, INT x, INT y, INT dim, BOOL fVertical ) {
for ( ; dim > 0; dim -= 2) {
PatBlt(hdc, x, y, 1, 1, PATCOPY);
if (fVertical) { y += 2; } else { x += 2; } } }
// Function: TL_DrawButton
// Draws a button with a plus or a minus, centered at the given location
VOID TL_DrawButton( HDC hdc, INT x, INT y, INT dim, HBRUSH hbrSign, HBRUSH hbrBox, HBRUSH hbrBk, BOOL bCollapsed ) {
int n; int p = (dim * 7) / 10;
n = p * 2 + 1;
// first fill with the background color
SelectObject(hdc, hbrBk); PatBlt(hdc, x - dim, y - dim, dim * 2, dim * 2, PATCOPY);
// draw the sign
SelectObject(hdc, hbrSign);
if (p >= 5) {
PatBlt(hdc, x - p, y - 1, n, 3, PATCOPY);
if (bCollapsed) { PatBlt(hdc, x - 1, y - p, 3, n, PATCOPY); }
SelectObject(hdc, hbrBk); p--; n -= 2; }
PatBlt(hdc, x - p, y, n, 1, PATCOPY); if (bCollapsed) { PatBlt(hdc, x, y - p, 1, n, PATCOPY); }
n = dim * 2 + 1;
// draw the box around the sign
SelectObject(hdc, hbrBox);
PatBlt(hdc, x - dim, y - dim, n, 1, PATCOPY); PatBlt(hdc, x - dim, y - dim, 1, n, PATCOPY); PatBlt(hdc, x - dim, y + dim, n, 1, PATCOPY); PatBlt(hdc, x + dim, y - dim, 1, n, PATCOPY); }
// Function: TL_UpdateListIndices
// This function updates the indices for all items in the tree
// which are visually below the specified item pStart, assuming that
// the list index for pStart is correct. Consider the case
// in the diagram below:
// -- child 1
// | |- child 1,1
// | -- child 1,2
// |- child 2
// -- child 3
// | |- child 3,1
// | | |- child 3,1,1
// | | -- child 3,1,2
// | |- child 3,2
// | -- child 3,3
// -- child 4
// Suppose that pStart points to "child 3,1". To set the indices,
// we first update the indices for all descendants of pStart,
// and then we update the indices for the siblings of pStart's ancestors
// which are after pStart's ancestors in the tree.
VOID TL_UpdateListIndices( TL *ptl, TLITEM *pStart ) {
INT iIndex;
iIndex = pStart->iIndex;
if (pStart->nChildren > 0) {
// if the item is visible, set its index;
// otherwise pass in NULL to set its index
// and that of its descendants to -1
if (TL_IsExpanded(pStart) && (pStart == &ptl->root || TL_IsVisible(pStart))) { TL_UpdateDescendantIndices(ptl, pStart, &iIndex); } else { TL_UpdateDescendantIndices(ptl, pStart, NULL); } }
if (pStart->pParent != NULL) { TL_UpdateAncestorIndices(ptl, pStart, &iIndex); }
ptl->root.iIndex = -1; }
// Function: TL_UpdateDescendantIndices
// This function updates the indices of the descendants
// of the item specified. An item is not considered to be
// a descendant of itself.
VOID TL_UpdateDescendantIndices( TL *ptl, TLITEM *pStart, INT *piIndex ) {
// go through list of children setting indices
for (ple = pStart->lhChildren.Flink; ple != &pStart->lhChildren; ple = ple->Flink) {
pItem = (TLITEM *)CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, TLITEM, leSiblings);
// set the index of the child
pItem->iIndex = (piIndex ? ++(*piIndex) : -1);
// set the indices of the child's descendants
if (pItem->nChildren > 0) {
// if the item is visible, set its index;
// otherwise pass in NULL to set its index
// and that of its descendants to -1
if (TL_IsExpanded(pItem) && TL_IsVisible(pItem)) { TL_UpdateDescendantIndices(ptl, pItem, piIndex); } else { TL_UpdateDescendantIndices(ptl, pItem, NULL); } } } }
// Function: TL_UpdateAncestorIndices
// This function updates the indices of the items which are
// visually below the specified item in the listview.
VOID TL_UpdateAncestorIndices( TL *ptl, TLITEM *pStart, INT *piIndex ) {
// first set inidices for the siblings beneath this item;
// note that we begin walking the siblings AFTER the item passed in,
for (ple = pStart->leSiblings.Flink; ple != &pStart->pParent->lhChildren; ple = ple->Flink) {
pItem = (TLITEM *)CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, TLITEM, leSiblings);
// set the index for the sibling
pItem->iIndex = (piIndex ? ++(*piIndex) : -1);
if (pItem->nChildren > 0) {
// if the item is visible, set its index;
// otherwise pass in NULL to set its index
// and that of its descendants to -1
if (TL_IsExpanded(pItem) && TL_IsVisible(pItem)) { TL_UpdateDescendantIndices(ptl, pItem, piIndex); } else { TL_UpdateDescendantIndices(ptl, pItem, NULL); } } }
// now set indices for the parent siblings which are beneath the parent
// TODO - OPTIMIZATION: this is post-recursion and therefore, it can
// be replaced by a loop, which at the very least would save stack
// space
if (pStart->pParent->pParent != NULL) { TL_UpdateAncestorIndices(ptl, pStart->pParent, piIndex); } }
// Function: TL_NotifyParent
// Forwards a notification to the treelist's parent
BOOL TL_NotifyParent( TL *ptl, NMHDR *pnmh ) {
return (BOOL)SendMessage( ptl->hwndParent, WM_NOTIFY, (WPARAM)ptl->hwnd, (LPARAM)pnmh ); }
// Function: TL_OnNotify
// Handles notifications from the listview window and its header control
LRESULT TL_OnNotify( TL *ptl, INT iCtrlId, NMHDR *pnmh ) {
NMHDR nmh; TLITEM *pItem;
// notify parent of the message
if (TL_NotifyParent(ptl, pnmh)) { return FALSE; }
switch (pnmh->code) {
// we need to redraw ourselves, AFTER the header resets;
// hence the use of PostMessage instead of SendMessage
PostMessage(ptl->hwnd, TLM_REDRAW, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0); return FALSE; }
case NM_CLICK: case NM_DBLCLK: {
// do a hit-test;
if (!GetCursorPos(&lvhi.pt)) { return FALSE; } ScreenToClient(ptl->hwndList, &lvhi.pt);
if (ListView_HitTest(ptl->hwndList, &lvhi) == -1) { return FALSE; }
if (!(lvhi.flags & LVHT_ONITEM)) { return FALSE; }
// see which part of the item was clicked
if (!ListView_GetItemPosition(ptl->hwndList, lvhi.iItem, &pt)) { return FALSE; }
// retrieve the item clicked
lvi.iItem = lvhi.iItem; lvi.iSubItem = 0; lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM; if (!ListView_GetItem(ptl->hwndList, &lvi)) { return FALSE; }
pItem = (TLITEM *)lvi.lParam;
// compute the position of the item's tree image
iLeft = pItem->iLevel * ptl->cxIndent;
if (lvhi.pt.x > (pt.x + iLeft)) {
// the hit was to the right of the item's tree image
if (lvhi.pt.x < (pt.x + iLeft + (INT)ptl->cxIndent)) {
// the hit was on the item's tree image
if (pItem->nChildren > 0) {
// the +/- button was clicked, toggle expansion
return TL_OnExpand(ptl, TLE_TOGGLE, (HTLITEM)pItem); } } else { //
// the hit was on the item's state icon, image, or text
// see if the parent wants to handle it
nmh.code = pnmh->code; nmh.idFrom = 0; nmh.hwndFrom = ptl->hwnd;
TL_NotifyParent(ptl, &nmh); if (nmh.idFrom != 0) { return TRUE; }
if (pnmh->code == NM_DBLCLK && pItem->nChildren > 0) {
// the item was double-clicked, toggle expansion
return TL_OnExpand( ptl, TLE_TOGGLE, (HTLITEM)pItem ); } } } return FALSE; }
case NM_RETURN: {
// get current selection;
// if a parent item, toggle expand-state
LV_ITEM lvi;
lvi.iItem = ListView_GetNextItem(ptl->hwndList, -1, LVNI_SELECTED); if (lvi.iItem == -1) { return FALSE; }
lvi.iSubItem = 0; lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM; if (!ListView_GetItem(ptl->hwndList, &lvi)) { return FALSE; }
pItem = (TLITEM *)lvi.lParam;
if (pItem->nChildren > 0) {
// the item has children, toggle expand state
return TL_OnExpand(ptl, TLE_TOGGLE, (HTLITEM)pItem); }
return FALSE; }
// get key pressed and current selection;
// if a parent item and key is '+', expand;
// if key is '-' or left key, collapse
// if key is VK_RIGHT, expand and move to first child;
// if key is VK_LEFT, collapse parent and move to parent
LV_ITEM lvi; LV_KEYDOWN *plvk;
plvk = (LV_KEYDOWN *)pnmh;
switch (plvk->wVKey) {
case VK_RIGHT: case VK_ADD: { //
// retrieve the item
lvi.iItem = ListView_GetNextItem( ptl->hwndList, -1, LVNI_SELECTED ); if (lvi.iItem == -1) { return FALSE; } lvi.iSubItem = 0; lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM; if (!ListView_GetItem(ptl->hwndList, &lvi)) { return FALSE; }
// expand the item if it is collapsed
pItem = (TLITEM *)lvi.lParam;
if (pItem->nChildren <= 0) { return FALSE; }
if (!TL_IsExpanded(pItem)) { return TL_OnExpand(ptl, TLE_EXPAND, (HTLITEM)pItem); } else if (plvk->wVKey == VK_RIGHT) {
// the key was VK_RIGHT,
// so we select the item's child
pItem = (TLITEM *)CONTAINING_RECORD( pItem->lhChildren.Flink, TLITEM, leSiblings );
if (TL_OnSetSelection(ptl, (HTLITEM)pItem)) { return ListView_EnsureVisible( ptl->hwndList, pItem->iIndex, FALSE ); } }
break; }
case VK_LEFT: case VK_SUBTRACT: { //
// retrieve the current selection
lvi.iItem = ListView_GetNextItem( ptl->hwndList, -1, LVNI_SELECTED ); if (lvi.iItem == -1) { return FALSE; } lvi.iSubItem = 0; lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM; if (!ListView_GetItem(ptl->hwndList, &lvi)) { return FALSE; }
// collapse the item if it is expanded;
// otherwise, if the key is VK_LEFT,
// select the item's parent
pItem = (TLITEM *)lvi.lParam;
if (pItem->nChildren > 0) { return TL_OnExpand(ptl, TLE_COLLAPSE, (HTLITEM)pItem); } else if (plvk->wVKey == VK_LEFT && pItem->pParent != &ptl->root) {
if (TL_OnSetSelection(ptl, (HTLITEM)pItem->pParent)) { return ListView_EnsureVisible( ptl->hwndList, pItem->pParent->iIndex, FALSE ); } }
break; } }
return FALSE; }
pnmlv = (NM_LISTVIEW *)pnmh;
if ((pnmlv->uChanged & LVIF_STATE)) { if (pnmlv->uNewState & LVIS_SELECTED) {
// the new state is selected;
// notify the parent that the selection has changed
nmtl.hdr.hwndFrom = ptl->hwnd; nmtl.hdr.code = TLN_SELCHANGED; nmtl.hItem = (HTLITEM)pnmlv->lParam; nmtl.lParam = ((TLITEM *)nmtl.hItem)->lParam; return TL_NotifyParent(ptl, (NMHDR *)&nmtl); } }
return FALSE; }
INT iItem; LV_ITEM lvi; TLITEM *pNext; NM_LISTVIEW *pnmlv;
// get the item which is selected
pnmlv = (NM_LISTVIEW *)pnmh;
iItem = ListView_GetNextItem(ptl->hwndList, -1, LVNI_SELECTED);
if (iItem != -1) { return FALSE; }
// the deleted item was selected,
// so select another item
lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM; lvi.iItem = pnmlv->iItem; lvi.iSubItem = 0; if (!ListView_GetItem(ptl->hwndList, &lvi)) { return FALSE; }
pItem = (TLITEM *)lvi.lParam;
// choose sibling item before this one
pNext = (TLITEM *)TL_OnGetNextItem( ptl, TLGN_PREVSIBLING, (HTLITEM)pItem );
if (pNext == NULL) {
// that failed, so choose the sibling after this one
pNext = (TLITEM *)TL_OnGetNextItem( ptl, TLGN_NEXTSIBLING, (HTLITEM)pItem );
if (pNext == NULL) {
// that failed too, so choose the parent
// so long as the parent isn't the root
pNext = pItem->pParent; if (pNext == &ptl->root) { return FALSE; } } }
return TL_OnSetSelection(ptl, (HTLITEM)pNext); } }
return FALSE; }
// Function: TL_UpdateImage
// This function updates the tree image for an item
// when the item's state changes; this is called when an item
// is inserted or deleted, or expanded or collapsed.
// Insertion or deletions can have side-effects, as follows:
// (1) an item is inserted as the child of a previously childless item;
// the parent's image changes to show a collapsed button
// (2) an item is inserted as the last child of a parent which
// had children; the image of the item which used to be
// the parent's last child changes:
// parent parent
// -- old ---> |- old
// -- new
// (3) the reverse of case 1, i.e. an item is removed which was
// the only child of a parent item; the parent's image changes
// to show that it is childless
// (4) the reverse of case 2, i.e. an item is removed which was
// the last child of a parent which has other children;
// the image of the item which will now be the last child changes
// In all of these cases, the item to which the side-effect occurs
// is written into ppChanged; so the caller can update the image
// for that item as well
VOID TL_UpdateImage( TL *ptl, TLITEM *pItem, TLITEM **ppChanged ) {
INT iImage; TLITEM *pChanged;
if (ppChanged == NULL) { ppChanged = &pChanged; }
*ppChanged = NULL;
// special case for root-level items
if (pItem->pParent == &ptl->root) {
if (pItem->nChildren == 0) { pItem->iImage = TL_RootChildless; } else { pItem->iImage = TL_IsExpanded(pItem) ? TL_RootParentExpanded : TL_RootParentCollapsed; } } else if (pItem->leSiblings.Flink == &pItem->pParent->lhChildren) {
// item is last of its parent's children
if (pItem->nChildren == 0) { pItem->iImage = TL_EndChildless; } else { pItem->iImage = TL_IsExpanded(pItem) ? TL_EndParentExpanded : TL_EndParentCollapsed; }
// if this is the only child, the parent was childless and
// its image should change; otherwise, the child before this one
// used to be the last child and its image should change
if (pItem->leSiblings.Blink == &pItem->pParent->lhChildren) { *ppChanged = pItem->pParent; } else { *ppChanged = (TLITEM *)CONTAINING_RECORD( pItem->leSiblings.Blink, TLITEM, leSiblings ); } } else {
// item is not last of its parent's children
if (pItem->nChildren == 0) { pItem->iImage = TL_MidChildless; } else { pItem->iImage = TL_IsExpanded(pItem) ? TL_MidParentExpanded : TL_MidParentCollapsed; } } return; }
// Function: TL_OnInsertItem
// Inserts an item with the properties specified in the given LV_ITEM,
// and returns a handle to the item inserted
HTLITEM TL_OnInsertItem( TL *ptl, TL_INSERTSTRUCT *ptlis ) {
LV_ITEM *plvi; LIST_ENTRY *ple, *phead; BOOL bParentVisible; TLITEM *pItem, *pChanged, *pTemp;
if (ptlis == NULL) { return NULL; }
// set up the new item
pItem = (TLITEM *)Malloc(sizeof(TLITEM)); if (pItem == NULL) { return NULL; }
ZeroMemory(pItem, sizeof(TLITEM));
if (ptlis->plvi->mask & LVIF_TEXT) { pItem->pszText = StrDup(ptlis->plvi->pszText); if (pItem->pszText == NULL) { Free(pItem); return NULL; } }
// set up the private members
pItem->uiFlag = 0; pItem->nChildren = 0; InitializeListHead(&pItem->lhSubitems); InitializeListHead(&pItem->lhChildren); pItem->pParent = (TLITEM *)ptlis->hParent; if (pItem->pParent == NULL) { pItem->pParent = &ptl->root; } ++pItem->pParent->nChildren; pItem->iLevel = pItem->pParent->iLevel + 1;
// set up the listview item
plvi = ptlis->plvi; pItem->lvi = *plvi;
pItem->lParam = plvi->lParam; pItem->lvi.lParam = (LPARAM)pItem; pItem->lvi.pszText = pItem->pszText; pItem->lvi.mask |= LVIF_PARAM;
// insert this item amongst its siblings
// switch (PtrToUlong(ptlis->hInsertAfter)) {
if(ptlis->hInsertAfter == TLI_FIRST) {
InsertHeadList(&pItem->pParent->lhChildren, &pItem->leSiblings); } else if (ptlis->hInsertAfter == TLI_LAST) {
InsertTailList(&pItem->pParent->lhChildren, &pItem->leSiblings); } else if (ptlis->hInsertAfter == TLI_SORT) {
phead = &pItem->pParent->lhChildren;
for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) { pTemp = (TLITEM *)CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, TLITEM, leSiblings); if (lstrcmp(pItem->pszText, pTemp->pszText) < 0) { break; } }
InsertTailList(ple, &pItem->leSiblings);
} else {
TLITEM *pPrev;
pPrev = (TLITEM *)ptlis->hInsertAfter;
InsertHeadList(&pPrev->leSiblings, &pItem->leSiblings); } //}
// set the item's image. if this was inserted
// as the last child, we need to change the image
// for the original last child, if any; otherwise,
// if this is the first child of its parent, the image
// for the parent must be changed
TL_UpdateImage(ptl, pItem, &pChanged); if (pChanged != NULL) { TL_UpdateImage(ptl, pChanged, NULL); }
if (pItem->pParent != &ptl->root && !TL_IsVisible(pItem->pParent)) { pItem->iIndex = -1; } else {
// the item's parent is visible;
// update the indices after the item's parent
TL_UpdateListIndices(ptl, pItem->pParent);
// insert the item in the list if its parent is expanded
if (TL_IsExpanded(pItem->pParent)) {
INT iItem, iCol;
// In owner-draw mode, there is a bug in the listview code
// where if an item has the focus but is not selected,
// and then a new item is inserted above it and selected,
// the focus rectangle remains on the item which had the focus
// To work around this, clear the focus if it is on the item
// below the item just inserted
iItem = ListView_GetNextItem(ptl->hwndList, -1, LVNI_FOCUSED);
pItem->lvi.iItem = pItem->iIndex; pItem->lvi.iSubItem = 0; ListView_InsertItem(ptl->hwndList, &pItem->lvi);
// if the item below this had the focus, clear the focus
if (iItem != -1 && iItem >= pItem->iIndex) {
ListView_SetItemState( ptl->hwndList, -1, 0, LVNI_FOCUSED ); }
// There is a bug in the listview code which shows up
// when an item is inserted with no subitem,
// and than an item is inserted above it with a subitem.
// When a third item is inserted at the bottom of the list,
// the insertion fails because there are now three items but
// the last subitem belongs to item 1.
// (See cairoshl\commctrl\listview.c, ListView_OnInsertItem())
// We get around this by setting blank text for each column
for (iCol = 1; iCol < (INT)ptl->nColumns; iCol++) { ListView_SetItemText( ptl->hwndList, pItem->iIndex, iCol, TEXT("") ); }
// redraw the changed item as well
if (pChanged != NULL) { pChanged->lvi.iItem = pChanged->iIndex; ListView_RedrawItems( ptl->hwndList, pChanged->lvi.iItem, pChanged->lvi.iItem ); }
} else if (pChanged != NULL && pChanged == pItem->pParent) { //
// the parent is visible, and it has changed, so redraw it
ListView_RedrawItems( ptl->hwndList, pChanged->iIndex, pChanged->iIndex ); } }
return (HTLITEM)pItem; }
// Function: TL_OnDeleteItem
// Removes the item with the specified handle from the treelist.
BOOL TL_OnDeleteItem( TL *ptl, HTLITEM hItem ) {
TLITEM *pItem, *pChanged, *pParent;
pItem = (TLITEM *)hItem; pParent = pItem->pParent;
// if the item is visible and expanded,
// collapse it to simplify the deletion
if (TL_IsVisible(pItem) && TL_IsExpanded(pItem)) { TL_OnExpand(ptl, TLE_COLLAPSE, hItem); }
// see if there is a sibling after this item.
// if there is, nothing changes when the item is deleted
pChanged = TL_OnGetNextItem(ptl, TLGN_NEXTSIBLING, (HTLITEM)pItem);
if (pChanged != NULL) { pChanged = NULL; } else {
// this item is the last of its parent's children, so the change
// is to the item's previous sibling, if any
pChanged = TL_OnGetNextItem(ptl, TLGN_PREVSIBLING, (HTLITEM)pItem);
if (pChanged == NULL) {
// this item is its parent's only child, so the change
// is to the item's parent
if (pParent != &ptl->root) { pChanged = pParent; } } }
// delete the item and its descendants
TL_DeleteAndNotify(ptl, pItem);
// if there was a side-effect, update the affected item
if (pChanged != NULL) { TL_UpdateImage(ptl, pChanged, NULL); }
// update the indices of the items below the deleted item
TL_UpdateListIndices(ptl, pParent);
return TRUE; }
// Function: TL_DeleteAndNotify
// This function performs a recursive deletion on a subtree,
// notifying the treelist's parent as each item is removed
VOID TL_DeleteAndNotify( TL *ptl, TLITEM *pItem ) {
NMTREELIST nmtl; TLSUBITEM *pSubitem; LIST_ENTRY *ple, *phead; TLITEM *pChild, *pChanged;
// do deletions on all descendants first
// note that the entry will be removed inside the recursive call,
// hence we walk the last be always picking off its head
phead = &pItem->lhChildren; for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = phead->Flink) {
pChild = (TLITEM *)CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, TLITEM, leSiblings);
TL_DeleteAndNotify(ptl, pChild); }
// notify the owner before completing the deletion
nmtl.hdr.hwndFrom = ptl->hwnd; nmtl.hdr.code = TLN_DELETEITEM; nmtl.hItem = (HTLITEM)pItem; nmtl.lParam = pItem->lParam; TL_NotifyParent(ptl, (NMHDR *)&nmtl);
// remove the entry from the listview if it is visible
if (TL_IsVisible(pItem)) { ListView_DeleteItem(ptl->hwndList, pItem->iIndex); }
// remove the entry from the list of its siblings
RemoveEntryList(&pItem->leSiblings); --pItem->pParent->nChildren; if (pItem->pParent->nChildren == 0 && pItem->pParent != &ptl->root) { pItem->pParent->uiFlag &= ~TLI_EXPANDED; }
// free the memory used by all its subitems, and free this item itself
while (!IsListEmpty(&pItem->lhSubitems)) {
ple = RemoveHeadList(&pItem->lhSubitems);
Free0(pSubitem->pszText); Free(pSubitem); }
Free0(pItem->pszText); Free(pItem); }
// Function: TL_OnDeleteAllItems
// This function handles the case of deleting all items in the tree.
BOOL TL_OnDeleteAllItems( TL *ptl ) {
LIST_ENTRY *ple, *phead; TLITEM *pItem, *pParent; ListView_DeleteAllItems(ptl->hwndList);
phead = &ptl->root.lhChildren;
for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = phead->Flink) {
pItem = (TLITEM *)CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, TLITEM, leSiblings);
TL_DeleteAndNotify(ptl, pItem); }
return TRUE; }
// Function: TL_OnGetItem
// This function is called to retrieve a specific item from the treelist
BOOL TL_OnGetItem( TL *ptl, LV_ITEM *plvi ) {
PTSTR psz; TLITEM *pItem; TLSUBITEM *pSubitem; LIST_ENTRY *ple, *phead;
psz = NULL; pItem = (TLITEM *)UlongToPtr(plvi->iItem);
// get a pointer to the text for the item (or subitem)
if (plvi->iSubItem == 0) { psz = pItem->pszText; } else if (plvi->mask & LVIF_TEXT) {
phead = &pItem->lhSubitems;
for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) {
pSubitem = (TLSUBITEM *)CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, TLSUBITEM, leItems); if (pSubitem->iSubItem == plvi->iSubItem) { psz = pSubitem->pszText; break; } }
if (psz == NULL) { return FALSE; } }
// retrieve the fields requested
if (plvi->mask & LVIF_TEXT) { lstrcpyn(plvi->pszText, psz, plvi->cchTextMax); }
if (plvi->mask & LVIF_IMAGE) { plvi->iImage = pItem->lvi.iImage; }
if (plvi->mask & LVIF_PARAM) { plvi->lParam = pItem->lParam; }
if (plvi->mask & LVIF_STATE) { plvi->state = pItem->lvi.state; }
return TRUE; }
// Function: TL_OnSetItem
// This function changes a specific item (or subitem).
BOOL TL_OnSetItem( TL *ptl, LV_ITEM *plvi ) {
PTSTR *psz; UINT uiMask; BOOL bSuccess; TLITEM *pItem; TLSUBITEM *pSubitem; LIST_ENTRY *ple, *phead;
psz = NULL; uiMask = 0; pItem = (TLITEM *)UlongToPtr(plvi->iItem);
// retrieve the text pointer for the item (or subitem)
if (plvi->iSubItem == 0) { psz = &pItem->pszText; } else if (plvi->mask & LVIF_TEXT) {
// search for the specified subitem
phead = &pItem->lhSubitems;
for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) {
pSubitem = (TLSUBITEM *)CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, TLSUBITEM, leItems); if (pSubitem->iSubItem > plvi->iSubItem) { break; } else if (pSubitem->iSubItem == plvi->iSubItem) { psz = &pSubitem->pszText; break; } }
if (psz == NULL) {
// create a new subitem
pSubitem = (TLSUBITEM *)Malloc(sizeof(TLSUBITEM)); if (pSubitem == NULL) { return FALSE; }
InsertTailList(ple, &pSubitem->leItems);
pSubitem->iSubItem = plvi->iSubItem; pSubitem->pszText = NULL; psz = &pSubitem->pszText; } }
// update the fields to be changed
if (plvi->mask & LVIF_TEXT) { PTSTR pszTemp;
uiMask |= LVIF_TEXT; pszTemp = StrDup(plvi->pszText); if (!pszTemp) { return FALSE; } Free0(*psz); *psz = pszTemp; }
if (plvi->mask & LVIF_IMAGE) { uiMask |= LVIF_IMAGE; pItem->lvi.iImage = plvi->iImage; }
if (plvi->mask & LVIF_PARAM) { pItem->lParam = plvi->lParam; }
if (plvi->mask & LVIF_STATE) { uiMask |= LVIF_STATE; pItem->lvi.stateMask = plvi->stateMask; pItem->lvi.state = plvi->state; }
bSuccess = TRUE; pItem->lvi.mask |= uiMask;
// update the item's appearance if it is visible
if (TL_IsVisible(pItem)) {
UINT uiOldMask = pItem->lvi.mask;
pItem->lvi.mask = uiMask;
if(NULL != psz) { pItem->lvi.pszText = *psz; } pItem->lvi.iSubItem = plvi->iSubItem;
bSuccess = ListView_SetItem(ptl->hwndList, &pItem->lvi); if (bSuccess) { ListView_RedrawItems(ptl->hwndList, pItem->iIndex, pItem->iIndex); }
pItem->lvi.mask = uiOldMask; pItem->lvi.pszText = pItem->pszText; pItem->lvi.iSubItem = 0; }
return bSuccess; }
// Function: TL_GetItemCount
// This function retrieves a count of the items in the treelist
UINT TL_OnGetItemCount( TL *ptl ) {
INT iCount = 0;
// count the items in the subtree rooted at the invisible root,
// and decrement by one to exclude the root itself
TL_CountItems(&ptl->root, &iCount);
return (UINT)(iCount - 1); }
// Function: TL_CountItems
// This function recursively counts the items in the specified subtree
VOID TL_CountItems( TLITEM *pParent, INT *piCount ) {
TLITEM *pItem; LIST_ENTRY *ple, *phead;
phead = &pParent->lhChildren;
for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) { pItem = (TLITEM *)CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, TLITEM, leSiblings);
TL_CountItems(pItem, piCount); }
return; }
// Function: TL_OnGetNextItem
// This function retrieves an item with a given property,
// or relative to a specified item
HTLITEM TL_OnGetNextItem( TL *ptl, UINT uiFlag, HTLITEM hItem ) {
TLITEM *pItem; LIST_ENTRY *ple, *phead;
pItem = (TLITEM *)hItem;
switch (uiFlag) {
case TLGN_FIRST: {
if (IsListEmpty(&ptl->root.lhChildren)) { return NULL; }
ple = ptl->root.lhChildren.Flink;
return (HTLITEM)CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, TLITEM, leSiblings); }
case TLGN_PARENT: { if (pItem->pParent == &ptl->root) { return NULL; }
return (HTLITEM)pItem->pParent; }
case TLGN_CHILD: {
if (IsListEmpty(&pItem->lhChildren)) { return NULL; }
ple = pItem->lhChildren.Flink;
return (HTLITEM)CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, TLITEM, leSiblings); }
phead = &pItem->pParent->lhChildren;
ple = pItem->leSiblings.Flink; if (ple == phead) { return NULL; }
return (HTLITEM)CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, TLITEM, leSiblings); }
phead = &pItem->pParent->lhChildren;
ple = pItem->leSiblings.Blink; if (ple == phead) { return NULL; }
return (HTLITEM)CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, TLITEM, leSiblings); }
if (pItem == NULL) { return TL_OnGetNextItem(ptl, TLGN_FIRST, NULL); }
pNext = (TLITEM *)TL_OnGetNextItem(ptl, TLGN_CHILD, hItem);
if (pNext == NULL) {
pNext = TL_OnGetNextItem(ptl, TLGN_NEXTSIBLING, hItem);
if (pNext == NULL) {
for (pItem = pItem->pParent; pItem != &ptl->root; pItem = pItem->pParent) { pNext = TL_OnGetNextItem( ptl, TLGN_NEXTSIBLING, (HTLITEM)pItem ); if (pNext != NULL) { break; } } } }
return pNext; }
INT iItem; LV_ITEM lvi;
iItem = ListView_GetNextItem(ptl->hwndList, -1, LVNI_SELECTED); if (iItem == -1) {
iItem = ListView_GetNextItem(ptl->hwndList, -1, LVNI_FOCUSED);
if (iItem == -1) { return NULL; } }
lvi.iItem = iItem; lvi.iSubItem = 0; lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM;
if (!ListView_GetItem(ptl->hwndList, &lvi)) { return NULL; }
return (HTLITEM)lvi.lParam; } }
return NULL; }
// Function: TL_OnExpand
// This is called to expand or collapse an item,
// or to toggle the expand-state of an item
BOOL TL_OnExpand( TL *ptl, UINT uiFlag, HTLITEM hItem ) {
TLITEM *pItem; BOOL bSuccess;
pItem = (TLITEM *)hItem;
if (pItem->uiFlag & TLI_EXPANDED) {
// item is expanded already, do nothing
if (uiFlag == TLE_EXPAND) { return TRUE; }
bSuccess = TL_ItemCollapse(ptl, pItem); } else {
// item is collapsed already, do nothing
if (uiFlag == TLE_COLLAPSE) { return TRUE; }
bSuccess = TL_ItemExpand(ptl, pItem); }
// update the list indices and redraw the item expanded/collapsed
if (bSuccess) { ListView_RedrawItems(ptl->hwndList, pItem->iIndex, pItem->iIndex); }
return bSuccess; }
// Function: TL_ItemCollapse
// Collapses an item
BOOL TL_ItemCollapse( TL *ptl, TLITEM *pItem ) {
INT i, iItem; TLITEM *pChild; LIST_ENTRY *ple, *phead;
if (pItem->nChildren == 0 || !TL_IsExpanded(pItem)) { return FALSE; }
// first collapse all descendants;
// note that this is done in reverse order,
// so that the indices of the higher items remain valid
// while the lower ones are being removed
phead = &pItem->lhChildren;
for (ple = phead->Blink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Blink) { pChild = (TLITEM *)CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, TLITEM, leSiblings); TL_ItemCollapse(ptl, pChild); }
// delete all this item's children (they are now collapsed);
// since the listview shifts items up when an item is deleted,
// we delete items n through m by deleting item n (m-n)+1 times
iItem = pItem->iIndex;
for (i = 0; i < (INT)pItem->nChildren; i++) { ListView_DeleteItem(ptl->hwndList, iItem + 1); }
pItem->uiFlag &= ~TLI_EXPANDED;
TL_UpdateImage(ptl, pItem, NULL); TL_UpdateListIndices(ptl, pItem);
return TRUE; }
// Function: TL_ItemExpand
// Expands an item
BOOL TL_ItemExpand( TL *ptl, TLITEM *pItem ) {
INT i; TLITEM *pChild; TLSUBITEM *pSubitem; LIST_ENTRY *ple, *phead, *ples, *psubhead;
if (pItem->nChildren == 0 || TL_IsExpanded(pItem)) { return FALSE; }
// update the expand-state and image for the item,
// and then recompute the indices of its children
pItem->uiFlag |= TLI_EXPANDED; TL_UpdateImage(ptl, pItem, NULL); TL_UpdateListIndices(ptl, pItem);
// insert items below this one;
// we also need to set the sub-item text for each inserted item
phead = &pItem->lhChildren;
for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) {
pChild = (TLITEM *)CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, TLITEM, leSiblings);
pChild->lvi.iItem = pChild->iIndex; pChild->lvi.iSubItem = 0;
TL_UpdateImage(ptl, pChild, NULL);
ListView_InsertItem(ptl->hwndList, &pChild->lvi);
psubhead = &pChild->lhSubitems;
i = 1; for (ples = psubhead->Flink; ples != psubhead; ples = ples->Flink) {
for ( ; i < pSubitem->iSubItem; i++) { ListView_SetItemText( ptl->hwndList, pChild->iIndex, i, TEXT("") ); }
ListView_SetItemText( ptl->hwndList, pChild->iIndex, pSubitem->iSubItem, pSubitem->pszText );
++i; }
for ( ; i < (INT)ptl->nColumns; i++) { ListView_SetItemText( ptl->hwndList, pChild->iIndex, i, TEXT("") ); } }
return TRUE; }
// Function: TL_OnInsertColumn
// Inserts a column. Memory for subitem's is not allocated until
// the subitems' texts aer actually set in TL_OnSetItem
INT TL_OnInsertColumn( TL *ptl, INT iCol, LV_COLUMN *pCol ) {
if ((iCol = ListView_InsertColumn(ptl->hwndList, iCol, pCol)) != -1) { ++ptl->nColumns; }
return iCol; }
// Function: TL_OnDeleteColumn
// Deletes a column, and removes all subitems corresponding to the column
BOOL TL_OnDeleteColumn( TL *ptl, INT iCol ) {
TLITEM *pItem; TLSUBITEM *pSubitem; LIST_ENTRY *ple, *phead;
if (!ListView_DeleteColumn(ptl->hwndList, iCol)) { return FALSE; }
// delete the subitems which correspond to this column
pItem = NULL;
while (pItem = TL_Enumerate(ptl, pItem)) {
phead = &pItem->lhSubitems;
for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) {
if (pSubitem->iSubItem > iCol) {
// the column was never set, so do nothing
break; } else if (pSubitem->iSubItem == iCol) {
Free0(pSubitem->pszText); Free(pSubitem); break; } } }
return TRUE; }
// Function: TL_OnSetSelection
// Changes the currently selected treelist item
BOOL TL_OnSetSelection( TL *ptl, HTLITEM hItem ) {
TLITEM *pItem;
pItem = (TLITEM *)hItem; if (!TL_IsVisible(pItem)) { return FALSE; }
ListView_SetItemState( ptl->hwndList, pItem->iIndex, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED );
return TRUE; }
// Function: TL_OnRedraw
// Forces a redraw of the treelist by invalidating its entire client area
BOOL TL_OnRedraw( TL *ptl ) {
InvalidateRect(ptl->hwndList, NULL, TRUE); return TRUE; }