// Copyright (c) 1995, Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved
// pbk.h
// Remote Access phonebook file (.PBK) library
// Public header
// 06/20/95 Steve Cobb
#ifndef _PBK_H_
#define _PBK_H_
#include <windows.h> // Win32 core
#include <nouiutil.h> // No-HWNDs utility library
#include <ras.h> // Win32 RAS
#include <raserror.h> // Win32 RAS error codes
#include <rasfile.h> // RAS configuration file library
#include <rasman.h> // RAS Manager library
#include <rpc.h> // UUID support
#include <rasapip.h>
// Constants
#define GLOBALSECTIONNAMENEW ".GlobalSection"
#define GROUPID_Media "MEDIA="
#define GROUPKEY_Media "MEDIA"
#define GROUPID_Device "DEVICE="
#define GROUPKEY_Device "DEVICE"
#define GROUPID_NetComponents "NETCOMPONENTS="
#define GROUPKEY_NetComponents "NETCOMPONENTS"
// Project-specific maximums
// Note that the pbk and API use a different redial maximum than the RasDlg UI.
#define RAS_MaxRedialCount 999999999
#define RAS_RedialPause10m 600 // 600 seconds=10 min
// Pbport flags
#define PBP_F_PptpDevice 0x00000001
#define PBP_F_L2tpDevice 0x00000002
#define PBP_F_NullModem 0x00000004
#define PBP_F_BogusDevice 0x00000008 // pmay: 233287
#define PBP_F_PPPoEDevice 0x00000010 // gangz:whistler 345068
// ReadPhonebookFile flags
#define RPBF_ReadOnly 0x00000001
#define RPBF_HeadersOnly 0x00000002
#define RPBF_NoList 0x00000004
#define RPBF_NoCreate 0x00000008
#define RPBF_Router 0x00000010
#define RPBF_NoUser 0x00000020
#define RPBF_HeaderType 0x00000040
#define RPBF_AllUserPbk 0x00000080 // If no path, then global .pbk 346918
// PBENTRY.dwUsage
#define PBK_ENTRY_USE_F_Internet 0x1 // connection to Internet
// Base protocol definitions (see dwBaseProtocol).
#define BP_Ppp 1
#define BP_Slip 2
#define BP_Ras 3
#ifdef AMB
// Authentication strategy definitions (see dwAuthentication).
#define AS_Default -1
#define AS_PppThenAmb 0
#define AS_AmbThenPpp 1
#define AS_PppOnly 2
#define AS_AmbOnly 3
// Net protocol bit definitions (see dwfExcludedProtocols)
// (The NP_* definitions have moved to nouiutil.h with the
// GetInstalledProtocols routine)
// IP address source definitions (see dwIpAddressSource)
#define ASRC_ServerAssigned 1 // For router means "the ones in NCPA"
#define ASRC_RequireSpecific 2
#define ASRC_None 3 // Router only
// Security restrictions on authentication (see dwAuthRestrictions)
// Note: AR_AuthTerminal is defunct and is not written to the phonebook by the
// new library. It is, however, read and translated into AR_AuthAny,
// fAutoLogon=0, and an after dialing terminal.
// Note: The AR_AuthXXX ordinals are replaced with AR_F_AuthXXX flags in NT5
// to support the fact that these flags are not mutually exclusive.
// You'll know if you need to upgrade the dwAuthRestrictions variable
// because old phone books have this value set to 0 or have some of the
// bottom 3 bits set.
// Note: The AR_F_AuthCustom bit is used a little differently. It indicates
// that the settings are made in "advanced" mode rather than "typical"
// mode. In "typical" mode the bits MUST correspond to one of the
// AR_F_TypicalXxx sets.
// Note: The AR_F_AuthEAP bit is mutually exclusive of all other bits, except
// the AR_F_AuthCustom bit. When AR_F_AuthEap is specified without the
// AR_F_AuthCustom bit EAP_TLS_PROTOCOL should be assumed.
// Note: The AR_F_AuthW95MSCHAP flag will not be set in the UI unless
// AR_F_AuthMSCHAP is set. This is a usability decision to steer user
// away from misinterpreting the meaning of the W95 bit.
// The old scalar values (which should no eliminated from all non-PBK-upgrade
// code).
#define AR_AuthAny 0 // Upgrade to AR_F_TypicalUnsecure
#define AR_AuthTerminal 1 // Eliminate during upgrade
#define AR_AuthEncrypted 2 // Upgrade to AR_F_TypicalSecure
#define AR_AuthMsEncrypted 3 // Upgrade to AR_F_AuthMSCHAP
#define AR_AuthCustom 4 // Upgrade ORs in AR_F_AuthEAP
// The new bitmask style flags.
#define AR_F_AuthPAP 0x00000008
#define AR_F_AuthSPAP 0x00000010
#define AR_F_AuthMD5CHAP 0x00000020
#define AR_F_AuthMSCHAP 0x00000040
#define AR_F_AuthEAP 0x00000080 // See note above
#define AR_F_AuthCustom 0x00000100 // See note above
#define AR_F_AuthMSCHAP2 0x00000200
#define AR_F_AuthW95MSCHAP 0x00000400 // See note above
// the bitmask for IPSec Policy
#define AR_F_IpSecPSK 0x1
#define AR_F_IpSecUserCerts 0x2
#define AR_F_IpSecSpecificCerts 0x4
#define AR_F_AuthAnyMSCHAP (AR_F_AuthMSCHAP | AR_F_AuthW95MSCHAP | AR_F_AuthMSCHAP2)
#define AR_F_AuthNoMPPE (AR_F_AuthPAP | AR_F_AuthSPAP | AR_F_AuthMD5CHAP)
// "Typical" authentication setting masks. See 'dwAuthRestrictions'.
#define AR_F_TypicalUnsecure (AR_F_AuthPAP | AR_F_AuthSPAP | AR_F_AuthMD5CHAP | AR_F_AuthMSCHAP | AR_F_AuthMSCHAP2)
#define AR_F_TypicalSecure (AR_F_AuthMD5CHAP | AR_F_AuthMSCHAP | AR_F_AuthMSCHAP2)
#define AR_F_TypicalCardOrCert (AR_F_AuthEAP)
// "Typical" authentication setting constants. See 'dwTypicalAuth'.
#define TA_Unsecure 1
#define TA_Secure 2
#define TA_CardOrCert 3
// Script mode (see dwScriptMode)
#define SM_None 0
#define SM_Terminal 1
#define SM_ScriptWithTerminal 2
#define SM_ScriptOnly 3
// Miscellaneous "no value" constants.
#define XN_None 0 // No X25 network
#define CPW_None -1 // No cached password
// Description field. Move to ras.h if/when supported by
// RasGet/SetEntryProperties API.
#define RAS_MaxDescription 200
// 'OverridePref' bits. Set indicates the corresponding value read from the
// phonebook should be used. Clear indicates the global user preference
// should be used.
#define RASOR_RedialAttempts 0x00000001 // Always set in NT5
#define RASOR_RedialSeconds 0x00000002 // Always set in NT5
#define RASOR_IdleDisconnectSeconds 0x00000004 // Always set in NT5
#define RASOR_RedialOnLinkFailure 0x00000008 // Always set in NT5
#define RASOR_PopupOnTopWhenRedialing 0x00000010
#define RASOR_CallbackMode 0x00000020
// 'DwDataEncryption' codes. These are now bitmask-ish for the convenience of
// the UI in building capability masks, though more than one bit will never be
// set in 'dwDataEncryption'.
#define DE_None 0x00000000 // Do not encrypt
#define DE_IfPossible 0x00000008 // Request encryption but none OK
#define DE_Require 0x00000100 // Require encryption of any strength
#define DE_RequireMax 0x00000200 // Require maximum strength encryption
// The following bit values are now defunct and are converted during phonebook
// upgrade to one of the above set. References should be eliminated from
// non-PBK code.
#define DE_Mppe40bit 0x00000001 // Old DE_Weak. Setting for "Always encrypt data"
#define DE_Mppe128bit 0x00000002 // Old De_Strong. Setting for "Always encrypt data"
#define DE_IpsecDefault 0x00000004 // Setting for "Always encrypt data" for l2tp
#define DE_VpnAlways 0x00000010 // Setting for vpn conn to "Always encrypt data"
#define DE_PhysAlways (DE_Mppe40bit | DE_Mppe128bit)
// 'dwDnsFlags' settings
// Used to determine the dns suffix registration behavior for an entry
// When 'dwDnsFlags' is 0, it means 'do not register'
#define DNS_RegPrimary 0x1 // register w/ primary domain suffix
#define DNS_RegPerConnection 0x2 // register w/ per-connection suffix
#define DNS_RegDhcpInform 0x4 // register w/ dhcp informed suffix
#define DNS_RegDefault (DNS_RegPrimary)
// 'dwIpNbtFlags' settings
// Used to determine the whether to enable nbt over tcpip for the connection
#define PBK_ENTRY_IP_NBT_Enable 1
// Data types
// Provides shorthand to identify devices without re-parsing RAS Manager
// strings. "Other" is anything not recognized as another specific type.
// Note: This datatype is stored in the registry preferences so the values
// must not change over time. For this reason, I have hard-coded the
// value of each enumberated type.
typedef enum _PBDEVICETYPE { PBDT_None = 0, PBDT_Null = 1, PBDT_Other = 2, PBDT_Modem = 3, PBDT_Pad = 4, PBDT_Switch = 5, PBDT_Isdn = 6, PBDT_X25 = 7, PBDT_ComPort = 8, // added for dcc wizard (nt5)
PBDT_Irda = 10, // added for nt5
PBDT_Vpn = 11, PBDT_Serial = 12, PBDT_Atm = 13, PBDT_Parallel = 14, PBDT_Sonet = 15, PBDT_Sw56 = 16, PBDT_FrameRelay = 17, PBDT_PPPoE = 18 } PBDEVICETYPE;
// RAS port information read from RASMAN.
// Each port (and link) is uniquely identified by port name. If it were only
// that simple...
// In the old RAS model, the port name was the unique identifier that was
// presented to the user, and the user can have two same-type devices on two
// different ports.
// In TAPI/Unimodem, the "friendly" device name is the unique identifier
// that's presented to the user and the corresponding port is a property of
// the device. If the port is changed and you dial it still finds the device
// you originally selected. If you swap two devices on two ports it uses the
// one with the matching unique device name. NT5 will follow this model.
typedef struct _PBPORT { // The port name is always unique, if configured. Unconfigured port names
// might not be unique. This is never NULL.
TCHAR* pszPort;
// Indicates the port is actually configured and not a remnant of an old
// configuration read from the phonebook.
BOOL fConfigured;
// The device name is the one from RASMAN when 'fConfigured' or the one
// from the phonebook if not. May be NULL with unconfigured ports as it
// was not stored in old phonebooks.
TCHAR* pszDevice;
// The media as it appears in the MEDIA= lines in the phonebook. This is
// usually but not always (for obscure historical reasons) the same as the
// RASMAN media. See PbMedia.
TCHAR* pszMedia;
// Shorthand device type code derived from the RASMAN device type string.
PBDEVICETYPE pbdevicetype;
// RASET_* entry type code of the link. This is provided for the
// convenience of the UI during link configuration.
DWORD dwType;
// PBP_F_* flags that yield additional information concerning this port
// that may be of use in rendering UI.
DWORD dwFlags;
// These are default settings read from RASMAN and are valid for modems
// only. See AppendPbportToList.
DWORD dwBpsDefault; BOOL fHwFlowDefault; BOOL fEcDefault; BOOL fEccDefault; DWORD fSpeakerDefault; DWORD dwModemProtDefault; DTLLIST* pListProtocols;
// These are valid only for modems.
BOOL fScriptBeforeTerminal; BOOL fScriptBefore; TCHAR* pszScriptBefore; } PBPORT;
// Phonebook entry link phone number information.
typedef struct _PBPHONE { TCHAR* pszAreaCode; DWORD dwCountryCode; DWORD dwCountryID; TCHAR* pszPhoneNumber; BOOL fUseDialingRules; TCHAR* pszComment; } PBPHONE;
// Phonebook entry link information. One per link, multiple per multi-link.
typedef struct _PBLINK { // Information about the port/device to which this link is attached.
PBPORT pbport;
// These fields are set for modems only. See SetDefaultModemSettings.
DWORD dwBps; BOOL fHwFlow; BOOL fEc; BOOL fEcc; DWORD fSpeaker; DWORD dwModemProtocol; // pmay: 228565
// These fields are set for ISDN only. 'LChannels' and 'fCompression' are
// not used unless 'fProprietaryIsdn' is set.
BOOL fProprietaryIsdn; LONG lLineType; BOOL fFallback; BOOL fCompression; LONG lChannels;
// Address and size of opaque device configuration block created/edited by
// TAPI. Currently, there are no TAPI devices that provide blob-editing
// acceptable to RAS so these field are unused.
BYTE* pTapiBlob; DWORD cbTapiBlob;
// Phone number information for the link.
// Note: The 'iLastSelectedPhone' field is used only when
// 'fTryNextAlternateOnFail' is clear. Otherwise, it is ignored and
// assumed 0 (top of list). See bug 150958.
DTLLIST* pdtllistPhones; DWORD iLastSelectedPhone; BOOL fPromoteAlternates; BOOL fTryNextAlternateOnFail;
// Indicates the link is enabled. All links appearing in the file are
// enabled. This is provided for the convenience of the UI during link
// configuration.
BOOL fEnabled; } PBLINK;
// Phonebook entry information.
typedef struct _PBENTRY { // Arbitrary name of entry and it's RASET_* entry type code.
TCHAR* pszEntryName; DWORD dwType;
// General page fields.
DTLLIST* pdtllistLinks; BOOL fSharedPhoneNumbers; BOOL fGlobalDeviceSettings; // whistler bug 281306
BOOL fShowMonitorIconInTaskBar; TCHAR* pszPrerequisiteEntry; TCHAR* pszPrerequisitePbk; TCHAR* pszPreferredPort; TCHAR* pszPreferredDevice;
//For .Net 639551
DWORD dwPreferredBps; // Port Speed
BOOL fPreferredHwFlow; // Hardware Flow Control
BOOL fPreferredEc; // Error control protocol
BOOL fPreferredEcc; // Compression Control
DWORD fPreferredSpeaker; // Enable Modem Speaker
DWORD dwPreferredModemProtocol; //For whislter bug 402522
// Options page fields.
// Note: Fields marked (1) are ignored when 'fAutoLogon' is set. Field
// marked (2) *may* be set when 'fPreviewUserPw' is not also set.
// In this case it means to include the domain in the authentication
// but to to prompt only when the 'fPreviewUserPw' is set.
// Otherwise, "save PW" with a domain does not include the domain
// (MarkL problem) which is wrong. See also bug 212963 and 261374.
BOOL fShowDialingProgress; BOOL fPreviewUserPw; // See above: 1
BOOL fPreviewDomain; // See above: 1, 2
BOOL fPreviewPhoneNumber;
DWORD dwDialMode; DWORD dwDialPercent; DWORD dwDialSeconds; DWORD dwHangUpPercent; DWORD dwHangUpSeconds;
// How the connection was configured to be used.
DWORD dwUseFlags; // See PBK_ENTRY_USE_F_*
// IPSec Policy fields for whisler bug 193987 gangz
DWORD dwIpSecFlags;
// These fields are used in place of the equivalent user preference only
// when the corresponding 'dwfOverridePref' bit is set. In NT5, the
// indicated fields become always per-entry, i.e. the corresponding
// override bits are always set.
DWORD dwfOverridePref;
DWORD dwRedialAttempts; // Always per-entry in NT5
DWORD dwRedialSeconds; // Always per-entry in NT5
LONG lIdleDisconnectSeconds; // Always per-entry in NT5
BOOL fRedialOnLinkFailure; // Always per-entry in NT5
// Security page fields.
DWORD dwAuthRestrictions; DWORD dwVpnStrategy; // Valid for vpn entries only. see VS_xxx
DWORD dwDataEncryption; BOOL fAutoLogon; // See dependencies on Option page flags
BOOL fUseRasCredentials;
// The selection in the "Typical" security listbox. This is for the UI's
// use only. Others should refer to 'dwAuthRestrictions' for this
// information.
DWORD dwTypicalAuth;
// Note: CustomAuth fields have meaning only when dwAuthRestrictions
// includes AR_F_AuthCustom. If the AR_F_Eap flag is set without
// AR_F_AuthCustom, it should be assumed to be the
// 'EAPCFG_DefaultKey' protocol, currently EAP_TLS_PROTOCOL.
DWORD dwCustomAuthKey; BYTE* pCustomAuthData; DWORD cbCustomAuthData;
BOOL fScriptAfterTerminal; BOOL fScriptAfter; TCHAR* pszScriptAfter; DWORD dwCustomScript;
TCHAR* pszX25Network; TCHAR* pszX25Address; TCHAR* pszX25UserData; TCHAR* pszX25Facilities;
// Network page fields.
DWORD dwBaseProtocol; DWORD dwfExcludedProtocols; BOOL fLcpExtensions; BOOL fSwCompression; BOOL fNegotiateMultilinkAlways; BOOL fSkipNwcWarning; BOOL fSkipDownLevelDialog; BOOL fSkipDoubleDialDialog;
BOOL fShareMsFilePrint; BOOL fBindMsNetClient;
// List of KEYVALUE nodes containing any key/value pairs found in the
// NETCOMPONENT group of the entry.
DTLLIST* pdtllistNetComponents;
#ifdef AMB
// Note: dwAuthentication is read-only. The phonebook file value of this
// parameter is set by the RasDial API based on the result of
// authentication attempts.
DWORD dwAuthentication;
// TCPIP settings sheet PPP or SLIP configuration information.
// 'DwBaseProtocol' determines which.
BOOL fIpPrioritizeRemote; BOOL fIpHeaderCompression; TCHAR* pszIpAddress; TCHAR* pszIpDnsAddress; TCHAR* pszIpDns2Address; TCHAR* pszIpWinsAddress; TCHAR* pszIpWins2Address; DWORD dwIpAddressSource; // PPP only
DWORD dwIpNameSource; // PPP only
DWORD dwFrameSize; // SLIP only
DWORD dwIpDnsFlags; // DNS_* values
DWORD dwTcpWindowSize; // Whistler bug 300933. 0=default
TCHAR* pszIpDnsSuffix; // The dns suffix for this connection
// Router page.
DWORD dwCallbackMode; BOOL fAuthenticateServer;
// Other fields not shown in UI.
TCHAR* pszCustomDialDll; TCHAR* pszCustomDialFunc;
// custom dialer name
TCHAR* pszCustomDialerName;
// The UID of the cached password is fixed at entry creation. The GUID is
// also created at entry creation and used for inter-machine uniqueness.
// This is currently used to identify an IP configuration to the external
// TCP/IP dialogs.
DWORD dwDialParamsUID; GUID* pGuid;
// To translate user's old entries, the user name and domain are read and
// used as authentication defaults if no cached credentials exist. They
// are not rewritten to the entry.
TCHAR* pszOldUser; TCHAR* pszOldDomain;
// Status flags. 'fDirty' is set when the entry has changed so as to
// differ from the phonebook file on disk. 'fCustom' is set when the
// entry contains a MEDIA and DEVICE (so RASAPI is able to read it) but
// was not created by us. When 'fCustom' is set only 'pszEntry' is
// guaranteed valid and the entry cannot be edited.
BOOL fDirty; BOOL fCustom; } PBENTRY;
// Phonebook (.PBK) file information.
typedef struct _PBFILE { // Handle of phone book file.
HRASFILE hrasfile;
// Fully qualified path to the phonebook.
TCHAR* pszPath;
// Phonebook mode, system, personal, or alternate.
DWORD dwPhonebookMode;
// Unsorted list of PBENTRY. The list is manipulated by the Entry
// dialogs.
DTLLIST* pdtllistEntries;
HANDLE hConnection; } PBFILE;
// The callback number for a device. This type is a node in the
// 'pdllistCallbackNumbers' below.
typedef struct _CALLBACKNUMBER { TCHAR* pszDevice; TCHAR* pszCallbackNumber; } CALLBACKNUMBER;
// Prototypes
VOID ChangeEntryType( PBENTRY* ppbentry, DWORD dwType );
DTLNODE* CloneEntryNode( DTLNODE* pdtlnodeSrc );
VOID ClosePhonebookFile( IN OUT PBFILE* pFile );
DWORD CopyToPbport( IN PBPORT* ppbportDst, IN PBPORT* ppbportSrc );
DTLNODE* CreateEntryNode( BOOL fCreateLink );
DTLNODE* CreateLinkNode( void );
DTLNODE* CreatePhoneNode( void );
DTLNODE* CreatePortNode( void );
VOID DestroyEntryNode( IN DTLNODE* pdtlnode );
VOID DestroyEntryTypeNode( IN DTLNODE *pdtlnode );
VOID DestroyLinkNode( IN DTLNODE* pdtlnode );
VOID DestroyPhoneNode( IN DTLNODE* pdtlnode );
VOID DestroyPortNode( IN DTLNODE* pdtlnode );
VOID DestroyProtocolNode( IN DTLNODE* pdtlnode );
DTLNODE* DuplicateEntryNode( DTLNODE* pdtlnodeSrc );
DTLNODE* DuplicateLinkNode( IN DTLNODE* pdtlnodeSrc );
DTLNODE* DuplicatePhoneNode( IN DTLNODE* pdtlnodeSrc );
DTLNODE* DuplicateProtocolNode( IN DTLNODE* pdtlnodeSrc );
VOID EnableOrDisableNetComponent( IN PBENTRY* pEntry, IN LPCTSTR pszComponent, IN BOOL fEnable);
BOOL FIsNetComponentListed( IN PBENTRY* pEntry, IN LPCTSTR pszComponent, OUT BOOL* pfEnabled, OUT KEYVALUE** ppKv);
DTLNODE* EntryNodeFromName( IN DTLLIST* pdtllistEntries, IN LPCTSTR pszName );
DWORD EntryTypeFromPbport( IN PBPORT* ppbport );
BOOL GetDefaultPhonebookPath( IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT TCHAR** ppszPath );
DWORD GetOverridableParam( IN PBUSER* pUser, IN PBENTRY* pEntry, IN DWORD dwfRasorBit );
BOOL GetPhonebookPath( IN PBUSER* pUser, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT TCHAR** ppszPath, OUT DWORD* pdwPhonebookMode );
BOOL GetPhonebookDirectory( IN DWORD dwPhonebookMode, OUT TCHAR* pszPathBuf );
BOOL GetPersonalPhonebookPath( IN TCHAR* pszFile, OUT TCHAR* pszPathBuf );
BOOL GetPublicPhonebookPath( OUT TCHAR* pszPathBuf );
DWORD InitializePbk( void );
DWORD InitPersonalPhonebook( OUT TCHAR** ppszFile );
BOOL IsPublicPhonebook( IN LPCTSTR pszPhonebookPath );
DWORD ReadEntryFromSystem( IN LPCTSTR pszPhonebook, IN LPCTSTR pszEntry, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OUT PBFILE *pFile, OUT DTLNODE **ppdtlnode, OUT OPTIONAL WCHAR **ppszFullPath); DWORD GetPbkAndEntryName( IN LPCTSTR pszPhonebook, IN LPCTSTR pszEntry, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT PBFILE *pFile, OUT DTLNODE **ppdtlnode);
DWORD LoadPadsList( OUT DTLLIST** ppdtllistPads );
DWORD LoadPhonebookFile( IN TCHAR* pszPhonebookPath, IN TCHAR* pszSection, IN BOOL fHeadersOnly, IN BOOL fReadOnly, OUT HRASFILE* phrasfile, OUT BOOL* pfPersonal );
DWORD LoadPortsList( OUT DTLLIST** ppdtllistPorts );
DWORD LoadPortsList2( IN HANDLE hConnection, OUT DTLLIST** ppdtllistPorts, IN BOOL fRouter );
DWORD LoadScriptsList( IN HANDLE hConnection, OUT DTLLIST** ppdtllistScripts );
PBDEVICETYPE PbdevicetypeFromPszType( IN TCHAR* pszDeviceType );
PBDEVICETYPE PbdevicetypeFromPszTypeA( IN CHAR* pszDeviceType );
PBPORT* PpbportFromPortAndDeviceName( IN DTLLIST* pdtllistPorts, IN TCHAR* pszPort, IN TCHAR* pszDevice );
PBPORT* PpbportFromNT4PortandDevice( IN DTLLIST* pdtlllistPorts, IN TCHAR* pszPort, IN TCHAR* pszDevice);
DWORD RdtFromPbdt(PBDEVICETYPE pbdt, DWORD dwFlags);
DWORD CalculatePhonebookPath( IN LPCTSTR pszPhonebookPath, IN PBUSER* pUser, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT DWORD* lpdwMode, OUT LPTSTR* ppszFullPath);
DWORD ReadPhonebookFile( IN LPCTSTR pszPhonebookPath, IN PBUSER* pUser, IN LPCTSTR pszSection, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT PBFILE* pFile );
TCHAR *pszDeviceTypeFromRdt( RASDEVICETYPE rdt);
BOOL SetDefaultModemSettings( IN PBLINK* pLink );
DWORD SetPersonalPhonebookInfo( IN BOOL fPersonal, IN TCHAR* pszPath );
VOID TerminatePbk( void );
DWORD WritePhonebookFile( IN PBFILE* pFile, IN LPCTSTR pszSectionToDelete );
DWORD UpgradePhonebookFile( IN LPCTSTR pszPhonebookPath, IN PBUSER* pUser, OUT BOOL* pfUpgraded );
BOOL ValidateAreaCode( IN OUT TCHAR* pszAreaCode );
BOOL ValidateEntryName( IN LPCTSTR pszEntry );
BOOL IsRouterPhonebook(LPCTSTR pszPhonebook);
DWORD DwPbentryToDetails( IN PBENTRY* pEntry, IN LPCWSTR pszPhonebookPath, IN BOOL fIsAllUsersPbk, OUT RASENUMENTRYDETAILS* pDetails);
DWORD DwSendRasNotification( IN RASEVENTTYPE Type, IN PBENTRY* pEntry, IN LPCTSTR pszPhonebookPath, IN HANDLE hData); // Extra Type-specific info
DWORD DwGetCustomDllEntryPoint( LPCTSTR lpszPhonebook, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, BOOL *pfCustomDllSpecified, FARPROC *pfnCustomEntryPoint, HINSTANCE *phInstDll, DWORD dwFnId, LPTSTR pszCustomDialerName );
DWORD DwCustomDialDlg( LPTSTR lpszPhonebook, LPTSTR lpszEntry, LPTSTR lpszPhoneNumber, LPRASDIALDLG lpInfo, DWORD dwFlags, BOOL *pfStatus, PVOID pvInfo, LPTSTR pszCustomDialer);
DWORD DwCustomEntryDlg( LPTSTR lpszPhonebook, LPTSTR lpszEntry, LPRASENTRYDLG lpInfo, BOOL *pfStatus);
DWORD DwCustomDeleteEntryNotify( LPCTSTR lpszPhonebook, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPTSTR pszCustomDialer);
DWORD DwGetExpandedDllPath(LPTSTR pszDllPath, LPTSTR *ppszExpandedDllPath);
DWORD DwGetEntryMode( LPCTSTR pszPhonebook, LPCTSTR pszEntry, PBFILE *pFileIn, DWORD *pdwFlags);
DWORD DwEnumeratePhonebooksFromDirectory( TCHAR *pszDir, DWORD dwFlags, PBKENUMCALLBACK pfnCallback, VOID *pvContext );
DWORD DwGetCustomAuthData( PBENTRY *pEntry, DWORD *pcbCustomAuthData, PBYTE *ppCustomAuthData );
DWORD DwSetCustomAuthData( PBENTRY *pEntry, DWORD cbCustomAuthData, PBYTE pCustomAuthData );
DWORD DwCustomTerminalDlg( TCHAR *pszPhonebook, HRASCONN hrasconn, PBENTRY *pEntry, HWND hwndDlg, RASDIALPARAMS *prdp, PVOID pvReserved );
DWORD DwGetVpnDeviceName( DWORD dwVpnStrategy, WCHAR *pszDeviceDefault, WCHAR *pszDeviceName); #endif // _PBK_H_