// Copyright (c) 1996, Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved.
// rasdlghc.h
// Remote Access Common Dialogs
// Help constants
// 02/06/96 Steve Cobb
// The IDs used here should be kept in the range 1000 to 9999. Each dialog is
// assigned a 2-letter code that appears in all associated constants. Each
// control has an additional 2-letter code indicating the control class, where
// PB=PushButton, EB=EditBox, LB=ListBox, CB=CheckBox, RB=RadioButton,
// ST=StaticText, GB=GroupBox, CC=CustomControl and CL=ComboListBox.
#ifndef _RASDLG_HCH_
#define _RASDLG_HCH_
// Entry property sheet, General page
#define HID_GE_GB_ConnectUsing 1000
#define HID_GE_LV_Devices 1001
#define HID_GE_PB_MoveUp 1002
#define HID_GE_PB_MoveDown 1003
#define HID_GE_CB_SharedPhoneNumber 1004
#define HID_GE_PB_Configure 1005
#define HID_GE_CLB_AreaCodes 1007
#define HID_GE_EB_PhoneNumber 1009
#define HID_GE_LB_CountryCodes 1011
#define HID_GE_CB_UseDialingRules 1012
#define HID_GE_PB_Alternates 1013
#define HID_GE_CB_ShowIcon 1014
#define HID_GE_LV_Device 1015
#define HID_GE_EB_ServiceName 1016
#define HID_GE_GB_FirstConnect 1017
#define HID_GE_CB_DialAnotherFirst 1018
#define HID_GE_LB_DialAnotherFirst 1019
#define HID_GE_LB_Devices 1020
#define HID_GE_PB_DialingRules 1021
#define HID_GE_EB_HostName 1022
// Entry property sheet, Shared Access page
#define HID_SA_PB_Shared 1150
#define HID_SA_PB_DemandDial 1151
#define HID_SA_PB_Settings 1152
#define HID_SA_LB_PrivateLan 1153
// Entry property sheet, Options page
#define HID_OE_GB_Progress 1100
#define HID_OE_CB_DisplayProgress 1101
#define HID_OE_CB_PreviewUserPw 1102
#define HID_OE_CB_PreviewDomain 1103
#define HID_OE_CB_PreviewNumber 1104
#define HID_OE_GB_Redial 1105
#define HID_OE_EB_RedialAttempts 1106
#define HID_OE_LB_RedialTimes 1107
#define HID_OE_LB_IdleTimes 1108
#define HID_OE_CB_RedialOnDrop 1109
#define HID_OE_GB_MultipleDevices 1110
#define HID_OE_LB_MultipleDevices 1111
#define HID_OE_PB_Configure 1112
#define HID_OE_PB_X25 1113
#define HID_OE_PB_Tunnel 1114
#define HID_OE_RB_DemandDial 1115
#define HID_OE_RB_Persistent 1116
#define HID_OE_LB_IdleTimesRouter 1117
#define HID_OE_PB_Callback 1118
// Entry property sheet, Security page
#define HID_LO_RB_TypicalSecurity 1200
#define HID_LO_LB_Auths 1201
#define HID_LO_CB_UseWindowsPw 1202
#define HID_LO_CB_Encryption 1203
#define HID_LO_RB_AdvancedSecurity 1204
#define HID_LO_PB_Advanced 1205
#define HID_LO_GB_Scripting 1206
#define HID_LO_CB_RunScript 1207
#define HID_LO_CB_Terminal 1208
#define HID_LO_LB_Scripts 1209
#define HID_LO_PB_Edit 1210
#define HID_LO_PB_Browse 1211
#define HID_LO_GB_SecurityOptions 1212
#define HID_LO_PB_IPSec 1213
#define HID_LO_PB_IPSecServer 1214
// Entry property sheet, Networking page
#define HID_NE_LB_ServerType 1300
#define HID_NE_PB_Settings 1301
#define HID_NE_LV_Components 1302
#define HID_NE_PB_Add 1303
#define HID_NE_PB_Remove 1304
#define HID_NE_PB_Properties 1305
#define HID_NE_LB_ComponentDesc 1306
// Entry property sheet, Networking page, PPP dialog box
#define HID_NE_EnableLcp 1350
#define HID_NE_EnableCompression 1351
#define HID_NE_NegotiateMultilinkAlways 1352
// Entry property sheet, Diagnostic page for Whistler 460931
#define HID_DG_CB_EnableLog 1370
#define HID_DG_PB_Clear 1371
#define HID_DG_PB_Export 1372
// Alternate numbers dialog
#define HID_AN_ST_Explain 1400
#define HID_AN_LV_Numbers 1402
#define HID_AN_PB_Up 1403
#define HID_AN_PB_Down 1404
#define HID_AN_PB_Add 1405
#define HID_AN_PB_Edit 1406
#define HID_AN_PB_Delete 1407
#define HID_AN_CB_MoveToTop 1408
#define HID_AN_CB_TryNextOnFail 1409
// Phone number editor dialog
#define HID_CE_GB_PhoneNumber 1500
#define HID_CE_CLB_AreaCodes 1502
#define HID_CE_EB_PhoneNumber 1504
#define HID_CE_LB_CountryCodes 1506
#define HID_CE_GB_Comment 1507
#define HID_CE_EB_Comment 1508
#define HID_CE_CB_UseDialingRules 1509
// X.25 Logon Settings dialog
#define HID_XS_ST_Explain 1600
#define HID_XS_LB_Networks 1602
#define HID_XS_EB_Address 1604
#define HID_XS_GB_Optional 1605
#define HID_XS_EB_UserData 1607
#define HID_XS_EB_Facilities 1609
// Automatic Dialing and Hanging Up dialog
#define HID_DM_ST_Explain 1700
#define HID_DM_LB_DialPercent 1702
#define HID_DM_LB_DialTime 1704
#define HID_DM_LB_HangUpPercent 1706
#define HID_DM_LB_HangUpTime 1708
// Custom Authentication dialog
#define HID_CA_LB_Encryption 1800
#define HID_CA_GB_LogonSecurity 1801
#define HID_CA_RB_Eap 1802
#define HID_CA_LB_EapPackages 1803
#define HID_CA_PB_Properties 1804
#define HID_CA_RB_AllowedProtocols 1805
#define HID_CA_CB_Pap 1806
#define HID_CA_CB_Spap 1807
#define HID_CA_CB_Chap 1808
#define HID_CA_CB_MsChap 1809
#define HID_CA_CB_W95MsChap 1810
#define HID_CA_CB_MsChap2 1811
#define HID_CA_CB_UseWindowsPw 1812
// Data Encryption dialog
#define HID_ES_LB_Encryptions 1900
// ISDN configure dialog.
#define HID_IC_LB_LineType 2000
#define HID_IC_CB_Fallback 2001
#define HID_IC_CB_DownLevel 2002
#define HID_IC_CB_Compression 2003
#define HID_IC_EB_Channels 2004
// Modem configure dialog.
#define HID_MC_I_Modem 2100
#define HID_MC_EB_ModemValue 2101
#define HID_MC_LB_MaxBps 2103
#define HID_MC_GB_Features 2104
#define HID_MC_CB_FlowControl 2105
#define HID_MC_CB_ErrorControl 2106
#define HID_MC_CB_Compression 2107
#define HID_MC_GB_BeforeDial 2108
#define HID_MC_CB_RunScript 2109
#define HID_MC_LB_Scripts 2110
#define HID_MC_CB_Terminal 2111
#define HID_MC_PB_Edit 2112
#define HID_MC_PB_Browse 2113
#define HID_MC_CB_EnableSpeaker 2114
#define HID_MC_LB_ModemProtocol 2115
// Change password dialog
#define HID_CP_ST_Explain 2200
#define HID_CP_EB_OldPassword 2201
#define HID_CP_EB_Password 2202
#define HID_CP_EB_ConfirmPassword 2203
// Dial callback dialog
#define HID_DC_ST_Explain 2300
#define HID_DC_EB_Number 2301
// Dial error dialog
#define HID_DE_PB_More 2401
#define HID_DE_PB_Redial 2402
#define HID_DE_CB_EnableDiag 2403 //For whistler460931
#define HID_DE_ST_ConfigureLnk 2404
// Projection result dialog
#define HID_PR_ST_Text 2500
#define HID_PR_PB_Accept 2501
#define HID_PR_PB_HangUp 2502
#define HID_PR_CB_DisableProtocols 2503
// Retry Authentication dialog
#define HID_UA_ST_UserName 2600
#define HID_UA_EB_UserName 2601
#define HID_UA_ST_Password 2602
#define HID_UA_EB_Password 2603
#define HID_UA_ST_Domain 2604
#define HID_UA_EB_Domain 2605
#define HID_UA_CB_SavePassword 2606
// Terminal dialogs
#define HID_IT_EB_Screen 2900
#define HID_IT_CC_IpAddress 2901
#define HID_IT_PB_Done 2902
// Dialer dialogs
#define HID_DR_BM_Useless 3000
#define HID_DR_EB_User 3002
#define HID_DR_EB_Password 3004
#define HID_DR_EB_Domain 3006
#define HID_DR_CB_SavePassword 3007
#define HID_DR_CLB_Numbers 3009
#define HID_DR_LB_Locations 3011
#define HID_DR_PB_Rules 3012
#define HID_DR_PB_Properties 3013
#define HID_DR_PB_DialConnect 3014
#define HID_DR_PB_Cancel 3016
#define HID_DR_PB_Help 3017
#define HID_DR_RB_SaveForMe 3018
#define HID_DR_RB_SaveForEveryone 3019
// Main phonebook dialog (temporary).
#define HID_DU_BM_Wizard 3400
#define HID_DU_LB_Entries 3401
#define HID_DU_PB_New 3402
#define HID_DU_PB_More 3403
#define HID_DU_LB_DialPreview 3404
#define HID_DU_LB_DialFrom 3405
#define HID_DU_PB_Location 3406
#define HID_DU_PB_Dial 3407
#define HID_DU_PB_Close 3408
// Phone Number list dialog.
#define HID_PN_EB_NewNumber 3500
#define HID_PN_PB_Add 3501
#define HID_PN_PB_Replace 3502
#define HID_PN_LB_List 3503
#define HID_PN_PB_Up 3504
#define HID_PN_PB_Down 3505
#define HID_PN_PB_Delete 3506
#define HID_PN_CB_Promote 3507
//#if 0
// (Router) Dialing page.
#define HID_RD_RB_Persistent 3600
#define HID_RD_RB_DemandDial 3601
#define HID_RD_EB_Attempts 3602
#define HID_RD_EB_Seconds 3603
#define HID_RD_EB_Idle 3604
#define HID_RD_PB_Callback 3605
#define HID_RD_PB_MultipleLines 3606
// (Router) Callback dialog
#define HID_CR_RB_No 3700
#define HID_CR_RB_Yes 3701
#define HID_CR_LV_Numbers 3702
#define HID_CR_PB_Edit 3703
#define HID_CR_PB_Delete 3704
// User preferences property sheet, Appearance page.
#define HID_GP_CB_Preview 3801
#define HID_GP_CB_Location 3802
#define HID_GP_CB_Lights 3803
#define HID_GP_CB_Progress 3804
#define HID_GP_CB_CloseOnDial 3805
#define HID_GP_CB_PhonebookEdits 3807
#define HID_GP_CB_LocationEdits 3808
#define HID_GP_CB_UseWizard 3809
#define HID_GP_CB_AutodialPrompt 3810
// User preferences property sheet, Dialing page.
#define HID_AD_LV_Enable 3900
#define HID_AD_EB_Attempts 3901
#define HID_AD_EB_Seconds 3902
#define HID_AD_EB_Idle 3903
#define HID_AD_CB_AskBeforeAutodial 3904
#define HID_AD_CB_DisableThisSession 3905
// User preferences property sheet, Callback page.
#define HID_CB_RB_No 4001
#define HID_CB_RB_Maybe 4002
#define HID_CB_RB_Yes 4003
#define HID_CB_LV_Numbers 4004
#define HID_CB_PB_Edit 4005
#define HID_CB_PB_Delete 4006
// User preferences property sheet, Phonebook page.
#define HID_PL_ST_Open 4100
#define HID_PL_RB_SystemList 4101
#define HID_PL_RB_PersonalList 4102
#define HID_PL_RB_AlternateList 4103
#define HID_PL_CL_Lists 4104
#define HID_PL_PB_Browse 4105
// Shared access settings property sheet, Applications page.
#define HID_SA_LV_Applications 4200
#define HID_SA_PB_Add 4201
#define HID_SA_PB_Edit 4202
#define HID_SA_PB_Delete 4203
// Shared access settings property sheet, Services page.
#define HID_SS_LV_Services 4250
#define HID_SS_PB_Add 4251
#define HID_SS_PB_Edit 4252
#define HID_SS_PB_Delete 4253
// Shared access settings property sheet, New Application dialog.
#define HID_SA_EB_Application 4300
#define HID_SA_EB_Port 4301
#define HID_SA_PB_Tcp 4302
#define HID_SA_PB_Udp 4303
#define HID_SA_EB_TcpResponse 4304
#define HID_SA_EB_UdpResponse 4305
// Shared access settings property sheet, New Service dialog.
#define HID_SS_EB_Service 4350
#define HID_SS_EB_Port 4351
#define HID_SS_PB_Tcp 4352
#define HID_SS_PB_Udp 4353
#define HID_SS_EB_Address 4354
// User preferences property sheet, Connections page.
#define HID_CO_GB_LogonPrivileges 4400
#define HID_CO_CB_AllowConnectionModification 4401
// User preferences property sheet, Callback page.
#define HID_ZE_ST_CallbackNumber 4450
// IP Security Policy Dialog box
#define HID_CI_CB_PresharedKey 4500
#define HID_CI_EB_PSK 4501
// For diagnostic Generate Report dialog box For whistler 460931
#define HID_EL_RB_ViewReport 4520
#define HID_EL_RB_File 4521
#define HID_EL_EB_FileName 4522
#define HID_EL_PB_Browse 4523
#define HID_EL_RB_Email 4524
#define HID_EL_EB_EmailAddress 4525
#define HID_EL_CB_SimpleReport 4526
#define HID_EL_ST_FileName 4527
// Start of RAS error contexts and the single context for non-RAS errors. So,
// 9700 is error 600, 9701 is error 601, etc.
#define HID_NONRASERROR 9999
#endif // _RASDLG_HCH_