/* Copyright (c) 1995-1996, Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved
** ** rasphone.c ** Remote Access Phonebook ** Main routines ** ** 05/31/95 Steve Cobb */
#include <windows.h> // Win32 core
#include <stdlib.h> // __argc and __argv
#include <rasdlg.h> // RAS common dialog APIs
#include <raserror.h> // RAS error constants
#include <debug.h> // Trace/Assert
#include <nouiutil.h> // No-HWND utilities
#include <uiutil.h> // HWND utilities
#include <rnk.h> // Dial-up shortcut file
#include <rasphone.rch> // Our resource constants
#include <lmsname.h> // for SERVICE_NETLOGON definition
#include <commctrl.h> // added to be "Fusionized"
#include <shfusion.h> // added to be "Fusionized"
** Datatypes **---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Identifies a running mode of the application. The non-default entries
** indicate some alternate behavior has been specified on the command line, ** e.g. command line delete entry. */ #define RUNMODE enum tagRUNMODE
RUNMODE { RM_None, RM_AddEntry, RM_EditEntry, RM_CloneEntry, RM_RemoveEntry, RM_DialEntry, RM_HangUpEntry, };
** Globals **---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
HINSTANCE g_hinst = NULL; RUNMODE g_mode = RM_None; BOOL g_fNoRename = FALSE; TCHAR* g_pszAppName = NULL; TCHAR* g_pszPhonebookPath = NULL; TCHAR* g_pszEntryName = NULL; TCHAR* g_pszShortcutPath = NULL;
** Local prototypes **----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
DWORD HangUpEntry( void );
DWORD ParseCmdLineArgs( void );
DWORD RemoveEntry( void );
DWORD Run( void );
DWORD StringArgFollows( IN UINT argc, IN CHAR** argv, IN OUT UINT* piCurArg, OUT TCHAR** ppszOut );
INT WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR pszCmdLine, int nCmdShow );
** Routines **----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
INT WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR pszCmdLine, int nCmdShow )
/* Standard Win32 application entry point.
*/ { DWORD dwErr;
g_hinst = hInstance;
/* Whistler bug 293751 rasphone.exe / rasautou.exe need to be "Fusionized"
** for UI conistency w/Connections Folder */ SHFusionInitializeFromModule( g_hinst );
dwErr = ParseCmdLineArgs(); if (dwErr == 0) { /* Execute based on command line arguments.
*/ dwErr = Run(); } else { MSGARGS msgargs;
/* Popup a "usage" message.
*/ ZeroMemory( &msgargs, sizeof(msgargs) ); msgargs.apszArgs[ 0 ] = g_pszAppName; msgargs.apszArgs[ 1 ] = PszFromId( g_hinst, SID_Usage2 ); msgargs.apszArgs[ 2 ] = PszFromId( g_hinst, SID_Usage3 ); msgargs.apszArgs[ 3 ] = PszFromId( g_hinst, SID_Usage4 ); msgargs.apszArgs[ 4 ] = PszFromId( g_hinst, SID_Usage5 ); msgargs.apszArgs[ 5 ] = PszFromId( g_hinst, SID_Usage6 ); MsgDlgUtil( NULL, SID_Usage, &msgargs, g_hinst, SID_UsageTitle ); Free0( msgargs.apszArgs[ 1 ] ); Free0( msgargs.apszArgs[ 2 ] ); Free0( msgargs.apszArgs[ 3 ] ); Free0( msgargs.apszArgs[ 4 ] ); Free0( msgargs.apszArgs[ 5 ] ); }
Free0( g_pszAppName ); Free0( g_pszPhonebookPath ); Free0( g_pszEntryName );
/* Whistler bug 293751 rasphone.exe / rasautou.exe need to be "Fusionized"
** for UI conistency w/Connections Folder */ SHFusionUninitialize();
TRACE1("WinMain=%d",dwErr); DEBUGTERM();
return (INT )dwErr; }
BOOL FIsRasInstalled () { static const TCHAR c_szRegKeyRasman[] = TEXT("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Rasman");
BOOL fIsRasInstalled = FALSE;
HKEY hkey; if (RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szRegKeyRasman, &hkey ) == 0) { fIsRasInstalled = TRUE; RegCloseKey( hkey ); }
return fIsRasInstalled; }
DWORD HangUpEntry( void )
/* Hang up the entry specified on the command line.
** ** Returns 0 if successful, or an error code. */ { DWORD dwErr; HRASCONN hrasconn;
if (!g_pszEntryName) return ERROR_CANNOT_FIND_PHONEBOOK_ENTRY;
dwErr = LoadRasapi32Dll(); if (dwErr != 0) return dwErr;
/* Currently, if user does not specify a phonebook path on the command
** line we look for any entry with the name he selected disregarding what ** phonebook it comes from. Should probably map it specifically to the ** default phonebook as the other options do, but that would mean linking ** in all of PBK.LIB. Seems like overkill for this little quibble. Maybe ** we need a RasGetDefaultPhonebookName API. */ hrasconn = HrasconnFromEntry( g_pszPhonebookPath, g_pszEntryName ); if (hrasconn) { ASSERT(g_pRasHangUp); TRACE("RasHangUp"); dwErr = g_pRasHangUp( hrasconn ); TRACE1("RasHangUp=%d",dwErr); }
return dwErr; }
DWORD ParseCmdLineArgs( void )
/* Parse command line arguments, filling in global settings accordingly.
** ** Returns 0 if successful, or a non-0 error code. */ { DWORD dwErr; UINT argc; CHAR** argv; UINT i;
/* Usage: appname [-v] [-f file] [-e|-c|-d|-h|-r entry]
** appname [-v] [-f file] -a [entry] ** appname [-v] -lx link ** appname -s ** ** '-a' Popup new entry dialogs ** '-e' Popup edit entry dialogs ** '-d' Popup dial entry dialogs ** '-h' Quietly hang up the entry ** '-r' Quietly delete the entry ** '-lx' Execute command 'x' on dial-up shortcut file ** 'x' Any of the commands e, v, c, r, d, h, or a ** 'entry' The entry name to which the operation applies ** 'file' The full path to the dial-up phonebook file (.pbk) ** 'link' The full path to the dial-up shortcut file (.rnk) ** ** 'entry' without a preceding flag starts the phone list dialog with ** the entry selected. */
argc = __argc; argv = __argv; dwErr = 0;
{ CHAR* pStart = argv[ 0 ]; CHAR* p;
for (p = pStart + lstrlenA( pStart ) - 1; p >= pStart; --p) { if (*p == '\\' || *p == ':') break; }
g_pszAppName = StrDupTFromA( p + 1 ); }
for (i = 1; i < argc && dwErr == 0; ++i) { CHAR* pszArg = argv[ i ];
if (*pszArg == '-' || *pszArg == '/') { switch (pszArg[ 1 ]) { case 'a': case 'A': g_mode = RM_AddEntry; StringArgFollows( argc, argv, &i, &g_pszEntryName ); break;
case 'e': case 'E': g_mode = RM_EditEntry; dwErr = StringArgFollows( argc, argv, &i, &g_pszEntryName ); break; case 'r': case 'R': g_mode = RM_RemoveEntry; dwErr = StringArgFollows( argc, argv, &i, &g_pszEntryName ); break;
case 'd': case 'D': case 't': case 'T': g_mode = RM_DialEntry; dwErr = StringArgFollows( argc, argv, &i, &g_pszEntryName ); break; case 'h': case 'H': g_mode = RM_HangUpEntry; dwErr = StringArgFollows( argc, argv, &i, &g_pszEntryName ); break;
case 'f': case 'F': dwErr = StringArgFollows( argc, argv, &i, &g_pszPhonebookPath ); break;
case 'l': case 'L': switch (pszArg[ 2 ]) { case 'a': case 'A': g_mode = RM_AddEntry; StringArgFollows( argc, argv, &i, &g_pszEntryName ); break;
case 'e': case 'E': g_mode = RM_EditEntry; break;
case 'c': case 'C': g_mode = RM_CloneEntry; break;
case 'v': case 'V': g_fNoRename = TRUE; break;
case 'r': case 'R': g_mode = RM_RemoveEntry; break;
case 'd': case 'D': case 't': case 'T': g_mode = RM_DialEntry; break;
case 'h': case 'H': g_mode = RM_HangUpEntry; break;
default: dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; }
if (dwErr == 0) { dwErr = StringArgFollows( argc, argv, &i, &g_pszShortcutPath ); } break;
default: dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } } else if (i == 1) { --i; dwErr = StringArgFollows( argc, argv, &i, &g_pszEntryName ); break; } else { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } }
if (dwErr == 0 && g_pszShortcutPath) { RNKINFO* pInfo;
/* Read the phonebook and entry from the dial-up shortcut file.
*/ pInfo = ReadShortcutFile( g_pszShortcutPath ); if (!pInfo) dwErr = ERROR_OPEN_FAILED; else { g_pszPhonebookPath = StrDup( pInfo->pszPhonebook ); if (g_mode != RM_AddEntry) g_pszEntryName = StrDup( pInfo->pszEntry );
FreeRnkInfo( pInfo ); } }
TRACE2("CmdLine: m=%d,v=%d",g_mode,g_fNoRename); TRACEW1("CmdLine: e=%s",(g_pszEntryName)?g_pszEntryName:TEXT("")); TRACEW1("CmdLine: f=%s",(g_pszPhonebookPath)?g_pszPhonebookPath:TEXT("")); TRACEW1("CmdLine: l=%s",(g_pszShortcutPath)?g_pszShortcutPath:TEXT(""));
return dwErr; }
DWORD RemoveEntry( void )
/* Remove the entry specified on the command line.
** ** Returns 0 if successful, or an error code. */ { DWORD dwErr; HRASCONN hrasconn = NULL;
dwErr = LoadRasapi32Dll(); if (dwErr != 0) return dwErr;
//If this entry is currently connected, we wont delete it
//for whislter bug 311846 gangz
hrasconn = HrasconnFromEntry( g_pszPhonebookPath, g_pszEntryName ); if (hrasconn) { TRACE("RemoveEntry: Connection is Active, wont delete it"); dwErr = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; } else { ASSERT(g_pRasDeleteEntry); TRACE("RasDeleteEntry"); dwErr = g_pRasDeleteEntry( g_pszPhonebookPath, g_pszEntryName ); TRACE1("RasDeleteEntry=%d",dwErr); }
return dwErr; }
DWORD Run( void )
/* Execute the command line instructions.
** ** Returns 0 if successful, or an error code. */ { DWORD dwErr; BOOL fStatus; TCHAR* pszEntry; HINSTANCE hInstRasapi32 = NULL;
if (g_mode == RM_HangUpEntry) return HangUpEntry(); else if (g_mode == RM_RemoveEntry) return RemoveEntry();
dwErr = LoadRasdlgDll(); if (dwErr != 0) return dwErr;
switch (g_mode) { case RM_DialEntry: { RASDIALDLG info;
ZeroMemory( &info, sizeof(info) ); info.dwSize = sizeof(info); pszEntry = g_pszEntryName;
ASSERT(g_pRasDialDlg); TRACE("RasDialDlg"); fStatus = g_pRasDialDlg( g_pszPhonebookPath, g_pszEntryName, NULL, &info ); TRACE2("RasDialDlg=%d,e=%d",fStatus,info.dwError);
dwErr = info.dwError; break; }
case RM_None: { RASPBDLG info; DWORD dwGupErr; PBUSER user;
ZeroMemory( &info, sizeof(info) ); info.dwSize = sizeof(info); info.dwFlags = RASPBDFLAG_UpdateDefaults;
dwGupErr = GetUserPreferences( NULL, &user, FALSE ); if (dwGupErr == 0) { if (user.dwXPhonebook != 0x7FFFFFFF) { info.dwFlags |= RASPBDFLAG_PositionDlg; info.xDlg = user.dwXPhonebook; info.yDlg = user.dwYPhonebook; }
pszEntry = user.pszDefaultEntry; } else pszEntry = NULL;
if (g_pszEntryName) pszEntry = g_pszEntryName;
ASSERT(g_pRasPhonebookDlg); TRACE("RasPhonebookDlg..."); fStatus = g_pRasPhonebookDlg( g_pszPhonebookPath, pszEntry, &info ); TRACE2("RasPhonebookDlg=%d,e=%d",fStatus,info.dwError);
if (dwGupErr == 0) DestroyUserPreferences( &user );
dwErr = info.dwError; break; }
case RM_AddEntry: case RM_EditEntry: case RM_CloneEntry: { RASENTRYDLG info;
ZeroMemory( &info, sizeof(info) ); info.dwSize = sizeof(info);
if (g_mode == RM_AddEntry) info.dwFlags |= RASEDFLAG_NewEntry; else if (g_mode == RM_CloneEntry) info.dwFlags |= RASEDFLAG_CloneEntry;
if (g_fNoRename) info.dwFlags |= RASEDFLAG_NoRename;
#if 0
ASSERT(g_pRouterEntryDlg); TRACE("RouterEntryDlg"); fStatus = g_pRouterEntryDlg( TEXT("stevec5"), TEXT("\\\\stevec5\\admin$\\system32\\ras\\router.pbk"), g_pszEntryName, &info ); TRACE2("RouterEntryDlg=%f,e=%d",fStatus,info.dwError); #else
ASSERT(g_pRasEntryDlg); TRACE("RasEntryDlg"); fStatus = g_pRasEntryDlg( g_pszPhonebookPath, g_pszEntryName, &info ); TRACE2("RasEntryDlg=%f,e=%d",fStatus,info.dwError); #endif
dwErr = info.dwError; break; }
default: { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } }
if(NULL != (hInstRasapi32 = GetModuleHandle(L"rasapi32.dll"))) { FARPROC pRasUninitialize = GetProcAddress(hInstRasapi32, "DwRasUninitialize");
if(NULL != pRasUninitialize) { (void) pRasUninitialize(); } }
TRACE1("Run=%d",dwErr); return dwErr; }
DWORD StringArgFollows( IN UINT argc, IN CHAR** argv, IN OUT UINT* piCurArg, OUT TCHAR** ppszOut )
/* Loads a copy of the next argument into callers '*ppszOut'.
** ** Returns 0 if successful, or a non-0 error code. If successful, it is ** caller's responsibility to Free the returned '*ppszOut'. */ { TCHAR* psz;
if (++(*piCurArg) >= argc) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
psz = StrDupTFromAUsingAnsiEncoding( argv[ *piCurArg ] ); if (!psz) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
*ppszOut = psz;
return 0; }