/********************************************************************/ /** Copyright(c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation. **/ /********************************************************************/
// Filename: finder.c
// Description: This module contains support routines for the finder
// category API's for the AFP server service
// History:
// Sept 30,1993. NarenG Created original version.
#include "afpsvcp.h"
BOOL IsTargetNTFS( IN LPWSTR lpwsPath );
DWORD CopyStream( IN HANDLE hSrc, IN HANDLE hDst );
#define AFP_RESC_STREAM TEXT(":AFP_Resource")
// Call: AfpAdminrFinderSetInfo
// Returns: NO_ERROR
// non-zero returns from AfpServerIOCtrl
// Description: This routine communicates with the AFP FSD to implement
// the AfpAdminFinderSetInfo function.
DWORD AfpAdminrFinderSetInfo( IN AFP_SERVER_HANDLE hServer, IN LPWSTR pType, IN LPWSTR pCreator, IN LPWSTR pData, IN LPWSTR pResource, IN LPWSTR pTarget, IN DWORD dwParmNum ) { AFP_REQUEST_PACKET AfpSrp; DWORD dwRetCode = NO_ERROR, dwRetryCount = 0; AFP_FINDER_INFO AfpFinderInfo; LPBYTE pAfpFinderInfoSR = NULL; DWORD cbAfpFinderInfoSRSize; DWORD dwAccessStatus=0; HANDLE hTarget = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE hDataSrc = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE hResourceSrc = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; LPWSTR lpwsResourceFork; BOOLEAN fCreatedFile = FALSE;
// Check if caller has access
if ( dwRetCode = AfpSecObjAccessCheck( AFPSVC_ALL_ACCESS, &dwAccessStatus)) { AFP_PRINT(( "SFMSVC: AfpAdminrFinderSetInfo, AfpSecObjAccessCheck failed %ld\n",dwRetCode)); AfpLogEvent( AFPLOG_CANT_CHECK_ACCESS, 0, NULL, dwRetCode, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE ); return( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); }
if ( dwAccessStatus ) { AFP_PRINT(( "SFMSVC: AfpAdminrFinderSetInfo, AfpSecObjAccessCheck returned %ld\n",dwAccessStatus)); return( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); }
if ( wcsstr( pTarget, (LPWSTR)TEXT(":\\") ) == NULL ) return( ERROR_INVALID_NAME );
if ( !IsTargetNTFS( pTarget ) ) return( (DWORD)AFPERR_UnsupportedFS );
// Impersonate the client while we read/write the fork data
dwRetCode = RpcImpersonateClient( NULL ); if ( dwRetCode != RPC_S_OK ) { return(I_RpcMapWin32Status( dwRetCode )); }
// open the data source file if one was specified
if ( STRLEN( pData ) > 0 ){ hDataSrc = CreateFile(pData, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hDataSrc == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { RpcRevertToSelf(); return( GetLastError() ); } // open the target file's data stream if the file exists,
// otherwise create the file
hTarget = CreateFile(pTarget, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hTarget == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { dwRetCode = GetLastError(); CloseHandle(hDataSrc); RpcRevertToSelf(); return( dwRetCode ); }
// Figure out if we just created a new file
if (GetLastError() == 0) { fCreatedFile = TRUE; }
SetFilePointer(hTarget,0,NULL,FILE_BEGIN); SetEndOfFile(hTarget); // Read the source data and write it to target data stream
SetLastError(NO_ERROR); dwRetCode = CopyStream(hDataSrc, hTarget); CloseHandle(hDataSrc); CloseHandle(hTarget); if (dwRetCode != NO_ERROR) { RpcRevertToSelf(); return( dwRetCode ); } }
// open the resource source file if one was specified
if ( STRLEN( pResource ) > 0 ) {
hResourceSrc = CreateFile( pResource, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hResourceSrc == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { RpcRevertToSelf(); return( GetLastError() ); } lpwsResourceFork = LocalAlloc( LPTR, (STRLEN(pTarget)+ STRLEN(AFP_RESC_STREAM)+1) * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); if ( lpwsResourceFork == NULL ) { CloseHandle(hResourceSrc); RpcRevertToSelf(); return( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); } // Open the target resource fork
STRCPY(lpwsResourceFork, pTarget ); STRCAT(lpwsResourceFork, AFP_RESC_STREAM); hTarget = CreateFile(lpwsResourceFork, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hTarget == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { dwRetCode = GetLastError(); LocalFree( lpwsResourceFork ); CloseHandle(hResourceSrc); RpcRevertToSelf(); return( dwRetCode ); } LocalFree( lpwsResourceFork ); // Assume we created a new file (datafork) in the process, there is
// no way to tell for sure since creating a new resource fork will
// not tell us whether or not the datafork already existed or not
fCreatedFile = TRUE;
// Read the source resource and write it to target resource stream
SetLastError(NO_ERROR); dwRetCode = CopyStream(hResourceSrc, hTarget); CloseHandle(hResourceSrc); CloseHandle(hTarget); if (dwRetCode != NO_ERROR) { RpcRevertToSelf(); return( dwRetCode ); } }
// Revert back to LocalSystem context
dwRetCode = NO_ERROR; AfpFinderInfo.afpfd_path = pTarget; if ( dwParmNum & AFP_FD_PARMNUM_TYPE ) STRCPY( AfpFinderInfo.afpfd_type, pType ); else AfpFinderInfo.afpfd_type[0] = TEXT( '\0' ); if ( dwParmNum & AFP_FD_PARMNUM_CREATOR ) STRCPY( AfpFinderInfo.afpfd_creator, pCreator ); else AfpFinderInfo.afpfd_creator[0] = TEXT( '\0' ); // Make this buffer self-relative.
if ( dwRetCode = AfpBufMakeFSDRequest((LPBYTE)&AfpFinderInfo, sizeof(SETINFOREQPKT), AFP_FINDER_STRUCT, &pAfpFinderInfoSR, &cbAfpFinderInfoSRSize )) return( dwRetCode );
// Make IOCTL to set info
AfpSrp.dwRequestCode = OP_FINDER_SET; AfpSrp.dwApiType = AFP_API_TYPE_SETINFO; AfpSrp.Type.SetInfo.pInputBuf = pAfpFinderInfoSR; AfpSrp.Type.SetInfo.cbInputBufSize = cbAfpFinderInfoSRSize; AfpSrp.Type.SetInfo.dwParmNum = dwParmNum;
// Since there will be a delay between the time the change
// notify comes into the server for the new file, and the
// time it is actually processed by the server, we need to
// put in a delay and retry to give the server a chance to
// cache the new file
if (fCreatedFile) { Sleep( 2000 ); }
do {
dwRetCode = AfpServerIOCtrl( &AfpSrp );
if (dwRetCode != ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) { break; }
Sleep( 2000);
} while ( ++dwRetryCount < 4 );
LocalFree( pAfpFinderInfoSR ); }
return( dwRetCode ); }
DWORD CopyStream( IN HANDLE hSrc, IN HANDLE hDst ) { DWORD bytesread, byteswritten, Status = NO_ERROR; BYTE Buffer[1024 * 16];
do { bytesread = byteswritten = 0;
// read from src, write to dst
if (ReadFile(hSrc, Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), &bytesread, NULL)) { if (bytesread == 0) { break; } } else { Status = GetLastError(); break; }
if (!WriteFile(hDst, Buffer, bytesread, &byteswritten, NULL)) { Status = GetLastError(); break; }
} while (TRUE);
return(Status); }
BOOL IsTargetNTFS( IN LPWSTR lpwsPath ) { WCHAR wchDrive[5]; DWORD dwMaxCompSize; DWORD dwFlags; WCHAR wchFileSystem[10];
// Get the drive letter, : and backslash
ZeroMemory( wchDrive, sizeof( wchDrive ) );
STRNCPY( wchDrive, lpwsPath, 3 );
if ( !( GetVolumeInformation( (LPWSTR)wchDrive, NULL, 0, NULL, &dwMaxCompSize, &dwFlags, (LPWSTR)wchFileSystem, sizeof( wchFileSystem ) / sizeof( wchFileSystem[0] ) ) ) ){ return( FALSE ); }
if ( STRICMP( wchFileSystem, TEXT("NTFS") ) == 0 ) return( TRUE ); else return( FALSE ); }