Copyright (c) 1992-1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Routine to convert UNICODE to ASCII.
User Mode - Win32
Revision History:
10-May-1996 DonRyan Removed banner from Technology Dynamics, Inc.
//--------------------------- WINDOWS DEPENDENCIES --------------------------
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntdef.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <snmp.h>
#include <snmputil.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//--------------------------- STANDARD DEPENDENCIES -- #include<xxxxx.h> ----
//--------------------------- MODULE DEPENDENCIES -- #include"xxxxx.h" ------
//--------------------------- SELF-DEPENDENCY -- ONE #include"module.h" -----
//--------------------------- PUBLIC VARIABLES --(same as in module.h file)--
//--------------------------- PRIVATE CONSTANTS -----------------------------
//--------------------------- PRIVATE STRUCTS -------------------------------
//--------------------------- PRIVATE VARIABLES -----------------------------
//--------------------------- PRIVATE PROTOTYPES ----------------------------
//--------------------------- PRIVATE PROCEDURES ----------------------------
//--------------------------- PUBLIC PROCEDURES -----------------------------
// The return code matches what Uni->Str uses
LONG SNMP_FUNC_TYPE SnmpUtilUnicodeToAnsi( LPSTR *ppSzString, LPWSTR pWcsString, BOOLEAN bAllocBuffer)
{ int retCode; int nAnsiStringLen; int nUniStringLen;
// make sure the parameters are valid
if (pWcsString == NULL || // the unicode string should be valid
ppSzString == NULL || // the output parameter should be a valid pointer
(!bAllocBuffer && *((UNALIGNED LPSTR *) ppSzString) == NULL)) // if we are not requested to allocate the buffer,
// then the supplied one should be valid
{ SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_ERROR, "SNMP: SNMPAPI: Invalid input to SnmpUtilUnicodeToAnsi.\n"));
SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (-1); }
nUniStringLen = wcslen(pWcsString); nAnsiStringLen = nUniStringLen + 1; // greatest value possible
// if we are requested to alloc the output buffer..
if (bAllocBuffer) { // ...pick up first the buffer length needed for translation.
retCode = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, pWcsString, nUniStringLen + 1, // include the null terminator in the string
NULL, 0, // the function returns the number of bytes required for the buffer
NULL, NULL); // at least we expect here the null terminator
// if retCode is zero, something else went wrong.
if (retCode == 0) { SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_ERROR, "SNMP: SNMPAPI: First call to WideCharToMultiByte failed [%d].\n", GetLastError()));
return -1; }
// adjust the length of the ANSI string to the correct value
// !!! it includes the null terminator !!!
nAnsiStringLen = retCode;
// alloc here as many bytes as we need for the translation
*((UNALIGNED LPSTR *) ppSzString) = SnmpUtilMemAlloc(nAnsiStringLen);
// at this point we should have a valid output buffer
if (*((UNALIGNED LPSTR *) ppSzString) == NULL) { SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_ERROR, "SNMP: SNMPAPI: Memory allocation failed in SnmpUtilUnicodeToAnsi [%d].\n", GetLastError()));
SetLastError(SNMP_MEM_ALLOC_ERROR); return -1; } }
// if bAllocBuffer is false, we assume the buffer given
// by the caller is sufficiently large to hold all the ANSI string
retCode = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, pWcsString, nUniStringLen + 1, *((UNALIGNED LPSTR *) ppSzString), nAnsiStringLen, NULL, NULL);
// nothing should go wrong here. However, if something went wrong...
if (retCode == 0) { SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_ERROR, "SNMP: SNMPAPI: Second call to WideCharToMultiByte failed [%d].\n", GetLastError()));
// ..we made it, we kill it
if (bAllocBuffer) { SnmpUtilMemFree(*((UNALIGNED LPSTR *) ppSzString)); *((UNALIGNED LPSTR *) ppSzString) = NULL; } // bail with error
return -1; }
// at this point, the call succeeded.
return 0; }
// The return code matches what Uni->Str uses
LONG SNMP_FUNC_TYPE SnmpUtilUnicodeToUTF8( LPSTR *pUtfString, LPWSTR wcsString, BOOLEAN bAllocBuffer) { int retCode; int nWcsStringLen; int nUtfStringLen;
// Bug# 268748, lmmib2.dll uses this API and causes exception here on IA64 platform.
// it is possible that pUtfString points to a pointer which is not aligned because the
// pointer is embedded in a buffer allocated in lmmib2.dll.
// Other functions in this file are fixed with this potential problem too.
// make sure the parameters are valid
if (wcsString == NULL || // the unicode string should be valid
pUtfString == NULL || // the output parameter should be a valid pointer
(!bAllocBuffer && *((UNALIGNED LPSTR *) pUtfString) == NULL)) // if we are not requested to allocate the buffer,
// then the supplied one should be valid
{ SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_ERROR, "SNMP: SNMPAPI: Invalid input to SnmpUtilUnicodeToUTF8.\n"));
SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (-1); }
nWcsStringLen = wcslen(wcsString); nUtfStringLen = 3 * (nWcsStringLen + 1); // initialize the lenght of the output buffer with the
// greatest value possible
// if we are requested to alloc the output buffer..
if (bAllocBuffer) { // ...pick up first the buffer length needed for translation.
retCode = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8, 0, wcsString, nWcsStringLen + 1, // include the null terminator in the string
NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); // at least we expect here the null terminator
// if retCode is zero, something else went wrong.
if (retCode == 0) { SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_ERROR, "SNMP: SNMPAPI: First call to WideCharToMultiByte failed [%d].\n", GetLastError()));
return -1; }
// adjust the length of the utf8 string to the correct value
// !!! it includes the null terminator !!!
nUtfStringLen = retCode;
// alloc here as many bytes as we need for the translation
*((UNALIGNED LPSTR *) pUtfString) = SnmpUtilMemAlloc(nUtfStringLen);
// at this point we should have a valid output buffer
if (*((UNALIGNED LPSTR *) pUtfString) == NULL) { SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_ERROR, "SNMP: SNMPAPI: Memory allocation failed in SnmpUtilUnicodeToUTF8 [%d].\n", GetLastError()));
SetLastError(SNMP_MEM_ALLOC_ERROR); return -1; } } // if bAllocBuffer is false, we assume the buffer given
// by the caller is sufficiently large to hold all the UTF8 string
retCode = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8, 0, wcsString, nWcsStringLen + 1, *((UNALIGNED LPSTR *) pUtfString), nUtfStringLen, NULL, NULL);
// nothing should go wrong here. However, if smth went wrong...
if (retCode == 0) { SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_ERROR, "SNMP: SNMPAPI: Second call to WideCharToMultiByte failed [%d].\n", GetLastError()));
// ..we made it, we kill it
if (bAllocBuffer) { SnmpUtilMemFree(*((UNALIGNED LPSTR *) pUtfString)); *((UNALIGNED LPSTR *) pUtfString) = NULL; } // bail with error
return -1; }
// at this point, the call succeeded.
return 0; }
// The return code matches what Uni->Str uses
LONG SNMP_FUNC_TYPE SnmpUtilAnsiToUnicode( LPWSTR *ppWcsString, LPSTR pSzString, BOOLEAN bAllocBuffer)
{ int retCode; int nAnsiStringLen; int nWcsStringLen;
// check the consistency of the parameters first
if (pSzString == NULL || // the input parameter must be valid
ppWcsString == NULL || // the pointer to the output parameter must be valid
(!bAllocBuffer && *((UNALIGNED LPWSTR *) ppWcsString) == NULL)) // if we are not required to allocate the output parameter
// then the output buffer must be valid
{ SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_ERROR, "SNMP: SNMPAPI: Invalid input to SnmpUtilAnsiToUnicode.\n"));
SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return -1; }
nAnsiStringLen = strlen(pSzString); // the length of the input ANSI string
nWcsStringLen = nAnsiStringLen + 1; // greatest value possible
if (bAllocBuffer) { retCode = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, pSzString, nAnsiStringLen + 1, // including the null terminator
NULL, 0); // the function returns the required buffer size, in wide characters
// at least we expect here the null terminator
// if retCode is zero, something else went wrong.
if (retCode == 0) { SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_ERROR, "SNMP: SNMPAPI: First call to MultiByteToWideChar failed [%d].\n", GetLastError()));
return -1; }
// adjust the length of the Uincode string to the correct value
nWcsStringLen = retCode;
// alloc here as many bytes as we need for the translation
// !!! it includes the null terminator !!!
*((UNALIGNED LPWSTR *) ppWcsString) = SnmpUtilMemAlloc(nWcsStringLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
// at this point we should have a valid output buffer
if (*((UNALIGNED LPWSTR *) ppWcsString) == NULL) { SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_ERROR, "SNMP: SNMPAPI: Memory allocation failed in SnmpUtilAnsiToUnicode [%d].\n", GetLastError()));
SetLastError(SNMP_MEM_ALLOC_ERROR); return -1; } }
// if bAllocBuffer is false, we assume the buffer given
// by the caller is sufficiently large to hold all the Unicode string
retCode = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, pSzString, nAnsiStringLen + 1, *((UNALIGNED LPWSTR *) ppWcsString), nWcsStringLen);
// nothing should go wrong here. However, if something went wrong...
if (retCode == 0) { SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_ERROR, "SNMP: SNMPAPI: Second call to MultiByteToWideChar failed [%d].\n", GetLastError()));
// ..we made it, we kill it
if (bAllocBuffer) { SnmpUtilMemFree(*((UNALIGNED LPWSTR *) ppWcsString)); *((UNALIGNED LPWSTR *) ppWcsString) = NULL; } // bail with error
return -1; }
// at this point, the call succeeded.
return 0; }
// The return code matches what Uni->Str uses
LONG SNMP_FUNC_TYPE SnmpUtilUTF8ToUnicode( LPWSTR *pWcsString, LPSTR utfString, BOOLEAN bAllocBuffer)
{ int retCode; int nUtfStringLen; int nWcsStringLen;
// check the consistency of the parameters first
if (utfString == NULL || // the input parameter must be valid
pWcsString == NULL || // the pointer to the output parameter must be valid
(!bAllocBuffer && *((UNALIGNED LPWSTR *) pWcsString) == NULL)) // if we are not required to allocate the output parameter
// then the output buffer must be valid
{ SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_ERROR, "SNMP: SNMPAPI: Invalid input to SnmpUtilUTF8ToUnicode.\n"));
SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return -1; }
nUtfStringLen = strlen(utfString); // the length of the input utf8 string
nWcsStringLen = nUtfStringLen + 1; // greatest value possible
if (bAllocBuffer) { retCode = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, utfString, nUtfStringLen + 1, NULL, 0);
// at least we expect here the null terminator
// if retCode is zero, something else went wrong.
if (retCode == 0) { SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_ERROR, "SNMP: SNMPAPI: First call to MultiByteToWideChar failed [%d].\n", GetLastError()));
return -1; }
// adjust the length of the utf8 string to the correct value
nWcsStringLen = retCode;
// alloc here as many bytes as we need for the translation
// !!! it includes the null terminator !!!
*((UNALIGNED LPWSTR *) pWcsString) = SnmpUtilMemAlloc(nWcsStringLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
// at this point we should have a valid output buffer
if (*((UNALIGNED LPWSTR *) pWcsString) == NULL) { SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_ERROR, "SNMP: SNMPAPI: Memory allocation failed in SnmpUtilUTF8ToUnicode [%d].\n", GetLastError()));
SetLastError(SNMP_MEM_ALLOC_ERROR); return -1; } }
// if bAllocBuffer is false, we assume the buffer given
// by the caller is sufficiently large to hold all the UTF8 string
retCode = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, utfString, nUtfStringLen + 1, *((UNALIGNED LPWSTR *) pWcsString), nWcsStringLen);
// nothing should go wrong here. However, if smth went wrong...
if (retCode == 0) { SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_ERROR, "SNMP: SNMPAPI: Second call to MultiByteToWideChar failed [%d].\n", GetLastError()));
// ..we made it, we kill it
if (bAllocBuffer) { SnmpUtilMemFree(*((UNALIGNED LPWSTR *) pWcsString)); *((UNALIGNED LPWSTR *) pWcsString) = NULL; } // bail with error
return -1; }
// at this point, the call succeeded.
return 0; } //-------------------------------- END --------------------------------------