// Copyright (c) 1997 Active Voice Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// Active Agent(r) and Unified Communications(tm) are trademarks of Active Voice Corporation.
// Other brand and29 product names used herein are trademarks of their respective owners.
// The entire program and user interface including the structure, sequence, selection,
// and arrangement of the dialog, the exclusively "yes" and "no" choices represented
// by "1" and "2," and each dialog message are protected by copyrights registered in
// the United States and by international treaties.
// Protected by one or more of the following United States patents: 5,070,526, 5,488,650,
// 5,434,906, 5,581,604, 5,533,102, 5,568,540, 5,625,676, 5,651,054.
// Active Voice Corporation
// Seattle, Washington
// USA
// cpgen.c - conference properties general dialog box
#include "winlocal.h"
#include "res.h"
#include "wnd.h"
#include "DlgBase.h"
#include "confprop.h"
#include "cpgen.h"
#include "confinfo.h"
#include "ThreadPub.h"
// private
extern HINSTANCE g_hInstLib;
#define NAME_MAXLEN 64
#define OWNER_MAXLEN 64
static LRESULT ConfPropGeneral_DlgProcEx(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static BOOL ConfPropGeneral_OnInitDialog(HWND hwndDlg, HWND hwndFocus, LPARAM lParam); static BOOL ConfPropGeneral_OnCommand(HWND hwndDlg, UINT id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT code); static int ConfPropGeneral_OnNotify(HWND hwndDlg, UINT idFrom, LPNMHDR lpnmhdr); #define ConfPropGeneral_DefProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam) \
DefDlgProcEx(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, &g_bDefDlgEx) static BOOL ConfPropGeneral_UpdateData(HWND hwndDlg, BOOL bSaveAndValidate); static void ConfPropGeneral_SetDateTimeFormats( HWND hwndDlg );
DWORD WINAPI ThreadMDHCPScopeEnum( LPVOID pParam ); void ShowScopeInfo( HWND hwndDlg, int nShow, bool bInit );
static BOOL g_bDefDlgEx = FALSE;
// public
int DLLEXPORT WINAPI ConfPropGeneral_DoModal(HWND hwndOwner, DWORD dwUser) { return DialogBoxParam(g_hInstLib, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_CONFPROP_GENERAL), hwndOwner, ConfPropGeneral_DlgProc, (LPARAM) dwUser); }
INT_PTR DLLEXPORT CALLBACK ConfPropGeneral_DlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CheckDefDlgRecursion(&g_bDefDlgEx); return SetDlgMsgResult(hwndDlg, uMsg, ConfPropGeneral_DlgProcEx(hwndDlg, uMsg, wParam, lParam)); }
// private
void EnableOkBtn( HWND hWnd, bool bEnable ) { while ( hWnd ) { HWND hWndOk = GetDlgItem( hWnd, IDOK ); if ( hWndOk ) { EnableWindow( hWndOk, bEnable ); break; }
hWnd = GetParent( hWnd ); } }
static LRESULT ConfPropGeneral_DlgProcEx(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LRESULT lRet = 0;
switch (uMsg) { HANDLE_MSG(hwndDlg, WM_INITDIALOG, ConfPropGeneral_OnInitDialog);
case WM_COMMAND: if ( (lRet = HANDLE_WM_COMMAND(hwndDlg, wParam, lParam, ConfPropGeneral_OnCommand)) != 0 ) return lRet; break;
case WM_NOTIFY: if ( (lRet = HANDLE_WM_NOTIFY(hwndDlg, wParam, lParam, ConfPropGeneral_OnNotify)) != 0 ) return lRet; break;
case WM_HELP: return GeneralOnHelp( hwndDlg, wParam, lParam ); case WM_CONTEXTMENU: return GeneralOnContextMenu( hwndDlg, wParam, lParam );
case WM_SETTINGCHANGE: ConfPropGeneral_SetDateTimeFormats( hwndDlg ); // do default processing as well
break; }
return ConfPropGeneral_DefProc(hwndDlg, uMsg, wParam, lParam); }
static BOOL ConfPropGeneral_OnInitDialog(HWND hwndDlg, HWND hwndFocus, LPARAM lParam) { //_ASSERT( lParam && ((LPPROPSHEETPAGE) lParam)->lParam );
// We have to verify the arguments
if( NULL == ((LPPROPSHEETPAGE)lParam) ) { return TRUE; }
// Validates lpConfProp
if( IsBadReadPtr( lpConfProp, sizeof( CONFPROP) ) ) { return TRUE; }
SetWindowLongPtr( hwndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR) lpConfProp );
// Reset content of listbox if necessary
ConfPropGeneral_UpdateData( hwndDlg, FALSE ); if ( lpConfProp->ConfInfo.IsNewConference() ) ShowScopeInfo( hwndDlg, SW_SHOW, true );
//WndCenterWindow( GetParent(hwndDlg), NULL, 0, 0 );
return TRUE; // let Windows decide who gets focus
static BOOL ConfPropGeneral_OnCommand(HWND hwndDlg, UINT id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT code) { BOOL bRet = false;
HWND hwndName = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_EDIT_NAME);
switch (id) { case IDC_EDIT_NAME: if (code == EN_CHANGE) EnableOkBtn( hwndDlg, (bool) (Edit_GetTextLength(hwndName) != 0) );
default: break; }
return bRet; }
static int ConfPropGeneral_OnNotify(HWND hwndDlg, UINT idFrom, LPNMHDR lpnmhdr) { switch (lpnmhdr->code) { // page about to be activated and made visible, so initialize page
case PSN_SETACTIVE: return 0; // ok
// return -1; // activate previous or next page
// return MAKEINTRESOURCE(id); // activate specific page
// page about to lose activation, so validate page
case PSN_KILLACTIVE: return FALSE; // ok
// return TRUE; // not ok
// ok or apply button pushed, so apply properties to object
case PSN_APPLY: return ConfPropGeneral_UpdateData( hwndDlg, TRUE ); break;
// cancel button pushed
case PSN_QUERYCANCEL: return FALSE; // ok
// return TRUE; // not ok
// page about to be destroyed after cancel button pushed
case PSN_RESET: return FALSE; // return value ignored
// help button pushed
case PSN_HELP: // WinHelp(...); // $FIXUP - need to handle this
return FALSE; // return value ignored
case DTN_DATETIMECHANGE: // If this is not a new conference, post a message explaining that
// the scope information will need to be re-selected
if ( IsWindow(hwndDlg) ) { LPCONFPROP lpConfProp = (LPCONFPROP) GetWindowLongPtr( hwndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA ); //
// We have to verify the lpConfProp
if( NULL == lpConfProp ) { break; }
if ( !lpConfProp->ConfInfo.m_bDateTimeChange ) { lpConfProp->ConfInfo.m_bDateTimeChange = true; if ( !lpConfProp->ConfInfo.m_bNewConference ) {
// We send the notification again even if the source is the combo
// and show MessageBox at that time
ShowScopeInfo( hwndDlg, SW_SHOW, true ); PostMessage(hwndDlg, WM_NOTIFY, idFrom, (LPARAM)lpnmhdr); } } else { //Here is the second notification
//I show here the Error message
if ( !lpConfProp->ConfInfo.m_bNewConference ) { if(!lpConfProp->ConfInfo.m_bDateChangeMessage) { lpConfProp->ConfInfo.m_bDateChangeMessage = true; MessageBox(hwndDlg, String(g_hInstLib, IDS_CONFPROP_DATECHANGE_MDHCP), NULL, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION ); } } } } break;
default: break; }
return FALSE; }
static void ConfPropGeneral_SetDateTimeFormats( HWND hwndDlg ) { HWND hwndDTPStartDate = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_DTP_STARTDATE); HWND hwndDTPStartTime = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_DTP_STARTTIME); HWND hwndDTPStopDate = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_DTP_STOPDATE); HWND hwndDTPStopTime = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_DTP_STOPTIME);
// conference start time
TCHAR szFormat[255]; GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SSHORTDATE, szFormat, ARRAYSIZE(szFormat) );
DateTime_SetFormat(hwndDTPStartDate, szFormat ); DateTime_SetFormat( hwndDTPStopDate, szFormat );
// conference stop time
DateTime_SetFormat( hwndDTPStopTime, szFormat ); DateTime_SetFormat(hwndDTPStartTime, szFormat ); }
static int ConfPropGeneral_UpdateData(HWND hwndDlg, BOOL bSaveAndValidate) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPCONFPROP lpConfProp;
HWND hwndName = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_EDIT_NAME); HWND hwndDescription = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_EDIT_DESCRIPTION); HWND hwndOwner = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_EDIT_OWNER); HWND hwndDTPStartDate = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_DTP_STARTDATE); HWND hwndDTPStartTime = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_DTP_STARTTIME); HWND hwndDTPStopDate = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_DTP_STOPDATE); HWND hwndDTPStopTime = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_DTP_STOPTIME);
BSTR bstrName = NULL; BSTR bstrDescription = NULL; BSTR bstrOwner = NULL; TCHAR szName[NAME_MAXLEN + 1]; TCHAR szDescription[DESCRIPTION_MAXLEN + 1] = _T(""); TCHAR szOwner[OWNER_MAXLEN + 1] = _T(""); SYSTEMTIME st; USHORT nYear; BYTE nMonth, nDay, nHour, nMinute;
_ASSERT( IsWindow(hwndDlg) );
lpConfProp = (LPCONFPROP) GetWindowLongPtr( hwndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA );
// We have to verify lpConfProp
if( NULL == lpConfProp ) { return PSNRET_INVALID_NOCHANGEPAGE; } if (!bSaveAndValidate) // initialization
{ // conference name
Edit_LimitText(hwndName, NAME_MAXLEN);
lpConfProp->ConfInfo.get_Name(&bstrName); if (bstrName == NULL) { // Make up a default name for the conference
CComBSTR bstrTemp(L""); if( bstrTemp.m_str == NULL ) { // E_OUTOFMEMORY
_tcsncpy( szName, _T(""), NAME_MAXLEN ); } else { lpConfProp->ConfInfo.GetPrimaryUser( &bstrTemp ); bstrTemp.Append( String(g_hInstLib, IDS_CONFPROP_UNTITLED_DEFAULT_APPEND) ); _tcsncpy( szName, OLE2CT(bstrTemp), NAME_MAXLEN ); } } else { _tcsncpy( szName, OLE2CT(bstrName), NAME_MAXLEN ); } Edit_SetText(hwndName, szName);
// Don't allow name to be editted if this is an existing conference
if ( !lpConfProp->ConfInfo.IsNewConference() ) EnableWindow( hwndName, false );
// conference description
Edit_LimitText(hwndDescription, DESCRIPTION_MAXLEN); lpConfProp->ConfInfo.get_Description(&bstrDescription); if (bstrDescription ) _tcsncpy(szDescription, OLE2CT(bstrDescription), DESCRIPTION_MAXLEN);
Edit_SetText(hwndDescription, szDescription);
// conference owner
Edit_LimitText(hwndOwner, OWNER_MAXLEN); lpConfProp->ConfInfo.get_Originator(&bstrOwner); if (bstrOwner ) _tcsncpy(szOwner, OLE2CT(bstrOwner), OWNER_MAXLEN);
Edit_SetText(hwndOwner, szOwner); ConfPropGeneral_SetDateTimeFormats( hwndDlg );
lpConfProp->ConfInfo.GetStartTime(&nYear, &nMonth, &nDay, &nHour, &nMinute); st.wYear = nYear; st.wMonth = nMonth; st.wDayOfWeek = 0; st.wDay = nDay; st.wHour = nHour; st.wMinute = nMinute; st.wSecond = 0; st.wMilliseconds = 0;
DateTime_SetSystemtime( hwndDTPStartDate, GDT_VALID, &st ); DateTime_SetSystemtime( hwndDTPStartTime, GDT_VALID, &st );
lpConfProp->ConfInfo.GetStopTime(&nYear, &nMonth, &nDay, &nHour, &nMinute); st.wYear = nYear; st.wMonth = nMonth; st.wDayOfWeek = 0; st.wDay = nDay; st.wHour = nHour; st.wMinute = nMinute; st.wSecond = 0; st.wMilliseconds = 0;
DateTime_SetSystemtime( hwndDTPStopDate, GDT_VALID, &st ); DateTime_SetSystemtime( hwndDTPStopTime, GDT_VALID, &st ); }
else // if (bSaveAndValidate)
{ // conference name
// We have to initialize szName
szName[0] = (TCHAR)0;
Edit_GetText(hwndName, szName, NAME_MAXLEN+1); bstrName = SysAllocString(T2COLE(szName));
// We have to verify the allocation and
// initialize the szName
if( IsBadStringPtr( bstrName, (UINT)-1) ) { return PSNRET_INVALID_NOCHANGEPAGE; }
if ( !*szName ) { // improper name
MessageBox(hwndDlg, String(g_hInstLib, IDS_CONFPROP_NONAME), NULL, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } else { lpConfProp->ConfInfo.put_Name(bstrName); }
// conference description
Edit_GetText(hwndDescription, szDescription, DESCRIPTION_MAXLEN); bstrDescription = SysAllocString(T2COLE(szDescription));
// We have to validate the allocation
if( IsBadStringPtr( bstrDescription, (UINT)-1) ) { SysFreeString(bstrName); return PSNRET_INVALID_NOCHANGEPAGE; }
// conference start time
if ( DateTime_GetSystemtime(hwndDTPStartDate, &st) == GDT_VALID ) { nYear = (UINT) st.wYear; nMonth = (BYTE) st.wMonth; nDay = (BYTE) st.wDay;
if ( DateTime_GetSystemtime(hwndDTPStartTime, &st) == GDT_VALID ) { nHour = (BYTE) st.wHour; nMinute = (BYTE) st.wMinute;
lpConfProp->ConfInfo.SetStartTime(nYear, nMonth, nDay, nHour, nMinute); } }
// conference stop time
if ( DateTime_GetSystemtime(hwndDTPStopDate, &st) == GDT_VALID ) { nYear = (UINT) st.wYear; nMonth = (BYTE) st.wMonth; nDay = (BYTE) st.wDay;
if ( DateTime_GetSystemtime(hwndDTPStopTime, &st) == GDT_VALID ) { nHour = (BYTE) st.wHour; nMinute = (BYTE) st.wMinute;
lpConfProp->ConfInfo.SetStopTime(nYear, nMonth, nDay, nHour, nMinute); } }
// MDHCP info
HWND hWndLst = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LST_SCOPE ); if ( hWndLst ) { int nSel = SendMessage(hWndLst, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); lpConfProp->ConfInfo.m_bUserSelected = (nSel != LB_ERR); lpConfProp->ConfInfo.m_lScopeID = SendMessage( hWndLst, LB_GETITEMDATA, nSel, 0 ); }
DWORD dwError; hr = lpConfProp->ConfInfo.CommitGeneral( dwError ); if ( hr != S_OK ) { //get proper message
UINT uId = IDS_CONFPROP_INVALIDTIME + dwError - 1; MessageBox(hwndDlg, String(g_hInstLib, uId), NULL, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ); } }
SysFreeString(bstrName); SysFreeString(bstrDescription); SysFreeString(bstrOwner);
// This is the thread that goes out and enumerates the scopes
DWORD WINAPI ThreadMDHCPScopeEnum( LPVOID pParam ) { ATLTRACE(_T(".enter.ThreadMDHCPScopeEnum().\n")); HWND hWndDlg = (HWND) pParam; if ( !IsWindow(hWndDlg) ) return E_ABORT; HRESULT hr = CoInitializeEx( NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED | COINIT_SPEED_OVER_MEMORY ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { HWND hWndList = GetDlgItem(hWndDlg, IDC_LST_SCOPE );
CConfInfo::PopulateListWithMDHCPScopeDescriptions( hWndList ); CoUninitialize(); }
ATLTRACE(_T(".exit.ThreadMDHCPScopeEnum(%ld).\n"), hr); return hr; }
void ShowScopeInfo( HWND hwndDlg, int nShow, bool bInit ) { HWND hWndFrm = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_FRM_SCOPE ); HWND hWndLbl = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_LBL_SCOPE ); HWND hWndLst = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_LST_SCOPE );
if ( hWndFrm ) ShowWindow( hWndFrm, nShow ); if ( hWndLbl ) ShowWindow( hWndLbl, nShow ); if ( hWndLst ) { ShowWindow( hWndLst, nShow ); if ( bInit ) { EnableWindow( hWndLst, FALSE ); SendMessage( hWndLst, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0 ); SendMessage( hWndLst, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) String(g_hInstLib, IDS_CONFPROP_ENUMERATING_SCOPES) );
DWORD dwID; HANDLE hThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, ThreadMDHCPScopeEnum, (void *) hwndDlg, NULL, &dwID ); if ( hThread ) CloseHandle( hThread ); } } }