// Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// connect.cpp
// Abstract:
// This module contains code which deals with making and breaking
// connections
#include "sysvars.h"
// private constants, types, and prototypes
const PCHAR strFunc1 = "TSConnect"; const PCHAR strFunc2 = "TSDisconnect"; // const PCHAR strFunc3 = "TSIsConnected";
const PCHAR strFunc4 = "TSConnectHandler"; const PCHAR strFunc5 = "TSDisconnectHandler"; const PCHAR strFunc6 = "TSListen"; // const PCHAR strFuncP1 = "TSGenAcceptComplete";
const PCHAR strFuncP2 = "TSGenConnectComplete";
// this context structure stores information needed to complete
// the request in the completion handler
struct CONNECT_CONTEXT { PIRP pUpperIrp; // irp from dll to complete
ULONG ulWhichCommand; // command that is being completed
ULONG ulListenFlag; // 0 or TDI_QUERY_ACCEPT
PENDPOINT_OBJECT pEndpoint; // connection endpoint
// completion functions
TDI_STATUS TSGenConnectComplete( PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp, PVOID Context );
TDI_STATUS TSGenAcceptComplete( PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp, PVOID Context );
// public functions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: TSConnect
// Arguments: pEndpoint -- connection endpoint structure
// pSendBuffer -- arguments from user dll
// pIrp -- completion information
// Returns: NTSTATUS (normally pending)
// Descript: This function attempts to connect the local endpoint object
// with a remote endpoint
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS TSConnect(PENDPOINT_OBJECT pEndpoint, PSEND_BUFFER pSendBuffer, PIRP pUpperIrp) { PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS pTransportAddress = (PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS)&pSendBuffer->COMMAND_ARGS.ConnectArgs.TransAddr; ULONG ulTimeout = pSendBuffer->COMMAND_ARGS.ConnectArgs.ulTimeout; //
// show debug, if it is turned on
if (ulDebugLevel & ulDebugShowCommand) { DebugPrint2("\nCommand = ulCONNECT\n" "FileObject = %p\n" "Timeout = %u\n", pEndpoint, ulTimeout); TSPrintTaAddress(pTransportAddress->Address); }
// make sure all is kosher
if (pEndpoint->fIsConnected) { DebugPrint1("%s: endpoint already connected\n", strFunc1); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } if (!pEndpoint->pAddressObject) { DebugPrint1("%s: endpoint not associated with transport address\n", strFunc1); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } //
// allocate all the necessary structures
// our context
if ((TSAllocateMemory((PVOID *)&pConnectContext, sizeof(CONNECT_CONTEXT), strFunc1, "ConnectContext")) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; }
// the connection information structure
if ((TSAllocateMemory((PVOID *)&pTdiConnectInfo, sizeof(TDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION) + sizeof(TRANSADDR), strFunc1, "TdiConnectionInformation")) == STATUS_SUCCESS) //
// set up the TdiConnectionInformation
{ PUCHAR pucTemp = (PUCHAR)pTdiConnectInfo; ULONG ulAddrLength = FIELD_OFFSET(TRANSPORT_ADDRESS, Address) + FIELD_OFFSET(TA_ADDRESS, Address) + pTransportAddress->Address[0].AddressLength;
pTdiConnectInfo->RemoteAddress = pucTemp; pTdiConnectInfo->RemoteAddressLength = ulAddrLength; RtlCopyMemory(pucTemp, pTransportAddress, ulAddrLength);
} else { goto cleanup; }
// set up the completion context
pConnectContext->pUpperIrp = pUpperIrp; pConnectContext->pTdiConnectInfo = pTdiConnectInfo; pConnectContext->pEndpoint = pEndpoint; pConnectContext->ulWhichCommand = TDI_CONNECT;
// finally, the irp itself
PIRP pLowerIrp = TSAllocateIrp(pEndpoint->GenHead.pDeviceObject, NULL);
if (pLowerIrp) { LONGLONG llTimeout; PLONGLONG pllTimeout = NULL;
if (ulTimeout) { llTimeout = Int32x32To64(ulTimeout, -10000); pllTimeout = &llTimeout; }
// if made it to here, everything is correctly allocated
// set up irp and and call the tdi provider
#pragma warning(disable: CONSTANT_CONDITIONAL)
TdiBuildConnect(pLowerIrp, pEndpoint->GenHead.pDeviceObject, pEndpoint->GenHead.pFileObject, TSGenConnectComplete, pConnectContext, pllTimeout, pTdiConnectInfo, NULL); // ReturnConnectionInfo
#pragma warning(default: CONSTANT_CONDITIONAL)
// make the call to the tdi provider
pSendBuffer->pvLowerIrp = pLowerIrp; // so command can be cancelled
NTSTATUS lStatus = IoCallDriver(pEndpoint->GenHead.pDeviceObject, pLowerIrp);
if ((!NT_SUCCESS(lStatus)) && (ulDebugLevel & ulDebugShowCommand)) { DebugPrint2("%s: unexpected status for IoCallDriver [0x%08x]\n", strFunc1, lStatus); } return STATUS_PENDING; }
// get here if there was an allocation failure
// need to clean up everything else...
cleanup: if (pConnectContext) { TSFreeMemory(pConnectContext); } if (pTdiConnectInfo) { TSFreeMemory(pTdiConnectInfo); } return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: TSDisconnect
// Arguments: pEndpoint -- connection endpoint structure
// pIrp -- completion information
// Returns: NTSTATUS (normally pending)
// Descript: This function attempts to disconnect a local endpoint from
// a remote endpoint
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS TSDisconnect(PENDPOINT_OBJECT pEndpoint, PSEND_BUFFER pSendBuffer, PIRP pUpperIrp) { ULONG ulFlags = pSendBuffer->COMMAND_ARGS.ulFlags;
// show debug, if it is turned on
if (ulDebugLevel & ulDebugShowCommand) { DebugPrint2("\nCommand = ulDISCONNECT\n" "EndpointObject = %p\n" "Flags = 0x%x\n", pEndpoint, ulFlags); }
// make sure all is kosher
if (!pEndpoint->fIsConnected) { DebugPrint1("%s: endpoint not currently connected\n", strFunc2); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// allocate all the necessary structures
// first, our context
if ((TSAllocateMemory((PVOID *)&pConnectContext, sizeof(CONNECT_CONTEXT), strFunc2, "ConnectContext")) == STATUS_SUCCESS) { pConnectContext->pUpperIrp = pUpperIrp; pConnectContext->ulWhichCommand = TDI_DISCONNECT; pConnectContext->pEndpoint = pEndpoint;
// then the irp itself
PIRP pLowerIrp = TSAllocateIrp(pEndpoint->GenHead.pDeviceObject, NULL);
if (pLowerIrp) { //
// if made it to here, everything is correctly allocated
// set up everything and call the tdi provider
#pragma warning(disable: CONSTANT_CONDITIONAL)
TdiBuildDisconnect(pLowerIrp, pEndpoint->GenHead.pDeviceObject, pEndpoint->GenHead.pFileObject, TSGenConnectComplete, pConnectContext, NULL, // pLargeInteger Time
NULL, // RequestConnectionInfo
NULL); // ReturnConnectionInfo
#pragma warning(default: CONSTANT_CONDITIONAL)
// make the call to the tdi provider
pSendBuffer->pvLowerIrp = pLowerIrp; // so command can be cancelled
pEndpoint->fStartedDisconnect = TRUE;
NTSTATUS lStatus = IoCallDriver(pEndpoint->GenHead.pDeviceObject, pLowerIrp);
if ((!NT_SUCCESS(lStatus)) && (ulDebugLevel & ulDebugShowCommand)) { DebugPrint2("%s: unexpected status for IoCallDriver [0x%08x]\n", strFunc2, lStatus); } return STATUS_PENDING; } TSFreeMemory(pConnectContext); } return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; }
// --------------------------------------------------
// Function: TSListen
// Arguments: pEndpoint -- connection endpoint structure
// Returns: status of operation (usually success)
// Descript: Wait for an incoming call request
// --------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS TSListen(PENDPOINT_OBJECT pEndpoint) { ULONG ulListenFlag = 0;
// show debug, if it is turned on
if (ulDebugLevel & ulDebugShowCommand) { DebugPrint1("\nCommand = ulLISTEN\n" "FileObject = %p\n", pEndpoint); }
// make sure all is kosher
if (pEndpoint->fIsConnected) { DebugPrint1("%s: endpoint already connected\n", strFunc6); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } if (!pEndpoint->pAddressObject) { DebugPrint1("%s: endpoint not associated with transport address\n", strFunc6); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } //
// allocate all the necessary structures
// our context
if ((TSAllocateMemory((PVOID *)&pConnectContext, sizeof(CONNECT_CONTEXT), strFunc6, "ConnectContext")) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; }
// the connection information structure
if ((TSAllocateMemory((PVOID *)&pTdiConnectInfo, sizeof(TDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION), strFunc6, "TdiConnectionInformation")) == STATUS_SUCCESS) //
// set up the TdiConnectionInformation
{ pTdiConnectInfo->UserData = NULL; pTdiConnectInfo->UserDataLength = 0; pTdiConnectInfo->RemoteAddress = NULL; pTdiConnectInfo->RemoteAddressLength = 0; pTdiConnectInfo->Options = &pConnectContext->ulListenFlag; pTdiConnectInfo->OptionsLength = sizeof(ULONG);
// set up the completion context
// note that the upper irp is NOT passed!
pConnectContext->pUpperIrp = NULL; pConnectContext->pTdiConnectInfo = pTdiConnectInfo; pConnectContext->pEndpoint = pEndpoint; pConnectContext->ulWhichCommand = TDI_LISTEN; pConnectContext->ulListenFlag = ulListenFlag;
if (!pEndpoint->pAddressObject->pIrpPool) { pEndpoint->pAddressObject->pIrpPool = TSAllocateIrpPool(pEndpoint->pAddressObject->GenHead.pDeviceObject, ulIrpPoolSize); pConnectContext->pIrpPool = pEndpoint->pAddressObject->pIrpPool; }
// finally, the irp itself
PIRP pLowerIrp = TSAllocateIrp(pEndpoint->GenHead.pDeviceObject, pEndpoint->pAddressObject->pIrpPool);
if (pLowerIrp) { //
// if made it to here, everything is correctly allocated
// set up irp and call the tdi provider
#pragma warning(disable: CONSTANT_CONDITIONAL)
TdiBuildListen(pLowerIrp, pEndpoint->GenHead.pDeviceObject, pEndpoint->GenHead.pFileObject, TSGenAcceptComplete, pConnectContext, ulListenFlag, pTdiConnectInfo, NULL); // ReturnConnectionInfo
#pragma warning(default: CONSTANT_CONDITIONAL)
NTSTATUS lStatus = IoCallDriver(pEndpoint->GenHead.pDeviceObject, pLowerIrp);
if ((!NT_SUCCESS(lStatus)) && (ulDebugLevel & ulDebugShowCommand)) { DebugPrint2("%s: unexpected status for IoCallDriver [0x%08x]\n", strFunc6, lStatus); } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } }
// get here if there was an allocation failure
// need to clean up everything else...
cleanup: if (pConnectContext) { TSFreeMemory(pConnectContext); } if (pTdiConnectInfo) { TSFreeMemory(pTdiConnectInfo); } return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; }
// --------------------------------------------------
// Function: TSIsConnected
// Arguments: pEndpoint -- connection endpoint structure
// pReceiveBuffer -- put results in here
// Descript: Checks to see if endpoint is currently connected
// --------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS TSIsConnected(PENDPOINT_OBJECT pEndpoint, PRECEIVE_BUFFER pReceiveBuffer) { pReceiveBuffer->RESULTS.ulReturnValue = pEndpoint->fIsConnected; return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// --------------------------------------------------
// Function: TSConnectHandler
// Arguments: pvTdiEventContext -- here, ptr to address object
// lRemoteAddressLength -- # bytes in remote address
// pvRemoteAddress -- pTransportAddress of remote
// lUserDataLength -- length of data at pvUserData
// pvUserData -- connect data from remote
// lOptionsLength -- length of data in pvOptions
// pvOptions -- transport-specific connect options
// pConnectionContext -- return ptr to connection context
// ppAcceptIrp -- return ptr to TdiBuildAccept irp
// Returns: STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED if are rejecting connection
// STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED is accepting and have supplied
// a ppAcceptIrp
// Descript: listens for an offerred connection, then
// accepts it or rejects it
// --------------------------------------------------
TDI_STATUS TSConnectHandler(PVOID pvTdiEventContext, LONG lRemoteAddressLength, PVOID pvRemoteAddress, LONG lUserDataLength, PVOID pvUserData, LONG lOptionsLength, PVOID pvOptions, CONNECTION_CONTEXT *pConnectionContext, PIRP *ppAcceptIrp) { PADDRESS_OBJECT pAddressObject = (PADDRESS_OBJECT)pvTdiEventContext; PENDPOINT_OBJECT pEndpoint = pAddressObject->pEndpoint;
// show the information passed in.
// Note that we actually use very little of it..
if (ulDebugLevel & ulDebugShowHandlers) { DebugPrint1("\n >>>> %s\n", strFunc4); DebugPrint2("pAddressObject = %p\n" "RemoteAddressLength = %d\n", pAddressObject, lRemoteAddressLength);
if (lRemoteAddressLength) { PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS pTransportAddress = (PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS)pvRemoteAddress; DebugPrint0("RemoteAddress: "); TSPrintTaAddress(&pTransportAddress->Address[0]); }
DebugPrint1("UserDataLength = %d\n", lUserDataLength); if (lUserDataLength) { PUCHAR pucTemp = (PUCHAR)pvUserData; DebugPrint0("UserData: "); for (LONG lCount = 0; lCount < lUserDataLength; lCount++) { DebugPrint1("%02x ", *pucTemp); ++pucTemp; } DebugPrint0("\n"); }
DebugPrint1("OptionsLength = %d\n", lOptionsLength);
if (lOptionsLength) { PUCHAR pucTemp = (PUCHAR)pvOptions;
DebugPrint0("Options: "); for (LONG lCount = 0; lCount < (LONG)lOptionsLength; lCount++) { DebugPrint1("%02x ", *pucTemp); ++pucTemp; } DebugPrint0("\n"); } }
// now do the work
if (pEndpoint->fIsConnected || pEndpoint->fAcceptInProgress) { return TDI_CONN_REFUSED; } pEndpoint->fAcceptInProgress = TRUE;
// allocate all the necessary structures
// first, our context
if ((TSAllocateMemory((PVOID *)&pConnectContext, sizeof(CONNECT_CONTEXT), strFunc4, "ConnectContext")) == STATUS_SUCCESS) { pConnectContext->pUpperIrp = NULL; pConnectContext->ulWhichCommand = TDI_ACCEPT; pConnectContext->pEndpoint = pEndpoint;
// then the irp itself
PIRP pLowerIrp = TSAllocateIrp(pEndpoint->GenHead.pDeviceObject, pAddressObject->pIrpPool);
pConnectContext->pIrpPool = pAddressObject->pIrpPool; if (pLowerIrp) { //
// if made it to here, everything is correctly allocated
// set up irp and call the tdi provider
#pragma warning(disable: CONSTANT_CONDITIONAL)
TdiBuildAccept(pLowerIrp, pEndpoint->GenHead.pDeviceObject, pEndpoint->GenHead.pFileObject, TSGenAcceptComplete, pConnectContext, NULL, // RequestConnectionInfo
NULL); // ReturnConnectionInfo
#pragma warning(default: CONSTANT_CONDITIONAL)
// need to do this since we are not calling IoCallDriver
*pConnectionContext = pEndpoint; *ppAcceptIrp = pLowerIrp;
return TDI_MORE_PROCESSING; } TSFreeMemory(pConnectContext); } pEndpoint->fAcceptInProgress = FALSE; return TDI_CONN_REFUSED; }
// --------------------------------------------------
// Function: TdiDisconnectHandler
// Arguments: pvTdiEventContext -- here, our address object
// ConnectionContext -- here, our connection object
// lDisconnectDataLength -- length of data in pvDisconnectData
// pvDisconnectData -- data sent by remote as part of disconnect
// lDisconnectInformationLength -- length of pvDisconnectInformation
// pvDisconnectInformation -- transport-specific sidconnect info
// ulDisconnectFlags -- nature of disconnect
// Descript: deals with an incoming disconnect. Note that the disconnect
// is really complete at this point, as far as the protocol
// is concerned. We just need to clean up our stuff
// --------------------------------------------------
TDI_STATUS TSDisconnectHandler(PVOID pvTdiEventContext, CONNECTION_CONTEXT ConnectionContext, LONG lDisconnectDataLength, PVOID pvDisconnectData, LONG lDisconnectInformationLength, PVOID pvDisconnectInformation, ULONG ulDisconnectFlags)
{ PENDPOINT_OBJECT pEndpoint = (PENDPOINT_OBJECT)ConnectionContext;
// show info in arguments
if (ulDebugLevel & ulDebugShowHandlers) { DebugPrint1("\n >>>> %s\n", strFunc5); DebugPrint3("pAddressObject = %p\n" "pEndpoint = %p\n" "DisconnectDataLength = %d\n", pvTdiEventContext, pEndpoint, lDisconnectDataLength);
if (lDisconnectDataLength) { PUCHAR pucTemp = (PUCHAR)pvDisconnectData;
DebugPrint0("DisconnectData: "); for (LONG lCount = 0; lCount < (LONG)lDisconnectDataLength; lCount++) { DebugPrint1("%02x ", *pucTemp); ++pucTemp; } DebugPrint0("\n"); }
DebugPrint1("DisconnectInformationLength = %d\n", lDisconnectInformationLength);
if (lDisconnectInformationLength) { PUCHAR pucTemp = (PUCHAR)pvDisconnectInformation;
DebugPrint0("DisconnectInformation: "); for (LONG lCount = 0; lCount < (LONG)lDisconnectInformationLength; lCount++) { DebugPrint1("%02x ", *pucTemp); ++pucTemp; } DebugPrint0("\n"); } DebugPrint1("DisconnectFlags = 0x%08x\n", ulDisconnectFlags); if (ulDisconnectFlags & TDI_DISCONNECT_ABORT) { DebugPrint0(" TDI_DISCONNECT_ABORT\n"); } if (ulDisconnectFlags & TDI_DISCONNECT_RELEASE) { DebugPrint0(" TDI_DISCONNECT_RELEASE\n"); }
// do our cleanup..
pEndpoint->fIsConnected = FALSE;
if ((ulDisconnectFlags & TDI_DISCONNECT_RELEASE) && (!pEndpoint->fStartedDisconnect)) { //
// allocate all the necessary structures
PCONNECT_CONTEXT pConnectContext; //
// first, our context
if ((TSAllocateMemory((PVOID *)&pConnectContext, sizeof(CONNECT_CONTEXT), strFunc5, "ConnectContext")) == STATUS_SUCCESS) { pConnectContext->pUpperIrp = NULL; pConnectContext->ulWhichCommand = TDI_DISCONNECT; pConnectContext->pEndpoint = pEndpoint; //
// then the irp itself
PIRP pLowerIrp = TSAllocateIrp(pEndpoint->GenHead.pDeviceObject, pEndpoint->pAddressObject->pIrpPool); pConnectContext->pIrpPool = pEndpoint->pAddressObject->pIrpPool; if (pLowerIrp) { //
// if made it to here, everything is correctly allocated
// set up irp and call the tdi provider
#pragma warning(disable: CONSTANT_CONDITIONAL)
TdiBuildDisconnect(pLowerIrp, pEndpoint->GenHead.pDeviceObject, pEndpoint->GenHead.pFileObject, TSGenAcceptComplete, pConnectContext, NULL, // pLargeInteger Time
TDI_DISCONNECT_RELEASE, NULL, // RequestConnectionInfo
NULL); // ReturnConnectionInfo
#pragma warning(default: CONSTANT_CONDITIONAL)
// make the call to the tdi provider
NTSTATUS lStatus = IoCallDriver(pEndpoint->GenHead.pDeviceObject, pLowerIrp); if ((!NT_SUCCESS(lStatus)) && (ulDebugLevel & ulDebugShowCommand)) { DebugPrint2("%s: unexpected status for IoCallDriver [0x%08x]\n", strFunc5, lStatus); } } else { TSFreeMemory(pConnectContext); } } }
// get here if do NOT need to send TDI_DISCONNECT_RELEASE message back
// to other end of connection
else { pEndpoint->fAcceptInProgress = FALSE; pEndpoint->fIsConnected = FALSE; }
return TDI_SUCCESS; }
// private functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Function: TSGenAcceptComplete
// Arguments: pDeviceObject -- device object on which call was made
// pIrp -- IRP used in the call
// pContext -- context used for the call
// Returns: status of operation (STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED)
// Descript: Gets the result of the command, stuffs results into
// receive buffer, cleans up the Irp and associated data
// structures, etc
// This is used to complete cases where this no IRP from the
// dll to complete (ie, connect handler, listen, listen-accept,
// listen-disconnect)
// ---------------------------------------------------------
#pragma warning(disable: UNREFERENCED_PARAM)
TDI_STATUS TSGenAcceptComplete(PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject, PIRP pLowerIrp, PVOID pvContext) { PCONNECT_CONTEXT pConnectContext = (PCONNECT_CONTEXT)pvContext; NTSTATUS lStatus = pLowerIrp->IoStatus.Status;
// dealing with completions where there is no DLL irp associated
switch (pConnectContext->ulWhichCommand) { case TDI_ACCEPT: if (NT_SUCCESS(lStatus)) { pConnectContext->pEndpoint->fIsConnected = TRUE; } pConnectContext->pEndpoint->fAcceptInProgress = FALSE; break;
case TDI_LISTEN: if (NT_SUCCESS(lStatus)) { pConnectContext->pEndpoint->fIsConnected = TRUE; } else { DebugPrint1("Failure in TSListen: status = 0x%08x\n", lStatus); } break;
case TDI_DISCONNECT: pConnectContext->pEndpoint->fAcceptInProgress = FALSE; pConnectContext->pEndpoint->fIsConnected = FALSE; pConnectContext->pEndpoint->fStartedDisconnect = FALSE; break; }
TSFreeIrp(pLowerIrp, pConnectContext->pIrpPool);
// generic cleanup
if (pConnectContext->pTdiConnectInfo) { TSFreeMemory(pConnectContext->pTdiConnectInfo); } TSFreeMemory(pConnectContext);
#pragma warning(default: UNREFERENCED_PARAM)
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Function: TSGenConnectComplete
// Arguments: pDeviceObject -- device object on which call was made
// pIrp -- IRP used in the call
// pContext -- context used for the call
// Returns: status of operation (STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED)
// Descript: Gets the result of the command, stuffs results into
// receive buffer, completes the IRP from the dll,
// cleans up the Irp and associated data structures, etc
// Deals only with commands that carry an IRP from the dll
// ---------------------------------------------------------
#pragma warning(disable: UNREFERENCED_PARAM)
TDI_STATUS TSGenConnectComplete(PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject, PIRP pLowerIrp, PVOID pvContext) { PCONNECT_CONTEXT pConnectContext = (PCONNECT_CONTEXT)pvContext; NTSTATUS lStatus = pLowerIrp->IoStatus.Status;
// this is completing a command from the dll
PRECEIVE_BUFFER pReceiveBuffer = TSGetReceiveBuffer(pConnectContext->pUpperIrp);
pReceiveBuffer->lStatus = lStatus;
if (NT_SUCCESS(lStatus)) { if (ulDebugLevel & ulDebugShowCommand) { if (pLowerIrp->IoStatus.Information) { DebugPrint2("%s: Information = 0x%08x\n", strFuncP2, pLowerIrp->IoStatus.Information); } } switch (pConnectContext->ulWhichCommand) { case TDI_CONNECT: pConnectContext->pEndpoint->fIsConnected = TRUE; break;
case TDI_DISCONNECT: pConnectContext->pEndpoint->fIsConnected = FALSE; break;
default: DebugPrint2("%s: invalid command value [0x%08x]\n", strFuncP2, pConnectContext->ulWhichCommand); DbgBreakPoint(); break; } } else { if (ulDebugLevel & ulDebugShowCommand) { DebugPrint2("%s: Completed with status 0x%08x\n", strFuncP2, lStatus); } } TSCompleteIrp(pConnectContext->pUpperIrp); TSFreeIrp(pLowerIrp, NULL);
// generic cleanup
if (pConnectContext->pTdiConnectInfo) { TSFreeMemory(pConnectContext->pTdiConnectInfo); } TSFreeMemory(pConnectContext);
#pragma warning(default: UNREFERENCED_PARAM)
// end of file connect.cpp