Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains functions used by MPR to manipulate the registry. MprOpenKey MprGetKeyValue MprEnumKey MprGetKeyInfo MprFindDriveInRegistry I_MprSaveConn MprSaveDeferFlags MprSetRegValue MprCreateRegKey MprReadConnectionInfo MprForgetRedirConnection MprGetRemoteName
QUESTIONS: 1) Do I need to call RegFlushKey after creating a new key?
Dan Lafferty (danl) 12-Dec-1991
User Mode - Win32
Revision History:
21-Feb-1997 AnirudhS Change MprRememberConnection to I_MprSaveConn and MprSaveDeferFlags for use by setup and by DEFER_UNKNOWN.
12-Jun-1996 AnirudhS Got rid of the REMOVE_COLON/RESTORE_COLON scheme for converting device names to registry key names, since it caused writes to read-only input parameters.
08-Mar-1996 AnirudhS Save the provider type, not the provider name, for persistent connections. Fix old heap corruption bugs that show up when the user profile contains incomplete info.
16-Jun-1995 AnirudhS Returned DWORDs rather than BOOLs from some functions; changed some formal parameters from LPWSTR to LPCWSTR.
24-Nov-1992 Danl Fixed compiler warnings by always using HKEY rather than HANDLE.
03-Sept-1992 Danl MprGetRemoteName: Changed ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW to WN_MORE_DATA.
12-Dec-1991 danl Created
// Includes
#include "precomp.hxx"
#include <malloc.h> // _alloca
#include <debugfmt.h> // FORMAT_LPTSTR
#include <wincred.h> // CRED_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH
// Macros
// Allocates space on the stack for a copy of an input string. The result
// could be NULL if the string is too long to be copied on the stack.
#define STACK_ALLOC(str) ((LPWSTR) _alloca((wcslen(str)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)))
VOID RemoveColon( LPWSTR pszCopy, LPCWSTR pszSource ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function makes a copy of a string and searches through the copy for a colon. If a colon is found, it is replaced by a '\0'.
pszCopy - Pointer to the space for the copy.
pszSource - Pointer to the source string.
Return Value:
--*/ { wcscpy(pszCopy, pszSource); WCHAR * pColon = wcschr(pszCopy, L':'); if (pColon != NULL) { *pColon = L'\0'; } }
BOOL MprOpenKey( IN HKEY hKey, IN LPTSTR lpSubKey, OUT PHKEY phKeyHandle, IN DWORD desiredAccess )
Routine Description:
This function opens a handle to a key inside the registry. The major handle and the path to the subkey are required as input.
hKey - This is one of the well-known root key handles for the portion of the registry of interest.
lpSubKey - A pointer a string containing the path to the subkey.
phKeyHandle - A pointer to the location where the handle to the subkey is to be placed.
desiredAccess - Desired Access (Either KEY_READ or KEY_WRITE or both).
Return Value:
TRUE - The operation was successful
FALSE - The operation was not successful.
--*/ {
DWORD status; REGSAM samDesired = KEY_READ; HKEY HKCU ;
if(desiredAccess & DA_WRITE) { samDesired = KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE; } else if (desiredAccess & DA_DELETE) { samDesired = DELETE; }
if ( hKey == HKEY_CURRENT_USER ) { status = RegOpenCurrentUser( MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &HKCU );
if ( status != 0 ) { return FALSE ; }
hKey = HKCU ; }
status = RegOpenKeyEx( hKey, // hKey
lpSubKey, // lpSubKey
0L, // ulOptions (reserved)
samDesired, // desired access security mask
phKeyHandle); // Newly Opened Key Handle
if ( HKCU ) { RegCloseKey( HKCU ); }
if (status != NO_ERROR) { MPR_LOG3(ERROR,"MprOpenKey: RegOpenKeyEx(%#lx \"%ws\") failed %d\n", hKey, lpSubKey, status); return (FALSE); } return(TRUE); }
BOOL MprGetKeyValue( IN HKEY KeyHandle, IN LPTSTR ValueName, OUT LPTSTR *ValueString )
Routine Description:
This function takes a key handle and a value name, and returns a value string that is associated with that name.
NOTE: The pointer to the ValueString is allocated by this function.
KeyHandle - This is a handle for the registry key that contains the value.
ValueName - A pointer to a string that identifies the value being obtained.
ValueString - A pointer to a location that upon exit will contain the pointer to the returned value.
Return Value:
TRUE - Success
FALSE - A fatal error occured.
--*/ { DWORD status; DWORD maxValueLen; TCHAR Temp[1]; LPTSTR TempValue; DWORD ValueType; DWORD NumRequired; DWORD CharsReturned;
// Find the buffer size requirement for the value.
status = RegQueryValueEx( KeyHandle, // hKey
ValueName, // lpValueName
NULL, // lpTitleIndex
&ValueType, // lpType
NULL, // lpData
&maxValueLen); // lpcbData
if (status != NO_ERROR) { MPR_LOG2(ERROR,"MprGetKeyValue:RegQueryValueEx(\"%ws\") failed %d\n", ValueName, status); *ValueString = NULL; return(FALSE); }
// Allocate buffer to receive the value string.
maxValueLen += sizeof(TCHAR);
TempValue = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, maxValueLen);
if(TempValue == NULL) { MPR_LOG(ERROR,"MprGetKeyValue:LocalAlloc failed\n", 0); *ValueString = NULL; return(FALSE); }
// Read the value.
status = RegQueryValueEx( KeyHandle, // hKey
ValueName, // lpValueName
NULL, // lpTitleIndex
&ValueType, // lpType
(LPBYTE)TempValue, // lpData
&maxValueLen); // lpcbData
if (status != NO_ERROR) { MPR_LOG2(ERROR,"MprGetKeyValue:RegQueryValueEx(\"%ws\") failed %d\n", ValueName, status); LocalFree(TempValue); *ValueString = NULL; return(FALSE); }
// Make sure the value is null-terminated. Strings obtained from
// the registry may or may not be null-terminated.
TempValue [ maxValueLen / sizeof(TCHAR) ] = 0;
// If the value is of REG_EXPAND_SZ type, then expand it.
if (ValueType != REG_EXPAND_SZ) { *ValueString = TempValue; return(TRUE); }
// If the ValueType is REG_EXPAND_SZ, then we must call the
// function to expand environment variables.
MPR_LOG(TRACE,"MprGetKeyValue: Must expand the string for " FORMAT_LPTSTR "\n", ValueName);
// Make the first call just to get the number of characters that
// will be returned.
NumRequired = ExpandEnvironmentStrings (TempValue,Temp, 1);
if (NumRequired > 1) {
*ValueString = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc(LPTR, (NumRequired+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
if (*ValueString == NULL) {
MPR_LOG(ERROR, "MprGetKeyValue: LocalAlloc of numChar= " FORMAT_DWORD " failed \n",NumRequired );
(void) LocalFree(TempValue); return(FALSE); }
CharsReturned = ExpandEnvironmentStrings ( TempValue, *ValueString, NumRequired);
(void) LocalFree(TempValue);
if (CharsReturned > NumRequired || CharsReturned == 0) { MPR_LOG(ERROR, "MprGetKeyValue: ExpandEnvironmentStrings " " failed for " FORMAT_LPTSTR " \n", ValueName);
(void) LocalFree(*ValueString); *ValueString = NULL; return(FALSE); }
// Now insert the NUL terminator.
(*ValueString)[CharsReturned] = 0; } else { //
// This call should have failed because of our ridiculously small
// buffer size.
MPR_LOG(ERROR, "MprGetKeyValue: ExpandEnvironmentStrings " " Should have failed because we gave it a BufferSize=1\n",0);
// This could happen if the string was a single character long and
// didn't really have any environment values to expand. In this
// case, we return the TempValue buffer pointer.
*ValueString = TempValue; }
BOOL MprGetKeyDwordValue( IN HKEY KeyHandle, IN LPCWSTR ValueName, OUT DWORD * Value )
Routine Description:
This function takes a key handle and a value name, and returns a DWORD value that is associated with that name.
KeyHandle - This is a handle for the registry key that contains the value.
ValueName - A pointer to a string that identifies the value being obtained. If this value does not have REG_DWORD type the function returns FALSE.
Value - A pointer to a location that upon exit will contain the returned DWORD value.
Return Value:
TRUE - Success
FALSE - A fatal error occured.
--*/ { DWORD dwSize = sizeof(DWORD); DWORD dwType; DWORD status = RegQueryValueEx( KeyHandle, ValueName, 0, // reserved
&dwType, // type
(LPBYTE) Value, &dwSize);
if (status) { MPR_LOG2(ERROR,"MprGetKeyDwordValue: RegQueryValueEx(\"%ws\") failed %ld\n", ValueName, status); return FALSE; } else if (dwType != REG_DWORD || dwSize != sizeof(DWORD)) { MPR_LOG3(ERROR,"MprGetKeyDwordValue: RegQueryValueEx(\"%ws\") returned " "type %ld, size %ld\n", ValueName, dwType, dwSize); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
LONG MprGetKeyNumberValue( IN HKEY KeyHandle, IN LPCWSTR ValueName, IN LONG Default )
Routine Description:
This function takes a key handle and a value name, and returns a numeric value that is associated with that name. If an error occurs while retrieving the value, the specified Default value is returned.
For compatibility, the behavior of this function is exactly the same as Win95's RegEntry::GetNumber function. The value is assumed to be a 4-byte type, such as REG_BINARY or REG_DWORD. If this is not the case, the function does exactly the same as Win95.
KeyHandle - This is a handle for the registry key that contains the value.
ValueName - A pointer to a string that identifies the value being obtained.
Default - Value to return if one could not be obtained from the registry.
Return Value:
Value retrieved from the registry, or default if an error occurs.
--*/ { LONG dwNumber; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(dwNumber);
DWORD error = RegQueryValueEx( KeyHandle, ValueName, 0, // reserved
NULL, // type
(LPBYTE) &dwNumber, &dwSize);
if (error) dwNumber = Default;
return dwNumber; }
BOOL MprGetKeyStringValue( IN HKEY KeyHandle, IN LPCWSTR ValueName, IN DWORD cchMaxValueLength, OUT LPWSTR *Value )
Routine Description:
This function takes a key handle, a value name, and a max size and allocates/returns a string value that is associated with that name.
KeyHandle - This is a handle for the registry key that contains the value.
ValueName - A pointer to a string that identifies the value being obtained. If this value does not have REG_SZ type the function returns FALSE.
cchMaxValueLength - Size of the OUT buffer to allocate, in characters.
Value - A pointer to a location that upon exit will contain the returned LPWSTR value.
Return Value:
TRUE - Success
FALSE - A fatal error occured.
--*/ { DWORD status; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSize = (cchMaxValueLength + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
*Value = (LPWSTR) LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, dwSize);
if (*Value == NULL) { return FALSE; }
status = RegQueryValueEx(KeyHandle, ValueName, 0, // reserved
&dwType, // type
(LPBYTE) *Value, &dwSize);
if (status || (dwSize % 2) != 0) { LocalFree(*Value); *Value = NULL; return FALSE; }
if (dwType != REG_SZ) { //
// Legacy -- MPR writes out a NULL username as a DWORD 0x0. Make sure
// these values are NULL-terminated
(*Value)[cchMaxValueLength] = L'\0'; return TRUE; }
return TRUE; }
DWORD MprEnumKey( IN HKEY KeyHandle, IN DWORD SubKeyIndex, OUT LPTSTR *SubKeyName, IN DWORD MaxSubKeyNameLen )
Routine Description:
This function obtains a single name of a subkey from the registry. A key handle for the primary key is passed in. Subkeys are enumerated one-per-call with the passed in index indicating where we are in the enumeration.
NOTE: This function allocates memory for the returned SubKeyName.
KeyHandle - Handle to the key whose sub keys are to be enumerated.
SubKeyIndex - Indicates the number (index) of the sub key to be returned.
SubKeyName - A pointer to the location where the pointer to the subkey name string is to be placed.
MaxSubKeyNameLen - This is the length of the largest subkey. This value was obtained from calling MprGetKeyInfo. The length is in number of characters and does not include the NULL terminator.
Return Value:
WN_SUCCESS - The operation was successful.
STATUS_NO_MORE_SUBKEYS - The SubKeyIndex value was larger than the number of subkeys.
error returned from LocalAlloc
--*/ { DWORD status; FILETIME lastWriteTime; DWORD bufferSize;
// Allocate buffer to receive the SubKey Name.
// NOTE: Space is allocated for an extra character because in the case
// of a drive name, we need to add the trailing colon.
bufferSize = (MaxSubKeyNameLen + 2) * sizeof(TCHAR); *SubKeyName = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, bufferSize);
if(*SubKeyName == NULL) { MPR_LOG(ERROR,"MprEnumKey:LocalAlloc failed %d\n", GetLastError()); return(WN_OUT_OF_MEMORY); }
// Get the Subkey name at that index.
status = RegEnumKeyEx( KeyHandle, // hKey
SubKeyIndex, // dwIndex
*SubKeyName, // lpName
&bufferSize, // lpcbName
NULL, // lpTitleIndex
NULL, // lpClass
NULL, // lpcbClass
&lastWriteTime); // lpftLastWriteTime
if (status != NO_ERROR) { MPR_LOG(ERROR,"MprEnumKey:RegEnumKeyEx failed %d\n",status); LocalFree(*SubKeyName); return(status); } return(WN_SUCCESS); }
Routine Description:
KeyHandle - Handle to the key for which we are to obtain information.
NumSubKeys - This is a pointer to a location where the number of sub keys is to be placed.
MaxSubKeyLen - This is a pointer to a location where the length of the longest subkey name is to be placed.
NumValues - This is a pointer to a location where the number of key values is to be placed. This pointer is optional and can be NULL.
MaxValueLen - This is a pointer to a location where the length of the longest data value is to be placed.
Return Value:
TRUE - The operation was successful.
FALSE - A failure occured. The returned values are not to be believed.
{ DWORD status; DWORD maxClassLength; DWORD numValueNames; DWORD maxValueNameLength; DWORD securityDescLength; FILETIME lastWriteTime;
// Get the Key Information
status = RegQueryInfoKey( KeyHandle, NULL, // Class
NULL, // size of class buffer (in bytes)
NULL, // DWORD to receive title index
NumSubKeys, // number of subkeys
MaxSubKeyLen, // length(chars-no null) of longest subkey name
&maxClassLength, // length of longest subkey class string
&numValueNames, // number of valueNames for this key
&maxValueNameLength, // length of longest ValueName
MaxValueLen, // length of longest value's data field
&securityDescLength, // lpcbSecurityDescriptor
&lastWriteTime); // the last time the key was modified
if (status != 0) { MPR_LOG(ERROR,"MprGetKeyInfo: RegQueryInfoKey Error %d\n",status); return(FALSE); }
if (NumValues != NULL) { *NumValues = numValueNames; }
// Support for title index has been removed from the Registry API.
if (TitleIndex != NULL) { *TitleIndex = 0; }
return(TRUE); }
BOOL MprFindDriveInRegistry ( IN LPCTSTR DriveName, IN OUT LPTSTR *pRemoteName )
Routine Description:
This function determines whether a particular re-directed drive name resides in the network connection section of the current user's registry path. If the drive is already "remembered" in this section, this function returns TRUE.
DriveName - A pointer to a string containing the name of the redirected drive.
pRemoteName - If the DriveName is found in the registry, and if this is non-null, the remote name for the connection is read, and a pointer to the string is stored in this pointer location. If the remote name cannot be read from the registry, a NULL pointer is returned in this location.
Return Value:
TRUE - The redirected drive is "remembered in the registry". FALSE - The redirected drive is not saved in the registry.
--*/ { BOOL bStatus = TRUE; HKEY connectKey = NULL; HKEY subKey = NULL;
LPWSTR KeyName = STACK_ALLOC(DriveName); if (KeyName == NULL) { return FALSE; } RemoveColon(KeyName, DriveName);
// Get a handle for the connection section of the user's registry
// space.
MPR_LOG(ERROR,"MprFindDriveInRegistry: MprOpenKey Failed\n",0); return (FALSE); }
if (!MprOpenKey( connectKey, KeyName, &subKey, DA_READ)) {
MPR_LOG(TRACE,"MprFindDriveInRegistry: Drive %s Not Found\n",DriveName); bStatus = FALSE; } else { //
// The drive was found in the registry, if the caller wants to have
// the RemoteName, then get it.
if (pRemoteName != NULL) {
// Get the RemoteName (memory is allocated by this function)
if(!MprGetKeyValue( subKey, REMOTE_PATH_NAME, pRemoteName)) {
MPR_LOG(TRACE,"MprFindDriveInRegistry: Could not read " "Remote path for Drive %ws \n",DriveName); pRemoteName = NULL; } } }
if ( subKey ) RegCloseKey(subKey); if ( connectKey ) RegCloseKey(connectKey);
return(bStatus); }
DWORD I_MprSaveConn( IN HKEY HiveRoot, IN LPCWSTR ProviderName, IN DWORD ProviderType, IN LPCWSTR UserName, IN LPCWSTR LocalName, IN LPCWSTR RemoteName, IN DWORD ConnectionType, IN BYTE ProviderFlags, IN DWORD DeferFlags ) /*++
Routine Description:
Writes the information about a connection to the network connection section of a user's registry path.
NOTE: If connection information is already stored in the registry for this drive, the current information will be overwritten with the new information.
HiveRoot - A handle to the root of the user hive in which this information should be written, such as HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
ProviderName - The provider that completed the connection.
ProviderType - The provider type, if known. If not known, zero should be passed, and a type will not be written to the registry. (This is used by setup when upgrading from Win95 to NT.)
UserName - The name of the user on whose behalf the connection was made.
LocalName - The name of the local device that is redirected, with or without a trailing colon, such as "J" or "J:" or "LPT1".
RemoteName - The network path to which the connection was made.
ProviderFlags - A byte of data to be saved along with the connection, and passed back to the provider when the connection is restored.
DeferFlags - A DWORD to be saved in the connection's "Defer" value. If this is zero, the value is not stored. The meaning of the bits of this DWORD are as follows: DEFER_EXPLICIT_PASSWORD - a password was explicitly specified when the connection was made. DEFER_UNKNOWN - it is not known whether a password was explicitly specified when the connection was made. DEFER_DEFAULT_CRED - The provider believes that default creds were used when the connection was made.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS - If the operation was successful.
Other Win32 errors - If the operation failed in any way. If a failure occurs, the information is not stored in the registry.
--*/ { HKEY connectKey; HKEY localDevHandle; LPCTSTR pUserName; DWORD status, IgnoredStatus;
// Remove the colon on the name since the registry doesn't like
// this in a key name.
LPWSTR KeyName = STACK_ALLOC(LocalName); if (KeyName == NULL) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } RemoveColon(KeyName, LocalName);
// Get a handle for the connection section of the user's registry
// space.
if ((status = MprCreateRegKey( HiveRoot, CONNECTION_KEY_NAME, &connectKey)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
MPR_LOG(ERROR,"I_MprSaveConn: \\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\network " "could not be opened or created, error %ld\n", status); return(status); }
// Get (or create) the handle for the local name (without colon).
if ((status = MprCreateRegKey( connectKey, KeyName, &localDevHandle)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
MPR_LOG(ERROR,"I_MprSaveConn: MprCreateRegKey Failed, " "error %ld\n", status); RegCloseKey(connectKey); return(status); }
// Now that the key is created, store away the appropriate values.
MPR_LOG(TRACE,"RememberConnection: Setting RemotePath\n",0);
if((status = MprSetRegValue( localDevHandle, REMOTE_PATH_NAME, RemoteName, 0)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
MPR_LOG(ERROR, "I_MprSaveConn: MprSetRegValueFailed %lu - RemotePath\n",status); goto CleanExit; }
MPR_LOG(TRACE,"RememberConnection: Setting User\n",0);
pUserName = UserName; if (UserName == NULL) { pUserName = TEXT(""); } if((status = MprSetRegValue( localDevHandle, USER_NAME, pUserName, 0)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
goto CleanExit; }
MPR_LOG(TRACE,"RememberConnection: Setting ProviderName\n",0); if((status = MprSetRegValue( localDevHandle, PROVIDER_NAME, ProviderName, 0)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
goto CleanExit; }
if (ProviderType != 0) { MPR_LOG(TRACE,"RememberConnection: Setting ProviderType\n",0); if((status = MprSetRegValue( localDevHandle, PROVIDER_TYPE, NULL, ProviderType)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
goto CleanExit; } } // else RegDeleteValue -- not done because ProviderType is 0 only
// during upgrade, while writing to a fresh user hive
MPR_LOG(TRACE,"RememberConnection: Setting ConnectionType\n",0); if((status = MprSetRegValue( localDevHandle, CONNECTION_TYPE, NULL, ConnectionType)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
goto CleanExit; }
if (ProviderFlags != 0) { MPR_LOG(TRACE,"RememberConnection: Setting ProviderFlags\n",0); if((status = MprSetRegValue( localDevHandle, PROVIDER_FLAGS, NULL, ProviderFlags)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
goto CleanExit; } }
// We can't roll this back if something fails after it, so we
// must do this last
if ((status = MprSaveDeferFlags(localDevHandle, DeferFlags)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
goto CleanExit; }
// Flush the new key, and then close the handle to it.
MPR_LOG(TRACE,"RememberConnection: Flushing Registry Key\n",0);
IgnoredStatus = RegFlushKey(localDevHandle); if (IgnoredStatus != NO_ERROR) { MPR_LOG(ERROR,"RememberConnection: Flushing Registry Key Failed %ld\n", IgnoredStatus); }
CleanExit: RegCloseKey(localDevHandle); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { IgnoredStatus = RegDeleteKey(connectKey, KeyName); if (IgnoredStatus != NO_ERROR) { MPR_LOG(ERROR, "RememberConnection: RegDeleteKey Failed %d\n", IgnoredStatus); } } RegCloseKey(connectKey); return(status);
DWORD MprSaveDeferFlags( IN HKEY RegKey, IN DWORD DeferFlags ) { DWORD status;
if (DeferFlags == 0) { MPR_LOG0(TRACE,"Removing DeferFlags\n"); status = RegDeleteValue(RegKey, DEFER_FLAGS); if (status == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } else { MPR_LOG(TRACE,"Setting DeferFlags %#lx\n",DeferFlags); status = MprSetRegValue( RegKey, DEFER_FLAGS, NULL, DeferFlags); }
return status; }
DWORD MprSetRegValue( IN HKEY KeyHandle, IN LPTSTR ValueName, IN LPCTSTR ValueString, IN DWORD LongValue )
Routine Description:
Stores a single ValueName and associated data in the registry for the key identified by the KeyHandle. The data associated with the value can either be a string or a 32-bit LONG. If the ValueString argument contains a pointer to a value, then the LongValue argument is ignored.
KeyHandle - Handle of the key for which the value entry is to be set.
ValueName - Pointer to a string that contains the name of the value being set.
ValueString - Pointer to a string that is to become the data stored at that value name. If this argument is not present, then the LongValue argument is the data stored at the value name. If this argument is present, then LongValue is ignored.
LongValue - A LONG sized data value that is to be stored at the value name.
Return Value:
Win32 error from RegSetValueEx (0 = success)
--*/ { DWORD status; const BYTE * valueData; DWORD valueSize; DWORD valueType;
if( ARGUMENT_PRESENT(ValueString)) { valueData = (const BYTE *)ValueString; valueSize = (wcslen(ValueString) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); valueType = REG_SZ; } else { valueData = (const BYTE *)&LongValue; valueSize = sizeof(DWORD); valueType = REG_DWORD; } status = RegSetValueEx( KeyHandle, // hKey
ValueName, // lpValueName
0, // dwValueTitle (OPTIONAL)
valueType, // dwType
valueData, // lpData
valueSize); // cbData
if(status != NO_ERROR) { MPR_LOG3(ERROR,"MprSetRegValue: RegSetValueEx(%#lx \"%ws\") Failed %ld\n", KeyHandle, ValueName, status); } return(status); }
DWORD MprCreateRegKey( IN HKEY BaseKeyHandle, IN LPCTSTR KeyName, OUT PHKEY KeyHandlePtr )
Routine Description:
Creates a key in the registry at the location described by KeyName.
BaseKeyHandle - This is a handle for the base (parent) key - where the subkey is to be created.
KeyName - This is a pointer to a string that describes the path to the key that is to be created.
KeyHandle - This is a pointer to a location where the the handle for the newly created key is to be placed.
Return Value:
Win32 error from RegCreateKeyEx (0 = success)
--*/ { DWORD status; DWORD disposition;
// Create the new key.
status = RegCreateKeyEx( BaseKeyHandle, // hKey
KeyName, // lpSubKey
0L, // dwTitleIndex
TEXT("GenericClass"), // lpClass
0, // ulOptions
KEY_WRITE, // samDesired (desired access)
NULL, // lpSecurityAttrubutes (Security Descriptor)
KeyHandlePtr, // phkResult
&disposition); // lpulDisposition
if (status != NO_ERROR) { MPR_LOG3(ERROR,"MprCreateRegKey: RegCreateKeyEx(%#lx, \"%ws\") failed %d\n", BaseKeyHandle, KeyName, status); } else { MPR_LOG(TRACE,"MprCreateRegKey: Disposition = 0x%x\n",disposition); } return(status); }
BOOL MprReadConnectionInfo( IN HKEY KeyHandle, IN LPCTSTR DriveName, IN DWORD Index, OUT LPDWORD ProviderFlags, OUT LPDWORD DeferFlags, OUT LPTSTR *UserNamePtr, OUT LPNETRESOURCEW NetResource, OUT HKEY *SubKeyHandleOut, IN DWORD MaxSubKeyLen )
Routine Description:
This function reads the data associated with a connection key. Buffers are allocated to store:
UserName, RemoteName, LocalName, Provider
Pointers to those buffers are returned.
Also the connection type is read and stored in the NetResource structure.
If the provider type is found in the registry, and a matching provider type is found in the GlobalProviderInfo array, the provider name is not read from the registry. Instead it is read from the GlobalProviderInfo array.
If the provider name is read from the registry and a matching provider name is found in the GlobalProviderInfo array, the provider type is written to the registry.
KeyHandle - This is an already opened handle to the key whose sub-keys are to be enumerated.
DriveName - This is the local name of the drive (eg. "f:") for which the connection information is to be obtained. If DriveName is NULL, then the Index is used to enumerate the keyname. Then that keyname is used.
Index - This is the index that identifies the subkey for which we would like to receive information.
ProviderFlags - This is a pointer to a location where the ProviderFlags value stored with the connection will be placed. If this value cannot be retrieved, 0 will be placed here.
DeferFlags - This is a pointer to a location where the DeferFlags value stored with the connection will be placed. If this value cannot be retrieved, 0 will be placed here.
UserNamePtr - This is a pointer to a location where the pointer to the UserName string is to be placed. If there is no user name, a NULL pointer will be returned.
NetResource - This is a pointer to a NETRESOURCE structure where information such as lpRemoteName, lpLocalName, lpProvider, and Type are to be placed.
SubKeyHandleOut - This is a pointer to a location where the handle to the subkey that holds information about this connection will be placed. This may be NULL. If it is not NULL the caller must close the handle.
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD status = NO_ERROR; LPTSTR driveName = NULL; HKEY subKeyHandle = NULL; DWORD cbData; DWORD ProviderType = 0; LPPROVIDER Provider;
// Initialize the Pointers that are to be updated.
*UserNamePtr = NULL; NetResource->lpLocalName = NULL; NetResource->lpRemoteName = NULL; NetResource->lpProvider = NULL; NetResource->dwType = 0L;
// If we don't have a DriveName, then get one by enumerating the
// next key name.
if (DriveName == NULL) { //
// Get the name of a subkey of the network connection key.
// (memory is allocated by this function).
status = MprEnumKey(KeyHandle, Index, &driveName, MaxSubKeyLen); if (status != WN_SUCCESS) { return(FALSE); } } else { //
// We have a drive name, alloc new space and copy it to that
// location.
driveName = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, (wcslen(DriveName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (driveName == NULL) { MPR_LOG(ERROR, "MprReadConnectionInfo: Local Alloc Failed %d\n", GetLastError()); return(FALSE); }
RemoveColon(driveName, DriveName); }
MPR_LOG1(TRACE,"MprReadConnectionInfo: LocalName = %ws\n",driveName);
// Open the sub-key
if (!MprOpenKey( KeyHandle, driveName, &subKeyHandle, DA_WRITE)){
status = WN_BAD_PROFILE; MPR_LOG1(TRACE,"MprReadConnectionInfo: Could not open %ws Key\n",driveName); goto CleanExit; }
// Add the trailing colon to the driveName.
cbData = wcslen(driveName); driveName[cbData] = TEXT(':'); driveName[cbData+1] = TEXT('\0');
// Store the drive name in the return structure.
NetResource->lpLocalName = driveName;
// Get the RemoteName (memory is allocated by this function)
if(!MprGetKeyValue( subKeyHandle, REMOTE_PATH_NAME, &(NetResource->lpRemoteName))) {
status = WN_BAD_PROFILE; MPR_LOG0(TRACE,"MprReadConnectionInfo: Could not get RemoteName\n"); goto CleanExit; }
// Get the UserName (memory is allocated by this function)
if(!MprGetKeyStringValue( subKeyHandle, USER_NAME, CRED_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH, UserNamePtr)) { status = WN_BAD_PROFILE; MPR_LOG0(TRACE,"MprReadConnectionInfo: Could not get UserName\n"); goto CleanExit; } else { //
// If there is no user name (the length is 0), then set the
// return pointer to NULL.
if (wcslen(*UserNamePtr) == 0) { LocalFree(*UserNamePtr); *UserNamePtr = NULL; } }
// Get the Provider Type and load the providers if necessary. Both
// MprGetConnection and a remembered enumeration can make it to this
// point in this state and we don't want to do a Level 2
// initialization every time one of those functions is called simply
// because this case _might_ be hit. For example, calling
// MprGetConnection on an unconnected drive letter may or may not
// have a name associated with it in the registry. If so, there's
// no need to load the providers to get information from them. This
// is equivalent to INIT_IF_NECESSARY(NETWORK_LEVEL,status)
if (MprGetKeyDwordValue( subKeyHandle, PROVIDER_TYPE, &ProviderType) && (MprLevel2Init(NETWORK_LEVEL) == WN_SUCCESS) && ((Provider = MprFindProviderByType(ProviderType)) != NULL)) { MPR_LOG(RESTORE,"MprReadConnectionInfo: Found recognized provider type %#lx\n", ProviderType); //
// Got a recognized provider type from the registry.
// If we have a name for this provider in memory, use it, rather than
// reading the name from the registry.
// (memory is allocated for the name)
if (Provider->Resource.lpProvider != NULL) { NetResource->lpProvider = (LPWSTR) LocalAlloc(0, (wcslen(Provider->Resource.lpProvider) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (NetResource->lpProvider == NULL) { status = WN_BAD_PROFILE; MPR_LOG(RESTORE,"MprReadConnectionInfo: LocalAlloc failed %ld\n", GetLastError()); goto CleanExit; }
wcscpy(NetResource->lpProvider, Provider->Resource.lpProvider); } }
// If we haven't got a provider name yet, try to read it from the registry.
// (Memory is allocated by this function.)
// This could legitimately happen in 2 cases:
// (1) We are reading a profile that was created by a Windows NT 3.51 or
// earlier machine and has not yet been converted to a 4.0 or later
// profile. Windows NT versions 3.51 and earlier wrote only the provider
// name to the registry, not the type.
// (2) We are reading a floating profile that was written by another
// machine which has a network provider installed that isn't installed on
// this machine. Or, a network provider was de-installed from this
// machine.
if (NetResource->lpProvider == NULL) { if(!MprGetKeyValue( subKeyHandle, PROVIDER_NAME, &(NetResource->lpProvider))) { status = WN_BAD_PROFILE; MPR_LOG0(RESTORE,"MprReadConnectionInfo: Could not get ProviderName\n"); goto CleanExit; }
// Got a provider name from the registry.
// If we didn't read a provider type from the registry, but we
// recognize the provider name, write the type now for future use.
// (This would occur in case (1) above.)
// Failure to write the type is ignored.
// (Pathological cases in which we get an unrecognized type but a
// recognized name are left untouched.)
// Since it's possible to get to this point without having the
// providers loaded, we'll init if necessary here (see reasoning
// above). This is equivalent to INIT_IF_NECESSARY(NETWORK_LEVEL,status)
status = MprLevel2Init(NETWORK_LEVEL);
if (status != WN_SUCCESS) { goto CleanExit; }
Provider = MprFindProviderByName(NetResource->lpProvider); if (Provider != NULL && Provider->Type != 0 && ProviderType == 0) { MPR_LOG2(RESTORE,"MprReadConnectionInfo: Setting ProviderType %#lx for %ws\n", Provider->Type, driveName);
status = MprSetRegValue( subKeyHandle, PROVIDER_TYPE, NULL, Provider->Type);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { MPR_LOG(RESTORE,"MprReadConnectionInfo: Couldn't set ProviderType, %ld\n", status); } } }
// Get the ProviderFlags (failure is ignored)
cbData = sizeof(DWORD);
status = RegQueryValueEx( subKeyHandle, // hKey
PROVIDER_FLAGS, // lpValueName
NULL, // lpTitleIndex
NULL, // lpType
(LPBYTE)ProviderFlags, // lpData
&cbData); // lpcbData
if (status == NO_ERROR) { MPR_LOG2(RESTORE,"MprReadConnectionInfo: Got ProviderFlags %#lx for %ws\n", *ProviderFlags, driveName); } else { *ProviderFlags = 0; }
// Get the DeferFlags (failure is ignored)
if (MprGetKeyDwordValue( subKeyHandle, DEFER_FLAGS, DeferFlags )) { MPR_LOG2(RESTORE,"MprReadConnectionInfo: Got DeferFlags %#lx for %ws\n", *DeferFlags, driveName); } else { *DeferFlags = 0; }
// Get the Connection Type
cbData = sizeof(DWORD);
status = RegQueryValueEx( subKeyHandle, // hKey
NULL, // lpTitleIndex
NULL, // lpType
(LPBYTE)&(NetResource->dwType), // lpData
&cbData); // lpcbData
if (status != NO_ERROR) { MPR_LOG1(ERROR,"MprReadConnectionInfo:RegQueryValueEx failed %d\n", status);
MPR_LOG0(TRACE,"MprReadConnectionInfo: Could not get ConnectionType\n"); status = WN_BAD_PROFILE; }
CleanExit: if (status != NO_ERROR) { LocalFree(driveName); LocalFree(NetResource->lpRemoteName); LocalFree(*UserNamePtr); LocalFree(NetResource->lpProvider); NetResource->lpLocalName = NULL; NetResource->lpRemoteName = NULL; NetResource->lpProvider = NULL; *UserNamePtr = NULL; if (subKeyHandle != NULL) { RegCloseKey(subKeyHandle); } return(FALSE); } else { if (SubKeyHandleOut == NULL) { RegCloseKey(subKeyHandle); } else { *SubKeyHandleOut = subKeyHandle; } return(TRUE); } }
VOID MprForgetRedirConnection( IN LPCTSTR lpName )
Routine Description:
This function removes a key for the specified redirected device from the current users portion of the registry.
lpName - This is a pointer to a redirected device name.
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD status; HKEY connectKey;
MPR_LOG(TRACE,"In MprForgetConnection for %s\n", lpName);
LPWSTR KeyName = STACK_ALLOC(lpName); if (KeyName == NULL) { return; } RemoveColon(KeyName, lpName);
// Get a handle for the connection section of the user's registry
// space.
MPR_LOG(ERROR,"WNetForgetRedirCon: MprOpenKey #1 Failed\n",0); return; }
status = RegDeleteKey(connectKey, KeyName);
if (status != NO_ERROR) { MPR_LOG(ERROR, "WNetForgetRedirCon: NtDeleteKey Failed %d\n", status); }
// Flush the connect key, and then close the handle to it.
MPR_LOG(TRACE,"ForgetRedirConnection: Flushing Connection Key\n",0);
status = RegFlushKey(connectKey); if (status != NO_ERROR) { MPR_LOG(ERROR,"RememberConnection: Flushing Connection Key Failed %ld\n", status); }
return; } BOOL MprGetRemoteName( IN LPTSTR lpLocalName, IN OUT LPDWORD lpBufferSize, OUT LPTSTR lpRemoteName, OUT LPDWORD lpStatus ) /*++
Routine Description:
This fuction Looks in the CURRENT_USER portion of the registry for connection information related to the lpLocalName passed in.
lpLocalName - Pointer to a string containing the name of the device to look up.
lpBufferSize - Pointer to a the size information for the buffer. On input, this contains the size of the buffer passed in. if lpStatus contain WN_MORE_DATA, this will contain the buffer size required to obtain the full string.
lpRemoteName - Pointer to a buffer where the remote name string is to be placed.
lpStatus - Pointer to a location where the proper return code is to be placed in the case where the connection information exists.
Return Value:
TRUE - If the connection information exists.
FALSE - If the connection information does not exist. When FALSE is returned, none of output parameters are valid.
--*/ { HKEY connectKey; DWORD numSubKeys; DWORD maxSubKeyLen; DWORD maxValueLen; DWORD status; DWORD ProviderFlags; DWORD DeferFlags; NETRESOURCEW netResource; LPTSTR userName;
// Get a handle for the connection section of the user's registry
// space.
MPR_LOG(ERROR,"WNetGetConnection: MprOpenKey Failed\n",0); return(FALSE); }
if(!MprGetKeyInfo( connectKey, NULL, &numSubKeys, &maxSubKeyLen, NULL, &maxValueLen)) {
MPR_LOG(ERROR,"WNetGetConnection: MprGetKeyInfo Failed\n",0); RegCloseKey(connectKey); return(FALSE); }
// Read the connection information.
// NOTE: This function allocates buffers for UserName and the
// following strings in the net resource structure:
// lpRemoteName,
// lpLocalName,
// lpProvider
if (MprReadConnectionInfo( connectKey, lpLocalName, 0, &ProviderFlags, &DeferFlags, &userName, &netResource, NULL, maxSubKeyLen)) {
// The read succeeded. Therefore we have connection information.
if (*lpBufferSize >= (wcslen(netResource.lpRemoteName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)) {
__try { wcscpy(lpRemoteName, netResource.lpRemoteName); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { status = GetExceptionCode(); if (status != EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION) { MPR_LOG(ERROR,"WNetGetConnection:Unexpected Exception 0x%lx\n",status); } status = WN_BAD_POINTER; } if (status != WN_BAD_POINTER) {
// We successfully copied the remote name to the users
// buffer without an error.
status = WN_SUCCESS; } } else { *lpBufferSize = (wcslen(netResource.lpRemoteName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); status = WN_MORE_DATA; }
// Free up the resources allocated by MprReadConnectionInfo.
LocalFree(userName); LocalFree(netResource.lpLocalName); LocalFree(netResource.lpRemoteName); LocalFree(netResource.lpProvider);
*lpStatus = status; RegCloseKey(connectKey); return(TRUE); } else { //
// The read did not succeed.
RegCloseKey(connectKey); return(FALSE); } }
DWORD MprGetPrintKeyInfo( HKEY KeyHandle, LPDWORD NumValueNames, LPDWORD MaxValueNameLength, LPDWORD MaxValueLen)
Routine Description:
This function reads the data associated with a print reconnection key.
KeyHandle - This is an already opened handle to the key whose info is rto be queried.
NumValueNames - Used to return the number of values
MaxValueNameLength - Used to return the max value name length
MaxValueLen - Used to return the max value data length
Return Value:
0 if success. Win32 error otherwise.
--*/ { DWORD err; DWORD maxClassLength; DWORD securityDescLength; DWORD NumSubKeys ; DWORD MaxSubKeyLen ; FILETIME lastWriteTime;
// Get the Key Information
err = RegQueryInfoKey( KeyHandle, NULL, // Class
NULL, // size of class buffer (in bytes)
NULL, // DWORD to receive title index
&NumSubKeys, // number of subkeys
&MaxSubKeyLen, // length of longest subkey name
&maxClassLength, // length of longest subkey class string
NumValueNames, // number of valueNames for this key
MaxValueNameLength, // length of longest ValueName
MaxValueLen, // length of longest value's data field
&securityDescLength, // lpcbSecurityDescriptor
&lastWriteTime); // the last time the key was modified
return(err); }
DWORD MprForgetPrintConnection( IN LPTSTR lpName )
Routine Description:
This function removes a rememembered print reconnection value.
lpName - name of path to forget
Return Value:
0 if success. Win32 error otherwise.
--*/ { HKEY hKey ; DWORD err ;
if (!MprOpenKey( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, PRINT_CONNECTION_KEY_NAME, &hKey, DA_WRITE)) { return (GetLastError()) ; }
err = RegDeleteValue(hKey, lpName) ;
RegCloseKey(hKey) ; return err ; }