Copyright (C) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
#include "precomp.h"
#define WCHARTONUM(wchr) (iswalpha(wchr)?(towlower(wchr)-L'a')+10:wchr-L'0')
UCHAR StringToHexA(IN LPCWSTR pwcString) { UCHAR ch = (CHAR)0x00;
if( pwcString is NULL ) return ch;
while(*pwcString != L'\0') { ch <<= 4; ch |= WCHARTONUM(*pwcString); pwcString++; }
return ch; }
ULONG LA_TableSize = 0;
VOID FreeLATable(ULONG TableSize) { DWORD i = 0;
if( IsBadReadPtr((void *)LA_Table, TableSize) is FALSE && TableSize > 0 ) { for( i=0; i<TableSize; i++ ) { if( IsBadStringPtr(LA_Table[i], 20*sizeof(WCHAR)) is FALSE ) { WinsFreeMemory((PVOID)LA_Table[i]); LA_Table[i] = NULL; } }
WinsFreeMemory((PVOID)LA_Table); LA_Table = NULL; } }
VOID FreeSOTable(ULONG TableSize) { DWORD i = 0;
if( SO_Table ) { for( i=0; i<TableSize; i++ ) { if( SO_Table[i] ) { WinsFreeMemory((PVOID)SO_Table[i]); SO_Table[i] = NULL; } }
WinsFreeMemory((PVOID)SO_Table); SO_Table = NULL; } }
VOID DumpSOTable( IN DWORD MasterOwners, IN BOOL fFile, IN FILE * pFile ) { ULONG i; ULONG j;
DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_WINS_SOTABLE_HEADER); if( fFile is TRUE ) { DumpMessage(g_hModule, pFile, FMSG_WINS_SOTABLE_HEADER); }
for (i = 0; i < MasterOwners; i++) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_WINS_MASTEROWNER_INDEX, i); if( fFile ) { DumpMessage(g_hModule, pFile, FMSG_WINS_MASTEROWNER_INDEX, i); } }
DisplayMessage(g_hModule, WINS_FORMAT_LINE); if( fFile ) { DumpMessage(g_hModule, pFile, WINS_FORMAT_LINE); }
for (i = 0; i < MasterOwners; i++) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_WINS_MASTEROWNER_INDEX1, i); if( fFile ) { DumpMessage(g_hModule, pFile, FMSG_WINS_MASTEROWNER_INDEX1, i); } for (j = 0; j < MasterOwners; j++) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_WINS_MASTEROWNER_INDEX, SO_Table[i][j]); if( fFile ) { DumpMessage(g_hModule, pFile, FMSG_WINS_MASTEROWNER_INDEX, SO_Table[i][j]); } }
DisplayMessage(g_hModule, WINS_FORMAT_LINE); if( fFile ) { DumpMessage(g_hModule, pFile, WINS_FORMAT_LINE); } }
DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_WINS_MAP_SOURCE);
if( fFile ) { DumpMessage(g_hModule, pFile, FMSG_WINS_MAP_SOURCE); }
DumpLATable(MasterOwners, fFile, pFile); }
VOID DumpLATable( IN DWORD MasterOwners, IN BOOL fFile, IN FILE * pFile ) { ULONG i; ULONG j;
DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_WINS_INDEXTOIP_TABLE);
if( fFile ) { DumpMessage(g_hModule, pFile, FMSG_WINS_INDEXTOIP_TABLE);
} for (i = 0; i < MasterOwners; i++) { if (LA_Table[i][0] == '0') { break; } DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_WINS_INDEXTOIP_ENTRY, i, LA_Table[i]);
if( pFile ) { DumpMessage(g_hModule, pFile, FMSG_WINS_INDEXTOIP_ENTRY, i, LA_Table[i]); }
} DisplayMessage(g_hModule, WINS_FORMAT_LINE); if( fFile ) { DumpMessage(g_hModule, pFile, WINS_FORMAT_LINE); } }
LONG IPToIndex( IN LPWSTR IpAddr, DWORD NoOfOwners ) { ULONG i=0; WCHAR **pTempLA = NULL; //
// Get the Row #
for ( i = 0; i < NoOfOwners; i++) { if (wcscmp(LA_Table[i], IpAddr) == 0) { return i; } //
// The first NULL entry indicates end
if (LA_Table[i][0] is L'0') { break; } }
// Entry not found - add
wcscpy(LA_Table[i], IpAddr); LA_TableSize = i+1; return i; }
// Check if the diagonal elements are the max in their cols.
VOID CheckSOTableConsistency( DWORD MasterOwners ) { ULONG i; ULONG j; BOOLEAN fProblem = FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < MasterOwners; i++) {
// Is the diagonal element at i the largest in its column?
for (j = 0; j < MasterOwners; j++) { if (i == j) { continue; }
// Compare only non-zero values
if (SO_Table[i][i].QuadPart && SO_Table[j][i].QuadPart && (SO_Table[i][i].QuadPart < SO_Table[j][i].QuadPart)) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, EMSG_WINS_VERSION_HIGHER, LA_Table[j], LA_Table[i]); fProblem = TRUE; } } }
if ( fProblem is FALSE ) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, EMSG_WINS_VERSION_CORRECT); } }
DWORD InitLATable( PWINSINTF_ADD_VERS_MAP_T pAddVersMaps, DWORD MasterOwners, // 0 first time
DWORD NoOfOwners ) { ULONG i, j, k;
if( LA_Table is NULL ) { LA_Table = WinsAllocateMemory(MAX_WINS*sizeof(LPWSTR)); if( LA_Table is NULL ) { return 0; }
for( i=0; i< MAX_WINS; i++ ) { LA_Table[i] = WinsAllocateMemory(20*sizeof(WCHAR)); if( LA_Table[i] is NULL ) { FreeLATable(i); return 0; }
} }
if (MasterOwners == 0) { //
// first time - init the LA table
for (i = 0; i < NoOfOwners; i++, pAddVersMaps++) { struct in_addr InAddr;
LPWSTR pwsz = IpAddressToString(pAddVersMaps->Add.IPAdd); if( pwsz is NULL ) { FreeLATable(MAX_WINS); return 0; }
wcscpy(LA_Table[i], pwsz); WinsFreeMemory(pwsz); pwsz = NULL;
} } else { //
// More came in this time - add them to the LA table after the others
for (i = 0; i < NoOfOwners; i++, pAddVersMaps++) { LPWSTR pwszIp = IpAddressToString(pAddVersMaps->Add.IPAdd);
if( pwszIp is NULL ) { FreeLATable(MAX_WINS); return 0; } //
// If this entry is not in the LA table, insert
for (j = 0; j < MasterOwners; j++) { if (wcscmp(LA_Table[j], pwszIp) is 0 ) { WinsFreeMemory(pwszIp); pwszIp = NULL; break; } }
if (j == MasterOwners) { //
// Insert
wcscpy(LA_Table[MasterOwners], pwszIp); MasterOwners++; }
if( pwszIp ) { WinsFreeMemory(pwszIp); pwszIp = NULL; } } } if( SO_Table is NULL ) { SO_Table = WinsAllocateMemory((MAX_WINS+1)*sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER *)); if (SO_Table == NULL) { FreeLATable(MAX_WINS); return 0; } for( i=0; i<MAX_WINS+1; i++ ) { SO_Table[i] = WinsAllocateMemory((MAX_WINS+1)*sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER)); if( SO_Table[i] is NULL ) { FreeLATable(MAX_WINS); FreeSOTable(MAX_WINS+1); return 0; } } }
LA_TableSize = NoOfOwners; return MasterOwners; }
VOID AddSOTableEntry ( IN LPWSTR IpAddr, PWINSINTF_ADD_VERS_MAP_T pMasterMaps, DWORD NoOfOwners, DWORD MasterOwners ) { ULONG i; LONG Row; struct in_addr InAddr;
Row = IPToIndex(IpAddr, MasterOwners);
// Fill the row
for ( i = 0; i < NoOfOwners; i++, pMasterMaps++) { LONG col; LPTSTR pstr;
InAddr.s_addr = htonl(pMasterMaps->Add.IPAdd);
pstr = IpAddressToString(pMasterMaps->Add.IPAdd); if (pstr == NULL) break;
col = IPToIndex(pstr, MasterOwners); // clean out memory
WinsFreeMemory(pstr); //
// Place only a non-deleted entry
if (!((pMasterMaps->VersNo.HighPart == MAXLONG) && (pMasterMaps->VersNo.LowPart == MAXULONG))) {
// Also if the entry above us was 0, write 0 there so as to make the fail case stand out
if (Row && SO_Table[Row-1][col].QuadPart == 0) { SO_Table[Row][col].QuadPart = 0; } else { SO_Table[Row][col] = pMasterMaps->VersNo; }
} } }
VOID RemoveFromSOTable( IN LPWSTR IpAddr, IN DWORD MasterOwners ) { ULONG i; LONG Row; struct in_addr InAddr;
Row = IPToIndex(IpAddr, MasterOwners);
// Mark the row and col as down (0's)
for (i = 0; i < MasterOwners; i++) { SO_Table[Row][i].QuadPart = SO_Table[i][Row].QuadPart = 0; } }
// Get the <owner address> - <version #> [OV table] mapping tables from each WINS server on the net and check for inconsistencies.
VOID CheckVersionNumbers( IN LPCSTR pStartIp, IN BOOL fFile, OUT FILE * pFile ) { DWORD Status = NO_ERROR; ULONG i, k; PWINSINTF_ADD_VERS_MAP_T pAddVersMaps; PWINSINTF_ADD_VERS_MAP_T pMasterMaps; // master OV maps used to place into the OV table
DWORD NoOfOwners=0; DWORD MasterOwners=0; struct in_addr InAddr; WINSINTF_RESULTS_NEW_T ResultsN; DWORD ret; handle_t hBindTemp = g_hBind; WINSINTF_BIND_DATA_T BindDataTemp = g_BindData; LPWSTR wszStartIp = NULL; if( pStartIp is NULL ) return; wszStartIp = WinsOemToUnicode(pStartIp, NULL); if( wszStartIp is NULL ) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, EMSG_WINS_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return; }
// Get the OV table from this server
if (NO_ERROR isnot (Status = GetStatus(TRUE, &ResultsN, TRUE, FALSE, pStartIp)) ) { DisplayErrorMessage(EMSG_SRVR_CHECK_VERSION, Status); WinsFreeMemory(wszStartIp); wszStartIp = NULL; return; } else { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_WINS_GETSTATUS_SUCCESS);
DisplayMessage(g_hModule, WINS_FORMAT_LINE); }
MasterOwners = NoOfOwners = ResultsN.NoOfOwners;
pMasterMaps = pAddVersMaps = ResultsN.pAddVersMaps;
ret = InitLATable(pAddVersMaps, 0, NoOfOwners); if( LA_Table is NULL ) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, EMSG_WINS_OUT_OF_MEMORY); WinsFreeMemory(wszStartIp); wszStartIp = NULL; return; }
if( SO_Table is NULL ) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, EMSG_WINS_OUT_OF_MEMORY); FreeLATable(MAX_WINS); WinsFreeMemory(wszStartIp); wszStartIp = NULL; return; }
AddSOTableEntry(wszStartIp, pMasterMaps, NoOfOwners, MasterOwners);
if( ResultsN.pAddVersMaps ) { WinsFreeMem(ResultsN.pAddVersMaps); ResultsN.pAddVersMaps = NULL; }
// For each server X (other than Start addr) in the LA table:
for ( i = 0; i < MasterOwners; i++) { LPSTR pszName = NULL;
if( wcscmp(LA_Table[i], wszStartIp) is 0 ) { continue; }
// Get X's OV table
pszName = WinsUnicodeToOem(LA_Table[i], NULL);
if( pszName is NULL ) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, EMSG_WINS_OUT_OF_MEMORY); if( SO_Table ) { FreeSOTable(MAX_WINS+1); } if( wszStartIp ) { WinsFreeMemory(wszStartIp); wszStartIp = NULL; } if( LA_Table ) { FreeLATable(MAX_WINS); } return;
if( NO_ERROR isnot (Status = GetStatus(TRUE, &ResultsN, TRUE, FALSE, pszName) ) ) { RemoveFromSOTable(LA_Table[i], MasterOwners); if( pszName ) { WinsFreeMemory(pszName); pszName = NULL; } if( ResultsN.pAddVersMaps ) { WinsFreeMem(ResultsN.pAddVersMaps); ResultsN.pAddVersMaps = NULL; } DisplayErrorMessage(EMSG_WINS_GETSTATUS_FAILED, Status); continue; } else { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_WINS_GETSTATUS_SUCCESS); } if (MasterOwners < ResultsN.NoOfOwners) {
ret = InitLATable(ResultsN.pAddVersMaps, MasterOwners, ResultsN.NoOfOwners); if( LA_Table is NULL or SO_Table is NULL ) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, EMSG_WINS_OUT_OF_MEMORY); if( pszName ) { WinsFreeMemory(pszName); pszName = NULL; } if( ResultsN.pAddVersMaps ) { WinsFreeMem(ResultsN.pAddVersMaps); ResultsN.pAddVersMaps = NULL; } if( SO_Table ) { WinsFreeMemory(SO_Table); SO_Table = NULL; } if( LA_Table ) { WinsFreeMemory(LA_Table); LA_Table = NULL; }
if( wszStartIp ) { WinsFreeMemory(wszStartIp); wszStartIp = NULL; }
return; }
MasterOwners = ret; }
// Place entry in the SO Table in proper order
AddSOTableEntry(LA_Table[i], ResultsN.pAddVersMaps, ResultsN.NoOfOwners, MasterOwners); if( pszName ) { WinsFreeMemory(pszName); pszName = NULL; }
if( ResultsN.pAddVersMaps ) { WinsFreeMem(ResultsN.pAddVersMaps); ResultsN.pAddVersMaps = NULL; }
// Check if diagonal elements in the [SO] table are the highest in their cols.
CheckSOTableConsistency(MasterOwners); DumpSOTable(MasterOwners, fFile, pFile);
// Destroy SO table
FreeSOTable(MasterOwners+1); FreeLATable(MasterOwners); }