* File: print.h * Description: This file contains function prototypes for the print * utilities for the NLB KD extensions. * History: Created by shouse, 1.4.01 */
/* Prints usage information for the specified context. */ void PrintUsage (ULONG dwContext);
/* Prints the contents of the MAIN_ADAPTER structure at the specified verbosity. */ void PrintAdapter (ULONG64 pAdapter, ULONG dwVerbosity);
/* Prints the contents of the MAIN_CTXT structure at the specified verbosity. */ void PrintContext (ULONG64 pContext, ULONG dwVerbosity);
/* Prints the contents of the CVY_PARAMS structure at the specified verbosity. */ void PrintParams (ULONG64 pParams, ULONG dwVerbosity);
/* Prints the NLB port rules. */ void PrintPortRules (ULONG dwNumRules, ULONG64 pRules);
/* Prints the contents of the CVY_LOAD structure at the specified verbosity. */ void PrintLoad (ULONG64 pLoad, ULONG dwVerbosity);
/* Prints the NLB private data associated with the given packet. */ void PrintResp (ULONG64 pPacket, ULONG dwDirection); /* Prints a list of hosts in a host map. */ void PrintHostList (ULONG dwHostMap);
/* Prints a list hosts from which we are missing pings. */ void PrintMissedPings (ULONG dwMissedPings[]);
/* Prints a list of bins with dirty connections. */ void PrintDirtyBins (ULONG dwDirtyBins[]);
/* Prints the contents of the NLB heartbeat structure. */ void PrintHeartbeat (ULONG64 pHeartbeat);
/* Prints the state information for the port rule. */ void PrintPortRuleState (ULONG64 pPortRule, ULONG dwHostID, BOOL bDefault);
/* Retrieves the current packet stack for the specified packet. */ ULONG64 PrintCurrentPacketStack (ULONG64 pPacket, ULONG * bStackLeft);
/* Prints the BDA member configuration and state. */ void PrintBDAMember (ULONG64 pMember);
/* Prints the BDA team configuration and state. */ void PrintBDATeam (ULONG64 pMember);
/* Prints a list of members in a BDA membership or consistency map. */ void PrintBDAMemberList (ULONG dwMemberMap);
/* Prints MaxEntries entries in a connection descriptor queue. */ void PrintQueue (ULONG64 pQueue, ULONG dwIndex, ULONG dwMaxEntries);
/* Prints MaxEntries entries in a global connection descriptor queue. */ void PrintGlobalQueue (ULONG64 pQueue, ULONG dwIndex, ULONG dwMaxEntries);
/* Searches the given load module to determine whether NLB will accept this packet. If state for this packet already exists, it is printed. */ void PrintFilter (ULONG64 pContext, ULONG dwClientIPAddress, ULONG dwClientPort, ULONG dwServerIPAddress, ULONG dwServerPort, USHORT wProtocol, UCHAR cFlags);
/* Extracts the network data previously parsed from an NDIS_PACKET and calls PrintFilter to determine whether NLB will accept this packet. */ void PrintHash (ULONG64 pContext, PNETWORK_DATA pnd);
/* Prints the contents of an NDIS packet, including known content such as IP, UDP, remote control data */ void PrintPacket (PNETWORK_DATA nd);
/* Prints the contents of an IP packet, including known content such as UDP, remote control data */ void PrintIP (PNETWORK_DATA nd);
/* Print the state of the global NLB kernel-mode hooks. */ void PrintHooks (ULONG64 pHooks);
/* Print the configuration and state of a hook interface. */ void PrintHookInterface (ULONG64 pInterface);
/* Print the configuration and state of a single hook. */ void PrintHook (ULONG64 pHook);
/* Print the symbol value and name for a given symbol. */ VOID PrintSymbol (ULONG64 Pointer, PCHAR EndOfLine);
/* Prints the unicast and multicast MAC addresses configured on an NLB adapter. */ void PrintNetworkAddresses (ULONG64 pContext);
/* Prints a connection descriptor (CONN_ENTRY). */ void PrintConnectionDescriptor (ULONG64 pDescriptor);
/* Prints a pending connection entry (PENDING_ENTRY). */ void PrintPendingConnection (ULONG64 pPending);
/* Prints the list of known dedicated IP addresses in the cluster. */ void PrintDIPList (ULONG64 pList);