#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "private.h"
#include "engine.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "Document.h"
#include "Application.h"
#include "MainForm.h"
#include "AboutDialog.h"
#include "application.tmh"
#include <process.h>
Application theApplication;
MUsingCom usingCom;
BOOL CanRunNLB(void);
// #define szNLBMGRREG_DISABLE_DISCLAIMER L"DisableNlbMgrDisclaimer"
#if DBG
// Allow the DEMO cmdline option
#define ALLOW_DEMO 1
#endif //DBG
BOOL NoAdminNics(void);
void CNlbMgrCommandLineInfo::ParseParam( LPCTSTR lpszParam, BOOL bFlag, BOOL bLast ) //
// -demo
// -hostlist file.txt
// -help -?
// -autoresfresh
// -noping
{ static enum Commands { None = 0, Demo, NoPing, HostList, AutoRefresh };
static UINT LastCommand = None;
TRACE_VERB("-> %!FUNC! (szParm=\"%ws\", bFlag=%lu, bLast=%lu)", lpszParam, bFlag, bLast);
if (m_bUsage) { goto end; }
if (bFlag) { /* Throw an error if this is a flag, but the last command was the
HostList command, which REQUIRES a non-flag argument following it. */ if (LastCommand == HostList) { /* Turn the host list option off to keep NLB manager
from trying to open NULL filename. */ m_bHostList = FALSE;
m_bUsage = TRUE; // error
goto end; }
if (!_wcsicmp(lpszParam, L"demo")) { if (m_bDemo) { m_bUsage = TRUE; // error
goto end; }
m_bDemo = TRUE; LastCommand = Demo; } else #endif // ALLOW_DEMO
if (!_wcsicmp(lpszParam, L"noping")) { if (m_bNoPing) { m_bUsage = TRUE; // error
goto end; }
m_bNoPing = TRUE; LastCommand = NoPing; } else if (!_wcsicmp(lpszParam, L"hostlist")) { if (m_bHostList || bLast) { m_bUsage = TRUE; // error
goto end; } m_bHostList = TRUE; LastCommand = HostList; } else if (!_wcsicmp(lpszParam, L"autorefresh")) { if (m_bAutoRefresh) { m_bUsage = TRUE; // error
goto end; }
m_bAutoRefresh = TRUE; LastCommand = AutoRefresh; } else { m_bUsage = TRUE; // error or help
} } else { switch (LastCommand) { case None: m_bUsage = TRUE; // error
break; case Demo: m_bUsage = TRUE; // error
break; case NoPing: m_bUsage = TRUE; // error
break; case HostList: m_bstrHostListFile = _bstr_t(lpszParam); // read the file name of the host list
break; case AutoRefresh: m_refreshInterval = _wtoi(lpszParam); // read the refresh interval
/* If the specified refresh interval is too small to be practical, re-set it. */ if (m_refreshInterval < NLBMGR_AUTOREFRESH_MIN_INTERVAL) m_refreshInterval = NLBMGR_AUTOREFRESH_MIN_INTERVAL;
break; default: m_bUsage = TRUE; // error
break; } /* Re-set the last command. */ LastCommand = None; }
TRACE_VERB("%!FUNC! <-"); }
BOOL Application::ProcessShellCommand( CNlbMgrCommandLineInfo& rCmdInfo ) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; LPCWSTR szFile = NULL; TRACE_CRIT("-> %!FUNC!");
fRet = CWinApp::ProcessShellCommand(rCmdInfo);
if (!fRet) { goto end; }
szFile = (LPCWSTR) rCmdInfo.m_bstrHostListFile; if (szFile==NULL) { szFile = L"<null>"; }
TRACE_VERB("%!FUNC! bUsage=%lu bDemo=%lu bNoPing=%lu bHostList=%lu szFile=\"%ws\"", rCmdInfo.m_bUsage, rCmdInfo.m_bDemo, rCmdInfo.m_bNoPing, rCmdInfo.m_bHostList, szFile );
if (rCmdInfo.m_bUsage) { _bstr_t bstrMsg = GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_USAGE_MESSAGE ); _bstr_t bstrTitle = GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_USAGE_TITLE );
::MessageBox( NULL, (LPCWSTR) bstrMsg, (LPCWSTR) bstrTitle, MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK ); fRet = FALSE; } else { if (rCmdInfo.m_bDemo) { _bstr_t bstrMsg = GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_DEMO_MESSAGE ); _bstr_t bstrTitle = GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_DEMO_TITLE ); ::MessageBox( NULL, (LPCWSTR) bstrMsg, (LPCWSTR) bstrTitle, MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK ); } fRet = TRUE; }
TRACE_CRIT("<- %!FUNC! returns %lu", fRet); return fRet; }
BOOL Application::InitInstance() { BOOL fRet = FALSE; WPP_INIT_TRACING(L"Microsoft\\NLB\\TPROV");
// Set the current thread id as the main thread id
m_dwMainThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
m_pSingleDocumentTemplate = new CSingleDocTemplate( IDR_MAINFRAME, RUNTIME_CLASS( Document ), RUNTIME_CLASS( MainForm ), RUNTIME_CLASS( LeftView) );
AddDocTemplate( m_pSingleDocumentTemplate );
// NOTE: ProcessShellCommand is our (Application) own version. It
// calls CWinApp::ProcessShellCommand.
fRet = ProcessShellCommand( gCmdLineInfo );
if (!fRet) { goto end; }
fRet = CanRunNLB();
// fall through...
if (!fRet) { // Deinit tracing here.
return fRet; }
void Application::OnAppAbout() { AboutDialog aboutDlg; aboutDlg.DoModal(); }
void Application::OnHelp() { WCHAR wbuf[CVY_STR_SIZE];
/* Spawn the windows help process. */ StringCbPrintf(wbuf, sizeof(wbuf), L"%ls\\help\\%ls", _wgetenv(L"WINDIR"), CVY_HELP_FILE); _wspawnlp(P_NOWAIT, L"hh.exe", L"hh.exe", wbuf, NULL); }
BOOL CanRunNLB(void) /*
Checks if NLB can run on the current machine. The main check is to make sure that there is atleast one active NIC without NLB bound. */ { if (NoAdminNics()) {
MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK ); } else { // ::ShowDisclaimer();
return TRUE; }
// This class manages NetCfg interfaces
class AppMyNetCfg {
AppMyNetCfg(VOID) { m_pINetCfg = NULL; m_pLock = NULL; }
~AppMyNetCfg() { ASSERT(m_pINetCfg==NULL); ASSERT(m_pLock==NULL); }
WBEMSTATUS Initialize( BOOL fWriteLock );
VOID Deinitialize( VOID );
WBEMSTATUS GetNlbCompatibleNics( OUT LPWSTR **ppszNics, OUT UINT *pNumNics, OUT UINT *pNumBoundToNlb // OPTIONAL
WBEMSTATUS GetBindingIF( IN LPCWSTR szComponent, OUT INetCfgComponentBindings **ppIBinding );
INetCfg *m_pINetCfg; INetCfgLock *m_pLock;
}; // Class AppMyNetCfg
WBEMSTATUS AppMyNetCfg::Initialize( BOOL fWriteLock ) { HRESULT hr; INetCfg *pnc = NULL; INetCfgLock *pncl = NULL; WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; BOOL fLocked = FALSE; BOOL fInitialized=FALSE; if (m_pINetCfg != NULL || m_pLock != NULL) { ASSERT(FALSE); goto end; }
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_CNetCfg, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_INetCfg, (void **) &pnc);
if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { // failure to create instance.
//TRACE_CRIT("ERROR: could not get interface to Net Config");
goto end; }
// If require, get the write lock
if (fWriteLock) { WCHAR *szLockedBy = NULL; hr = pnc->QueryInterface( IID_INetCfgLock, ( void **) &pncl ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { //TRACE_CRIT("ERROR: could not get interface to NetCfg Lock");
goto end; }
hr = pncl->AcquireWriteLock( 1, // One Second
L"NLBManager", &szLockedBy); if( hr != S_OK ) { //TRACE_CRIT("Could not get write lock. Lock held by %ws",
// (szLockedBy!=NULL) ? szLockedBy : L"<null>");
goto end; } }
// Initializes network configuration by loading into
// memory all basic networking information
hr = pnc->Initialize( NULL ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { // failure to Initialize
//TRACE_CRIT("INetCfg::Initialize failure ");
goto end; }
Status = WBEM_NO_ERROR; end:
if (FAILED(Status)) { if (pncl!=NULL) { if (fLocked) { pncl->ReleaseWriteLock(); } pncl->Release(); pncl=NULL; } if( pnc != NULL) { if (fInitialized) { pnc->Uninitialize(); } pnc->Release(); pnc= NULL; } } else { m_pINetCfg = pnc; m_pLock = pncl; }
return Status; }
VOID AppMyNetCfg::Deinitialize( VOID ) { if (m_pLock!=NULL) { m_pLock->ReleaseWriteLock(); m_pLock->Release(); m_pLock=NULL; } if( m_pINetCfg != NULL) { m_pINetCfg->Uninitialize(); m_pINetCfg->Release(); m_pINetCfg= NULL; } }
WBEMSTATUS AppMyNetCfg::GetNlbCompatibleNics( OUT LPWSTR **ppszNics, OUT UINT *pNumNics, OUT UINT *pNumBoundToNlb // OPTIONAL
) /*
Returns an array of pointers to string-version of GUIDS that represent the set of alive and healthy NICS that are suitable for NLB to bind to -- basically alive ethernet NICs.
Delete ppNics using the delete WCHAR[] operator. Do not delete the individual strings. */ { #define MY_GUID_LENGTH 38
WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; HRESULT hr; IEnumNetCfgComponent* pencc = NULL; INetCfgComponent *pncc = NULL; ULONG countToFetch = 1; ULONG countFetched; UINT NumNics = 0; LPWSTR *pszNics = NULL; INetCfgComponentBindings *pINlbBinding=NULL; UINT NumNlbBoundNics = 0;
typedef struct _MYNICNODE MYNICNODE;
typedef struct _MYNICNODE { LPWSTR szNicGuid; MYNICNODE *pNext; } MYNICNODE;
*ppszNics = NULL; *pNumNics = 0;
if (pNumBoundToNlb != NULL) { *pNumBoundToNlb = 0; }
if (m_pINetCfg == NULL) { //
// This means we're not initialized
ASSERT(FALSE); goto end; }
hr = m_pINetCfg->EnumComponents( &GUID_DEVCLASS_NET, &pencc ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { // failure to Enumerate net components
//TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! Could not enum netcfg adapters");
pencc = NULL; goto end; }
// Check if nlb is bound to the nlb component.
// If we need to count of NLB-bound nics, get instance of the nlb component
if (pNumBoundToNlb != NULL) { Status = GetBindingIF(L"ms_wlbs", &pINlbBinding); if (FAILED(Status)) { //TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! WARNING: NLB doesn't appear to be installed on this machine");
pINlbBinding = NULL; } }
while( ( hr = pencc->Next( countToFetch, &pncc, &countFetched ) )== S_OK ) { LPWSTR szName = NULL;
hr = pncc->GetBindName( &szName ); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! WARNING: couldn't get bind name for 0x%p, ignoring",
// (PVOID) pncc);
continue; }
do // while FALSE -- just to allow breaking out
UINT Len = wcslen(szName); if (Len != MY_GUID_LENGTH) { //TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! WARNING: GUID %ws has unexpected length %ul",
// szName, Len);
break; } DWORD characteristics = 0; hr = pncc->GetCharacteristics( &characteristics ); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! WARNING: couldn't get characteristics for %ws, ignoring",
// szName);
break; } if (((characteristics & NCF_PHYSICAL) || (characteristics & NCF_VIRTUAL)) && !(characteristics & NCF_HIDDEN)) { ULONG devstat = 0; // This is a physical or virtual miniport that is NOT hidden. These
// are the same adapters that show up in the "Network Connections"
// dialog. Hidden devices include WAN miniports, RAS miniports and
// NLB miniports - all of which should be excluded here.
// check if the nic is enabled, we are only
// interested in enabled nics.
hr = pncc->GetDeviceStatus( &devstat ); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //TRACE_CRIT(
// "%!FUNC! WARNING: couldn't get dev status for %ws, ignoring",
// szName
// );
break; } // if any of the nics has any of the problem codes
// then it cannot be used.
if( devstat != CM_PROB_NOT_CONFIGURED && devstat != CM_PROB_FAILED_START && devstat != CM_PROB_NORMAL_CONFLICT && devstat != CM_PROB_NEED_RESTART && devstat != CM_PROB_REINSTALL && devstat != CM_PROB_WILL_BE_REMOVED && devstat != CM_PROB_DISABLED && devstat != CM_PROB_FAILED_INSTALL && devstat != CM_PROB_FAILED_ADD ) { //
// No problem with this nic and also
// physical device
// thus we want it.
if (pINlbBinding != NULL) { BOOL fBound = FALSE;
hr = pINlbBinding->IsBoundTo(pncc);
if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { //TRACE_CRIT("IsBoundTo method failed for Nic %ws", szName);
goto end; } if( hr == S_OK ) { //TRACE_VERB("BOUND: %ws\n", szName);
NumNlbBoundNics++; fBound = TRUE; } else if (hr == S_FALSE ) { //TRACE_VERB("NOT BOUND: %ws\n", szName);
fBound = FALSE; } }
// We allocate a little node to keep this string
// temporarily and add it to our list of nodes.
pNicNode = new MYNICNODE; if (pNicNode == NULL) { Status = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } ZeroMemory(pNicNode, sizeof(*pNicNode)); pNicNode->szNicGuid = szName; szName = NULL; // so we don't delete inside the lopp.
pNicNode->pNext = pNicNodeList; pNicNodeList = pNicNode; NumNics++; } else { // There is a problem...
// "%!FUNC! WARNING: Skipping %ws because DeviceStatus=0x%08lx",
// szName, devstat
// );
break; } } else { //TRACE_VERB("%!FUNC! Ignoring non-physical device %ws", szName);
} while (FALSE);
if (szName != NULL) { CoTaskMemFree( szName ); } pncc->Release(); pncc=NULL; }
if (pINlbBinding!=NULL) { pINlbBinding->Release(); pINlbBinding = NULL; }
if (NumNics==0) { Status = WBEM_NO_ERROR; goto end; } //
// Now let's allocate space for all the nic strings and:w
// copy them over..
#define MY_GUID_LENGTH 38
pszNics = CfgUtilsAllocateStringArray(NumNics, MY_GUID_LENGTH); if (pszNics == NULL) { Status = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; }
pNicNode= pNicNodeList; for (UINT u=0; u<NumNics; u++, pNicNode=pNicNode->pNext) { ASSERT(pNicNode != NULL); // because we just counted NumNics of em.
UINT Len = wcslen(pNicNode->szNicGuid); if (Len != MY_GUID_LENGTH) { //
// We should never get here beause we checked the length earlier.
//TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! ERROR: GUID %ws has unexpected length %ul",
// pNicNode->szNicGuid, Len);
ASSERT(FALSE); Status = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; goto end; } CopyMemory( pszNics[u], pNicNode->szNicGuid, (MY_GUID_LENGTH+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); ASSERT(pszNics[u][MY_GUID_LENGTH]==0); }
// Now release the temporarly allocated memory.
pNicNode= pNicNodeList; while (pNicNode!=NULL) { MYNICNODE *pTmp = pNicNode->pNext; CoTaskMemFree(pNicNode->szNicGuid); pNicNode->szNicGuid = NULL; delete pNicNode; pNicNode = pTmp; }
if (FAILED(Status)) { // TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! fails with status 0x%08lx", (UINT) Status);
NumNics = 0; if (pszNics!=NULL) { delete pszNics; pszNics = NULL; } } else { if (pNumBoundToNlb != NULL) { *pNumBoundToNlb = NumNlbBoundNics; } *ppszNics = pszNics; *pNumNics = NumNics; }
if (pencc != NULL) { pencc->Release(); }
return Status; }
WBEMSTATUS AppMyNetCfg::GetBindingIF( IN LPCWSTR szComponent, OUT INetCfgComponentBindings **ppIBinding ) { WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; INetCfgComponent *pncc = NULL; INetCfgComponentBindings *pnccb = NULL; HRESULT hr;
if (m_pINetCfg == NULL) { //
// This means we're not initialized
ASSERT(FALSE); goto end; }
hr = m_pINetCfg->FindComponent(szComponent, &pncc);
if (FAILED(hr)) { // TRACE_CRIT("Error checking if component %ws does not exist\n", szComponent);
pncc = NULL; goto end; } else if (hr == S_FALSE) { Status = WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND; // TRACE_CRIT("Component %ws does not exist\n", szComponent);
goto end; } hr = pncc->QueryInterface( IID_INetCfgComponentBindings, (void **) &pnccb ); if( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { // TRACE_CRIT("INetCfgComponent::QueryInterface failed ");
pnccb = NULL; goto end; }
if (pncc) { pncc->Release(); pncc=NULL; }
*ppIBinding = pnccb;
return Status;
BOOL NoAdminNics(void) /*
Return TRUE IFF all NICs on this machine are bound to NLB. */ { LPWSTR *pszNics = NULL; OUT UINT NumNics = 0; OUT UINT NumBoundToNlb = 0; WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_NO_ERROR; BOOL fNetCfgInitialized = FALSE; AppMyNetCfg NetCfg; BOOL fRet = FALSE;
// Get and initialize interface to netcfg
Status = NetCfg.Initialize(FALSE); // TRUE == get write lock.
if (FAILED(Status)) { goto end; } fNetCfgInitialized = TRUE;
// Get the total list of enabled nics and the list of nics
// bound to NLB. If there are non-zero enabled nics and all are
// bound to NLB, we return TRUE.
Status = NetCfg.GetNlbCompatibleNics( &pszNics, &NumNics, &NumBoundToNlb );
if (!FAILED(Status)) { fRet = NumNics && (NumNics == NumBoundToNlb); if (NumNics) { delete pszNics; pszNics = NULL; } }
if (fNetCfgInitialized) { NetCfg.Deinitialize(); }
return fRet; }
void Application::ProcessMsgQueue() { MSG msg; BOOL bDoingBackgroundProcessing = FALSE;
if (!mfn_IsMainThread()) goto end;
if (InterlockedIncrement(&m_lMsgProcReentrancyCount) > 1) { InterlockedDecrement(&m_lMsgProcReentrancyCount); goto end; }
while ( ::PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE ) ) { #if BUGFIX334243
if (msg.message == MYWM_DEFER_UI_MSG) { // DummyAction(L"Hey -- got DEFER_UI_MSG ProcessMsgQueue!");
} #endif // BUGFIX334243
if ( !this->PumpMessage( ) ) { bDoingBackgroundProcessing = FALSE; ::PostQuitMessage(0); break; } }
// let MFC do its idle processing
LONG lIdle = 0; while ( this->OnIdle(lIdle++ ) ) { }
// Perform some background processing here
// using another call to OnIdle
this->DoWaitCursor(0); // process_msgqueue() breaks the hour glass cursor, This call restores the hour glass cursor if there was one
if (m_fQuit) { ::PostQuitMessage(0); }
return; }
// Get application-wide lock. If main thread, while waiting to get the lock,
// periodically process the msg loop.
VOID Application::Lock() { //
// See notes.txt entry
// 01/23/2002 JosephJ DEADLOCK in Leftview::mfn_Lock
// for the reason for this convoluted implementation of mfn_Lock
if (mfn_IsMainThread()) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_crit); } else { while (!TryEnterCriticalSection(&m_crit)) { this->ProcessMsgQueue(); Sleep(100); } } }
// Get application-wide unlock
VOID Application::Unlock() { LeaveCriticalSection(&m_crit); }