// Module: NLB Manager
// Purpose: Implements HostPage, which is a dialog for host-specific
// properties
// Copyright (c)2001-2002 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
// History:
// 07/30/01 JosephJ Created
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "private.h"
#include "HostPage.h"
#include "HostPage.tmh"
using namespace std;
HostPage::HostPage( CPropertySheet *psh, NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION *pNlbCfg, ENGINEHANDLE ehCluster OPTIONAL, const ENGINEHANDLE *pehInterface OPTIONAL ) : m_pshOwner( psh), m_pNlbCfg( pNlbCfg ), CPropertyPage( HostPage::IDD ), m_clusterData(NULL), m_ehCluster(ehCluster), m_pehInterface(pehInterface), m_fSaved(FALSE) { TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! ->");
// Note: the following gEngine.GetAvailableXXX APIs can deal with
// the fact that ehCluster may be NULL -- in which case they
// setup the out params to be all-available.
m_AvailableHostPriorities = gEngine.GetAvailableHostPriorities( ehCluster); mfn_LoadFromNlbCfg();
TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! <-"); }
void HostPage::mfn_LoadFromNlbCfg(void) { TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! ->");
DWORD HostId = 0; _bstr_t bstrDedIp = (LPCWSTR) m_pNlbCfg->NlbParams.ded_ip_addr; _bstr_t bstrDedMask = (LPCWSTR) m_pNlbCfg->NlbParams.ded_net_mask; BOOL fPersistSuspendedState = m_pNlbCfg->NlbParams.persisted_states & CVY_PERSIST_STATE_SUSPENDED; DWORD preferredInitialHostState = m_pNlbCfg->NlbParams.cluster_mode;
// fill in priority.
wchar_t buf[Common::BUF_SIZE]; ULONG availHostIds = m_AvailableHostPriorities; ENGINEHANDLE ehInterface = NULL;
HostId = m_pNlbCfg->NlbParams.host_priority; TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! HostId=%lu", HostId);
if (HostId>0 && HostId<=32) { availHostIds |= (((ULONG)1)<<(HostId-1)); }
// Delete any current entries in the priorities combobox
{ int iLeft;
do { iLeft = priority.DeleteString(0);
} while(iLeft != 0 && iLeft != CB_ERR); }
for(ULONG u=0; u<32; u++) { if (availHostIds & (((ULONG)1)<<u)) { StringCbPrintf(buf, sizeof(buf), L"%d", (u+1)); priority.AddString( buf ); if (HostId == 0) { HostId = u+1; // let's pick the first available one.
} } }
// set selection to present hostid
StringCbPrintf( buf, sizeof(buf), L"%d", HostId ); priority.SelectString( -1, buf );
// set persist suspend
// set initial host state
{ int itemNum = 0;
/* Delete all items currently in the combobox first. */ do { itemNum = initialState.DeleteString(0); } while (itemNum != 0 && itemNum != CB_ERR);
itemNum = initialState.AddString(GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_HOST_STATE_STARTED)); initialState.SetItemData(itemNum, (DWORD)CVY_HOST_STATE_STARTED); if (preferredInitialHostState == CVY_HOST_STATE_STARTED) initialState.SetCurSel(itemNum);
itemNum = initialState.AddString(GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_HOST_STATE_STOPPED)); initialState.SetItemData(itemNum, (DWORD)CVY_HOST_STATE_STOPPED);
if (preferredInitialHostState == CVY_HOST_STATE_STOPPED) initialState.SetCurSel(itemNum); itemNum = initialState.AddString(GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_HOST_STATE_SUSPENDED)); initialState.SetItemData(itemNum, (DWORD)CVY_HOST_STATE_SUSPENDED);
if (preferredInitialHostState == CVY_HOST_STATE_SUSPENDED) initialState.SetCurSel(itemNum); }
// fill in host ip
CommonUtils::fillCIPAddressCtrlString( ipAddress, bstrDedIp );
// set host mask.
CommonUtils::fillCIPAddressCtrlString( subnetMask, bstrDedMask );
// Initialize the caption and discription based on the type of
// dialog.
{ CWnd *pItem = GetDlgItem(IDC_NIC_FRIENDLY); LPWSTR szFriendlyName = NULL; m_pNlbCfg->GetFriendlyName(&szFriendlyName); if (pItem != NULL && szFriendlyName != NULL) { pItem->SetWindowText(szFriendlyName); } delete szFriendlyName; }
TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! <-"); }
void HostPage::DoDataExchange( CDataExchange* pDX ) { DDX_Control( pDX, IDC_EDIT_PRI, priority ); DDX_Control( pDX, IDC_CHECK_PERSIST_SUSPEND, persistSuspend ); DDX_Control( pDX, IDC_COMBOBOX_DEFAULT_STATE, initialState ); DDX_Control( pDX, IDC_EDIT_DED_IP, ipAddress ); DDX_Control( pDX, IDC_EDIT_DED_MASK, subnetMask ); }
BOOL HostPage::OnInitDialog() { TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! ->"); CPropertyPage::OnInitDialog();
TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! <-"); return TRUE; }
void HostPage::OnOK() { CPropertyPage::OnOK();
TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! ->"); //
// Save the configuration to the NLB configuration structure
// that was passed in the constructor of this dialog.
mfn_SaveToNlbCfg(); TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! <-"); }
BOOL HostPage::mfn_ValidateDip(LPCWSTR szDip) //
// If connection-IP is on this NIC:
// MUST be the DIP (DIP can't be blank).
// Else if dip is blank:
// return TRUE;
// Else // dip not blank
// It must not be used anywhere else -- i.e., be part of a
// cluster IP, or bound to any other interface known to NLB Manager.
// On errr, bring up appropriate MsgBox and return FALSE.
// Else return TRUE.
if (m_pehInterface != NULL) { ehIF = *m_pehInterface; }
if (ehIF == NULL) { ASSERT(FALSE); goto end; }
// Check if this interface is the connection-interface and if so
// what is the connection IP.
{ UINT uConnectionIp = 0; ENGINEHANDLE ehHost = NULL; ENGINEHANDLE ehCluster = NULL; ENGINEHANDLE ehConnectionIF = NULL; _bstr_t bstrFriendlyName; _bstr_t bstrDisplayName; _bstr_t bstrHostName; _bstr_t bstrConnectionString;
nerr = gEngine.GetInterfaceIdentification( ehIF, REF ehHost, REF ehCluster, REF bstrFriendlyName, REF bstrDisplayName, REF bstrHostName ); if (NLBFAILED(nerr)) { fRet = TRUE; goto end; }
nerr = gEngine.GetHostConnectionInformation( ehHost, REF ehConnectionIF, REF bstrConnectionString, REF uConnectionIp ); if (NLBFAILED(nerr)) { TRACE_CRIT(L"%!FUNC! gEngine.GetHostConnectionInformation fails!"); //
// We'll plow on...
ehConnectionIF = NULL; uConnectionIp = 0; }
if (ehConnectionIF == ehIF && uConnectionIp != 0) { //
// The connection interface IS the current interface --
// so dedicated IP MUST match the connection IP!
WBEMSTATUS wStat; UINT uDipIp = 0; wStat = CfgUtilsValidateNetworkAddress( szDip, &uDipIp, NULL, // puSubnetMask
NULL // puDefaultSubnetMask
); if (!FAILED(wStat)) { if (uDipIp != uConnectionIp) { MessageBox( GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_CANT_CHANGE_DIP_MSG ), GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_PARM_ERROR ), MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK ); fRet = FALSE; goto end; } }
fRet = TRUE; goto end; } }
// If Dip is blank, we're done
if (*szDip == 0 || !_wcsicmp(szDip, L"")) { fRet = TRUE; goto end; }
// Check that DIP is not used elsewhere
{ ENGINEHANDLE ehTmp = NULL; BOOL fIsNew = FALSE; CLocalLogger logConflict;
nerr = gEngine.ValidateNewDedicatedIp( ehIF, szDip, REF logConflict );
if (nerr == NLBERR_INVALID_IP_ADDRESS_SPECIFICATION) { CLocalLogger logMsg; logMsg.Log( IDS_NEW_DIP_CONFLICTS_WITH_XXX, logConflict.GetStringSafe() ); MessageBox( logMsg.GetStringSafe(), GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_PARM_ERROR ), MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK ); fRet = FALSE; goto end; } }
fRet = TRUE;
end: return fRet;
BOOL HostPage::OnSetActive() {
BOOL fRet;
fRet = CPropertyPage::OnSetActive(); if (fRet) { mfn_LoadFromNlbCfg(); m_pshOwner->SetWizardButtons( PSWIZB_BACK| // PSWIZB_NEXT|
0 ); }
TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! <- returns %lu", fRet); return fRet; }
BOOL HostPage::OnKillActive() { BOOL fRet;
fRet = mfn_ValidateData();
if (!fRet) { CPropertyPage::OnCancel(); } else { mfn_SaveToNlbCfg(); fRet = CPropertyPage::OnKillActive(); }
TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! <- returns %lu", fRet); return fRet; }
BOOL HostPage::OnWizardFinish( ) /*
Overwridden virtual function. OnWizardFinish is ONLY called if this is the last page in the wizard. So if you need to save stuff on OnKillActive. */ { BOOL fRet; TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! ->");
fRet = CPropertyPage::OnWizardFinish(); if (fRet) { fRet = mfn_ValidateData(); if (fRet) { //
// Save the configuration to the NLB configuration structure
// that was passed in the constructor of this dialog.
mfn_SaveToNlbCfg(); } }
TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! <- returns %lu", fRet); return fRet; }
BOOL HostPage::mfn_ValidateData() { DWORD HostId = 0; _bstr_t bstrDedIp; _bstr_t bstrDedMask; BOOL fPersistSuspendedState = false; BOOL fRet = false; wchar_t buf[Common::BUF_SIZE]; TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! ->");
// fill in priority.
{ int selectedPriorityIndex = priority.GetCurSel(); priority.GetLBText( selectedPriorityIndex, buf ); HostId = _wtoi( buf ); }
bstrDedIp = CommonUtils::getCIPAddressCtrlString( ipAddress );
bstrDedMask = CommonUtils::getCIPAddressCtrlString( subnetMask );
fPersistSuspendedState = persistSuspend.GetCheck() ? true : false;
// ip is blank
// subnet is blank
// valid
if( ( !_wcsicmp((LPCWSTR)bstrDedIp, L"") ) && ( !_wcsicmp((LPCWSTR)bstrDedMask, L"") ) ) { // both ip and subnet can be blank or in host page. both but not
// either.
// this is empty, we just need to catch this case.
} else if (!_wcsicmp((LPCWSTR)bstrDedIp, L"")) { // if only ip is blank or then this is not allowed
goto end; } else { // check if ip is valid.
bool isIPValid = MIPAddress::checkIfValid(bstrDedIp ); if( isIPValid != true ) { MessageBox( GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_PARM_INVAL_DED_IP ), GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_PARM_ERROR ), MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK );
goto end; }
// check if subnet is
// if so ask user if he wants us to fill it or not.
MIPAddress::getDefaultSubnetMask( bstrDedIp, bstrDedMask );
CommonUtils::fillCIPAddressCtrlString( subnetMask, bstrDedMask ); goto end; }
// check if subnet is contiguous
bool isSubnetContiguous = MIPAddress::isContiguousSubnetMask( bstrDedMask ); if( isSubnetContiguous == false ) { MessageBox( GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_PARM_INVAL_DED_MASK ), GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_PARM_ERROR ), MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK );
goto end;
// check if ip address and subnet mask are valid as a pair
bool isIPSubnetPairValid = MIPAddress::isValidIPAddressSubnetMaskPair( bstrDedIp, bstrDedMask ); if( isIPSubnetPairValid == false ) { MessageBox( GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_PARM_INVAL_DED_IP ), GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_PARM_ERROR ), MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK );
goto end; } }
fRet = mfn_ValidateDip((LPCWSTR)bstrDedIp);
if (!fRet) { //
// We'll push the original dip and subnet values back to the UI
CommonUtils::fillCIPAddressCtrlString( ipAddress, m_pNlbCfg->NlbParams.ded_ip_addr ); CommonUtils::fillCIPAddressCtrlString( subnetMask, m_pNlbCfg->NlbParams.ded_net_mask ); }
TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! <- returns %lu", fRet); return fRet; }
VOID HostPage::mfn_SaveToNlbCfg(void) //
// Actually save stuff to nlbcfg.
{ DWORD HostId = 0; _bstr_t bstrDedIp; _bstr_t bstrDedMask; BOOL fPersistSuspendedState = false; BOOL fRet = FALSE; DWORD preferredInitialHostState = 0; wchar_t buf[Common::BUF_SIZE]; int itemNum = 0;
// fill in priority.
int selectedPriorityIndex = priority.GetCurSel(); priority.GetLBText( selectedPriorityIndex, buf ); HostId = _wtoi( buf );
bstrDedIp = CommonUtils::getCIPAddressCtrlString( ipAddress );
bstrDedMask = CommonUtils::getCIPAddressCtrlString( subnetMask );
fPersistSuspendedState = persistSuspend.GetCheck() ? true : false; itemNum = initialState.GetCurSel(); preferredInitialHostState = initialState.GetItemData(itemNum);
m_pNlbCfg->NlbParams.host_priority = HostId; ARRAYSTRCPY(m_pNlbCfg->NlbParams.ded_ip_addr, (LPCWSTR) bstrDedIp); ARRAYSTRCPY(m_pNlbCfg->NlbParams.ded_net_mask, (LPCWSTR) bstrDedMask);
if (fPersistSuspendedState) m_pNlbCfg->NlbParams.persisted_states |= CVY_PERSIST_STATE_SUSPENDED; else m_pNlbCfg->NlbParams.persisted_states &= ~CVY_PERSIST_STATE_SUSPENDED;
m_pNlbCfg->NlbParams.cluster_mode = preferredInitialHostState;
m_fSaved = TRUE;
TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! <-"); return; }
void HostPage::OnSelectedNicChanged() { }
BOOL HostPage::OnHelpInfo (HELPINFO* helpInfo ) { if( helpInfo->iContextType == HELPINFO_WINDOW ) { ::WinHelp( static_cast<HWND> ( helpInfo->hItemHandle ), CVY_CTXT_HELP_FILE, HELP_WM_HELP, (ULONG_PTR ) g_aHelpIDs_IDD_HOST_PAGE); }
return TRUE; }
void HostPage::OnContextMenu( CWnd* pWnd, CPoint point ) { ::WinHelp( m_hWnd, CVY_CTXT_HELP_FILE, HELP_CONTEXTMENU, (ULONG_PTR ) g_aHelpIDs_IDD_HOST_PAGE); }
void HostPage::OnGainFocusDedicatedIP() { }
void HostPage::OnGainFocusDedicatedMask() { // if dedicated ip is valid
// and subnet mask is blank, then generate
// the default subnet mask.
_bstr_t ipAddressString = CommonUtils::getCIPAddressCtrlString( ipAddress );
if( ( MIPAddress::checkIfValid( ipAddressString ) == true ) && ( subnetMask.IsBlank() == TRUE ) ) { _bstr_t subnetMaskString;
MIPAddress::getDefaultSubnetMask( ipAddressString, subnetMaskString );
CommonUtils::fillCIPAddressCtrlString( subnetMask, subnetMaskString ); } }