#ifndef _UTILS_H
#define _UTILS_H
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved
// The copyright notice above does not evidence any
// actual or intended publication of such source code.
// OneLiner : common include file.
// DevUnit : wlbstest
// Author : Murtaza Hakim
// Description:
// -----------
// History:
// --------
// Revised by : mhakim
// Date : 02-12-01
// Reason : added password to clusterproperties.
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
struct ClusterProperties { // default constructor
ClusterProperties(); // Equality operator
bool operator==( const ClusterProperties& objToCompare );
// inequality operator
bool operator!=( const ClusterProperties& objToCompare );
bool HaveClusterPropertiesChanged( const ClusterProperties& objToCompare, bool *pbOnlyClusterNameChanged, bool *pbClusterIpChanged);
_bstr_t cIP; // Primary IP address.
_bstr_t cSubnetMask; // Subnet mask.
_bstr_t cFullInternetName; // Full Internet name.
_bstr_t cNetworkAddress; // Network address.
bool multicastSupportEnabled; // Multicast support.
bool remoteControlEnabled; // Remote control.
// Edited (mhakim 12-02-01)
// password may be required to be set.
// but note that it cannot be got from an existing cluster.
_bstr_t password; // Remote control password.
// for whistler
bool igmpSupportEnabled; // igmp support
bool clusterIPToMulticastIP; // indicates whether to use cluster ip or user provided ip.
_bstr_t multicastIPAddress; // user provided multicast ip.
long igmpJoinInterval; // user provided multicast ip.
struct HostProperties { // default constructor
HostProperties(); // Equality operator
bool operator==( const HostProperties& objToCompare );
// inequality operator
bool operator!=( const HostProperties& objToCompare );
_bstr_t hIP; // Dedicated IP Address.
_bstr_t hSubnetMask; // Subnet mask.
long hID; // Priority(Unique host ID).
bool initialClusterStateActive; // Initial Cluster State.
_bstr_t machineName; // machine name.
class Common { public: enum { BUF_SIZE = 1000, ALL_PORTS = 0xffffffff, ALL_HOSTS = 100, THIS_HOST = 0, }; };
class CommonUtils {
public: // converts the CIPAddressCtrl embedded ip into
// dotted decimal string representation.
static _bstr_t getCIPAddressCtrlString( CIPAddressCtrl& ip ); // fills the CIPAddressCtrl with the dotted decimal
// string representation.
static void fillCIPAddressCtrlString( CIPAddressCtrl& ip, const _bstr_t& ipAdddress );
static void getVectorFromSafeArray( SAFEARRAY*& stringArray, vector<_bstr_t>& strings );
static void getSafeArrayFromVector( const vector<_bstr_t>& strings, SAFEARRAY*& stringArray );
private: enum { BUF_SIZE = 1000, }; };
// typedefs for _com_ptr_t
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IWbemServices, __uuidof(IWbemServices)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IWbemLocator, __uuidof(IWbemLocator)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IWbemClassObject, __uuidof(IWbemClassObject)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IEnumWbemClassObject, __uuidof(IEnumWbemClassObject)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IWbemCallResult, __uuidof(IWbemCallResult)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IWbemStatusCodeText, __uuidof(IWbemStatusCodeText));
void GetErrorCodeText(WBEMSTATUS wStat , _bstr_t& errText );
// Class Definition
class MIPAddress { public:
enum IPClass { classA, classB, classC, classD, classE };
// Description
// -----------
// Checks if the ip address supplied is valid.
// IP address needs to be in dotted decimal
// for eg.,, etc.
// ip addresses in the form 192.31 are not allowed.
// There must be exactly four parts.
// Parameters
// ----------
// ipAddrToCheck in : ipAddr to check in dotted dec notation.
// Returns
// -------
// true if valid else false.
static bool checkIfValid(const _bstr_t& ipAddrToCheck );
// Description
// -----------
// Gets the default subnet mask for ip address. The ip address
// needs to be valid for operation to be successful.
// IP address needs to be in dotted decimal
// for eg.,, etc.
// ip addresses in the form 192.31 are not allowed.
// There must be exactly four parts.
// Parameters
// ----------
// ipAddress IN : ip address for which default subnet required.
// subnetMask OUT : default subnet mask for ip.
// Returns
// -------
// true if able to find default subnet or false if ipAddress was
// invalid.
static bool getDefaultSubnetMask( const _bstr_t& ipAddr, _bstr_t& subnetMask );
// Description
// -----------
// Gets the class to which this ip address belongs.
// class A: 1 - 126
// class B: 128 - 191
// class C: 192 - 223
// class D: 224 - 239
// class D: 240 - 247
// IP address needs to be in dotted decimal
// for eg.,, etc.
// ip addresses in the form 192.31 are not allowed.
// There must be exactly four parts.
// Parameters
// ----------
// ipAddress IN : ip address for which class is to be found.
// ipClass OUT : class to which ip belongs.
// Returns
// -------
// true if able to find class or false if not able to find.
static bool getIPClass( const _bstr_t& ipAddr, IPClass& ipClass ); static bool isValidIPAddressSubnetMaskPair( const _bstr_t& ipAddress, const _bstr_t& subnetMask );
static bool isContiguousSubnetMask( const _bstr_t& subnetMask );
// Ensure Type Safety
typedef class MIPAddress MIPAddress;
class MUsingCom { public:
enum MUsingCom_Error { MUsingCom_SUCCESS = 0, COM_FAILURE = 1, };
// constructor
// destructor
MUsingCom_Error getStatus();
private: MUsingCom_Error status; };
class ResourceString {
static ResourceString* Instance();
static const _bstr_t& GetIDString( UINT id );
private: static map< UINT, _bstr_t> resourceStrings;
static ResourceString* _instance;
// helper functions
const _bstr_t& GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( UINT id );
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// External References
// Constant Definitions
class WTokens { public: //
// data
// none
// constructor
// Description
// -----------
// constructor
// Returns
// -------
// none.
WTokens( wstring strToken, // IN: Wstring to tokenize.
wstring strDelimit ); // IN: Delimiter.
// Description
// -----------
// Default constructor
// Returns
// -------
// none.
WTokens(); //
// destructor
// Description
// -----------
// destructor
// Returns
// -------
// none.
~WTokens(); //
// member functions
// Description
// -----------
// Returns
// -------
// The tokens.
vector<wstring> tokenize(); //
// Description
// -----------
// constructor
// Returns
// -------
// none.
void init( wstring strToken, // IN: Wstring to tokenize.
wstring strDelimit ); // IN: Delimiter.
protected: // Data
// none
// Constructors
// none
// Destructor
// none
// Member Functions
// none
private: //
/// Data
wstring _strToken; wstring _strDelimit; //
/// Constructors
/// none
/// Destructor
/// none
/// Member Functions
/// none
HKEY NlbMgrRegCreateKey( LPCWSTR szSubKey // Optional
UINT NlbMgrRegReadUINT( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR szName, UINT Default );
VOID NlbMgrRegWriteUINT( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR szName, UINT Value );
void GetTimeAndDate(_bstr_t &bstrTime, _bstr_t &bstrDate);
// Inline Functions
// Ensure Type Safety
typedef class WTokens WTokens;
// Used for maintaining a log on the stack.
// Usage is NOT thread-safe -- each instance must be used
// by a single thread.
class CLocalLogger { public: CLocalLogger(VOID) : m_pszLog (NULL), m_LogSize(0), m_CurrentOffset(0) { m_Empty[0] = 0; // The empty string.
} ~CLocalLogger() { delete[] m_pszLog; m_pszLog=NULL; } VOID LogString( LPCWSTR szStr );
VOID Log( IN UINT ResourceID, ... );
VOID ExtractLog(OUT LPCWSTR &pLog, UINT &Size) //
// pLog -- set to pointer to internal buffer if there is stuff in the
// log, otherwise NULL.
// Size -- in chars; includes ending NULL
{ if (m_CurrentOffset != 0) { pLog = m_pszLog; Size = m_CurrentOffset+1; // + 1 for ending NULL.
} else { pLog = NULL; Size = 0; } }
LPCWSTR GetStringSafe(void) { LPCWSTR szLog = NULL; UINT Size; ExtractLog(REF szLog, REF Size); if (szLog == NULL) { //
// Replace NULL by a pointer to an empty string.
szLog = m_Empty; }
return szLog; }
private: WCHAR *m_pszLog; UINT m_LogSize; // Current size of the log.
UINT m_CurrentOffset; // Characters left in the log.
WCHAR m_Empty[1]; // The empty string.
NLBERROR AnalyzeNlbConfiguration( IN const NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION &Cfg, IN OUT CLocalLogger &logErrors ); //
// logErrors - a log of config errors
NLBERROR AnalyzeNlbConfigurationPair( IN const NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION &Cfg, IN const NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION &OtherCfg, IN BOOL fOtherIsCluster, IN BOOL fCheckOtherForConsistancy, OUT BOOL &fConnectivityChange, IN OUT CLocalLogger &logErrors, IN OUT CLocalLogger &logDifferences ); //
// logErrors - a log of config errors
// logDifferences - a log of differences between
// Cfg and UpOtherCfg.
// fCheckOtherForConsistancy -- if true, we will check Cfg
// against pOtherCfg. If fOtherIsCluster, we expect
// cluster wide properties to match, else we expect
// cluster-wide properties to match as well as host-specific
// properteis to not conflict.
// Processes the windows and afx msg loops.
void ProcessMsgQueue(void);
// Max length in chars, and including ending NULL, for an encrypted
// password.
BOOL PromptForEncryptedCreds( IN HWND hWnd, IN LPCWSTR szCaptionText, IN LPCWSTR szMessageText, IN OUT LPWSTR szUserName, IN UINT cchUserName, IN OUT LPWSTR szPassword, // encrypted password
IN UINT cchPassword // size of szPassword
#endif // _UTILS_H