Copyright(c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
NLB Manager
File Name:
Implementation of class NLBHost
NLBHost is responsible for connecting to an NLB host and getting/setting its NLB-related configuration.
03/31/01 JosephJ Created 07/27/01 JosephJ Moved to current location (used to be called nlbhost.cpp under provider\tests).
NLB client-side WMI utility functions to configure an NLB host.
#include "private.h"
#include "nlbclient.tmh"
extern BOOL g_Silent;
BOOL g_Fake; // If true, operate in "fake mode" -- see NlbHostFake()
WBEMSTATUS extract_GetClusterConfiguration_output_params( IN IWbemClassObjectPtr spWbemOutput, OUT PNLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION pCfg );
WBEMSTATUS setup_GetClusterConfiguration_input_params( IN LPCWSTR szNic, IN IWbemClassObjectPtr spWbemInput );
WBEMSTATUS setup_UpdateClusterConfiguration_input_params( IN LPCWSTR szClientDescription, IN LPCWSTR szNic, IN PNLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION pCfg, IN IWbemClassObjectPtr spWbemInput );
WBEMSTATUS connect_to_server( IN PWMI_CONNECTION_INFO pConnInfo, // NULL implies local
OUT IWbemServicesPtr &spWbemService // Smart pointer
VOID NlbHostFake( VOID) /*
Makes the NlbHostXXX apis operate in "fake mode", where they don't actually connect to any real machines. */ { g_Fake = TRUE; FakeInitialize(); }
WBEMSTATUS NlbHostGetConfiguration( IN PWMI_CONNECTION_INFO pConnInfo, // NULL implies local
IN LPCWSTR szNicGuid, OUT PNLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION pCurrentCfg ) { WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; IWbemServicesPtr spWbemService = NULL; // Smart pointer
IWbemClassObjectPtr spWbemInput = NULL; // smart pointer
IWbemClassObjectPtr spWbemOutput = NULL; // smart pointer.
TRACE_INFO("->%!FUNC!(GUID=%ws)", szNicGuid);
if (g_Fake) { Status = FakeNlbHostGetConfiguration(pConnInfo, szNicGuid, pCurrentCfg); goto end; }
// Get interface to the NLB namespace on the specified machine
Status = connect_to_server(pConnInfo, REF spWbemService); if (FAILED(Status)) { goto end; }
// Get wmi input instance to "GetClusterConfiguration" method
{ Status = CfgUtilGetWmiInputInstanceAndRelPath( spWbemService, L"NlbsNic", // szClassName
NULL, // szParameterName
NULL, // szPropertyValue
L"GetClusterConfiguration", // szMethodName,
spWbemInput, // smart pointer
&pRelPath // free using delete
if (FAILED(Status)) { wprintf( L"ERROR 0x%08lx trying to get instance of GetClusterConfiguration\n", (UINT) Status ); goto end; } }
// Setup params for the "GetClusterConfiguration" method
// NOTE: spWbemInput could be NULL.
Status = setup_GetClusterConfiguration_input_params( szNicGuid, spWbemInput );
if (FAILED(Status)) { goto end; }
// Call the "GetClusterConfiguration" method
if (!g_Silent) { wprintf(L"Going to get GetClusterConfiguration...\n"); }
hr = spWbemService->ExecMethod( _bstr_t(pRelPath), L"GetClusterConfiguration", 0, NULL, spWbemInput, &spWbemOutput, NULL ); if( FAILED( hr) ) { wprintf(L"GetClusterConfiguration returns with failure 0x%8lx\n", (UINT) hr); Status = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; goto end; } else { if (!g_Silent) { wprintf(L"GetClusterConfiguration returns successfully\n"); } }
if (spWbemOutput == NULL) { //
// Hmm --- no output ?!
printf("ExecMethod GetClusterConfiguration had no output"); Status = WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND; goto end; } }
// Extract params from the "GetClusterConfiguration" method
Status = extract_GetClusterConfiguration_output_params( spWbemOutput, pCurrentCfg );
if (pRelPath != NULL) { delete pRelPath; }
spWbemService = NULL; // Smart pointer
spWbemInput = NULL; // smart pointer
spWbemOutput = NULL; // smart pointer.
TRACE_INFO("<-%!FUNC! returns 0x%08lx", Status); return Status; }
WBEMSTATUS NlbHostDoUpdate( IN PWMI_CONNECTION_INFO pConnInfo, // NULL implies local
IN LPCWSTR szNicGuid, IN LPCWSTR szClientDescription, IN PNLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION pNewState, OUT UINT *pGeneration, OUT WCHAR **ppLog // free using delete operator.
) {
WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; IWbemServicesPtr spWbemService = NULL; // Smart pointer
IWbemClassObjectPtr spWbemInput = NULL; // smart pointer
IWbemClassObjectPtr spWbemOutput = NULL; // smart pointer.
LPWSTR pRelPath = NULL; TRACE_INFO("->%!FUNC!(GUID=%ws)", szNicGuid);
*pGeneration = 0; *ppLog = NULL;
if (g_Fake) { Status = FakeNlbHostDoUpdate( pConnInfo, szNicGuid, szClientDescription, pNewState, pGeneration, ppLog ); goto end; }
// Get interface to the NLB namespace on the specified machine
Status = connect_to_server(pConnInfo, REF spWbemService); if (FAILED(Status)) { goto end; }
// Get wmi input instance to "UpdateClusterConfiguration" method
{ Status = CfgUtilGetWmiInputInstanceAndRelPath( spWbemService, L"NlbsNic", // szClassName
NULL, // szParameterName
NULL, // szPropertyValue
L"UpdateClusterConfiguration", // szMethodName,
spWbemInput, // smart pointer
&pRelPath // free using delete
if (FAILED(Status)) { wprintf( L"ERROR 0x%08lx trying to get instance of UpdateConfiguration\n", (UINT) Status ); goto end; } }
// Setup params for the "UpdateClusterConfiguration" method
// NOTE: spWbemInput could be NULL.
Status = setup_UpdateClusterConfiguration_input_params( szClientDescription, szNicGuid, pNewState, spWbemInput );
if (FAILED(Status)) { goto end; }
// Call the "UpdateClusterConfiguration" method
wprintf(L"Going get UpdateClusterConfiguration...\n");
hr = spWbemService->ExecMethod( _bstr_t(pRelPath), L"UpdateClusterConfiguration", 0, NULL, spWbemInput, &spWbemOutput, NULL ); if( FAILED( hr) ) { wprintf(L"UpdateConfiguration returns with failure 0x%8lx\n", (UINT) hr); goto end; } else { wprintf(L"UpdateConfiguration returns successfully\n"); }
if (spWbemOutput == NULL) { //
// Hmm --- no output ?!
printf("ExecMethod UpdateConfiguration had no output"); Status = WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND; goto end; } }
// Extract params from the "UpdateClusterConfiguration" method
{ DWORD dwReturnValue = 0;
Status = CfgUtilGetWmiDWORDParam( spWbemOutput, L"ReturnValue", // <--------------------------------
&dwReturnValue ); if (FAILED(Status)) { wprintf(L"Attempt to read ReturnValue failed. Error=0x%08lx\n", (UINT) Status); goto end; } LPWSTR szLog = NULL;
Status = CfgUtilGetWmiStringParam( spWbemOutput, L"Log", // <-------------------------
&szLog ); if (FAILED(Status)) { szLog = NULL; } *ppLog = szLog;
DWORD dwGeneration = 0; Status = CfgUtilGetWmiDWORDParam( spWbemOutput, L"NewGeneration", // <--------------------------------
&dwGeneration ); if (FAILED(Status)) { //
// Generation should always be specified for pending operations.
// TODO: for successful operations also?
if ((WBEMSTATUS)dwReturnValue == WBEM_S_PENDING) { wprintf(L"Attempt to read NewGeneration for pending update failed. Error=0x%08lx\n", (UINT) Status); Status = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; goto end; } dwGeneration = 0; // we don't care if it's not set for non-pending
} *pGeneration = (UINT) dwGeneration;
// Make the return status reflect the true status of the update
// operation.
Status = (WBEMSTATUS) dwReturnValue; }
if (pRelPath != NULL) { delete pRelPath; }
spWbemService = NULL; // Smart pointer
spWbemInput = NULL; // smart pointer
spWbemOutput = NULL; // smart pointer.
TRACE_INFO("<-%!FUNC! returns 0x%08lx", Status); return Status; }
WBEMSTATUS NlbHostControlCluster( IN PWMI_CONNECTION_INFO pConnInfo, // NULL implies local
IN LPCWSTR szNicGuid, IN LPCWSTR szVip, IN DWORD *pdwPortNum, IN WLBS_OPERATION_CODES Operation, OUT DWORD *pdwOperationStatus, OUT DWORD *pdwClusterOrPortStatus, OUT DWORD *pdwHostMap ) {
WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; IWbemServicesPtr spWbemService = NULL; // Smart pointer
IWbemClassObjectPtr spWbemInput = NULL; // smart pointer
IWbemClassObjectPtr spWbemOutput = NULL; // smart pointer.
if (szVip && pdwPortNum) TRACE_INFO("->%!FUNC!(GUID=%ws), szVip : %ls, Port : 0x%x, Operation : %d", szNicGuid, szVip, *pdwPortNum, Operation); else TRACE_INFO("->%!FUNC!(GUID=%ws), szVip : N/A, Port : N/A, Operation : %d", szNicGuid, Operation);
if (g_Fake) { Status = FakeNlbHostControlCluster( pConnInfo, szNicGuid, szVip, pdwPortNum, Operation, pdwOperationStatus, pdwClusterOrPortStatus, pdwHostMap ); goto end; }
// Initialize return variables to failure values
if (pdwOperationStatus) *pdwOperationStatus = WLBS_FAILURE; if (pdwClusterOrPortStatus) *pdwClusterOrPortStatus = WLBS_FAILURE; if (pdwHostMap) *pdwHostMap = 0;
// Get interface to the NLB namespace on the specified machine
Status = connect_to_server(pConnInfo, REF spWbemService); if (FAILED(Status)) { goto end; }
// Get wmi input instance to "ControlCluster" method
{ Status = CfgUtilGetWmiInputInstanceAndRelPath( spWbemService, L"NlbsNic", // szClassName
NULL, // szParameterName
NULL, // szPropertyValue
L"ControlCluster", // szMethodName,
spWbemInput, // smart pointer
&pRelPath // free using delete
if (FAILED(Status)) { wprintf( L"ERROR 0x%08lx trying to get instance of UpdateConfiguration\n", (UINT) Status ); goto end; } }
// Setup input parameters
// Put in Adapter GUID
Status = CfgUtilSetWmiStringParam( spWbemInput, L"AdapterGuid", szNicGuid ); if (FAILED(Status)) { TRACE_CRIT(L"Error trying to set Adapter GUID : %ls",szNicGuid); goto end; }
// If passed, Put in Virtual IP Address
// Virtual IP Address will be passed only for port operations
if (szVip) { Status = CfgUtilSetWmiStringParam( spWbemInput, L"VirtualIpAddress", szVip ); if (FAILED(Status)) { TRACE_CRIT(L"Error trying to set Virtual IP Address : %ls",szVip); goto end; } }
// If passed, Put in Port Number
// Port number will be passed only for port operations
if (pdwPortNum) { CfgUtilSetWmiDWORDParam( spWbemInput, L"Port", *pdwPortNum ); }
// Put in Operation
CfgUtilSetWmiDWORDParam( spWbemInput, L"Operation", (DWORD)Operation );
// Call the "ControlCluster" method
wprintf(L"Going get ControlCluster...\n");
hr = spWbemService->ExecMethod( _bstr_t(pRelPath), L"ControlCluster", 0, NULL, spWbemInput, &spWbemOutput, NULL ); if( FAILED( hr) ) { wprintf(L"ControlCluster returns with failure 0x%8lx\n", (UINT) hr); goto end; } //else
// wprintf(L"ControlCluster returns successfully\n");
if (spWbemOutput == NULL) { //
// Hmm --- no output ?!
printf("ExecMethod ControlCluster had no output"); Status = WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND; goto end; } }
// Extract output params from the "ControlCluster" method
{ DWORD dwTemp;
// Get return value
Status = CfgUtilGetWmiDWORDParam( spWbemOutput, L"ReturnValue", &dwTemp ); if (FAILED(Status)) { wprintf(L"Attempt to read ReturnValue failed. Error=0x%08lx\n", (UINT) Status); goto end; } else { if (pdwOperationStatus) *pdwOperationStatus = dwTemp; } // Get Cluster or Port Status
Status = CfgUtilGetWmiDWORDParam( spWbemOutput, L"CurrentState", &dwTemp ); if (FAILED(Status)) { wprintf(L"Attempt to read CurrentState failed. Error=0x%08lx\n", (UINT) Status); goto end; } else { if (pdwClusterOrPortStatus) *pdwClusterOrPortStatus = dwTemp; } // If present, Get Host Map
// For port operations, Host Map will not be returned
Status = CfgUtilGetWmiDWORDParam( spWbemOutput, L"HostMap", &dwTemp ); if (FAILED(Status)) { if ((Operation != WLBS_PORT_ENABLE) && (Operation != WLBS_PORT_DISABLE) && (Operation != WLBS_PORT_DRAIN) && (Operation != WLBS_QUERY_PORT_STATE) ) { wprintf(L"Attempt to read HostMap failed. Error=0x%08lx\n", (UINT) Status); goto end; } } else { if (pdwHostMap) *pdwHostMap = dwTemp; } Status = WBEM_NO_ERROR; }
if (pRelPath != NULL) { delete pRelPath; }
spWbemService = NULL; // Smart pointer
spWbemInput = NULL; // smart pointer
spWbemOutput = NULL; // smart pointer.
TRACE_INFO("<-%!FUNC! returns 0x%08lx", Status); return Status; }
WBEMSTATUS NlbHostGetClusterMembers( IN PWMI_CONNECTION_INFO pConnInfo, IN LPCWSTR szNicGuid, OUT DWORD *pNumMembers, OUT NLB_CLUSTER_MEMBER_INFO **ppMembers // free using delete[]
) {
WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; IWbemServicesPtr spWbemService = NULL; // Smart pointer
IWbemClassObjectPtr spWbemInput = NULL; // smart pointer
IWbemClassObjectPtr spWbemOutput = NULL; // smart pointer.
GUID AdapterGuid; DWORD dwStatus; LPWSTR *pszHostIdList = NULL; LPWSTR *pszDedicatedIpAddressList = NULL; LPWSTR *pszHostNameList = NULL; UINT NumHostIds = 0; UINT NumDips = 0; UINT NumHostNames = 0;
TRACE_VERB(L"->(GUID=%ws)", szNicGuid);
ASSERT (pNumMembers != NULL); ASSERT (ppMembers != NULL);
*pNumMembers = 0; *ppMembers = NULL;
if (g_Fake) { TRACE_INFO(L"faking call"); Status = FakeNlbHostGetClusterMembers( pConnInfo, szNicGuid, pNumMembers, ppMembers ); goto end; }
// Get interface to the NLB namespace on the specified machine
Status = connect_to_server(pConnInfo, REF spWbemService); if (FAILED(Status)) { goto end; }
// Get wmi input instance to "ControlCluster" method
{ Status = CfgUtilGetWmiInputInstanceAndRelPath( spWbemService, L"NlbsNic", // szClassName
NULL, // szParameterName
NULL, // szPropertyValue
L"GetClusterMembers", // szMethodName,
spWbemInput, // smart pointer
&pRelPath // free using delete
if (FAILED(Status)) { wprintf( L"ERROR 0x%08lx trying to get instance of UpdateConfiguration\n", (UINT) Status ); TRACE_CRIT(L"CfgUtilGetWmiInputInstanceAndRelPath failed with status 0x%x", Status); goto end; } }
// Setup input parameters
Status = CfgUtilSetWmiStringParam( spWbemInput, L"AdapterGuid", szNicGuid );
if (FAILED(Status)) { TRACE_CRIT(L"Error trying to set Adapter GUID : %ls", szNicGuid); goto end; }
wprintf(L"Calling GetClusterMembers...\n");
hr = spWbemService->ExecMethod( _bstr_t(pRelPath), L"GetClusterMembers", 0, NULL, spWbemInput, &spWbemOutput, NULL ); if( FAILED( hr) ) { wprintf(L"GetClusterMembers returns with failure 0x%8lx\n", (UINT) hr); TRACE_CRIT(L"ExecMethod (GetClusterMembers) failed with hresult 0x%x", hr); goto end; }
if (spWbemOutput == NULL) { //
// Hmm --- no output ?!
printf("ExecMethod GetClusterMembers had no output"); Status = WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND; TRACE_CRIT(L"ExecMethod (GetClusterMembers) failed with hresult 0x%x", hr); goto end; } }
// Extract output params from the "GetClusterMembers" method
{ DWORD dwTemp;
// Get return value
Status = CfgUtilGetWmiDWORDParam( spWbemOutput, L"ReturnValue", &dwTemp );
if (FAILED(Status)) { wprintf(L"Attempt to read ReturnValue failed. Error=0x%08lx\n", (UINT) Status); TRACE_CRIT(L"Attempt to read ReturnValue failed. Error=0x%08lx", (UINT) Status); goto end; } else { dwStatus = dwTemp; }
if (dwStatus != WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { TRACE_CRIT(L"GetClusterMembers failed return status = 0x%x", dwStatus); Status = WBEM_NO_ERROR; goto end; }
// Get the array of host IDs
Status = CfgUtilGetWmiStringArrayParam( spWbemOutput, L"HostIds", &pszHostIdList, &NumHostIds ); if (FAILED(Status)) { pszHostIdList = NULL; NumHostIds = 0; wprintf(L"Attempt to read HostIds failed. Error=0x%08lx\n", (UINT) Status); TRACE_CRIT(L"Attempt to read HostIds failed. Error=0x%08lx", (UINT) Status); goto end; }
// Get the array of Dedicated IPs
Status = CfgUtilGetWmiStringArrayParam( spWbemOutput, L"DedicatedIpAddresses", &pszDedicatedIpAddressList, &NumDips ); if (FAILED(Status)) { pszDedicatedIpAddressList = NULL; NumDips = 0; wprintf(L"Attempt to read DedicatedIpAddresses failed. Error=0x%08lx\n", (UINT) Status); TRACE_CRIT(L"Attempt to read DedicatedIpAddresses failed. Error=0x%08lx", (UINT) Status); goto end; }
// Get the array of host IDs
Status = CfgUtilGetWmiStringArrayParam( spWbemOutput, L"HostNames", &pszHostNameList, &NumHostNames ); if (FAILED(Status)) { pszHostNameList = NULL; NumHostNames = 0; wprintf(L"Attempt to read HostNames failed. Error=0x%08lx\n", (UINT) Status); TRACE_CRIT(L"Attempt to read HostNames failed. Error=0x%08lx", (UINT) Status); goto end; }
if (NumHostIds != NumDips || NumDips != NumHostNames) { TRACE_CRIT(L"Information arrays of host information are of different lengths. NumHostIds=%d, NumDips=%d, NumHostNames=%d", NumHostIds, NumDips, NumHostNames); Status = WBEM_E_FAILED; goto end; }
*ppMembers = new NLB_CLUSTER_MEMBER_INFO[NumHostIds];
if (*ppMembers == NULL) { TRACE_CRIT(L"Memory allocation for NLB_CLUSTER_MEMBER_INFO array failed"); Status = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; }
*pNumMembers = NumHostIds;
// Copy the string information into buffers for output
for (int i=0; i< NumHostIds; i++) { (*ppMembers)[i].HostId = wcstoul(pszHostIdList[i], NULL, 0);
wcsncpy((*ppMembers)[i].DedicatedIpAddress, pszDedicatedIpAddressList[i], WLBS_MAX_CL_IP_ADDR); (*ppMembers)[i].DedicatedIpAddress[WLBS_MAX_CL_IP_ADDR - 1] = L'\0';
wcsncpy((*ppMembers)[i].HostName, pszHostNameList[i], CVY_MAX_FQDN + 1); (*ppMembers)[i].HostName[CVY_MAX_FQDN] = L'\0'; }
Status = WBEM_NO_ERROR; }
if (pRelPath != NULL) { delete pRelPath; }
if (pszHostIdList != NULL) { delete [] pszHostIdList; }
if (pszDedicatedIpAddressList != NULL) { delete [] pszDedicatedIpAddressList; }
if (pszHostNameList != NULL) { delete [] pszHostNameList; }
spWbemService = NULL; // Smart pointer
spWbemInput = NULL; // smart pointer
spWbemOutput = NULL; // smart pointer.
TRACE_VERB(L"<- returns 0x%08lx", Status); return Status; }
WBEMSTATUS NlbHostGetUpdateStatus( IN PWMI_CONNECTION_INFO pConnInfo, // NULL implies local
IN LPCWSTR szNicGuid, IN UINT Generation, OUT WBEMSTATUS *pCompletionStatus, OUT WCHAR **ppLog // free using delete operator.
) { WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; IWbemServicesPtr spWbemService = NULL; // Smart pointer
IWbemClassObjectPtr spWbemInput = NULL; // smart pointer
IWbemClassObjectPtr spWbemOutput = NULL; // smart pointer.
LPWSTR pRelPath = NULL; TRACE_INFO("->%!FUNC!(GUID=%ws)", szNicGuid);
*ppLog = NULL; *pCompletionStatus = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR;
if (g_Fake) { Status = FakeNlbHostGetUpdateStatus( pConnInfo, szNicGuid, Generation, pCompletionStatus, ppLog ); goto end; }
// Get interface to the NLB namespace on the specified machine
Status = connect_to_server(pConnInfo, REF spWbemService); if (FAILED(Status)) { goto end; }
// Get wmi input instance to "QueryConfigurationUpdateStatus" method
{ Status = CfgUtilGetWmiInputInstanceAndRelPath( spWbemService, L"NlbsNic", // szClassName
NULL, // szParameterName
NULL, // szPropertyValue
L"QueryConfigurationUpdateStatus", // szMethodName,
spWbemInput, // smart pointer
&pRelPath // free using delete
); if (FAILED(Status)) { wprintf( L"ERROR 0x%08lx trying to find instance to QueryUpdateStatus\n", (UINT) Status ); goto end; } }
// Setup params for the "QueryConfigurationUpdateStatus" method
// NOTE: spWbemInput could be NULL.
{ Status = CfgUtilSetWmiStringParam( spWbemInput, L"AdapterGuid", szNicGuid ); if (FAILED(Status)) { wprintf( L"Couldn't set Adapter GUID parameter to QueryUpdateStatus\n"); goto end; }
Status = CfgUtilSetWmiDWORDParam( spWbemInput, L"Generation", Generation ); if (FAILED(Status)) { wprintf( L"Couldn't set Generation parameter to QueryUpdateStatus\n"); goto end; } }
// Call the "QueryConfigurationUpdateStatus" method
// wprintf(L"Going call QueryConfigurationUpdateStatus...\n");
hr = spWbemService->ExecMethod( _bstr_t(pRelPath), L"QueryConfigurationUpdateStatus", // szMethodName,
0, NULL, spWbemInput, &spWbemOutput, NULL ); if( FAILED( hr) ) { wprintf(L"QueryConfigurationUpdateStatus returns with failure 0x%8lx\n", (UINT) hr); goto end; } else { // wprintf(L"QueryConfigurationUpdateStatus returns successfully\n");
if (spWbemOutput == NULL) { //
// Hmm --- no output ?!
printf("ExecMethod QueryConfigurationUpdateStatus had no output"); Status = WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND; goto end; } }
// Extract output params --- return code and log.
{ DWORD dwReturnValue = 0;
Status = CfgUtilGetWmiDWORDParam( spWbemOutput, L"ReturnValue", // <--------------------------------
&dwReturnValue ); if (FAILED(Status)) { wprintf(L"Attempt to read ReturnValue failed. Error=0x%08lx\n", (UINT) Status); goto end; } *pCompletionStatus = (WBEMSTATUS) dwReturnValue; LPWSTR szLog = NULL;
Status = CfgUtilGetWmiStringParam( spWbemOutput, L"Log", // <-------------------------
&szLog ); if (FAILED(Status)) { szLog = NULL; } *ppLog = szLog;
if (pRelPath != NULL) { delete pRelPath; }
spWbemService = NULL; // Smart pointer
spWbemInput = NULL; // smart pointer
spWbemOutput = NULL; // smart pointer.
TRACE_INFO("<-%!FUNC! returns 0x%08lx", Status); return Status; }
WBEMSTATUS NlbHostPing( LPCWSTR szBindString, UINT Timeout, // In milliseconds.
OUT ULONG *pResolvedIpAddress // in network byte order.
if (g_Fake) { Status = FakeNlbHostPing(szBindString, Timeout, pResolvedIpAddress); } else { Status = CfgUtilPing(szBindString, Timeout, pResolvedIpAddress); }
TRACE_INFO("<-%!FUNC! returns 0x%08lx", Status); return Status; }
WBEMSTATUS setup_GetClusterConfiguration_input_params( IN LPCWSTR szNic, IN IWbemClassObjectPtr spWbemInput ) /*
Setup the input wmi parameters for the GetClusterConfiguration method */ { WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR;
Status = CfgUtilSetWmiStringParam( spWbemInput, L"AdapterGuid", szNic ); return Status; }
WBEMSTATUS extract_GetClusterConfiguration_output_params( IN IWbemClassObjectPtr spWbemOutput, OUT PNLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION pCfg ) { WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR;
DWORD Generation = 0; BOOL NlbBound = FALSE; BOOL fDHCPEnabled = FALSE; LPWSTR *pszNetworkAddresses= NULL; UINT NumNetworkAddresses = 0; BOOL ValidNlbCfg = FALSE; LPWSTR szFriendlyName = NULL; LPWSTR szClusterName = NULL; LPWSTR szClusterNetworkAddress = NULL; LPWSTR szTrafficMode = NULL; NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION::TRAFFIC_MODE TrafficMode = NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION::TRAFFIC_MODE_UNICAST; LPWSTR *pszPortRules = NULL; UINT NumPortRules = 0; DWORD HostPriority = 0; LPWSTR szDedicatedNetworkAddress = NULL; /*
Status = CfgUtilGetWmiStringParam( spWbemOutput, L"FriendlyName", // <-------------------------
&szFriendlyName );
if (FAILED(Status)) { wprintf(L"Attempt to read Friendly Name failed. Error=0x%08lx\n", (UINT) Status); szFriendlyName = NULL; // We don't treat this as a fatal error ...
Status = CfgUtilGetWmiDWORDParam( spWbemOutput, L"Generation", // <--------------------------------
&Generation ); if (FAILED(Status)) { wprintf(L"Attempt to read Generation failed. Error=0x%08lx\n", (UINT) Status); goto end; }
Status = CfgUtilGetWmiStringArrayParam( spWbemOutput, L"NetworkAddresses", // <--------------------------------
&pszNetworkAddresses, &NumNetworkAddresses ); if (FAILED(Status)) { wprintf(L"Attempt to read Network addresses failed. Error=0x%08lx\n", (UINT) Status); goto end; }
Status = CfgUtilGetWmiBoolParam( spWbemOutput, L"DHCPEnabled", // <--------------------------------
&fDHCPEnabled );
if (FAILED(Status)) { fDHCPEnabled = FALSE; }
Status = CfgUtilGetWmiBoolParam( spWbemOutput, L"NLBBound", // <--------------------------------
&NlbBound );
if (FAILED(Status)) { wprintf(L"Attempt to read NLBBound failed. Error=0x%08lx\n", (UINT) Status); goto end; }
do // while false -- just to allow us to break out
{ ValidNlbCfg = FALSE;
if (!NlbBound) { if (!g_Silent) { wprintf(L"NLB is UNBOUND\n"); } break; } Status = CfgUtilGetWmiStringParam( spWbemOutput, L"ClusterNetworkAddress", // <-------------------------
&szClusterNetworkAddress ); if (FAILED(Status)) { wprintf(L"Attempt to read Cluster IP failed. Error=0x%08lx\n", (UINT) Status); break; } if (!g_Silent) { wprintf(L"NLB is BOUND, and the cluster address is %ws\n", szClusterNetworkAddress); } Status = CfgUtilGetWmiStringParam( spWbemOutput, L"ClusterName", // <-------------------------
&szClusterName ); if (FAILED(Status)) { wprintf(L"Attempt to read Cluster Name failed. Error=0x%08lx\n", (UINT) Status); break; } //
// Traffic mode
{ Status = CfgUtilGetWmiStringParam( spWbemOutput, L"TrafficMode", // <-------------------------
&szTrafficMode ); if (FAILED(Status)) { wprintf(L"Attempt to read Traffic Mode failed. Error=0x%08lx\n", (UINT) Status); break; } if (!_wcsicmp(szTrafficMode, L"UNICAST")) { TrafficMode = NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION::TRAFFIC_MODE_UNICAST; } else if (!_wcsicmp(szTrafficMode, L"MULTICAST")) { TrafficMode = NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION::TRAFFIC_MODE_MULTICAST; } else if (!_wcsicmp(szTrafficMode, L"IGMPMULTICAST")) { TrafficMode = NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION::TRAFFIC_MODE_IGMPMULTICAST; } } // [OUT] String PortRules[],
Status = CfgUtilGetWmiStringArrayParam( spWbemOutput, L"PortRules", // <--------------------------------
&pszPortRules, &NumPortRules ); if (FAILED(Status)) { wprintf(L"Attempt to read port rules failed. Error=0x%08lx\n", (UINT) Status); goto end; } Status = CfgUtilGetWmiDWORDParam( spWbemOutput, L"HostPriority", // <--------------------------------
&HostPriority ); if (FAILED(Status)) { wprintf(L"Attempt to read HostPriority failed. Error=0x%08lx\n", (UINT) Status); break; } Status = CfgUtilGetWmiStringParam( spWbemOutput, L"DedicatedNetworkAddress", // <-------------------------
&szDedicatedNetworkAddress ); if (FAILED(Status)) { wprintf(L"Attempt to read dedicated IP failed. Error=0x%08lx\n", (UINT) Status); break; } //
// StartMode
{ /*
BOOL StartMode = FALSE; Status = CfgUtilGetWmiBoolParam( spWbemOutput, L"ClusterModeOnStart", // <-------------------------
&StartMode ); if (FAILED(Status)) { wprintf(L"Attempt to read ClusterModeOnStart failed. Error=0x%08lx\n", (UINT) Status); break; } if (StartMode) { ClusterModeOnStart = NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION::START_MODE_STARTED; } else { ClusterModeOnStart = NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION::START_MODE_STOPPED; } */
Status = CfgUtilGetWmiDWORDParam( spWbemOutput, L"ClusterModeOnStart", // <--------------------------------
&ClusterModeOnStart ); if (FAILED(Status)) { wprintf(L"Attempt to read ClusterModeOnStart failed. Error=0x%08lx\n", (UINT) Status); break; }
} Status = CfgUtilGetWmiBoolParam( spWbemOutput, L"PersistSuspendOnReboot", // <----------------------------
&bPersistSuspendOnReboot ); if (FAILED(Status)) { wprintf(L"Attempt to read PersistSuspendOnReboot failed. Error=0x%08lx\n", (UINT) Status); break; }
Status = CfgUtilGetWmiBoolParam( spWbemOutput, L"RemoteControlEnabled", // <----------------------------
&RemoteControlEnabled ); if (FAILED(Status)) { wprintf(L"Attempt to read RemoteControlEnabled failed. Error=0x%08lx\n", (UINT) Status); break; }
Status = CfgUtilGetWmiDWORDParam( spWbemOutput, L"HashedRemoteControlPassword", // <-----------
&dwHashedRemoteControlPassword ); if (FAILED(Status)) { wprintf(L"Attempt to read dwHashedRemoteControlPassword failed. Error=0x%08lx\n", (UINT) Status); //
// we set this to 0 on failure, but go on.
dwHashedRemoteControlPassword = 0; }
ValidNlbCfg = TRUE;
} while (FALSE) ; //
// Now let's set all the the parameters in Cfg
{ (VOID) pCfg->SetFriendlyName(szFriendlyName); // OK if szFriendlyName is NULL.
pCfg->Generation = Generation; pCfg->fDHCP = fDHCPEnabled; pCfg->fBound = NlbBound; Status = pCfg->SetNetworkAddresses( (LPCWSTR*) pszNetworkAddresses, NumNetworkAddresses ); if (FAILED(Status)) { wprintf(L"Attempt to set NetworkAddresses failed. Error=0x%08lx\n", (UINT) Status); goto end; } pCfg->fValidNlbCfg = ValidNlbCfg; pCfg->SetClusterName(szClusterName); pCfg->SetClusterNetworkAddress(szClusterNetworkAddress); pCfg->SetTrafficMode(TrafficMode); Status = pCfg->SetPortRules((LPCWSTR*)pszPortRules, NumPortRules); // Status = WBEM_NO_ERROR; // TODO -- change once port rules is done
if (FAILED(Status)) { wprintf(L"Attempt to set PortRules failed. Error=0x%08lx\n", (UINT) Status); goto end; } pCfg->SetHostPriority(HostPriority); pCfg->SetDedicatedNetworkAddress(szDedicatedNetworkAddress); pCfg->SetClusterModeOnStart(ClusterModeOnStart); pCfg->SetPersistSuspendOnReboot(bPersistSuspendOnReboot); pCfg->SetRemoteControlEnabled(RemoteControlEnabled); CfgUtilSetHashedRemoteControlPassword( &pCfg->NlbParams, dwHashedRemoteControlPassword ); } end:
delete szClusterNetworkAddress; delete pszNetworkAddresses; delete szFriendlyName; delete szClusterName; delete szTrafficMode; delete pszPortRules; delete szDedicatedNetworkAddress;
return Status; }
WBEMSTATUS setup_UpdateClusterConfiguration_input_params( IN LPCWSTR szClientDescription, IN LPCWSTR szNic, IN PNLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION pCfg, IN IWbemClassObjectPtr spWbemInput ) /*
Setup the input wmi parameters for the UpdateGetClusterConfiguration method
[IN] String ClientDescription, [IN] String AdapterGuid, [IN] uint32 Generation, [IN] Boolean PartialUpdate,
[IN] Boolean AddDedicatedIp, [IN] Boolean AddClusterIps, [IN] Boolean CheckForAddressConflicts,
[IN] String NetworkAddresses[], // ""
[IN] Boolean NLBBound, [IN] String ClusterNetworkAddress, // ""
[IN] String ClusterName, [IN] String TrafficMode, // UNICAST MULTICAST IGMPMULTICAST
[IN] String PortRules[], [IN] uint32 HostPriority, [IN] String DedicatedNetworkAddress, // ""
[IN] uint32 ClusterModeOnStart, // 0 : STOPPED, 1 : STARTED, 2 : SUSPENDED
[IN] Boolean PersistSuspendOnReboot, [IN] Boolean RemoteControlEnabled, [IN] String RemoteControlPassword, [IN] uint32 HashedRemoteControlPassword, */ { WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR;
(VOID) CfgUtilSetWmiStringParam( spWbemInput, L"ClientDescription", szClientDescription );
Status = CfgUtilSetWmiStringParam( spWbemInput, L"AdapterGuid", szNic ); if (FAILED(Status)) { printf( "Setup update params: Couldn't set adapter GUID" " for NIC %ws\n", szNic ); goto end; }
// Fill in NetworkAddresses[]
{ LPWSTR *pszAddresses = NULL; UINT NumAddresses = 0; Status = pCfg->GetNetworkAddresses( &pszAddresses, &NumAddresses ); if (FAILED(Status)) { printf( "Setup update params: couldn't extract network addresses from Cfg" " for NIC %ws\n", szNic ); goto end; }
// Note it's ok to not specify any IP addresses -- in which case
// the default ip addresses will be set up.
if (pszAddresses != NULL) { Status = CfgUtilSetWmiStringArrayParam( spWbemInput, L"NetworkAddresses", (LPCWSTR *)pszAddresses, NumAddresses ); delete pszAddresses; pszAddresses = NULL; } }
if (!pCfg->IsNlbBound()) { //
// NLB is not bound
Status = CfgUtilSetWmiBoolParam(spWbemInput, L"NLBBound", FALSE); goto end; } else if (!pCfg->IsValidNlbConfig()) { printf( "Setup update params: NLB-specific configuration on NIC %ws is invalid\n", szNic ); Status = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end; }
Status = CfgUtilSetWmiBoolParam(spWbemInput, L"NLBBound", TRUE); if (FAILED(Status)) { printf("Error trying to set NLBBound parameter\n"); goto end; }
// NLB is bound
Status = CfgUtilSetWmiBoolParam(spWbemInput, L"AddDedicatedIp", pCfg->fAddDedicatedIp); if (FAILED(Status)) goto end;
Status = CfgUtilSetWmiBoolParam(spWbemInput, L"AddClusterIps", pCfg->fAddClusterIps); if (FAILED(Status)) goto end;
Status = CfgUtilSetWmiBoolParam(spWbemInput, L"CheckForAddressConflicts", pCfg->fCheckForAddressConflicts); if (FAILED(Status)) goto end;
// Cluster name
{ LPWSTR szName = NULL; Status = pCfg->GetClusterName(&szName);
if (FAILED(Status)) { printf( "Setup update params: Could not extract cluster name for NIC %ws\n", szNic ); goto end; } CfgUtilSetWmiStringParam(spWbemInput, L"ClusterName", szName); delete (szName); szName = NULL; } //
// Cluster and dedicated network addresses
{ LPWSTR szAddress = NULL; Status = pCfg->GetClusterNetworkAddress(&szAddress);
if (FAILED(Status)) { printf( "Setup update params: Could not extract cluster address for NIC %ws\n", szNic ); goto end; } CfgUtilSetWmiStringParam( spWbemInput, L"ClusterNetworkAddress", szAddress ); delete (szAddress); szAddress = NULL;
Status = pCfg->GetDedicatedNetworkAddress(&szAddress);
if (FAILED(Status)) { printf( "Setup update params: Could not extract dedicated address for NIC %ws\n", szNic ); goto end; } CfgUtilSetWmiStringParam( spWbemInput, L"DedicatedNetworkAddress", szAddress ); delete (szAddress); szAddress = NULL; }
// TrafficMode
CfgUtilSetWmiDWORDParam( spWbemInput, L"HostPriority", pCfg->GetHostPriority() );
if (pCfg->GetClusterModeOnStart() == NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION::START_MODE_STARTED) { CfgUtilSetWmiBoolParam(spWbemInput, L"ClusterModeOnStart", TRUE); } else { CfgUtilSetWmiBoolParam(spWbemInput, L"ClusterModeOnStart", FALSE); } */
CfgUtilSetWmiDWORDParam( spWbemInput, L"ClusterModeOnStart", pCfg->GetClusterModeOnStart() );
CfgUtilSetWmiBoolParam( spWbemInput, L"PersistSuspendOnReboot", pCfg->GetPersistSuspendOnReboot() );
CfgUtilSetWmiBoolParam( spWbemInput, L"RemoteControlEnabled", pCfg->GetRemoteControlEnabled() );
// Set the new password or hashed-password params, if specified.
{ // String RemoteControlPassword,
LPCWSTR szPwd = NULL; szPwd = pCfg->GetNewRemoteControlPasswordRaw(); if (szPwd != NULL) { CfgUtilSetWmiStringParam( spWbemInput, L"RemoteControlPassword", szPwd ); } else // only set the hashed pwd if szPwd is not specified.
{ DWORD dwHashedRemoteControlPassword; BOOL fRet = FALSE;
fRet = pCfg->GetNewHashedRemoteControlPassword( dwHashedRemoteControlPassword ); if (fRet) { CfgUtilSetWmiDWORDParam( spWbemInput, L"HashedRemoteControlPassword", dwHashedRemoteControlPassword ); } } }
// String PortRules[],
{ LPWSTR *pszPortRules = NULL; UINT NumPortRules = 0; Status = pCfg->GetPortRules( &pszPortRules, &NumPortRules ); if (FAILED(Status)) { printf( "Setup update params: couldn't extract port rules from Cfg" " for NIC %ws\n", szNic ); goto end; }
if (NumPortRules != 0) { Status = CfgUtilSetWmiStringArrayParam( spWbemInput, L"PortRules", (LPCWSTR *)pszPortRules, NumPortRules ); delete pszPortRules; pszPortRules = NULL; } }
wprintf(L"<-Setup update params returns 0x%08lx\n", (UINT) Status);
return Status;
WBEMSTATUS NlbHostGetCompatibleNics( PWMI_CONNECTION_INFO pConnInfo, // NULL implies local
OUT LPWSTR **ppszNics, // free using delete
OUT UINT *pNumNics, // free using delete
OUT UINT *pNumBoundToNlb ) { WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; IWbemServicesPtr spWbemService = NULL; // Smart pointer
IWbemClassObjectPtr spWbemInput = NULL; // smart pointer
IWbemClassObjectPtr spWbemOutput = NULL; // smart pointer.
LPWSTR pRelPath = NULL; LPWSTR *pszNicList = NULL; UINT NumNics = 0; DWORD NumBoundToNlb = 0; if (pConnInfo!=NULL) { TRACE_INFO("->%!FUNC!(Machine=%ws)", pConnInfo->szMachine); } else { TRACE_INFO("->%!FUNC! (Machine=<NULL>)"); }
if (g_Fake) { Status = FakeNlbHostGetCompatibleNics( pConnInfo, ppszNics, pNumNics, pNumBoundToNlb ); goto end_fake; }
*ppszNics = NULL; *pNumNics = NULL; *pNumBoundToNlb = NULL;
// Get interface to the NLB namespace on the specified machine
Status = connect_to_server(pConnInfo, REF spWbemService); if (FAILED(Status)) { goto end; }
// Get wmi input instance to "GetCompatibleAdapterGuids" method
{ Status = CfgUtilGetWmiInputInstanceAndRelPath( spWbemService, L"NlbsNic", // szClassName
NULL, // L"AdapterGuid", // szParameterName
NULL, // szNicGuid, // szPropertyValue
L"GetCompatibleAdapterGuids", // szMethodName,
spWbemInput, // smart pointer
&pRelPath // free using delete
if (FAILED(Status)) { TRACE_CRIT( L"%!FUNC! ERROR 0x%08lx trying to get instance of GetCompatibleAdapterGuids", (UINT) Status ); goto end; } }
// Setup params for the "GetClusterConfiguration" method
// NOTE: spWbemInput could be NULL.
{ // NOTHING TO DO HERE -- no input params...
// Call the "GetCompatibleAdapterGuids" method
TRACE_VERB(L"%!FUNC! Going get GetCompatibleAdapterGuids...");
hr = spWbemService->ExecMethod( _bstr_t(pRelPath), L"GetCompatibleAdapterGuids", 0, NULL, spWbemInput, &spWbemOutput, NULL ); if( FAILED( hr) ) { TRACE_CRIT(L"%!FUNC! GetCompatibleAdapterGuids returns with failure 0x%8lx", (UINT) hr); Status = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; goto end; } else { TRACE_VERB(L"GetCompatibleAdapterGuids returns successfully"); }
if (spWbemOutput == NULL) { //
// Hmm --- no output ?!
TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! ExecMethod GetCompatibleAdapterGuids had no output"); Status = WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND; goto end; } }
// Extract params from the method
// [OUT] String AdapterGuids[],
// [OUT] uint32 NumBoundToNlb
Status = CfgUtilGetWmiDWORDParam( spWbemOutput, L"NumBoundToNlb", // <--------------------------------
&NumBoundToNlb ); if (FAILED(Status)) { TRACE_CRIT(L"Attempt to read NumBoundToNlb failed. Error=0x%08lx\n", (UINT) Status); NumBoundToNlb = 0; goto end; }
Status = CfgUtilGetWmiStringArrayParam( spWbemOutput, L"AdapterGuids", // <--------------------------------
&pszNicList, &NumNics ); if (FAILED(Status)) { TRACE_CRIT(L"%!FUNC! Attempt to read Adapter Guids failed. Error=0x%08lx", (UINT) Status); pszNicList = NULL; NumNics = 0; goto end; }
if (!FAILED(Status)) { *ppszNics = pszNicList; pszNicList = NULL; *pNumNics = NumNics; *pNumBoundToNlb = NumBoundToNlb; }
delete pszNicList; delete pRelPath;
spWbemService = NULL; // Smart pointer
spWbemInput = NULL; // smart pointer
spWbemOutput = NULL; // smart pointer.
TRACE_INFO("<-%!FUNC! returns 0x%08lx", Status); return Status; }
WBEMSTATUS NlbHostGetMachineIdentification( IN PWMI_CONNECTION_INFO pConnInfo, // NULL implies local
OUT LPWSTR *pszMachineName, // free using delete
OUT LPWSTR *pszMachineGuid, // free using delete -- may be null
OUT BOOL *pfNlbMgrProviderInstalled // If nlb manager provider is installed.
) { WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; IWbemServicesPtr spWbemService = NULL; // Smart pointer
if (pConnInfo!=NULL) { TRACE_INFO("->%!FUNC!(Machine=%ws)", pConnInfo->szMachine); } else { TRACE_INFO("->%!FUNC! (Machine=<NULL>)"); }
if (g_Fake) { Status = FakeNlbHostGetMachineIdentification( pConnInfo, pszMachineName, pszMachineGuid, pfNlbMgrProviderInstalled ); goto end; }
*pszMachineName = NULL; *pszMachineGuid = NULL; *pfNlbMgrProviderInstalled = FALSE;
// Get interface to the NLB namespace on the specified machine
Status = connect_to_server(pConnInfo, REF spWbemService); if (FAILED(Status)) { goto end; } *pfNlbMgrProviderInstalled = TRUE; Status = CfgUtilGetWmiMachineName(spWbemService, pszMachineName); if (FAILED(Status)) { *pszMachineName = NULL; }
spWbemService = NULL; // Smart pointer
TRACE_INFO("<-%!FUNC! returns 0x%08lx", Status); return Status; }
WBEMSTATUS connect_to_server( IN PWMI_CONNECTION_INFO pConnInfo, // NULL implies local
OUT IWbemServicesPtr &spWbemService // Smart pointer
) { WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; #define _MaxLen 256
WCHAR NetworkResource[_MaxLen]; LPCWSTR szMachine = L"."; LPCWSTR szPassword = NULL; LPCWSTR szUserName = NULL; HRESULT hr; WCHAR rgClearPassword[128];
// Get interface to the NLB namespace on the specified machine.
if (pConnInfo!=NULL) { szMachine = pConnInfo->szMachine; szPassword = pConnInfo->szPassword; szUserName = pConnInfo->szUserName; }
hr = StringCbPrintf( NetworkResource, sizeof(NetworkResource), L"\\\\%ws\\root\\microsoftnlb", szMachine );
if (hr != S_OK) { TRACE_CRIT(L"%!FUNC! NetworkResource truncated - %ws", NetworkResource); Status = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end; }
if (szPassword != NULL && *szPassword != 0) { //
// A non-null, non-empty password was passed in...
// It's encrypted, so we temporarily decrypt it here...
// (We zero it out right before returning from this function)
BOOL fRet = CfgUtilDecryptPassword( szPassword, ASIZE(rgClearPassword), rgClearPassword ); if (!fRet) { TRACE_INFO("Attempt to decrypt failed -- bailing"); Status = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end; } szPassword = rgClearPassword; }
TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! Connecting to NLB on %ws ...", szMachine);
Status = CfgUtilConnectToServer( NetworkResource, szUserName, // szUser
szPassword, // szPassword
NULL, // szAuthority (domain)
&spWbemService );
// Security BUGBUG zero out decrypted password.
if (FAILED(Status)) { TRACE_CRIT( "%!FUNC! ERROR 0x%lx connectiong to NLB on %ws", (UINT) Status, szMachine ); } else { TRACE_INFO(L"Successfully connected to NLB on %ws...", szMachine); }
SecureZeroMemory(rgClearPassword, sizeof(rgClearPassword)); return Status; }