// Module: WMI Framework Instance provider
// Purpose: Defines class NlbConfigurationUpdate, used for
// async update of NLB properties associated with a particular NIC.
// Copyright (c)2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
// History:
// 04/05/01 JosephJ Created
// The header of a completion header stored as a REG_BINARY value in
// the registry.
typedef struct { UINT Version; UINT Generation; // Redundant, used for internal consistancy check
// Prefix of the global event name used to control update access to the specifed
// NIC.
// Mutex1 has format: <prefix>
// Mutex2 has format: <prefix><NicGuid>
// Example mutex1 name: NLB_D6901862
// Example mutex2 name: NLB_D6901862{EBE09517-07B4-4E88-AAF1-E06F5540608B}
// The value "D6901862" is a random number.
// Milliseconds to wait before giving up on trying to acquire the
// NLB mutex.
// The maximum generation difference between the oldest valid completion
// record and the current one. Records older then the oldest valid record
// are subject to pruning.
// Handle to dll - used in call to LoadString
extern HMODULE ghModule;
// Used for maintaining a log on the stack.
// Usage is NOT thread-safe -- each instance must be used
// by a single thread.
// 01/01/02 JosephJ Copied over from NLBMGR.EXE (nlbmgr\exe2)
class CLocalLogger { public: CLocalLogger(VOID) : m_pszLog (NULL), m_LogSize(0), m_CurrentOffset(0) { m_Empty[0] = 0; // The empty string.
} ~CLocalLogger() { delete[] m_pszLog; m_pszLog=NULL; }
VOID Log( IN UINT ResourceID, ... );
VOID ExtractLog(OUT LPCWSTR &pLog, UINT &Size) //
// pLog -- set to pointer to internal buffer if there is stuff in the
// log, otherwise NULL.
// Size -- in chars; includes ending NULL
{ if (m_CurrentOffset != 0) { pLog = m_pszLog; Size = m_CurrentOffset+1; // + 1 for ending NULL.
} else { pLog = NULL; Size = 0; } }
LPCWSTR GetStringSafe(void) { LPCWSTR szLog = NULL; UINT Size; ExtractLog(REF szLog, REF Size); if (szLog == NULL) { //
// Replace NULL by a pointer to an empty string.
szLog = m_Empty; }
return szLog; }
private: WCHAR *m_pszLog; UINT m_LogSize; // Current size of the log.
UINT m_CurrentOffset; // Characters left in the log.
WCHAR m_Empty[1]; // The empty string.
class NlbConfigurationUpdate { public: //
// Static initialization function -- call in process-attach
static VOID StaticInitialize( VOID );
// Static deinitialization function -- call in process-detach
static VOID StaticDeinitialize( VOID ); //
// Stop accepting new queries, wait for existing (pending) queries
// to complete.
static VOID PrepareForDeinitialization( VOID );
// Return true IFF there is no pending activity. If you return
// TRUE, try not to start new pending activity.
static BOOL CanUnloadNow( VOID ); //
// Returns the current configuration on the specific NIC.
// Called to initiate update to a new cluster state on that NIC. This
// could include moving from a NLB-bound state to the NLB-unbound state.
// *pGeneration is used to reference this particular update request.
static WBEMSTATUS DoUpdate( IN LPCWSTR szNicGuid, IN LPCWSTR szClientDescription, IN PNLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION pNewState, OUT UINT *pGeneration, OUT WCHAR **ppLog // free using delete operator.
); /*++
ppLog -- will point to a NULL-terminated string which contains any messages to be displayed to the user. The string may contain embedded (WCHAR) '\n' characters to delimit lines.
NOTE: ppLog will be filled out properly EVEN ON FAILURE. If non-null it must be deleted by the caller. --*/
// Called to get the status of an update request, identified by
// Generation.
static WBEMSTATUS GetUpdateStatus( IN LPCWSTR szNicGuid, IN UINT Generation, IN BOOL fDelete, // Delete record if it exists
OUT WBEMSTATUS *pCompletionStatus, OUT WCHAR **ppLog // free using delete operator.
static DWORD WINAPI s_AsyncUpdateThreadProc( LPVOID lpParameter // thread data
// S T A T I C S T U F F
// A single static lock serialzes all access.
// Use sfn_Lock and sfn_Unlock.
static BOOL s_fStaticInitialized; // set to true once StaticInitialize is called.
static BOOL s_fInitialized; // Set to true if we're in the position to
// handle any *new* update requests or even queries.
// Will be set to false if we're in the process
// of de-initializing.
// Global list of current updates, one per NIC.
static LIST_ENTRY s_listCurrentUpdates; static VOID sfn_Lock( VOID ) { EnterCriticalSection(&s_Crit); }
static VOID sfn_Unlock( VOID ) { LeaveCriticalSection(&s_Crit); }
// Looks up the current update for the specific NIC.
// We don't bother to reference count because this object never
// goes away once created -- it's one per unique NIC GUID for as long as
// the DLL is loaded (may want to revisit this).
static WBEMSTATUS sfn_LookupUpdate( IN LPCWSTR szNic, IN BOOL fCreate, // Create if required
OUT NlbConfigurationUpdate ** ppUpdate );
// Save the specified completion status to the registry.
static WBEMSTATUS sfn_RegSetCompletion( IN LPCWSTR szNicGuid, IN UINT Generation, IN WBEMSTATUS CompletionStatus );
// Retrieve the specified completion status from the registry.
static WBEMSTATUS sfn_RegGetCompletion( IN LPCWSTR szNicGuid, IN UINT Generation, OUT WBEMSTATUS *pCompletionStatus, OUT WCHAR **ppLog // free using delete operator.
// Delete the specified completion status from the registry.
static VOID sfn_RegDeleteCompletion( IN LPCWSTR szNicGuid, IN UINT Generation );
// Create the specified subkey key (for r/w access) for the specified
// the specified NIC.
static HKEY sfn_RegCreateKey( IN LPCWSTR szNicGuid, IN LPCWSTR szSubKey, IN BOOL fVolatile, OUT BOOL *fExists );
// Open the specified subkey key (for r/w access) for the specified
// the specified NIC.
static HKEY sfn_RegOpenKey( IN LPCWSTR szNicGuid, IN LPCWSTR szSubKey );
static VOID sfn_ReadLog( IN HKEY hKeyLog, IN UINT Generation, OUT LPWSTR *ppLog );
static VOID sfn_WriteLog( IN HKEY hKeyLog, IN UINT Generation, IN LPCWSTR pLog, IN BOOL fAppend );
// P E R I N S T A N C E S T U F F
// Used in the global one-per-NIC list of updates maintained in
// s_listCurrentUpdates;
LIST_ENTRY m_linkUpdates;
#define NLB_GUID_LEN 38
#define NLB_GUID_STRING_SIZE 40 // 38 for the GUID plus trailing NULL + pad
WCHAR m_szNicGuid[NLB_GUID_STRING_SIZE]; // NIC's GUID in text form
LONG m_RefCount;
typedef enum { UNINITIALIZED, // IDLE -- no ongoing updates
IDLE, // IDLE -- no ongoing updates
ACTIVE // There is an ongoing update
} MyState;
MyState m_State;
// Following mutexes are used to ensure that only a single concurrent
// update can happen per NIC.
struct { HANDLE hMtx1; // Mutex handle; Obtained 1st
HANDLE hMtx2; // Mutex handle; Obtained 2nd, then hMtx1 is released.
HANDLE hEvt; // Unnamed evt, signaled when hMtx2 is obtained.
} m_mutex;
// The following fields are valid only when the state is ACTIVE
UINT m_Generation; // Current generation count
WCHAR m_szClientDescription[NLBUPD_MAX_CLIENT_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH+1]; DWORD m_AsyncThreadId; // Thread doing async config update operation.
HANDLE m_hAsyncThread; // ID of above thread.
HKEY m_hCompletionKey; // Key to the registry where
// completions are stored
// A snapshot of the cluster configuration state at the start
// of the update BUG -- can this be zeromemoried?
// The requested final state
// Completion status of the current update.
// Could be PENDING.
WBEMSTATUS m_CompletionStatus;
// END -- of fields that are valid only when the state is ACTIVE
// Constructor and destructor -- note that these are private
// In fact, the constructor is only called from sfn_LookupUpdate
// and the destructor from mfn_Dereference.
NlbConfigurationUpdate(VOID); ~NlbConfigurationUpdate();
// Try to acquire the machine-wide
// NLB configuration update event for this NIC, and create the
// appropriate keys in the registry to track this update.
// NOTE: ppLog will be filled out EVEN ON FAILURE -- it should always
// be deleted by the caller (using the delete operator) if non-NULL.
// Increment ref count. Object stays alive as long as refcount is nonzero.
VOID mfn_Reference( VOID );
// Decrement ref count. Object is deleted when refcount goes to zero.
VOID mfn_Dereference( VOID ); //
// Release the machine-wide update event for this NIC, and delete any
// temporary entries in the registry that were used for this update.
// ppLog must be deleted by caller useing the delete operator.
VOID mfn_StopUpdate( OUT WCHAR ** ppLog );
// Looks up the completion record identified by Generation, for
// specific NIC (identified by *this).
BOOL mfn_LookupCompletion( IN UINT Generation, OUT PNLB_COMPLETION_RECORD *pCompletionRecord );
// Uses various windows APIs to fill up the current extended cluster
// information for a specific nic (identified by *this).
// It fills out pNewCfg.
// The pNewCfg->field is set to TRUE IFF there were
// no errors trying to fill out the information.
// Analyzes the nature of the update, mainly to decide whether or not
// we need to do the update asynchronously.
// This also performs parameter validation.
WBEMSTATUS mfn_AnalyzeUpdate( IN PNLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION pNewCfg, IN BOOL *pDoAsync, IN CLocalLogger &logger );
// Does the update synchronously -- this is where the meat of the update
// logic exists. It can range from a NoOp, through changing the
// fields of a single port rule, through binding NLB, setting up cluster
// parameters and adding the relevant IP addresses in TCPIP.
VOID mfn_ReallyDoUpdate( VOID );
VOID mfn_Log( UINT Id, // Resource ID of format,
... );
VOID mfn_LogRawText( LPCWSTR szText );
// Stop the current cluster and take out its vips.
VOID mfn_TakeOutVips( VOID );
// Acquires the first global mutex, call this first.
WBEMSTATUS mfn_AcquireFirstMutex( VOID );
// If (fCancel) it releases the first mutex mutex and clears up handles
// to 2nd mutex and evt.
// else it will wait until it receives signal that the 2nd mutex is
// acquired, and then clears up only the 1st mutex handle.
WBEMSTATUS mfn_ReleaseFirstMutex( BOOL fCancel );
// Acquire the 2nd mutex (could be called from a different thread
// than the one that called mfn_AcquireFirstMutex.
// Also signals an internal event which mfn_ReleaseFirstMutex may
// be waiting on.
WBEMSTATUS mfn_AcquireSecondMutex( VOID );
// Releases the second mutex.
WBEMSTATUS mfn_ReleaseSecondMutex( VOID );
// Writes an NT event when the update is stopping
VOID ReportStopEvent( const WORD wEventType, WCHAR **ppLog );
// Writes an NT event when the update is starting
VOID ReportStartEvent( LPCWSTR szClientDescription ); };
VOID test_port_rule_string( VOID );