/* * This file is a log of the changes to the NLB private branch, wlbs. * This includes all check-ins, integrates and other relevant notes * that affect the current state of the private tree. */
*** Date, user: Detailed list of changes (operations)
*** 04.27.01, shouse: Checking in private.changes - initial checkin.
*** 05.02.01, josephj: Bugfixes for
330799 SLD: Improper file resource "netcfgx.dll" ... 317200 SLD: Need to autofix ... 372527 the term "Virtual IP Address" in the Port Rules page ...
*** 05.15.01, shouse: Two small IPSec/PPTP session support fixes and bug fixes for
252258 Misconfigured hosts respond to remote queries. 391877 PREFIX:net: \nt\net\wlbs\driver\main.c: Main_recv_indicate: using uninitialized memory 'sig' 391878 PREFIX:net: \nt\net\wlbs\driver\main.c: Main_recv: using uninitialized memory 'sig' 391881 PREFIX:net: \nt\net\wlbs\nlbkd\print.c: PrintResp: using uninitialized memory 'pMPReserved' 391883 PREFIX:net: \nt\net\wlbs\nlbkd\print.c: PrintResp: using uninitialized memory 'pIMReserved' 392999 NLB: Need to back out current behavior (both converged) if one host is unicast and the other is multicast
*** 05.15.01, josephj: prefix bugs to nlbmgr code
391879 josephj PREFIX:net: \nt\net\wlbs\nlbmgr\inetcfg... 391880 josephj PREFIX:net: \nt\net\wlbs\nlbmgr\exe\...
*** 05.15.01, josephj: Fixes to the following netcfgx.dll bugs: 396770 josephj Wrong error message displayed when entering... 372527 josephj the term "Virtual IP Address" in the Port Rules...
*** 05.15.01, josephj: Fixes to the following nlbmgr.dll bugs: 396172 josephj NLB:nlbmgr:remove test menu option from the cluster menu
*** 05.21.01, shouse: Bug fixes and groudwork for diagnostics 338555 NLB:Event Logging:Generate an event log that says which host initiated convergence and why.
*** 05.21.01, shouse: Integrate from Net VBL and reverse-integrate private branch into Net VBL.
*** 05.29.01, chrisdar: Modify nt\net\wlbs\nlbmgr\provider\cfgutils.cpp to work around timing problems associated with adding IPs to an adapter. Suspect recent code changes in ntwk adapter code require this.
*** 05.31.01, shouse: Integreate from VBL 03.
*** 06.04.01, chrisdar: Added harness (\nt\net\config\netcfg\wlbscfg\tests) for testing VIP support in port rules for answer files. 392774 chrisdar NLB:Virtual cluster support is not in the answer file
*** 06,04,01, shouse: Bug fix for IP address conflicts in multicast (or IGMP multicast) mode. 402659 Cannot bind NLB to more than one NIC in multicast mode.
*** 06.04.01, shouse: Reverse-integrate from VBL 03.
*** 06.04.01, shouse: Obliterate net\wlbs\wmi2\.
*** 06.05.01, josephj: Partial support for 237073 ... need the mechanism to display pending opertions. Enabled the static methods in nlbmprov.dll (previously these methods used to return NOT_SUPPORTED).
*** 06.06.01, shouse: Bug fixes 403305 16 NIC - 2 host cluster - from unicast to multicast, one host is disconnected while other converged by itself 397828 NLB:remove or change the default behavior of netmonalvemsg from the registry to allow heart beats up 400118 NLB: All IOCTLs should use a common header to avoid duplicated code. 198331 NLB: Add to diagnostic driver IOCTL support.
*** 06.06.01, shouse: Change to prevent NLB driver from being reloaded twice when CommitChanges is called - api/cluster.cpp
*** 06.11.01, shouse: Reverse integrate to VBL 03.
*** 06.14.01, chrisdar: Fix to trpov.exe testing utility for NLB Manager. Bug was overwriting local host machine name placekeeper (".") with NULL info.
*** 06.14.01, karthicn: Bug Fixes 397421 When IP2MACenable is set to false in the registry, data loss occurs 399778 WMI: report host's machine and domain name for all hosts in the cluster. 336943 NLB: Add WMI support for querying the port rule state
*** 06.14.01, shouse: Bug fixes, plus IPSec and PPTP session support is now turned ON by default. 13413 WLBS: Event log information messages should contain more useful information 385665 Machine bug checks when bind unbind and start stop are done at the same time 405719 NLB:eventlog:remote control messages are misleading by showing the source udp port. 198191 wlbs query <VIP> reports does not report the local host when you start network monitor on the NLB bound interface
*** 06.14.01, karthicn: Bug Fixes 396792 Listbox focus is not snapped when new port rule is added, to keep rule in sight
*** 06.15.01, chrisdar: Fixes to tprov.exe testing harness.
*** 06.18.01, shouse: Fix for IA64 compile error in load.c and fix to remove call to NdisEqualUnicodeString in Main_adapter_get, which cannot be called at DISPATCH_LEVEL.
*** 06.19.01, karthicn: Bug Fix 357547 : The hosting model for the WLBS (wlbsprov.dll) provider needs to be set to "NetworkService"
*** 06.19.01, shouse: Bug fix 418918 NLB: Driver should allow case-insensitive device name comparison.
*** 06.26.01, chrisdar: implement tracing 424588 API: Implement tracing
*** 06.27.01, karthicn: Reverse integrate to VBL 03.
*** 06.29.01, josephj: BUG: 237073 josephj NLBManager:(usability p1) need ... Specifically, this is to add a new WLBS entrypoint WlbsDeleteAllPortRules. to wlbsctrl.dll, plus some changes in nlbmprov.dll to support port rules.
*** 06.29.01 chrisdar: Bug fixes 276224 NLB:setup:log errors to setup error log if there are any errors during setup 422946 Netcfgx.dll: Change use of clusapi to load calls via DLL
*** 06.29.01, shouse: Changes to XML parser. NOTE: xml directory has been added to net\wlbs\dirs, so xml will now be compiled as part of the build!!!
*** 07.03.01, shouse: Tons of miscellaneous XML parser changes. NOTE: writing out an XML file is now fully implemented.
*** 07.05.01, chrisdar 427669 NLB:Virtual cluster unattend setup failed
*** 07.05.01, karthicn 429899 NLB:wlbsctrl.dll some registry keys were not being closed and that lead to the handles being open to cause winprvse crash during WMI BVT
*** 07.06.01, chrisdar 424587 Driver: Implement tracing -- first pass for debugging bind/unbind issues seen in lab
*** 07.10.01, chrisdar: Reverse integrate to VBL 03. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 07.11.01, josephj: Fixes for the following. 428348 josephj PREFIX:net: \nt\net\wlbs\nlbmgr\exe\commonnlb.cpp: 428349 josephj PREFIX:net: \nt\net\wlbs\nlbmgr\exe\rightbottomview.cpp:
*** 07.11.01, josephj: RI to VBL 03. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 07.12.01, karthicn 357547 : The hosting model for the WLBS (wlbsprov.dll) provider needs to be set to "NetworkService"
*** 07.12.01, josephj Created new directory "exe2" under nlbmgr, which is starts out as a copy of nlbmgr\exe. Exe2 will contain the changes required to use the new nlb update config support.
*** 07.13.01, chrisdar: RI to VBL 03. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 07.13.01, josephj: 357547 : The hosting model for the WLBS (wlbsprov.dll) provider needs to be set to "NetworkService" (Karthic's above change was not complete).
*** 07.23.01, chrisdar: 424587 Driver: Implement tracing
*** 07.23.01 , josephj: 435839 nlbmgr:tprov connection fails when /u option used.... This actually got fixed by making a fix to the above fix (357547). Verified by GJack.
*** 07.24.01, chrisdar: found bug in tracing added driver\main.c. IA64 won't compile. 424587 Driver: Implement tracing
*** 07.25.01, chrisdar 439029 netcfgx.dll: reading strings from answer file assumed the destination buffer is 2x larger than it is 425543 netcfgx.dll: Ensure default values and range checking are done on properties read by answer file
*** 07.25.01, karthicn 437743 Add tracing to WMI Provider
*** 07.25.01, shouse Updates to the XML support.
*** 07.28.01 josephj Lab03 RI Change 21301 on 2001/07/28 21:34:52 by NTDEV\josephj@JOSEPHJ1C-1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 08.01.01, shouse 353752 NLB: Add a third initial host state to the registry 305096 disabling/enabling adapter during config causes a variety of problems
*** 08.02.01, shouse Lab03 RI Change 21498 on 2001/08/02 13:31:06 by NTDEV\shouse@SHOUSE-DEV1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 08.08.01, josephj 449910 NLB:tprov: tprov is ... (nlbmprov.dll) Change 21596
*** 08.08.01, karthicn 437854 Regression: Sorting of Port Rules in netcfg UI is acting oddly
*** 08.08.01 chrisdar 353134 Remote wlbs commands to the VIP do not display results until the timeout for the UDP call has expired
*** 08.08.01 chrisdar; removed LOTS of tracing 424587 Driver: Implement tracing
*** 08.10.01 chrisdar 408332 WLBS.EXE returns -1 when it is executed with no parameters
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 08.14.01, karthicn Lab03 RI Change 22006 by NTDEV\karthicn@KARTHICNMAIN-1 on 2001/08/14 13:20:49 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 08.15.01, karthicn 432091 NLB should not require reboots to reconfigure 436272 NLB:wlbsprov: remove the dead code from the core provider wlbsctrl.dll
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 08.16.01, karthicn Lab03 RI Change 22130 by NTDEV\karthicn@KARTHICNMAIN-1 on 2001/08/16 11:44:13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 08.20.01 chrisdar 457468 nlb:unattend install should not require PersistedStates
*** 09.10.01 chrisdar 457468 nlb:unattend install should not require PersistedStates 458354 nlb:upgrade fails to add PersistedStates to the registry causing cluster traffic to pass through 462868 WLBS: After upgrading host2, then host1 in NLB cluster, host1 cannot reach anything on the network.
*** 09.10.01 karthicn 466150 add support to delete instance using full path
*** 09.10.01, shouse Miscellaneous changes to XML, including instituting boolean types and enforcing that NLB XML documents contain a reference to the MicrosoftNLB XML schema. Added a sub-dir named wlbs\cluster\ which contains the XML-independent implementation of the data structures used by the parser, which can be utilized by any NLB com- ponent that links with nlbcluster.lib.
*** 09.14.01, karthicn 449910 NLB:tprov: tprov is failing to update setting with 0x8004100a WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR 463598 NlbManager: Swithc nlbmprov.dll to use lower-level wlbsctrl.dll apis and dynamically load wlbsctrl.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 09.14.01, karthicn Lab03 RI Change 23226 on 2001/09/14 14:11:09 by NTDEV\karthicn@KARTHICNMAIN ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 09.17.01, shouse 455705 NLB: Miniport timer cancellation race condition causes NDIS to bugcheck 426270 NLB: TRACKING: Connection descriptors are destroyed before TCP connections are fully terminated 293118 NLB: client is getting connections refused. 364677 WLBS: Clustered RRAS servers drop vpn calls when new hosts added or WLBS Drain or WLBS Drainstop command given. 426239 NLB: If outbound traffic uses a non-NLB NIC, connection tracking information is incorrecly maintained
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 09.17.01, shouse Lab02 RI ** NOTE different VBL (Net VBL) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 09.17.01, JosephJ Many changes under wlbs\nlbmgr Most of it is not built. However some minor changes are in wlbs\nlbmgr\cfgutillib (and wlbs\nlbmgr\inc), which are used in building nlbmprov.dll. These changes have been verified and it's ok to check this in the vbl03.
*** 09.19.01, shouse #ifdef out the IPSec-dependent code in netcfg so we can build netcfg while we wait for lab03 to integrate the changes made to IPSec in lab02. DO NOT REVERSE-INTEGRATE THE PRIVATE BRANCH BEFORE THIS CODE IS RE-ADDED TO NETCFG AND THE CORRESPONDING IPSEC CHANGES HAVE MADE IT INTO LAB03!!!
*** 09.19.01, shouse Integrate from Lab03 to pick up fixes for the following bugs that were checked directly into Lab03 for the RI with main. 435839 nlbmgr:tprov connection fails when /u option used ( ERROR 0x80070005 ) 463094 NLB:the 12K stack gets used up because we recursive handle several queued up remote control request packets
*** 09.21.01, shouse Integrate from Lab03 to pick up the VPN related fixes checked into Lab02 on monday. We are now in sync with Lab02 and have picked up the required IPSec fixes, so the ban on reverse- integrations is hereby lifted. The change made to netcfg on 09.19.01 has been reverted.
*** 09.21.01, shouse Checked in changes for 468094 and 469443 including all support except the WMI. The bugs have been re-assigned to karthicn to add WMI support.
*** 09.25.01, shouse Checked in NLB manager UI support for per-VIP port rules and the third initial host state (and persisted suspends). Also cleaned up many of the UIs and added context sensitive help to all NLB Manager dialogs.
*** 09.25.01, karthicn 209110 NLBManager: Need File Save/Open option
*** 09.26.01, shouse 472493 Machine soft-hangs when NLB is bound and you attempt to disable any adapter
*** 09.26.01, karthicn 449910 NLB:tprov: tprov is failing to update setting with 0x8004100a WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR
*** 09.26.01, shouse 279316 NLBManager - New context sensitive help 377507 NLB: Port rule description in NLB netcfg UI / NLB manager does not reflect the additional VIP information for port rules.
*** 09.28.01, shouse Make sure DbgPrint (and UNIV_PRINT) statements are not using unicode if running at an IRQ level > PASSIVE_LEVEL.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 10.02.01, josephj Lab03 RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 10.03.01, karthicn NLB provider related changes to the following bugs 468094 NLB: Allow connection descriptor timeouts to be configurable via the registry 469443 NLB: remote control "disable" is not completely functional
*** 10.08.01, josephj 478029 - NLBManager: Checkin the new NLB Manager to replace the old one
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 10.08.01, josephj Lab03 RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 10.12.01, karthicn NLB Manager provider related changes to the following bugs 466005 NLBManager: implement cluster and port control operations
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 10.12.01, karthicn Lab03 RI Change 24896 on 2001/10/12 18:39:35 by NTDEV\karthicn@KARTHICNMAIN-1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 10.17.01, josephj Fixes for the following 479845 chrisdar IA64 bugcheck when adding rule through WMI PortRuleEx 469815 josephj NLB: configuration is lost and or diver loses binding.. 480120 josephj nlb:nlbmgr registry key installdate is not initalized 466005 karthicn NLBManager: implement cluster control operations.. 439987 shouse NLB: driver does not respond to remote control packets..
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 10.18.01, josephj Lab03 RI ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 11.01.01, josephj Numerous changes to nlbmgr.exe and nlbmprov.dll -- all under wlbs\nlbmgr. Changes are by KarthicN to support control port and report host state, as well as by JosephJ for per speedup of provider, click-on-log-for-details, rudimentary reporting of misconfigured clusters, F5 (refresh), etc. These map to the following bugs: 207015 NLBManager: Have to come to an idea how to show the... 484761 NLBManager:UI: Need to populate the right view pane... 484842 NLBManager: For localization compatibility, replace all %xx fields... 484957 NLBManager: Add support for enable/disable/drain of port rules... 488976 NlbManager: Perf improvements *** 11.07.01, chrisdar nlbkd.dll changes No bug number for these changes Implemented 3 methods (nlbpkt, nlbether, nlbip) to print the contents of a packet given a pointer to a packet of the appropriate type *** 11.13.01, josephj Update to nlbmgr -- fixes related to bugs listed above under 11.01.01.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 11.15.01, josephj Lab03 RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 11.28.01, shouse 399581 pss req: add ability for nlb to track its own perf as in how much traffic each host is handling 400257 NLB: Modularize NLB Load module filtering functions 486047 NLB: NLB UI sends an adapter property change notification for ALL parameter changes 488169 NLB: IPSec notifications that NLB is bound fail on answer file installs( Tested )
*** 11.29.01, shouse Fixed a bugcheck in load.c pertaining to cloning and changes to the IPSec notification scheme in netcfg, based on code-review feedback.
*** 12.05.01, chrisdar BUG 482284 NLB: stores its private state in wrong Ndis packet causes break during standby
*** 12.05.01, chrisdar BUG 499552 NLB: Ensure that adapter bouncing decision is consistent in wlbsctrl.dll and netcfgx.dll
*** 12.07.01, josephj NLBMGR: Minor change to add title text to property page (nlbmgr\exe2\leftview.cpp). Good to checkin whenever.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 12.10.01, shouse Lab03 RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 12.10.01, shouse 490906 (12/7)nlbs:bugcheck while changing op mode to multicast from unicast Also removed the NLB_SESSION_SUPPORT conditional compilation #ifdefs from the driver and APIs.
*** 12.12.01 chrisdar 502534 wlbsctrl.dll: errors found by PREfast 502555 (12/7) netcfgx.dll: PREfast defects found in wlbscfg code 505124 wlbsprov.dll: errors found by PREfast
*** 12.12.01, shouse Checked in a fix for the load module clock that was exposed by the cloning mechanism. This fix stops the clock from being reset every time the load module is "started" - it now continues to linearly increase the entire time NLB is bound to that interface. The clock should roll-over in the same time as time_t.
*** 12.12.01 karthicn 372527 the term "Virtual IP Address" in the Port Rules page needs to change to "Cluster IP Address" 493098 NLB: UI: Invalid IPs are allowed to be entered as CIP/DIP/VIP 501379 NLB: Missing Port Rule descriptions in netcfg UI
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 12.14.01 chrisdar Lab03 RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 12.17.01 chrisdar 457437 NLBManager: Add NT event logging to the wmi provider
*** 12.17.01 karthicn 459133 NLBManager Provider: Use of static strings in updatecfg.cpp will break in localized (GER, ITN, SPA,...( systems
*** 12.17.01 karthicn 488444 nlb:nlbmgr:host list should open file so that users can open and red file while nlbmgr has the file open 499040 NLB: nlbmgr: Query option in host control
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 12.18.01 josephj Lab03 RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 12.18.01, shouse 497710 (12/21)NLB needs to provide a hook to address Stingray/ISA scenarios
*** 12.18.01, karthicn 466672 (12/10) NLB : NLB does not proprely report status change events to WMI clients -- needed for BDA
*** 12.19.01 chrisdar 493106 NLB: NLB.EXE: 'Help' is cut off in German builds 506329 wlbs.sys: PREfast defects in driver 492201 TRACKING: NLB KD Extensions
*** 12.19.01 josephj
506822 port control window unresponsive 207015 Reporting Cluster Misconfiguations 499068 save host list includes clusters or hosts that were removed 503027 Connect dialog: duplicate hotkey (N) 503031 duplicate hotkey (N) 503046 Log Settings: duplicate hotkey (E) 504165 "Host\Delete" menu item is disabled when host is selected. 209117 UI to manage cluster VIPS 502585 Update details view
All files changed are under wlbs\nlbmgr
*** 12.19.01, shouse 497710 (12/21)NLB needs to provide a hook to address Stingray/ISA scenarios
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 12.20.01 josephj Lab03 RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 12.20.01, shouse Added a new debugger extension, !nlbhooks, to print out the configuration and state of all NLB kernel-mode hooks.
*** 12.26.01, josephj nt\net\inc\wlbsconfig.h: Added function pointer prototype WlbsSetRemotePassword_FUNC. Required for bug# 326514 Modify remote-control pwd, report differences in pwd.
*** 12.26.01, josephj All under wlbs\nlbmgr... 203647 NLBManager should wrap the WMI error... 326514 Modify remote-control pwd, report differences in pwd: 509397 error check: when inital state conflicts a warning is given... 509400 error check: add check for conflicting port rule where affinit
*** 12.28.01, josephj Fixes for ... 484842 For localization compatibility, replace all %xx fields by %num All files changed under nlbmgr.
*** 1.4.02, shouse Fixed a typo in hook reference counting (Main_send).
*** 1.7.02, josephj fixes for the following [All under wlbs\nlbmgr] 203647 NLBManager should wrap the WMI error... 326514 Modify remote-control pwd, report differences in pwd: 509397 error check: when inital state conflicts a warning is given... 509400 error check: add check for conflicting port rule where affinity.. 484842 For localization compatibility, replace all %xx fields by %num 202129 Make equal/unequal property of port rules a host-specific property. 203634 Nlb Manager should report useful error when netcfgs.. 485541 Provide valid defaults for host-priorities to single-host port rule 288769 error check: Verify that Primary IP, DIP and additional VIPs' .. 360469 Warn user if whole cluster will come down because of operation.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 01.07.02 josephj Lab03 RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 01.08.02 chrisdar 512232 wlbsctrl: NotifyAdapterPropertyChange calls SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList twice when exiting on no error
*** 01.08.02 karthicn 505568 : wlbsprov.dll uses 65K of stack space for local storage
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 01.08.02 karthicn Lab03 RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 01.11.02 josephj, shouse Misc files checked in under wlbs\nlbmgr by SHouse and myself for fixes/partial-fixes to: [not-fixed fully] 476216 automatically add hoats to view when "Connect to existing..." 505467 nlbmgr:teamed nics are not recognized as a valid interface *** 01.17.02 karthicn 513807 NLB: Move WMI event classes to MicrosoftNLB namespace, remove from WMI namespace 459885 WLBS.EXE: Static strings in control.cpp will not be localized
*** 01.21.02 chrisdar 512459 wlbsctrl: PREfast defects
*** 01.22.02, shouse 505253 nlbmgr:The right pane is wider than it needs to be when viewed at the host level 505467 nlbmgr:teamed nics are not recognized as a valid interface
Also added 5 new nlbkd debugger extensions.
*** 01.23.02 chrisdar 517186 PREFAST:net: \nt\net\wlbs\wmi\clusterwrapper.cpp: CWlbsClusterWrapper::Commit: Incorrect operator: mutual exclusion over || is always TRUE. Was && intended ?
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 01.24.02 josephj Lab03 RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 01.28.02 chrisdar 517185 PREFAST:net: \nt\net\wlbs\control\control.cpp: Display: Buffer overrun due to number of characters/number of bytes mismatch in call to 'ReadEventLogW'. Parameter 4 should be '(sizeof recp)/(sizeof recp[0])'.
*** 01.28.02, shouse 501365 NLB: Remove necessity for multiple hashes on processing SYN packets 501374 NLB: Consider moving protocol specific information necessary to properly load-balance into the load module
*** 01.29.02, shouse 525063 nlbmgr:cluster IP address tab should resemble advanced IP prop 526710 NLB: If two masters are configured for a BDA team, NLB should resolve the conflict by demoting one to a slave
*** 01.29.02 chrisdar 476216 NLBManager:automatically add hosts to view when "Connect to existing..." is executed 527453 NLBManager: Log file validation doesn't allow file name 'c:\nlbdemo.log' when c: is a valid local drive
*** 01.29.02 josephj All changes under wlbs\nlbmgr
484025 When using alt-F4 to close nlbmgr.exe, the process stays in memory. 513056 add host failed because nlbmgr ended up pinging for "13:36:48". 502793 warn user when attempting to remove / change DIP 512303 Block user from merging 2 clusters that are in the nlbmgr context 512370 update sometims fails when IP is zero ( 478932 ipconflict when changing modes of operation ( unicast to multicast ) 505153 NlbConfigurationUpdate::DoUpdate returns WBEM_E_ALREADY_EXISTS 509346 delete host adds a homenet IP when it should keep the DIP 509355 replace or remove home net ip functions like IP with the real home 519111 nlbmgr:VERIFIER STOP 00000008: pid 0xF68: corrupted heap pointer *** 01.30.02 chrisdar Back out one prefast defect fix made when working on: 517185 PREFAST:net: \nt\net\wlbs\control\control.cpp: Display: Buffer overrun due to number of characters/number of bytes mismatch in call to 'ReadEventLogW'. Parameter 4 should be '(sizeof recp)/(sizeof recp[0])'. Fix breaks redirecting stdio to file.
*** 01.30.02 chrisdar Corrected error introduced in wlbsctrl.dll for remote WlbsQuery.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 01.24.02 chrisdar Lab03 RI (posthumously) ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 02.01.02 chrisdar 530302 nlb:wlbs.exe control commands do not print appropriate messages
*** 02.04.02 karthicn 501782 nlbs: NET/SMB connections fail when using \\clustername 515544 nlb:Globalization issues with wlbs query, display, params
*** 02.05.02, shouse 530341 NLB: Prematurely 'completed' NDIS requests may cause NLB to bugcheck.
*** 02.12.02 josephj Remove dead (uncompiled code) under wlbs\nlbmgr. Reviewed by KarthicN. Also diffed precompiled output to verify no changes.
*** 02.12.02 karthic #ifdef BUGFIX_515544 and BUGFIX_501782 to temporarily disable these fixes.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 02.12.02, shouse Lab03 RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 02.13.02 chrisdar DOTW: uncomment C_DEFINES for BUG_539747 in \nt\net\wlbs\api\sources for building privates 539747 NLB:wlbs remote commands fail with socket error if executed from a cluster host to that cluster when the cluster ip is not in tcp stack.
*** 02.16.02 josephj Checked in some DISABLED code under nlbmgr\exe2 for bugs 334243 and 476216 OK to RI this in as it's currently DISABLED.
*** 02.19.02, shouse Removed #if defined (BUG_506329) and (BUG_501365) macros to remove dead code. Both of these bug fixes have already been approved and the macros have been defined in the build for many weeks. OK to RI, as only DEAD code was removed.
*** 03.07.02, karthicn 569758 SECURITY: wlbsctrl.dll : Replace calls to "unsafe" string operation apis with the ones in strsafe.h 569762 SECURITY: wlbsprov.dll : Replace calls to "unsafe" string operation apis with the ones in strsafe.h 543936 SECURITY: Shoud NULL terminate the string field before referencing it. net\wlbs\api\control.cpp::WlbsRemoteControl()
*** 03.08.02, karthicn Removed the #ifdef BUGFIX_515544 and BUGFIX_501782 to enable these fixes
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 03.08.02, karthicn Lab03_Dev RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 03.18.02, karthicn 577749 SECURITY: Fix unsafe buffer copy issues in the wmi event functions in wlbs.sys Check-in disabled 577752 Fire Startup & Shutdown wmi events from NLB driver
*** 03.19.02, shouse Checked in a fix for 559178. These changes affect ONLY debug and tracing spew, and are therefore safe to RI.
*** 03.20.02, chrisdar 552218 SECURITY: Configuration/UI: Buffer overrun candidates in \nt\net\config\netcfg\wlbscfg\netcfgconfig.cpp 552260 SECURITY: Configuration/UI: Remove dead code 552276 SECURITY: Configuration/UI: Buffer overrun candidates in \nt\net\config\netcfg\wlbscfg\debug.cpp 552287 SECURITY: Configuration/UI: Buffer overrun candidates in \nt\net\config\netcfg\wlbscfg\ports.cpp 552296 SECURITY: Configuration/UI: Buffer overrun candidates in \nt\net\config\netcfg\wlbscfg\host.cpp 552298 SECURITY: Configuration/UI: Buffer overrun candidates in \nt\net\config\netcfg\wlbscfg\ClusterDlg.cpp 552303 SECURITY: Configuration/UI: Buffer overrun candidates in \nt\net\config\netcfg\wlbscfg\utils.cpp 552335 SECURITY: wlbsutil.lib: Buffer overrun candidates in \nt\net\wlbs\util\debugimpl.cpp 552345 SECURITY: wlbsutil.lib: Buffer overrun candidates in \nt\net\wlbs\util\utils.cpp 552665 SECURITY: wlbsutil.lib: Remove dead code 552370 SECURITY: wlbs.exe: ipconfig.exe launched without using full path to system directory 552377 SECURITY: wlbs.exe: Buffer overrun candidates in \nt\net\wlbs\control\control.cpp 552384 SECURITY: wlbs.exe: hh.exe launched without using full path to system directory 552402 SECURITY: nlb.exe: wlbs.exe launched using hard-coded full path to system directory 579992 SECURITY: wlbs.exe Remove dead code
*** 03.20.02, josephj
Fixes for the following, all under nlbmgr\provider. Code reviews by SHouse. Stress tested by GJack 540195 SECURITY:nlbmprov.dll:update fails with error WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR with avrf 543406 SECURITY:VERIFIER:nlbmprov.dll:return WBEM_E_ALREADY_EXISTS when avrf enabled on 543455 SECURITY:AVRF:nlbmprov.dll: 00000210: 5f4e10cc 00000000 00000000 00000000 558888 SECURITY:NlbManager: nlbmprov.dll Registry handle leak in
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 03.21.02, karthicn Lab03_Dev RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 03.27.02 chrisdar DOTW: uncomment the following C_DEFINES for building privates BUG_546870 in \nt\net\wlbs\api\sources BUG_549240 in \nt\net\wlbs\control\nlb\sources BUG_549240 in \nt\net\wlbs\control\wlbs\sources BUG_535113 in \nt\net\wlbs\nlbmgr\exe2\sources BUG_532722 in \nt\net\wlbs\wmi\sources 532722 NLB:wmi:Uint32 is converted from decimal to hex before it is handed over to the provider 535113 NLBMgr:log settings are saved under HKLM when they should be in HKCU 546870 wlbsctrl.dll: assert hit on cleanup when closing socket in GetRemoteControlSocket 549240 wlbs.exe: 'wlbs display' doesn't display text for wlbs events logged by netcfgx.dll and nlbprov.dll 582902 nlb.exe - arguments cannot contain blank space, &, <, > ...
*** 03.28.02, karthicn 577985 NLB: IOCTLs should only be allowed if initiated by an Administrator
*** 03.28.02, shouse 543892 SECURITY: NLB: packet parsing on the receive path needs to be much more sensitive to untrusted data
*** 04.02.02, karthicn Refix 577985 NLB: IOCTLs should only be allowed if initiated by an Administrator
*** 04.02.02, shouse Modified driver to use StrSafe.h APIs. Still need to use StringCchLength instead of wcslen, but that will be a subsequent check-in.
*** 04.02.02, karthicn Enable fix for 577752 Fire Startup & Shutdown wmi events from NLB driver
*** 04.02.02, chrisdar Enable fixes for: 532722 NLB:wmi:Uint32 is converted from decimal to hex before it is handed over to the provider 535113 NLBMgr:log settings are saved under HKLM when they should be in HKCU 546870 wlbsctrl.dll: assert hit on cleanup when closing socket in GetRemoteControlSocket 549240 wlbs.exe: 'wlbs display' doesn't display text for wlbs events logged by netcfgx.dll and nlbprov.dll 539747 NLB:wlbs remote commands fail with socket error if executed from a cluster host to that cluster when the cluster ip is not in tcp stack. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 04.05.02, ChrisDar Lab03_Dev RI ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 04.08.02, JosephJ Fixes for (all under wlbs\nlbmgr): 334243 NLB manager should perform extended operations in the background; 476216 automatically add hosts to view when "Connect to existing..."... 535859 SECURITY:nlbmgr: avrf /enable nlbmgr.exe /stacks /debug will cause.. All tested (by GJack) and code reviewed (by KarthicN) and good to RI. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 04.08.02, JosephJ Lab03_Dev RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 04.09.02, shouse 598194 NLBS UI: IP address size is changed from three digites to two digites per octet. Also checked-in a fix to some string safe APIs in the driver. Turns out they're only safe if they're used properly. Ooops.
*** 04.10.02 chrisdar 527447 nlb: wlbs commands break into ntsd with avrf /enable wlbs.exe
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 04.11.02, JosephJ Lab03_Dev RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 04.10.02, shouse More UI changes related to 598194.
*** 04.15.02, josephj fixes (all under wlbs\nlbmgr) for the following: 489012 If ICMP is disabled by customer for security reasons, they ... 538191 user's password saved in user-mode memory 540917 Duplicate shortcut character "P" are there. 566671 NLBS:NET3:nlbmgr.exe:Typo:Cluster configuration 540636 password is not updated locally
*** 04.15.02, karthicn 449910 : NLB:NLB Manager provider should use "NetworkServiceHost" as its hosting model
*** 04.15.02, shouse 574426 NLB: Hook interface should utilize a single reference count, not one per "hook" 574433 NLB: Should add a registry key to allow users to filter ICMP traffic if desired 562066 NLB: Deregister callback of filter hook is called at the DISPATCH level in the scenario of last unbind 535050 NLB: IOCTL operations are permitted before the binding operation is complete 549216 NLB: Control operations (stop, start, etc.) should be serialized in the driver 574439 NLB: Remove the GRETimeout registry key, which is useless 585771 SECURITY: NLB: Change the meaning of "disabled" remote control (chrisdar fix, shouse unit-test) 591401 NLB: Memory to store the fully qualified name of a host is not sufficiently large (chrisdar fix, shouse unit-test)
*** 04.15.02, josephj fixes (all under wlbs\nlbmgr) for the following: 597554 josephj NLB manager: About dialog is mis-formatted
*** 04.16.02, shouse Fix for "." appended to hostnames when Domain registry key is present, but empty.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 04.16.02, KarthicN Lab03_Dev RI ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 04.19.02, JosephJ Fix for the following (all under wlbs\nlbmgr) 535969 too much memory allocated for event logs 568198 remove from view should not remember cluster properties 565697 delete host when host is unreachable ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 04.19.02, KarthicN Lab03_Dev RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 04.20.02, KarthicN Checked-in disabled 522605 SECURITY:UDP packets lost due to specific handling of IP fragemnets by NLB
*** 04.22.02, ChrisDar 604365 ACCESSIBILITY:nlbmgr:In the Cluster Properties windows, the IP Addresses needs a hot key to get to the list box.
*** 04.23.02, ChrisDar WORKAROUND FOR: 607322 NLB:Event log messages do not have correct values for host ids/ips
*** 04.23.02, shouse 585888 NLB: Move Main_parse_ipsec from Main_ip_recv_filter to Main_recv_frame_parse 526784 NLB: Filter hook implementation needs to expose a third hook function to query a "fictional" packet. 562086 NLB: After being unloaded, NLB driver should fail IOCTL requests made by the filter hook using the old handle 562131 NLB: In the ReceiveFilterHook() we need a flag indicating whether the cluster state is stopped. 569209 NLB: In the DeregisterCallback of the filter hook, we need additional parameters 601978 wlbs.exe : should retrieve active connections and no. of descriptors for monitoring purposes
*** 04.24.02, josephj (This code is not (yet) part of the build) wlbs\driver\diplist.c, diplist.h, and test code under driver\test. This is code to check if an ip address is in a list of "other DIPS".
*** 04.24.02, josephj Fixes for (all under wlbs\nlbmgr): 599266 If the interface is DHCP enabled the NLBmgr should... 599248 prevent user from binding nlb when MSCS is installed...
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 04.24.02 ChrisDar Lab03_Dev RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 04.24.02, KarthicN Enabled fix for 522605 SECURITY:UDP packets lost due to specific handling of IP fragemnets by NLB
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 04.24.02 KarthicN Lab03_Dev RI ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 04.25.02 JosephJ (This code is not in the build) Changed internal constants in diplist.h to reflect "production values" -- see wlbs\driver\notes.txt for details.
*** 05.03.02, ChrisDar 585771 SECURITY: NLB: Change the meaning of "disabled" remote control
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 05.03.02 ChrisDar Lab03_Dev RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 05.06.02, KarthicN 610666 new MAC address is taking longer to be associated with NIC after setting up NLB (blocking AC SP2 IDS)
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 05.06.02 KarthicN Lab03_Dev RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 05.07.02, ChrisDar 585771 SECURITY: NLB: Change the meaning of "disabled" remote control
*** 05.08.02, JosephJ 611517 Spelling error in IDS_PARM_VIP_CONFLICT_DIP in nlbmgr.exe
*** 05.08.02 KarthicN Enabling & Checking privileges to fix 449910 (12/10) NLB:NLB Manager provider should use "NetworkServiceHost" as its hosting model
*** 05.08.02, shouse 585838 NLB: State lookup in the load module should be independent of reverse/forward hashing 574441 NLB: Reverse-hashing should be de-coupled from the BDA feature 608042 SECURITY: DCR: NLB should use exposed connection notification callbacks to mitigate SYN attack in NLB 610471 Change NLB/IPSec integration from using the Initial Contact notify to using a Vendor ID
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 05.08.02, shouse Lab03_Dev RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 05.09.02 KarthicN 616972 WMI: MicrosoftNLB_Node and MicrosoftNLB_Cluster both show 0 instances when remote control is disabled
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 05.09.02, KarthicN Lab03_Dev RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 05.09.02, shouse 571762 NLB: NLB does not properly filter dedicated IP address traffic
*** 05.10.02 chrisdar 603411 nlbmgr:ACCESSIBILITY:can not tab between window panes
*** 05.10.02 chrisdar 619504 NLB: wlbs control passw coding error 619942 NLB: Copyright information in wlbs.exe
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 05.10.02, ChrisDar, JosephJ Lab03_Dev RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 05.13.02, JosephJ Add (currently unused) CfgUtilRegWriteParam function to cfgutillib. OK to ri whenever needed.
*** 05.16.02 chrisdar (entry is ex post facto) 624122 User mode support for reporting hosts in a cluster via Identity heartbeats
*** 06.14.02 chrisdar 643443 NLB: Reg key disabling TCP notifications mechanism is deleted each time a NIC is bound to NLB for the first time. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 05.21.02, KarthicN Lab03_Dev Integrate (NOT RI) ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 05.21.02, shouse From Lab02_N -> Main -> Lab03_N -> Lab03_DEV -> Private branch integrate. 608042 SECURITY: DCR: NLB should use exposed connection notification callbacks to mitigate SYN attack in NLB
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 05.24.02, KarthicN Lab03_Dev Integrate (NOT RI)
Picked up following bug fixes: 625334 NLB: Unable to start NLB in IA64 machines due to big value in install date reg key 624195 HostingModel for NLB WMI Events should be changed from "NetworkServiceHost" to "LocalSystemHost" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 06.03.02, KarthicN 266964 NLB Apply PnP change returns prematurely, causing reboot , after IP Addr Cahnge on WLBS enabled interfaces
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 06.05.02 ChrisDar Lab03_Dev Integrate (NOT RI)
Picked up the following bug fixes: *** 05.29.02 chrisdar 585792 NLB: NLBManager needs a way to get cluster membership from a single node, WITHOUT using remote control 629065 NLB Driver: missing pragma pack() -- causes internal structure corruption ----------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 06.05.02 ChrisDar Lab03_Dev RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 06.11.02, shouse 633140 MSG_ERROR_PRODUCT event
*** 06.11.02 chrisdar 604522 NLB: Notify object should ensure device presence before applying cross-adapter checks
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 06.12.02, shouse Lab03_Dev RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 06.11.02 chrisdar 636697 NLB: Document the queryport and params options in the wlbs.exe command line usage help
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 06.13.02 chrisdar Lab03_Dev RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 06.14.02 josephJ 639780 josephj :nlbmg:host can not be removed fron list view when nlb is 639879 josephj nlbmgr:sometimes when connecting to host / existing cluster Plus some changes in tprov (not built)
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 06.14.02 josephj Lab03_Dev RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 06.18.02, shouse Lab03_Dev Integrate (NOT RI)
Picked up the following bug fixes: 06.14.02 chrisdar 643443 NLB: Reg key disabling TCP notifications mechanism is deleted each time a NIC is bound to NLB for the first time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 06.20.02 chrisdar 645228 Reduce/modify tracing output in retail NLB so that problem diagnosis in stress and real deployments become effective
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 06.20.02 chrisdar Lab03_Dev RI ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 06.26.02 josephj 645958 josephj NLBMgr: Label truncated on Connect page (changed file is wlbs\nlbmgr\exe2\resource.rc) Good to RI to lab03_dev for RC2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 06.26.02 josephj Lab03_Dev RI ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RC2 650366 josephj NlbManager: regression: Left view host status is not updated RC2 650463 josephj NlbManager: default is YES for "delete cluster" and "delete node"
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 06.26.02 josephj 9:56PM Lab03_Dev RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 06.27.02 chrisdar 643216 WLBS: unable to display on-line help
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 06.27.02 chrisdar Lab03_Dev RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 06.28.02 chrisdar 647598 wlbs.exe: disable command verb reports registry error when the port rule doesn't exist
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 06.28.02 chrisdar Lab03_Dev RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 07.03.02 chrisdar 649452 NLBMGR: Events are not saved to the event log file
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 07.03.02 chrisdar Lab03_Dev RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 07.10.02 chrisdar 656566 PREFIX:net: \nt\net\wlbs\installpack\uninstall.cpp: wmain: return value ignored of call to 'GetWindowsDirectoryW'
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 07.10.02 chrisdar Lab03_Dev RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 07.16.02 chrisdar 661992 PREFIX: nlbmprov.dll: handle leak in DllMain
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 07.16.02 chrisdar Lab03_Dev RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 07.17.02 karthicn 650803 MUI: Start Menu: Network Load Balancing Manager link is not MUI enabled.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 07.17.02 karthicn Lab03_Dev RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 07.18.02 karthicn 663358 wmi:core provider needs to use ID_HB to get MicrosoftNLB_Node.ComputerName
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 07.18.02 karthicn Lab03_Dev RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 07.22.02 karthicn 618347 wmi:generic failure is returned when enumerating PortruleEx when NLB is bound but not configured
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 07.22.02 karthicn Lab03_Dev RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 08.01.02 karthicn 678822 nlbmgr:misconfigured host is not reported when connec to existing ( no verification )
*** 08.01.02 chrisdar 667251 NLBMGR: Date & time format in Event panel does not match with build language format
*** 08.01.02, shouse 649598 NLB: IPSec/L2TP clients behind a NAT break NLB VPN support 637925 RC1RelNote: ITGRC1: JDPRC1BLCK: NLB: Connection state maintenance using notifications from TCP/IP stack is broken when IP NAT editor is present 668248 NLB must not have removed the descriptor so one descriptor to one connection principle violated, this conducts to a point of break
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 08.05.02 chrisdar Lab03_Dev RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 08.08.02 karthicn 682872 NLBMGR: Potential IP Address Conflict not detected when creating a new cluster the first time
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 08.13.02 chrisdar Lab03_Dev Integrate -- picked up a build fix in wlbscfg needed for compiler change. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 08.14.02 chrisdar 682660 [ETA 8.13.02] Event ID's mismatch between Win2K and .NET server
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 08.14.02 chrisdar Lab03_Dev RI ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 08.15.02 josephj 684406 - nlbmgr:host icon is not removed from the right list view when host is removed from cluster Good to ri-- code reviewed by karthicn Files changed: nlbmgr\leftview.cpp
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 08.15.02 josephj Lab03_Dev RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 08.16.02, shouse 678173 NLBS hearbeat packet trickes broadcom nic into thinking it is a Wake-on-lan packet on Compaq DL-360-G2
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 08.??.02 ??? Lab03_Dev RI ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 08.26.02 chrisdar 669678 [ETA 8.19.02] (LOCALIZATION)CMD: WLBS: localized string missing if output is redirected after changing the user local 665044 [ETA 8.19.02] (LOCALIZATION)CMD: WLBS: Garbage is displayed after changing code page 665426 [ETA 8.19.02] (LOCALIZATION)CMD: WLBS: Garbage is displayed after changing system local
*** 08.26.02 josephj 696605 NLB Manager: User is allowed to wrongly install NLB on a DHCP NIC that is also the connection NIC to track this. Files under nlbmgr\exe2; Code reviewed by KarthicN; Tested by GJack
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 08.26.02 josephj Lab03_Dev RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 08.28.02, shouse Fixes and enhancements to NLBKD.
*** 08.28.02, shouse 696895 NLB: (LOCALIZATION) String for wlbs filter help may be too long.
*** 08.29.02, josephj 696524 josephj NLBMGR - Wrong startup error message "Unable to run NLB..."
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 08.30.02, josephj DIRECT CHECKIN of the above fixes to LAB03_N (not an integrate). So at this point of time, both LAB03_N and the private branch have the same copy, BUT LAB03_DEV is not synched up yet -- that should happen at the next RI between LAB03_N and LAB03_DEV ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 09.11.02 chrisdar 699613 STRESS: 3676 VBL4.020829-2210:Critical Section Timeout 649452 (LOCALIZATION) NLBMGR: Events are not saved to the event log file
DIRECT CHECKIN to lab03_n. Already checked into the private branch. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 09.11.02, shouse 637925 RC1RelNote: ITGRC1: JDPRC1BLCK: ISA: NLB: Connection state maintenance using notifications from TCP/IP stack is broken when IP NAT editor is present
---------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 09.12.02, shouse Lab03_N RI ----------------------------------------------------------------------