Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of CFaxDevice class.
Iv Garber (IvG) Jun, 2000
Revision History:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "FaxComEx.h"
#include "FaxDevice.h"
#include "..\..\inc\FaxUIConstants.h"
//===================== ANSWER CALL ================================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxDevice::AnswerCall() /*++
Routine name : CFaxDevice::AnswerCall
Routine description:
Answer a Call when Manual Answer is set ON. The lCallId parameter is received from OnNewCall notification.
Iv Garber (IvG), Dec, 2000
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxDevice::AnswerCall"), hr);
// Get Fax Server Handle
HANDLE faxHandle; hr = m_pIFaxServerInner->GetHandle(&faxHandle); ATLASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
if (faxHandle == NULL) { //
// Fax Server is not connected
hr = Fax_HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED); CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("faxHandle == NULL"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); return hr; }
// Ask Server to Answer the Call
if (!FaxAnswerCall(faxHandle, m_lID)) { hr = Fax_HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("FaxAnswerCall(faxHandle, lCallId, m_lID)"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); return hr; }
return hr; }
//===================== GET RINGING NOW ================================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxDevice::get_RingingNow( /*[out, retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL *pbRingingNow ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxDevice::get_RingingNow
Routine description:
Return whether or not the Device was ringing at the moment the properties were taken.
Iv Garber (IvG), Dec, 2000
pbRingingNow [out] - the result
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxDevice::get_RingingNow"), hr);
hr = GetVariantBool(pbRingingNow, bool2VARIANT_BOOL(m_dwStatus & FAX_DEVICE_STATUS_RINGING)); if (FAILED(hr)) { AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); return hr; } return hr; };
//===================== GET RECEIVING NOW ================================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxDevice::get_ReceivingNow( /*[out, retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL *pbReceivingNow ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxDevice::get_ReceivingNow
Routine description:
Return whether or not the Device was receiving when the properties were taken.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jul, 2000
pbReceivingNow [out] - the result
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxDevice::get_ReceivingNow"), hr);
hr = GetVariantBool(pbReceivingNow, bool2VARIANT_BOOL(m_dwStatus & FAX_DEVICE_STATUS_RECEIVING)); if (FAILED(hr)) { AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); return hr; } return hr; };
//===================== GET SENDING NOW ================================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxDevice::get_SendingNow( /*[out, retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL *pbSendingNow ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxDevice::get_SendingNow
Routine description:
Return whether or not the Device was sending when the properties were taken.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jul, 2000
pbSendingNow [out] - the result
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxDevice::get_SendingNow"), hr);
hr = GetVariantBool(pbSendingNow, bool2VARIANT_BOOL(m_dwStatus & FAX_DEVICE_STATUS_SENDING)); if (FAILED(hr)) { AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); return hr; } return hr; };
//===================== SET EXTENSION PROPERTY ===============================================
// TODO: should work with empty vProperty
STDMETHODIMP CFaxDevice::SetExtensionProperty( /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrGUID, /*[in]*/ VARIANT vProperty ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxDevice::SetExtensionProperty
Routine description:
Set the Extension Data by given GUID on the Server.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
bstrGUID [in] -- Extension's Data GUID vProperty [out] -- Variant with the Blob to Set
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxDevice::SetExtensionProperty()"), hr, _T("GUID=%s"), bstrGUID);
hr = ::SetExtensionProperty(m_pIFaxServerInner, m_lID, bstrGUID, vProperty); if (FAILED(hr)) { AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); return hr; }
return hr; };
//===================== GET EXTENSION PROPERTY ===============================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxDevice::GetExtensionProperty( /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrGUID, /*[out, retval]*/ VARIANT *pvProperty ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxDevice::GetExtensionProperty
Routine description:
Retrieves the Extension Data by given GUID from the Server.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
bstrGUID [in] -- Extension's Data GUID pvProperty [out] -- Variant with the Blob to Return
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxDevice::GetExtensionProperty()"), hr, _T("GUID=%s"), bstrGUID);
hr = ::GetExtensionProperty(m_pIFaxServerInner, m_lID, bstrGUID, pvProperty); if (FAILED(hr)) { AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); return hr; }
return hr; };
//===================== USE ROUTING METHOD ===============================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxDevice::UseRoutingMethod( /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrMethodGUID, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL bUse ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxDevice::UseRoutingMethod
Routine description:
Add/Remove Routing Method for the Device.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
bstrMethodGUID [in] -- Method to Add/Remove bUse [in] -- Add or Remove Operation Indicator
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxDevice::UseRoutingMethod()"), hr, _T("MethodGUID=%s, bUse=%d"), bstrMethodGUID, bUse);
// Get Fax Server Handle
HANDLE faxHandle; hr = m_pIFaxServerInner->GetHandle(&faxHandle); ATLASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
if (faxHandle == NULL) { //
// Fax Server is not connected
hr = Fax_HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED); CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("faxHandle == NULL"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); return hr; } //
// Open Port for the Device
HANDLE hPort; if (!FaxOpenPort(faxHandle, m_lID, PORT_OPEN_MODIFY, &hPort)) { hr = Fax_HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("FaxOpenPort(faxHandle, m_lID, PORT_OPEN_QUERY, &hPort)"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); return hr; } ATLASSERT(hPort); //
// Ask Server to Add/Remove the Method for the Device
if (!FaxEnableRoutingMethod(hPort, bstrMethodGUID, VARIANT_BOOL2bool(bUse))) { hr = Fax_HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("FaxEnableRoutingMethod(faxHandle, bstrMethodGUID, VARIANT_BOOL2bool(bUse))"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); goto exit; } exit: if (!FaxClose(hPort)) { CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("FaxClose(hPort)"), Fax_HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); } //
// no need to store change locally, because each time get_UsedRoutingMethods is used,
// it brings the updated data from the Server.
return hr; } // CFaxDevice::UseRoutingMethod
//===================== SAVE ===============================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxDevice::Save() /*++
Routine name : CFaxDevice::Save
Routine description:
Save the data of the Device to the Server.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxDevice::Save()"), hr);
// Get Fax Server Handle
HANDLE faxHandle; hr = m_pIFaxServerInner->GetHandle(&faxHandle); ATLASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
if (faxHandle == NULL) { //
// Fax Server is not connected
hr = Fax_HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED); CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("faxHandle == NULL"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); return hr; }
// Create FAX_PORT_INFO struct and fill it with the values
FAX_PORT_INFO_EX Data = {0};
Data.ReceiveMode = m_ReceiveMode; Data.bSend = m_bSendEnabled;
Data.dwRings = m_lRings; Data.dwSizeOfStruct = sizeof(FAX_PORT_INFO_EX);
Data.lptstrCsid = m_bstrCSID; Data.lptstrDescription = m_bstrDescr; Data.lptstrTsid = m_bstrTSID;
// Save the Data struct on Server
if (!FaxSetPortEx(faxHandle, m_lID, &Data)) { hr = Fax_HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("FaxSetPortEx(faxHandle, m_lID, &Data)"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); return hr; }
return hr; };
//===================== REFRESH ===============================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxDevice::Refresh() /*++
Routine name : CFaxDevice::Refresh
Routine description:
Bring from the Server data for the Device.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxDevice::Refresh()"), hr);
// Get Fax Server Handle
HANDLE faxHandle; hr = m_pIFaxServerInner->GetHandle(&faxHandle); ATLASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
if (faxHandle == NULL) { //
// Fax Server is not connected
hr = Fax_HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED); CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("faxHandle == NULL"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); return hr; }
// Ask Server for Data about Device
CFaxPtr<FAX_PORT_INFO_EX> pDevice; if (!FaxGetPortEx(faxHandle, m_lID, &pDevice)) { hr = Fax_HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("FaxGetPortEx(faxHandle, m_lId, &pDevice)"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); return hr; } hr = Init(pDevice, NULL); return hr; };
//================== GET USED ROUTING METHODS ==================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxDevice::get_UsedRoutingMethods( /*[out, retval]*/ VARIANT *pvUsedRoutingMethods ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxDevice::get_UsedRoutingMethods
Routine description:
Return Variant containing the SafeArray of Used by the Device Routing Methods GUIDs.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
pvUsedRoutingMethods [out] - the Variant containing the Result
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxDevice::get_UsedRoutingMethods"), hr);
// Get Fax Server Handle
HANDLE faxHandle; hr = m_pIFaxServerInner->GetHandle(&faxHandle); ATLASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
if (faxHandle == NULL) { //
// Fax Server is not connected
hr = Fax_HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED); CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("faxHandle == NULL"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); return hr; }
// Open Port for the Device
HANDLE portHandle; if (!FaxOpenPort(faxHandle, m_lID, PORT_OPEN_QUERY, &portHandle)) { hr = Fax_HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("FaxOpenPort(faxHandle, m_lID, PORT_OPEN_QUERY, &portHandle)"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); return hr; } ATLASSERT(portHandle);
// Bring from the Server all Device's Routing Methods
DWORD dwNum = 0; CFaxPtr<FAX_ROUTING_METHOD> pMethods; BOOL bResult = FaxEnumRoutingMethods(portHandle, &pMethods, &dwNum); if (!bResult) { hr = Fax_HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("FaxEnumRoutingMethods(portHandle, &pMethods, &dwNum)"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); if (!FaxClose(portHandle)) { CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("FaxClose(portHandle)"), Fax_HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); } return hr; }
if (!FaxClose(portHandle)) { CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("FaxClose(portHandle)"), Fax_HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); }
// count the enabled routing methods
DWORD dwCount = 0; for ( DWORD i=0 ; i<dwNum ; i++ ) { if (pMethods[i].Enabled) { dwCount++; } }
// Create SafeArray for Enabled Routing Methods
SAFEARRAY *psaGUIDs; psaGUIDs = ::SafeArrayCreateVector(VT_BSTR, 0, dwCount); if (!psaGUIDs) { hr = E_FAIL; CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("SafeArrayCreateVector(VT_BSTR, 0, dwCount)"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); return hr; }
// Got Access to the SafeArray
BSTR *pbstrElement; hr = ::SafeArrayAccessData(psaGUIDs, (void **) &pbstrElement); if (FAILED(hr)) { hr = E_FAIL; CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("::SafeArrayAccessData(psaGUIDs, &pbstrElement)"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); ::SafeArrayDestroy(psaGUIDs); return hr; }
// Put Methods GUIDs into the SafeArray
DWORD j=0;
for ( i=0 ; i<dwNum ; i++ ) { if (pMethods[i].Enabled) { pbstrElement[j] = ::SysAllocString(pMethods[i].Guid); if (pMethods[i].Guid && !pbstrElement[j]) { //
// Not Enough Memory
hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CALL_FAIL(MEM_ERR, _T("::SysAllocString(pMethods[i])"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); ::SafeArrayUnaccessData(psaGUIDs); ::SafeArrayDestroy(psaGUIDs); return hr; }
j++; } }
// Unaccess the SafeArray
hr = ::SafeArrayUnaccessData(psaGUIDs); if (FAILED(hr)) { CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("::SafeArrayUnaccessData(psaGUIDs)"), hr); }
// Put the SafeArray we created into the given Variant
VariantInit(pvUsedRoutingMethods); pvUsedRoutingMethods->vt = VT_BSTR | VT_ARRAY; pvUsedRoutingMethods->parray = psaGUIDs; return hr; };
//================= PUT DESCRIPTION ======================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxDevice::put_Description( /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrDescription ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxDevice::put_Description
Routine description:
Set Description
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
bstrDescription [in] - new Description
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER (_T("CFaxDevice::put_Description"), hr, _T("Value=%s"), bstrDescription);
m_bstrDescr = bstrDescription; if (!m_bstrDescr && bstrDescription) { //
// Not enough memory
hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, IDS_ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY, IID_IFaxDevice, hr); CALL_FAIL(MEM_ERR, _T("CComBSTR::operator="), hr); return hr; }
return hr; }
//================= PUT CSID ======================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxDevice::put_CSID ( /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrCSID ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxDevice::put_CSID
Routine description:
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
bstrCSID [in] - new TSID
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER (_T("CFaxDevice::put_CSID"), hr, _T("Value=%s"), bstrCSID);
if (SysStringLen(bstrCSID) > FXS_TSID_CSID_MAX_LENGTH) { //
// Out of the Range
hr = E_INVALIDARG; AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, IDS_ERROR_OUTOFRANGE, IID_IFaxDevice, hr); CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("TSID is too long"), hr); return hr; } m_bstrCSID = bstrCSID; if (!m_bstrCSID && bstrCSID) { //
// Not enough memory
hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, IDS_ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY, IID_IFaxDevice, hr); CALL_FAIL(MEM_ERR, _T("CComBSTR::operator="), hr); return hr; }
return hr; }
//================= PUT TSID ======================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxDevice::put_TSID ( /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrTSID ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxDevice::put_TSID
Routine description:
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
bstrTSID [in] - new TSID
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER (_T("CFaxDevice::put_TSID"), hr, _T("Value=%s"), bstrTSID);
if (SysStringLen(bstrTSID) > FXS_TSID_CSID_MAX_LENGTH) { //
// Out of the Range
hr = E_INVALIDARG; AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, IDS_ERROR_OUTOFRANGE, IID_IFaxDevice, hr); CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("TSID is too long"), hr); return hr; }
m_bstrTSID = bstrTSID; if (!m_bstrTSID && bstrTSID) { //
// Not enough memory
hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, IDS_ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY, IID_IFaxDevice, hr); CALL_FAIL(MEM_ERR, _T("CComBSTR::operator="), hr); return hr; }
return hr; }
//=============== PUT RECEIVE MODE =====================================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxDevice::put_ReceiveMode( /*[in]*/ FAX_DEVICE_RECEIVE_MODE_ENUM ReceiveMode ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxDevice::put_ReceiveMode
Routine description:
Set New Value of Receive Mode Attribute for Device Object.
Iv Garber (IvG), Aug, 2000
ReceiveMode [in] - the new value to set
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxDevice::put_ReceiveMode"), hr, _T("Value=%d"), ReceiveMode);
// Set receive mode
if ((ReceiveMode > fdrmMANUAL_ANSWER) || (ReceiveMode < fdrmNO_ANSWER)) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, IDS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, IID_IFaxDevice, hr); CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("ReceiveMode > fdrmMANUAL_ANSWER"), hr); return hr; } if (fdrmMANUAL_ANSWER == ReceiveMode) { //
// Check to see if the device is virtual
// Get Fax Server Handle
HANDLE faxHandle; hr = m_pIFaxServerInner->GetHandle(&faxHandle); ATLASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
if (faxHandle == NULL) { //
// Fax Server is not connected
hr = Fax_HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED); CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("faxHandle == NULL"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); return hr; }
BOOL bVirtual; DWORD dwRes = IsDeviceVirtual (faxHandle, m_lID, &bVirtual); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRes) { hr = Fax_HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwRes); CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("IsDeviceVirtual"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); return hr; } if (bVirtual) { //
// Virtual devices cannot be set to manual-answer mode
hr = Fax_HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("IsDeviceVirtual"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); return hr; } } m_ReceiveMode = FAX_ENUM_DEVICE_RECEIVE_MODE (ReceiveMode); return hr; }
//=============== PUT SEND ENABLED ==================================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxDevice::put_SendEnabled( /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL bSendEnabled ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxDevice::put_SendEnabled
Routine description:
Set New Value for Send Property for Device Object.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
bSendEnabled [in] - the new value to set
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxDevice::put_SendEnabled"), hr, _T("Value=%d"), bSendEnabled);
m_bSendEnabled = VARIANT_BOOL2bool(bSendEnabled); return hr; }
//=============== PUT RINGS BEFORE ANSWER ======================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxDevice::put_RingsBeforeAnswer( /*[in]*/ long lRings ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxDevice::put_RingsBeforeAnswer
Routine description:
Set New Value for the Rings Before Answer Property for Device Object
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
lRings [in] - the new value to set
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxDevice::put_RingsBeforeAnswer)"), hr, _T("Value=%d"), lRings);
if (lRings < FXS_RINGS_LOWER || lRings > FXS_RINGS_UPPER) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, IDS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, IID_IFaxDevice, hr); CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("lRings<0"), hr); return hr; } m_lRings = lRings; return hr; }; //
//===================== GET CSID ================================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxDevice::get_CSID( /*[out, retval]*/ BSTR *pbstrCSID ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxDevice::get_CSID
Routine description:
Return the Device's CSID.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
pbstrCSID [out] - the Ptr where to put the value
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxDevice::get_CSID"), hr);
hr = GetBstr(pbstrCSID, m_bstrCSID); if (FAILED(hr)) { AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); return hr; } return hr; }
//===================== GET TSID ================================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxDevice::get_TSID( /*[out, retval]*/ BSTR *pbstrTSID ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxDevice::get_TSID
Routine description:
Return the Device's TSID.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
pbstrTSID [out] - the Ptr where to put the value
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxDevice::get_TSID"), hr);
hr = GetBstr(pbstrTSID, m_bstrTSID); if (FAILED(hr)) { AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); return hr; } return hr; }
//===================== GET RECEIVE MODE =============================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxDevice::get_ReceiveMode( /*[out, retval]*/ FAX_DEVICE_RECEIVE_MODE_ENUM *pReceiveMode ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxDevice::get_ReceiveMode
Routine description:
Return the Device's Receive Mode Attribute.
Iv Garber (IvG), Aug, 2000
pReceiveMode [out] - the value
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxDevice::get_ReceiveMode"), hr);
if (::IsBadWritePtr(pReceiveMode, sizeof(FAX_DEVICE_RECEIVE_MODE_ENUM))) { hr = E_POINTER; CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("::IsBadWritePtr(pReceiveMode, sizeof(FAX_DEVICE_RECEIVE_MODE_ENUM))"), hr); return hr; }
*pReceiveMode = (FAX_DEVICE_RECEIVE_MODE_ENUM) m_ReceiveMode; return hr; };
//===================== GET SEND ENABLED ============================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxDevice::get_SendEnabled( /*[out, retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL *pbSendEnabled ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxDevice::get_SendEnabled
Routine description:
Return the Device's Send Attribute.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
pbSendEnabled [out] - the value
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxDevice::get_SendEnabled"), hr);
hr = GetVariantBool(pbSendEnabled, bool2VARIANT_BOOL(m_bSendEnabled)); if (FAILED(hr)) { AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); } return hr; };
//===================== GET DESCRIPTION ================================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxDevice::get_Description( /*[out, retval]*/ BSTR *pbstrDescription ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxDevice::get_Description
Routine description:
Return the Device's Description.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
pbstrDescription [out] - the Ptr where to put the value
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxDevice::get_Description"), hr);
hr = GetBstr(pbstrDescription, m_bstrDescr); if (FAILED(hr)) { AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); } return hr; }
//===================== GET POWERED OFF ================================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxDevice::get_PoweredOff( /*[out, retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL *pbPoweredOff ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxDevice::get_PoweredOff
Routine description:
Return the Device's Powered Off Attribute.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
pbPoweredOff [out] - the value
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxDevice::get_PoweredOff"), hr);
hr = GetVariantBool(pbPoweredOff, bool2VARIANT_BOOL(m_dwStatus & FAX_DEVICE_STATUS_POWERED_OFF)); if (FAILED(hr)) { AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); } return hr; };
//===================== GET PROVIDER UNIQUE NAME ================================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxDevice::get_ProviderUniqueName( /*[out, retval]*/ BSTR *pbstrProviderUniqueName ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxDevice::get_ProviderUniqueName
Routine description:
Return the Device Provider's Unique Name.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
pbstrProviderUniqueName [out] - the Ptr where to put the value
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxDevice::get_ProviderUniqueName"), hr);
hr = GetBstr(pbstrProviderUniqueName, m_bstrProviderUniqueName); if (FAILED(hr)) { AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); } return hr; }
//===================== GET DEVICE NAME ================================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxDevice::get_DeviceName( /*[out, retval]*/ BSTR *pbstrDeviceName ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxDevice::get_DeviceName
Routine description:
Return the Device's Name.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
pbstrDeviceName [out] - the Ptr where to put the value
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxDevice::get_DeviceName"), hr);
hr = GetBstr(pbstrDeviceName, m_bstrDeviceName); if (FAILED(hr)) { AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); } return hr; }
//===================== GET RINGS BEFORE ANSWER ================================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxDevice::get_RingsBeforeAnswer( /*[out, retval]*/ long *plRingsBeforeAnswer ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxDevice::get_RingsBeforeAnswer
Routine description:
Return the Device's Number of Rings Before the Answer.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
plRingsBeforeAnswer [out] - the Number of Device Rings
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxDevice::get_RingsBeforeAnswer"), hr);
hr = GetLong(plRingsBeforeAnswer, m_lRings); if (FAILED(hr)) { AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); } return hr; };
//===================== GET ID ================================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxDevice::get_Id( /*[out, retval]*/ long *plId ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxDevice::get_Id
Routine description:
Return the Device Id.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
plId [out] - the Device ID
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxDevice::get_Id"), hr);
hr = GetLong(plId, m_lID); if (FAILED(hr)) { AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxDevice, hr); } return hr; };
//========================= INIT ==============================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxDevice::Init( FAX_PORT_INFO_EX *pInfo, IFaxServerInner *pServer ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxDevice::Init
Routine description:
Initialize the Object with the given data.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
pInfo [in] - Ptr to the Device's Data. pServer [in] - Ptr to the Fax Server.
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxDevice::Init"), hr);
// Store different Device Fields
m_lID = pInfo->dwDeviceID; m_lRings = pInfo->dwRings; m_bSendEnabled = pInfo->bSend; m_ReceiveMode = pInfo->ReceiveMode; m_dwStatus = pInfo->dwStatus;
m_bstrDescr = pInfo->lptstrDescription; m_bstrProviderUniqueName = pInfo->lpctstrProviderGUID; m_bstrDeviceName = pInfo->lpctstrDeviceName; m_bstrTSID = pInfo->lptstrTsid; m_bstrCSID = pInfo->lptstrCsid; if ( (pInfo->lptstrDescription && !m_bstrDescr) || (pInfo->lpctstrProviderGUID && !m_bstrProviderUniqueName) || (pInfo->lptstrTsid && !m_bstrTSID) || (pInfo->lpctstrDeviceName && !m_bstrDeviceName) || (pInfo->lptstrCsid && !m_bstrCSID) ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CALL_FAIL(MEM_ERR, _T("CComBSTR::operator=()"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxDevice, IDS_ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY, IID_IFaxDevice, hr); return hr; }
if (pServer) { //
// Store Ptr to Fax Server Object
hr = CFaxInitInnerAddRef::Init(pServer); }
return hr; }
//========================= SUPPORT ERROR INFO ====================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxDevice::InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo( REFIID riid ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxDevice::InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo
Routine description:
ATL's implementation of Support Error Info.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
riid [in] - Reference to the Interface.
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { static const IID* arr[] = { &IID_IFaxDevice }; for (int i=0; i < sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]); i++) { if (InlineIsEqualGUID(*arr[i],riid)) return S_OK; } return S_FALSE; }