Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Common routines for fax driver user interface
Fax driver user interface
Revision History:
01/09/96 -davidx- Created it.
mm/dd/yy -author- description
#include "faxui.h"
#include "forms.h"
#include <delayimp.h>
CRITICAL_SECTION faxuiSemaphore; // Semaphore for protecting critical sections
HANDLE g_hModule; // DLL instance handle
HANDLE g_hResource; // Resource DLL instance handle
HANDLE g_hFxsApiModule = NULL; // FXSAPI.DLL instance handle
PDOCEVENTUSERMEM gDocEventUserMemList = NULL; // Global list of user mode memory structures
INT _debugLevel = 1; // for debuggping purposes
static BOOL gs_bfaxuiSemaphoreInit = FALSE; // Flag for faxuiSemaphore CS initialization
BOOL g_bSHFusionInitialized = FALSE; // Fusion initialized flag
CRITICAL_SECTION g_csInitializeDll; // DLL initialization critical sections
BOOL g_bInitDllCritSection = FALSE; // Critical sections initialization flag
BOOL g_bDllInitialied = FALSE; // TRUE if the DLL successfuly initialized
char g_szDelayLoadFxsApiName[64] = {0}; // Case sensitive name of FxsApi.dll for delay load mechanism
static HMODULE gs_hShlwapi = NULL; // Shlwapi.dll handle
// Blocks the re-entrancy of FxsWzrd.dll
// TRUE when there is running Fax Send Wizard instance
// FALSE otherwise
BOOL g_bRunningWizard = FALSE;
// Protects the g_bRunningWizard global variable from being accessed by multiple threads simultaneously
CRITICAL_SECTION g_csRunningWizard; BOOL g_bInitRunningWizardCS = FALSE;
PVOID PrMemAlloc( SIZE_T size ) { return (PVOID)LocalAlloc(LPTR, size); }
PVOID PrMemReAlloc( HLOCAL hMem, SIZE_T size ) { return (PVOID)LocalReAlloc(hMem, size, LMEM_ZEROINIT); }
VOID PrMemFree( PVOID ptr ) { if (ptr) { LocalFree((HLOCAL) ptr); } }
FARPROC WINAPI DelayLoadHandler(unsigned dliNotify,PDelayLoadInfo pdli) { switch (dliNotify) { case dliNotePreLoadLibrary: if (_strnicmp(pdli->szDll, FAX_API_MODULE_NAME_A, strlen(FAX_API_MODULE_NAME_A))==0) { //
// Save the sensitive name DLL name for later use
strncpy(g_szDelayLoadFxsApiName, pdli->szDll, ARR_SIZE(g_szDelayLoadFxsApiName)-1);
// trying to load FXSAPI.DLL
if(!g_hFxsApiModule) { Assert(FALSE); } return g_hFxsApiModule; } } return 0; }
PfnDliHook __pfnDliNotifyHook = DelayLoadHandler;
BOOL DllMain( HANDLE hModule, ULONG ulReason, PCONTEXT pContext )
Routine Description:
DLL initialization procedure.
hModule - DLL instance handle ulReason - Reason for the call pContext - Pointer to context (not used by us)
Return Value:
TRUE if DLL is initialized successfully, FALSE otherwise.
{ switch (ulReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: { DWORD dwVersion = GetVersion();
if(4 == (LOBYTE(LOWORD(dwVersion))) && 0 == (HIBYTE(LOWORD(dwVersion)))) { //
// The current OS is NT4
// Keep our driver UI dll always loaded in memory
// We need this for NT4 clients
TCHAR szDllName[MAX_PATH+1] = {0}; if (!GetModuleFileName(hModule, szDllName, ARR_SIZE(szDllName)-1)) { Error(("GetModuleFileName() failed with %d\n", GetLastError())); return FALSE; }
if(!LoadLibrary(szDllName)) { Error(("LoadLibrary() failed with %d\n", GetLastError())); return FALSE; } } // NT4
if (!InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount (&faxuiSemaphore, (DWORD)0x80000000)) { return FALSE; } gs_bfaxuiSemaphoreInit = TRUE; if (!InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount (&g_csInitializeDll, (DWORD)0x80000000)) { return FALSE; } g_bInitDllCritSection = TRUE; if (!InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&g_csRunningWizard, (DWORD)0x80000000)) { Error(("InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&g_csRunningWizard) failed with %d\n", GetLastError())); return FALSE; } g_bInitRunningWizardCS = TRUE;
g_hModule = hModule; g_hResource = GetResInstance(hModule); if(!g_hResource) { return FALSE; }
HeapInitialize( NULL, PrMemAlloc, PrMemFree, PrMemReAlloc ); DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hModule);
break; } case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH:
while (gDocEventUserMemList != NULL) { PDOCEVENTUSERMEM pDocEventUserMem;
pDocEventUserMem = gDocEventUserMemList; gDocEventUserMemList = gDocEventUserMemList->pNext; FreePDEVUserMem(pDocEventUserMem); }
if (gs_bfaxuiSemaphoreInit) { DeleteCriticalSection(&faxuiSemaphore); gs_bfaxuiSemaphoreInit = FALSE; }
if (g_bInitDllCritSection) { DeleteCriticalSection(&g_csInitializeDll); g_bInitDllCritSection = FALSE; }
if (g_bInitRunningWizardCS) { DeleteCriticalSection(&g_csRunningWizard); g_bInitRunningWizardCS = FALSE; }
HeapCleanup(); FreeResInstance(); break; }
return TRUE;
} // DllMain
if(!g_bInitDllCritSection) { Assert(FALSE); return FALSE; }
if(g_bDllInitialied) { //
// The DLL already initialized
goto exit; }
if (!InitCommonControlsEx(&CommonControlsEx)) { Verbose(("InitCommonControlsEx failed")); bRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
// Used by Delay Load mechanism
g_hFxsApiModule = LoadLibraryFromLocalFolder(FAX_API_MODULE_NAME, g_hModule); if(!g_hFxsApiModule) { bRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
if (IsWinXPOS()) { //
// We use fusion only for WinXP/.NET operating systems
// We also explictly link against shlwapi.dll for these operating systems.
if (!SHFusionInitializeFromModuleID(g_hModule, SXS_MANIFEST_RESOURCE_ID)) { Verbose(("SHFusionInitializeFromModuleID failed")); } else { g_bSHFusionInitialized = TRUE; }
gs_hShlwapi = LoadLibrary (TEXT("shlwapi.dll")); if (gs_hShlwapi) { g_pPathIsRelativeW = (PPATHISRELATIVEW)GetProcAddress (gs_hShlwapi, "PathIsRelativeW"); g_pPathMakePrettyW = (PPATHMAKEPRETTYW)GetProcAddress (gs_hShlwapi, "PathMakePrettyW"); g_pSHAutoComplete = (PSHAUTOCOMPLETE) GetProcAddress (gs_hShlwapi, "SHAutoComplete"); if (!g_pPathIsRelativeW || !g_pPathMakePrettyW || !g_pSHAutoComplete) { Verbose (("Failed to link with shlwapi.dll - %d", GetLastError())); } } else { Verbose (("Failed to load shlwapi.dll - %d", GetLastError())); } }
g_bDllInitialied = TRUE;
exit: LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csInitializeDll);
return bRet;
} // InitializeDll
VOID UnInitializeDll() { if(!g_bDllInitialied) { //
// The DLL is not initialized
return; }
if(g_hFxsApiModule) { //
// Explicitly Unloading a Delay-Loaded DLL
if(!__FUnloadDelayLoadedDLL2(g_szDelayLoadFxsApiName)) { //
// The DLL wasn't used by delay load
FreeLibrary(g_hFxsApiModule); } g_hFxsApiModule = NULL; }
if (IsWinXPOS()) { //
// We use fusion only for WinXP/.NET operating systems
// We also explictly link against shlwapi.dll for these operating systems.
ReleaseActivationContext(); if (g_bSHFusionInitialized) { SHFusionUninitialize(); g_bSHFusionInitialized = FALSE; } if (gs_hShlwapi) { FreeLibrary (gs_hShlwapi); gs_hShlwapi = NULL; g_pPathIsRelativeW = NULL; g_pPathMakePrettyW = NULL; g_pSHAutoComplete = NULL; } }
g_bDllInitialied = FALSE;
} // UnInitializeDll
LONG CallCompstui( HWND hwndOwner, PFNPROPSHEETUI pfnPropSheetUI, LPARAM lParam, PDWORD pResult )
Routine Description:
Calling common UI DLL entry point dynamically
hwndOwner, pfnPropSheetUI, lParam, pResult - Parameters passed to common UI DLL
Return Value:
Return value from common UI library
// Only need to call the ANSI version of LoadLibrary
static const CHAR szCompstui[] = "compstui.dll"; static const CHAR szCommonPropSheetUI[] = "CommonPropertySheetUIW";
if ((hInstCompstui = LoadLibraryA(szCompstui)) && (pProc = GetProcAddress(hInstCompstui, szCommonPropSheetUI))) { Result = (LONG)(*pProc)(hwndOwner, pfnPropSheetUI, lParam, pResult); }
if (hInstCompstui) FreeLibrary(hInstCompstui);
return Result; }
VOID GetCombinedDevmode( PDRVDEVMODE pdmOut, PDEVMODE pdmIn, HANDLE hPrinter, PPRINTER_INFO_2 pPrinterInfo2, BOOL publicOnly )
Routine Description:
Combine DEVMODE information: start with the driver default then merge with the system default //@ not done
then merge with the user default //@ not done
finally merge with the input devmode
//@ The end result of this merge operation is a dev mode with default values for all the public
//@ fields that are not specified or not valid. Input values for all the specified fields in the
//@ input dev mode that were specified and valid. And default (or per user in W2K) values for the private fields.
pdmOut - Pointer to the output devmode buffer pdmIn - Pointer to an input devmode hPrinter - Handle to a printer object pPrinterInfo2 - Point to a PRINTER_INFO_2 structure or NULL publicOnly - Only merge the public portion of the devmode
Return Value:
{ PPRINTER_INFO_2 pAlloced = NULL; PDEVMODE pdmUser;
// Get a PRINTER_INFO_2 structure if one is not provided
if (! pPrinterInfo2) pPrinterInfo2 = pAlloced = MyGetPrinter(hPrinter, 2);
// Start with driver default devmode
if (! publicOnly) {
//@ Generates the driver default dev mode by setting default values for the public fields
//@ and loading per user dev mode for the private fields (W2K only for NT4 it sets default
//@ values for the private fields too).
DriverDefaultDevmode(pdmOut, pPrinterInfo2 ? pPrinterInfo2->pPrinterName : NULL, hPrinter); }
// Merge with the system default devmode and user default devmode
if (pPrinterInfo2) {
#if 0
// Since we have per-user devmode and there is no way to
// change the printer's default devmode, there is no need
// to merge it here.
if (! MergeDevmode(pdmOut, pPrinterInfo2->pDevMode, publicOnly)) Error(("Invalid system default devmode\n"));
if (pdmUser = GetPerUserDevmode(pPrinterInfo2->pPrinterName)) {
if (! MergeDevmode(pdmOut, pdmUser, publicOnly)) Error(("Invalid user devmode\n"));
MemFree(pdmUser); } }
// Merge with the input devmode
//@ The merge process wil copy the private data as is.
//@ for public data it will only consider the fields which are of interest to the fax printer.
//@ it will copy them to the destination if they are specified and valid.
//@ The end result of this merge operation is a dev mode with default values for all the public
//@ fields that are not specified or not valid. Input values for all the specified fields in the
//@ input dev mode that were specified and valid. And default (or per user in W2K) values for the private fields.
if (! MergeDevmode(pdmOut, pdmIn, publicOnly)) Error(("Invalid input devmode\n")); }
PUIDATA FillUiData( HANDLE hPrinter, PDEVMODE pdmInput )
Routine Description:
Fill in the data structure used by the fax driver user interface
hPrinter - Handle to the printer pdmInput - Pointer to input devmode, NULL if there is none
Return Value:
Pointer to UIDATA structure, NULL if error.
{ PRINTER_INFO_2 *pPrinterInfo2 = NULL; PUIDATA pUiData = NULL; HANDLE hheap = NULL;
// Create a heap to manage memory
// Allocate memory to hold UIDATA structure
// Get printer info from the spooler
// Copy the driver name
if (! (hheap = HeapCreate(0, 4096, 0)) || ! (pUiData = HeapAlloc(hheap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(UIDATA))) || ! (pPrinterInfo2 = MyGetPrinter(hPrinter, 2))) { if (hheap) HeapDestroy(hheap);
MemFree(pPrinterInfo2); return NULL; }
pUiData->startSign = pUiData->endSign = pUiData; pUiData->hPrinter = hPrinter; pUiData->hheap = hheap;
// Combine various devmode information
GetCombinedDevmode(&pUiData->devmode, pdmInput, hPrinter, pPrinterInfo2, FALSE);
// Validate the form requested by the input devmode
if (! ValidDevmodeForm(hPrinter, &pUiData->devmode.dmPublic, NULL)) Error(("Invalid form specification\n"));
MemFree(pPrinterInfo2); return pUiData; }
Routine Description:
Implementation of DDI entry point DevQueryPrintEx. Even though we don't really need this entry point, we must export it so that the spooler will load our driver UI.
pDQPInfo - Points to a DEVQUERYPRINT_INFO structure
Return Value:
TRUE if there is no conflicts, FALSE otherwise
{ //
// Do not execute any code before this initialization
if(!InitializeDll()) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }