Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file provides declarations of the named extension data functions (get / set / notify)
Eran Yariv (EranY) Dec, 1999
Revision History:
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class CExtNotifyCallbackPacket { public: CExtNotifyCallbackPacket(); ~CExtNotifyCallbackPacket(); BOOL Init( PFAX_EXT_CONFIG_CHANGE pCallback, DWORD dwDeviceId, LPCWSTR lpcwstrDataGuid, LPBYTE lpbData, DWORD dwDataSize);
public: DWORD m_dwDeviceId; LPWSTR m_lpwstrGUID; LPBYTE m_lpbData; DWORD m_dwDataSize; PFAX_EXT_CONFIG_CHANGE m_pCallback ;
* * * CMapDeviceId * * * ************************************/
class CMapDeviceId { public: CMapDeviceId () {} ~CMapDeviceId () {}
DWORD AddDevice (DWORD dwTAPIid, DWORD dwFaxId); DWORD RemoveDevice (DWORD dwTAPIid);
DWORD LookupUniqueId (DWORD dwOtherId, LPDWORD lpdwFaxId) const;
DEVICE_IDS_MAP m_Map; }; // CMapDeviceId
* * * CDeviceAndGUID * * * ************************************/ //
// CDeviceAndGUID class
// This class represents the key in the notification map
class CDeviceAndGUID { public: CDeviceAndGUID (DWORD dwDeviceId, LPCWSTR lpcwstrGUID) : m_dwDeviceId (dwDeviceId), m_strGUID (lpcwstrGUID) {}
virtual ~CDeviceAndGUID () {}
bool operator < ( const CDeviceAndGUID &other ) const;
wstring m_strGUID; DWORD m_dwDeviceId; }; // CDeviceAndGUID
* * * CNotificationSink * * * ************************************/
// CNotificationSink class
// This generic abstract class represents a notification sink.
// The value in the map is a list of pointer to instances derived from this class.
class CNotificationSink { public: CNotificationSink () : m_type (SINK_TYPE_UNKNOWN) {}
virtual ~CNotificationSink() {} virtual HRESULT Notify (DWORD dwDeviceId, LPCWSTR lpcwstrNameGUID, LPCWSTR lpcwstrComputerName, HANDLE hModule, LPBYTE lpData, DWORD dwDataSize, LPBOOL lpbRemove) = 0;
virtual bool operator == (const CNotificationSink &rhs) const = 0;
virtual bool operator != (const CNotificationSink &rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
virtual HRESULT Disconnect () = 0;
typedef enum { SINK_TYPE_UNKNOWN, // Unspecified sink type
SINK_TYPE_LOCAL, // Local sink (callback)
SINK_TYPE_REMOTE // Remote sink (RPC)
} SinkType;
SinkType Type() const { return m_type; }
SinkType m_type;
}; // CNotificationSink
* * * CLocalNotificationSink * * * ************************************/
// CLocalNotificationSink class
// This is a concrete class derived from CNotificationSink.
// It implementes a notification local sink in a Fax extension (via a callback).
class CLocalNotificationSink : public CNotificationSink { public: CLocalNotificationSink ( PFAX_EXT_CONFIG_CHANGE lpConfigChangeCallback, DWORD dwNotifyDeviceId, HINSTANCE hInst);
virtual ~CLocalNotificationSink() {}
virtual bool operator == (const CNotificationSink &rhs) const;
virtual HRESULT Disconnect () { return NOERROR; }
virtual HRESULT Notify (DWORD dwDeviceId, LPCWSTR lpcwstrNameGUID, LPCWSTR lpcwstrComputerName, HANDLE hModule, LPBYTE lpData, DWORD dwDataSize, LPBOOL lpbRemove); private:
PFAX_EXT_CONFIG_CHANGE m_lpConfigChangeCallback; DWORD m_dwNotifyDeviceId; HINSTANCE m_hInst; // Instance of extension that asks for this sink
}; // CLocalNotificationSink
* * * CSinksList * * * ************************************/ typedef list<CNotificationSink *> SINKS_LIST, *PSINKS_LIST;
class CSinksList { public: CSinksList () : m_bNotifying (FALSE) {} ~CSinksList (); BOOL m_bNotifying; // Are we now already notifying to this device id + GUID?
SINKS_LIST m_List; // List of notification sinks
}; // CSinksList
#define NUM_EXT_DATA_SET_THREADS 1 /* The number of extension
notification completion port dequeueing threads created */ #define MAX_CONCURRENT_EXT_DATA_SET_THREADS 1 /* The maximal number of extension
notification completion port dequeueing threads allowed (by the system) to run concurrently. */
* * * CNotificationMap * * * ************************************/
typedef map<CDeviceAndGUID, CSinksList*> NOTIFY_MAP, *PNOTIFY_MAP;
// The CNotificationMap class is the global notification mechanism
class CNotificationMap { public: CNotificationMap () : m_bNotifying (FALSE), m_hCompletionPort(NULL) {}
virtual ~CNotificationMap ();
void Notify (DWORD dwDeviceId, LPCWSTR lpcwstrNameGUID, LPCWSTR lpcwstrComputerName, HANDLE hModule, LPBYTE lpData, DWORD dwDataSize);
CNotificationSink * AddLocalSink ( HINSTANCE hInst, DWORD dwDeviceId, DWORD dwNotifyDeviceId, LPCWSTR lpcwstrNameGUID, PFAX_EXT_CONFIG_CHANGE lpConfigChangeCallback);
DWORD RemoveSink (CNotificationSink *pSinkToRemove);
DWORD Init ();
HANDLE m_hCompletionPort; CFaxCriticalSection m_CsExtensionData; // Protects all extension data use
private: NOTIFY_MAP m_Map; BOOL m_bNotifying; // Are we notifying someone now?
static DWORD ExtNotificationThread(LPVOID UnUsed); // Extension Notification Thread function
}; // CNotificationMap
* * * Externs * * * ************************************/
extern CNotificationMap* g_pNotificationMap; // Map of DeviceId+GUID to list of notification sinks
extern CMapDeviceId* g_pTAPIDevicesIdsMap; // Map between TAPI permanent line id and fax unique device id.
#endif // _EXTENSION_DATA_H_