This code module handles T4 conversion instances.
DATE NAME COMMENTS 12-Apr-93 RajeevD Adapted to C++ from WFW. 20-Apr-93 RajeevD Overhauled buffer handling. ==============================================================================*/ #include <ifaxos.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <faxcodec.h>
#include "context.hpp"
#define RTC_EOL 5
typedef short FAR *LPSHORT;
#pragma warning(disable:4704)
#ifdef WIN32
UINT // size of change vector (0 if invalid)
ValidChangeVector ( LPSHORT lpsChange, // change vector buffer
SHORT xExt // pixel width of line
) { SHORT sPrev = -1;
SHORT cChange = xExt;
while (cChange--) { // Check monotonicity.
if (*lpsChange <= sPrev) return 0; sPrev = *lpsChange++;
if (sPrev == xExt) { // Check EOL termination.
if ( *lpsChange++ == xExt && *lpsChange++ == xExt && *lpsChange++ == xExt && *lpsChange++ == -1 && *lpsChange++ == -1 ) return sizeof(WORD) * (xExt - cChange) ; else return 0; } } // while (cChange--)
return 0; // Hit end of change vector buffer.
#else // ifndef WIN32
UINT // size of change vector (0 if invalid)
ValidChangeVector ( LPSHORT lpsChange, // change vector buffer
SHORT xExt // pixel width of line
) { UINT uRet;
_asm { push ds push si
lds si, DWORD PTR [lpsChange] ; lpsChange mov dx, -1 ; sPrev mov cx, xExt ; cChange mov bx, cx ; xExt jmp enterloop
fooie: lodsw cmp ax, dx jle error ; need SIGNED compare mov dx, ax cmp dx, bx je goteol enterloop: loop fooie error: xor ax, ax jmp done
goteol: lodsw cmp ax, bx ; bx == xExt jne error lodsw cmp ax, bx jne error lodsw cmp ax, bx jne error
xor bx, bx not bx ; bx == -1 lodsw cmp ax, bx jne error lodsw cmp ax, bx jne error
// uRet = sizeof(WORD) * (xExt - cChange) ;
mov ax, xExt sub ax, cx inc ax shl ax, 1 done: pop si pop ds mov uRet, ax } return uRet; }
#endif // WIN32
void CODEC::ResetBad (void) { DEBUGMSG (1,("FAXCODEC: decoded %d bad line(s)\r\n", wBad)); if (fcCount.cMaxRunBad < wBad) fcCount.cMaxRunBad = wBad; wBad = 0; }
void CODEC::SwapChange (void) { LPBYTE lpbTemp; lpbTemp = lpbChange; lpbChange = lpbRef; lpbRef = lpbTemp; }
void CODEC::EndLine (void) { if (f2D) { // Reset consumer and producer.
t4C.lpbRef = lpbRef; t4C.lpbBegRef = lpbRef; t4P.lpbRef = lpbRef; t4P.lpbBegRef = lpbRef;
// Increment K Factor
t4P.iKFactor++; if (t4P.iKFactor == nKFactor) t4P.iKFactor = 0; }
// Clear change vector buffer (debug only).
DEBUGSTMT (_fmemset (lpbChange, 0xCD, sizeof(WORD) * xExt + CHANGE_SLACK));
// Reset consumer.
t4C.wColumn = 0; t4C.wColor = 0; t4C.lpbOut = lpbChange; t4C.wOffset = LOWORD(lpbChange); t4C.wToggle = 0;
// Reset producer.
t4P.wColumn = 0; t4P.wColor = 0; t4P.lpbIn = lpbChange; }
void CODEC::StartPage (void) { if (wBad) ResetBad(); cSpurious = 0; EndLine ();
// Reset consumer.
t4C.wWord = 0; t4C.wBit = 0; t4C.wRet = RET_BEG_OF_PAGE;
// Reset producer.
t4P.wWord = 0; t4P.wBit = 0; t4P.wRet = RET_BEG_OF_PAGE;
// Blank buffered output line.
_fmemset (lpbLine, 0, cbLine);
if (f2D) { // Blank reference vector.
LPWORD lpwRef = (LPWORD) lpbRef;
*lpwRef++ = (WORD)xExt; *lpwRef++ = (WORD)xExt; *lpwRef++ = (WORD)xExt; *lpwRef++ = (WORD)xExt; *lpwRef++ = 0xFFFF; *lpwRef++ = 0xFFFF;
t4C.wMode = 0; t4P.wMode = 0; t4P.iKFactor = 0; } }
void CODEC::EndPage (LPBUFFER lpbufOut) { // Flush last byte and end-of-block code.
switch (nTypeOut) { case LRAW_DATA: case NULL_DATA: return; case MH_DATA: case MR_DATA: #ifndef WIN32
return; #endif
case MMR_DATA: { LPBYTE lpbBeg = lpbufOut->EndData(); t4P.lpbOut = lpbBeg; t4P.cbOut = (WORD)(lpbufOut->EndBuf() - t4P.lpbOut); t4P.wRet = RET_END_OF_PAGE; Producer (&t4P); lpbufOut->wLengthData += (WORD)(t4P.lpbOut - lpbBeg); return; } default: DEBUGCHK (FALSE); } }
This method initializes a CODEC context. ==============================================================================*/ void CODEC::Init (LPFC_PARAM lpParam, BOOL f2DInit) { DEBUGMSG (1, ("FAXCODEC: nTypeIn = %lx\n\r", lpParam->nTypeIn)); DEBUGMSG (1, ("FAXCODEC: nTypeOut = %lx\n\r", lpParam->nTypeOut)); DEBUGMSG (1, ("FAXCODEC: cbLine = %d\n\r", lpParam->cbLine)); DEBUGMSG (1, ("FAXCODEC: nKFactor = %d\n\r", lpParam->nKFactor)); // Initialize constants.
_fmemcpy (this, lpParam, sizeof(FC_PARAM)); xExt = 8 * cbLine; f2D = f2DInit;
switch (nTypeIn) // Determine the consumer.
{ case LRAW_DATA: Consumer = RawToChange; break; case MH_DATA: Consumer = MHToChange; break; case MR_DATA: Consumer = MRToChange; break; case MMR_DATA: Consumer = MMRToChange; break; default: DEBUGCHK (FALSE); } switch (nTypeOut) // Determine the producer.
{ case NULL_DATA: Producer = NULL; break; case LRAW_DATA: Producer = ChangeToRaw; break; case MH_DATA: Producer = ChangeToMH; break; case MR_DATA: Producer = ChangeToMR; break; case MMR_DATA: Producer = ChangeToMMR; break; default: DEBUGCHK (FALSE); }
// Initialize memory buffers.
lpbLine = (LPBYTE) (this + 1); lpbChange = lpbLine + cbLine + RAWBUF_SLACK; lpbRef = lpbChange; if (f2D) lpbRef += xExt * sizeof(USHORT) + CHANGE_SLACK; // Initialize consumer state.
t4C.cbSlack = CHANGE_SLACK; t4C.cbLine = (WORD)cbLine; t4C.nType = nTypeIn; // Initialize producer state.
t4P.cbSlack = OUTBUF_SLACK; t4P.cbLine = (WORD)cbLine; t4P.nType = nTypeOut; // Initialize error counts.
_fmemset (&fcCount, 0, sizeof(fcCount)); wBad = 0; // Reset for beginning of page.
StartPage(); }
This method executes a CODEC conversion. ==============================================================================*/ FC_STATUS CODEC::Convert (LPBUFFER lpbufIn, LPBUFFER lpbufOut) { FC_STATUS ret;
// A null input buffer is flag for end of page.
if (!lpbufIn || lpbufIn->dwMetaData == END_OF_PAGE) { DEBUGMSG (1,("FAXCODEC: got EOP\r\n")); EndPage (lpbufOut); StartPage (); return FC_INPUT_EMPTY; }
// Ignore input after RTC but before end of page.
if (cSpurious == RTC_EOL) { DEBUGMSG (1,("FAXCODEC: ignoring input after RTC or EOFB\r\n")); return FC_INPUT_EMPTY; } #ifndef WIN32
if (t4C.wRet == RET_BEG_OF_PAGE) { if (nTypeOut == MH_DATA || nTypeOut == MR_DATA) { // Start page with EOL.
if (lpbufOut->EndBuf() - lpbufOut->EndData() < OUTBUF_SLACK) return FC_OUTPUT_FULL; *((LPWORD) lpbufOut->EndData()) = 0x8000; lpbufOut->wLengthData += 2; } } #endif // WIN32
// Initialize input buffer of consumer.
t4C.lpbIn = lpbufIn->lpbBegData; t4C.cbIn = lpbufIn->wLengthData;
// Dispatch to 2 or 3 phase conversion.
if (nTypeOut == LRAW_DATA || nTypeOut == NULL_DATA) ret = ConvertToRaw (lpbufIn, lpbufOut); else ret = ConvertToT4 (lpbufIn, lpbufOut);
// Adjust input buffer header.
lpbufIn->lpbBegData = t4C.lpbIn; lpbufIn->wLengthData = t4C.cbIn;
return ret; }
FC_STATUS CODEC::ConvertToRaw (LPBUFFER lpbufIn, LPBUFFER lpbufOut) { LPBYTE lpbOut = lpbufOut->EndData(); UINT cbOut = (UINT)(lpbufOut->EndBuf() - lpbOut);
if (t4P.wRet == RET_OUTPUT_FULL) goto copy_phase;
while (1) { Consumer (&t4C); // generate change vector
switch (t4C.wRet) { case RET_INPUT_EMPTY1: case RET_INPUT_EMPTY2: return FC_INPUT_EMPTY;
case RET_SPURIOUS_EOL: if (++cSpurious == RTC_EOL) return FC_INPUT_EMPTY; EndLine(); continue;
case RET_DECODE_ERR: break; // handle it later
case RET_END_OF_PAGE: if (wBad) ResetBad(); cSpurious = RTC_EOL; return FC_INPUT_EMPTY; case RET_END_OF_LINE: t4P.cbIn = (USHORT)ValidChangeVector ((LPSHORT) lpbChange, (SHORT)xExt); if (!t4P.cbIn) t4C.wRet = RET_DECODE_ERR; // consumer lied!
else { // Adjust counters.
fcCount.cTotalGood++; if (wBad) ResetBad(); cSpurious = 0; } break; default: DEBUGCHK (FALSE); }
// Handle decode errors.
if (t4C.wRet == RET_DECODE_ERR) { if (nTypeIn == MMR_DATA) return FC_DECODE_ERR; wBad++; fcCount.cTotalBad++;
#ifdef DEBUG
_fmemset (lpbLine, 0xFF, cbLine); // emit black line
if (f2D) { // Replicate change vector.
t4P.cbIn = (WORD)ValidChangeVector ((LPSHORT) lpbRef, (WORD)xExt); DEBUGCHK (t4P.cbIn); _fmemcpy (lpbChange, lpbRef, t4P.cbIn + CHANGE_SLACK); } if (nTypeOut == NULL_DATA) goto EOL;
if (!f2D) goto copy_phase; }
// Optimize validation.
if (nTypeOut == NULL_DATA) goto EOL;
// Run the producer.
t4P.lpbOut = lpbLine; t4P.cbOut = (WORD)cbLine; ChangeToRaw (&t4P);
if (cbOut < cbLine) { t4P.wRet = RET_OUTPUT_FULL; return FC_OUTPUT_FULL; }
// Append buffered line to output.
t4P.wRet = RET_END_OF_LINE; _fmemcpy (lpbOut, lpbLine, cbLine); lpbufOut->wLengthData += (WORD)cbLine; lpbOut += cbLine; cbOut -= cbLine;
EOL: SwapChange (); EndLine ();
} // while (1)
// C8 thinks we can get here, but I know better.
FC_STATUS CODEC::ConvertToT4 (LPBUFFER lpbufIn, LPBUFFER lpbufOut) { LPBYTE lpbBegOut; t4P.lpbOut = lpbufOut->EndData(); t4P.cbOut = (WORD)(lpbufOut->EndBuf() - t4P.lpbOut);
if (t4P.wRet == RET_OUTPUT_FULL) goto producer_phase;
while (1) // Loop until input is empty or output is full.
{ Consumer (&t4C);
switch (t4C.wRet) { case RET_INPUT_EMPTY1: case RET_INPUT_EMPTY2: return FC_INPUT_EMPTY;
case RET_SPURIOUS_EOL: if (++cSpurious == RTC_EOL) return FC_INPUT_EMPTY; EndLine(); continue;
case RET_DECODE_ERR: break; // handle it later
case RET_END_OF_PAGE: if (wBad) ResetBad(); cSpurious = RTC_EOL; return FC_INPUT_EMPTY; case RET_END_OF_LINE: t4P.cbIn = (WORD)ValidChangeVector ((LPSHORT) lpbChange, (WORD)xExt); if (!t4P.cbIn) t4C.wRet = RET_DECODE_ERR; // consumer lied!
else { // Adjust counters.
fcCount.cTotalGood++; if (wBad) ResetBad(); cSpurious = 0; } break; default: DEBUGCHK (FALSE); }
if (t4C.wRet == RET_DECODE_ERR) { DEBUGCHK (f2D && nTypeIn != LRAW_DATA); if (nTypeIn == MMR_DATA) return FC_DECODE_ERR; wBad++; fcCount.cTotalBad++;
#ifdef DEBUG
{ // Substitute all black line.
LPWORD lpwChange = (LPWORD) lpbChange; *lpwChange++ = 0; *lpwChange++ = xExt; *lpwChange++ = xExt; *lpwChange++ = xExt; *lpwChange++ = xExt; *lpwChange++ = 0xFFFF; *lpwChange++ = 0xFFFF; t4P.cbIn = 4; } #else
// Replicate previous line
t4P.cbIn = (WORD)ValidChangeVector ((LPSHORT) lpbRef, (WORD)xExt); DEBUGCHK (t4P.cbIn); _fmemcpy (lpbChange, lpbRef, t4P.cbIn + CHANGE_SLACK); #endif
lpbBegOut = t4P.lpbOut; Producer (&t4P); lpbufOut->wLengthData += (WORD)(t4P.lpbOut - lpbBegOut);
// Check if output is full.
if (t4P.wRet == RET_OUTPUT_FULL) return FC_OUTPUT_FULL;
// EOL:
SwapChange(); EndLine (); } // while (1)
// C8 thinks we can get here, but I know better.