These routines are wrappers for the display driver BitBlt interface.
05-30-93 RajeevD Created. 02-15-94 RajeevD Integrated into unified resource executor. ==============================================================================*/
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include "constant.h"
#include "frame.h" // driver header file, resource block format
#include "jtypes.h" // type definition used in cartridge
#include "jres.h" // cartridge resource data type definition
#include "hretype.h"
#include "hreext.h"
#include "ddbitblt.h"
USHORT usBrushWidth; // just a dummy
BOOL OpenBlt (LPRESTATE lpRE, UINT yBrush) { LPDD_BITMAP lpbmPat; LPBITMAP lpbmBand; // Initialize source.
lpRE->bmSrc.bmPlanes = 1; lpRE->bmSrc.bmBitsPixel = 1; // Initialize destination.
lpbmBand = lpRE->lpBandBuffer; lpRE->bmDst.bmPlanes = 1; lpRE->bmDst.bmBitsPixel = 1; lpRE->bmDst.bmWidth = lpbmBand->bmWidth; lpRE->bmDst.bmHeight = lpbmBand->bmHeight; lpRE->bmDst.bmWidthBytes = lpbmBand->bmWidthBytes; lpRE->bmDst.bmWidthPlanes = lpRE->bmDst.bmWidthBytes * lpRE->bmDst.bmHeight; lpRE->bmDst.bmBits = lpbmBand->bmBits;
// Initialize DRAWMODE.
ddColorInfo (&lpRE->bmDst, 0xFFFFFF, &lpRE->DrawMode.dwbgColor); ddColorInfo (&lpRE->bmDst, 0x000000, &lpRE->DrawMode.dwfgColor); lpRE->DrawMode.bkMode = 1; // transparent
// Initialize LOGBRUSH.
lpRE->lb.lbStyle = BS_PATTERN; lpRE->lb.lbHatch = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(DD_BITMAP)); if (!lpRE->lb.lbHatch) return FALSE; lpbmPat = (LPDD_BITMAP) GlobalLock (lpRE->lb.lbHatch);
// Set brush origin.
lpRE->wPoint[0] = 0; lpRE->wPoint[1] = yBrush; // Initialize pattern bitmap.
lpbmPat->bmPlanes = 1; lpbmPat->bmBitsPixel = 1; lpbmPat->bmWidth = 32; lpbmPat->bmHeight = 32; lpbmPat->bmWidthBytes = 4; lpbmPat->bmWidthPlanes = 128; lpbmPat->bmBits = lpRE->TiledPat; GlobalUnlock (lpRE->lb.lbHatch);
// Set physical brush.
lpRE->lpBrush = NULL;
return TRUE; }
void CloseBlt (LPRESTATE lpRE) { GlobalFree (lpRE->lb.lbHatch); if (lpRE->lpBrush) GlobalFreePtr (lpRE->lpBrush); }
BOOL SetBrush (LPRESTATE lpRE) { LPDD_BITMAP lpbmPat = (LPDD_BITMAP) GlobalLock (lpRE->lb.lbHatch); UINT cbBrush; // Delete previous brush, if any.
if (lpRE->lpBrush) { ddRealize (&lpRE->bmDst, -OBJ_BRUSH, &lpRE->lb, lpRE->lpBrush, lpRE->wPoint); GlobalFreePtr (lpRE->lpBrush); }
// Realize new physical brush.
lpbmPat->bmBits = lpRE->lpCurBrush; cbBrush = ddRealize (&lpRE->bmDst, OBJ_BRUSH, &lpRE->lb, NULL, lpRE->wPoint); lpRE->lpBrush = GlobalAllocPtr (GMEM_FIXED, cbBrush); ddRealize (&lpRE->bmDst, OBJ_BRUSH, &lpRE->lb, lpRE->lpBrush, lpRE->wPoint);
GlobalUnlock (lpRE->lb.lbHatch); return TRUE; }
// Clipping to top and bottom of band is performed, but
// ideally should be handled by caller as needed.
short yDst, // Top row of destination.
short xDst, // Left column of destination.
WORD clLine, // Longs per scan line
WORD yExt, // Height in pixels
WORD xExt, // Width in pixels
LPDWORD lpSrc, // Far pointer to source
LPDWORD lpPat, // Far pointer to pattern
DWORD dwRop // Raster operation
) { LPBITMAP lpbmBand; WORD ySrc; // Record parameters.
lpRE->bmSrc.bmWidth = xExt + xSrc; lpRE->bmSrc.bmHeight = yExt; lpRE->bmSrc.bmWidthBytes = 4 * clLine; lpRE->bmSrc.bmWidthPlanes = lpRE->bmSrc.bmWidthBytes * lpRE->bmSrc.bmHeight; lpRE->bmSrc.bmBits = lpSrc; // Clip to top of band.
if (yDst >= 0) ySrc = 0; else { ySrc = -yDst; yExt -= ySrc; yDst = 0; }
// Clip to bottom of band.
lpbmBand = lpRE->lpBandBuffer; if (yExt > (WORD) lpbmBand->bmHeight - yDst) yExt = lpbmBand->bmHeight - yDst;
ddBitBlt ( &lpRE->bmDst, xDst, yDst, &lpRE->bmSrc, xSrc, ySrc, xExt, yExt, lpRE->dwRop, lpRE->lpBrush, &lpRE->DrawMode );
return 0; }