Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file handles the DrvUpgradePrinter spooler API
Win32 subsystem, DriverUI module, user mode
Revision History:
02/13/97 -davidx- Implement OEM plugin support.
02/06/97 -davidx- Rewrote it to use common data management functions.
07/17/96 -amandan- Created it.
#include "precomp.h"
// Forward and external function declarations
BOOL BInitOrUpgradePrinterProperties(PCOMMONINFO); BOOL BUpgradeFormTrayTable(PCOMMONINFO); VOID VUpgradeDefaultDevmode(PCOMMONINFO);
#if defined(UNIDRV) && !defined(WINNT_40)
BOOL BUpgradeSoftFonts( PCOMMONINFO pci, PDRIVER_UPGRADE_INFO_2 pUpgradeInfo); #endif //defined(UNIDRV) && !defined(WINNT_40)
BOOL DrvUpgradePrinter( DWORD dwLevel, LPBYTE pDriverUpgradeInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function is called by the spooler everytime a new driver is copied to the system. This function checks for appropriate registry keys in the registry. If the new registry keys are not present, it will set the new keys with default values. This function will handle the upgrading of information in the registry to the new driver format.
dwLevel - version info for DRIVER_UPGRADE_INFO pDriverUpgradeInfo - pointer to DRIVER_UPGRADE_INFO_1
Return Value:
TRUE for success and FALSE for failure
{ PDRIVER_UPGRADE_INFO_1 pUpgradeInfo1 = (PDRIVER_UPGRADE_INFO_1) pDriverUpgradeInfo; PCOMMONINFO pci; BOOL bResult = TRUE; DWORD dwSize, dwType = REG_SZ; PFN_OEMUpgradePrinter pfnOEMUpgradePrinter; PFN_OEMUpgradeRegistry pfnOEMUpgradeRegistry;
// Verify the validity of input parameters
if (pDriverUpgradeInfo == NULL) { ERR(("Invalid DrvUpgradePrinter parameters.\n")); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
#if defined(WINNT_40)
if (dwLevel != 1 ) { ERR(("DrvUpgradePrinter...dwLevel != 1\n")); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } #else // NT 5.0
if (dwLevel != 1 && dwLevel != 2) { WARNING(("Level is neither 1 nor 2.\n")); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } #endif // defined(WINNT_40)
// Open the printer with administrator access
// and load basic printer information
if (pci == NULL) { ERR(("DrvUpgradePrinter..pci==NULL.\n")); return FALSE; }
// Update printer properties information
(VOID) BInitOrUpgradePrinterProperties(pci); (VOID) BUpgradeFormTrayTable(pci);
#ifndef WINNT_40
#endif // !WINNT_40
#if defined(UNIDRV) && !defined(WINNT_40)
// NT 5.0 UniDriver specific upgrade steps
// Make sure that the DRIVER_UPGRADE_INFO's level is 2.
if (dwLevel == 2) { BUpgradeSoftFonts(pci, (PDRIVER_UPGRADE_INFO_2)pUpgradeInfo1); }
#endif //defined(UNIDRV) && !defined(WINNT_40)
// call OEMUpgradePrinter entrypoint for each plugin
if (HAS_COM_INTERFACE(pOemEntry)) { //
// If the OEM does not implement upgradeprinter, then they
// cannot support upgraderegistry since you can only upgrade
// registry if you support upgradeprinter.
hr = HComOEMUpgradePrinter(pOemEntry, dwLevel, pDriverUpgradeInfo) ;
if (hr == E_NOTIMPL) continue;
bResult = SUCCEEDED(hr);
} else {
if ((pfnOEMUpgradePrinter = GET_OEM_ENTRYPOINT(pOemEntry, OEMUpgradePrinter)) && !pfnOEMUpgradePrinter(dwLevel, pDriverUpgradeInfo)) { ERR(("OEMUpgradePrinter failed for '%ws': %d\n", CURRENT_OEM_MODULE_NAME(pOemEntry), GetLastError()));
bResult = FALSE; }
if ((pfnOEMUpgradeRegistry = GET_OEM_ENTRYPOINT(pOemEntry, OEMUpgradeRegistry)) && !pfnOEMUpgradeRegistry(dwLevel, pDriverUpgradeInfo, BUpgradeRegistrySettingForOEM)) { ERR(("OEMUpgradeRegistry failed for '%ws': %d\n", CURRENT_OEM_MODULE_NAME(pOemEntry), GetLastError()));
bResult = FALSE; }
VFreeCommonInfo(pci); return bResult; }
BOOL BUpgradeFormTrayTable( PCOMMONINFO pci )
Routine Description:
Upgrade the form-to-tray assignment table in the registry
pci - Points to basic printer information
Return Value:
TRUE if upgrade is successful, FALSE otherwise
{ PWSTR pFormTrayTable; DWORD dwSize; BOOL bResult;
// Get a copy of the current form-to-tray assignment table.
// If new format data is not present but old format data is,
// this will call the appropriate library function to convert
// old format data to new format.
pFormTrayTable = PGetFormTrayTable(pci->hPrinter, &dwSize);
if (pFormTrayTable == NULL) return TRUE;
// Save the form-to-tray assignment table back to registry
bResult = BSaveFormTrayTable(pci->hPrinter, pFormTrayTable, dwSize); MemFree(pFormTrayTable);
return bResult; }
VOID VUpgradeDefaultDevmode( PCOMMONINFO pci )
Routine Description:
Upgrade the default printer devmode, if necessary
pci - Points to basic printer information
Return Value:
{ PPRINTER_INFO_2 pPrinterInfo2; PDEVMODE pdm;
if ((pPrinterInfo2 = MyGetPrinter(pci->hPrinter, 2)) && (pdm = pPrinterInfo2->pDevMode) && BFillCommonInfoDevmode(pci, pdm, NULL) && (pci->pdm->dmSpecVersion != pdm->dmSpecVersion || pci->pdm->dmDriverVersion != pdm->dmDriverVersion || pci->pdm->dmSize != pdm->dmSize || pci->pdm->dmDriverExtra != pdm->dmDriverExtra)) { pPrinterInfo2->pDevMode = pci->pdm; SetPrinter(pci->hPrinter, 2, (PBYTE) pPrinterInfo2, 0); }
MemFree(pPrinterInfo2); }