// Functions of controlling printer
#include "PDEV.H"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "PRNCTL.H"
#include "strsafe.h" // Security-Code 2002.3.6
// Replacement of strsafe-api 2002.3.6 >>>
//#ifdef wsprintf
//#undef wsprintf
//#endif // wsprintf
//#define wsprintf sprintf
// Replacement of strsafe-api 2002.3.6 <<<
// Data define
// Type of pressing raster image
#define RASTER_COMP 0 // Press
#define RASTER_NONCOMP 1 // Not press
#define RASTER_EMPTY 2 // Empty
// Buffer for setting command
static BYTE CmdBuf[1 * 1024]; // 1KB
// Structure for setting command
typedef const struct { WORD Size; // Command size
LPBYTE Cmd; // Command buffer
// Command define
// Change mode
static CMDDEF ModOrgIn = { 4, "\x1b""z""\xd0\x01"}; // ESC/Page -> original
static CMDDEF ModOrgOut = { 4, "\x1b""z""\x00\x01"}; // original -> ESC/Page
// Setting overwrite
static CMDDEF CfgWrtMod = { 6, "\x1d""%uowE"}; // Setting overwrite
// Setting spool positon
static CMDDEF PosAbsHrz = { 4, "\x1d""%dX"}; // Horizontal
static CMDDEF PosAbsVtc = { 4, "\x1d""%dY"}; // Vertical
// Spool bitmap data
static CMDDEF ImgDrw = {16, "\x1d""%u;%u;%u;%dbi{I"}; // Spool bit image
static CMDDEF ImgRasStr = {15, "\x1d""%u;%u;%u;%dbrI"}; // Start spool raster image
static CMDDEF ImgRasEnd = { 4, "\x1d""erI"}; // End spool raster image
static CMDDEF ImgRasDrw = { 6, "\x1d""%ur{I"}; // Spool raster image
static CMDDEF ImgRasNon = { 6, "\x1d""%uu{I"}; // Spool raster image(Not press)
static CMDDEF ImgRasEpy = { 5, "\x1d""%ueI"}; // Spool empty raster image
// CASIO original
static CMDDEF OrgColCmy = {15, "Cc,%u,%u,%u,%u*"}; // CMYK
static CMDDEF OrgDrwPln = {15, "Da,%u,%u,%u,%u*"}; // Setting plane
static CMDDEF OrgImgCmy = {26, "Cj%w,%u,%u,%u,%l,%l,%u,%u*"}; // CMYK bitimage
static BYTE OVERWRITE[] = "\x1D" "1owE" //MOV1
"\x1D" "0tsE";
// Prototype declaration
// Functions
// Spool bitmap data
void FAR PASCAL PrnBitmap( PDEVOBJ pdevobj, // Pointer to PDEVOBJ structure
LPDRWBMP lpBmp // Pointer to DRWBMP structure
) { WORD siz,size; WORD comp; WORD width; // dot
WORD height; // dot
WORD widthByte; // byte
LPBYTE lpTmpBuf; LPBYTE lpSchBit; LPBYTE lpBit; // Pointer to Bitmap data
POINT drwPos; WORD higSiz; // dot
WORD higCnt; WORD strHigCnt; WORD widLCnt; // Width from the left edge
WORD widRCnt; // Width from the right edge
WORD invLft; // Invalid size from the left edge
WORD invRgt; // Invalid size from the right edge
WORD img1st; // Spool first image data?
int pam[4]; int palm[1];
PMYPDEV pOEM = (PMYPDEV)pdevobj->pdevOEM;
lpTmpBuf = NULL; width = lpBmp->Width; height = lpBmp->Height; widthByte = lpBmp->WidthByte; comp = No;
img1st = Yes; lpSchBit = lpBmp->lpBit; for (higCnt = 0; higCnt < height; higCnt++) { higSiz = 0; invLft = 0; invRgt = 0; for (; higCnt < height; higCnt++) { // 1 Spool bitmap data
// Search NULL data from the left edge
for (widLCnt = 0; widLCnt < widthByte; widLCnt++) { if (lpSchBit[widLCnt] != 0x00) { if (higSiz == 0) { // first line?
strHigCnt = higCnt; invLft = widLCnt; // Invalid size from the left edge
} else { if (invLft > widLCnt) { invLft = widLCnt; // Renew invalid size from the left edge
} } // Search NULL data from the right edge
for (widRCnt = 0; widRCnt < widthByte; widRCnt++) { if (lpSchBit[widthByte - widRCnt - 1] != 0x00) { if (higSiz == 0) { // first line?
invRgt = widRCnt; // Invalid size from the right edge
} else { if (invRgt > widRCnt) { invRgt = widRCnt; // Renew invalid size from the right edge
} } break; } } higSiz++; // Renew height size
break; } } lpSchBit += widthByte; // Next line bitmap data
if (widLCnt == widthByte && higSiz != 0) { // 1line all NULL data & There were data except NULL data in previous line
break; // Go to spool bitmap data
} } if (higSiz != 0) { // There are data for spool?
if (img1st == Yes) { // Spool for the first time
// Compress?
if (pOEM->iCompress != XX_COMPRESS_OFF) { if ((lpTmpBuf = MemAllocZ(widthByte * height)) != NULL) { comp = Yes; } } // Original mode in
siz = CmdCopy(CmdBuf, &ModOrgIn); // Color?
if (pOEM->iColor == XX_COLOR_SINGLE || pOEM->iColor == XX_COLOR_MANY || pOEM->iColor == XX_COLOR_MANY2) { pam[0] = lpBmp->Color.Cyn; pam[1] = lpBmp->Color.Mgt; pam[2] = lpBmp->Color.Yel; pam[3] = lpBmp->Color.Bla; siz += CmdStore(CmdBuf + siz, &OrgColCmy, pam);
siz += PlaneCmdStore(pdevobj, CmdBuf + siz, lpBmp->Plane); } // Original mode out
siz += CmdCopy(CmdBuf + siz, &ModOrgOut); if (siz != 0) { // There are data for spool?
WRITESPOOLBUF(pdevobj, CmdBuf, siz); } img1st = No; // Not first time
drwPos.x = lpBmp->DrawPos.x + invLft * 8; // x coordinates
drwPos.y = lpBmp->DrawPos.y + strHigCnt; // y coordinates
palm[0] = drwPos.x; siz = CmdStore(CmdBuf, &PosAbsHrz, palm); palm[0] = drwPos.y; siz += CmdStore(CmdBuf + siz, &PosAbsVtc, palm); if (siz != 0) { // There are data for spool?
WRITESPOOLBUF(pdevobj, CmdBuf, siz); }
lpBit = lpBmp->lpBit + widthByte * strHigCnt; if (comp == Yes) { // Compress?
if (RasterImgCmd(pdevobj, pOEM->iCompress, width, higSiz, widthByte, 0, invLft, invRgt, lpBit, lpTmpBuf) == No) { comp = No; // But compress rate is poor, no compress
} } if (comp == No) { // Not compress
BitImgImgCmd(pdevobj, width, higSiz, widthByte, 0, invLft, invRgt, lpBit); } } } if (lpTmpBuf) { MemFree(lpTmpBuf); } return; }
// Spool CMYK bitmap data
void FAR PASCAL PrnBitmapCMYK( PDEVOBJ pdevobj, // Pointer to PDEVOBJ structure
LPDRWBMPCMYK lpBmp // Pointer to DRWBMPCMYK structure
) { WORD siz; WORD comp; WORD width; // dot
WORD height; // dot
WORD widthByte; LPBYTE lpSchBit; // Pointer to bitmap data
LPBYTE lpBit; // Pointer to bitmap data
LONG xPos; LONG yPos; WORD posClpLft; // Clipping dot size
DWORD posAdj; // 1/7200inch
WORD higSiz; // dot
WORD higCnt; WORD strHigCnt; WORD widLCnt; WORD widRCnt; WORD invLft; // Invalid size from the left edge
WORD invRgt; // Invalid size from the right edge
DWORD invLftBit; // Invalid bit size from the left edge
DWORD invRgtBit; // Invalid bit size from the right edge
WORD rgtBit; // Valid bit size from the right edge
WORD img1st; // Spool for the first time
DWORD dstSiz; LPBYTE lpDst; LPBYTE lpTmp; int pam[1]; WORD img1st_2; // Spool for the first time
PMYPDEV pOEM = (PMYPDEV)pdevobj->pdevOEM;
MY_VERBOSE((" CM \n"));
// Check of zero divide 2002.3.23 >>>
if (lpBmp->DataBit == 0) { ERR(("PrnBitmapCMYK() 0Div-Check [lpBmp->DataBit=0] \n")); return; } // Check of zero divide 2002.3.23 <<<
lpTmp = NULL; posAdj = 7200 / pOEM->Col.wReso; // 1/7200inch
width = lpBmp->Width; height = lpBmp->Height; widthByte = lpBmp->WidthByte; comp = No; if (pOEM->iCompress != XX_COMPRESS_OFF) { if ((lpTmp = MemAllocZ(widthByte * height)) != NULL) { comp = Yes; } } img1st = Yes; img1st_2 = Yes; lpSchBit = lpBmp->lpBit;
for (higCnt = 0; higCnt < height; higCnt++) { higSiz = 0; invLft = 0; invRgt = 0; for (; higCnt < height; higCnt++) { // 1 Spool bitmap data
// Search NULL data from the left edge
for (widLCnt = 0; widLCnt < widthByte; widLCnt++) {
if (lpSchBit[widLCnt] != 0x00) { if (higSiz == 0) { strHigCnt = higCnt; // first line
invLft = widLCnt; // Invalid size from the left edge
} else { if (invLft > widLCnt) { invLft = widLCnt; // Renew invalid size from the left edge
} } // Search NULL data from the right edge
for (widRCnt = 0; widRCnt < widthByte; widRCnt++) { if (lpSchBit[widthByte - widRCnt - 1] != 0x00) { if (higSiz == 0) { // first line
invRgt = widRCnt; // Invalid size from the right edge
} else { if (invRgt > widRCnt) { invRgt = widRCnt; // Renew size from the right edge
} } break; } } higSiz++; // Renew height size
break; } } lpSchBit += widthByte; // Next line bitmap data
if (widLCnt == widthByte && higSiz != 0) { // 1line all NULL data & There were data except NULL data in previous line
break; // goto spool
} } if (higSiz != 0) { // There are data for spool
if (img1st_2 == Yes) { WRITESPOOLBUF(pdevobj, OVERWRITE, BYTE_LENGTH(OVERWRITE)); img1st_2 = No; } // When Colormode is XX_COLOR_MANY or XX_COLOR_MANY2 ,not compress
if (comp == Yes) { if (pOEM->iColor == XX_COLOR_MANY || pOEM->iColor == XX_COLOR_MANY2) { comp = No; } } if (comp == No && img1st == Yes) { // Original mode in
siz = CmdCopy(CmdBuf, &ModOrgIn); // Plane
siz += PlaneCmdStore(pdevobj, CmdBuf + siz, lpBmp->Plane); if (siz != 0) { // There are data for spool
WRITESPOOLBUF(pdevobj, CmdBuf, siz); } img1st = No; // not first
invLftBit = (DWORD)invLft * 8; if (invRgt != 0) {
if ((rgtBit = (WORD)((DWORD)width * lpBmp->DataBit % 8)) == 0) { rgtBit = 8; } if (rgtBit == 8) { invRgtBit = (DWORD)invRgt * 8; } else { invRgtBit = ((DWORD)invRgt - 1) * 8 + rgtBit; } } else { invRgtBit = 0; } posClpLft = (WORD)(invLftBit / lpBmp->DataBit); // Start position of spooling
xPos = ((LONG)lpBmp->DrawPos.x + posClpLft) * posAdj; yPos = ((LONG)lpBmp->DrawPos.y + strHigCnt) * posAdj;
lpBit = lpBmp->lpBit + widthByte * strHigCnt; // Spool CMYK bit image
CMYKImgCmd(pdevobj, comp, xPos, yPos, lpBmp->Frame, lpBmp->DataBit, width, higSiz, widthByte, invLftBit, invRgtBit, lpBit, lpTmp, (LONG)lpBmp->DrawPos.x + posClpLft, (LONG)lpBmp->DrawPos.y + strHigCnt); } }
if (img1st == No) { // Already spool
// Original mode out
siz = CmdCopy(CmdBuf, &ModOrgOut); WRITESPOOLBUF(pdevobj, CmdBuf, siz); } if (lpTmp) { MemFree(lpTmp); } return; }
// Spool plane command
WORD PlaneCmdStore( // Size of command
PDEVOBJ pdevobj, // Pointer to PDEVOBJ structure
LPBYTE lpDst, WORD Plane ) { int pam[4]; WORD siz;
PMYPDEV pOEM = (PMYPDEV)pdevobj->pdevOEM;
if (Plane & PLN_CYAN) { pam[0] = 0; // Spool
} else { pam[0] = 1; // Not spool
} if (Plane & PLN_MGENTA) { pam[1] = 0; // Spool
} else { pam[1] = 1; // Not spool
} if (Plane & PLN_YELLOW) { pam[2] = 0; // Spool
} else { pam[2] = 1; // Not spool
} if (Plane & PLN_BLACK) { pam[3] = 0; // Spool
} else { pam[3] = 1; // Not spool
} siz = CmdStore(lpDst, &OrgDrwPln, pam); return siz; }
// Spool bitimage command data
void BitImgImgCmd( PDEVOBJ pdevobj, // Pointer to PDEVOBJ structure
WORD Width, // dot
WORD Height, // dot
WORD WidthByte, // byte
WORD Rotation, // rotare(0fixed)
WORD InvLeft, // Invalid size from the left edge
WORD InvRight, // Invalid size from the right edge
LPBYTE lpBit // Bitmap data
) { int pam[10]; WORD siz; WORD widByt; WORD linCnt;
if (InvLeft == 0 && InvRight == 0) { // There are no invalid size
pam[0] = WidthByte * Height; // Number of Data byte
pam[1] = Width; pam[2] = Height; pam[3] = Rotation; siz = CmdStore(CmdBuf, &ImgDrw, pam); WRITESPOOLBUF(pdevobj, CmdBuf, siz); WRITESPOOLBUF(pdevobj, lpBit, pam[0]); } else { // There are invalid size
widByt = WidthByte - InvLeft - InvRight; // Width byte
pam[0] = widByt * Height; if (InvRight == 0) { // There are no invalid size from the right edge
pam[1] = Width - InvLeft * 8; // Width bit image
} else { pam[1] = widByt * 8; // Width bit image
} pam[2] = Height; // Height bit image
pam[3] = Rotation; siz = CmdStore(CmdBuf, &ImgDrw, pam); WRITESPOOLBUF(pdevobj, CmdBuf, siz); for (linCnt = 0; linCnt < Height; linCnt++) { // Spool bitmap data by 1 line
lpBit += InvLeft; WRITESPOOLBUF(pdevobj, lpBit, widByt); lpBit += widByt; lpBit += InvRight; } } return; }
// Spool raster image command data
BOOL RasterImgCmd( PDEVOBJ pdevobj, // Pointer to PDEVOBJ structure
WORD Comp, WORD Width, // dot
WORD Height, // dot
WORD WidthByte, // byte
WORD Rotation, // rotate(0:fixed)
WORD InvLeft, // Invalid size from the left edge
WORD InvRight, // Invalid size from the left edge
LPBYTE lpBit, // Pointer to bitmap data
LPBYTE lpBuf // Pointer to raster image data buffer
) { int pam[4]; WORD siz; WORD widByt; WORD setCnt; WORD ras; // Type of raster image
WORD befRas; // Type of raster image(Privious line)
LPBYTE lpLas; // Privious raster data
WORD dstSiz; // byte size
WORD rasSiz; // Raster image data byte size
WORD rasEpy;
widByt = WidthByte - InvLeft - InvRight; // Width byte (Not include invalid size)
if (Comp == XX_COMPRESS_AUTO) { // Get raster image size
rasSiz = RasterSize(Height, widByt, InvLeft, InvRight, lpBit); if (rasSiz > (widByt * Height / 5 * 4)) { // Raster rate is more than 80%
return No; // Error
} } pam[0] = 4; if (InvRight == 0) { // No invalid size from the right edge
pam[1] = Width - InvLeft * 8; // Width
} else { pam[1] = widByt * 8; // Width
} pam[2] = Height; // Height
pam[3] = Rotation; siz = CmdStore(CmdBuf, &ImgRasStr, pam); WRITESPOOLBUF(pdevobj, CmdBuf, siz); lpLas = NULL; rasSiz = 0; rasEpy = 0; for (setCnt = 0; setCnt < Height; setCnt++) { lpBit += InvLeft; // Compress
ras = RasterComp(lpBuf + rasSiz, widByt, lpBit, lpLas, &dstSiz); if (setCnt != 0 && befRas != ras) { // Not same as raster state of previous line
if (befRas == RASTER_COMP) { pam[0] = rasSiz; siz = CmdStore(CmdBuf, &ImgRasDrw, pam); WRITESPOOLBUF(pdevobj, CmdBuf, siz); // Spool command
WRITESPOOLBUF(pdevobj, lpBuf, rasSiz); // Spool data
rasSiz = 0; } else if (befRas == RASTER_EMPTY) { pam[0] = rasEpy; siz = CmdStore(CmdBuf, &ImgRasEpy, pam); WRITESPOOLBUF(pdevobj, CmdBuf, siz); rasEpy = 0; } } // Spool state of current line
if (ras == RASTER_COMP) { rasSiz += dstSiz; } else if (ras == RASTER_EMPTY) { rasEpy++; } else { pam[0] = dstSiz; siz = CmdStore(CmdBuf, &ImgRasNon, pam); WRITESPOOLBUF(pdevobj, CmdBuf, siz); // Spool command
WRITESPOOLBUF(pdevobj, lpBit, dstSiz); // Spool data
} befRas = ras; // Renew
lpLas = lpBit; // Renew
lpBit += widByt; // Renew
lpBit += InvRight; } if (rasSiz != 0) { // There are raster data without spooling
pam[0] = rasSiz; siz = CmdStore(CmdBuf, &ImgRasDrw, pam); WRITESPOOLBUF(pdevobj, CmdBuf, siz); // Spool command
WRITESPOOLBUF(pdevobj, lpBuf, rasSiz); // Spool data
} else if (rasEpy != 0) { // There are empty raster data without spooling
pam[0] = rasEpy; siz = CmdStore(CmdBuf, &ImgRasEpy, pam); WRITESPOOLBUF(pdevobj, CmdBuf, siz); // Spool command
} siz = CmdCopy(CmdBuf, &ImgRasEnd); WRITESPOOLBUF(pdevobj, CmdBuf, siz); return Yes; }
// Get size of raster image
WORD RasterSize( WORD Height, // dot
WORD WidthByte, // byte
WORD InvLeft, WORD InvRight, LPBYTE lpBit ) { WORD rasSiz; WORD chkCnt; WORD rasEpy; LPBYTE lpLas; WORD dstCnt; WORD srcCnt; WORD empSiz; BYTE cmpDat; WORD equCnt;
rasSiz = 0; rasEpy = 0; lpLas = NULL; for (chkCnt = 0; chkCnt < Height; chkCnt++) { // Check size of raster image
lpBit += InvLeft; srcCnt = WidthByte; for (; srcCnt != 0; srcCnt--) { if (lpBit[srcCnt - 1] != 0x00) { break; } } if (srcCnt == 0) { // 1 line All white data?
rasEpy++; lpLas = lpBit; lpBit += WidthByte; lpBit += InvRight; continue; } if (rasEpy != 0) { rasSiz += 8; rasEpy = 0; } empSiz = WidthByte - srcCnt; for (dstCnt = 0, srcCnt = 0; srcCnt < WidthByte; ) { if (lpLas != NULL) { if (lpLas[srcCnt] == lpBit[srcCnt]) { equCnt = 1; srcCnt++; for (; srcCnt < WidthByte; srcCnt++) {
if (lpLas[srcCnt] != lpBit[srcCnt]) { break; } equCnt++; } if (srcCnt == WidthByte) { rasSiz++; break; } } rasSiz++; if (equCnt >= 63) { rasSiz += ((equCnt / 255) + 1); } }
if (srcCnt < (WidthByte - 1) && lpBit[srcCnt] == lpBit[srcCnt + 1]) { cmpDat = lpBit[srcCnt]; equCnt = 2;
for (srcCnt += 2; srcCnt < WidthByte; srcCnt++) { if (cmpDat != lpBit[srcCnt]) { break; } equCnt++; } rasSiz += 2; if (equCnt >= 63) { rasSiz += equCnt / 255 + 1; } } else { if (WidthByte < (dstCnt + 9)) { rasSiz += WidthByte - empSiz + 9; break; } if ((WidthByte - srcCnt) < 8) { rasSiz += WidthByte - srcCnt + 1; srcCnt += WidthByte - srcCnt; } else { rasSiz += 9; srcCnt += 8; } } } lpLas = lpBit; lpBit += WidthByte; lpBit += InvRight; } return rasSiz; }
// Compress raster image
WORD RasterComp( LPBYTE lpDst, WORD Siz, LPBYTE lpSrc, LPBYTE lpLas, LPWORD lpDstSiz ) { WORD dstCnt; WORD srcCnt; WORD empSiz; BYTE cmpDat; WORD equCnt; WORD setCnt; BYTE flgByt; WORD flgPnt;
static const BYTE flgTbl[8] = {0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40};
srcCnt = Siz; for (; srcCnt != 0; srcCnt--) { if (lpSrc[srcCnt - 1] != 0x00) { break; } } if (srcCnt == 0) { *lpDstSiz = 0; return RASTER_EMPTY; } empSiz = Siz - srcCnt; for (dstCnt = 0, srcCnt = 0; srcCnt < Siz; ) { if (lpLas != NULL) { if (lpLas[srcCnt] == lpSrc[srcCnt]) { equCnt = 1; srcCnt++; for (; srcCnt < Siz; srcCnt++) { if (lpLas[srcCnt] != lpSrc[srcCnt]) { break; } equCnt++; } if (srcCnt == Siz) { break; } if (Siz < (dstCnt + equCnt / 255 + 1)) { *lpDstSiz = Siz - empSiz; return RASTER_NONCOMP; } if (equCnt < 63) { lpDst[dstCnt++] = 0x80 | (BYTE)equCnt; } else { lpDst[dstCnt++] = 0x80 | 0x3f; for (equCnt -= 63; equCnt >= 255; equCnt -= 255) { lpDst[dstCnt++] = 0xff; } lpDst[dstCnt++] = (BYTE)equCnt; } } }
if (srcCnt < (Siz - 1) && lpSrc[srcCnt] == lpSrc[srcCnt + 1]) { cmpDat = lpSrc[srcCnt]; equCnt = 2; for (srcCnt += 2; srcCnt < Siz; srcCnt++) { if (cmpDat != lpSrc[srcCnt]) { break; } equCnt++; } if (Siz < (dstCnt + equCnt / 255 + 2)) { *lpDstSiz = Siz - empSiz; return RASTER_NONCOMP; } if (equCnt < 63) { lpDst[dstCnt++] = 0xc0 | (BYTE)equCnt; } else { lpDst[dstCnt++] = 0xc0 | 0x3f; for (equCnt -= 63; equCnt >= 255; equCnt -= 255) { lpDst[dstCnt++] = 0xff; } lpDst[dstCnt++] = (BYTE)equCnt; } lpDst[dstCnt++] = cmpDat; } else { if (Siz < (dstCnt + 9)) { *lpDstSiz = Siz - empSiz; return RASTER_NONCOMP; } flgPnt = dstCnt; dstCnt++; flgByt = 0x00; if (lpLas != NULL) { for (setCnt = 0; srcCnt < Siz && setCnt < 8; srcCnt++, setCnt++) { if (lpLas[srcCnt] != lpSrc[srcCnt]) { lpDst[dstCnt++] = lpSrc[srcCnt]; flgByt |= flgTbl[setCnt]; } } } else {
for (setCnt = 0; srcCnt < Siz && setCnt < 8; srcCnt++, setCnt++) { lpDst[dstCnt++] = lpSrc[srcCnt]; flgByt |= flgTbl[setCnt]; } } lpDst[flgPnt] = flgByt; } } if (Siz == dstCnt) { *lpDstSiz = Siz - empSiz; return RASTER_NONCOMP; } lpDst[dstCnt++] = 0x80; *lpDstSiz = dstCnt; return RASTER_COMP; }
// Spool CMYK Bit image command
void CMYKImgCmd( PDEVOBJ pdevobj, // Pointer to PDEVOBJ structure
WORD Comp, LONG XPos, LONG YPos, WORD Frame, WORD DataBit, // (1:2value 2:4value 4:16value)
WORD Width, // dot
WORD Height, // dot
WORD WidthByte, // byte
DWORD InvLeft, // Invalid size from the left edge
DWORD InvRight, // Invalid size from the right edge
LPBYTE lpBit, LPBYTE lpTmp, LONG XPos_P, LONG YPos_P ) { int pam[11]; WORD siz; WORD widByt; // Width byte(Not include invalid size)
WORD Plane; LPBYTE lpDst; // Memory copy
LPBYTE lpSrc; // Memory copy
WORD linCnt; DWORD widBit; // Width bit(Not include invalid size)
DWORD dstSiz; DWORD rasSiz;
PMYPDEV pOEM = (PMYPDEV)pdevobj->pdevOEM;
// Check of zero divide 2002.3.23 >>>
if (DataBit == 0) { ERR(("CMYKImgCmd() 0Div-Check [DataBit=0] \n")); return; } // Check of zero divide 2002.3.23 <<<
widBit = (DWORD)Width * DataBit - InvLeft - InvRight;
if (Comp == Yes) { // Compress
siz = CmdCopy(CmdBuf, &ModOrgIn); // Original mode in
if (pOEM->iColor == XX_COLOR_SINGLE || pOEM->iColor == XX_COLOR_MANY || pOEM->iColor == XX_COLOR_MANY2) { pam[0] = 0; pam[1] = 0; pam[2] = 0; pam[3] = 0; if (Frame == 1) { pam[0] = 255; Plane = PLN_CYAN; } if (Frame == 2) { pam[1] = 255; Plane = PLN_MGENTA; } if (Frame == 3) { pam[2] = 255; Plane = PLN_YELLOW; } if (Frame == 0) { pam[3] = 255; Plane = PLN_BLACK; } siz += CmdStore(CmdBuf + siz, &OrgColCmy, pam);
siz += PlaneCmdStore(pdevobj, CmdBuf + siz, Plane); } siz += CmdCopy(CmdBuf + siz, &ModOrgOut); // Original mode out
if (siz != 0) { // There are data for spool?
WRITESPOOLBUF(pdevobj, CmdBuf, siz); } pam[0] = XPos_P; siz = CmdStore(CmdBuf, &PosAbsHrz, pam); pam[0] = YPos_P; siz += CmdStore(CmdBuf + siz, &PosAbsVtc, pam); if (siz != 0) { // There are data for spool
WRITESPOOLBUF(pdevobj, CmdBuf, siz); }
if (RasterImgCmd(pdevobj, pOEM->iCompress, Width, Height, WidthByte, 0, (WORD)((InvLeft + 7) / 8), (WORD)((InvRight + 7) / 8), lpBit, lpTmp) == No) { // Not compress because compress rate is poor
BitImgImgCmd(pdevobj, Width, Height, WidthByte, 0, (WORD)((InvLeft + 7) / 8), (WORD)((InvRight + 7) / 8), lpBit); } }
if (Comp == No) { // Not compress
pam[2] = 0; pam[3] = Frame; pam[4] = DataBit; pam[5] = HIWORD(XPos); pam[6] = LOWORD(XPos); pam[7] = HIWORD(YPos); pam[8] = LOWORD(YPos); pam[10] = Height; if (InvLeft == 0 && InvRight == 0) { // Not include invalid size
pam[0] = 0; // Data byte size (high byte)
pam[1] = WidthByte * Height; // Data byte size (low byte)
pam[9] = Width; siz = CmdStore(CmdBuf, &OrgImgCmy, pam); WRITESPOOLBUF(pdevobj, CmdBuf, siz); WRITESPOOLBUF(pdevobj, lpBit, pam[1]); } else { // Include invalid size
widByt = (WORD)((widBit + 7) / 8); pam[0] = 0; // Data byte size (high byte)
pam[1] = widByt * Height; // Data byte size (low byte)
pam[9] = (WORD)(widBit / DataBit); siz = CmdStore(CmdBuf, &OrgImgCmy, pam); WRITESPOOLBUF(pdevobj, CmdBuf, siz); for (linCnt = 0; linCnt < Height; linCnt++) { // Spool bitmap data by 1 line
WRITESPOOLBUF(pdevobj, lpBit + (WORD)(InvLeft / 8), widByt); lpBit += WidthByte; } } } return; }
// Copy command buffer
WORD CmdCopy( LPBYTE lpDst, LPCMDDEF lpCmdInf ) { WORD siz; LPBYTE lpCmd;
lpCmd = lpCmdInf->Cmd; for (siz = 0; siz < lpCmdInf->Size; siz++) { lpDst[siz] = lpCmd[siz]; } return siz; }
// Copy command data
WORD CmdStore( LPBYTE lpDst, LPCMDDEF CmdInf, LPINT lpPam ) { LPBYTE lpCmd; BYTE cmdDat; WORD cmdCnt; WORD setCnt; WORD pamCnt; WORD upmDat; int pamDat; DWORD dDat; LONG lDat;
setCnt = 0; pamCnt = 0; lpCmd = CmdInf->Cmd; for (cmdCnt = 0; cmdCnt < CmdInf->Size; cmdCnt++) { // Copy
cmdDat = *lpCmd++; if (cmdDat != '%') { lpDst[setCnt++] = cmdDat; } else { cmdCnt++; switch (cmdDat = *lpCmd++) { // Type
case 'u': setCnt += USINTtoASC(&lpDst[setCnt], (WORD)lpPam[pamCnt++]); break; case 'd': setCnt += INTtoASC(&lpDst[setCnt], lpPam[pamCnt++]); break; #if 0 /* 441435: Currently Not used */
case 'y': upmDat = (WORD)lpPam[pamCnt++];
if (upmDat == 0 || (upmDat / 100) != 0) {
setCnt += USINTtoASC(&lpDst[setCnt], (WORD)(upmDat / 100)); } if ((upmDat % 100) != 0) { lpDst[setCnt++] = '.';
setCnt += USINTtoASC(&lpDst[setCnt], (WORD)(upmDat % 100)); } break; case 'z': pamDat = lpPam[pamCnt++];
if (upmDat == 0 || (upmDat / 100) != 0) {
setCnt += INTtoASC(&lpDst[setCnt], (pamDat / 100)); } if ((pamDat % 100) != 0) { lpDst[setCnt++] = '.'; if (pamDat < 0) { pamDat = 0 - pamDat; }
setCnt += USINTtoASC(&lpDst[setCnt], (WORD)(pamDat % 100)); } break; #endif /* 441435: Currently Not used */
case 'w': dDat = MAKELONG(lpPam[pamCnt + 1], lpPam[pamCnt]); setCnt += USLONGtoASC(&lpDst[setCnt], dDat); pamCnt += 2; break; case 'l': lDat = MAKELONG(lpPam[pamCnt + 1], lpPam[pamCnt]); setCnt += LONGtoASC(&lpDst[setCnt], lDat); pamCnt += 2; break; #if 0 /* 441435: Currently Not used */
case 'b': lpDst[setCnt++] = (BYTE)lpPam[pamCnt++]; break; #endif /* 441435: Currently Not used */
case '%': lpDst[setCnt++] = cmdDat; break; } } } return setCnt; }
// int -> ascii
WORD INTtoASC( LPBYTE lpDst, int Dat // Conversion data
) { WORD setCnt; WORD divDat; WORD setVal;
setCnt = 0; if (Dat == 0) { lpDst[setCnt++] = '0'; return setCnt; } if (Dat < 0) { lpDst[setCnt++] = '-'; Dat = 0 - Dat; } setVal = No; for (divDat = 10000; divDat != 1; divDat /= 10) { if (setVal == Yes) { lpDst[setCnt++] = (BYTE)(Dat / divDat + '0'); } else { if (Dat >= (int)divDat) {
lpDst[setCnt++] = (BYTE)(Dat / divDat + '0'); setVal = Yes; } } Dat %= divDat; } lpDst[setCnt++] = (BYTE)(Dat + '0'); return setCnt; }
// usint -> ascii
WORD USINTtoASC( LPBYTE lpDst, WORD Dat ) { WORD setCnt; WORD divDat; WORD setVal;
setCnt = 0; if (Dat == 0) { lpDst[setCnt++] = '0'; return setCnt; } setVal = No; for (divDat = 10000; divDat != 1; divDat /= 10) { if (setVal == Yes) { lpDst[setCnt++] = (BYTE)(Dat / divDat + '0'); } else { if (Dat >= divDat) {
lpDst[setCnt++] = (BYTE)(Dat / divDat + '0'); setVal = Yes; } } Dat %= divDat; } lpDst[setCnt++] = (BYTE)(Dat + '0'); return setCnt; }
// long -> ascii
WORD LONGtoASC( LPBYTE lpDst, LONG Dat ) { WORD setCnt; DWORD divDat; WORD setVal;
setCnt = 0; if (Dat == 0) { lpDst[setCnt++] = '0'; return setCnt; } if (Dat < 0) { lpDst[setCnt++] = '-'; Dat = 0 - Dat; } setVal = No; for (divDat = 1000000000; divDat != 1; divDat /= 10) { if (setVal == Yes) { lpDst[setCnt++] = (BYTE)(Dat / divDat + '0'); } else { if (Dat >= (LONG)divDat) {
lpDst[setCnt++] = (BYTE)(Dat / divDat + '0'); setVal = Yes; } } Dat %= divDat; } lpDst[setCnt++] = (BYTE)(Dat + '0'); return setCnt; }
// uslong -> ascii
WORD USLONGtoASC( LPBYTE lpDst, DWORD Dat ) { WORD setCnt; DWORD divDat; WORD setVal;
setCnt = 0; if (Dat == 0) { lpDst[setCnt++] = '0'; return setCnt; } setVal = No; for (divDat = 1000000000; divDat != 1; divDat /= 10) { if (setVal == Yes) { lpDst[setCnt++] = (BYTE)(Dat / divDat + '0'); } else { if (Dat >= divDat) {
lpDst[setCnt++] = (BYTE)(Dat / divDat + '0'); setVal = Yes; } } Dat %= divDat; } lpDst[setCnt++] = (BYTE)(Dat + '0'); return setCnt; }
// End of File