Copyright (c) 1996 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Common header file shared by all NT printer drivers
Windows NT printer drivers
Revision History:
08/30/96 -davidx- Coding style changes after code review.
08/13/96 -davidx- Add memory debug function declarations.
07/31/96 -davidx- Created it.
#ifndef _PRNLIB_H_
#define _PRNLIB_H_
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef OEMCOM
#include <objbase.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <windef.h>
#include <winerror.h>
#include <winbase.h>
#include <wingdi.h>
#if _WIN32_WINNT < 0x0500
typedef unsigned long DESIGNVECTOR; #endif
#include <winddi.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <excpt.h>
#if defined(KERNEL_MODE) && !defined(USERMODE_DRIVER)
#include "winsplkm.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winspool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef WINNT_40
#include "p64_nt4.h"
#endif // WINNT_40
// Driver version numbers: This variable must be defined in each driver's DLL
#define PSDRIVER_VERSION 0x502
extern CONST WORD gwDriverVersion;
// Kernel-mode memory pool tag:
// Define and initialize this variable in each driver's kernel mode DLL
extern DWORD gdwDrvMemPoolTag;
// Maximum value for signed and unsigned integers
#ifndef MAX_LONG
#define MAX_LONG 0x7fffffff
#ifndef MAX_DWORD
#define MAX_DWORD 0xffffffff
#ifndef MAX_SHORT
#define MAX_SHORT 0x7fff
#ifndef MAX_WORD
#define MAX_WORD 0xffff
#ifndef MAX_BYTE
#define MAX_BYTE 0xff
// Number of bytes in 1KB
#define KBYTES 1024
// Directory seperator character
#define PATH_SEPARATOR '\\'
// Declarations for 24.8 format precision fixed-point number
typedef LONG FIX_24_8;
#define FIX_24_8_SHIFT 8
#define FIX_24_8_SCALE (1 << FIX_24_8_SHIFT)
#define MAX_DISPLAY_NAME 128 // max length for feature/option display names
// Include other header files here
#include "debug.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "devmode.h"
#include "regdata.h"
#include "helper.h"
#include <strsafe.h>
// Deal with the difference between user and kernel mode functions
#if defined(KERNEL_MODE) && !defined(USERMODE_DRIVER)
#define WritePrinter EngWritePrinter
#define GetPrinterDriver EngGetPrinterDriver
#define GetPrinterData EngGetPrinterData
#define SetPrinterData EngSetPrinterData
#define EnumForms EngEnumForms
#define GetPrinter EngGetPrinter
#define GetForm EngGetForm
#define SetLastError EngSetLastError
#define GetLastError EngGetLastError
#define MulDiv EngMulDiv
#undef LoadLibrary
#define LoadLibrary EngLoadImage
#define FreeLibrary EngUnloadImage
#define GetProcAddress EngFindImageProcAddress
#define MemAlloc(size) EngAllocMem(0, size, gdwDrvMemPoolTag)
#define MemAllocZ(size) EngAllocMem(FL_ZERO_MEMORY, size, gdwDrvMemPoolTag)
#define MemFree(p) { if (p) EngFreeMem(p); }
#else // !KERNEL_MODE
#define MemAlloc(size) ((PVOID) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, (size)))
#define MemAllocZ(size) ((PVOID) LocalAlloc(LPTR, (size)))
#define MemFree(p) { if (p) LocalFree((HLOCAL) (p)); }
// Change the size of a specified memory block. The size can increase
// or decrease.
// We are not using LocalReAlloc() since our LocalAlloc uses LMEM_FIXED.
PVOID MemRealloc( IN PVOID pvOldMem, IN DWORD cbOld, IN DWORD cbNew );
// DLL instance handle - You must initialize this variable when the driver DLL
// is attached to a process.
extern HINSTANCE ghInstance;
#endif // !KERNEL_MODE
// Macros and constants for working with character strings
#define NUL 0
#define EQUAL_STRING 0
#define IS_EMPTY_STRING(p) ((p)[0] == NUL)
#define SIZE_OF_STRING(p) ((_tcslen(p) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR))
#define IS_NUL_CHAR(ch) ((ch) == NUL)
// String copy function similar to _tcsncpy but it gurantees
// the destination string is always nul terminated
VOID CopyStringW( OUT PWSTR pwstrDest, IN PCWSTR pwstrSrc, IN INT iDestSize );
VOID CopyStringA( OUT PSTR pstrDest, IN PCSTR pstrSrc, IN INT iDestSize );
#ifdef UNICODE
#define CopyString CopyStringW
#define CopyString CopyStringA
// Convert index to keyword
PSTR PstrConvertIndexToKeyword( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN POPTSELECT pOptions, IN PDWORD pdwKeywordSize, IN PUIINFO pUIInfo, IN POPTSELECT pCombineOptions, IN DWORD dwFeatureCount );
VOID VConvertKeywordToIndex( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN PSTR pstrKeyword, IN DWORD dwKeywordSize, OUT POPTSELECT pOptions, IN PRAWBINARYDATA pRawData, IN PUIINFO pUIInfo, IN POPTSELECT pCombineOptions, IN DWORD dwFeatureCount );
// Make a duplicate of the specified character string
PTSTR DuplicateString( IN LPCTSTR ptstrSrc );
// Macros for converting binary data to hex digits
extern const CHAR gstrDigitString[];
#define HexDigit(n) gstrDigitString[(n) & 0xf]
// Determine wheter the system is running in a metric country
// NOTE: Avaiable in user-mode only
BOOL IsMetricCountry( VOID );
// Map a data file into memory
HFILEMAP MapFileIntoMemory( IN LPCTSTR ptstrFilename, OUT PVOID *ppvData, OUT PDWORD pdwSize );
// Unmapp a file from memory
VOID UnmapFileFromMemory( IN HFILEMAP hFileMap );
// Map a data file into memory for write
HANDLE MapFileIntoMemoryForWrite( IN LPCTSTR ptstrFilename, IN DWORD dwDesiredSize, OUT PVOID *ppvData, OUT PDWORD pdwSize );
// Generate a temporary file name in kernel mode
PTSTR GenerateTempFileName( IN LPCTSTR lpszPath, IN DWORD dwSeed );
// Wrapper function for spooler APIs:
// GetPrinter
// GetPrinterDriver
// GetPrinterDriverDirectory
// EnumForms
PVOID MyGetPrinter( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN DWORD dwLevel );
PVOID MyGetPrinterDriver( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN HDEV hDev, IN DWORD dwLevel );
PVOID MyEnumForms( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN DWORD dwLevel, OUT PDWORD pdwFormsReturned );
PVOID MyGetForm( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN PTSTR ptstrFormName, IN DWORD dwLevel );
// Figure out what EMF features (such as N-up and reverse-order printing)
// the spooler can support
VOID VGetSpoolerEmfCaps( IN HANDLE hPrinter, OUT PBOOL pbNupOption, OUT PBOOL pbReversePrint, IN DWORD cbOut, OUT PVOID pSplCaps );
// Generate a hash value for the given string.
DWORD HashKeyword( LPCSTR pKeywordStr );
// DBCS CharSet handling macros
// 130: JOHAB_CHARSET (defined if WINVER >= 0x0400)
// 134: GB2312_CHARSET
#define IS_DBCSCHARSET(j) \
(((j) == SHIFTJIS_CHARSET) || \ ((j) == HANGEUL_CHARSET) || \ ((j) == JOHAB_CHARSET) || \ ((j) == GB2312_CHARSET) || \ ((j) == CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET))
// 932: Japan
// 936: Chinese (PRC, Singapore)
// 949: Korean
// 950: Chinese (Taiwan, Hong Kong SAR)
// 1361: Korean (Johab)
#define IS_DBCSCODEPAGE(j) \
(((j) == 932) || \ ((j) == 936) || \ ((j) == 949) || \ ((j) == 950) || \ ((j) == 1361))
BOOL PrdTranslateCharsetInfo( IN UINT dwSrc, OUT LPCHARSETINFO lpCs, IN DWORD dwFlags);
// Macros for working with array of bit flags
#define BITTST(p, i) (((PBYTE) (p))[(i) >> 3] & (1 << ((i) & 7)))
#define BITSET(p, i) (((PBYTE) (p))[(i) >> 3] |= (1 << ((i) & 7)))
#define BITCLR(p, i) (((PBYTE) (p))[(i) >> 3] &= ~(1 << ((i) & 7)))
// Count of characters
#define CCHOF(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(*(x)))
#endif // !_PRNLIB_H_