Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module has support some C run Time functions which are not supported in KM.
Win32 subsystem, Unidrv driver
Revision History:
01/03/97 -ganeshp- Created it.
dd-mm-yy -author- description
--*/ #include "precomp.h"
Routine Name: iDrvPrintfSafeA
Routine Description: This is a safer version of sprintf/iDrvPrintfA.
It utilizes the StringCchPrintf in the strsafe.h library. sprintf returns the number of characters copied to the destination string, but StringCchPrintf doesn't.
Note: May not compile/work if WINNT_40 switch turned on. But since we are not supporting NT4 anymore, we should be ok.
Arguments: pszDest : Destination string.
cchDest : Number of characters in the destination string. Since this is the ANSI version number of chars = num of bytes. pszFormat : e.g. "PP%d,%d" ... : The variable list of arguments
Return Value: Negative : if some error encountered. Positive : Number of characters copied. 0 : i.e. no character copied.
Author: -hsingh- 2/21/2002
Revision History: -hsingh- 2/21/2002 Created this function.
--*/ INT iDrvPrintfSafeA ( IN PCHAR pszDest, IN CONST ULONG cchDest, IN CONST PCHAR pszFormat, IN ...) { va_list args; INT icchWritten = (INT)-1;
va_start(args, pszFormat);
icchWritten = iDrvVPrintfSafeA ( pszDest, cchDest, pszFormat, args);
return icchWritten; }
Routine Name: iDrvPrintfSafeW
Routine Description: This is a safer version of sprintf/iDrvPrintfW.
It utilizes the StringCchPrintf in the strsafe.h library. sprintf returns the number of characters copied to the destination string, but StringCchPrintf doesn't.
Note: May not compile/work if WINNT_40 switch turned on. But since we are not supporting NT4 anymore, we should be ok.
Arguments: pszDest : Destination string.
cchDest : Number of characters in the destination string. Since this is the UNICODE version the size of buffer is twice the number of characters. pszFormat : e.g. "PP%d,%d" ... : The variable list of arguments
Return Value: Negative : if some error encountered. Positive : Number of characters copied. 0 : i.e. no character copied.
Author: -hsingh- 2/21/2002
Revision History: -hsingh- 2/21/2002 Created this function.
--*/ INT iDrvPrintfSafeW ( IN PWCHAR pszDest, IN CONST ULONG cchDest, IN CONST PWCHAR pszFormat, IN ...) { va_list args; INT icchWritten = (INT)-1;
va_start(args, pszFormat);
icchWritten = iDrvVPrintfSafeW (pszDest, cchDest, pszFormat, args);
return icchWritten; }
INT iDrvVPrintfSafeA ( IN PCHAR pszDest, IN CONST ULONG cchDest, IN CONST PCHAR pszFormat, IN va_list arglist) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; INT icchWritten = (INT)-1; size_t cchRemaining = cchDest;
// Since return value is a signed integer, but cchDest is unsigned.
// cchDest can be atmost MAX_ULONG but return can be atmost MAX_LONG.
// So make sure that input buffer is not more than MAX_LONG (LONG is
// virtually same as INT)
if ( cchDest > (ULONG) MAX_LONG ) { return icchWritten; }
hr = StringCchVPrintfExA (pszDest, cchDest, NULL, &cchRemaining, 0, pszFormat, arglist); if (SUCCEEDED (hr) ) { //
// Subtracting the number of characters remaining in the string
// from the number of characters originally present give us the number
// of characters written.
icchWritten = (INT)(cchDest - cchRemaining); } return icchWritten; }
INT iDrvVPrintfSafeW ( IN PWCHAR pszDest, IN CONST ULONG cchDest, IN CONST PWCHAR pszFormat, IN va_list arglist) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; INT icchWritten = (INT)-1; size_t cchRemaining = cchDest; //
// Since return value is a signed integer, but cchDest is unsigned.
// cchDest can be atmost MAX_ULONG but return can be atmost MAX_LONG.
// So make sure that input buffer is not more than MAX_LONG (LONG is
// virtually same as INT)
if ( cchDest > (ULONG) MAX_LONG ) { return icchWritten; }
hr = StringCchVPrintfExW (pszDest, cchDest, NULL, &cchRemaining, 0, pszFormat, arglist);
if (SUCCEEDED (hr) ) { //
// Subtracting the number of characters remaining in the string
// from the number of characters originally present give us the number
// of characters written.
icchWritten = (INT)(cchDest - cchRemaining); }
return icchWritten; }