identify functions that can be used in both user mode and km to perform memory mapped file read, write memory allocation what is memory scheme used by NT? how do you realloc memory and still retain the same starting address if all memory segments share the linear address space?
use HeapAlloc? Cannot use virtualalloc()
just so I can start writing code assume:
base_pointer = VirtualAlloc(NULL, max_size_in_bytes, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_NOACCESS) ; pointer = VirtualAlloc(base_pointer, size_needed_in_bytes, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE) ; as you need more memory, just commit more and more until max_size is reached. VirtualFree(pointer)
Set up build env to create dll, make file, dependencies etc.
---- typedef struct { } GPD, *PGPD; // structure containing raw GPD data
/* ----
* new prefixes: * gpd: a GPD structure * pgpd: ptr to GPD structure */
allocate memory for all scaffold structures. Allocate more memory than the structure will need since reallocation may be impossible. All structures may be carved from one gigantic block of memory.
Initialize a master table to keep track of all structures. The master table is an array of entries of the form:
struct _MASTER_TABLE_ENTRY { PBYTE pubStruct ; // address of element zero of array
DWORD dwArraySize ; // number of elements that can fit into memory
DWORD dwCurIndex ; // points to first uninitialized element
DWORD dwElementSiz ; // size of each element in array.
all offsets are to each individual array. There is no master offset.
Bufffers needed for:
typedef enum { MTI_SOURCEBUFFER: Source file (GPD input stream) not sure how memory mapped files and recursive includes will alter this. MTI_STRINGHEAP: String heap MTI_TOKENMAP: tokenMap large enough to hold an old and New copy! MTI_NEWTOKENMAP: newtokenMap (not a separate buffer from TOKENMAP - just points immediately after oldTokenMap). MTI_SYMBOLTREE: symbolTree Array MTI_BLOCKMACROARRAY (one for Block and another for Value macros) MTI_DFEATURE_OPTIONS: references a whole bunch of treeroots. should be initialized to ATTRIB_UNINITIALIZED values. SymbolID pointed to by dwFeatureSymbols contains largest array index appropriated. We won't need to allocate more elements in the final array than this. MTI_TTFONTSUBTABLE: array of arrayrefs and integers. MTI_GLOBALATTRIB: structure holding value of global attributes. MTI_ATTRIBTREE: array of ATTRIB_TREE structures. MTI_COMMANDTABLE: array of PATREEREF (or DWORD indicies to COMMAND_ARRAY) // the size of this table is set by the number of
// predefined Unidrv commands.
MTI_COMMANDARRAY: array of COMMAND structures. // size varies depending on number of commands and variants
// defined in the GPD file.
MTI_FONTCART: array of FontCartridge structures - one per construct. MTI_LISTNODES: array of LISTNODEs. MTI_MAX_ENTRIES: Last entry. } MT_INDICIES ;
Note: the prefix MTI_ stands for MasterTableIndex, the base portion of the name is the structure typedef.
BLOCKMACROARRAY is an array of structs temporarily carved into a buffer: typedef struct { DWORD tIndexID; tokenindex where a macro ID value is stored DWORD tIndexOpen; index of open brace DWORD tIndexClose; index of closing brace } BLOCKMACROARRAY ;
each dword contains the tokenIndex where a macro ID value is stored. curBlockMacroArray points to the smallest index of the macroArray currently uninitialized. (initially curBlockMacroArray = 0)
VALUEMACROARRAY is an array of DWORDS holding a tokenindex where a valuemacro ID value is stored
MACROLEVELSTACK: is operated as a two dword stack that saves the values of curBlockMacroArray and curValueMacroArray , each time a brace is encountered.
increaseMacroLevel(): called in response to parsing open brace. Copy this entry to the newtokenarray . save the value of curBlockMacroArray and curValueMacroArray in the macrolevelstack. we will use this later. check if this brace begins the definition of a blockmacro, this is easy to do. if( curBlockMacroArray && (BlockMacroArray[curBlockMacroArray - 1].tIndexOpen == -1)) { yes, we are beginning a BlockMacro definition. record newtokenArray index of open brace entry in tIndexOpen. check to see tIndexOpen is one higher than tIndexID, else a syntax error needs to be flagged for this blockMacro. }
decreaseMacroLevel: called in response to parsing close brace. temporarily save curBlockMacroArray and curValueMacroArray into temp vars largerBlockIndex and largerValueIndex.
now pop the value of curBlockMacroArray and curValueMacroArray from the stack. locate all macros referenced in the macroarray (less than largerIndex, and greater than or equal to curMacroArray retrieved from stack) that are expired due to the change in level. Delete their entries in the tokenmap by replacing their tkKeyID by NULLKEY. This will break the endless chain resulting when a macro defines another macro.
Does this closing brace end a macro definition? if(MacroArray[curMacroArray - 1].tIndexClose == -1) //yes
{ MacroArray[curMacroArray - 1].tIndexClose = location of } in newtokenArray; } Copy this entry to the newtokenarray .
The symbol tree is comprised of these nodes. The symbol tree organizes the symbol space into a hierarchy. For each feature symbol, there is a set of option symbols particular to that feature. All symbol nodes are stored in one array. Multiple trees may exist in one array. When the symboltree is frozen, it can be optimized by restoring the tree as an array of (STRREFs+subSpaceIndex. Where the symbolID serves as the index to the arrayref. (+ symboltype offset) The end of each symbol list may be signified by a NULL arrayref.
typedef struct { ARRAYREF arSymbolName; DWORD dwSymbolID; // has nothing to do with array of symbol structs.
// value begins at zero and is incremented to obtain
// next value.
DWORD dwNextSymbol; // index to next element in this space.
DWORD dwSubSpaceIndex ; // index to first element in new symbol space
which exists within the catagory represented by this symbol. for example in the catagory represented by the symbol PAPERSIZES: we may have the subspace comprised of Letter, A4, Legal, etc. } SYMBOLNODE , * PSYMBOLNODE ; // assign this struct the type 'psn'
// ---- Global and state Variables ---- //
{ // ---- Index in SYMBOLNODE array to each type of tree ---- //
DWORD gdwFeatureSymbols ; // initially set to INVALID_INDEX
DWORD gdwFontCartSymbols ; DWORD gdwTTFontSymbols ; DWORD gdwBlockMacroSymbols ; DWORD gdwValueMacroSymbols ;
// ---- track value of curBlockMacroArray and curValueMacroArray ---- //
DWORD gdwCurBlockMacroArray ; // initially set to zero. First
DWORD gdwCurValueMacroArray ; // writable slot in MacroArray.
DWORD gdwMacroLevelStackPtr ; // Push: write values into
// MacroLevelStack[MacroLevelStackPtr++]
// Pop: read values from
// MacroLevelStack[--MacroLevelStackPtr]
typedef struct _TOKENMAP { DWORD dwKeywordID ; // index of entry in KeywordTable
ABSARRAYREF aarKeyword ; // points to keyword in the source file
ABSARRAYREF aarValue ; // value associated with this keyword.
// an arrayref is needed if we store
// the value in the heap.
// It also makes copying the string
// to another place easier. No need to
// search for a linebreak char. Just
// Copyn() will do.
DWORD dwValue ; // interpretation of Value string - see flags.
// maybe commandID, numerical value of constant, MacroID assigned
// to MacroSymbol , SymbolID etc.
DWFLAGS dwFlags ; // bitfield with the following flags
// TKMF_VALUE_SAVED independently of the tokenmap.
// TKMF_COMMAND_SHORTCUT only used when parsing commands.
// TKMF_INLINE_BLOCKMACROREF need to know when resolving macros.
// TKMF_MACROREF indicates a value macro reference that must be resolved
// TKMF_SYMBOLID dwValue contains a symbolID.
// TKMF_SYMBOL_REGISTERED set when the symbolID is registered.
// TKMF_EXTERN: The extern Qualifier was prepended to the keyword
// and has now been truncated.
special keywordIDs:
ID_NULLENTRY: ignore this, either expired code, parsing error etc. ID_UNRECOGNIZED: conforms to correct syntax, but not in my keyword table. could be a keyword defined in a newer spec or name of valuemacro. other other OEM defined stuff. ID_SYMBOL: does not begin with * , but conforms to syntax for a symbol. ID_EOF: end of file - no more tokenMap entries
During the parsing to create the token map we a) replace all comments with spaces b) replace consecutive linebreaks with spaces. c) parse all mainkeywords and replace with keywordIDs d) init pointers to keywords and arrayref to values e) set appropriate flags. f) register symbols.
// ---- note ---- //
all functions parsing the input stream may indicate reaching EOB by returning NULL. caller should check for NULL return value after calling these functions and react accordingly. // -------------- //
BUG_BUG: CreateTokenMap should note if *Command is the short version. If so then 2nd pass (macroresolution) should expand it so special case code is not needed.
PTKMAP CreateTokenMap( IN OUT PBYTE pubCur // location within source to start parsing
) { PBYTE pubNewPos ; // transient data.
// assume we are at parsing level 0 - outside of any
// contexts requiring a change of parsing rules.
pubCur = PubEatWhite(pubCur) ;
this function will move forward until the first non-whitespace or non-linebreak character is encountered. Convert first occurances of consecutive linebreak chars to whitespace. (should this be done here?: convert linebreak+continuation to whitespace.)
/* PubEatComments(pubCur) */
if pubCur points to start of a valid comment, this function will advance until linebreak character is encountered. it will also completely consume the comment by replacing all the characters with spaces.
while((pubNewPos = PubEatComments(pubCur)) != pubCur) { pubCur = pubNewPos ; pubCur = PubEatWhite(pubCur) ; }
at this point pubCur points to first non-WHITE char that is also not a comment.
we expect to see {, } (braces) or a valid keyword at this point.
while(pubCur) { pubCur = dwIdentifyKeyword(pubCur, tkmap+i) ;
this function does several things: 'brackets' keyword to see if it is properly terminated with : and begins with * (if it is not a brace). performs table lookup to obtain the keywordID which is written to tkmap[i].dwKeywordID . Determines based on the keyword ID if next token represents another keyword (as is the case if keyword is a brace) or if it represents a value. If its a keyword, assigns NULL to arValue, else arValue points to first nonwhite char in value after the : delimiter. This function treats the value as a black box. If the keyword happens to be a brace, dwValue will hold the nesting level of the brace. This will allow very fast identification of scope.
If the state machine is used at this point we can resolve attribute names. Otherwise we scan only for non-attribute keywords and mark all other legally constructed keywords as UNRECOGNIZED. However attributes prefaced with EXTERN_FEATURE or EXTERN_GLOBAL may be identified at this time.
A second pass using the state machine then applies the proper attribute namespace and resolves all UNRECOGNIZED keywords. All remaining unrecognized keywords produce a warning message.
Returns pubCur, which points to first char in the value or first char of next keyword if no value exists.
Error handling: calls a function WriteErrorMsg() to record any errors that it encounters. may set dwKeywordID to ERROR, and set pubValue pointing to offending keyword, and return this value in pubCur.
pubCur = scanOverValue(pubCur) ; init arValue, set dwFlags. Note: lets parse the value only to reach the next keyword, not with the intent of saving the value somewhere. This is because at this point we have no clue as to where the value should be saved to. Wait for a subsequent pass to avoid cluttering the heap with data that will eventually be cubbyholed elsewhere. There are a few execptions that will cause things to happen. One is if the shortcut version of another construct is encountered, then we must expand this in the tokenMap so it looks like the full fledged version. On the other hand we may choose to defer the expansion till later, but we may flag this now. See *command for an example.
Also replace any occurances of linebreak + continuation char with spaces.
Eat comments and white spaces until we reach beginning of a non-Null statement. }
things that need to be done at some point in this function:
lazy way to guard against useage of command shortcuts: when ever encountering a command keyword, leave the following entry unused. (mark it as NULL keyword)
the Command name (the value portion) needs to be parsed and converted to a unidrv ID this may be placed in tokenmap.dwValue. set the flag TKMF_SYMBOL_REGISTERED. This will prevent the value string from getting registered in a symbol table. }
defineAndResolveMacros() this function scans through the tokenMap making a copy of the tokenMap without the macrodefinitions or references. All references are replaced by the definitions inserted in-line!
{ Can't store ValueMacro Definitions in scratch memory, they will actually be referenced directly if the value is not a string!
initialize NEWTOKENMAP to refer to unused entries in TOKENMAP buffer. We will create a new copy of the tokenmap here!
1st pass: defineBlockMacroSymbols() search for all *BlockMacro keywords add macro symbol definitions to the symbol tree. assign them an ordinal ID value 1, 2, 3, ... in this case, we may use the tree as a pure array of StringRefs. with in index to the first uninitialized entry. write the macroID value into the tokenMap.dwValue.
walk through the old tokenMap one entry at a time.
for (every entry in the tokenMap) { switch() { case (entry begins a block macrodef) copy token entry into new tokenMap record the new tokenIndex into BlockMacroArray[curBlockMacroArray] set tIndexOpen and close to -1 to indicate not yet initialized. increment curBlockMacroArray. (all lines of macrodef are automatically copied over!) case (entry contains a block macroref) convert the symbolname to a macroID via the symboltree. Search the BlockMacroArray entries from index curBlockMacroArray - 1 to zero using the first macroID that matches.
copy all the valid tokenMap entries between BlockMacroArray[index].tIndexOpen and tIndexClose defined for the block macro referenced. Avoid circular reference by ensuring tIndexClose != -1 for the selected macro.
case (entry begins a value macrodef: *Macros) defineValueMacros()
case (entry references a valuemacro) know by checking tokenMap.dwFlags = MACROREF. dereferenceValueMacro() // sorry, cannot defer this since value macros
// have a limited scope. We must access the
// valueMacroArray at the time we see the reference
// since valueMacroArray dynamically changes as we
// encounter braces.
case ({) increment macro nesting level any macro defined within a macro is undefined outside of that macro!
case (}) decrease macro nesting level.
default; // all other entries
copy to new tokenMap } } old tokenMap is now useless, its memory now lies fallow. }
ScanForMacroReferences() { may want to factor out common stuff.
for (each entry in oldTokenMap) { if(entry does not define an macro nor is a brace char) { must scan all values for macroReference. if a non string value is expected, the = macroname must be the first and only entity comprising the value. If its a string, we must parse each construct! set flag in oldTokenMap. can share code used in defineValueMacros(). } } }
// note: all continuation chars have been replaced by spaces
// previously at scanOverValue() time.
defineValueMacros(old, newtokenindex) { this function is called upon encountering a *Macros: groupname construct
check to see there is an opening brace
while(tokenArray[tokenindex].keywordID != closingBrace) { each entry up to the closing brace defines a value macro.
register macroname in ValueMacroSymbols tree Store index to tokenArray in valueMacroArray
maybe also valueMacroArray should have an arrayref
1) we have no idea what value is being defined or how to properly parse for it. the value may reference another macro(s)
so the only time we attempt parsing the value is if the value appears to be a string macro. If at any time the parsing fails, the entire value is treated as a black box.
Copy the entire value string (everything up to but NOT including the first linebreak char ) into the heap. initialize an arrayref to access this string.
the following portion is also common to dereferenceValueMacro(). and partly common to ScanForMacroReferences()
Attempt to determine if the value in the heap is a string. If so { parse along the string until macro reference is found then lookup macroname in the valueMacroArray, see how many bytes the macro contains and shift the remainder of the referencing macrostring to make room to insert the referenced macrostring. Copy the referenced macrostring in the space provided. Update the length of the referencing macrostring. repeat until no other macro references are found. } else do nothing special.
store ref to string in heap inside tokenArray.arValue } }
dereferenceValueMacro(index) { may want to factor out common stuff.
there is a macro reference in this statement since it is flagged in the tokenMap.
if(valuetype for keywordID in the master keyword table != VALUE_COMMAND_INVOC or VALUE_STRING) { expect macroref to be the first and only thing you encounter.
convert macroref to macroID. lookup macroID in valueMacroArray. for(i = curValueMacroIndex ; i ; i--) { if(tokenMap[valueMacroArray[i - 1]].dwValue == macroID) break; // p
} If found, copy arrayref to value field which references Macro.
tokenMap[index].arValue = tokenMap[valueMacroArray[i - 1]].arValue } else // valueMacro occurs in a string.
{ Copy the entire value string (everything up to but NOT including the first linebreak char ) into the heap. parse along the string until macro reference is found then lookup macroname in the valueMacroArray, see how many bytes the macro contains and shift the remainder of the referencing macrostring to make room to insert the referenced macrostring. Copy the referenced macrostring in the space provided. Update the length of the referencing macrostring. repeat until no other macro references are found. Copy updated arrayref to value field in tokenMap. } }
defineSymbols(tokenMap) ??? { Note: All Macro symbols have been processed by the time this function is called.
Scans down tokenMap looking for Feature:, Font: keywordIDs and adding their symbol definitions to the symbol tree. This portion may be common to register macroname in ValueMacroSymbols tree part of defineValueMacros() and defineBlockMacroSymbols()
then rescans (or in the same pass) the tokenMap keeping track of which Feature we are in, so when an Option keyword is encountered, we know which Feature symbol to associate the option symbol with. If an option construct occurs outside of a Feature construct, we will know and can flag this as an error.
at this point only symbols defined by Feature:, BlockMacros:, Font: are stored in the symbol tree.
processSymbolRefs(tokenMap) { exactly which circustances may symbols appear outside of a value? if they occur: keywordID should indicate exactly what catagory of symbol and the symbolID. in the high and low word.
replaces ptr to symbol values in source file with SymbolID value or index to QualifiedName construct or index to List construct which contains SymbolID value or index to QualifiedName construct. tokenMap will clearly identify which of the 4 cases applies.
At this point identify long or short version of command. for short version, dwKeyWordID = SHORTCMD | <COMMANDID> ; for long version : dwKeywordID = LONGCMD ; and Cmd keyword dwKeywordID = CMD dwValue = <COMMANDID> ; Find and register dwKeywordID = SYMBOL in the appropriate symbol Tree. Change dwKeywordID to (for example) TTFONTNAME | FONTNAMEID.
At this point NO keywords should remain unrecognized. }
main() { PTKMAP CreateTokenMap( at what point do we distinguish between shortcuts and non shortcut keywords? do this soon, before BInterpretTokens() is called.
defineAndResolveMacros() defineSymbols(tokenMap) ; registers symbols for TTFontSubs? processSymbolRefs(tokenMap) ;??? not needed at this time?
initStructures() with default or failsafe values ; // this is done after first pass and we know
// how many DFEATURE_OPTION structures to allocate.
// we will initialize all dword values to ATTRIB_UNINITIALIZED.
// this is essential!
// the GlobalAttribute structure.
BInterpretTokens() ; checkStructures() to ensure failsafe values have been replaced - otherwise GPD file failed to initialize some mandatory field.
verify that features that are referenced in switch statements are indeed PICKONE. May force it to be and warn or fail.
go through all allocated data structures ensuring that they all contain at least the minimum required fields. Supply defaults for any omitted but required values. raise warnings. If a structure is fatally flawed, you may have to fatally error out. ConstructSeqCommandsArray() ! }
How to deal with TTFontSubs
*TTFontSubs: <On/Off> { symbolKeyname1: <integer> symbolKeyname2: <integer> symbolKeyname3: <integer> ... }
the On/Off part is handled by VsetbTTFontSubs(ptkmap->aarValue) ;
who handles the symbolKeywords? what if some are repeated? ProcessSymbolKeyword(ptkmap + wEntry) ;
Both are called from within BInterpretTokens
// ---- tables of static data ---- //
// ---- The mainKeyword table ---- //
The mainKeyword Table is an array of structures of the form:
typedef struct { PSTR pstrKeyword ; // keywordID is the index of this entry.
DWORD dwHashValue ; // optional - implement as time permits.
VALUE eAllowedValue ; DWORD flAgs ; TYPE eType; // may replace Type/Subtype with a function
DWORD dwSubType ; // if there is minimal code duplication.
DWORD dwOffset ; // into appropriate struct for attributes only.
// the size (num bytes to copy) of an attribute is easily determined
// from the AllowedValue field.
global KEYWORDTABLE_ENTRY gMainKeywordTable[] = { static initializers }
typedef enum { SPCL_MEMCONFIGKB, SPCL_MEMCONFIGMB, } SPECIAL ; // special subtypes
} ATTRIBUTE ; // subtype
// constructs below do not cause state transitions
what does the parser expect after a keyword?
NO_VALUE : a linebreak OR an effective linebreak: ({) or comment VALUE_STRING: Quoted String, hexstring, string MACROREF, parameterless invocation. VALUE_COMMAND_INVOC: like VALUE_STRING but allowed to contain one or more parameter references. VALUE_SYMBOL_DEF: Symbol definition - any value allowed
VALUE_CONSTANT_FIRST: base of enumeration catagory. VALUE_CONSTANT_PRINTERTYPE = VALUE_CONSTANT_FIRST + CL_PRINTERTYPE ; VALUE_CONSTANT_FEATURETYPE = VALUE_CONSTANT_FIRST + CL_FEATURETYPE ; lots of class types listed here .......... VALUE_CONSTANT_LAST = VALUE_CONSTANT_FIRST + CL_NUMCLASSES - 1 ; VALUE_INTEGER: integer VALUE_POINT: point VALUE_RECT: rectangle VALUE_BOOLEAN: boolean. VALUE_QUALIFIED_NAME: Qualified name (one or more symbols separated by .) VALUE_LIST: no attribute actually is assigned this descriptor, // but used in the gValueToSize table.
VALUE_LARGEST: not a real descriptor, but this position in the gValueToSize table holds the largest of the above values. VALUE_MAX: number of elements in gValueToSize table.
----- allowed values for KEYWORDTABLE_ENTRY.flAgs:
KWF_LIST: the value may be a LIST containing one or more items of type AllowedValue. The storage format must be of type LIST. Only certain values may qualify for list format. KWF_MACROREF_ALLOWED: since only a handful of keywords cannot accept macro references, it may be a waste of a flag, but reserve this to alert us that this special case must accounted for. KWF_COMMAND: This attribute is stored in a dedicated structure
KWF_FONTCART: This attribute is stored in a dedicated structure KWF_TTFONTSUBS: This attribute is stored in a dedicated structure KWF_OEM: This attribute is stored in a dedicated structure
--------- special flag constructs ----
: this indicates this attribute is stored in a dedicated structure, not in the heap. As a result, the dwOffset field is interpreted differently from attributes without this flag set.
the KeywordTable is partitioned into sections: non-attribute Keywords GlobalAttributes FeatureAttributes OptionAttributes CommandAttributes etc. A range of indicies (min-max) may be provided or a special flag may denote the last entry in each section. The separation exists because the same keyword may exist in two different sections. -----
command array:
just a list of command names and #defines giving the unidrv value. Use this table to assign each commandname a value. CmdSelect is a special value -1!
typedef struct { ARRAYREF CommandName ; DWORD UnidrvIndex ; // #define value assigned to command.
global CommandTable[NUM_UNIDRV_CMDS] ;
Table to convert allowed values to sizes:
DWORD gValueToSize[VALUE_MAX] ; // size of various values in bytes
VinitValueToSize() { // BUG_BUG! assume array is zero initialized
gValueToSize[VALUE_LARGEST] = 0 ; gValueToSize[NO_VALUE] = 0 ; gValueToSize[VALUE_BOOLEAN] = sizeof(BOOL) ; // etc
gValueToSize[VALUE_RECT] = sizeof(RECT) ; // etc
gValueToSize[VALUE_LIST] = sizeof(DWORD) ; // etc
// only the index of first listnode is stored.
for(i = 0 ; i < CL_NUMCLASSES ; i++) gValueToSize[VALUE_CONSTANT_FIRST + i] = sizeof(DWORD) ;
for(i = 0 ; i < VALUE_MAX ; i++) { if (!gValueToSize[i]) assert! ; // ensure table is fully initialized .
if(gValueToSize[i] > gValueToSize[VALUE_LARGEST]) gValueToSize[VALUE_LARGEST] = gValueToSize[i] ; } }
ensure all whitespaces are stripped before allowing token to be registered, compared with etc.