Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of graphics related DDI entry points: DrvCopyBits DrvBitBlt DrvStretchBlt DrvStretchBltROP DrvDitherColor DrvPlgBlt DrvPaint DrvLineTo DrvStrokePath DrvFillPath DrvStrokeAndFillPath DrvRealizeBrush DrvAlphaBlend DrvGradientFill DrvTransparentBlt
Windows NT Unidrv driver
Revision History:
10/14/96 -amandan- Initial framework.
03/31/97 -zhanw- Added OEM customization support
//#define DBGNEWRULES 1
#include "unidrv.h"
VOID CheckBitmapSurface( SURFOBJ *pso, RECTL *pRect ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function checks whether the bitmap surface has been erased and if not it erases it. It needs to be called before every Drv draw function.
pso Points to surface
--*/ { PDEV * pPDev = (PDEV *)pso->dhpdev; int iWhiteIndex;
// This function should only be called from a bitmap
// surface driver. If the driver is device managed
// just return
if (DRIVER_DEVICEMANAGED (pPDev)) // a device surface
{ WARNING(("CheckBitmapSurface is being called from a device surface driver")); return; }
// If it hasn't already been done, erase the
// bitmap surface.
if (!(pPDev->fMode & PF_SURFACE_USED)) { pPDev->fMode |= PF_SURFACE_USED; if (pPDev->pbRasterScanBuf == NULL) { RECTL rcPage; iWhiteIndex = ((PAL_DATA*)(pPDev->pPalData))->iWhiteIndex;
rcPage.left = 0; rcPage.top = 0; rcPage.right = pPDev->szBand.cx; rcPage.bottom = pPDev->szBand.cy;
EngEraseSurface( pso, &rcPage, iWhiteIndex ); pPDev->fMode |= PF_SURFACE_ERASED; } } #ifndef DISABLE_NEWRULES
// determine whether there are any rules that have previously been
// detected but now need to be drawn because they overlap with this object
if (pPDev->pbRulesArray && pPDev->dwRulesCount) { DWORD i = 0; RECTL SrcRect; DWORD dwRulesCount = pPDev->dwRulesCount; PRECTL pRules = pPDev->pbRulesArray; pPDev->pbRulesArray = NULL;
if (pRect == NULL) { SrcRect.left = SrcRect.top = 0; SrcRect.right = pPDev->szBand.cx; SrcRect.bottom = pPDev->szBand.cy; } else { SrcRect = *pRect; if (SrcRect.top > SrcRect.bottom) { int tmp = SrcRect.top; SrcRect.top = SrcRect.bottom; SrcRect.bottom = tmp; } if (SrcRect.top < 0) SrcRect.top = 0; if (SrcRect.bottom > pPDev->szBand.cy) SrcRect.bottom = pPDev->szBand.cy; if (SrcRect.left > SrcRect.right) { int tmp = SrcRect.left; SrcRect.left = SrcRect.right; SrcRect.right = tmp; } if (SrcRect.left < 0) SrcRect.left = 0; if (SrcRect.right > pPDev->szBand.cx) SrcRect.right = pPDev->szBand.cx; }
// Now we loop once for every potential rule to see if the current object
// overlaps any of them. If so we need to bitblt black into that area but we
// try to save any of the rule that extends outside the current object.
while (i < dwRulesCount) { PRECTL pTmp = &pRules[i]; POINTL BrushOrg = {0,0};
if (pTmp->right > SrcRect.left && pTmp->left < SrcRect.right && pTmp->bottom > SrcRect.top && pTmp->top < SrcRect.bottom) { if (pTmp->top < SrcRect.top && dwRulesCount < MAX_NUM_RULES) { PRECTL pTmp2 = &pRules[dwRulesCount++]; *pTmp2 = *pTmp; pTmp2->bottom = SrcRect.top; pTmp->top = SrcRect.top; } if (pTmp->bottom > SrcRect.bottom && dwRulesCount < MAX_NUM_RULES) { PRECTL pTmp2 = &pRules[dwRulesCount++]; *pTmp2 = *pTmp; pTmp2->top = SrcRect.bottom; pTmp->bottom = SrcRect.bottom; } if (pTmp->right > SrcRect.right && dwRulesCount < MAX_NUM_RULES) { PRECTL pTmp2 = &pRules[dwRulesCount++]; *pTmp2 = *pTmp; pTmp2->left = SrcRect.right; pTmp->right = SrcRect.right; } if (pTmp->left < SrcRect.left && dwRulesCount < MAX_NUM_RULES) { PRECTL pTmp2 = &pRules[dwRulesCount++]; *pTmp2 = *pTmp; pTmp2->right = SrcRect.left; pTmp->left = SrcRect.left; } #ifdef DBGNEWRULES
DbgPrint("Removed rule %u: L%u,R%u,T%u,B%u; L%u,R%u,T%u,B%u\n", dwRulesCount,pTmp->left,pTmp->right,pTmp->top,pTmp->bottom, SrcRect.left,SrcRect.right,SrcRect.top,SrcRect.bottom); #endif
CheckBitmapSurface(pPDev->pso,pTmp); EngBitBlt(pPDev->pso, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, pTmp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0x0000); // rop4 = BLACKNESS = 0
// if we draw this in the bitmap instead of downloading we may need
// to download a white rectangle to erase anything else already drawn
if ((COMMANDPTR(pPDev->pDriverInfo,CMD_RECTWHITEFILL)) && (pPDev->fMode & PF_DOWNLOADED_TEXT)) { INT j; BYTE bMask = BGetMask(pPDev, pTmp); BOOL bSendRectFill = FALSE; for (j = pTmp->top; j < pTmp->bottom ; j++) { if (pPDev->pbScanBuf[j] & bMask) { bSendRectFill = TRUE; break; } } //
// check if we overlap with downloaded text
if (bSendRectFill) { DRAWPATRECT PatRect; PatRect.wStyle = 1; // white rectangle
PatRect.wPattern = 0; // pattern not used
PatRect.ptPosition.x = pTmp->left; PatRect.ptPosition.y = pTmp->top; PatRect.ptSize.x = pTmp->right - pTmp->left; PatRect.ptSize.y = pTmp->bottom - pTmp->top; DrawPatternRect(pPDev,&PatRect); } } dwRulesCount--; *pTmp = pRules[dwRulesCount]; } else i++; } pPDev->dwRulesCount = dwRulesCount; pPDev->pbRulesArray = pRules; } #endif
// if entire surface hasn't been erased then
// we need to erase the require section
if (!(pPDev->fMode & PF_SURFACE_ERASED)) { int y1,y2; long iScan; long dwWidth = pso->lDelta; PBYTE pBits = (PBYTE)pso->pvBits; if (pRect == NULL) { pPDev->fMode |= PF_SURFACE_ERASED; y1 = 0; y2 = pPDev->szBand.cy - 1; } else { if (pRect->top > pRect->bottom) { y1 = max(0,pRect->bottom); y2 = min (pPDev->szBand.cy-1,pRect->top); } else { y1 = max(0,pRect->top); y2 = min(pPDev->szBand.cy-1,pRect->bottom); } } y1 = y1 / LINESPERBLOCK; y2 = y2 / LINESPERBLOCK; while ( y1 <= y2) { // test whether this block has already been erased
if (pPDev->pbRasterScanBuf[y1] == 0) { // specify block as erased
pPDev->pbRasterScanBuf[y1] = 1; //
// determined erase byte
if (pPDev->sBitsPixel == 4) iWhiteIndex = 0x77; else if (pPDev->sBitsPixel == 8) iWhiteIndex = ((PAL_DATA*)(pPDev->pPalData))->iWhiteIndex; else iWhiteIndex = 0xff; //
// determine block size and erase block
iScan = pPDev->szBand.cy - (y1 * LINESPERBLOCK); if (iScan > LINESPERBLOCK) iScan = LINESPERBLOCK; #ifndef WINNT_40
FillMemory (&pBits[(ULONG_PTR )dwWidth*y1*LINESPERBLOCK], (SIZE_T)dwWidth*iScan,(BYTE)iWhiteIndex); #else
FillMemory (&pBits[(ULONG_PTR )dwWidth*y1*LINESPERBLOCK], dwWidth*iScan,(BYTE)iWhiteIndex); #endif
} y1++; } } } #ifndef DISABLE_NEWRULES
VOID AddRuleToList( PDEV *pPDev, PRECTL pRect, CLIPOBJ *pco ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function checks whether a potential black rule needs to be clipped.
pPDev pRect black rule pco clip object
--*/ { //
// if clip rectangle then clip the rule
if (pco && pco->iDComplexity == DC_RECT) { if (pRect->left < pco->rclBounds.left) pRect->left = pco->rclBounds.left; if (pRect->top < pco->rclBounds.top) pRect->top = pco->rclBounds.top; if (pRect->right > pco->rclBounds.right) pRect->right = pco->rclBounds.right; if (pRect->bottom > pco->rclBounds.bottom) pRect->bottom = pco->rclBounds.bottom; } #ifdef DBGNEWRULES
DbgPrint("New Rule %3d, L%d,R%d,T%d,B%d\n",pPDev->dwRulesCount, pRect->left,pRect->right,pRect->top,pRect->bottom); #endif
if (pRect->left < pRect->right && pRect->top < pRect->bottom) { pPDev->dwRulesCount++; } }
BOOL TestStrokeRectangle( PDEV *pPDev, PATHOBJ *ppo, CLIPOBJ *pco, LONG width ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function determines whether a StrokeFillPath is actually defining a rectangle that can be drawn with black rules instead.
pPDev ppo path object that might be rectangle pco clip object width line width
--*/ { POINTFIX* pptfx; PATHDATA PathData; DWORD dwPoints = 0; POINTL pPoints[5];
// if there is more than one subpath then its not a rectangle
if (PATHOBJ_bEnum(ppo, &PathData)) { #ifdef DBGNEWRULES
DbgPrint ("Unable to convert Rectangle3\n"); #endif
return FALSE; } //
// Begin new sub path
if ((PathData.count != 4 && (PathData.flags & PD_CLOSEFIGURE)) || (PathData.count != 5 && !(PathData.flags & PD_CLOSEFIGURE)) || !(PathData.flags & PD_BEGINSUBPATH) || PathData.flags & PD_BEZIERS) { #ifdef DBGNEWRULES
DbgPrint("Unable to convert Rectangle4: flags=%x,Count=%d\n", PathData.flags,PathData.count); #endif
return FALSE; }
// Verify these are all vertical or horizontal lines only
pptfx = PathData.pptfx; while (dwPoints <= 4) { if (dwPoints != 4 || PathData.count == 5) { pPoints[dwPoints].x = FXTOL(pptfx->x); pPoints[dwPoints].y = FXTOL(pptfx->y); pptfx++; } else { pPoints[dwPoints].x = pPoints[0].x; pPoints[dwPoints].y = pPoints[0].y; } //
// check for diagonal lines
if (dwPoints != 0) { if (pPoints[dwPoints].x != pPoints[dwPoints-1].x && pPoints[dwPoints].y != pPoints[dwPoints-1].y) { #ifdef DBGNEWRULES
DbgPrint ("Unable to convert Rectangle5\n"); #endif
return FALSE; } } dwPoints++; } //
// make sure width is at least 1 pixel
if (width <= 0) width = 1; //
// convert rectangle edges to rules
for (dwPoints = 0;dwPoints < 4;dwPoints++) { PRECTL pRect= &pPDev->pbRulesArray[pPDev->dwRulesCount]; pRect->left = pPoints[dwPoints].x; pRect->top = pPoints[dwPoints].y; pRect->right = pPoints[dwPoints+1].x; pRect->bottom = pPoints[dwPoints+1].y; if (pRect->left > pRect->right) { LONG temp = pRect->left; pRect->left = pRect->right; pRect->right = temp; } pRect->left -= width >> 1; pRect->right += width - (width >> 1); if (pRect->top > pRect->bottom) { LONG temp = pRect->top; pRect->top = pRect->bottom; pRect->bottom = temp; } pRect->top -= width >> 1; pRect->bottom += width - (width >> 1); AddRuleToList(pPDev,pRect,pco);
} return TRUE; } #endif
BOOL DrvCopyBits( SURFOBJ *psoDst, SURFOBJ *psoSrc, CLIPOBJ *pco, XLATEOBJ *pxlo, RECTL *prclDst, POINTL *pptlSrc )
Routine Description:
Implementation of DDI entry point DrvCopyBits. Please refer to DDK documentation for more details.
psoDst - Points to the Dstination surface psoSrc - Points to the source surface pxlo - XLATEOBJ provided by the engine pco - Defines a clipping region on the Dstination surface pxlo - Defines the translation of color indices between the source and target surfaces prclDst - Defines the area to be modified pptlSrc - Defines the upper-left corner of the source rectangle
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if there is an error
{ PDEV * pPDev = (PDEV *)psoDst->dhpdev;
VERBOSE(("Entering DrvCopyBits...\n"));
// Sometimes GDI calls DrvCopyBits with the destination surface
// as STYPE_BITMAP and the source surface as STYPE_DEVICE.
// This means GDI wants the driver to copy whats on the device surface to the
// Bitmap surface. For device managed surfaces, driver does not keep track of
// what has already been drawn on the device. So either the driver can fail
// this call, or assume that nothing was drawn on the device earlier and
// therefore whiten the surface.
// In most cases, the driver fails the call, except when
// 1. It has been told to whiten the surface
// 2. The destination surface is 24bpp (this condition was hit
// for 24bpp and thats how we can test it. We can make the solution more
// general for other color depths, but how do we test it...)
// The drawback of whitening the surface is that
// whatever is actually on the device surface
// is overwritten. To prevent this, driver sets the flag PF2_RENDER_TRANSPARENT
// in pPDev->fMode2. This is an indication to download the bitmap in
// transparent mode, so that the white on the bitmap does not overwrite the
// destination.
// To hit this case, print grdfil06.emf using guiman using HP5si
// (or any model using inbox HPGL driver).
// NOTE: GDI is planning to change the behavior for Windows XP, but if you want to
// see this happening, run this driver on Windows2000 machine.
if ( pPDev == NULL && psoSrc && psoSrc->iType == STYPE_DEVICE && psoDst && psoDst->iType == STYPE_BITMAP )
{ PDEV * pPDevSrc = (PDEV *)psoSrc->dhpdev; if ( pPDevSrc && (pPDevSrc->fMode2 & PF2_WHITEN_SURFACE) && (psoSrc->iBitmapFormat == BMF_24BPP) && psoDst->pvBits && (psoDst->cjBits > 0) ) { //
// Change the bits in the destination surface to white
// and return TRUE.
memset(psoDst->pvBits, 0xff, psoDst->cjBits); pPDevSrc->fMode2 |= PF2_SURFACE_WHITENED; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
// use driver managed surface
if (pPDev && pPDev->pso) psoDst = pPDev->pso;
// Unidrv does not allow OEM's to hook out DrvEnableSurface and it creates
// only the bitmap surface itself.
if ( ((pPDev == 0) || (pPDev->ulID != PDEV_ID)) || ((!DRIVER_DEVICEMANAGED (pPDev)) && ((psoSrc->iType != STYPE_BITMAP) || (psoDst->iType != STYPE_BITMAP))) ) // compatible bitmap case
{ return (EngCopyBits(psoDst,psoSrc,pco,pxlo, prclDst,pptlSrc)); }
// Handle OEM hooks
HANDLE_OEMHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMCopyBits, PFN_OEMCopyBits, BOOL, (psoDst, psoSrc, pco, pxlo, prclDst, pptlSrc));
HANDLE_VECTORHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMCopyBits, VMCopyBits, BOOL, (psoDst, psoSrc, pco, pxlo, prclDst, pptlSrc));
{ PRMPROCS pRasterProcs = (PRMPROCS)(pPDev->pRasterProcs);
if (!DRIVER_DEVICEMANAGED (pPDev)) // a bitmap surface
{ if (pRasterProcs->RMCopyBits == NULL) { CheckBitmapSurface(psoDst,prclDst); return FALSE; } else return ( pRasterProcs->RMCopyBits(psoDst, psoSrc, pco, pxlo, prclDst, pptlSrc) ); } else { ERR (("Device Managed Surface cannot call EngCopyBits\n")); return FALSE; } } }
BOOL DrvBitBlt( SURFOBJ *psoDst, SURFOBJ *psoSrc, SURFOBJ *psoMask, CLIPOBJ *pco, XLATEOBJ *pxlo, RECTL *prclDst, POINTL *pptlSrc, POINTL *pptlMask, BRUSHOBJ *pbo, POINTL *pptlBrush, ROP4 rop4 )
Routine Description:
Implementation of DDI entry point DrvBitBlt. Please refer to DDK documentation for more details.
psoDst - Describes the target surface psoSrc - Describes the source surface psoMask - Describes the mask for rop4 pco - Limits the area to be modified pxlo - Specifies how color indices are translated between the source and target surfaces prclDst - Defines the area to be modified pptlSrc - Defines the upper left corner of the source rectangle pptlMask - Defines which pixel in the mask corresponds to the upper left corner of the source rectangle pbo - Defines the pattern for bitblt pptlBrush - Defines the origin of the brush in the Dstination surface rop4 - ROP code that defines how the mask, pattern, source, and Dstination pixels are combined to write to the Dstination surface
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if there is an error
PDEV * pPDev = (PDEV *)psoDst->dhpdev;
VERBOSE(("Entering DrvBitBlt...\n"));
// use driver managed surface
if (pPDev->pso) psoDst = pPDev->pso;
// Handle OEM hooks
HANDLE_OEMHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMBitBlt, PFN_OEMBitBlt, BOOL, (psoDst, psoSrc, psoMask, pco, pxlo, prclDst, pptlSrc, pptlMask, pbo, pptlBrush, rop4));
HANDLE_VECTORHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMBitBlt, VMBitBlt, BOOL, (psoDst, psoSrc, psoMask, pco, pxlo, prclDst, pptlSrc, pptlMask, pbo, pptlBrush, rop4));
{ PRMPROCS pRasterProcs = (PRMPROCS)(pPDev->pRasterProcs); if (!DRIVER_DEVICEMANAGED (pPDev)) // a bitmap surface
{ if (pRasterProcs->RMBitBlt == NULL) { CheckBitmapSurface(psoDst,prclDst); return FALSE; } else return ( pRasterProcs->RMBitBlt(psoDst, psoSrc, psoMask, pco, pxlo, prclDst, pptlSrc,pptlMask, pbo, pptlBrush, rop4)); } } return FALSE; }
BOOL DrvStretchBlt( SURFOBJ *psoDst, SURFOBJ *psoSrc, SURFOBJ *psoMask, CLIPOBJ *pco, XLATEOBJ *pxlo, COLORADJUSTMENT *pca, POINTL *pptlHTOrg, RECTL *prclDst, RECTL *prclSrc, POINTL *pptlMask, ULONG iMode )
Routine Description:
Implementation of DDI entry point DrvStretchBlt. Please refer to DDK documentation for more details.
psoDst - Defines the surface on which to draw psoSrc - Defines the source for blt operation psoMask - Defines a surface that provides a mask for the source pco - Limits the area to be modified on the Dstination pxlo - Specifies how color dwIndexes are to be translated between the source and target surfaces pca - Defines color adjustment values to be applied to the source bitmap pptlHTOrg - Specifies the origin of the halftone brush prclDst - Defines the area to be modified on the Dstination surface prclSrc - Defines the area to be copied from the source surface pptlMask - Specifies which pixel in the given mask corresponds to the upper left pixel in the source rectangle iMode - Specifies how source pixels are combined to get output pixels
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if there is an error
{ PDEV * pPDev = (PDEV *)psoDst->dhpdev;
VERBOSE(("Entering DrvStretchBlt...\n"));
// use driver managed surface
if (pPDev->pso) psoDst = pPDev->pso;
// Handle OEM hooks
HANDLE_OEMHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMStretchBlt, PFN_OEMStretchBlt, BOOL, (psoDst, psoSrc, psoMask, pco, pxlo, pca, pptlHTOrg, prclDst, prclSrc, pptlMask, iMode));
HANDLE_VECTORHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMStretchBlt, VMStretchBlt, BOOL, (psoDst, psoSrc, psoMask, pco, pxlo, pca, pptlHTOrg, prclDst, prclSrc, pptlMask, iMode));
{ PRMPROCS pRasterProcs = (PRMPROCS)(pPDev->pRasterProcs);
if (!DRIVER_DEVICEMANAGED (pPDev)) // a bitmap surface
{ if (pRasterProcs->RMStretchBlt == NULL) { CheckBitmapSurface(psoDst,prclDst); return FALSE; } else return ( pRasterProcs->RMStretchBlt(psoDst, psoSrc, psoMask, pco, pxlo, pca, pptlHTOrg, prclDst, prclSrc, pptlMask, iMode) ); } else { //
// ERR (("Device Managed Surface cannot call EngStretchBlt\n"));
// We make an exception for StretchBlt because OEM driver may not
// be able to handle complex clipping. In that case it may wants
// gdi to simply the call by breaking the StretchBlt into several
// CopyBits. So call EngStretchBlt and hope for the best.
return ( EngStretchBlt(psoDst, psoSrc, psoMask, pco, pxlo, pca, pptlHTOrg, prclDst, prclSrc, pptlMask, iMode) ); } } }
ULONG DrvDitherColor( DHPDEV dhpdev, ULONG iMode, ULONG rgbColor, ULONG *pulDither )
Routine Description:
This is the hooked brush creation function, it ask CreateHalftoneBrush() to do the actual work.
dhpdev - DHPDEV passed, it is our pDEV iMode - Not used rgbColor - Solid rgb color to be used pulDither - buffer to put the halftone brush.
Return Value:
returns halftone method, default is DCR_HALFTONE
{ PDEV *pPDev = (PDEV *)dhpdev;
VERBOSE(("Entering DrvDitherColor...\n"));
// Handle OEM hooks
HANDLE_OEMHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMDitherColor, PFN_OEMDitherColor, ULONG, (dhpdev, iMode, rgbColor, pulDither));
HANDLE_VECTORHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMDitherColor, VMDitherColor, ULONG, (dhpdev, iMode, rgbColor, pulDither));
{ PRMPROCS pRasterProcs = (PRMPROCS)(pPDev->pRasterProcs); if (pRasterProcs->RMDitherColor == NULL) return DCR_HALFTONE; else return ( pRasterProcs->RMDitherColor(pPDev, iMode, rgbColor, pulDither) ); } }
#ifndef WINNT_40
BOOL APIENTRY DrvStretchBltROP( SURFOBJ *psoDst, SURFOBJ *psoSrc, SURFOBJ *psoMask, CLIPOBJ *pco, XLATEOBJ *pxlo, COLORADJUSTMENT *pca, POINTL *pptlHTOrg, RECTL *prclDst, RECTL *prclSrc, POINTL *pptlMask, ULONG iMode, BRUSHOBJ *pbo, ROP4 rop4 )
Routine Description:
Implementation of DDI entry point DrvStretchBltROP. Please refer to DDK documentation for more details.
psoDst - Specifies the target surface psoSrc - Specifies the source surface psoMask - Specifies the mask surface pco - Limits the area to be modified pxlo - Specifies how color indices are translated between the source and target surfaces pca - Defines color adjustment values to be applied to the source bitmap prclHTOrg - Specifies the halftone origin prclDst - Area to be modified on the destination surface prclSrc - Rectangle area on the source surface prclMask - Rectangle area on the mask surface pptlMask - Defines which pixel in the mask corresponds to the upper left corner of the source rectangle iMode - Specifies how source pixels are combined to get output pixels pbo - Defines the pattern for bitblt rop4 - ROP code that defines how the mask, pattern, source, and destination pixels are combined on the destination surface
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if there is an error
--*/ { PDEV *pPDev = (PDEV *)psoDst->dhpdev; PRMPROCS pRasterProcs;
VERBOSE(("Entering DrvStretchBltROP...\n"));
// use driver managed surface
if (pPDev->pso) psoDst = pPDev->pso;
// Handle OEM hooks
HANDLE_OEMHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMStretchBltROP, PFN_OEMStretchBltROP, BOOL, (psoDst, psoSrc, psoMask, pco, pxlo, pca, pptlHTOrg, prclDst, prclSrc, pptlMask, iMode, pbo, rop4));
HANDLE_VECTORHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMStretchBltROP, VMStretchBltROP, BOOL, (psoDst, psoSrc, psoMask, pco, pxlo, pca, pptlHTOrg, prclDst, prclSrc, pptlMask, iMode, pbo, rop4));
pRasterProcs = (PRMPROCS)(pPDev->pRasterProcs);
if (!DRIVER_DEVICEMANAGED (pPDev)) // a bitmap surface
{ if (pRasterProcs->RMStretchBltROP == NULL) { CheckBitmapSurface(psoDst,prclDst); return FALSE; } else return ( pRasterProcs->RMStretchBltROP(psoDst, psoSrc, psoMask, pco, pxlo, pca, pptlHTOrg, prclDst, prclSrc, pptlMask, iMode, pbo, rop4) ); } else { ERR (("Device Managed Surface cannot call EngStretchBltROP\n")); return FALSE; } }
#ifndef WINNT_40
BOOL APIENTRY DrvPlgBlt( SURFOBJ *psoDst, SURFOBJ *psoSrc, SURFOBJ *psoMask, CLIPOBJ *pco, XLATEOBJ *pxlo, COLORADJUSTMENT *pca, POINTL *pptlBrushOrg, POINTFIX *pptfixDest, RECTL *prclSrc, POINTL *pptlMask, ULONG iMode) /*++
Routine Description:
Implementation of DDI entry point DrvPlgBlt. Please refer to DDK documentation for more details.
psoDst - Defines the surface on which to draw psoSrc - Defines the source for blt operation psoMask - Defines a surface that provides a mask for the source pco - Limits the area to be modified on the Dstination pxlo - Specifies how color dwIndexes are to be translated between the source and target surfaces pca - Defines color adjustment values to be applied to the source bitmap pptlBrushOrg - Specifies the origin of the halftone brush ppfxDest - Defines the area to be modified on the Dstination surface prclSrc - Defines the area to be copied from the source surface pptlMask - Specifies which pixel in the given mask corresponds to the upper left pixel in the source rectangle iMode - Specifies how source pixels are combined to get output pixels
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if there is an error
--*/ { PDEV *pPDev;
VERBOSE(("Entering DrvPlgBlt...\n")); ASSERT(psoDst != NULL);
pPDev = (PDEV *)psoDst->dhpdev; ASSERT_VALID_PDEV(pPDev);
// use driver managed surface
if (pPDev->pso) psoDst = pPDev->pso;
// Handle OEM hooks
HANDLE_OEMHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMPlgBlt, PFN_OEMPlgBlt, BOOL, (psoDst, psoSrc, psoMask, pco, pxlo, pca, pptlBrushOrg, pptfixDest, prclSrc, pptlMask, iMode));
HANDLE_VECTORHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMPlgBlt, VMPlgBlt, BOOL, (psoDst, psoSrc, psoMask, pco, pxlo, pca, pptlBrushOrg, pptfixDest, prclSrc, pptlMask, iMode));
if (!DRIVER_DEVICEMANAGED (pPDev)) // not a device surface
{ PRMPROCS pRasterProcs; pRasterProcs = (PRMPROCS)(pPDev->pRasterProcs); if (pRasterProcs->RMPlgBlt != NULL) { return ( pRasterProcs->RMPlgBlt(psoDst, psoSrc, psoMask, pco, pxlo, pca, pptlBrushOrg, pptfixDest, prclSrc, pptlMask, iMode)); } else { //
// Check whether to erase surface
// Unidrv does not handle this call itself.
return EngPlgBlt(psoDst, psoSrc, psoMask, pco, pxlo, pca, pptlBrushOrg, pptfixDest, prclSrc, pptlMask, iMode); } } else { ERR (("Device Managed Surface cannot call EngPlgBlt\n")); return FALSE; } } #endif
BOOL APIENTRY DrvPaint( SURFOBJ *pso, CLIPOBJ *pco, BRUSHOBJ *pbo, POINTL *pptlBrushOrg, MIX mix) /*++
Routine Description:
Implementation of DDI entry point DrvPaint. Please refer to DDK documentation for more details.
pso - Defines the surface on which to draw pco - Limits the area to be modified on the Dstination pbo - Points to a BRUSHOBJ which defined the pattern and colors to fill with pptlBrushOrg - Specifies the origin of the halftone brush mix - Defines the foreground and background raster operations to use for the brush
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if there is an error
--*/ { PDEV *pPDev = (PDEV *)pso->dhpdev; PRMPROCS pRasterProcs;
VERBOSE(("Entering DrvPaint...\n"));
// use driver managed surface
if (pPDev->pso) pso = pPDev->pso;
// Handle OEM hooks
HANDLE_OEMHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMPaint, PFN_OEMPaint, BOOL, (pso, pco, pbo, pptlBrushOrg, mix));
HANDLE_VECTORHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMPaint, VMPaint, BOOL, (pso, pco, pbo, pptlBrushOrg, mix));
if (!DRIVER_DEVICEMANAGED (pPDev)) // not a device surface
pRasterProcs = (PRMPROCS)(pPDev->pRasterProcs); if (pRasterProcs->RMPaint != NULL) { return ( pRasterProcs->RMPaint(pso, pco, pbo, pptlBrushOrg, mix)); } else { //
// Check whether to erase surface
CheckBitmapSurface(pso,&pco->rclBounds); //
// Unidrv does not handle this call itself.
return EngPaint(pso, pco, pbo, pptlBrushOrg, mix); } } else { ERR (("Device Managed Surface cannot call EngPaint")); return FALSE; } }
BOOL APIENTRY DrvRealizeBrush( BRUSHOBJ *pbo, SURFOBJ *psoTarget, SURFOBJ *psoPattern, SURFOBJ *psoMask, XLATEOBJ *pxlo, ULONG iHatch )
Routine Description:
Implementation of DDI entry point DrvRealizeBrush. Please refer to DDK documentation for more details.
pbo - BRUSHOBJ to be realized psoTarget - Defines the surface for which the brush is to be realized psoPattern - Defines the pattern for the brush psoMask - Transparency mask for the brush pxlo - Defines the interpretration of colors in the pattern iHatch - Specifies whether psoPattern is one of the hatch brushes
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if there is an error
VERBOSE(("Entering DrvRealizeBrush...\n")); ASSERT(psoTarget && pbo && pxlo);
pPDev = (PDEV *) psoTarget->dhpdev; ASSERT_VALID_PDEV(pPDev);
// use driver managed surface
if (pPDev->pso) psoTarget = pPDev->pso;
// Handle OEM hooks
HANDLE_OEMHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMRealizeBrush, PFN_OEMRealizeBrush, BOOL, (pbo, psoTarget, psoPattern, psoMask, pxlo, iHatch));
HANDLE_VECTORHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMRealizeBrush, VMRealizeBrush, BOOL, (pbo, psoTarget, psoPattern, psoMask, pxlo, iHatch));
// BUG_BUG, if OEM hook out DrvRealizeBrush, how are we
// handling dithering of solid color for pattern brush for text?
// Amanda says if OEM doesn't call this function or provide
// an equivalent when hooking out this function, dithered text
// support will not work. So maybe the OEM extensions guide
// should include such a warning in it.
// Handle realize brush for user defined pattern, dither solid color.
if ((iHatch >= HS_DDI_MAX) && (psoPattern) && (psoPattern->iType == STYPE_BITMAP) && (psoTarget->iType == STYPE_BITMAP) && (psoTarget->iBitmapFormat == psoPattern->iBitmapFormat) && (pDB = (PDEVBRUSH)BRUSHOBJ_pvAllocRbrush(pbo, sizeof(DEVBRUSH)))) {
WORD wChecksum; LONG lPatID; RECTW rcw;
rcw.l = rcw.t = 0; rcw.r = (WORD)psoPattern->sizlBitmap.cx; rcw.b = (WORD)psoPattern->sizlBitmap.cy;
wChecksum = GetBMPChecksum(psoPattern, &rcw);
#ifndef WINNT_40
VERBOSE (("\n\nRaddd:DrvRealizedBrush(%08lx) Checksum=%04lx, %ld x %ld [%ld] ", BRUSHOBJ_ulGetBrushColor(pbo) & 0x00FFFFFF, wChecksum, psoPattern->sizlBitmap.cx, psoPattern->sizlBitmap.cy, psoPattern->iBitmapFormat)); #endif
if (lPatID = FindCachedHTPattern(pPDev, wChecksum)) { //
// Either need to download (<0) or already downloaded (>0)
if (lPatID < 0) {
// Need to download the ID now
lPatID = -lPatID;
if (!Download1BPPHTPattern(pPDev, psoPattern, lPatID)) { return(FALSE); } } else if (lPatID == 0) // Out of memory case
return FALSE;
pDB->iColor = lPatID; pbo->pvRbrush = (LPVOID)pDB;
VERBOSE (("\nUnidrv:DrvRealizedBrush(PatID=%d) ", pDB->iColor));
return(TRUE); }
return ( FALSE );
BOOL APIENTRY DrvStrokePath( SURFOBJ *pso, PATHOBJ *ppo, CLIPOBJ *pco, XFORMOBJ *pxo, BRUSHOBJ *pbo, POINTL *pptlBrushOrg, LINEATTRS *plineattrs, MIX mix )
Routine Description:
Implementation of DDI entry point DrvStrokePath. Please refer to DDK documentation for more details.
pso - Identifies the surface on which to draw ppo - Defines the path to be stroked pco - Defines the clipping path pbo - Specifies the brush to be used when drawing the path pptlBrushOrg - Defines the brush origin plineattrs - Defines the line attributes mix - Specifies how to combine the brush with the destination
Return Value:
TRUE if successful FALSE if driver cannot handle the path DDI_ERROR if there is an error
{ PDEV *pPDev;
VERBOSE(("Entering DrvStrokePath...\n")); ASSERT(pso);
pPDev = (PDEV *)pso->dhpdev; ASSERT_VALID_PDEV(pPDev);
// use driver managed surface
if (pPDev->pso) pso = pPDev->pso;
// Handle OEM hooks
HANDLE_OEMHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMStrokePath, PFN_OEMStrokePath, BOOL, (pso, ppo, pco, pxo, pbo, pptlBrushOrg, plineattrs, mix));
HANDLE_VECTORHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMStrokePath, VMStrokePath, BOOL, (pso, ppo, pco, pxo, pbo, pptlBrushOrg, plineattrs, mix));
if (!DRIVER_DEVICEMANAGED (pPDev)) // not a device surface
// check for black rectangle replacement
if (ppo->cCurves == 4 && ppo->fl == 0 && pPDev->pbRulesArray && pPDev->dwRulesCount < (MAX_NUM_RULES-4) && mix == (R2_COPYPEN | (R2_COPYPEN << 8)) && pbo && (pco == NULL || pco->iDComplexity != DC_COMPLEX) && ((pso->iBitmapFormat != BMF_24BPP && pbo->iSolidColor == (ULONG)((PAL_DATA*)(pPDev->pPalData))->iBlackIndex) || (pso->iBitmapFormat == BMF_24BPP && pbo->iSolidColor == 0))) { // Make sure outline doesn't use line style
if (!(plineattrs->fl & (LA_GEOMETRIC | LA_STYLED | LA_ALTERNATE))) { if (TestStrokeRectangle(pPDev,ppo,pco,plineattrs->elWidth.l)) { return TRUE; } } } #endif
// Check whether to erase surface
CheckBitmapSurface(pso,pco? &pco->rclBounds : NULL);
// Unidrv does not handle this call itself.
return EngStrokePath(pso, ppo, pco, pxo, pbo, pptlBrushOrg, plineattrs,mix); } else { ERR (("Device Managed Surface cannot call EngStrokePath")); return FALSE; }
BOOL APIENTRY DrvFillPath( SURFOBJ *pso, PATHOBJ *ppo, CLIPOBJ *pco, BRUSHOBJ *pbo, POINTL *pptlBrushOrg, MIX mix, FLONG flOptions )
Routine Description:
Implementation of DDI entry point DrvFillPath. Please refer to DDK documentation for more details.
pso - Defines the surface on which to draw. ppo - Defines the path to be filled pco - Defines the clipping path pbo - Defines the pattern and colors to fill with pptlBrushOrg - Defines the brush origin mix - Defines the foreground and background ROPs to use for the brush flOptions - Whether to use zero-winding or odd-even rule
Return Value:
TRUE if successful FALSE if driver cannot handle the path DDI_ERROR if there is an error
{ PDEV *pPDev;
VERBOSE(("Entering DrvFillPath...\n")); ASSERT(pso);
pPDev = (PDEV *) pso->dhpdev; ASSERT_VALID_PDEV(pPDev);
// use driver managed surface
if (pPDev->pso) pso = pPDev->pso;
// Handle OEM hooks
HANDLE_OEMHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMFillPath, PFN_OEMFillPath, BOOL, (pso, ppo, pco, pbo, pptlBrushOrg, mix, flOptions));
HANDLE_VECTORHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMFillPath, VMFillPath, BOOL, (pso, ppo, pco, pbo, pptlBrushOrg, mix, flOptions));
if (!DRIVER_DEVICEMANAGED (pPDev)) // not a device surface
{ //
// Check whether to erase surface
// Unidrv does not handle this call itself.
return EngFillPath(pso, ppo, pco, pbo, pptlBrushOrg, mix, flOptions); } else { ERR (("Device Managed Surface cannot call EngFillPath")); return FALSE; }
BOOL APIENTRY DrvStrokeAndFillPath( SURFOBJ *pso, PATHOBJ *ppo, CLIPOBJ *pco, XFORMOBJ *pxo, BRUSHOBJ *pboStroke, LINEATTRS *plineattrs, BRUSHOBJ *pboFill, POINTL *pptlBrushOrg, MIX mixFill, FLONG flOptions )
Routine Description:
Implementation of DDI entry point DrvStrokeAndFillPath. Please refer to DDK documentation for more details.
pso - Describes the surface on which to draw ppo - Describes the path to be filled pco - Defines the clipping path pxo - Specifies the world to device coordinate transformation pboStroke - Specifies the brush to use when stroking the path plineattrs - Specifies the line attributes pboFill - Specifies the brush to use when filling the path pptlBrushOrg - Specifies the brush origin for both brushes mixFill - Specifies the foreground and background ROPs to use for the fill brush
Return Value:
TRUE if successful FALSE if driver cannot handle the path DDI_ERROR if there is an error
{ PDEV *pPDev;
VERBOSE(("Entering DrvFillAndStrokePath...\n")); ASSERT(pso);
pPDev = (PDEV *) pso->dhpdev; ASSERT_VALID_PDEV(pPDev);
// use driver managed surface
if (pPDev->pso) pso = pPDev->pso;
// Handle OEM hooks
HANDLE_OEMHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMStrokeAndFillPath, PFN_OEMStrokeAndFillPath, BOOL, (pso, ppo, pco, pxo, pboStroke, plineattrs, pboFill, pptlBrushOrg, mixFill, flOptions));
HANDLE_VECTORHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMStrokeAndFillPath, VMStrokeAndFillPath, BOOL, (pso, ppo, pco, pxo, pboStroke, plineattrs, pboFill, pptlBrushOrg, mixFill, flOptions));
if (!DRIVER_DEVICEMANAGED (pPDev)) // not a device surface
{ //
// Check whether to erase surface
// Unidrv does not handle this call itself.
return EngStrokeAndFillPath(pso, ppo, pco, pxo, pboStroke, plineattrs, pboFill, pptlBrushOrg, mixFill, flOptions); } else { ERR (("Device Managed Surface cannot call EngStrokeAndFillPath")); return FALSE; } }
BOOL APIENTRY DrvLineTo( SURFOBJ *pso, CLIPOBJ *pco, BRUSHOBJ *pbo, LONG x1, LONG y1, LONG x2, LONG y2, RECTL *prclBounds, MIX mix )
Routine Description:
Implementation of DDI entry point DrvLineTo. Please refer to DDK documentation for more details.
pso - Describes the surface on which to draw pco - Defines the clipping path pbo - Defines the brush used to draw the line x1,y1 - Specifies the line's starting point x2,y2 - Specifies the line's ending point prclBounds - Defines a rectangle that bounds the unclipped line. mix - Specifies the foreground and background ROP
Return Value:
TRUE if successful FALSE if driver cannot handle the path DDI_ERROR if there is an error
--*/ { PDEV *pPDev; RECTL DstRect;
VERBOSE(("Entering DrvLineTo...\n")); ASSERT(pso);
pPDev = (PDEV *) pso->dhpdev; ASSERT_VALID_PDEV(pPDev);
// use driver managed surface
if (pPDev->pso) pso = pPDev->pso;
// Handle OEM hooks
HANDLE_OEMHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMLineTo, PFN_OEMLineTo, BOOL, (pso, pco, pbo, x1, y1, x2, y2, prclBounds, mix));
HANDLE_VECTORHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMLineTo, VMLineTo, BOOL, (pso, pco, pbo, x1, y1, x2, y2, prclBounds, mix));
if (!DRIVER_DEVICEMANAGED (pPDev)) // not a device surface
{ DstRect.top = min(y1,y2); DstRect.bottom = max(y1,y2); DstRect.left = min(x1,x2); DstRect.right = max(x1,x2); #ifndef DISABLE_NEWRULES
// check for black rectangle replacement
if (pPDev->pbRulesArray && (pPDev->dwRulesCount < MAX_NUM_RULES) && (x1 == x2 || y1 == y2) && mix == (R2_COPYPEN | (R2_COPYPEN << 8)) && pbo && (pco == NULL || pco->iDComplexity != DC_COMPLEX) && ((pso->iBitmapFormat != BMF_24BPP && pbo->iSolidColor == (ULONG)((PAL_DATA*)(pPDev->pPalData))->iBlackIndex) || (pso->iBitmapFormat == BMF_24BPP && pbo->iSolidColor == 0))) { PRECTL pRect = &pPDev->pbRulesArray[pPDev->dwRulesCount]; *pRect = DstRect; if (x1 == x2) pRect->right++; else if (y1 == y2) pRect->bottom++; AddRuleToList(pPDev,pRect,pco); return TRUE; } #endif
// Check whether to erase surface
// Unidrv does not handle this call itself.
return EngLineTo(pso, pco, pbo, x1, y1, x2, y2, prclBounds, mix); } else { ERR (("Device Managed Surface cannot call EngLineTo")); return FALSE; } }
#ifndef WINNT_40
BOOL APIENTRY DrvAlphaBlend( SURFOBJ *psoDest, SURFOBJ *psoSrc, CLIPOBJ *pco, XLATEOBJ *pxlo, RECTL *prclDest, RECTL *prclSrc, BLENDOBJ *pBlendObj )
Routine Description:
Implementation of DDI entry point DrvAlphaBlend. Please refer to DDK documentation for more details.
psoDest - Defines the surface on which to draw psoSrc - Defines the source pco - Limits the area to be modified on the Destination pxlo - Specifies how color dwIndexes are to be translated between the source and target surfaces prclDest - Defines the area to be modified on the Destination surface prclSrc - Defines the area to be copied from the source surface BlendFunction - Specifies the blend function to be used
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if there is an error
{ PDEV *pPDev;
VERBOSE(("Entering DrvAlphaBlend...\n"));
pPDev = (PDEV *) psoDest->dhpdev; ASSERT_VALID_PDEV(pPDev);
// use driver managed surface
if (pPDev->pso) psoDest = pPDev->pso;
// Handle OEM hooks
HANDLE_OEMHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMAlphaBlend, PFN_OEMAlphaBlend, BOOL, (psoDest, psoSrc, pco, pxlo, prclDest, prclSrc, pBlendObj));
HANDLE_VECTORHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMAlphaBlend, VMAlphaBlend, BOOL, (psoDest, psoSrc, pco, pxlo, prclDest, prclSrc, pBlendObj));
if (!DRIVER_DEVICEMANAGED (pPDev)) // not a device surface
{ //
// Check whether to erase surface
// Unidrv does not handle this call itself.
return EngAlphaBlend(psoDest, psoSrc, pco, pxlo, prclDest, prclSrc, pBlendObj); } else { ERR (("Device Managed Surface cannot call EngAlphaBlend")); return FALSE; } }
BOOL APIENTRY DrvGradientFill( SURFOBJ *psoDest, CLIPOBJ *pco, XLATEOBJ *pxlo, TRIVERTEX *pVertex, ULONG nVertex, PVOID pMesh, ULONG nMesh, RECTL *prclExtents, POINTL *pptlDitherOrg, ULONG ulMode )
Routine Description:
Implementation of DDI entry point DrvGradientFill. Please refer to DDK documentation for more details.
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if there is an error
{ PDEV *pPDev;
VERBOSE(("Entering DrvGradientFill...\n"));
pPDev = (PDEV *) psoDest->dhpdev; ASSERT_VALID_PDEV(pPDev);
// use driver managed surface
if (pPDev->pso) psoDest = pPDev->pso;
// Handle OEM hooks
HANDLE_OEMHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMGradientFill, PFN_OEMGradientFill, BOOL, (psoDest, pco, pxlo, pVertex, nVertex, pMesh, nMesh, prclExtents, pptlDitherOrg, ulMode));
HANDLE_VECTORHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMGradientFill, VMGradientFill, BOOL, (psoDest, pco, pxlo, pVertex, nVertex, pMesh, nMesh, prclExtents, pptlDitherOrg, ulMode));
if (!DRIVER_DEVICEMANAGED (pPDev)) // not a device surface
{ //
// Check whether to erase surface
// Unidrv does not handle this call itself.
return EngGradientFill(psoDest, pco, pxlo, pVertex, nVertex, pMesh, nMesh, prclExtents, pptlDitherOrg, ulMode); } else { ERR (("Device Managed Surface cannot call EngGradientFill")); return FALSE; } }
BOOL APIENTRY DrvTransparentBlt( SURFOBJ *psoDst, SURFOBJ *psoSrc, CLIPOBJ *pco, XLATEOBJ *pxlo, RECTL *prclDst, RECTL *prclSrc, ULONG iTransColor, ULONG ulReserved )
Routine Description:
Implementation of DDI entry point DrvTransparentBlt. Please refer to DDK documentation for more details.
psoDst - Defines the surface on which to draw psoSrc - Defines the source pco - Limits the area to be modified on the Destination pxlo - Specifies how color dwIndexes are to be translated between the source and target surfaces prclDst - Defines the area to be modified on the Destination surface prclSrc - Defines the area to be copied from the source surface iTransColor - Specifies the transparent color
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if there is an error
{ PDEV *pPDev;
VERBOSE(("Entering DrvTransparentBlt...\n"));
pPDev = (PDEV *) psoDst->dhpdev; ASSERT_VALID_PDEV(pPDev);
// use driver managed surface
if (pPDev->pso) psoDst = pPDev->pso;
// Handle OEM hooks
HANDLE_OEMHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMTransparentBlt, PFN_OEMTransparentBlt, BOOL, (psoDst, psoSrc, pco, pxlo, prclDst, prclSrc, iTransColor, ulReserved));
HANDLE_VECTORHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMTransparentBlt, VMTransparentBlt, BOOL, (psoDst, psoSrc, pco, pxlo, prclDst, prclSrc, iTransColor, ulReserved));
if (!DRIVER_DEVICEMANAGED (pPDev)) // not a device surface
{ //
// Check whether to erase surface
// Unidrv does not handle this call itself.
return EngTransparentBlt(psoDst, psoSrc, pco, pxlo, prclDst, prclSrc, iTransColor, ulReserved); } else { ERR (("Device Managed Surface cannot call EngTransparentBlt")); return FALSE; } } #endif