Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of document and page related DDI entry points: DrvStartDoc DrvEndDoc DrvStartPage DrvSendPage DrvNextBand DrvStartBanding
Windows NT Unidrv driver
Revision History:
10/14/96 -amandan- Created
03/31/97 -zhanw- Added OEM customization support
#include "unidrv.h"
// Forward declaration for local functions
VOID VEndPage ( PDEV *); BOOL BEndDoc ( PDEV *, SURFOBJ *, FLONG flags); VOID VSendSequenceCmd(PDEV *, DWORD);
BOOL DrvStartDoc( SURFOBJ *pso, PWSTR pDocName, DWORD jobId )
Routine Description:
Implementation of DDI entry point DrvStartDoc. Please refer to DDK documentation for more details.
pso - Defines the surface object pDocName - Specifies a Unicode document name jobId - Identifies the print job
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if there is an error
{ PDEV *pPDev = (PDEV*)pso->dhpdev;
VERBOSE(("Entering DrvStartDoc...\n"));
// use driver managed surface
if (pPDev->pso) pso = pPDev->pso;
// Handle OEM hooks
HANDLE_OEMHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMStartDoc, PFN_OEMStartDoc, BOOL, (pso, pDocName, jobId));
HANDLE_VECTORHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMStartDoc, VMStartDoc, BOOL, (pso, pDocName, jobId));
// We might get a DrvResetPDEV before this and get another DrvStartDoc
// without a DrvEndDoc so check for that condition and call BEndDoc
// to clean up the previous instance before continuing.
if (pPDev->fMode & PF_DOC_SENT) { BEndDoc(pPDev, pso, 0); // this flag also suppresses
// emission of EndDoc commands to the printer
// since they may cause a page ejection and
// we are only interested in freeing memory and
// performing pdev cleanup at this point.
pPDev->fMode &= ~PF_DOC_SENT; } else pPDev->dwPageNumber = 1 ; // first page of document
// Call Raster and Font module
if (!(((PRMPROCS)(pPDev->pRasterProcs))->RMStartDoc(pso, pDocName, jobId)) || !(((PFMPROCS)(pPDev->pFontProcs))->FMStartDoc(pso, pDocName, jobId)) ) { return FALSE; }
// Send JobSetup and DocSetup Sequence Cmds at DrvStartPage instead
// of here since the driver can get a new DrvStartDoc after each
// DrvResetPDEV
return TRUE;
BOOL DrvStartPage( SURFOBJ *pso )
Routine Description:
Implementation of DDI entry point DrvStartPage. Please refer to DDK documentation for more details.
pso - Defines the surface object
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if there is an error
{ PDEV *pPDev = (PDEV *)pso->dhpdev; PAL_DATA *pPD = pPDev->pPalData;
VERBOSE(("Entering DrvStartPage...\n"));
// use driver managed surface
if (pPDev->pso) pso = pPDev->pso;
// Handle OEM hooks
HANDLE_OEMHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMStartPage, PFN_OEMStartPage, BOOL, (pso));
HANDLE_VECTORHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMStartPage, VMStartPage, BOOL, (pso));
// clear flags at start of page
// only a bitmap surface driver needs to have a band
if (!DRIVER_DEVICEMANAGED (pPDev)) { ZeroMemory(pPDev->pbScanBuf, pPDev->szBand.cy); ZeroMemory(pPDev->pbRasterScanBuf, (pPDev->szBand.cy / LINESPERBLOCK)+1); #ifndef DISABLE_NEWRULES
pPDev->dwRulesCount = 0; #endif
// Send JobSetup, DocSetup cmd and Download the Palette if necessary.
if (!(pPDev->fMode & PF_JOB_SENT)) { VSendSequenceCmd(pPDev, pPDev->pDriverInfo->dwJobSetupIndex); pPDev->fMode |= PF_JOB_SENT; } if (!(pPDev->fMode & PF_DOC_SENT)) { VSendSequenceCmd(pPDev, pPDev->pDriverInfo->dwDocSetupIndex); pPDev->fMode |= PF_DOC_SENT; // this flag is cleared
// by StartDoc
// PF_DOCSTARTED - Signify DrvStartDoc is called, for DrvResetPDEV
// this flag is cleared only at EndJob.
pPDev->fMode |= PF_DOCSTARTED;
if ( (pPD->fFlags & PDF_DL_PAL_EACH_DOC) && (!DRIVER_DEVICEMANAGED (pPDev)) ) { VLoadPal(pPDev); }
pPDev->fMode |= PF_ENUM_GRXTXT;
// Call Raster and Font module.
if ( !( ((PRMPROCS)(pPDev->pRasterProcs))->RMStartPage(pso) ) || !( ((PFMPROCS)(pPDev->pFontProcs))->FMStartPage(pso) )) { return FALSE; }
// BUG_BUG, should we check for PF_SEND_ONLY_NOEJECT_CMDS here?
// Assumes that GPD writer does not put page ejection code
// in PageSetup Cmds since we might get a ResetPDEV between pages.
// This bit is set when we get DrvResetPDev where we are doing duplexing
// and paper size and source, and orienation is the same. Detecting this
// condition allows us to skip page ejection cmds or any cmds that
// could cause page ejection but if the GPD writer does not put page
// ejection code in PageSetup cmd, we are OK.
// If pageSetup commands caused pages to be ejected, we would
// always get one or more blank pages for every one that was printed.
// this is a needless concern.
// initialize the cursor position at the start of each page
pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.x = pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.y = 0; pPDev->ctl.dwMode |= MODE_CURSOR_UNINITIALIZED; // both X & Y
// Send PageSetup sequence Cmds
VSendSequenceCmd(pPDev, pPDev->pDriverInfo->dwPageSetupIndex);
//Download the Palette if necessary.
if ( (pPD->fFlags & PDF_DL_PAL_EACH_PAGE) && (!DRIVER_DEVICEMANAGED (pPDev)) ) { VLoadPal(pPDev); }
// Set the current position to some illegal position, so that
// we make no assumptions about where we are
// Flush the spool buffer with the setup commands to give serial printers
// a head start on loading paper and cleaning their jets.
if (pPDev->pGlobals->printertype == PT_SERIAL) FlushSpoolBuf (pPDev);
return TRUE; }
BOOL DrvSendPage( SURFOBJ *pso )
Routine Description:
Implementation of DDI entry point DrvSendPage. Please refer to DDK documentation for more details.
pso - Defines the surface object
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if there is an error
{ BOOL bRet = FALSE; PDEV * pPDev = (PDEV *)pso->dhpdev;
VERBOSE(("Entering DrvSendPage...\n"));
// use driver managed surface
if (pPDev->pso) pso = pPDev->pso;
// Handle OEM hooks
//Reset the brush, before calling render module.
switch( pso->iType ) {
// Engine managed bitmap
// Call Raster and Font module
if ( !(((PRMPROCS)(pPDev->pRasterProcs))->RMSendPage(pso)) || !(((PFMPROCS)(pPDev->pFontProcs))->FMSendPage(pso) ) ) { return FALSE; }
// VEndPage should take care of sending PageFinish sequence Cmds
VEndPage( pPDev );
bRet = TRUE;
// Device managed surface
VERBOSE(("DrvSendPage: pso->iType == STYPE_DEVICE \n" )); //
// Call Raster and Font module if needed.
// VEndPage should take care of sending PageFinish sequence Cmds
VEndPage( pPDev );
bRet = TRUE;
VERBOSE(("DrvSendPage: pso->iType is unknown \n")); break;
return bRet;
BOOL DrvEndDoc( SURFOBJ *pso, FLONG flags )
Routine Description:
Implementation of DDI entry point DrvEndDoc. Please refer to DDK documentation for more details.
pso - Defines the surface object flags - A set of flag bits
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if there is an error
{ PDEV *pPDev = (PDEV *)pso->dhpdev;
VERBOSE(("Entering DrvEndDoc...\n"));
// use driver managed surface
if (pPDev->pso) pso = pPDev->pso;
// if we've detected an aborted job because WritePrinter has failed we will set the
// ED_ABORTDOC flag for the OEM plugins since GDI only sets this for direct printing
if (pPDev->fMode & PF_ABORTED) flags |= ED_ABORTDOC;
// Handle OEM hooks
HANDLE_OEMHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMEndDoc, PFN_OEMEndDoc, BOOL, (pso, flags));
HANDLE_VECTORHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMEndDoc, VMEndDoc, BOOL, (pso, flags));
pPDev->fMode &= ~PF_DOC_SENT; // we are going to send the EndDoc commands to the printer.
return ( BEndDoc(pPDev, pso, flags) );
BOOL DrvNextBand( SURFOBJ *pso, POINTL *pptl )
Routine Description:
Implementation of DDI entry point DrvNextBand. Please refer to DDK documentation for more details.
pso - Defines the surface object pptl - Pointer to origin of next band (to return to GDI)
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if there is an error
{ PDEV *pPDev = (PDEV *)pso->dhpdev; BOOL bMore, bRet;
VERBOSE(("Entering DrvNextBand...\n"));
// use driver managed surface
if (pPDev->pso) pso = pPDev->pso;
// Handle OEM hooks
HANDLE_OEMHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMNextBand, PFN_OEMNextBand, BOOL, (pso, pptl));
HANDLE_VECTORHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMNextBand, VMNextBand, BOOL, (pso, pptl));
//Reset the brush, before calling render module.
// Call Raster and Font module
if (! (((PRMPROCS)(pPDev->pRasterProcs))->RMNextBand(pso, pptl)) || ! (((PFMPROCS)(pPDev->pFontProcs))->FMNextBand(pso, pptl)) ) { return FALSE; }
// Clear the band surface, szBand is in Graphic units
if (!DRIVER_DEVICEMANAGED (pPDev)) // bitmap surface
{ ZeroMemory(pPDev->pbScanBuf, pPDev->szBand.cy); ZeroMemory(pPDev->pbRasterScanBuf, (pPDev->szBand.cy / LINESPERBLOCK)+1); #ifndef DISABLE_NEWRULES
pPDev->dwRulesCount = 0; #endif
// If PF_REPLAY_BAND is set, then replay the last band enumerate to
// GDI
if (pPDev->fMode & PF_REPLAY_BAND) {
pptl->x = pPDev->rcClipRgn.left; pptl->y = pPDev->rcClipRgn.top;
VERBOSE(("DrvNextBand: Next Band is %d , %d \n", pptl->x, pptl->y));
pPDev->fMode &= ~PF_REPLAY_BAND;
return TRUE;
switch( pPDev->iBandDirection ) {
case SW_DOWN: //
// Moving down the page
pPDev->rcClipRgn.top += pPDev->szBand.cy; pPDev->rcClipRgn.bottom += pPDev->szBand.cy;
// Make sure we do not run off the bottom
bMore = pPDev->rcClipRgn.top < pPDev->sf.szImageAreaG.cy;
if( pPDev->rcClipRgn.bottom > pPDev->sf.szImageAreaG.cy ) { //
// Partial band
pPDev->rcClipRgn.bottom = pPDev->sf.szImageAreaG.cy; }
case SW_RTOL: //
// LaserJet style, RTOL
pPDev->rcClipRgn.left -= pPDev->szBand.cx; pPDev->rcClipRgn.right -= pPDev->szBand.cx;
bMore = pPDev->rcClipRgn.right > 0; //
// if the left position is negative that is
// what must be reported to GDI to render the
// band correctly so we don't change the clip region.
case SW_LTOR: //
// Dot matrix, left to right
pPDev->rcClipRgn.left += pPDev->szBand.cx; pPDev->rcClipRgn.right += pPDev->szBand.cx;
bMore = pPDev->rcClipRgn.left < pPDev->sf.szImageAreaG.cx;
if( pPDev->rcClipRgn.right > pPDev->sf.szImageAreaG.cx ) { //
// Partial band
pPDev->rcClipRgn.right = pPDev->sf.szImageAreaG.cx; }
case SW_UP: //
// Moving up the page
pPDev->rcClipRgn.top -= pPDev->szBand.cy; pPDev->rcClipRgn.bottom -= pPDev->szBand.cy;
// Make sure we do not run off the top
bMore = pPDev->rcClipRgn.bottom > 0 ;
if( pPDev->rcClipRgn.top < 0 ) { //
// Partial band
pPDev->rcClipRgn.top = 0; }
VERBOSE((" DrvNextBand, unknown banding direction \n")); return(FALSE);
if( bMore ) { pptl->x = pPDev->rcClipRgn.left; pptl->y = pPDev->rcClipRgn.top;
VERBOSE(("DrvNextBand: Next Band is %d , %d \n", pptl->x, pptl->y)); } else { //
// No more band for the page, send the page to printer
if ( !(((PRMPROCS)(pPDev->pRasterProcs))->RMSendPage(pso)) || !(((PFMPROCS)(pPDev->pFontProcs))->FMSendPage(pso)) ) { bRet = FALSE;
} else bRet = TRUE;
// Send PageFinish sequence commands
VEndPage( pPDev ); pptl->x = pptl->y = -1;
return(bRet); }
BOOL DrvStartBanding( SURFOBJ *pso, POINTL *pptl )
Routine Description:
Implementation of DDI entry point DrvStartBanding. Please refer to DDK documentation for more details. Note: DrvStartBanding is called to prepare the driver for banding, call only once per page (not at everyband!!)
pso - Defines the surface object pptl - Pointer to origin of next band (to return to GDI)
Return Value:
Fill out pptl to contain the origin of the first band
TRUE if successful, FALSE if there is an error
{ PDEV *pPDev = (PDEV *)pso->dhpdev;
VERBOSE(("Entering DrvStartBanding...\n"));
// use driver managed surface
if (pPDev->pso) pso = pPDev->pso;
// Handle OEM hooks
HANDLE_OEMHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMStartBanding, PFN_OEMStartBanding, BOOL, (pso, pptl));
HANDLE_VECTORHOOKS(pPDev, EP_OEMStartBanding, VMStartBanding, BOOL, (pso, pptl));
if (!DRIVER_DEVICEMANAGED (pPDev)) // bitmap surface
{ ZeroMemory(pPDev->pbScanBuf, pPDev->szBand.cy); ZeroMemory(pPDev->pbRasterScanBuf, (pPDev->szBand.cy / LINESPERBLOCK)+1); #ifndef DISABLE_NEWRULES
pPDev->dwRulesCount = 0; #endif
// Call Raster and Font module
if (! (((PRMPROCS)(pPDev->pRasterProcs))->RMStartBanding(pso, pptl)) || ! (((PFMPROCS)(pPDev->pFontProcs))->FMStartBanding(pso, pptl)) ) { return FALSE; }
if( pPDev->fMode & PF_ROTATE ) { pPDev->rcClipRgn.top = 0; pPDev->rcClipRgn.bottom = pPDev->sf.szImageAreaG.cy;
if( pPDev->fMode & PF_CCW_ROTATE90 ) { //
// LaserJet style rotation
if( // if duplexing is enabled...
(pPDev->pdm->dmFields & DM_DUPLEX) && (pPDev->pdm->dmDuplex == DMDUP_VERTICAL) &&
!(pPDev->dwPageNumber % 2) && pPDev->pUIInfo->dwFlags & FLAG_REVERSE_BAND_ORDER) { pPDev->rcClipRgn.left = 0; pPDev->rcClipRgn.right = pPDev->szBand.cx; pPDev->iBandDirection = SW_LTOR; } else { pPDev->rcClipRgn.left = pPDev->sf.szImageAreaG.cx - pPDev->szBand.cx; pPDev->rcClipRgn.right = pPDev->sf.szImageAreaG.cx; pPDev->iBandDirection = SW_RTOL; } } else { //
// Dot matrix style rotation
if( // if duplexing is enabled...
(pPDev->pdm->dmFields & DM_DUPLEX) && (pPDev->pdm->dmDuplex == DMDUP_VERTICAL) &&
!(pPDev->dwPageNumber % 2) && pPDev->pUIInfo->dwFlags & FLAG_REVERSE_BAND_ORDER) { pPDev->rcClipRgn.left = pPDev->sf.szImageAreaG.cx - pPDev->szBand.cx; pPDev->rcClipRgn.right = pPDev->sf.szImageAreaG.cx; pPDev->iBandDirection = SW_RTOL; } else { pPDev->rcClipRgn.left = 0; pPDev->rcClipRgn.right = pPDev->szBand.cx; pPDev->iBandDirection = SW_LTOR; } } } else { pPDev->rcClipRgn.left = 0; pPDev->rcClipRgn.right = pPDev->szBand.cx;
if( // if duplexing is enabled...
(pPDev->pdm->dmFields & DM_DUPLEX) && (pPDev->pdm->dmDuplex == DMDUP_VERTICAL) &&
!(pPDev->dwPageNumber % 2) && pPDev->pUIInfo->dwFlags & FLAG_REVERSE_BAND_ORDER) { pPDev->rcClipRgn.top = pPDev->sf.szImageAreaG.cy - pPDev->szBand.cy; pPDev->rcClipRgn.bottom = pPDev->sf.szImageAreaG.cy ; pPDev->iBandDirection = SW_UP; } else { pPDev->rcClipRgn.top = 0; pPDev->rcClipRgn.bottom = pPDev->szBand.cy; pPDev->iBandDirection = SW_DOWN; } }
pptl->x = pPDev->rcClipRgn.left; pptl->y = pPDev->rcClipRgn.top;
return TRUE; }
VOID VEndPage ( PDEV *pPDev ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function is called when the page has been rendered. Mainly used to complete the page printing process. Called at DrvSendPage or at DrvNextBand and no more band to process for the page or at DrvEndDoc where the job is aborted.
pPDev - Pointer to PDEVICE
Return Value:
--*/ {
// Eject the page for device that use FF to eject a page, else
// move the cursor to the bottom of the page.
if (pPDev->pGlobals->bEjectPageWithFF == TRUE) { if ( !(pPDev->bTTY) || pPDev->fMode2 & PF2_DRVTEXTOUT_CALLED_FOR_TTY || !(pPDev->fMode2 & PF2_PASSTHROUGH_CALLED_FOR_TTY) ) { WriteChannel(pPDev, COMMANDPTR(pPDev->pDriverInfo, CMD_FORMFEED)); if (pPDev->fMode & PF_RESELECTFONT_AFTER_FF) { VResetFont(pPDev); } } } else { //
// Note: sf.szImageAreaG.cx and sf.szImageAreaG.cy are swapped already
// if the page is printed in landscape mode. Need to unswap it
// for moving the cursor to the end of the page
INT iYEnd; // Last scan line on page
iYEnd = pPDev->pdm->dmOrientation == DMORIENT_LANDSCAPE ? pPDev->sf.szImageAreaG.cx : pPDev->sf.szImageAreaG.cy;
YMoveTo(pPDev, iYEnd, MV_GRAPHICS); }
// Send PageFinish sequence Cmds
VSendSequenceCmd(pPDev, pPDev->pDriverInfo->dwPageFinishIndex);
// Reset and and free up realized brush for this page
GSResetBrush(pPDev); GSUnRealizeBrush(pPDev);
FlushSpoolBuf( pPDev ); pPDev->dwPageNumber++ ;
// Clear PF2_XXX_TTY flags
BOOL BEndDoc ( PDEV *pPDev, SURFOBJ *pso, FLONG flags ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function can be called from two places - DrvEndDoc and DrvStartDoc. In the case of a DrvResetPDEV, the driver might get another DrvStartDoc without a DrvEndDoc. So need to check for previous DrvStartDoc and call VEndDoc to clean up previous instance before initializing the new one.
pPDev - Pointer to PDEVICE pso - Pointer to surface object flags - EndDoc flags from DrvEndDoc, zero if called from DrvStartDoc
Return Value:
TRUE for success and FALSE for failure
--*/ {
// Call Raster and Font module for cleaning up
if (! (((PRMPROCS)(pPDev->pRasterProcs))->RMEndDoc(pso, flags)) || ! (((PFMPROCS)(pPDev->pFontProcs))->FMEndDoc(pso, flags)) ) { return FALSE; }
// If the job is aborted, send the
// PageFinish sequence Cmds (via. VEndPage)
if( flags & ED_ABORTDOC ) VEndPage( pPDev); //
// Send DocFinish, JobFinish sequence Cmds
// flag is cleared if called from DrvEndDoc, this is the only time we
// should actually send the EndDoc commands to the printer.
if (!(pPDev->fMode & PF_DOC_SENT)) { if (pPDev->fMode & PF_DOCSTARTED) { VSendSequenceCmd(pPDev, pPDev->pDriverInfo->dwDocFinishIndex); // print state has been forgotten, All start doc commands must be resent.
pPDev->fMode &= ~PF_DOCSTARTED; } if (pPDev->fMode & PF_JOB_SENT) { VSendSequenceCmd(pPDev, pPDev->pDriverInfo->dwJobFinishIndex); pPDev->fMode &= ~PF_JOB_SENT; } }
FlushSpoolBuf( pPDev );
pPDev->fMode &= ~PF_FORCE_BANDING; pPDev->fMode &= ~PF_ENUM_TEXT; pPDev->fMode &= ~PF_ENUM_GRXTXT; pPDev->fMode &= ~PF_REPLAY_BAND;
return TRUE; }
VOID VSendSequenceCmd( PDEV *pPDev, DWORD dwSectionIndex ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function is called to send a sequence of commands to the printer.
pPDev - Pointer to PDEVICE dwSectionIndex - specifies the index into the command array for one of the following seq section. SS_JOBSETUP, SS_DOCSETUP, SS_PAGESETUP, SS_PAGEFINISH, SS_DOCFINISH, SS_JOBFINISH,
Return Value:
Note: There are two types of command supported by the driver: - Predefined Commands, these commands are predefined in GPD specification and assigned an COMMAND ID (as enumerated in CMDINDEX).
- Sequence Commands, these commands are not predefined. They are commands that the GPD writer define to configure commands.
- DT_LOCALLISTNODE is only used to hold a list of sequence commands
--*/ {
LISTNODE *pListNode; COMMAND *pSeqCmd;
// Get the first node in the list
pListNode = LOCALLISTNODEPTR(pPDev->pDriverInfo, dwSectionIndex);
while( pListNode ) { //
// Get pointer to command pointer using pListNode->dwData, which is
// the index into the command array
pSeqCmd = INDEXTOCOMMANDPTR(pPDev->pDriverInfo, pListNode->dwData);
// Send the sequence command - but only if page ejection is
// not currently suppressed or this command does not
// cause a page to be ejected.
if(!(pPDev->fMode & PF_SEND_ONLY_NOEJECT_CMDS) || (pSeqCmd->bNoPageEject)) WriteChannel(pPDev, pSeqCmd);
// Get the next command in the list or exit if it's the end of list
if (pListNode->dwNextItem == END_OF_LIST) break; else pListNode = LOCALLISTNODEPTR(pPDev->pDriverInfo, pListNode->dwNextItem);
} }
BYTE BGetMask( PDEV * pPDev, RECTL * pRect ) /*++
Routine Description:
Given a rectangle, calculate the mask for determining the present of text, for z-ordering fix
pPDev - Pointer to PDEVICE pRect - Pointer to rectangle defining the clip box for text or graphics
Return Value:
First mark all columm as dirty then work from the left and the right to figure out which one should be cleared.
--*/ {
BYTE bMask = 0xFF; INT i, iRight;
iRight = MAX_COLUMM -1;
if(! (pRect && pPDev->pbScanBuf && pRect->left <= pRect->right) ) return 0;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_COLUMM ; i++) { if (pRect->left >= (LONG)(pPDev->dwDelta * (i+1)) ) bMask &= ~(1 << i); else break; }
for (i = iRight; i >= 0; i--) { if (pRect->right < (LONG)(pPDev->dwDelta * i )) bMask &= ~(1 << i); else break; }
return bMask;