Copyright (c) 1996 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contain information and function prototypes for helper library functions provided by the Control module
Windows NT Unidrv driver
Revision History:
10/12/96 -amandan- Created
dd-mm-yy -author- description
#ifndef _COMMON_H_
#define _COMMON_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
#include "ddint5.h"
INT WriteSpoolBuf( PDEV *pPDev, BYTE *pbBuf, INT iCount );
VOID WriteAbortBuf( PDEV *pPDev, BYTE *pbBuf, INT iCount, DWORD dwWait );
BOOL FlushSpoolBuf( PDEV *pPDev );
INT WriteChannel( PDEV *pPDev, COMMAND *pCmd );
INT WriteChannelEx( PDEV *pPDev, COMMAND *pCmd, INT iRequestedValue, INT iDeviceScaleFac );
VOID SetRop3( PDEV *pPDev, DWORD dwRop3 );
INT XMoveTo( PDEV *pPDev, INT iXIn, INT fFlags );
INT YMoveTo( PDEV *pPDev, INT iYIn, INT fFlags );
BOOL BIntersectRect( OUT PRECTL prcDest, IN PRECTL prcRect1, IN PRECTL prcRect2 );
BOOL bIsRegionWhite ( SURFOBJ *, RECTL * );
VOID CheckBitmapSurface( SURFOBJ *, RECTL * );
ULONG DrawPatternRect( PDEV *, PDRAWPATRECT ); /*
* Flags to use when calling the [XY]Moveto functions. * * MV_UPDATE is used when it is desired to change our record of where * the cursor is now located. Typically this will happen after some * operation such as printing a glyph, or sending graphics. * * MV_RELATIVE means add the value passed to the current position. This * would be used after printing a glyph, and passing in the glyph * width as parameter, rather than calculating the new position. * * MV_GRAPHICS indicates that the value is in GRAPHICS RESOLUTION units. * Otherwise MASTER UNITS are assumed. If set, the value will be * converted to master units before processing. Typically used to * pass information when sending scan lines of graphics data. * * MV_PHYSICAL is used to indicate that the value passed in is relative * to the printers print origin, and not the printable area, which * is the case otherwise. Typically this flag would be used to * allow setting the position to the printer's X = 0 position after * sending a <CR>. * * MV_FINE requests sending graphics data (nulls) to position the cursor * to finer position than can otherwise be achieved. Typically * only available in the direction of movement of the head on a * dot matrix printer. This command may be ignored. It must not * be issued for a LaserJet, since it will cause all sorts of other * problems. */
// 4/7/97 Zhanw
// the first 4 constants are defined in "printoem.h" since we now export
// XMoveTo and YMoveTo to OEM DLL's
//#define MV_UPDATE 0x0001
//#define MV_RELATIVE 0x0002
//#define MV_GRAPHICS 0x0004
//#define MV_PHYSICAL 0x0008
// Internal use only!!! update warning in oak\inc\printoem.h
// whenever new flags are added.
#define MV_FORCE_CR 0x4000
#define MV_FINE 0x8000
BOOL BSelectProgrammableBrushColor( PDEV *pPDev, ULONG Color );
VOID VResetProgrammableBrushColor( PDEV *pPDev );
DWORD BestMatchDeviceColor( PDEV *pPDev, DWORD Color );
BYTE BGetMask( PDEV * pPDev, RECTL * pRect ); BOOL BGetStandardVariable( PDEV *pPDev, DWORD dwIndex, PVOID pBuffer, DWORD cbSize, PDWORD pcbNeeded ); DWORD ConvertRGBToGrey( DWORD Color );
BOOL BGetGPDData( PDEV *pPDev, DWORD dwType, // Type of the data
PVOID pInputData, // reserved. Should be set to 0
PVOID pBuffer, // Caller allocated Buffer to be copied
DWORD cbSize, // Size of the buffer
PDWORD pcbNeeded // New Size of the buffer if needed.
) ;
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif