Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Bitmap conversion object
Windows Whistler
Revision History:
08/23/99 Created it.
#include "xlpdev.h"
#include "xldebug.h"
#include "pclxle.h"
#include "xlbmpcvt.h"
Routine Description:
Converts Bits per pixel to BPP enum.
Bits per pixel.
Return Value:
BPP enum
BPP enum is defined in xlbmpcvt.h.
--*/ { BPP Bpp;
switch (ulBPP) { case 1: Bpp = e1bpp; break; case 4: Bpp = e4bpp; break; case 8: Bpp = e8bpp; break; case 16: Bpp = e16bpp; break; case 24: Bpp = e24bpp; break; case 32: Bpp = e32bpp; break; }
return Bpp; }
ULONG UlBPPtoNum( BPP Bpp) /*++
Routine Description:
Converts BPP enum to bits per pixel.
BPP enum
Return Value:
Bits per pixel.
BPP enum is defined in xlbmpcvt.h.
--*/ { ULONG ulRet;
switch (Bpp) { case e1bpp: ulRet = 1; break; case e4bpp: ulRet = 4; break; case e8bpp: ulRet = 8; break; case e16bpp: ulRet = 16; break; case e24bpp: ulRet = 24; break; case e32bpp: ulRet = 32; break; }
return ulRet; }
// Constructor/Destructor
BMPConv:: BMPConv( VOID ): /*++
Routine Description:
BMPConv constructor
Return Value:
Initializes values. There is no memory allocation.
--*/ m_flags(0), m_dwOutputBuffSize(0), m_dwRLEOutputBuffSize(0), m_dwDRCOutputBuffSize(0), m_OddPixelStart(eOddPixelZero), m_FirstBit(eBitZero), m_pxlo(NULL), m_pubOutputBuff(NULL), m_pubRLEOutputBuff(NULL), m_pubDRCOutputBuff(NULL), m_pubDRCPrevOutputBuff(NULL), m_CMode(eNoCompression) { #if DBG
SetDbgLevel(DBG_WARNING); #endif
XL_VERBOSE(("BMPConv: Ctor\n")); }
BMPConv:: ~BMPConv( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
BMPConv destructor
Return Value:
m_pubOutputBuff and m_pubRLEOutputBuff are allocaed ConvertBMP. ConvertBMP is scaline base bitmap conversion function.
--*/ { XL_VERBOSE(("BMPConv: Dtor\n"));
// DRCPrevOutputBuff and OutputBuff are contiguous.
if (m_pubOutputBuff) MemFree(m_pubOutputBuff);
if (m_pubRLEOutputBuff) MemFree(m_pubRLEOutputBuff);
if (m_pubDRCOutputBuff) MemFree(m_pubDRCOutputBuff); }
// Public functions
#if DBG
VOID BMPConv:: SetDbgLevel( DWORD dwLevel) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { m_dbglevel = dwLevel; } #endif
BOOL BMPConv:: BSetInputBPP( BPP InputBPP) /*++
Routine Description:
Sets source bitmap BPP in BMPConv.
Source bitmap BPP enum (bits per pixel)
Return Value:
TRUE if succeeded.
--*/ { XL_VERBOSE(("BMPConv: BSetInputBPP\n"));
m_flags |= BMPCONV_SET_INPUTBPP; m_InputBPP = InputBPP; return TRUE; }
BOOL BMPConv:: BSetOutputBPP( BPP OutputBPP) /*++
Routine Description:
Sets destination bimtap BPP in BMPConv.
Destination bitmap BPP enum
Return Value:
TRUE if succeeded.
--*/ { XL_VERBOSE(("BMPConv: BSetOutputBPP\n"));
m_OutputBPP = OutputBPP; return TRUE; }
BOOL BMPConv:: BSetOutputBMPFormat( OutputFormat BitmapFormat) /*++
Routine Description:
Sets output bitmap format (GrayScale/Palette/RGB/CMYK).
OutputFormat enum.
Return Value:
TRUE if succeeded.
--*/ { XL_VERBOSE(("BMPConv: BSetOutputBMPFormat\n"));
m_OutputFormat = BitmapFormat; return TRUE; }
BOOL BMPConv:: BSetCompressionType( CompressMode CMode) /*++
Routine Description:
Set compression type.
CompressMode {eNoCompression, eRLECompression, eDeltaRowCompression}
Return Value:
TRUE if it succeeded.
--*/ { XL_VERBOSE(("BMPConv: BSetCompressionType.\n"));
m_CMode = CMode;
return TRUE; }
CompressMode BMPConv:: GetCompressionType(VOID) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { XL_VERBOSE(("BMPConv: BGetRLEStatus\n"));
return m_CMode; }
Routine Description:
A pointer to XLATEOBJ.
Return Value:
--*/ { XL_VERBOSE(("BMPConv: BSetXLATEOBJ\n"));
// XL_ERRor check
if (NULL == pxlo) { XL_ERR(("BMPConv::BSetXLATEOBJ: an invalid parameter.\n")); return FALSE; }
m_pxlo = pxlo;
m_flags |= DwCheckXlateObj(pxlo, m_InputBPP); return TRUE; }
PBYTE BMPConv:: PubConvertBMP( PBYTE pubSrc, DWORD dwcbSrcSize) /*++
Routine Description:
Scaline base bitmap conversion function.
pubSrc - a pointer to the source bitmap. dwcbSrcSize - the size of the source bitmap.
Return Value:
A pointer to the destination bitmap.
The pointer to the destination bitmap is stored in BMPConv. It is going to be freed in the BMPConv destructor.
--*/ { DWORD dwcbDstSize, dwInputBPP; LONG lWidth, lHeight; PBYTE pubRet = NULL; XL_VERBOSE(("BMPConv: BConvertBMP\n"));
// Calculate the number of pixels and the size of dest buffer
// Output data has to be DWORD aligned on PCL-XL.
dwInputBPP = UlBPPtoNum(m_InputBPP); m_dwWidth = ((dwcbSrcSize << 3 ) + dwInputBPP - 1) / dwInputBPP; dwcbDstSize = ((UlBPPtoNum(m_OutputBPP) * m_dwWidth + 31 ) >> 5 ) << 2;
// Allocate destination buffer
if (NULL == m_pubOutputBuff || NULL == m_pubDRCPrevOutputBuff) { //
// Allocate main and previous output buffer for DRC.
m_pubOutputBuff = (PBYTE)MemAlloc(dwcbDstSize * 2); if (NULL == m_pubOutputBuff) { XL_ERR(("BMPConv::PubConvertBMP: m_pubOutputBuff[0x%x] allocation failed..\n", dwcbDstSize)); return NULL; } m_dwOutputBuffSize = dwcbDstSize;
// Zero init seed row.
// PCL XL exception about DRC.
// 1) the seed row is initialized to zeroes and contains the number
// of bytes defined by SourceWidth in the BeginImage operator.
m_pubDRCPrevOutputBuff = m_pubOutputBuff + dwcbDstSize; m_dwDRCPrevOutputBuffSize = dwcbDstSize; memset(m_pubDRCPrevOutputBuff, 0, m_dwDRCPrevOutputBuffSize);
// Allocate RLE destination buffer if RLE is on.
if (m_CMode == eRLECompression && NULL == m_pubRLEOutputBuff) { m_pubRLEOutputBuff = (PBYTE)MemAlloc(dwcbDstSize * 3); m_dwRLEOutputBuffSize = dwcbDstSize * 3;
if (NULL == m_pubRLEOutputBuff) { XL_ERR(("BMPConv::PubConvertBMP: m_pubOutputBuff[0x%x] allocation failed..\n", dwcbDstSize)); MemFree(m_pubOutputBuff);
m_pubOutputBuff = NULL; m_dwOutputBuffSize = 0;
m_pubDRCPrevOutputBuff = NULL; m_dwDRCPrevOutputBuffSize = 0; return NULL; }
// Allocate DRC destination buffer if DRC is on.
if (m_CMode == eDeltaRowCompression && NULL == m_pubDRCOutputBuff) { m_pubDRCOutputBuff = (PBYTE)MemAlloc(dwcbDstSize * 3); m_dwDRCOutputBuffSize = dwcbDstSize * 3;
if (NULL == m_pubDRCOutputBuff) { XL_ERR(("BMPConv::PubConvertBMP: m_pubOutputBuff[0x%x] allocation failed..\n", dwcbDstSize)); MemFree(m_pubOutputBuff); m_pubOutputBuff = NULL; m_pubDRCPrevOutputBuff = NULL; MemFree(m_pubRLEOutputBuff); m_pubRLEOutputBuff = NULL; return NULL; }
// Converrt source bitmap to destination.
// Source and Destination format is set by SetXXX functions.
if (BConversionProc(pubSrc, (dwcbSrcSize * 8 + dwInputBPP - 1) / dwInputBPP)) { if (m_CMode == eRLECompression) { if (BCompressRLE()) pubRet = m_pubRLEOutputBuff; else pubRet = NULL; } else if (m_CMode == eDeltaRowCompression) { if (BCompressDRC()) pubRet = m_pubDRCOutputBuff; else pubRet = NULL;
// Update seed row for DRC.
CopyMemory(m_pubDRCPrevOutputBuff, m_pubOutputBuff, m_dwDRCPrevOutputBuffSize);
} else pubRet = m_pubOutputBuff; } else pubRet = NULL;
return pubRet; }
BOOL BMPConv:: BCompressRLE( VOID) /*++
Routine Description:
RLE compression function
Return Value:
TRUE if it succeeded.
--*/ { DWORD dwSrcSize, dwDstSize, dwCount, dwErr, dwInputBPP, dwWidth; PBYTE pubSrcBuff, pubDstBuff, pubLiteralNum; BYTE ubCurrentData; BOOL bLiteral;
XL_VERBOSE(("BMPConv: BCompressRLE\n"));
if ( NULL == m_pubRLEOutputBuff || NULL == m_pubOutputBuff ) return FALSE;
// PCL XL Run Length Encoding Compression Method (eRLECompression)
// The PCL XL RLE compression method employs control bytes followed by data
// bytes. Each
// control byte in the compressed data sequence is a signed, two's
// complement byte.
// If bit 7 of the control byte is zero (0 <= control byte <= 127) the bytes
// following are literal.
// Literal bytes are simply uncompressed data bytes. The number of literal
// bytes following a control
// byte is one plus the value of the control byte. Thus, a control byte of 0
// means 1 literal byte
// follows; a control byte of 6 means 7 literal bytes follow; and so on.
// If bit 7 of the control byte is 1 (-127 <= control byte <= -1), the byte
// following the control byte
// will occur two or more times as decompressed data. A byte following a
// control byte in this range
// is called a repeat byte. The control byte39s absolute value plus one is
// the number of times the byte
// following will occur in the decompressed sequence of bytes. For example,
// a control byte of -5
// means the subsequent byte will occur 6 times as decompressed data.
// A control byte of -128 is ignored and is not included in the decompressed
// data. The byte
// following a control byte of 128 is treated as the next control byte.
// It is more efficient to code two consecutive identical bytes as a
// repeated byte, unless these bytes
// are preceded and followed by literal bytes. Three-byte repeats should
// always be encoded using a
// repeat control byte.
// Literal byte <= 127
// Repeated byte <= 128
bLiteral = FALSE; dwCount = 1;
dwSrcSize = m_dwOutputBuffSize;
pubSrcBuff = m_pubOutputBuff; pubDstBuff = m_pubRLEOutputBuff; m_dwRLEOutputDataSize = 0;
while (dwSrcSize > 0 && m_dwRLEOutputDataSize + 2 < m_dwRLEOutputBuffSize) { ubCurrentData = *pubSrcBuff++; while (dwSrcSize > dwCount && ubCurrentData == *pubSrcBuff && dwCount < 128 ) { dwCount++; pubSrcBuff++; }
if (dwCount > 1) { bLiteral = FALSE; *pubDstBuff++ = 1-(char)dwCount; *pubDstBuff++ = ubCurrentData; m_dwRLEOutputDataSize += 2; } else { if (bLiteral) { (*pubLiteralNum) ++; *pubDstBuff++ = ubCurrentData; m_dwRLEOutputDataSize ++; if (*pubLiteralNum == 127) { bLiteral = FALSE; } } else { bLiteral = TRUE; pubLiteralNum = pubDstBuff; *pubDstBuff++ = 0; *pubDstBuff++ = ubCurrentData; m_dwRLEOutputDataSize += 2; } }
dwSrcSize -= dwCount; dwCount = 1; }
if (dwSrcSize == 0) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
BOOL BMPConv:: BCompressDRC( VOID) /*++
Routine Description:
This function is called to compress a scan line of data using delta row compression.
Return Value:
Number of compressed bytes or -1 if too large for buffer
Note: A return value of 0 is valid since it implies the two lines are identical.
{ BYTE *pbI; BYTE *pbO; /* Record output location */ BYTE *pbOEnd; /* As far as we will go in the output buffer */ BYTE *pbIEnd; BYTE *pbStart; BYTE *pb; int iDelta; int iOffset; // index of current data stream
int iSize; /* Number of bytes in the run */ int iSrcSize;
// The control byte has the following format:
// Number of delta bytes: Bits 5-7 indicate the number of consecutive
// replacement bytes that follow the commands byte. The actual number
// of of replacement bytes is always one more than the value
// (000 = 1, 111 = 8). If more than 8 delta bytes are needed,
// additional command byte/delta bytes are added.
// [ (Command Byte) (1-8 Delta Bytes) ]
// [ (Command Byte) (1-8 Delta Bytes) ] . . .
// Offset: Bits 0-4 show where to position the replacement byte string.
// This is the offset: it specifies a byte placement, counting from left
// to right from the current byte position. The current byte is the
// first unaltered byte that follows the last replacement bytes; at the
// beginning of a row, the current byte immediately follows the left
// raster margin. Bits 0-4 allow a maximum value of 31, but larger
// offsets are possible. A value of 0 to 30 indicates the delta bytes
// are offset from the 1st to the 31st bytes.
// A value of 31 indicates that an additional offset byte follows the
// command byte.
// To summarize, bits 0-4 have the following meaning:
// 0 to 30: the offset is 0 to 30.
// 31: the offset is 31 or greater. If the offset is 31, an additional
// offset byte follows the command byte. The offset in the command bytes
// is added to the offset bytes. If the offset byte is 0, the offset is
// 31; if the offset byte is 255 additional offset bytes follow.
// The last offset byte will have a value less than 255. All the offset
// bytes are added to the offset in the command byte to get the offset
// value. For example, if there are two offset bytes, and the last
// byte contains 175, the total offset would be: 31+255+175=461.
* Limit the amount of data we will generate. For performance * reasons we will ignore the effects of an offset value * greater than 30 since it implies we were able to already skip * that many bytes. However, for safety sake we will reduce the * max allowable size by 2 bytes. */
XL_VERBOSE(("BMPConv: BCompressDRC\n"));
m_dwDRCOutputDataSize = 0;
if ( NULL == m_pubDRCOutputBuff || NULL == m_pubDRCPrevOutputBuff || NULL == m_pubOutputBuff ) return FALSE;
pbI = m_pubOutputBuff; /* Working copy */ iSrcSize = (UlBPPtoNum(m_OutputBPP) * m_dwWidth + 7) >> 3; pbIEnd = m_pubOutputBuff + iSrcSize;
pbO = m_pubDRCOutputBuff; /* Working copy */ pbOEnd = m_pubDRCOutputBuff + m_dwDRCOutputBuffSize - 2;
// m_pubDRCPrevOutputBuff is continuously followed by m_putOutputBuff.
// Both has m_dwOutputBuffSize size of memory.
iDelta = (int)(m_pubDRCPrevOutputBuff - m_pubOutputBuff); pbStart = m_pubOutputBuff;
// PCL XL exception.
// 2) the delta row is preceded by a 2-byte byte count which
// indicates the number of bytes to follow for the delta row.
// The byte count is expected to be in LSB MSB order.
*((PWORD)pbO) = 0x0000; pbO += 2;
// this is the main loop for compressing the data
while (pbI < pbIEnd) { // fast skip for matching dwords
if (!((ULONG_PTR)pbI & 3)) { while (pbI <= (pbIEnd-4) && *(DWORD *)pbI == *(DWORD *)&pbI[iDelta]) pbI += 4; if (pbI >= pbIEnd) break; } // test for non-matching bytes and output the necessary compression string
if (*pbI != pbI[iDelta]) { // determine the run length
pb = pbI; do { pb++; } while (pb < pbIEnd && *pb != pb[iDelta]);
iSize = (int)(pb - pbI);
// Lets make sure we have room in the buffer before
// we continue this, this compression algorithm adds
// 1 byte for every 8 bytes of data worst case.
if (((iSize * 9 + 7) >> 3) > (pbOEnd - pbO)) // gives tighter code
return FALSE;
iOffset = (int)(pbI - pbStart); if (iOffset > 30) { if (iSize < 8) *pbO++ = ((iSize-1) << 5) + 31; else *pbO++ = (7 << 5) + 31; iOffset -= 31; while (iOffset >= 255) { iOffset -= 255; *pbO++ = 255; } *pbO++ = (BYTE)iOffset; if (iSize > 8) goto FastEightByteRun; } else if (iSize > 8) { *pbO++ = (7 << 5) + iOffset; FastEightByteRun: while (1) { CopyMemory(pbO,pbI,8); pbI += 8; pbO += 8; if ((iSize -= 8) <= 8) break; *pbO++ = (7 << 5); } *pbO++ = (iSize-1) << 5; } else *pbO++ = ((iSize-1) << 5) + iOffset;
CopyMemory (pbO,pbI,iSize); pbI += iSize; pbO += iSize; pbStart = pbI; } pbI++; }
// PCL XL exception.
// 2) the delta row is preceded by a 2-byte byte count which
// indicates the number of bytes to follow for the delta row.
// The byte count is expected to be in LSB MSB order.
m_dwDRCOutputDataSize = (DWORD)(pbO - m_pubDRCOutputBuff); (*(PWORD)m_pubDRCOutputBuff) = (WORD)m_dwDRCOutputDataSize - 2;
return TRUE; }
DWORD BMPConv:: DwGetDstSize(VOID) /*++
Routine Description:
Returns the size of destination bitmap.
Return Value:
--*/ { XL_VERBOSE(("BMPConv: DwGetDstSize\n"));
if (m_CMode == eDeltaRowCompression) return m_dwDRCOutputDataSize; else if (m_CMode == eRLECompression) return m_dwRLEOutputDataSize; else return m_dwOutputBuffSize; }
// Scanline basis DIB conversion functions
BOOL BMPConv:: BCopy( PBYTE pubSrc, DWORD dwSrcPixelNum) /*++
Routine Description:
DIB conversion function. Simple copy for 1BPP, 4,8BPP palette image.
pubSrc - Source DIB buffer dwSrcPixelNum - the number of source pixel
Return Value:
Return TRUE if succeeded, otherwise FALSE.
{ DWORD dwByteIndex, dwBitIndex, dwSrcBytes, dwSrcRemainderBits;
XL_VERBOSE(("BMPConv: BCopy\n"));
if (m_InputBPP == e8bpp || m_FirstBit == eBitZero) { dwSrcBytes = (dwSrcPixelNum * (DWORD)UlBPPtoNum(m_InputBPP) + 7) >> 3;
CopyMemory(m_pubOutputBuff, pubSrc, dwSrcBytes); } else { //
// m_InputBPP is either 1 or 4, m_FirstBit is in [1,7].
ASSERT((m_InputBPP == e1bpp) || (m_InputBPP == e4bpp)); ASSERT(m_FirstBit != eBitZero);
dwSrcBytes = (dwSrcPixelNum * (DWORD)UlBPPtoNum(m_InputBPP)) >> 3; dwSrcRemainderBits = (dwSrcPixelNum * (DWORD)UlBPPtoNum(m_InputBPP)) % 8;
// Now dwSrcBytes is the number of full bytes we need to copy from the source,
// dwSrcRemainderBits is the number of remaining bits after dwSrcBytes number
// of bytes in the source we need to copy.
// We first copy the full bytes from source.
for (dwByteIndex = 0; dwByteIndex < dwSrcBytes; dwByteIndex++) { //
// Compose the destination byte from two adjacent source bytes.
m_pubOutputBuff[dwByteIndex] = (BYTE)(pubSrc[dwByteIndex] << ((DWORD)m_FirstBit)) | (BYTE)(pubSrc[dwByteIndex+1] >> (8 - (DWORD)m_FirstBit)); }
if (dwSrcRemainderBits) { //
// Now copy the remaining source bits. There are 2 cases:
// (1) the remaining source bits are in 1 byte;
// (2) the remaining source bits run across 2 bytes;
if (((DWORD)m_FirstBit + dwSrcRemainderBits - 1) < 8) m_pubOutputBuff[dwByteIndex] = (BYTE)(pubSrc[dwByteIndex] << ((DWORD)m_FirstBit)); else m_pubOutputBuff[dwByteIndex] = (BYTE)(pubSrc[dwByteIndex] << ((DWORD)m_FirstBit)) | (BYTE)(pubSrc[dwByteIndex+1] >> (8 - (DWORD)m_FirstBit)); } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL BMPConv:: B4BPPtoCMYK( PBYTE pubSrc, DWORD dwSrcPixelNum) /*++
Routine Description:
DIB conversion function. 4BPP to CMYK.
pubSrc - Source DIB buffer dwSrcPixelNum - the number of source pixel
Return Value:
Return TRUE if succeeded, otherwise FALSE.
{ PDWORD pdwColorTable; PBYTE pubDst; DWORD dwConvSize; ULONG ulIndex;
pdwColorTable = GET_COLOR_TABLE(m_pxlo);
if (pdwColorTable == NULL) return FALSE;
dwConvSize = (DWORD)m_OddPixelStart; dwSrcPixelNum += dwConvSize; pubDst = m_pubOutputBuff;
while (dwConvSize < dwSrcPixelNum) { ulIndex = (dwConvSize++ & 1) ? pdwColorTable[*pubSrc++ & 0x0F] : pdwColorTable[*pubSrc >> 4];
pubDst[0] = CYAN(ulIndex); pubDst[1] = MAGENTA(ulIndex); pubDst[2] = YELLOW(ulIndex); pubDst[3] = BLACK(ulIndex); pubDst += 4; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL BMPConv:: B4BPPtoRGB( PBYTE pubSrc, DWORD dwSrcPixelNum) /*++
Routine Description:
DIB conversion function. 4BPP to RGB.
pubSrc - Source DIB buffer dwSrcPixelNum - the number of source pixel
Return Value:
Return TRUE if succeeded, otherwise FALSE.
{ PDWORD pdwColorTable; DWORD dwConvSize; ULONG ulIndex; PBYTE pubDst;
pdwColorTable = GET_COLOR_TABLE(m_pxlo);
if (pdwColorTable == NULL) return FALSE;
dwConvSize = m_OddPixelStart; dwSrcPixelNum += dwConvSize; pubDst = m_pubOutputBuff;
while (dwConvSize < dwSrcPixelNum) { ulIndex = (dwConvSize++ & 1) ? pdwColorTable[*pubSrc++ & 0x0F] : pdwColorTable[*pubSrc >> 4];
pubDst[0] = RED(ulIndex); pubDst[1] = GREEN(ulIndex); pubDst[2] = BLUE(ulIndex); pubDst += 3; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL BMPConv:: B4BPPtoGray( PBYTE pubSrc, DWORD dwSrcPixelNum) /*++
Routine Description:
DIB conversion function. 4BPP to Gray.
pubSrc - Source DIB buffer dwSrcPixelNum - the number of source pixel
Return Value:
Return TRUE if succeeded, otherwise FALSE.
{ PDWORD pdwColorTable; ULONG ulIndex; DWORD dwConvSize; PBYTE pubDst;
XL_VERBOSE(("BMPConv: B4BPPtoGray\n"));
pdwColorTable = GET_COLOR_TABLE(m_pxlo);
if (pdwColorTable == NULL) return FALSE;
dwConvSize = m_OddPixelStart; dwSrcPixelNum += dwConvSize; pubDst = m_pubOutputBuff;
while (dwConvSize < dwSrcPixelNum) { ulIndex = (dwConvSize++ & 1) ? pdwColorTable[*pubSrc++ & 0x0F] : pdwColorTable[*pubSrc >> 4];
*pubDst++ = DWORD2GRAY(ulIndex); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL BMPConv:: B8BPPtoGray( IN PBYTE pubSrc, IN DWORD dwSrcPixelNum )
Routine Description:
DIB conversion function - 8BPP to grayscale.
pubSrc - Source DIB buffer dwSrcPixelNum - the number of source pixel
Return Value:
Return TRUE if succeeded, otherwise FALSE.
{ PDWORD pdwColorTable; DWORD dwColor; PBYTE pubDst;
XL_VERBOSE(("BMPConv: B8BPPtoGray\n"));
pdwColorTable = GET_COLOR_TABLE(m_pxlo);
if (pdwColorTable == NULL) return FALSE;
pubDst = m_pubOutputBuff;
while (dwSrcPixelNum--) { dwColor = pdwColorTable[*pubSrc++]; *pubDst++ = DWORD2GRAY(dwColor); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL BMPConv:: B8BPPtoRGB( IN PBYTE pubSrc, IN DWORD dwSrcPixelNum) /*++
Routine Description:
DIB conversion function. 8BPP to RGB.
pubSrc - Source DIB buffer dwSrcPixelNum - the number of source pixel
Return Value:
Return the size of translated destination bitmap
--*/ { PDWORD pdwColorTable; ULONG ulIndex; PBYTE pubDst;
pdwColorTable = GET_COLOR_TABLE(m_pxlo);
if (pdwColorTable == NULL) return FALSE;
pubDst = m_pubOutputBuff;
while (dwSrcPixelNum--) { ulIndex = pdwColorTable[*pubSrc++];
pubDst[0] = RED(ulIndex); pubDst[1] = GREEN(ulIndex); pubDst[2] = BLUE(ulIndex); pubDst += 3; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL BMPConv:: B8BPPtoCMYK( IN PBYTE pubSrc, IN DWORD dwSrcPixelNum) /*++
Routine Description:
DIB conversion function. 8BPP to CMYK.
pubSrc - Source DIB buffer dwSrcPixelNum - the number of source pixel
Return Value:
Return the size of translated destination bitmap
--*/ { PDWORD pdwColorTable; ULONG ulIndex; PBYTE pubDst;
pdwColorTable = GET_COLOR_TABLE(m_pxlo);
if (pdwColorTable == NULL) return FALSE;
pubDst = m_pubOutputBuff;
while (dwSrcPixelNum--) { ulIndex = pdwColorTable[*pubSrc++];
pubDst[0] = CYAN(ulIndex); pubDst[1] = MAGENTA(ulIndex); pubDst[2] = YELLOW(ulIndex); pubDst[3] = BLACK(ulIndex); pubDst += 4; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL BMPConv:: B16BPPtoGray( IN PBYTE pubSrc, IN DWORD dwSrcPixelNum) /*++
Routine Description:
DIB conversion function. 16BPP to 8 bits gray.
pubSrc - Source DIB buffer dwSrcPixelNum - the number of source pixel
Return Value:
Return TRUE if succeeded, otherwise FALSE.
--*/ { DWORD dwColor; PBYTE pubDst = m_pubOutputBuff;
XL_VERBOSE(("BMPConv: B16BPPtoGray\n"));
while (dwSrcPixelNum--) { dwColor = XLATEOBJ_iXlate(m_pxlo, *((PWORD) pubSrc)); pubSrc += 2;
*pubDst++ = DWORD2GRAY(dwColor); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL BMPConv:: B16BPPtoRGB( IN PBYTE pubSrc, IN DWORD dwSrcPixelNum) /*++
Routine Description:
DIB conversion function. 16BPP to RGB.
pubSrc - Source DIB buffer dwSrcPixelNum - the number of source pixel
Return Value:
Return TRUE if succeeded, otherwise FALSE.
--*/ { DWORD dwColor; PBYTE pubDst = m_pubOutputBuff;
while (dwSrcPixelNum--) { dwColor = XLATEOBJ_iXlate(m_pxlo, *((PWORD) pubSrc)); pubSrc += 2;
pubDst[0] = RED(dwColor); pubDst[1] = GREEN(dwColor); pubDst[2] = BLUE(dwColor); pubDst += 3; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL BMPConv:: B24BPPtoGray( IN PBYTE pubSrc, IN DWORD dwSrcPixelNum) /*++
Routine Description:
DIB conversion function. 24BPP to 8 bits gray.
pubSrc - Source DIB buffer dwSrcPixelNum - the number of source pixel
Return Value:
Return TRUE if succeeded, otherwise FALSE.
--*/ { DWORD dwColor; PBYTE pubDst = m_pubOutputBuff;
XL_VERBOSE(("BMPConv: B24BPPtoGray\n"));
if (! (m_flags & BMPCONV_CHECKXLATEOBJ)) { //
// No special conversion is necessary.
// Pure 24BPP RGB image.
while (dwSrcPixelNum--) { *pubDst++ = RGB2GRAY(pubSrc[0], pubSrc[1], pubSrc[2]); pubSrc += 3; } } else if (m_flags & BMPCONV_BGR) { while (dwSrcPixelNum--) { *pubDst++ = RGB2GRAY(pubSrc[2], pubSrc[1], pubSrc[0]); pubSrc += 3; } } else { ASSERT(m_flags & BMPCONV_XLATE);
while (dwSrcPixelNum--) { dwColor = ((DWORD) pubSrc[0] ) | ((DWORD) pubSrc[1] << 8) | ((DWORD) pubSrc[2] << 16);
pubSrc += 3; dwColor = XLATEOBJ_iXlate(m_pxlo, dwColor); *pubDst++ = DWORD2GRAY(dwColor); } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL BMPConv:: B24BPPtoRGB( IN PBYTE pubSrc, IN DWORD dwSrcPixelNum) /*++
Routine Description:
DIB conversion function. 24BPP to RGB.
pubSrc - Source DIB buffer dwSrcPixelNum - the number of source pixel
Return Value:
Return TRUE if succeeded, otherwise FALSE.
{ DWORD dwColor; PBYTE pubDst = m_pubOutputBuff;
if (! (m_flags & BMPCONV_CHECKXLATEOBJ)) { //
// No special conversion is necessary.
// Pure 24BPP RGB image.
CopyMemory(m_pubOutputBuff, pubSrc, dwSrcPixelNum * 3); } else if (m_flags & BMPCONV_BGR) { while (dwSrcPixelNum--) { pubDst[0] = pubSrc[2]; pubDst[1] = pubSrc[1]; pubDst[2] = pubSrc[0]; pubSrc += 3; pubDst += 3; } } else if (m_flags & BMPCONV_XLATE) { while (dwSrcPixelNum--) { dwColor = ((DWORD) pubSrc[0] ) | ((DWORD) pubSrc[1] << 8) | ((DWORD) pubSrc[2] << 16);
pubSrc += 3; dwColor = XLATEOBJ_iXlate(m_pxlo, dwColor); pubDst[0] = RED(dwColor); pubDst[1] = GREEN(dwColor); pubDst[2] = BLUE(dwColor); pubDst += 3; } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL BMPConv:: B32BPPtoGray( IN PBYTE pubSrc, IN DWORD dwSrcPixelNum) /*++
Routine Description:
DIB conversion function. 32BPP to 8 bits Gray.
pubSrc - Source DIB buffer dwSrcPixelNum - the number of source pixel
Return Value:
Return TRUE if succeeded, otherwise FALSE.
{ DWORD dwColor; BYTE ubCyan, ubMagenta, ubYellow, ubBlack; PBYTE pubDst = m_pubOutputBuff;
XL_VERBOSE(("BMPConv: B24BPPtoGray\n"));
if (! (m_flags & BMPCONV_CHECKXLATEOBJ)) { //
// No special conversion is necessary.
// Source bitmap is a pure 32BPP CMYK image.
while (dwSrcPixelNum--) { ubCyan = *pubSrc++; ubMagenta = *pubSrc++; ubYellow = *pubSrc++; ubBlack = *pubSrc++;
*pubDst++ = RGB2GRAY(255 - min(255, (ubCyan + ubBlack)), 255 - min(255, (ubMagenta + ubBlack)), 255 - min(255, (ubYellow + ubBlack))); } } else if (m_flags & BMPCONV_32BPP_RGB) { while (dwSrcPixelNum--) { *pubDst++ = RGB2GRAY(pubSrc[0], pubSrc[1], pubSrc[2]); pubSrc += 4; } } else if (m_flags & BMPCONV_32BPP_BGR) { while (dwSrcPixelNum--) { *pubDst++ = RGB2GRAY(pubSrc[0], pubSrc[1], pubSrc[2]); pubSrc += 4; }
} else { ASSERT(m_flags & BMPCONV_XLATE);
while (dwSrcPixelNum--) { dwColor = XLATEOBJ_iXlate(m_pxlo, *((PDWORD) pubSrc)); pubSrc += 4; *pubDst++ = DWORD2GRAY(dwColor); } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL BMPConv:: B32BPPtoRGB( IN PBYTE pubSrc, IN DWORD dwSrcPixelNum) /*++
Routine Description:
DIB conversion function. 32BPP to RGB.
pubSrc - Source DIB buffer dwSrcPixelNum - the number of source pixel
Return Value:
Return TRUE if succeeded, otherwise FALSE.
{ DWORD dwColor; BYTE ubCyan, ubMagenta, ubYellow, ubBlack; PBYTE pubDst = m_pubOutputBuff;
if (! (m_flags & BMPCONV_CHECKXLATEOBJ)) { //
// No special conversion is necessary.
// Source bitmap is a pure 32BPP CMYK image.
while (dwSrcPixelNum--) { ubCyan = pubSrc[0]; ubMagenta = pubSrc[1]; ubYellow = pubSrc[2]; ubBlack = pubSrc[3]; pubSrc += 4;
ubCyan += ubBlack; ubMagenta += ubBlack; ubYellow += ubBlack;
pubDst[0] = 255 - min(255, ubCyan); pubDst[1] = 255 - min(255, ubMagenta); pubDst[2] = 255 - min(255, ubYellow); pubDst += 3; } } else if (m_flags & BMPCONV_32BPP_RGB) { while (dwSrcPixelNum--) { pubDst[0] = pubSrc[0]; pubDst[1] = pubSrc[1]; pubDst[2] = pubSrc[2]; pubSrc += 4; pubDst += 3; } } else if (m_flags & BMPCONV_32BPP_BGR) { while (dwSrcPixelNum--) { pubDst[0] = pubSrc[2]; pubDst[1] = pubSrc[1]; pubDst[2] = pubSrc[0]; pubSrc += 4; pubDst += 3; } } else { ASSERT(m_flags & BMPCONV_XLATE);
while (dwSrcPixelNum--) { dwColor = XLATEOBJ_iXlate(m_pxlo, *((PDWORD) pubSrc)); pubSrc += 4; pubDst[0] = RED(dwColor); pubDst[1] = GREEN(dwColor); pubDst[2] = BLUE(dwColor); pubDst += 3; } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL BMPConv:: B32BPPtoCMYK( IN PBYTE pubSrc, IN DWORD dwSrcPixelNum) /*++
Routine Description:
DIB conversion function. 32BPP to CMYK.
pubSrc - Source DIB buffer dwSrcPixelNum - the number of source pixel
Return Value:
Return TRUE if succeeded, otherwise FALSE.
--*/ { DWORD dwColor; PBYTE pubDst = m_pubOutputBuff;
if (! (m_flags & BMPCONV_CHECKXLATEOBJ)) { //
// No special conversion is necessary.
// Source bitmap is a pure 32BPP CMYK image.
CopyMemory(m_pubOutputBuff, pubSrc, dwSrcPixelNum * 4); } else { ASSERT(m_flags & BMPCONV_XLATE);
while (dwSrcPixelNum--) { dwColor = XLATEOBJ_iXlate(m_pxlo, *((PDWORD) pubSrc)); pubSrc += 4;
pubDst[0] = 255 - RED(dwColor); pubDst[1] = 255 - GREEN(dwColor); pubDst[2] = 255 - BLUE(dwColor); pubDst[3] = 0; pubDst += 4; } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL BMPConv:: BArbtoGray( PBYTE pubSrc, DWORD dwSrcPixelNum) /*++
Routine Description:
DIB conversion function. Arbitray bitmap to 8 bits Gray scale.
pubSrc - Source DIB buffer dwSrcPixelNum - the number of source pixel
Return Value:
Return TRUE if succeeded, otherwise FALSE.
--*/ { DWORD dwColor; PDWORD pdwSrc; PBYTE pubDst = m_pubOutputBuff;
XL_VERBOSE(("BMPConv: BArbtoGray\n"));
pdwSrc = (PDWORD) pubSrc;
while (dwSrcPixelNum--) { dwColor = XLATEOBJ_iXlate(m_pxlo, *pdwSrc++); *pubDst++ = DWORD2GRAY(dwColor); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL BMPConv:: BArbtoRGB( PBYTE pubSrc, DWORD dwSrcPixelNum) /*++
Routine Description:
DIB conversion function. Arbitraty bitmap to RGB.
pubSrc - Source DIB buffer dwSrcPixelNum - the number of source pixel
Return Value:
Return TRUE if succeeded, otherwise FALSE.
--*/ { DWORD dwColor; PDWORD pdwSrc; PBYTE pubDst = m_pubOutputBuff;
XL_VERBOSE(("BMPConv: BArbtoRGB\n"));
pdwSrc = (PDWORD) pubSrc;
while (dwSrcPixelNum--) { dwColor = XLATEOBJ_iXlate(m_pxlo, *pdwSrc++);
pubDst[0] = RED(dwColor); pubDst[1] = GREEN(dwColor); pubDst[2] = BLUE(dwColor); pubDst += 3; }
return TRUE; }
#ifdef WINNT_40
BOOL BMPConv:: B24BPPToImageMask( PBYTE pubSrc, DWORD dwSrcPixelNum) /*++
Routine Description:
DIB conversion function. 24 bpp bitmaps with only one non-white color to image mask. Can happen on NT4, where GDI does not optimize for that case.
pubSrc - Source DIB buffer dwSrcPixelNum - the number of source pixel
Return Value:
Return TRUE if succeeded, otherwise FALSE.
--*/ { DWORD dwColor; PDWORD pdwSrc; BYTE ubDest = 0; DWORD dwIndex = 0; DWORD dwTransp = (m_flags & BMPCONV_SRC_COPY) ? RGB_WHITE : RGB_BLACK; PBYTE pubDst = m_pubOutputBuff;
XL_VERBOSE(("BMPConv: B24BPPToImageMask\n"));
while (dwSrcPixelNum--) { if (! (m_flags & BMPCONV_CHECKXLATEOBJ)) { //
// No special conversion is necessary, 24BPP RGB image.
dwColor = ((DWORD) pubSrc[0] ) | ((DWORD) pubSrc[1] << 8) | ((DWORD) pubSrc[2] << 16); } else if (m_flags & BMPCONV_BGR) { //
// convert 24BPP BGR to RGB.
dwColor = ((DWORD) pubSrc[2] ) | ((DWORD) pubSrc[1] << 8) | ((DWORD) pubSrc[0] << 16); } else if (m_flags & BMPCONV_XLATE) { dwColor = ((DWORD) pubSrc[0] ) | ((DWORD) pubSrc[1] << 8) | ((DWORD) pubSrc[2] << 16);
dwColor = XLATEOBJ_iXlate(m_pxlo, dwColor); }
ubDest = ubDest << 1; dwIndex++; pubSrc += 3;
if (dwColor != dwTransp) ubDest |= 0x01;
if (dwIndex == 8) // one byte completed ?
{ *pubDst++ = ubDest; dwIndex = 0; ubDest = 0; } }
if (dwIndex != 0) // flush leftover bits
*pubDst = ubDest;
return TRUE; } #endif
BOOL BMPConv:: BConversionProc( PBYTE pubSrc, DWORD dwSrcPixelNum)
Routine Description:
Return a pointer to the appropriate DIB conversion function
pBMPAttrrib - Points to a BMPATTRUTE structure
Return Value:
Pointer to a DIB conversion function
{ //PVOID pfnDibConv[7][4] = {
// Gray Scale, Palette, RGB, CMYK
//{BCopy, BCopy, NULL, NULL}, // 1bpp
//{B4BPPtoGray, BCopy, B4BPPtoRGB, B4BPPtoCMYK}, // 4bpp
//{B8BPPtoGray, BCopy, B8BPPtoRGB, B8BPPtoCMYK}, // 8bpp
//{B16BPPtoGray, NULL, B16BPPtoRGB, NULL}, // 16bpp
//{B24BPPtoGray, NULL, B24BPPtoRGB, NULL}, // 24bpp
//{B32BPPtoGray, NULL, B32BPPtoRGB, B32BPPtoCMYK},// 32bpp
//{BArbtoGray, NULL, BArbtoRGB, NULL} // Arbitrary
XL_VERBOSE(("BMPConv: BConversionProc\n"));
// special case for NT4: GDI passes all bitmaps as 24 bpp, even 1 bpp bitmaps
// that can be better treated through image masks
#if 0 // #ifdef WINNT_40
if (m_flags & BMPCONV_2COLOR_24BPP) { return B24BPPToImageMask; } #endif
// Zero init for DWORD alignment
ZeroMemory(m_pubOutputBuff, m_dwOutputBuffSize);
switch (m_InputBPP) { case e1bpp:
switch(m_OutputFormat) { case eOutputGray: case eOutputPal: BCopy(pubSrc, dwSrcPixelNum); bRet = TRUE; break; case eOutputRGB: case eOutputCMYK: break; } break;
case e4bpp: switch(m_OutputFormat) { case eOutputGray: B4BPPtoGray(pubSrc, dwSrcPixelNum); bRet = TRUE; break; case eOutputPal: BCopy(pubSrc, dwSrcPixelNum); bRet = TRUE; break; case eOutputRGB: B4BPPtoRGB(pubSrc, dwSrcPixelNum); bRet = TRUE; break; case eOutputCMYK: B4BPPtoCMYK(pubSrc, dwSrcPixelNum); bRet = TRUE; break; }
case e8bpp:
switch(m_OutputFormat) { case eOutputGray: B8BPPtoGray(pubSrc, dwSrcPixelNum); bRet = TRUE; break; case eOutputPal: BCopy(pubSrc, dwSrcPixelNum); bRet = TRUE; break; case eOutputRGB: B8BPPtoRGB(pubSrc, dwSrcPixelNum); bRet = TRUE; break; case eOutputCMYK: B8BPPtoCMYK(pubSrc, dwSrcPixelNum); bRet = TRUE; break; } break;
case e16bpp:
switch(m_OutputFormat) { case eOutputGray: B16BPPtoGray(pubSrc, dwSrcPixelNum); bRet = TRUE; break; case eOutputPal: BCopy(pubSrc, dwSrcPixelNum); bRet = TRUE; break; break; case eOutputRGB: B16BPPtoRGB(pubSrc, dwSrcPixelNum); bRet = TRUE; break; case eOutputCMYK: XL_ERR(("BMPConv::BConversionProc: 16 to CMYK is not supported yet.\n")); break; } break;
case e24bpp:
switch(m_OutputFormat) { case eOutputGray: B24BPPtoGray(pubSrc, dwSrcPixelNum); bRet = TRUE; break; case eOutputPal: break; case eOutputRGB: B24BPPtoRGB(pubSrc, dwSrcPixelNum); bRet = TRUE; break; case eOutputCMYK: break; } break;
case e32bpp:
switch(m_OutputFormat) { case eOutputGray: B32BPPtoGray(pubSrc, dwSrcPixelNum); bRet = TRUE; break; case eOutputPal: break; case eOutputRGB: B32BPPtoRGB(pubSrc, dwSrcPixelNum); bRet = TRUE; break; case eOutputCMYK: B32BPPtoCMYK(pubSrc, dwSrcPixelNum); bRet = TRUE; break; } break;
switch(m_OutputFormat) { case eOutputGray: BArbtoGray(pubSrc, dwSrcPixelNum); bRet = TRUE; break; case eOutputPal: break; case eOutputRGB: BArbtoRGB(pubSrc, dwSrcPixelNum); bRet = TRUE; break; case eOutputCMYK: XL_ERR(("BMPConv::BConversionProc: Arb to CMYK is not supported yet.\n")); break; } } return bRet; }
DWORD BMPConv:: DwCheckXlateObj( IN XLATEOBJ *pxlo, IN BPP InputBPP) /*++
Routine Description:
Determines the type of converison. *Palette *RGB *BGR *CMYK *Call XLATEOBJ_XXX function.
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD dwRet; DWORD Dst[4];
XL_VERBOSE(("BMPConv: DwCheckXlateObj\n"));
// Init dwRet
dwRet = 0;
switch (InputBPP) { case e16bpp: dwRet = BMPCONV_XLATE; break;
case e24bpp: if (pxlo->iSrcType == PAL_RGB) dwRet = 0; else if (pxlo->iSrcType == PAL_BGR) dwRet = BMPCONV_BGR; { Dst[0] = XLATEOBJ_iXlate(pxlo, 0x000000FF); Dst[1] = XLATEOBJ_iXlate(pxlo, 0x0000FF00); Dst[2] = XLATEOBJ_iXlate(pxlo, 0x00FF0000);
if ((Dst[0] == 0x000000FF) && (Dst[1] == 0x0000FF00) && (Dst[2] == 0x00FF0000) ) { dwRet = 0; } else if ((Dst[0] == 0x00FF0000) && (Dst[1] == 0x0000FF00) && (Dst[2] == 0x000000FF) ) { dwRet = BMPCONV_BGR; } } break;
case e32bpp: if (pxlo->flXlate & XO_FROM_CMYK) dwRet = 0; else { //
// Translate all 4 bytes from the DWORD
Dst[0] = XLATEOBJ_iXlate(pxlo, 0x000000FF); Dst[1] = XLATEOBJ_iXlate(pxlo, 0x0000FF00); Dst[2] = XLATEOBJ_iXlate(pxlo, 0x00FF0000); Dst[3] = XLATEOBJ_iXlate(pxlo, 0xFF000000);
if ((Dst[0] == 0x000000FF) && (Dst[1] == 0x0000FF00) && (Dst[2] == 0x00FF0000) && (Dst[3] == 0x00000000)) { //
// If translate result is same (4th byte will be zero) then
// we done with it except if 32bpp then we have to skip one
// source byte for every 3 bytes
} else if ((Dst[0] == 0x00FF0000) && (Dst[1] == 0x0000FF00) && (Dst[2] == 0x000000FF) && (Dst[3] == 0x00000000)) { //
// Simply swap the R and B component
dwRet = BMPCONV_32BPP_BGR; } } } return dwRet; }