<%@ CODEPAGE=65001 %> <% '------------------------------------------------------------ ' ' Microsoft Internet Printing Project ' ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ' ' Entry page for printer view. ' '------------------------------------------------------------ option explicit %> <!-- #include file = "ipp_util.inc" --> <%
Const PRINTER_FOLDER = "pfld" Const L_PrinterAction_Text = "Printer Action" Const L_JobAction_Text = "Job Action" Const L_CancelAction_Text = "The document could not be cancelled. It might have been printed already, or cancelled by another user." Const L_OpenHelperName_Text = "Open Helper: %1" Const L_OpenHelper_Text = "Open Helper"
Dim strEncodedPrinter, strURLPrinter, strASP1, strSNMP, strIPAddress, strCommunity Dim strDevice, strPortname, strModel, bEnableConnect
Sub Redirect (strView, strStart, strEnd) Dim strURL
strURL = "ipp_0004.asp?eprinter=" & strEncodedPrinter & VIEW_EQUALS & strView & ATPAGE & CStr(Int(Rnd*10000)) If strView = "q" Then If (strStart <> "" And strEnd <> "") Then strURL = strURL & "&startid=" & strStart & "&endid=" & strEnd End If End If
Response.Redirect (strURL)
End Sub
Sub SetPrinterVariables (objHelper, strPrinter)
On Error Resume Next Dim str
strUrlPrinter = Server.URLEncode(strPrinter)
str = objHelper.ASPPage(1) If Err Then strASP1 = "" Else strASP1 = str End If
If CBool( objHelper.IsTCPMonSupported ) Then bSNMP = CBool( objHelper.SNMPSupported ) strSNMP = CStr( bSNMP ) strIPAddress = CStr( objHelper.IPAddress ) If bSNMP Then strCommunity = objHelper.Community strDevice = CStr( objHelper.SNMPdevice ) End If Else strSNMP = "" strIPAddress = "" strCommunity = "" strDevice = "" End If
session(LOCAL_SERVER) = request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") session(DHTML_ENABLED) = bDHTMLSupported strPortname = OleCvt.EncodeUnicodeName( objHelper.PortName ) session(DEFAULT_PAGE) = "/printers/Page1.asp" strModel = OleCvt.EncodeUnicodeName( objHelper.DriverName )
If objHelper.DriverName = FAXDRIVER Then bEnableConnect = FALSE Else bEnableConnect = TRUE end If
End Sub
Function SetView (strClient, strPrinter, strView, strStart, strEnd) dim bDeviceStatus
bDeviceStatus = False
if Session("StartInstall") = 1 Then strView = "p" strInitial = "ipp_0010.asp?eprinter=" & Request ("eprinter")
Else if strClient = PRINTER_FOLDER Then If strASP1 <> "" Then strView = "q" strInitial = strASP1 Else strView = "p" strInitial = PROPERTY_VIEW End If Else if strView = "" Then strView = "d"
Select Case strView Case "p" strInitial = PROPERTY_VIEW Case "q" strInitial = QUEUE_VIEW Case "d" strInitial = strASP1 If strInitial = "" Then strView = "q" strInitial = QUEUE_VIEW End If case Else strView = "q" strInitial = QUEUE_VIEW End Select End If
if strInitial = strASP1 then bDeviceStatus = True end if
strInitial = strInitial & "?eprinter=" & strEncodedPrinter & VIEW_EQUALS & strView
if bDeviceStatus then strInitial = strInitial & ATPRINTER & strEncodedPrinter & ATURLPRINTER & strURLPrinter &_ ATSNMP & strSNMP & ATIPADDRESS & strIPAddress &_ ATCOMMUNITY & strCommunity & ATDEVICE & strDevice &_ ATPORTNAME & strPortname & ATMODEL & strModel End If
strInitial = strInitial & ATASP1 & strASP1 strInitial = strInitial & ATPAGE & CStr(Int(Rnd*10000))
If strStart <> "" And strEnd <> "" Then strInitial = strInitial & "&startid=" & strStart & "&endid=" & strEnd End If End If
SetView = strView
End Function
Function FindJob (objJobs, strJobid, objJob) FindJob = FALSE If strJobid = "" Then Exit Function
For Each objJob In objJobs If objJob.Name = strJobid Then FindJob = True Exit For End If Next
End Function
Sub DoAction (strAction, objQueue, strJobid, strStart, strEnd)
On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim objJobs, objJob
Select Case strAction Case "pause" objQueue.Pause If Err Then Call ErrorHandler (L_PrinterAction_Text) Redirect "p", strStart, strEnd
Case "resume" objQueue.Resume If Err Then Call ErrorHandler (L_PrinterAction_Text) Redirect "p", strStart, strEnd
Case "purge" objQueue.Purge If Err Then Call ErrorHandler (L_PrinterAction_Text) Redirect "q", strStart, strEnd
Case "canceljob" Set objJobs = objQueue.PrintJobs If FindJob (objJobs, strJobid, objJob) Then objJobs.Remove CStr(strJobid) Else Call ErrorHandler(L_CancelAction_Text) End if
If Err Then Call ErrorHandler (L_JobAction_Text) Redirect "q", strStart, strEnd
Case "resumejob" Set objJobs = objQueue.PrintJobs If FindJob (objJobs, strJobid, objJob) Then objJob.resume If Err Then Call ErrorHandler (L_JobAction_Text) Redirect "q", strStart, strEnd
Case "pausejob" Set objJobs = objQueue.PrintJobs If FindJob (objJobs, strJobid, objJob) Then objJob.pause If Err Then Call ErrorHandler (L_JobAction_Text) Redirect "q", strStart, strEnd End Select End Sub
Dim strPrinter, objHelper, str, bSNMP, strInitial, strView, strClient, strAction Dim strComputer On Error Resume Next Err.Clear
Rem Rem Parse the input variable Rem
strEncodedPrinter = strCleanRequest ("eprinter") if strEncodedPrinter = "" Then Response.Redirect ("ipp_0001.asp") Else Rem Rem Decode the printer name Rem
strPrinter = OleCvt.DecodeUnicodeName (strEncodedPrinter)
End If
Set objHelper = Server.CreateObject(PROGID_HELPER) If Err Then Call ErrorHandler(ERR_CREATE_HELPER_OBJ)
strComputer = request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") If strComputer = "localhost" Or strComputer = "" or Not CBool(objHelper.IsCluster) Then strComputer = objHelper.ComputerName End If
session(COMPUTER) = strComputer
objHelper.open "\\" & strComputer & "\" & strPrinter if Err Then Call ErrorHandler(RepString1(L_OpenHelperName_Text, strPrinter) ) End If strPrinter = objHelper.ShareName
strEncodedPrinter = OleCvt.EncodeUnicodeName (strPrinter)
Dim objQueue Set objQueue = GetObject("WinNT://" & strComputer & "/" & strPrinter & ",PrintQueue") If Err Then Err.Number = &H80070709 Call ErrorHandler(L_OpenHelper_Text) End If
strAction = Request("action") If strAction <> "" Then Call DoAction (strAction, objQueue, Request ("jobid"), Request ("StartId"), Request ("EndId")) End If
strClient = Request("Client")
Call SetPrinterVariables (objHelper, strPrinter) objHelper.Close
strView = SetView (strClient, strPrinter, Request ("View"), Request ("StartId"), Request ("EndId"))
Response.Expires = 0
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html lang=<%=L_Language%>> <head> <Meta Http-equiv="Content-Type" Content="text/html; CHARSET=UTF-8"> <% Dim strTitle Dim strLeftPaneUrl Dim strConnect
const L_Title_Text = "<title>%1 on %2</title>" const L_FramesWarning_Text = "This web page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them."
strTitle = RepString2(L_Title_Text, strCleanString( GetFriendlyName (objQueue.PrinterName, session(COMPUTER))), session(LOCAL_SERVER) )
If bEnableConnect Then strConnect = "1" Else strConnect = "0" End If
strLeftPaneUrl = "ipp_0005.asp?eprinter=" & strEncodedPrinter & VIEW_EQUALS & strView & ATCONNECT & strConnect & ATURLPRINTER & strURLPrinter strLeftPaneUrl = strLeftPaneUrl & ATASP1 & strASP1 & ATPAGE & CStr(Int(Rnd*10000)) %> <% =Write (strTitle) %> </head>
<frameset frameborder="0" framespacing="10" cols="180,*">
<frame src="<%=strLeftPaneUrl%>" name="contents" scrolling="auto" noresize> <frameset frameborder="0" framespacing="0" rows="100,*"> <frame scrolling="auto" src="ipp_0002.asp?eprinter=<%=strEncodedPrinter%>&page=<%=CStr(Int(Rnd*10000))%>" frameborder="0" name="banner" scrolling="no" noresize> <frame src="<% =strinitial%>" frameborder="0" name="main" scrolling="auto"> </frameset>
<noframes> <body> <p><%=Write(L_FramesWarning_Text)%></p> </body> </noframes> </frameset>