Copyright (c) 1990 - 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module provides all the public exported APIs relating to the Driver-based Spooler Apis for the Local Print Providor
LocalAddPrinterDriver LocalDeletePrinterDriver SplGetPrinterDriver LocalGetPrinterDriverDirectory LocalEnumPrinterDriver
Support Functions in driver.c
CopyIniDriverToDriver -- KrishnaG GetDriverInfoSize -- KrishnaG DeleteDriverIni -- KrishnaG WriteDriverIni -- KrishnaG
Dave Snipp (DaveSn) 15-Mar-1991
Revision History:
Felix Maxa (amaxa) 18-Jun-2000 Modified registry functions to take pIniSpooler Added code to propagate drivers to the cluster disk
Khaled Sedky (khaleds) 2 Feb 1999 Modified CompleteDriverUpgrade to enable upgrading v.2 drivers to newer v.2 drivers
Ramanathan Venkatapathy (RamanV) 14 Feb 1997 Modified CreateVersionEntry,CreateDriverEntry, LocalDeletePrinterDriver, SplDeletePrinterDriver. Added Driver File RefCounting functions, DeletePrinterDriverEx functions.
Muhunthan Sivapragasam (MuhuntS) 26 May 1995 Changes to support DRIVER_INFO_3
Matthew A Felton (MattFe) 27 June 1994 pIniSpooler
Matthew A Felton (MattFe) 23 Feb 1995 CleanUp InternalAddPrinterDriver for win32spl use so it allows copying from non local directories.
Matthew A Felton (MattFe) 23 Mar 1994 Added DrvUpgradePrinter calls, changes required to AddPrinterDriver so to save old files.
#include <precomp.h>
#include <lm.h>
#include <offsets.h>
#include <wingdip.h>
#include "clusspl.h"
// Private Declarations
// This definition is duplicated from oak\inc\winddi.h.
extern NET_API_STATUS (*pfnNetShareAdd)(); extern SHARE_INFO_2 PrintShareInfo; extern NET_API_STATUS (*pfnNetShareSetInfo)();
typedef struct _DRVFILE { struct _DRVFILE *pnext; LPCWSTR pFileName; } DRVFILE, *PDRVFILE;
DWORD CopyICMToClusterDisk( IN PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler );
DWORD PropagateMonitorToCluster( IN LPCWSTR pszName, IN LPCWSTR pszDDLName, IN LPCWSTR pszEnvName, IN LPCWSTR pszEnvDir, IN PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler );
BOOL CheckFilePlatform( IN LPWSTR pszFileName, IN LPWSTR pszEnvironment );
LPBYTE CopyIniDriverToDriverInfo( PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIDRIVER pIniDriver, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pDriverInfo, LPBYTE pEnd, LPWSTR lpRemote, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler );
LPBYTE CopyIniDriverToDriverInfoVersion( IN PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, IN PINIVERSION pIniVersion, IN PINIDRIVER pIniDriver, IN LPBYTE pDriverInfo, IN LPBYTE pEnd, IN LPWSTR lpRemote, IN PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler );
LPBYTE CopyIniDriverFilesToDriverInfo( IN LPDRIVER_INFO_VERSION pDriverVersion, IN PINIVERSION pIniVersion, IN PINIDRIVER pIniDriver, IN LPCWSTR pszDriverVersionDir, IN LPBYTE pEnd );
BOOL GetDriverFileCachedVersion( IN PINIVERSION pIniVersion, IN LPCWSTR pFileName, OUT DWORD *pFileVersion );
BOOL DriverAddedOrUpgraded ( IN PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE pInternalDriverFiles, IN DWORD dwFileCount );
BOOL BuildDependentFilesFromDriverInfo ( IN LPDRIVER_INFO_VERSION pDriverInfo, OUT LPWSTR *ppDependentFiles );
VOID UpdateDriverFileVersion( IN PINIVERSION pIniVersion, IN PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE pInternalDriverFiles, IN DWORD FileCount );
BOOL SaveDriverVersionForUpgrade( IN HKEY hDriverKey, IN PDRIVER_INFO_VERSION pDriverVersion, IN LPWSTR pName, IN DWORD dwDriverMoved, IN DWORD dwVersion );
DWORD CopyFileToClusterDirectory ( IN PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, IN PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, IN PINIVERSION pIniVersion, IN PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE pInternalDriverFiles, IN DWORD FileCount );
VOID CleanupInternalDriverInfo( PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE pInternalDriverFiles, DWORD FileCount );
BOOL GetDriverFileVersionsFromNames( IN PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE pInternalDriverFiles, IN DWORD dwCount );
BOOL GetDriverFileVersions( IN LPDRIVER_INFO_VERSION pDriverVersion, IN PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE pInternalDriverFiles, IN DWORD dwCount );
BOOL GetFileNamesFromDriverVersionInfo ( IN LPDRIVER_INFO_VERSION pDriverInfo, OUT LPWSTR *ppszDriverPath, OUT LPWSTR *ppszConfigFile, OUT LPWSTR *ppszDataFile, OUT LPWSTR *ppszHelpFile );
BOOL WaitRequiredForDriverUnload( IN PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, IN PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, IN PINIVERSION pIniVersion, IN PINIDRIVER pIniDriver, IN DWORD dwLevel, IN LPBYTE pDriverInfo, IN DWORD dwFileCopyFlags, IN OUT PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE pInternalDriverFiles, IN DWORD dwFileCount, IN DWORD dwVersion, IN BOOL bDriverMoved, OUT LPBOOL pbSuccess );
BOOL FilesUnloaded( PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, LPWSTR pDriverFile, LPWSTR pConfigFile, DWORD dwDriverAttributes);
DWORD StringSizeInBytes( LPWSTR pString, BOOL bMultiSz);
BOOL SaveParametersForUpgrade( LPWSTR pName, BOOL bDriverMoved, DWORD dwLevel, LPBYTE pDriverInfo, DWORD dwVersion);
VOID CleanUpResources( LPWSTR pKeyName, LPWSTR pSplName, PDRIVER_INFO_6 pDriverInfo, PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE *pInternalDriverFiles, DWORD dwFileCount);
BOOL RestoreParametersForUpgrade( HKEY hUpgradeKey, DWORD dwIndex, LPWSTR *pKeyName, LPWSTR *pSplName, LPDWORD pdwLevel, LPDWORD pdwDriverMoved, PDRIVER_INFO_6 *ppDriverInfo);
VOID CleanUpgradeDirectories();
VOID FreeDriverInfo6( PDRIVER_INFO_6 pDriver6 );
BOOL RegGetValue( HKEY hDriverKey, LPWSTR pValueName, LPBYTE *pValue );
BOOL WriteDriverIni( PINIDRIVER pIniDriver, PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler );
BOOL DeleteDriverIni( PINIDRIVER pIniDriver, PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler );
BOOL CreateVersionDirectory( PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, BOOL bUpdate, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler );
DWORD GetDriverInfoSize( PINIDRIVER pIniDriver, DWORD Level, PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, LPWSTR lpRemote, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler );
BOOL DeleteDriverVersionIni( PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler );
BOOL WriteDriverVersionIni( PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler );
PINIDRIVER FindDriverEntry( PINIVERSION pIniVersion, LPWSTR pszName );
PINIDRIVER CreateDriverEntry( IN PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, IN PINIVERSION pIniVersion, IN DWORD Level, IN LPBYTE pDriverInfo, IN DWORD dwFileCopyFlags, IN PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, IN OUT PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE pInternalDriverFiles, IN DWORD FileCount, IN DWORD dwTempDir, IN PINIDRIVER pOldIniDriver );
BOOL IsKMPD( LPWSTR pDriverName );
VOID CheckDriverAttributes( PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIDRIVER pIniDriver );
BOOL NotifyDriver( PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIDRIVER pIniDriver, DWORD dwDriverEvent, DWORD dwParameter );
BOOL AddTempDriver( IN PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, IN PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, IN PINIVERSION pIniVersion, IN DWORD dwLevel, IN LPBYTE pDriverInfo, IN DWORD dwFileCopyFlags, IN OUT PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE pInternalDriverFiles, IN DWORD dwFileCount, IN DWORD dwVersion, IN BOOL bDriverMoved );
BOOL CompleteDriverUpgrade( IN PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, IN PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, IN PINIVERSION pIniVersion, IN PINIDRIVER pIniDriver, IN DWORD dwLevel, IN LPBYTE pDriverInfo, IN DWORD dwFileCopyFlags, IN PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE pInternalDriverFiles, IN DWORD dwFileCount, IN DWORD dwVersion, IN DWORD dwTempDir, IN BOOL bDriverMoved, IN BOOL bDriverFileMoved, IN BOOL bConfigFileMoved );
BOOL FilesInUse( PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIDRIVER pIniDriver );
BOOL UpdateDriverFileRefCnt( PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIDRIVER pIniDriver, LPCWSTR pDirectory, DWORD dwDeleteFlag, BOOL bIncrementFlag );
PDRVREFCNT IncrementFileRefCnt( PINIVERSION pIniVersion, LPCWSTR szFileName );
PDRVREFCNT DecrementFileRefCnt( PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIDRIVER pIniDriver, LPCWSTR szFileName, LPCWSTR szDirectory, DWORD dwDeleteFlag );
VOID RemovePendingUpgradeForDeletedDriver( LPWSTR pDriverName, DWORD dwVersion, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler );
VOID RemoveDriverTempFiles( PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIDRIVER pIniDriver );
VOID DeleteDriverEntry( PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIDRIVER pIniDriver );
PINIVERSION CreateVersionEntry( PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, DWORD dwVersion, PINISPOOLER pInispooler );
DWORD GetEnvironmentScratchDirectory( LPWSTR pDir, DWORD MaxLength, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, BOOL Remote );
VOID SetOldDateOnDriverFilesInScratchDirectory( PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE pInternalDriverFiles, DWORD FileCount, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler );
BOOL CopyFilesToFinalDirectory( PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE pInternalDriverFiles, DWORD dwFileCount, DWORD dwFileCopyFlags, BOOL bImpersonateOnCreate, LPBOOL pbFilesMoved );
BOOL CreateInternalDriverFileArray( IN DWORD Level, IN LPBYTE pDriverInfo, OUT PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE *pInternalDriverFiles, OUT LPDWORD pFileCount, IN BOOL bUseScratchDir, IN PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, IN BOOL bFileNamesOnly );
BOOL CheckFileCopyOptions( PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIDRIVER pIniDriver, PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE pInternalDriverFiles, DWORD dwFileCount, DWORD dwFileCopyFlags, LPBOOL pbUpgrade );
Routine Name
Routine Description:
Checks if a certain driver file is present in an DRIVER_FILE_INFO file set. The search is done by the type of the file. The index to the first occurence of the file is returned.
pDrvFileInfo - pointer to DRIVER_FILE_INFO array cElements - count of elements in pDrvFileInfo kFileType - file type to search for pIndex - on success contains the index of the found file in the pDrvFileInfo array
Return Value:
S_OK - the file was found and pIndex is usable S_FALSE - the file was not found, pIndex is not usable E_INVALIDARG - invalid arguments were passed in
--*/ HRESULT FindIndexInDrvFileInfo( IN DRIVER_FILE_INFO *pDrvFileInfo, IN DWORD cElements, IN DRIVER_FILE_TYPE kFileType, OUT DWORD *pIndex ) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG;
if (pDrvFileInfo && pIndex) { DWORD i;
// Not found
hr = S_FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < cElements; i++) { if (pDrvFileInfo[i].FileType == kFileType) { *pIndex = i;
hr = S_OK;
break; } } }
return hr; }
BOOL LocalStartSystemRestorePoint( IN PCWSTR pszDriverName, OUT HANDLE *phRestorePoint );
Routine Name
Routine Description:
Checks if a certain driver is already installed.
pDriver2 - pointer to DRIVER_INFO_2 pIniSpooler - pointer to spooler structure
Return Value:
TRUE - driver is installed on the pIniSpooler FALSE - driver is not present in pIniSpooler
--*/ BOOL IsDriverInstalled( DRIVER_INFO_2 *pDriver2, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler ) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
if (pIniSpooler && pDriver2 && pDriver2->pName) { PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnv; PINIVERSION pIniVer;
if ((pIniEnv = FindEnvironment(pDriver2->pEnvironment && *pDriver2->pEnvironment ? pDriver2->pEnvironment : szEnvironment, pIniSpooler)) && (pIniVer = FindVersionEntry(pIniEnv, pDriver2->cVersion)) && FindDriverEntry(pIniVer, pDriver2->pName)) { bReturn = TRUE; }
LeaveSplSem(); }
DBGMSG(DBG_CLUSTER, ("IsDriverInstalled returns %u\n", bReturn));
return bReturn; }
BOOL LocalAddPrinterDriver( LPWSTR pName, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pDriverInfo ) { return LocalAddPrinterDriverEx( pName, Level, pDriverInfo, APD_COPY_NEW_FILES ); }
BOOL LocalAddPrinterDriverEx( LPWSTR pName, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pDriverInfo, DWORD dwFileCopyFlags ) { PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler; BOOL bReturn = TRUE;
if (Level == 7) { bReturn = FALSE; SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL); } else if (dwFileCopyFlags & APD_COPY_TO_ALL_SPOOLERS) { //
// Mask flag otherwise SplAddPrinterDriverEx will be fail.
// This flag is used by Windows Update to update all the
// drivers for all the spoolers hosted by the local machine
dwFileCopyFlags = dwFileCopyFlags & ~APD_COPY_TO_ALL_SPOOLERS;
for (pIniSpooler = pLocalIniSpooler; pIniSpooler && bReturn; pIniSpooler = pIniSpooler->pIniNextSpooler) { //
// We do not want to add a driver to a pIniSpooler. We want to update
// an existing driver. That is why we check if the driver is already
// installed
if ((pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_LOCAL || pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER) && IsDriverInstalled((DRIVER_INFO_2 *)pDriverInfo, pIniSpooler)) { EnterSplSem(); INCSPOOLERREF(pIniSpooler); LeaveSplSem();
// The 6th parameter indicates whether to use the scratch
// directory (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
bReturn = SplAddPrinterDriverEx(pName, Level, pDriverInfo, dwFileCopyFlags, pIniSpooler, !(dwFileCopyFlags & APD_COPY_FROM_DIRECTORY), IMPERSONATE_USER);
DBGMSG(DBG_CLUSTER, ("LocalAddPrinterDriverEx adding driver to "TSTR" bRet %u\n", pIniSpooler->pMachineName, bReturn));
EnterSplSem(); DECSPOOLERREF(pIniSpooler); LeaveSplSem(); } } } else { if (!(pIniSpooler = FindSpoolerByNameIncRef(pName, NULL))) { return ROUTER_UNKNOWN; } else { //
// The 6th parameter indicates whether to use the scratch
// directory (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
bReturn = SplAddPrinterDriverEx(pName, Level, pDriverInfo, dwFileCopyFlags, pIniSpooler, !(dwFileCopyFlags & APD_COPY_FROM_DIRECTORY), IMPERSONATE_USER); }
FindSpoolerByNameDecRef(pIniSpooler); }
return bReturn; }
BOOL SplAddPrinterDriverEx( LPWSTR pName, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pDriverInfo, DWORD dwFileCopyFlags, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, BOOL bUseScratchDir, BOOL bImpersonateOnCreate ) { PINISPOOLER pTempIniSpooler = pIniSpooler;
// At this time we do not know if the server name in pName refers to our local
// machine. We are trying to add the server name to the name cache. The name
// cache functions decide if the name refers to the local machine and if positive,
// add an entry for it in the cache.
DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ("AddPrinterDriver\n"));
if (!MyName( pName, pIniSpooler )) {
return FALSE; }
// Right now all drivers are global ie they are shared between all IniSpoolers
// If we want to impersonate the user then lets validate against pLocalIniSpooler
// whilch causes all the security checking to happen, rather than using the passed
// in IniSpooler which might not. See win32spl for detail of point and print.
if ( bImpersonateOnCreate ) {
pTempIniSpooler = pLocalIniSpooler; }
return FALSE; }
return ( InternalAddPrinterDriverEx( pName, Level, pDriverInfo, dwFileCopyFlags, pIniSpooler, bUseScratchDir, bImpersonateOnCreate ) );
This function creates a process for a driver to be installed in and launches an entry point from ntprint.dll to install the driver inside that process. This install will take a driver info 7 struct and do an inf based install with the information in that structure.
pDriverInfo7 -- driver_info_7 structure
TRUE on success; FALSE otherwise The function sets the last error in case of failure
If the driver info pszInfName field is anything other than NULL, this call will fail.
// Passing with an inf name is not supported.
if (!pDriverInfo7->pszInfName ) { LPWSTR pszCmdString = NULL; LPCWSTR pszRundllName = L"rundll32.exe"; LPCWSTR pszRundllArgs = L"rundll32.exe ntprint.dll,ServerInstall "; LPWSTR pszRundllPath = NULL;
Error = StrCatAlloc(&pszCmdString, pszRundllArgs, pDriverInfo7->pszDriverName, NULL);
if(Error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Error = StrCatSystemPath(pszRundllName, kSystemDir, &pszRundllPath); }
if(Error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Error = RunProcess(pszRundllPath, pszCmdString, INFINITE, &dwCode); }
if(Error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Error = dwCode; }
if (pszCmdString) FreeSplMem(pszCmdString); if (pszRundllPath) FreeSplMem(pszRundllPath); if (pszPipe) FreeSplMem(pszPipe); }
if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(Error); }
return Error == ERROR_SUCCESS; }
BOOL BuildTrueDependentFileField( LPWSTR pDriverPath, LPWSTR pDataFile, LPWSTR pConfigFile, LPWSTR pHelpFile, LPWSTR pInputDependentFiles, LPWSTR *ppDependentFiles ) { LPWSTR psz, psz2; LPCWSTR pszFileNamePart; SIZE_T Size;
if ( !pInputDependentFiles ) return TRUE;
for ( psz = pInputDependentFiles, Size = 0 ; psz && *psz ; psz += wcslen(psz) + 1 ) {
pszFileNamePart = FindFileName(psz);
if( !pszFileNamePart ){ break; }
if ( wstrcmpEx(FindFileName(pDriverPath), pszFileNamePart, FALSE) && wstrcmpEx(FindFileName(pDataFile), pszFileNamePart, FALSE) && wstrcmpEx(FindFileName(pConfigFile), pszFileNamePart, FALSE) && wstrcmpEx(FindFileName(pHelpFile), pszFileNamePart, FALSE) ) {
Size += wcslen(psz) + 1; } }
if ( !Size ) return TRUE;
// Increase the Size to accommodate the last \0
*ppDependentFiles = AllocSplMem((DWORD)(Size*sizeof(WCHAR))); if ( !*ppDependentFiles ) return FALSE;
psz = pInputDependentFiles; psz2 = *ppDependentFiles; while ( *psz ) {
pszFileNamePart = FindFileName(psz);
if( !pszFileNamePart ){ break; }
if ( wstrcmpEx(FindFileName(pDriverPath), pszFileNamePart, FALSE) && wstrcmpEx(FindFileName(pDataFile), pszFileNamePart, FALSE) && wstrcmpEx(FindFileName(pConfigFile), pszFileNamePart, FALSE) && wstrcmpEx(FindFileName(pHelpFile), pszFileNamePart, FALSE) ) {
StrCchCopyMultipleStr(psz2, Size, psz, &psz2, &Size); }
psz += wcslen(psz) + 1; }
return TRUE; }
DWORD IsCompatibleDriver( LPWSTR pszDriverName, LPWSTR pszDeviceDriverPath, LPWSTR pszEnvironment, DWORD dwMajorVersion, DWORD *pdwBlockingStatus ) /*++
Function Description: Call this function to prevent bad drivers from getting installed. Check if driver is listed in printupg.inf (lists all known bad driver files ). Since printupg.inf contains only driver name, this function should be called only for verions 2 drivers. Otherwise,it will treat a version 3 driver "DriverName" as bad, if it is a bad version 2 driver.
Parameters: pszDriverName -- driver name pszDeviceDriverPath -- filename for the file that contains the device driver pszEnvironment -- environment string for the driver such as "Windows NT x86" dwMajorVersion -- major version of the driver pdwBlockingStatus -- driver blocking status
Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if succeeded ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if invalid parameters GetLastError for any other errors
--*/ { WIN32_FIND_DATA DeviceDriverData; pfPSetupIsCompatibleDriver pfnPSetupIsCompatibleDriver; UINT uOldErrMode; HANDLE hFileExists = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE hLibrary = NULL; DWORD LastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwBlockingStatus = BSP_PRINTER_DRIVER_OK;
if( !pszDriverName || !pszDeviceDriverPath || !pszEnvironment || !*pszDriverName || !*pszDeviceDriverPath || !*pszEnvironment || !pdwBlockingStatus) { LastError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto End; }
*pdwBlockingStatus = BSP_PRINTER_DRIVER_OK;
hFileExists = FindFirstFile( pszDeviceDriverPath, &DeviceDriverData );
if (hFileExists == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { LastError = GetLastError(); goto End; }
if( !(hLibrary = LoadLibrary( TEXT("ntprint.dll"))) ){ LastError = GetLastError(); goto End; }
pfnPSetupIsCompatibleDriver = (pfPSetupIsCompatibleDriver)GetProcAddress( hLibrary, "PSetupIsCompatibleDriver" );
if( !pfnPSetupIsCompatibleDriver){ LastError = GetLastError(); goto End; }
// NULL server name is OK since we know this is the local machine.
// PSetupIsCompatibleDriver uses this to determine the blocking
// level.
if ((pfnPSetupIsCompatibleDriver)( NULL, pszDriverName, pszDeviceDriverPath, pszEnvironment, dwMajorVersion, &DeviceDriverData.ftLastWriteTime, &dwBlockingStatus, NULL)) { *pdwBlockingStatus = dwBlockingStatus; } else {
LastError = GetLastError(); }
if( hFileExists != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ){ FindClose(hFileExists); }
if( hLibrary ){ FreeLibrary( hLibrary ); }
SetErrorMode( uOldErrMode );
return LastError;
BOOL IsAnICMFile( LPCWSTR pszFileName )
Function Description: Checks for ICM extension on the filename
Parameters: pszFileName - file name
Return Values: TRUE for ICM files; FALSE otherwise --*/
{ DWORD dwLen = wcslen(pszFileName); LPWSTR psz = (LPWSTR)pszFileName+dwLen-4;
if ( dwLen > 3 && ( !_wcsicmp(psz, L".ICM") || !_wcsicmp(psz, L".ICC")) ) return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
BOOL ValidateDriverInfo( IN LPBYTE pDriverInfo, IN DWORD Level, IN DWORD dwFileCopyFlags, IN BOOL bCopyFilesToClusterDisk, IN PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler ) /*++
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
Validates information contained in a buffer depending on level and file copy flags.
pDriverInfo - pointer to a buffer containing DRIVER_INFO_ data. Level - 2, 3 ,4 ,6 , 7, DRIVER_INFO_VERSION_LEVEL dwFileCopyFlags - file copy flags bCopyFilesToClusterDisk - cluster flags pIniSpooler - pointer to Spooler structure
Return Value:
TRUE if the structure is valid.
--*/ { BOOL bRetValue = FALSE; DWORD LastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; LPWSTR pszDriverName = NULL; LPWSTR pszDriverPath = NULL; LPWSTR pszConfigFile = NULL; LPWSTR pszDataFile = NULL; LPWSTR pszEnvironment = NULL; LPWSTR pszMonitorName = NULL; LPWSTR pszDefaultDataType = NULL; DWORD dwMajorVersion;
try {
if (!pDriverInfo) { LastError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; leave; }
switch (Level) { case 2: { pDriver2 = (PDRIVER_INFO_2) pDriverInfo; pszDriverName = pDriver2->pName; pszDriverPath = pDriver2->pDriverPath; pszConfigFile = pDriver2->pConfigFile; pszDataFile = pDriver2->pDataFile; dwMajorVersion = pDriver2->cVersion;
if (pDriver2->pEnvironment && *pDriver2->pEnvironment) { pszEnvironment = pDriver2->pEnvironment; }
break; } case 3: case 4: case 6: { pDriver3 = (PDRIVER_INFO_3) pDriverInfo; pszDriverName = pDriver3->pName; pszDriverPath = pDriver3->pDriverPath; pszConfigFile = pDriver3->pConfigFile; pszDataFile = pDriver3->pDataFile; dwMajorVersion = pDriver3->cVersion; pszMonitorName = pDriver3->pMonitorName; pszDefaultDataType = pDriver3->pDefaultDataType;
if (pDriver3->pEnvironment && *pDriver3->pEnvironment) { pszEnvironment = pDriver3->pEnvironment; } break; }
case 7: { LPDRIVER_INFO_7 pDriverInfo7 = (LPDRIVER_INFO_7)pDriverInfo;
if (!pDriverInfo7 || pDriverInfo7->cbSize < sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_7)|| !pDriverInfo7->pszDriverName || !*pDriverInfo7->pszDriverName || wcslen(pDriverInfo7->pszDriverName) >= MAX_PATH) { LastError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } //
// We don't want to do any more of the validation below, so leave.
leave; break; } case DRIVER_INFO_VERSION_LEVEL: { pDriverVersion = (LPDRIVER_INFO_VERSION)pDriverInfo; pszDriverName = pDriverVersion->pName;
if (!GetFileNamesFromDriverVersionInfo(pDriverVersion, &pszDriverPath, &pszConfigFile, &pszDataFile, NULL)) { LastError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; leave; }
if (pDriverVersion->pEnvironment != NULL && *pDriverVersion->pEnvironment != L'\0') { pszEnvironment = pDriverVersion->pEnvironment; }
pszMonitorName = pDriverVersion->pMonitorName; pszDefaultDataType = pDriverVersion->pDefaultDataType; dwMajorVersion = pDriverVersion->cVersion; pszDriverName = pDriverVersion->pName;
break; } default: { LastError = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; leave; } }
// Validate driver name, driver file, config file and data file.
if ( !pszDriverName || !*pszDriverName || wcslen(pszDriverName) >= MAX_PATH || !pszDriverPath || !*pszDriverPath || wcslen(pszDriverPath) >= MAX_PATH || !pszConfigFile || !*pszConfigFile || wcslen(pszConfigFile) >= MAX_PATH || !pszDataFile || !*pszDataFile || wcslen(pszDataFile) >= MAX_PATH ) { LastError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; leave; }
// We don't use Scratch directory when this flag is set.
// When APD_COPY_FROM_DIRECTORY is set, the temporay directory must
// be on the local machine.
// IsLocalFile checks is the file is on the same machine specified by
// the passed in spooler.
if (dwFileCopyFlags & APD_COPY_FROM_DIRECTORY) { if (!IsLocalFile(pszDriverPath, pIniSpooler) || !IsLocalFile(pszConfigFile, pIniSpooler)) { LastError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; leave; } }
// Validate default data type (except for Win95 drivers)
if ( pszDefaultDataType && *pszDefaultDataType && _wcsicmp(pszEnvironment, szWin95Environment) && !FindDatatype(NULL, pszDefaultDataType)) { LastError = ERROR_INVALID_DATATYPE; leave; }
// Validate monitor name (except for Win95 drivers)
if ( pszMonitorName && *pszMonitorName && _wcsicmp(pszEnvironment, szWin95Environment)) { //
// Out driver is not a Win9x driver and it has a language monitor
if (pIniLangMonitor = FindMonitor(pszMonitorName, pLocalIniSpooler)) { //
// Check if our pIniSpooler is a cluster spooler and we need to copy the
// language monitor file to disk. Note that FinEnvironment cannot fail.
// The environment has been validated by now.
if (bCopyFilesToClusterDisk && (pIniEnvironment = FindEnvironment(pszEnvironment, pIniSpooler))) { DBGMSG(DBG_CLUSTER, ("InternalAddPrinterDriverEx pIniLangMonitor = %x\n", pIniLangMonitor));
if ((LastError = PropagateMonitorToCluster(pIniLangMonitor->pName, pIniLangMonitor->pMonitorDll, pIniEnvironment->pName, pIniEnvironment->pDirectory, pIniSpooler)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// We failed to propagate the montior to the cluster disk. Fail the call
leave; } } } else { DBGMSG(DBG_CLUSTER, ("InternalAddPrinterDriverEx pIniLangMonitor = %x Not found\n", pIniLangMonitor)); LastError = ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRINT_MONITOR; leave; } }
// Validate environment.
SPLASSERT(pszEnvironment != NULL);
if (!FindEnvironment(pszEnvironment, pIniSpooler)) { LastError = ERROR_INVALID_ENVIRONMENT; leave; }
} finally {
if (LastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(LastError); } else { bRetValue = TRUE; } }
return bRetValue; }
BOOL InternalAddPrinterDriverEx( LPWSTR pName, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pDriverInfo, DWORD dwFileCopyFlags, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, BOOL bUseScratchDir, BOOL bImpersonateOnCreate ) /*++
Function Description: This function adds/upgrades printer drivers. The new files may not be used until the old drivers are unloaded. Thus the new functionality associated with the new files may take a while to show up; either until the DC count in the system goes to 0 or when the machine is rebooted.
Parameters: pName -- driver name Level -- level of driver_info struct pDriverInfo -- driver_info buffer dwFileCopyFlags -- file copy options pIniSpooler -- pointer to INISPOOLER struct bUseScratchDir -- flag indicating location of the driver files bImpersonateOnCreate -- flag for impersonating the client on creating and moving files
Return Value: TRUE on success; FALSE otherwise --*/ { DWORD LastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL bReturnValue = FALSE; BOOL bDriverMoved = FALSE, bNewIniDriverCreated = FALSE; LPWSTR pEnvironment = szEnvironment; PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE pInternalDriverFiles = NULL; DWORD dwMajorVersion;
PINIDRIVER pIniDriver = NULL; PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment; PINIVERSION pIniVersion; LPWSTR pszDriverPath; LPWSTR pszDriverName; DWORD dwBlockingStatus = BSP_PRINTER_DRIVER_OK; BOOL bCopyFilesToClusterDisk; BOOL bBadDriver = FALSE; HANDLE hRestorePoint = NULL; BOOL bSetSystemRestorePoint = FALSE; BOOL bIsSystemRestorePointSet = FALSE; DWORD FileCount = 0;
// If the pIniSpooler where we add the driver is a cluster type spooler,
// then besides its normal tasks, it also needs to propagte the driver
// files to the cluster disk. Thus the driver files will be available
// on each node where the cluster spooler fails over. SplAddPrinterDriverEx
// is the function that calls this one. SplAddPrinterDriverEx can be called
// in 2 types of context:
// 1) The caller is cluster unaware and wants to add a driver. Then InternalAdd
// PrinterDriverEX will propagate driver files to the cluster disk, if the
// pIniSpooler happens to be of cluster type
// 2) The caller of this function is SplCreateSpooler when pIniSpooler is a
// cluster spooler. In this case that caller uses the files on the cluster
// disk and calls the function to add the driver from the cluster disk to the
// local node. The driver files will be installed on the local machine. They will
// not be shared with the pLocalIniSpooler. We need the driver files locally.
// We can't load them off the driver disk. Otherwise, on a fail over, apps
// who loaded a driver file will get an in page error.
// The following flag is used to distinguish the case 2). When SplCreateSpooler
// is the caller of SplAddPrinterDriverEx, then we do not need to copy the files
// to the disk. It would be redundant.
bCopyFilesToClusterDisk = pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER && pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_PRINT && !(dwFileCopyFlags & APD_DONT_COPY_FILES_TO_CLUSTER);
// We want to set a system restore point unless the installer has already told
// us that the driver is signed. To really get this working properly, we would
// have to redesign AddPrinterDriver to be signing aware. For now it is the
// honor system (it is not obvious why an OEM installer would not want us to
// check point here though).
bSetSystemRestorePoint = !bCopyFilesToClusterDisk && !(dwFileCopyFlags & APD_DONT_SET_CHECKPOINT);
// We mask APD_DONT_COPY_FILES_TO_CLUSTER. The subsequent uses of dwFilecopyFlags exptect it
// to have a single bit set. They don't use it bitwise. They compare
// dwords agains it. The same goes for APD_DRIVER_SIGNATURE_VALID.
dwFileCopyFlags = dwFileCopyFlags & ~(APD_DONT_COPY_FILES_TO_CLUSTER);
DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("InternalAddPrinterDriverEx( %x, %d, %x, %x)\n", pName, Level, pDriverInfo, pIniSpooler));
try {
if (!MyName(pName, pIniSpooler) || !ValidateDriverInfo(pDriverInfo, Level, dwFileCopyFlags, bCopyFilesToClusterDisk, pIniSpooler)) { leave; }
if (Level == 7) { //
// We can't be inside the semaphore to make this call.
LeaveSplSem(); bReturnValue = InternalINFInstallDriver( (DRIVER_INFO_7*)pDriverInfo ); EnterSplSem(); leave; }
pszDriverName = ((DRIVER_INFO_2*)pDriverInfo)->pName;
pEnvironment = ((DRIVER_INFO_2*)pDriverInfo)->pEnvironment;
// If the driver hasn't gone through our class installer, then we want to
// create a sysem restore point here. Since Level 7 drivers are by
// definition signed, we can do this after the InternalINFInstallDriver.
// Since check-pointing takes from 25-30 seconds, this must take place
// outside the CS.
if (bSetSystemRestorePoint) { LeaveSplSem(); bIsSystemRestorePointSet = LocalStartSystemRestorePoint(pszDriverName, &hRestorePoint); EnterSplSem();
// This only fails if something completely unexpected happens in
// setting the checkpoint. Some skus don't support check points
// in which case hRestorePoint will be NULL even though the function
// succeeds.
if (!bIsSystemRestorePointSet) { leave; } }
pIniEnvironment = FindEnvironment(pEnvironment, pIniSpooler );
if (!CreateInternalDriverFileArray(Level, pDriverInfo, &pInternalDriverFiles, &FileCount, bUseScratchDir, pIniEnvironment, FALSE)) { leave; }
// For the driver and config files in the scratch directory do a version
// check else use the version passed in rather than calling
// GetPrintDriverVersion which will cause a LoadLibrary - possibly
// over the network.
// Same for CheckFilePlatform. We shouldn't hit the network for files
// in Scratch or temporary directory.
if (bUseScratchDir || dwFileCopyFlags & APD_COPY_FROM_DIRECTORY) { if (!GetPrintDriverVersion(pInternalDriverFiles[0].pFileName, &dwMajorVersion, NULL)) { leave; } else { //
// ntprint.dll doesn't fill in cVersion. We need to set it correctly
// just in case we need to call Save/RestoreParametersForUpgrade.
// For this case we need to have a corect version since no more validation are done.
((DRIVER_INFO_2*)pDriverInfo)->cVersion = dwMajorVersion; }
if (!CheckFilePlatform(pInternalDriverFiles[0].pFileName, pEnvironment) || !CheckFilePlatform(pInternalDriverFiles[1].pFileName, pEnvironment)) {
} else { dwMajorVersion = ((DRIVER_INFO_2*)pDriverInfo)->cVersion; }
LastError = IsCompatibleDriver(pszDriverName, pInternalDriverFiles[0].pFileName, ((DRIVER_INFO_2*)pDriverInfo)->pEnvironment, dwMajorVersion, &dwBlockingStatus);
if (LastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { leave; }
// If the printer driver is blocked, we consider it a bad driver.
// if the driver is not blocked and we are not instructed to install
// warned driver, check for warned driver.
if(!bBadDriver && !(dwFileCopyFlags & APD_INSTALL_WARNED_DRIVER)) { bBadDriver = (dwBlockingStatus & BSP_BLOCKING_LEVEL_MASK) == BSP_PRINTER_DRIVER_WARNED; if (bBadDriver) { LastError = ERROR_PRINTER_DRIVER_WARNED; } }
if (bBadDriver) { //
// Win2k server does not recognize the new error code so we should
// returns ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRINTER_DRIVER to get the right error
// message on win2k and nt4.
// Client from Whistler or later will set
// APD_RETURN_BLOCKING_STATUS_CODE before call AddPrinterDrver
SplLogEvent(pIniSpooler, LOG_ERROR, MSG_BAD_OEM_DRIVER, TRUE, pszDriverName, NULL); leave; }
#ifdef _WIN64
// Disallow installation of WIN64 KMPD.
if (pEnvironment && !_wcsicmp(LOCAL_ENVIRONMENT, pEnvironment) && IsKMPD(pInternalDriverFiles[0].pFileName)) { LastError = ERROR_KM_DRIVER_BLOCKED; leave; } #endif
pIniVersion = FindVersionEntry( pIniEnvironment, dwMajorVersion );
if (pIniVersion == NULL) { pIniVersion = CreateVersionEntry(pIniEnvironment, dwMajorVersion, pIniSpooler);
if (pIniVersion == NULL) { leave; }
} else { //
// Version exists, try and create directory even if it
// exists. This is a slight performance hit, but since you
// install drivers rarely, this is ok. This fixes the problem
// where the version directory is accidentally deleted.
if (!CreateVersionDirectory(pIniVersion, pIniEnvironment, FALSE, pIniSpooler)) { leave; } }
// Check for existing driver
pIniDriver = FindDriverEntry(pIniVersion, pszDriverName);
// Clear this flag since subsequent calls doesn't check bitwise.
if (!CheckFileCopyOptions(pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, pIniDriver, pInternalDriverFiles, FileCount, dwFileCopyFlags, &bReturnValue)) { //
// We don't need to do anything because either the operation
// failed (strict upgrade with older src files), or because
// it's an upgrade and the dest is newer. bReturnValue indicates
// if the AddPrinterDriver call succeeds.
leave; }
// Copy files to the correct directories
if (!CopyFilesToFinalDirectory(pIniSpooler, pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, pInternalDriverFiles, FileCount, dwFileCopyFlags, bImpersonateOnCreate, &bDriverMoved)) { leave; }
// If pIniSpooler is a cluster spooler, then copy driver files to cluster disk
// if the driver is not being installed from the cluster disk (as part of the
// SplCreatespooler)
if (bCopyFilesToClusterDisk) { LastError = CopyFileToClusterDirectory(pIniSpooler, pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, pInternalDriverFiles, FileCount);
if (LastError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Here we propagate the ICM profiles to the cluster disk
CopyICMFromLocalDiskToClusterDisk(pIniSpooler); } else { leave; } }
// Check if the drivers need to be unloaded
// WaitRequiredForDriverUnload returns TRUE if the driver is loaded by Spooler process.
// If not loaded by Spooler itself, the config file could be loaded by any client app.
// In this case we move the loaded files in "Old" directory. When reload the confing file,
// the client apps(WINSPOOL.DRV) will figure that the driver was upgraded and reload the dll.
// See RefCntLoad and RefCntUnload in Winspool.drv. GDI32.DLL uses the same mechanism for
// Driver file.
if (WaitRequiredForDriverUnload(pIniSpooler, pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, pIniDriver, Level, pDriverInfo, dwFileCopyFlags, pInternalDriverFiles, FileCount, dwMajorVersion, bDriverMoved, &bReturnValue) && bReturnValue) { if (pIniDriver) { //
// Store information in the registry to complete the call later
bReturnValue = SaveParametersForUpgrade(pIniSpooler->pMachineName, bDriverMoved, Level, pDriverInfo, dwMajorVersion); leave;
} else { //
// Add driver in a temp directory
bReturnValue = AddTempDriver(pIniSpooler, pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, Level, pDriverInfo, dwFileCopyFlags, pInternalDriverFiles, FileCount, dwMajorVersion, bDriverMoved );
leave; } }
} finally {
// This code is only for clusters
if (bReturnValue && pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER) { SYSTEMTIME SysTime = {0};
if (bCopyFilesToClusterDisk) { //
// We are in the case where the add printer driver call comes from outside
// the spooler. We need to get the local time and write the time stamp in the
// locl regsitry and in the cluster database
// Write timestamp to registry. Doesn't matter if any of them fails
// The time stamp is for faster cluster spooler initialization
WriteTimeStamp(pIniSpooler->hckRoot, SysTime, pIniSpooler->pszRegistryEnvironments, pIniEnvironment->pName, szDriversKey, pIniVersion->pName, pszDriverName, pIniSpooler); } else { //
// We are in the case where the add printer driver call came from inside
// the spooler (SplCreateSpooler). This is the case when our local node
// doesn't already have the driver installed. We do not need to get a new
// time stamp. (this would case the time stamp in the cluster db to be updated,
// and then whenever we fail over the time stamps will be always different)
// We just get the time stamp from the cluster db and update the local registry
ReadTimeStamp(pIniSpooler->hckRoot, &SysTime, pIniSpooler->pszRegistryEnvironments, pIniEnvironment->pName, szDriversKey, pIniVersion->pName, pszDriverName, pIniSpooler); }
WriteTimeStamp(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SysTime, ipszRegistryClusRepository, pIniSpooler->pszClusResID, pIniEnvironment->pName, pIniVersion->pName, pszDriverName, NULL); }
if (!bReturnValue && LastError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { LastError = GetLastError();
// We failed the call because bDriverMoved was FALSE and the driver was loaded
if(LastError == ERROR_SUCCESS && !bDriverMoved) { LastError = ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES; } }
if (bUseScratchDir && FileCount) { SetOldDateOnDriverFilesInScratchDirectory(pInternalDriverFiles, FileCount, pIniSpooler); }
if (FileCount) { CleanupInternalDriverInfo(pInternalDriverFiles, FileCount); }
// End the system restore point once everything is done. Cancel it if the
// function fails.
if (hRestorePoint) { (VOID)EndSystemRestorePoint(hRestorePoint, !bReturnValue); }
if (!bReturnValue) { DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("InternalAddPrinterDriver Failed %d\n", LastError )); SetLastError(LastError); } }
return bReturnValue; }
BOOL AddTempDriver( IN PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, IN PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, IN PINIVERSION pIniVersion, IN DWORD dwLevel, IN LPBYTE pDriverInfo, IN DWORD dwFileCopyFlags, IN OUT PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE pInternalDriverFiles, IN DWORD dwFileCount, IN DWORD dwVersion, IN BOOL bDriverMoved )
Function Description: For new drivers which require driver files to be unloaded, add the driver into a temp directory and mark it for upgrade on reboot OR when the files are unloaded
Parameters: pIniSpooler -- pointer to INISPOOLER pIniEnvironment -- pointer to INIENVIRONMENT pIniVersion -- pointer to INVERSION dwLevel -- driver_info level pDriverInfo -- pointer to driver_info dwFileCopyFlags -- File copy flags that make it to the spooler pInternalDriverFiles -- array of INTERNAL_DRV_FILE structures dwFileCount -- number of files in file set dwVersion -- driver version bDriverMoved -- Were any files moved to the Old directory ?
Return Values: TRUE if the driver was added; FALSE otherwise --*/
{ BOOL bReturn = FALSE; WCHAR szVersionDir[MAX_PATH], szNewDir[MAX_PATH+5]; WCHAR szDriverFile[MAX_PATH], szOldFile[MAX_PATH], szNewFile[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR *pTempDir = NULL; DWORD dwIndex, dwTempDir; HANDLE hToken = NULL, hFile; LPWSTR pFileName;
hToken = RevertToPrinterSelf();
// get the version directory
// szVersionDir shouldn't be bigger than MAX_PATH - 5 since is used later
// to build another file paths.
if((StrNCatBuff(szVersionDir, MAX_PATH - 5, pIniSpooler->pDir, L"\\drivers\\", pIniEnvironment->pDirectory, L"\\", pIniVersion->szDirectory, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { goto CleanUp; }
dwIndex = CreateNumberedTempDirectory((LPWSTR)szVersionDir, &pTempDir);
if (dwIndex == -1) { goto CleanUp; }
dwTempDir = dwIndex;
StringCchPrintf(szNewDir, COUNTOF(szNewDir), L"%ws\\New", szVersionDir);
// copy the files into the temp directory and mark them for deletion on
// reboot
for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwFileCount; dwIndex++) {
pFileName = (LPWSTR) FindFileName(pInternalDriverFiles[dwIndex].pFileName);
if((StrNCatBuff(szNewFile,MAX_PATH,szNewDir ,L"\\", pFileName, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (StrNCatBuff(szOldFile,MAX_PATH,szVersionDir, L"\\", pFileName, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (StrNCatBuff(szDriverFile,MAX_PATH,pTempDir, L"\\", pFileName, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { goto CleanUp; }
CopyFile(szOldFile, szDriverFile, FALSE);
} else {
CloseHandle(hFile); hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
CopyFile(szNewFile, szDriverFile, FALSE); }
// Delete the directory on reboot
// Update driver structures and make event call backs and
// store information in the registry to complete the call later
bReturn = CompleteDriverUpgrade(pIniSpooler, pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, NULL, dwLevel, pDriverInfo, dwFileCopyFlags, pInternalDriverFiles, dwFileCount, dwVersion, dwTempDir, bDriverMoved, TRUE, TRUE) &&
SaveParametersForUpgrade(pIniSpooler->pMachineName, bDriverMoved, dwLevel, pDriverInfo, dwVersion);
if (hToken) { ImpersonatePrinterClient(hToken); }
return bReturn; }
BOOL WaitRequiredForDriverUnload( IN PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, IN PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, IN PINIVERSION pIniVersion, IN PINIDRIVER pIniDriver, IN DWORD dwLevel, IN LPBYTE pDriverInfo, IN DWORD dwFileCopyFlags, IN OUT PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE pInternalDriverFiles, IN DWORD dwFileCount, IN DWORD dwVersion, IN BOOL bDriverMoved, OUT LPBOOL pbSuccess ) /*++
Function Description: Determine if the driver upgrade has to be defered till the dlls can be unloaded. GDI and the client side of the spooler are notified to continue the pending upgrade when the dll is unloaded.
Parameters: pIniSpooler -- pointer to INISPOOLER pIniEnvironment -- pointer to INIENVIRONMENT pIniVersion -- pointer to INVERSION pIniDriver -- pointer to INIDRIVER dwLevel -- driver_info level pDriverInfo -- pointer to driver_info dwFileCopyFlags -- copy flags for the driver. pInternalDriverFiles -- array of INTERNAL_DRV_FILE structures dwFileCount -- number of files in file set dwVersion -- driver version bDriverMoved -- Were any files moved to the Old directory ? pbSuccess -- pointer to Success flag
Return Values: TRUE if the driver was unloaded and upgraded; FALSE if the driver cant be unloaded --*/
{ BOOL bUnloaded,bDriverFileMoved, bConfigFileMoved; LPWSTR pDriverFile, pConfigFile; WCHAR szDriverFile[MAX_PATH], szOldDir[MAX_PATH], szNewDir[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szTempFile[MAX_PATH], szCurrDir[MAX_PATH], szConfigFile[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE hFile, hToken = NULL; DWORD dwDriverAttributes = 0;
hToken = RevertToPrinterSelf();
*pbSuccess = FALSE;
// Set up Driver, Old and New directories
if((StrNCatBuff(szCurrDir, MAX_PATH, pIniSpooler->pDir, L"\\drivers\\", pIniEnvironment->pDirectory, L"\\", pIniVersion->szDirectory, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (StrNCatBuff(szOldDir, MAX_PATH, szCurrDir, L"\\Old", NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (StrNCatBuff(szNewDir, MAX_PATH, szCurrDir, L"\\New", NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (StrNCatBuff(szDriverFile, MAX_PATH, szCurrDir, L"\\", FindFileName(pInternalDriverFiles[0].pFileName), NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (StrNCatBuff(szConfigFile, MAX_PATH, szCurrDir, L"\\", FindFileName(pInternalDriverFiles[1].pFileName), NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (StrNCatBuff(szTempFile, MAX_PATH,szNewDir, L"\\", FindFileName(pInternalDriverFiles[0].pFileName), NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { bUnloaded = TRUE; goto CleanUp; } //
// Check if the new driver file needs to be copied
hFile = CreateFile(szTempFile, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hFile); pDriverFile = szDriverFile;
if (pIniDriver) { dwDriverAttributes = pIniDriver->dwDriverAttributes; } else { dwDriverAttributes = IsKMPD(szDriverFile) ? DRIVER_KERNELMODE : DRIVER_USERMODE; } } else { pDriverFile = NULL; }
if((StrNCatBuff(szTempFile, MAX_PATH, szNewDir, L"\\", FindFileName(pInternalDriverFiles[1].pFileName), NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { bUnloaded = TRUE; goto CleanUp; }
// Check if the new config file needs to be copied
hFile = CreateFile(szTempFile, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hFile); pConfigFile = szConfigFile; } else { pConfigFile = NULL; }
bUnloaded = FilesUnloaded(pIniEnvironment, pDriverFile, pConfigFile, dwDriverAttributes);
if (bUnloaded) {
// Move the driver files from New directory to Version directory
// and from Version directory to Old directory if in use.
if (MoveNewDriverRelatedFiles(szNewDir, szCurrDir, szOldDir, pInternalDriverFiles, dwFileCount, &bDriverFileMoved, &bConfigFileMoved)) {
// Update driver structures and make event call backs.
*pbSuccess = CompleteDriverUpgrade(pIniSpooler, pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, pIniDriver, dwLevel, pDriverInfo, dwFileCopyFlags, pInternalDriverFiles, dwFileCount, dwVersion, 0, bDriverMoved, bDriverFileMoved, bConfigFileMoved ); } } else {
// We care if the files are marked to be moved from New to Version directory only if the drivers are loaded
// and we left the updated files in New directory. Then it is imperative MoveFileEx to have succeeded.
// Fail the api call if bDriverMoved is FALSE;
*pbSuccess = bDriverMoved; }
if (hToken) { ImpersonatePrinterClient(hToken); }
return (!bUnloaded); }
BOOL FilesUnloaded( PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, LPWSTR pDriverFile, LPWSTR pConfigFile, DWORD dwDriverAttributes) { BOOL bReturn = TRUE; fnWinSpoolDrv fnList;
// Drivers belonging to other environments are not loaded.
if (!pIniEnvironment || lstrcmpi(pIniEnvironment->pName, szEnvironment)) {
return bReturn; }
if (pDriverFile) {
bReturn = GdiArtificialDecrementDriver(pDriverFile, dwDriverAttributes); }
if (bReturn && pConfigFile && SplInitializeWinSpoolDrv(&fnList)) {
bReturn = (* (fnList.pfnForceUnloadDriver))(pConfigFile); }
return bReturn; }
DWORD StringSizeInBytes( LPWSTR pString, BOOL bMultiSz)
Function Description: Computes the number of bytes in the string
Parameters: pString -- string pointer bMultiSz -- flag for multi_sz strings
Return Values: number of bytes --*/
{ DWORD dwReturn = 0, dwLength;
if (!pString) { return dwReturn; }
if (!bMultiSz) {
dwReturn = (wcslen(pString) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
} else {
while (dwLength = wcslen(pString)) {
pString += (dwLength + 1); dwReturn += (dwLength + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); }
dwReturn += sizeof(WCHAR); }
return dwReturn; }
DWORD LocalRegSetValue( HKEY hKey, LPWSTR pValueName, DWORD dwType, LPBYTE pValueData)
Function Description: This function is a wrapper around RegSetValueEx which puts in NULL strings for NULL pointers.
Parameters: hKey - handle to registry key pValueName - value name dwType - type of value data (REG_DWORD , REG_SZ ...) pValueData - data buffer
Return Values: Last error returned by RegSetValueEx --*/
{ DWORD dwSize; WCHAR pNull[2]; LPBYTE pData = pValueData;
if (!pValueName) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
pNull[0] = pNull[1] = L'\0';
switch (dwType) {
case REG_DWORD: dwSize = sizeof(DWORD); break;
case REG_SZ: if (!pData) { pData = (LPBYTE) pNull; dwSize = sizeof(WCHAR); } else { dwSize = StringSizeInBytes((LPWSTR) pData, FALSE); } break;
case REG_MULTI_SZ: if (!pData || !*pData) { pData = (LPBYTE) pNull; dwSize = 2 * sizeof(WCHAR); } else { dwSize = StringSizeInBytes((LPWSTR) pData, TRUE); } break;
default: return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
return RegSetValueEx(hKey, pValueName, 0, dwType, pData, dwSize); }
BOOL SaveParametersForUpgrade( LPWSTR pName, BOOL bDriverMoved, DWORD dwLevel, LPBYTE pDriverInfo, DWORD dwVersion)
Function Description: Saves data for the driver upgrade which has to be deferred till the new driver can be loaded
Parameters: pName -- pIniSpooler->pName bDriverMoved -- Were any of the old driver files moved? dwLevel -- Driver_Info level pDriverInfo -- Driver_Info pointer dwVersion -- Driver version number
Return Values: TRUE if successful; FALSE otherwise --*/
{ HANDLE hToken = NULL; HKEY hRootKey = NULL, hUpgradeKey = NULL, hVersionKey = NULL; HKEY hDriverKey = NULL; DWORD dwDriverMoved = (DWORD) bDriverMoved; BOOL bReturn = FALSE; WCHAR Buffer[MAX_PATH]; PDRIVER_INFO_2 pDriver2; PDRIVER_INFO_3 pDriver3; PDRIVER_INFO_4 pDriver4; PDRIVER_INFO_6 pDriver6;
pDriver2 = (PDRIVER_INFO_2) pDriverInfo;
// Stop impersonation for modifying the registry
hToken = RevertToPrinterSelf();
// Create the registry keys
if (!BoolFromHResult(StringCchPrintf(Buffer, COUNTOF(Buffer), L"Version-%d", dwVersion)) ||
RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szRegistryRoot, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hRootKey, NULL) ||
RegCreateKeyEx(hRootKey, szPendingUpgrades, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hUpgradeKey, NULL) ||
RegCreateKeyEx(hUpgradeKey, Buffer, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hVersionKey, NULL) ||
RegCreateKeyEx(hVersionKey, pDriver2->pName, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hDriverKey, NULL)) {
goto CleanUp; }
bReturn = SaveDriverVersionForUpgrade(hDriverKey, (PDRIVER_INFO_VERSION)pDriverInfo, pName, bDriverMoved, dwVersion);
goto CleanUp; }
// Add the spooler name and driver info level.
if (LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"SplName", REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) pName) ||
LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"Level", REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &dwLevel) ||
LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"DriverMoved", REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &dwDriverMoved)) {
goto CleanUp; }
// Add Driver_Info_2 data.
if (LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"cVersion", REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &dwVersion) ||
LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"pName", REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) pDriver2->pName) ||
LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"pEnvironment", REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) pDriver2->pEnvironment) ||
LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"pDriverPath", REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) pDriver2->pDriverPath) ||
LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"pDataFile", REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) pDriver2->pDataFile) ||
LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"pConfigFile", REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) pDriver2->pConfigFile)) {
goto CleanUp; }
if (dwLevel != 2) {
pDriver3 = (PDRIVER_INFO_3) pDriverInfo;
// Add Driver_Info_3 data.
if (LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"pHelpFile", REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) pDriver3->pHelpFile) ||
LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"pDependentFiles", REG_MULTI_SZ, (LPBYTE) pDriver3->pDependentFiles) ||
LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"pMonitorName", REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) pDriver3->pMonitorName) ||
LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"pDefaultDataType", REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) pDriver3->pDefaultDataType)) {
goto CleanUp; }
if (dwLevel == 4 || dwLevel == 6) {
pDriver4 = (PDRIVER_INFO_4) pDriverInfo;
// Add Driver_Info_4 data.
if (LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"pszzPreviousNames", REG_MULTI_SZ, (LPBYTE) pDriver4->pszzPreviousNames)) { goto CleanUp; } }
if (dwLevel == 6) {
pDriver6 = (PDRIVER_INFO_6) pDriverInfo;
// Add Driver_Info6 data.
if (RegSetValueEx(hDriverKey, L"ftDriverDate", 0, REG_BINARY, (LPBYTE)&pDriver6->ftDriverDate, sizeof(FILETIME)) ||
RegSetValueEx(hDriverKey, L"dwlDriverVersion", 0, REG_BINARY, (LPBYTE)&pDriver6->dwlDriverVersion, sizeof(DWORDLONG)) ||
LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"pszMfgName", REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)pDriver6->pszMfgName) ||
LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"pszOEMUrl", REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)pDriver6->pszOEMUrl) ||
LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"pszHardwareID", REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)pDriver6->pszHardwareID) ||
LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"pszProvider", REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)pDriver6->pszProvider) ) { goto CleanUp; } } }
bReturn = TRUE;
if (hDriverKey) { RegCloseKey(hDriverKey); }
if (hVersionKey) { RegCloseKey(hVersionKey); }
if (hUpgradeKey) { RegCloseKey(hUpgradeKey); }
if (hRootKey) { RegCloseKey(hRootKey); }
if (hToken) { ImpersonatePrinterClient(hToken); }
return bReturn; }
BOOL SaveDriverVersionForUpgrade( IN HKEY hDriverKey, IN PDRIVER_INFO_VERSION pDriverVersion, IN LPWSTR pName, IN DWORD dwDriverMoved, IN DWORD dwVersion ) /*++
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
Save a DRIVER_INFO_VERSION into registry for pending driver upgrade purposes. It is called by SaveParametersForUpgrade. For simplicity, it will save it in the same format DRIVER_INFO_6 is saved in the registry.
hDriverKey - the registry key where to save data pDriverVersion - pointer to DRIVER_INFO_VERSION structure pName - driver name dwDriverMoved - information about the way files where move between directories dwVersion - driver version
Return Value:
TRUE if success.
--*/ {
BOOL bRetValue = FALSE; DWORD dwLevel = 6; PWSTR pDllFiles = NULL; PWSTR pszDriverPath, pszDataFile, pszConfigFile, pszHelpFile, pDependentFiles ;
pszDriverPath = pszDataFile = pszConfigFile = pszHelpFile = NULL;
if (!GetFileNamesFromDriverVersionInfo(pDriverVersion, &pszDriverPath, &pszConfigFile, &pszDataFile, &pszHelpFile)) { goto CleanUp; }
if (!BuildDependentFilesFromDriverInfo(pDriverVersion, &pDllFiles)) { goto CleanUp; }
if (LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"SplName", REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) pName) || LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"Level", REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &dwLevel) || LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"DriverMoved", REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &dwDriverMoved) || LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"Level", REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &dwLevel) || LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"cVersion", REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &dwVersion) || LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"pName", REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) pDriverVersion->pName) || LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"pEnvironment", REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) pDriverVersion->pEnvironment)|| LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"pDriverPath", REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) pszDriverPath) || LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"pDataFile", REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) pszDataFile) || LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"pConfigFile", REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) pszConfigFile) || LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"pHelpFile", REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) pszHelpFile) || LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"pDependentFiles", REG_MULTI_SZ, (LPBYTE) pDllFiles) || LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"pMonitorName", REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) pDriverVersion->pMonitorName) ||
LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"pDefaultDataType", REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) pDriverVersion->pDefaultDataType) ||
LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"pszzPreviousNames", REG_MULTI_SZ, (LPBYTE) pDriverVersion->pszzPreviousNames) ||
RegSetValueEx(hDriverKey, L"ftDriverDate", 0, REG_BINARY, (LPBYTE)&pDriverVersion->ftDriverDate, sizeof(FILETIME)) ||
RegSetValueEx(hDriverKey, L"dwlDriverVersion", 0, REG_BINARY, (LPBYTE)&pDriverVersion->dwlDriverVersion, sizeof(DWORDLONG)) ||
LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"pszMfgName", REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)pDriverVersion->pszMfgName) ||
LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"pszOEMUrl", REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)pDriverVersion->pszOEMUrl) ||
LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"pszHardwareID", REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)pDriverVersion->pszHardwareID) ||
LocalRegSetValue(hDriverKey, L"pszProvider", REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)pDriverVersion->pszProvider))
{ goto CleanUp; }
bRetValue = TRUE;
return bRetValue; }
BOOL MoveNewDriverRelatedFiles( LPWSTR pNewDir, LPWSTR pCurrDir, LPWSTR pOldDir, PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE pInternalDriverFiles, DWORD dwFileCount, LPBOOL pbDriverFileMoved, LPBOOL pbConfigFileMoved)
Function Description: Moves driver files in the New directory to the correct directory.
Parameters: pNewDir -- name of the New (source) directory pCurrDir -- name of the destination directory pOldDir -- name of the Old (temp) directory pInternalDriverFiles -- array of INTERNAL_DRV_FILE structures dwFileCount -- number of files in file set pbDriverFileMoved -- flag to return if new driver file has been moved; We assume entry 0 for driver file in pInternalDriverFiles array pbDriverFileMoved should be NULL when this assumption is FALSE ( see SplCopyNumberOfFiles ) pbConfigFileMoved -- flag to return if new config file has been moved; We assume entry 0 for config file in pInternalDriverFiles array pbConfigFileMoved should be NULL when this assumption is FALSE ( see SplCopyNumberOfFiles )
Return Values: NONE --*/
{ HANDLE hFile; DWORD dwIndex, dwBackupIndex; WCHAR szDriverFile[MAX_PATH], szNewFile[MAX_PATH], szOldFile[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR *pszTempOldDirectory = NULL; LPWSTR pFileName; BOOL bRetValue = FALSE; BOOL bFailedToMove = FALSE;
if (pbDriverFileMoved) { *pbDriverFileMoved = FALSE; }
if (pbConfigFileMoved) { *pbConfigFileMoved = FALSE; }
if (CreateNumberedTempDirectory(pOldDir, &pszTempOldDirectory) != -1) {
for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwFileCount; dwIndex++) {
BOOL FileCopied = FALSE;
pFileName = (LPWSTR) FindFileName(pInternalDriverFiles[dwIndex].pFileName);
if((StrNCatBuff(szNewFile,MAX_PATH,pNewDir, L"\\", pFileName, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (StrNCatBuff(szDriverFile,MAX_PATH,pCurrDir, L"\\", pFileName, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (StrNCatBuff(szOldFile,MAX_PATH,pszTempOldDirectory, L"\\", pFileName, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS)) { hFile = CreateFile(szNewFile, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);
if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hFile);
if (!SplMoveFileEx(szDriverFile, szOldFile, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING)) {
bFailedToMove = TRUE; dwBackupIndex = dwIndex; break; }
if (!SplMoveFileEx(szNewFile, szDriverFile, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING)) {
bFailedToMove = TRUE; dwBackupIndex = dwIndex + 1; break; }
FileCopied = TRUE; //
// We could come in here from a pending upgrade
pInternalDriverFiles[dwIndex].bUpdated = TRUE; } }
switch (dwIndex) { case 0: if (pbDriverFileMoved) { *pbDriverFileMoved = FileCopied; } break; case 1: if (pbConfigFileMoved) { *pbConfigFileMoved = FileCopied; } break; } }
if ( bFailedToMove ) {
// Restore the initial file set in version directory.
// Old\N has the replaced files. Move them back to Version directory.
for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwBackupIndex; dwIndex++) {
pFileName = (LPWSTR) FindFileName(pInternalDriverFiles[dwIndex].pFileName);
if( (StrNCatBuff(szDriverFile,MAX_PATH,pCurrDir, L"\\", pFileName, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (StrNCatBuff(szOldFile,MAX_PATH,pszTempOldDirectory, L"\\", pFileName, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS)) {
SplMoveFileEx(szOldFile, szDriverFile, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING); }
pInternalDriverFiles[dwIndex].bUpdated = FALSE; }
} else {
bRetValue = TRUE; } }
return bRetValue; }
BOOL LocalDriverUnloadComplete( LPWSTR pDriverFile)
Function Description: This function is called in response to some driver file being unloaded. The spooler tries to complete driver upgrades that were waiting for this file to unload.
Parameters: pDriverFile -- Driver file which was unloaded
Return Values: TRUE --*/ { HANDLE hToken = NULL;
hToken = RevertToPrinterSelf();
if (hToken) { ImpersonatePrinterClient(hToken); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL RestoreVersionKey( HKEY hUpgradeKey, DWORD dwIndex, HKEY *phVersionKey)
Function Description: Gets the version key from the pending upgrade key
Parameters: hUpgradeKey -- upgrade key dwIndex -- version index phVersionKey -- pointer to buffer for version key
Return Values: TRUE if version key is found FALSE otherwise --*/
*phVersionKey = NULL;
if (RegEnumKeyEx(hUpgradeKey, dwIndex, pBuffer, &dwSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) {
return FALSE; }
if (RegCreateKeyEx(hUpgradeKey, pBuffer, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_READ | DELETE, NULL, phVersionKey, NULL)) {
return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
VOID PendingDriverUpgrades( LPWSTR pDriverFile)
Function Description: Loops thru the list of pending upgrades and completes them if driver files have been unloaded. This function will try all the drivers on spooler startup.
Parameters: pDriverFile -- name of the file which was unloaded
Return Values: NONE --*/
{ DWORD dwIndex, dwLevel, dwDriverMoved, dwFileCount, dwVersion, dwVersionIndex; LPWSTR pKeyName, pSplName,pEnvironment; PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE pInternalDriverFiles = NULL; HKEY hRootKey = NULL, hVersionKey = NULL, hUpgradeKey = NULL; WCHAR szDir[MAX_PATH], szDriverFile[MAX_PATH], szConfigFile[MAX_PATH]; BOOL bSuccess;
// Struct for maintaining keynames to be deleted at the end.
struct StringList { struct StringList *pNext; LPWSTR pKeyName; DWORD dwVersionIndex; } *pStart, *pTemp;
pStart = pTemp = NULL;
// Open the registry key.
if (RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szRegistryRoot, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_READ | DELETE, NULL, &hRootKey, NULL) ||
RegCreateKeyEx(hRootKey, szPendingUpgrades, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_READ | DELETE, NULL, &hUpgradeKey, NULL)) {
goto CleanUp; }
// Loop thru each version entry in the registry.
for (dwVersionIndex = 0, hVersionKey = NULL;
RestoreVersionKey(hUpgradeKey, dwVersionIndex, &hVersionKey);
RegCloseKey(hVersionKey), hVersionKey = NULL, ++dwVersionIndex) { //
// Loop thru each driver upgrade.
for (dwIndex = 0, dwFileCount = 0, pInternalDriverFiles = NULL;
RestoreParametersForUpgrade(hVersionKey, dwIndex, &pKeyName, &pSplName, &dwLevel, &dwDriverMoved, &pDriverInfo);
CleanUpResources(pKeyName, pSplName, pDriverInfo, &pInternalDriverFiles, dwFileCount), ++dwIndex, dwFileCount = 0, pInternalDriverFiles = NULL) {
// The driver_info struct validity has been checked while updating
// the registry.
// Set pIniSpooler to LocalIniSpooler
if (!(pIniSpooler = pLocalIniSpooler)) { continue; }
// Set pIniEnvironment.
pEnvironment = szEnvironment; if (pDriverInfo->pEnvironment && *(pDriverInfo->pEnvironment)) { pEnvironment = pDriverInfo->pEnvironment; } pIniEnvironment = FindEnvironment(pEnvironment, pIniSpooler); if (!pIniEnvironment) { continue; }
// Set pIniVersion.
dwVersion = pDriverInfo->cVersion; pIniVersion = FindVersionEntry(pIniEnvironment, dwVersion); if (!pIniVersion) { continue; }
// Set pIniDriver.
pIniDriver = FindDriverEntry(pIniVersion, pDriverInfo->pName); if (!pIniDriver) { continue; }
// Check for the file name which was unloaded
if (pDriverFile) {
if((StrNCatBuff(szDir, MAX_PATH, pIniSpooler->pDir, L"\\drivers\\", pIniEnvironment->pDirectory, L"\\", pIniVersion->szDirectory, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (StrNCatBuff(szDriverFile, MAX_PATH, szDir, L"\\", FindFileName(pIniDriver->pDriverFile), NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (StrNCatBuff(szConfigFile, MAX_PATH,szDir, L"\\", FindFileName(pIniDriver->pConfigFile), NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS)) continue;
if (_wcsicmp(pDriverFile, szDriverFile) && _wcsicmp(pDriverFile, szConfigFile)) {
continue; } }
if (!CreateInternalDriverFileArray(dwLevel, (LPBYTE)pDriverInfo, &pInternalDriverFiles, &dwFileCount, FALSE, pIniEnvironment, TRUE)) { continue; }
if (!WaitRequiredForDriverUnload(pIniSpooler, pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, pIniDriver, dwLevel, (LPBYTE) pDriverInfo, APD_STRICT_UPGRADE, pInternalDriverFiles, dwFileCount, dwVersion, (BOOL) dwDriverMoved, &bSuccess) && bSuccess) {
// Upgrade has been completed, delete the registry key.
if (pKeyName && (pTemp = AllocSplMem(sizeof(struct StringList)))) { pTemp->pKeyName = pKeyName; pTemp->dwVersionIndex = dwVersionIndex; pTemp->pNext = pStart; pStart = pTemp; } else { FreeSplMem(pKeyName); }
pKeyName = NULL; } } }
// Delete the keys for driver that have completed the upgrade.
while (pTemp = pStart) { pStart = pTemp->pNext;
hVersionKey = NULL; if (RestoreVersionKey(hUpgradeKey, pTemp->dwVersionIndex, &hVersionKey)) {
RegDeleteKey(hVersionKey, pTemp->pKeyName); RegCloseKey(hVersionKey); }
FreeSplMem(pTemp->pKeyName); FreeSplMem(pTemp); }
if (hUpgradeKey) { RegCloseKey(hUpgradeKey); } if (hRootKey) { RegCloseKey(hRootKey); }
return; }
VOID CleanUpResources( LPWSTR pKeyName, LPWSTR pSplName, PDRIVER_INFO_6 pDriverInfo, PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE *ppInternalDriverFiles, DWORD dwFileCount)
Function Description: Frees resources allocated for driver upgrades
Parameters: pKeyName - registry key name pSplName - IniSpooler name pDriverInfo - driver info 4 pointer pInternalDriverFiles - array of INTERNAL_DRV_FILE structures dwFileCount -- number of files in file set
Return Values: NONE --*/
{ if (pKeyName) { FreeSplStr(pKeyName); } if (pSplName) { FreeSplStr(pSplName); }
CleanupInternalDriverInfo(*ppInternalDriverFiles, dwFileCount); *ppInternalDriverFiles = NULL;
return; }
BOOL RestoreParametersForUpgrade( HKEY hUpgradeKey, DWORD dwIndex, LPWSTR *pKeyName, LPWSTR *pSplName, LPDWORD pdwLevel, LPDWORD pdwDriverMoved, PDRIVER_INFO_6 *ppDriverInfo)
Function Description: Retrieves the parameters for pending driver upgrades
Parameters: hUpgradeKey -- Registry key containing the upgrade information dwIndex -- Index to enumerate pKeyName -- pointer to a string containing the key name pSplName -- pIniSpooler->pName pdwLevel -- pointer to the driver_info level pdwDriverMoved -- pointer to the flag indicating if any of the old driver files were moved. pDriverInfo -- pointer to driver_info struct
Return Values: TRUE if some driver has to be upgraded and the parameters can be retrieved; FALSE otherwise --*/
{ BOOL bReturn = FALSE; LPWSTR pDriverName = NULL; PDRIVER_INFO_6 pDriver6 = NULL; DWORD dwError, dwSize, *pVersion; HKEY hDriverKey = NULL;
// Initialize pSplName & pKeyName
*pSplName = NULL; *pKeyName = NULL; *ppDriverInfo = NULL;
dwSize = MAX_PATH+1; if (!(pDriver6 = AllocSplMem(sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_6))) || !(pDriverName = AllocSplMem(dwSize*sizeof (WCHAR)))) { goto CleanUp; }
dwError = RegEnumKeyEx(hUpgradeKey, dwIndex, pDriverName, &dwSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (dwError == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { //
// Need a bigger buffer
// Make room for last \0
dwSize++; if (!(pDriverName = AllocSplMem(dwSize*sizeof (WCHAR)))) { goto CleanUp; }
dwError = RegEnumKeyEx(hUpgradeKey, dwIndex, pDriverName, &dwSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); }
if (dwError) { goto CleanUp; }
if (RegCreateKeyEx(hUpgradeKey, pDriverName, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_READ, NULL, &hDriverKey, NULL) ||
!RegGetValue(hDriverKey, L"Level", (LPBYTE *)&pdwLevel) ||
!RegGetValue(hDriverKey, L"DriverMoved", (LPBYTE *)&pdwDriverMoved) ||
!RegGetValue(hDriverKey, L"SplName", (LPBYTE *)&pSplName)) {
goto CleanUp; }
switch (*pdwLevel) { case 6:
dwSize = sizeof(FILETIME);
if (RegQueryValueEx( hDriverKey, L"ftDriverDate", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&pDriver6->ftDriverDate, &dwSize )!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto CleanUp; }
dwSize = sizeof(DWORDLONG);
if (RegQueryValueEx( hDriverKey, L"dwlDriverVersion", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&pDriver6->dwlDriverVersion, &dwSize )!=ERROR_SUCCESS){ goto CleanUp; }
if (!RegGetValue(hDriverKey, L"pszMfgName", (LPBYTE *)&pDriver6->pszMfgName) ||
!RegGetValue(hDriverKey, L"pszOEMUrl", (LPBYTE *)&pDriver6->pszOEMUrl) ||
!RegGetValue(hDriverKey, L"pszHardwareID", (LPBYTE *)&pDriver6->pszHardwareID) ||
!RegGetValue(hDriverKey, L"pszProvider", (LPBYTE *)&pDriver6->pszProvider) ) { goto CleanUp; }
case 4:
if (!RegGetValue(hDriverKey, L"pszzPreviousNames", (LPBYTE *)&pDriver6->pszzPreviousNames)) { goto CleanUp; }
case 3:
if (!RegGetValue(hDriverKey, L"pDefaultDataType", (LPBYTE *)&pDriver6->pDefaultDataType) ||
!RegGetValue(hDriverKey, L"pMonitorName", (LPBYTE *)&pDriver6->pMonitorName) ||
!RegGetValue(hDriverKey, L"pDependentFiles", (LPBYTE *)&pDriver6->pDependentFiles) ||
!RegGetValue(hDriverKey, L"pHelpFile", (LPBYTE *)&pDriver6->pHelpFile)) {
goto CleanUp; }
case 2:
pVersion = &pDriver6->cVersion;
if (!RegGetValue(hDriverKey, L"pConfigFile", (LPBYTE *)&pDriver6->pConfigFile) ||
!RegGetValue(hDriverKey, L"pDataFile", (LPBYTE *)&pDriver6->pDataFile) ||
!RegGetValue(hDriverKey, L"pDriverPath", (LPBYTE *)&pDriver6->pDriverPath) ||
!RegGetValue(hDriverKey, L"pName", (LPBYTE *)&pDriver6->pName) ||
!RegGetValue(hDriverKey, L"pEnvironment", (LPBYTE *)&pDriver6->pEnvironment) ||
!RegGetValue(hDriverKey, L"cVersion", (LPBYTE *)&pVersion)) {
goto CleanUp; }
default: goto CleanUp; }
*ppDriverInfo = pDriver6; *pKeyName = pDriverName;
pDriver6 = NULL; pDriverName = NULL;
bReturn = TRUE;
if (!bReturn) { FreeDriverInfo6(pDriver6);
FreeSplMem(*pSplName); *pSplName = NULL;
FreeSplMem(pDriverName); }
if (hDriverKey) { RegCloseKey(hDriverKey); }
return bReturn; }
VOID FreeDriverInfo6( PDRIVER_INFO_6 pDriver6)
Function Description: Frees a driver_info_6 struct and the strings inside it.
Parameters: pDriver6 -- pointer to the driver_info_6 struct
Return Values: NONE --*/
{ if (!pDriver6) { return; }
if (pDriver6->pName) { FreeSplMem(pDriver6->pName); } if (pDriver6->pEnvironment) { FreeSplMem(pDriver6->pEnvironment); } if (pDriver6->pDriverPath) { FreeSplMem(pDriver6->pDriverPath); } if (pDriver6->pConfigFile) { FreeSplMem(pDriver6->pConfigFile); } if (pDriver6->pHelpFile) { FreeSplMem(pDriver6->pHelpFile); } if (pDriver6->pDataFile) { FreeSplMem(pDriver6->pDataFile); } if (pDriver6->pDependentFiles) { FreeSplMem(pDriver6->pDependentFiles); } if (pDriver6->pMonitorName) { FreeSplMem(pDriver6->pMonitorName); } if (pDriver6->pDefaultDataType) { FreeSplMem(pDriver6->pDefaultDataType); } if (pDriver6->pszzPreviousNames) { FreeSplMem(pDriver6->pszzPreviousNames); } if (pDriver6->pszMfgName) { FreeSplMem(pDriver6->pszMfgName); } if (pDriver6->pszOEMUrl) { FreeSplMem(pDriver6->pszOEMUrl); } if (pDriver6->pszHardwareID) { FreeSplMem(pDriver6->pszHardwareID); } if (pDriver6->pszProvider) { FreeSplMem(pDriver6->pszProvider); }
return; }
BOOL RegGetValue( HKEY hDriverKey, LPWSTR pValueName, LPBYTE *pValue)
Function Description: This function retrieves values from the registry. It allocates the necessary buffers which should be freed later. The value types are DWORD, SZ or MULTI_SZ.
Parameters: hDriverKey -- handle to the registry key pValueName -- name of the value to be queried pValue -- pointer to pointer to store the result
Return Values: TRUE if successful; FALSE otherwise --*/
{ BOOL bReturn = FALSE; DWORD dwError, dwSize = 0, dwType; LPBYTE pBuffer = NULL;
dwError = RegQueryValueEx(hDriverKey, pValueName, NULL, NULL, NULL, &dwSize);
if ((dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (pBuffer = AllocSplMem(dwSize))) {
if (dwError = RegQueryValueEx(hDriverKey, pValueName, NULL, &dwType, pBuffer, &dwSize)) {
goto CleanUp; }
} else {
goto CleanUp; }
if (dwType == REG_DWORD) { //
// Store DWORD values directly in the location.
*((LPDWORD)*pValue) = *((LPDWORD)pBuffer); FreeSplMem(pBuffer); pBuffer = NULL; } else { //
// Return pointers for strings and MultiSz strings.
*((LPBYTE *)pValue) = pBuffer; }
bReturn = TRUE;
if (!bReturn && pBuffer) { FreeSplMem(pBuffer); }
return bReturn; }
DWORD GetDriverFileVersion( PINIVERSION pIniVersion, LPWSTR pFileName)
Function Description: Retrieves the version number of the file
Parameters: pIniVersion -- pointer to PINIVERSION pFileName -- file name
Return Values: file version number --*/
{ PDRVREFCNT pdrc; DWORD dwReturn = 0;
if (!pIniVersion || !pFileName || !(*pFileName)) { return dwReturn; }
for (pdrc = pIniVersion->pDrvRefCnt; pdrc; pdrc = pdrc->pNext) {
if (lstrcmpi(pFileName,pdrc->szDrvFileName) == 0) { dwReturn = pdrc->dwVersion; break; } }
return dwReturn; }
BOOL GetDriverFileCachedVersion( IN PINIVERSION pIniVersion, IN LPCWSTR pFileName, OUT DWORD *pFileVersion ) /*++
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
This routine returns a file's minor version. The file must be an executable( file name ended in .DLL or .EXE ) pIniVersion keeps a linked list with information about all driver files. To avoid service start up delays, the entries in this list aren't initialized when Spooler starts. GetPrintDriverVersion loads the executable's data segment and this will increase Spooler initialization time. If the cache entry isn't initialized, call GetPrintDriverVersion and initialize it. Else, return cached information. When pIniVersion is NULL, just call GetPrintDriverVersion.
pIniVersion - pointer to PINIVERSION structure. Can be NULL. pFileName - file name pFileVersion - retrieve cached file version VersionType - specifies which version to return
Return Value:
TRUE file version was successfully returned.
--*/ { PDRVREFCNT pdrc; BOOL bRetValue = FALSE; BOOL bFound = FALSE;
if (pFileVersion && pFileName && *pFileName) { *pFileVersion = 0; //
// Don't do anything for non-executable files
if (!IsEXEFile(pFileName)) { bRetValue = TRUE; } else { //
// If pIniVersion is NULL, then we cannot access cached information.
// This code path was written for calls from SplCopyNumberOfFiles(files.c)
if (!pIniVersion) { bRetValue = GetPrintDriverVersion(pFileName, NULL, pFileVersion); } else { //
// Search the entry in pIniVersion's list of files
for (pdrc = pIniVersion->pDrvRefCnt; pdrc; pdrc = pdrc->pNext) { LPCWSTR pFile = FindFileName(pFileName);
if (pFile && lstrcmpi(pFile, pdrc->szDrvFileName) == 0) { //
// Return cached information.
if(pdrc->bInitialized) { *pFileVersion = pdrc->dwFileMinorVersion; bRetValue = TRUE; } else if (GetPrintDriverVersion(pFileName, &pdrc->dwFileMajorVersion, &pdrc->dwFileMinorVersion)) { //
// Mark the entry as initialized so next time we don't have
// to do the work of calling GetPrintDriverVersion.
pdrc->bInitialized = TRUE; *pFileVersion = pdrc->dwFileMinorVersion; bRetValue = TRUE; }
// Break the loop when file found.
bFound = TRUE; break; } } } } }
if (!bFound) { bRetValue = TRUE; }
return bRetValue; }
VOID IncrementFileVersion( PINIVERSION pIniVersion, LPCWSTR pFileName)
Function Description: Increments the version number of the file.
Parameters: pIniVersion -- pointer to PINIVERSION pFileName -- file name
Return Values: NONE --*/
if (!pIniVersion || !pFileName || !(*pFileName)) { return; }
for (pdrc = pIniVersion->pDrvRefCnt; pdrc; pdrc = pdrc->pNext) {
if (lstrcmpi(pFileName,pdrc->szDrvFileName) == 0) { pdrc->dwVersion++; break; } }
return; }
BOOL CompleteDriverUpgrade( IN PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, IN PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, IN PINIVERSION pIniVersion, IN PINIDRIVER pIniDriver, IN DWORD dwLevel, IN LPBYTE pDriverInfo, IN DWORD dwFileCopyFlags, IN PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE pInternalDriverFiles, IN DWORD dwFileCount, IN DWORD dwVersion, IN DWORD dwTempDir, IN BOOL bDriverMoved, IN BOOL bDriverFileMoved, IN BOOL bConfigFileMoved ) /*++
Function Description: This functions updates the INIDRIVER struct and calls DrvUpgradePrinter and DrvDriverEvent. An event for adding printer drivers is logged.
Parameters: pIniSpooler -- pointer to INISPOOLER pIniEnvironment -- pointer to INIENVIRONMENT pIniVersion -- pointer to INIVERSION pIniDriver -- pointer to INIDRIVER dwLevel -- driver_info level pDriverInfo -- pointer to driver_info dwFileCopyFlags -- AddPrinterDriver file copy flags. pInternalDriverFiles -- array of INTERNAL_DRV_FILE structures dwFileCount -- number of files in file set dwVersion -- driver version dwTempDir -- temp directory number for loaded drivers bDriverMoved -- Were any files moved to the Old directory ? bDriverFileMoved -- driver file moved ? bConfigFileMoved -- config file moved ?
Return Values: TRUE if successful; FALSE otherwise --*/
{ WCHAR szDirectory[MAX_PATH]; LPWSTR pOldDir, pTemp, pEnvironment = szEnvironment; LPBYTE pDriver4 = NULL, pUpgradeInfo2 = NULL; DWORD cbBuf;
PINIMONITOR pIniLangMonitor = NULL; PINISPOOLER pTempIniSpooler, pIniNextSpooler; PINIDRIVER pTempIniDriver = NULL; PINIPRINTER pFixUpIniPrinter; PINIVERSION pTempIniVersion; LPDRIVER_INFO_4 pDrvInfo4 = NULL; BOOL bUpdatePrinters = FALSE;
// Save the driver_info_4 struct for the old driver. This is passed to the
// DrvUpgradePrinter call.
if (pIniDriver && bDriverMoved) {
cbBuf = GetDriverInfoSize(pIniDriver, 4, pIniVersion, pIniEnvironment, NULL, pIniSpooler);
if (pDriver4 = (LPBYTE) AllocSplMem(cbBuf)) {
pUpgradeInfo2 = CopyIniDriverToDriverInfo(pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, pIniDriver, 4, pDriver4, pDriver4 + cbBuf, NULL, pIniSpooler); } } //
// Update or create the driver INI structure.
pIniDriver = CreateDriverEntry(pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, dwLevel, pDriverInfo, dwFileCopyFlags, pIniSpooler, pInternalDriverFiles, dwFileCount, dwTempDir, pIniDriver); //
// Fail the call if pIniDriver failed
if (pIniDriver == NULL) { return FALSE; }
// Increment version numbers
if (bDriverFileMoved) { IncrementFileVersion(pIniVersion, FindFileName(pInternalDriverFiles[0].pFileName)); } if (bConfigFileMoved) { IncrementFileVersion(pIniVersion, FindFileName(pInternalDriverFiles[1].pFileName)); }
pDrvInfo4 = (LPDRIVER_INFO_4) pDriverInfo;
if (pDrvInfo4->pEnvironment && *pDrvInfo4->pEnvironment) {
pEnvironment = pDrvInfo4->pEnvironment; }
if ((dwLevel == 3 || dwLevel == 4 || dwLevel ==6) && pDrvInfo4->pMonitorName && *pDrvInfo4->pMonitorName && _wcsicmp(pEnvironment, szWin95Environment)) {
pIniLangMonitor = FindMonitor(pDrvInfo4->pMonitorName, pLocalIniSpooler); }
if (pIniLangMonitor && pIniDriver->pIniLangMonitor != pIniLangMonitor) {
if (pIniDriver->pIniLangMonitor) pIniDriver->pIniLangMonitor->cRef--;
if (pIniLangMonitor) pIniLangMonitor->cRef++;
pIniDriver->pIniLangMonitor = pIniLangMonitor; } //
// Increment cRefs for leaving SplSem
INCSPOOLERREF( pIniSpooler ); INCDRIVERREF( pIniDriver ); pIniEnvironment->cRef++; //
// Call DrvDriverEvent in the Driver. Environment and version checks are
// done inside NotifyDriver.
NotifyDriver(pIniSpooler, pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, pIniDriver, DRIVER_EVENT_INITIALIZE, 0);
bUpdatePrinters = DriverAddedOrUpgraded(pInternalDriverFiles, dwFileCount);
// Call DrvUprgadePrinter if the driver added belongs to this version
// and environment. And the pIniSpooler is not a cluster spooler
if (!(pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER) && pThisEnvironment == pIniEnvironment) { //
// Walk through all pIniSpoolers that print.
INCSPOOLERREF( pLocalIniSpooler );
for( pTempIniSpooler = pLocalIniSpooler; pTempIniSpooler; pTempIniSpooler = pIniNextSpooler ){
// Do not touch the driver belonging to cluster spoolers. Cluster spoolers
// handle thier drivers themselves
if (pTempIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_PRINT && !(pTempIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER)){ //
// Walk all the printers and see if anyone is using this driver.
for ( pFixUpIniPrinter = pTempIniSpooler->pIniPrinter; pFixUpIniPrinter != NULL; pFixUpIniPrinter = pFixUpIniPrinter->pNext ) { //
// Does this Printer Have this driver ?
if ( lstrcmpi( pFixUpIniPrinter->pIniDriver->pName, pIniDriver->pName ) == STRINGS_ARE_EQUAL ) {
pTempIniDriver = FindCompatibleDriver( pIniEnvironment, &pTempIniVersion, pIniDriver->pName, dwVersion, FIND_COMPATIBLE_VERSION | DRIVER_UPGRADE);
SPLASSERT(pTempIniDriver != NULL);
// Does this Printer Has a Newer Driver it should be using ?
// Note: within the same version, pIniPrinter->pIniDriver
// does not change (the fields are updated in an upgrade,
// but the same pIniDriver is used).
// Version 2 is not compatible with anything else,
// so the pIniDrivers won't change in SUR.
if ( pTempIniDriver != pFixUpIniPrinter->pIniDriver ) {
DECDRIVERREF( pFixUpIniPrinter->pIniDriver );
pFixUpIniPrinter->pIniDriver = pTempIniDriver;
INCDRIVERREF( pFixUpIniPrinter->pIniDriver ); } } }
pOldDir = NULL;
if ( !bDriverMoved ) { //
// Use older version of the driver
pTempIniDriver = FindCompatibleDriver( pIniEnvironment, &pTempIniVersion, pIniDriver->pName, (dwVersion>2)?(dwVersion - 1):dwVersion, FIND_ANY_VERSION | DRIVER_UPGRADE);
if ( pTempIniDriver != NULL ) {
SPLASSERT( pTempIniVersion != NULL );
GetDriverVersionDirectory( szDirectory, COUNTOF(szDirectory), pIniSpooler, pThisEnvironment, pTempIniVersion, pTempIniDriver, NULL );
if ( DirectoryExists( szDirectory )) {
pOldDir = (LPWSTR) szDirectory; }
cbBuf = GetDriverInfoSize(pTempIniDriver, 4, pTempIniVersion, pIniEnvironment, NULL, pIniSpooler);
if (pDriver4 = (LPBYTE) AllocSplMem(cbBuf)) {
pUpgradeInfo2 = CopyIniDriverToDriverInfo(pIniEnvironment, pTempIniVersion, pTempIniDriver, 4, pDriver4, pDriver4 + cbBuf, NULL, pIniSpooler); } }
} else {
if((StrNCatBuff(szDirectory, MAX_PATH, pIniSpooler->pDir, L"\\drivers\\", pIniEnvironment->pDirectory, L"\\", pIniVersion->szDirectory, L"\\Old", NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS)) { pOldDir = (LPWSTR) szDirectory; } else { //
// Ignore error.
INCDRIVERREF(pIniDriver); if( bUpdatePrinters) { ForEachPrinterCallDriverDrvUpgrade(pTempIniSpooler, pIniDriver, pOldDir, pInternalDriverFiles, dwFileCount, pUpgradeInfo2 ? pDriver4 : NULL); } DECDRIVERREF(pIniDriver); } pIniNextSpooler = pTempIniSpooler->pIniNextSpooler;
if ( pIniNextSpooler ) { INCSPOOLERREF( pIniNextSpooler ); } DECSPOOLERREF( pTempIniSpooler ); } }
// Perform driver upgrade if the pIniSpooler is a cluster spooler
if (pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER && !lstrcmpi(pIniEnvironment->pName, szEnvironment)) {
DBGMSG(DBG_CLUSTER, ("CompleteDriverUpgrade searching for cluster spooler printers\n"));
// Walk all the printers and see if anyone is using this driver.
for ( pFixUpIniPrinter = pIniSpooler->pIniPrinter; pFixUpIniPrinter != NULL; pFixUpIniPrinter = pFixUpIniPrinter->pNext ) { //
// Does this Printer Have this driver ?
if (lstrcmpi(pFixUpIniPrinter->pIniDriver->pName, pIniDriver->pName) == STRINGS_ARE_EQUAL) { pTempIniDriver = FindCompatibleDriver(pIniEnvironment, &pTempIniVersion, pIniDriver->pName, dwVersion, FIND_COMPATIBLE_VERSION | DRIVER_UPGRADE);
SPLASSERT( pTempIniDriver != NULL );
// Does this Printer Has a Newer Driver it should be using ?
// Note: within the same version, pIniPrinter->pIniDriver
// does not change (the fields are updated in an upgrade,
// but the same pIniDriver is used).
// Version 2 is not compatible with anything else,
// so the pIniDrivers won't change in SUR.
if ( pTempIniDriver != pFixUpIniPrinter->pIniDriver ) { DECDRIVERREF( pFixUpIniPrinter->pIniDriver );
pFixUpIniPrinter->pIniDriver = pTempIniDriver;
INCDRIVERREF( pFixUpIniPrinter->pIniDriver ); } } }
pOldDir = NULL;
if ( !bDriverMoved ) { //
// Use older version of the driver
pTempIniDriver = FindCompatibleDriver( pIniEnvironment, &pTempIniVersion, pIniDriver->pName, (dwVersion>2)?(dwVersion - 1):dwVersion, FIND_ANY_VERSION | DRIVER_UPGRADE);
if ( pTempIniDriver != NULL ) { SPLASSERT( pTempIniVersion != NULL );
GetDriverVersionDirectory( szDirectory, COUNTOF(szDirectory), pIniSpooler, pIniEnvironment, pTempIniVersion, pTempIniDriver, NULL );
if ( DirectoryExists( szDirectory )) { pOldDir = (LPWSTR) szDirectory; }
cbBuf = GetDriverInfoSize(pTempIniDriver, 4, pTempIniVersion, pIniEnvironment, NULL, pIniSpooler);
if (pDriver4 = (LPBYTE) AllocSplMem(cbBuf)) { pUpgradeInfo2 = CopyIniDriverToDriverInfo(pIniEnvironment, pTempIniVersion, pTempIniDriver, 4, pDriver4, pDriver4 + cbBuf, NULL, pIniSpooler); } } else { if((StrNCatBuff(szDirectory, MAX_PATH, pIniSpooler->pDir, L"\\drivers\\", pIniEnvironment->pDirectory, L"\\", pIniVersion->szDirectory, L"\\Old", NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS)) { pOldDir = (LPWSTR) szDirectory; } }
INCDRIVERREF(pIniDriver); if( bUpdatePrinters) { ForEachPrinterCallDriverDrvUpgrade(pIniSpooler, pIniDriver, pOldDir, pInternalDriverFiles, dwFileCount, pUpgradeInfo2 ? pDriver4 : NULL); }
DECDRIVERREF(pIniDriver); } }
if (pDriver4) { FreeSplMem(pDriver4); pDriver4 = NULL; }
// Log Event - Successfully adding the printer driver.
// Note we use pLocalIniSpooler here because drivers are currently
// global accross all spoolers and we always want it logged
pTemp = BuildFilesCopiedAsAString(pInternalDriverFiles, dwFileCount);
SplLogEvent(pLocalIniSpooler, LOG_WARNING, MSG_DRIVER_ADDED, TRUE, pIniDriver->pName, pIniEnvironment->pName, pIniVersion->pName, pTemp, NULL);
FreeSplMem(pTemp); //
// Decrement cRefs after reentering SplSem
DECSPOOLERREF( pIniSpooler ); DECDRIVERREF( pIniDriver ); pIniEnvironment->cRef--;
return TRUE; }
VOID CleanUpgradeDirectories()
Function Description: Deletes the Old and New directories if there are no pending driver upgrades.
Parameters: NONE
Return Values: NONE --*/
{ DWORD dwError, dwSize, dwVersionIndex; BOOL bPendingUpgrade = FALSE; HKEY hRootKey = NULL, hUpgradeKey = NULL, hVersionKey = NULL; WCHAR pDriverDir[MAX_PATH], pCleanupDir[MAX_PATH]; PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment = NULL; PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironmentNext = NULL; PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler = NULL; PINISPOOLER pIniSpoolerNext = NULL; PINIVERSION pIniVersion = NULL;
// This should always be called outside the CS, check that we are OK.
if (RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szRegistryRoot, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_READ | DELETE, NULL, &hRootKey, NULL) ||
RegCreateKeyEx(hRootKey, szPendingUpgrades, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_READ | DELETE, NULL, &hUpgradeKey, NULL)) {
goto CleanUp; }
// Loop thru the version entries
for (dwVersionIndex = 0, hVersionKey = NULL;
RestoreVersionKey(hUpgradeKey, dwVersionIndex, &hVersionKey);
RegCloseKey(hVersionKey), hVersionKey = NULL, ++dwVersionIndex) {
// Search for pending upgrade keys
dwSize = MAX_PATH; dwError = RegEnumKeyEx(hVersionKey, 0, pDriverDir, &dwSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (dwError != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { bPendingUpgrade = TRUE; break; } }
// If there aren't any pending driver upgrades, delete the Old and
// new directories and the files within.
if ( pLocalIniSpooler) {
for (pIniSpooler = pLocalIniSpooler; pIniSpooler; pIniSpooler = pIniSpoolerNext) {
if (pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_LOCAL || pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER) {
// This is a little bogus, since environment reference counts
// aren't needed, but for consistency with the pIniSpooler code
// and in case someone actually uses this. I have the ref count
// correctly.
if (pIniSpooler->pIniEnvironment) {
pIniSpooler->pIniEnvironment->cRef++; }
for (pIniEnvironment = pIniSpooler->pIniEnvironment; pIniEnvironment; pIniEnvironment = pIniEnvironmentNext) {
for (pIniVersion = pIniEnvironment->pIniVersion; pIniVersion; pIniVersion = pIniVersion->pNext) {
dwError = StrNCatBuff(pDriverDir, COUNTOF(pDriverDir), pIniSpooler->pDir, L"\\drivers\\", pIniEnvironment->pDirectory, L"\\", pIniVersion->szDirectory, NULL);
// The rest of these operations do not depend on private
// data held in the inispooler.
if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dwError = StrNCatBuff(pCleanupDir, COUNTOF(pCleanupDir), pDriverDir, L"\\Old", NULL); }
if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
DeleteDirectoryRecursively(pCleanupDir, FALSE);
dwError = StrNCatBuff(pCleanupDir, COUNTOF(pCleanupDir), pDriverDir, L"\\New", NULL); }
if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS && !bPendingUpgrade) {
DeleteAllFilesAndDirectory(pCleanupDir, FALSE); }
EnterSplSem(); }
pIniEnvironmentNext = pIniEnvironment->pNext;
if (pIniEnvironmentNext) {
pIniEnvironmentNext->cRef++; }
pIniEnvironment->cRef--; } }
pIniSpoolerNext = pIniSpooler->pIniNextSpooler;
if (pIniSpoolerNext) {
INCSPOOLERREF(pIniSpoolerNext); }
// This can result in the pIniSpooler being deleted, which is why we have the stuff
// with pIniSpooler next on the previous line.
DECSPOOLERREF(pIniSpooler); } }
if (hVersionKey) { RegCloseKey(hVersionKey); }
if (hUpgradeKey) { RegCloseKey(hUpgradeKey); }
if (hRootKey) { RegCloseKey(hRootKey); } }
BOOL CheckFileCopyOptions( PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIDRIVER pIniDriver, PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE pInternalDriverFiles, DWORD dwFileCount, DWORD dwFileCopyFlags, LPBOOL pbSucceeded )
Function Description:
CheckFileCopyOptions examines the timestamps of the source and target files and determines if strict upgrade/downgrade can fail.
pIniEnvironment - pointer to a PINIENVIRONMENT structure pIniVersion - pointer to a PINIVERSION structure pIniDriver - pointer to the old INIDRIVER structure pInternalDriverFiles - array of INTERNAL_DRV_FILE structures dwFileCount - number of files in file set dwFileCopyFlags - file copying options. pbSucceeded - flag to indicate the AddPrinterDriver call succeeded.
Return Values:
TRUE - We need to copy any files. *pbSucceeded is unchanged.
FALSE - We don't need to copy, either because the entire call failed (e.g., strict upgrade but older source files), or because we don't need to do anything. *pbSucceeded indicates if the API call should succeed (the latter case).
{ BOOL bReturn = FALSE, bInSem = TRUE, bSameMainDriverName = FALSE; LPWSTR pDrvDestDir = NULL, pICMDestDir = NULL, pNewDestDir = NULL; LPWSTR pTargetFileName = NULL, pFileName; DWORD dwCount; WIN32_FIND_DATA DestFileData, SourceFileData; HANDLE hFileExists; DWORD TimeStampComparison; enum { Equal, Newer, Older } DriverComparison; DWORD dwDriverVersion;
if (!pbSucceeded) { goto CleanUp; }
*pbSucceeded = FALSE;
switch (dwFileCopyFlags) {
// Nothing to check
bReturn = TRUE; break;
// Check if the driver file sets are different
if (pIniDriver) { pFileName = wcsrchr(pInternalDriverFiles[0].pFileName, L'\\'); if (pFileName && pIniDriver->pDriverFile && !_wcsicmp(pFileName+1, pIniDriver->pDriverFile)) { bSameMainDriverName = TRUE; } }
// Set up the destination directories
if (!(pDrvDestDir = AllocSplMem((INTERNET_MAX_HOST_NAME_LENGTH + MAX_PATH + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR))) || !(pTargetFileName = AllocSplMem((INTERNET_MAX_HOST_NAME_LENGTH + MAX_PATH + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)))) {
goto CleanUp; } //
// Regular driver directory
if( !GetEnvironmentScratchDirectory( pDrvDestDir, MAX_PATH, pIniEnvironment, FALSE ) ) {
goto CleanUp; }
if (!BoolFromHResult(StringCchCat(pDrvDestDir, INTERNET_MAX_HOST_NAME_LENGTH + MAX_PATH + 1, L"\\")) || !BoolFromHResult(StringCchCat(pDrvDestDir, INTERNET_MAX_HOST_NAME_LENGTH + MAX_PATH + 1, pIniVersion->szDirectory))) {
goto CleanUp; }
// New driver files directory where files may be stored temporarily
if (!BoolFromStatus(StrCatAlloc(&pNewDestDir, pDrvDestDir, L"\\New", NULL))) {
goto CleanUp; }
if (!wcscmp(pIniEnvironment->pName, szWin95Environment)) {
if (!BoolFromStatus(StrCatAlloc(&pICMDestDir, pDrvDestDir, L"\\Color", NULL))){
goto CleanUp; } }
if (pIniDriver) { INCDRIVERREF(pIniDriver); } LeaveSplSem(); bInSem = FALSE; //
// Examine the timestamps for the source and the target files.
for (dwCount = 0; dwCount < dwFileCount; ++dwCount) { //
// Get Source File Date & Time Stamp
hFileExists = FindFirstFile(pInternalDriverFiles[dwCount].pFileName, &SourceFileData );
if (hFileExists == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { goto CleanUp; } else { FindClose(hFileExists); }
if (!(pFileName = wcsrchr(pInternalDriverFiles[dwCount].pFileName, L'\\'))) { goto CleanUp; }
// Skip past the backslash.
if (pICMDestDir && IsAnICMFile(pInternalDriverFiles[dwCount].pFileName)) {
// Check in the Color Directory
StringCchPrintf(pTargetFileName, INTERNET_MAX_HOST_NAME_LENGTH + MAX_PATH + 1, L"%ws\\%ws", pICMDestDir, pFileName);
hFileExists = FindFirstFile(pTargetFileName, &DestFileData);
} else {
LPWSTR pszTestFileName;
if ((dwCount == 0) && !bSameMainDriverName && pIniDriver) {
// We're processing the main driver file. The server's
// file doesn't exist on the client, but the client does
// have a version of this driver.
// Instead of checking the server's file name on the
// client, we want to check the client's IniDriver->pDriver
// to see which is newer.
// For example, server has rasdd, while client has unidrv.
// Client does not have rasdd, so we would normally copy
// rasdd down to the client and change the DRIVER_INFO.
// Instead, we want to see if the server's unidrv is
// newer than the client's rasdd. If so, then we
// need to upgrade.
// Even if the client did have a new unidrv (even a
// really new one), we still want to upgrade the
// client's DRIVER_INFO.
pszTestFileName = pIniDriver->pDriverFile;
} else {
pszTestFileName = pFileName; } //
// Check in the new directory first
StringCchPrintf(pTargetFileName, INTERNET_MAX_HOST_NAME_LENGTH + MAX_PATH + 1, L"%ws\\%ws", pNewDestDir, pszTestFileName);
hFileExists = FindFirstFile(pTargetFileName, &DestFileData);
if (hFileExists == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //
// Check in the regular driver directory
StringCchPrintf(pTargetFileName, INTERNET_MAX_HOST_NAME_LENGTH + MAX_PATH + 1, L"%ws\\%ws", pDrvDestDir, pszTestFileName);
hFileExists = FindFirstFile(pTargetFileName, &DestFileData); } }
if (hFileExists != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
EnterSplSem(); if (pIniDriver) { DECDRIVERREF(pIniDriver); } bInSem = TRUE;
if (!GetDriverFileCachedVersion(pIniVersion, pTargetFileName, &dwDriverVersion)) { SetLastError(ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE); goto CleanUp; }
if (pIniDriver) { INCDRIVERREF(pIniDriver); } LeaveSplSem(); bInSem = FALSE;
DriverComparison = pInternalDriverFiles[dwCount].dwVersion == dwDriverVersion ? Equal : pInternalDriverFiles[dwCount].dwVersion > dwDriverVersion ? Newer : Older;
if (DriverComparison == Equal) {
TimeStampComparison = CompareFileTime( &SourceFileData.ftLastWriteTime, &DestFileData.ftLastWriteTime );
DriverComparison = TimeStampComparison == 1 ? Newer : TimeStampComparison == -1 ? Older : Equal; }
switch (DriverComparison) {
case Newer: //
// Source file newer than the target. Strict downgrade will fail.
if (dwFileCopyFlags == APD_STRICT_DOWNGRADE) { SetLastError(ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE); goto CleanUp; } break;
case Older: //
// Target file newer than the source. Strict upgrade will fail.
if (dwFileCopyFlags == APD_STRICT_UPGRADE) { SetLastError(ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE); goto CleanUp; } else {
// If we are doing a copy new files (non-strict upgrade),
// and the main driver files are different, and
// the driver is already installed, then we want to use
// the existing driver.
if ((dwFileCopyFlags == APD_COPY_NEW_FILES) && (dwCount == 0) && !bSameMainDriverName && pIniDriver) { *pbSucceeded = TRUE; goto CleanUp; } } break;
default: //
// file times are the same
break; } } }
bReturn = TRUE; break;
default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); break; }
if (!bInSem) { EnterSplSem(); if (pIniDriver) { DECDRIVERREF(pIniDriver); } } if (pDrvDestDir) { FreeSplMem(pDrvDestDir); } if (pTargetFileName) { FreeSplMem(pTargetFileName); } if (pICMDestDir) { FreeSplMem(pICMDestDir); } if (pNewDestDir) { FreeSplMem(pNewDestDir); }
return bReturn; }
BOOL LocalDeletePrinterDriver( LPWSTR pName, LPWSTR pEnvironment, LPWSTR pDriverName ) {
BOOL bReturn; bReturn = LocalDeletePrinterDriverEx( pName, pEnvironment, pDriverName, 0, 0);
return bReturn; }
BOOL LocalDeletePrinterDriverEx( LPWSTR pName, LPWSTR pEnvironment, LPWSTR pDriverName, DWORD dwDeleteFlag, DWORD dwVersionNum ) { PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler; BOOL bReturn;
pIniSpooler = FindSpoolerByNameIncRef( pName, NULL );
if( !pIniSpooler ){ return ROUTER_UNKNOWN; }
bReturn = SplDeletePrinterDriverEx( pName, pEnvironment, pDriverName, pIniSpooler, dwDeleteFlag, dwVersionNum);
FindSpoolerByNameDecRef( pIniSpooler ); return bReturn; }
BOOL SplDeletePrinterDriverEx( LPWSTR pName, LPWSTR pEnvironment, LPWSTR pDriverName, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, DWORD dwDeleteFlag, DWORD dwVersionNum ) /*++
Function Description: Deletes specific or all versions of a printer driver. Removes unused or all files associated with the driver.
Parameters: pName - name of the server. NULL implies local machine. pEnvironment - string containing the environment of the driver to be deleted. NULL implies use local environment. pDriverName - string containing the name of the driver. pIniSpooler - Pointer to INISPOOLER struct. dwDeleteFlag - combination of DPD_DELETE_SPECIFIC_VERSION and DPD_DELETE_UNUSED_FILES or DPD_DELETE_ALL_FILES. The defaults are delete all versions and dont delete the files. dwVersionNum - version number (0-3) of the driver. Used only if dwDeleteFlag contains DPD_DELETE_SPECIFIC_VERSION.
Return Values: TRUE if deleted. FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment; PINIVERSION pIniVersion; PINIDRIVER pIniDriver; BOOL bRefCount = FALSE,bEnteredSplSem = FALSE,bReturn = TRUE; BOOL bFileRefCount = FALSE; BOOL bThisVersion,bSetPrinterChange = FALSE; BOOL bFoundDriver = FALSE, bSpecificVersionDeleted = FALSE; LPWSTR pIndex; WCHAR szDirectory[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE hImpersonationToken; DWORD dwRet;
DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("DeletePrinterDriverEx\n")); //
// Check if the call is for the local machine.
if ( pName && *pName ) { if ( !MyName( pName, pIniSpooler )) { bReturn = FALSE; goto CleanUp; } } //
// Invalid Input and Access Checks
if ( !pDriverName || !*pDriverName ) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); bReturn = FALSE; goto CleanUp; }
if ( !ValidateObjectAccess( SPOOLER_OBJECT_SERVER, SERVER_ACCESS_ADMINISTER, NULL, NULL, pIniSpooler )) { bReturn = FALSE; goto CleanUp; }
EnterSplSem(); bEnteredSplSem = TRUE;
pIniEnvironment = FindEnvironment(pEnvironment, pIniSpooler);
if ( !pIniEnvironment ) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_ENVIRONMENT); bReturn = FALSE; goto CleanUp; } pIniVersion = pIniEnvironment->pIniVersion;
while ( pIniVersion ) {
if ((pIniDriver = FindDriverEntry(pIniVersion, pDriverName))) {
bFoundDriver = TRUE; //
// bThisVersion indicates if this version is to be deleted.
bThisVersion = !(dwDeleteFlag & DPD_DELETE_SPECIFIC_VERSION) || (pIniVersion->cMajorVersion == dwVersionNum);
if ((pIniDriver->cRef) && bThisVersion) { bRefCount = TRUE; break; }
if (bThisVersion && (dwDeleteFlag & DPD_DELETE_ALL_FILES) && FilesInUse(pIniVersion,pIniDriver)) {
bFileRefCount = TRUE; break; } }
pIniVersion = pIniVersion->pNext; }
if ( !bFoundDriver ) { SetLastError(ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRINTER_DRIVER); bReturn = FALSE; goto CleanUp; }
if ( bRefCount ) { SetLastError( ERROR_PRINTER_DRIVER_IN_USE ); bReturn = FALSE; goto CleanUp; }
if ( bFileRefCount ) { //
// New error code has to added.
SetLastError( ERROR_PRINTER_DRIVER_IN_USE ); bReturn = FALSE; goto CleanUp; }
pIniVersion = pIniEnvironment->pIniVersion;
while ( pIniVersion && (!bSpecificVersionDeleted) ) {
if ( !(dwDeleteFlag & DPD_DELETE_SPECIFIC_VERSION) || (bSpecificVersionDeleted = (pIniVersion->cMajorVersion == dwVersionNum))) {
if (( pIniDriver = FindDriverEntry( pIniVersion, pDriverName ))) {
// Remove pending driver upgrades for local environment
if (!lstrcmpi(pIniEnvironment->pName, szEnvironment)) {
RemovePendingUpgradeForDeletedDriver(pDriverName, pIniVersion->cMajorVersion, pIniSpooler);
RemoveDriverTempFiles(pIniSpooler, pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, pIniDriver); }
if ( !DeleteDriverIni( pIniDriver, pIniVersion, pIniEnvironment, pIniSpooler )) {
DBGMSG( DBG_CLUSTER, ("Error - driverini not deleted %d\n", GetLastError())); bReturn = FALSE; goto CleanUp; }
bSetPrinterChange = TRUE; hImpersonationToken = RevertToPrinterSelf();
dwRet = StrNCatBuff(szDirectory, COUNTOF(szDirectory), pIniSpooler->pDir, L"\\drivers\\", pIniEnvironment->pDirectory, L"\\", pIniVersion->szDirectory, L"\\", NULL);
if (dwRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (hImpersonationToken) { ImpersonatePrinterClient(hImpersonationToken); } bReturn = FALSE; SetLastError(dwRet); goto CleanUp; }
// Before we leave for the driver event. Mark this printer driver as
// pending deletion. This prevents other calls from mistakenly using
// this driver, even though it is about to be deleted. Drivers should
// not expect to find any other information about the driver during this
// call other than what they were presented with.
// Increment cRefs for leaving SplSem, this prevent SplDeletePrinterDriver
// from being called twice.
INCSPOOLERREF( pIniSpooler ); INCDRIVERREF( pIniDriver ); pIniEnvironment->cRef++;
// Call DrvDriverEvent in the Driver.
NotifyDriver(pIniSpooler, pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, pIniDriver, DRIVER_EVENT_DELETE, dwDeleteFlag);
// Decrement cRefs after reentering SplSem
DECDRIVERREF( pIniDriver ); DECSPOOLERREF( pIniSpooler ); pIniEnvironment->cRef--;
// Update the file reference counts for the version of the driver that
// has been deleted.
if (hImpersonationToken) { ImpersonatePrinterClient(hImpersonationToken); }
DeleteDriverEntry( pIniVersion, pIniDriver ); }
pIniVersion = pIniVersion->pNext; }
if (bSetPrinterChange) { SetPrinterChange( NULL, NULL, NULL, PRINTER_CHANGE_DELETE_PRINTER_DRIVER, pIniSpooler ); }
if (bEnteredSplSem) { LeaveSplSem(); }
return bReturn;
VOID RemoveDriverTempFiles( PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIDRIVER pIniDriver )
Function Description: Removes temp directory associated with the driver
Parameters: pIniSpooler - pointer to INISPOOLER pIniEnvironment - pointer to INIENVIRONMENT pIniVersion - pointer to INIVERSION pIniDriver - pointer to INIDRIVER
Return Values: NONE --*/
{ WCHAR szDriverDir[MAX_PATH], szDriverFile[MAX_PATH]; LPCWSTR pszDriverFile, pszConfigFile; DWORD DriverFileSize, ConfigFileSize, MaxFileSize; fnWinSpoolDrv fnList;
pszDriverFile = FindFileName(pIniDriver->pDriverFile); pszConfigFile = FindFileName(pIniDriver->pConfigFile);
DriverFileSize = pszDriverFile ? wcslen(pszDriverFile) : 0 ;
ConfigFileSize = pszConfigFile ? wcslen(pszConfigFile) : 0 ;
MaxFileSize = ConfigFileSize > DriverFileSize ? ConfigFileSize : DriverFileSize;
if (pIniDriver->dwTempDir && GetDriverVersionDirectory(szDriverDir, COUNTOF(szDriverDir) - MaxFileSize -1, pIniSpooler, pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, pIniDriver, NULL)) { // Unload the driver files if neccessary
if( pszDriverFile && StrNCatBuff (szDriverFile, COUNTOF(szDriverFile), szDriverDir, L"\\", pszDriverFile, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
GdiArtificialDecrementDriver(szDriverFile, pIniDriver->dwDriverAttributes); }
if( pszConfigFile && StrNCatBuff (szDriverFile, COUNTOF(szDriverFile), szDriverDir, L"\\", pszConfigFile, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if (SplInitializeWinSpoolDrv(&fnList)) { (* (fnList.pfnForceUnloadDriver))(szDriverFile); } } // Delete the files and the directory
DeleteAllFilesAndDirectory(szDriverDir, FALSE);
return; }
VOID RemovePendingUpgradeForDeletedDriver( LPWSTR pDriverName, DWORD dwVersion, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler )
Function Description: Removes pending upgrade keys for deleted drivers.
Parameters: pDriverName - driver name (eg. HP LaserJet 5) dwVersion - version number being deleted
Return Values: NONE --*/
{ HKEY hRootKey = NULL, hUpgradeKey = NULL, hVersionKey = NULL; HANDLE hToken = NULL; WCHAR pDriver[MAX_PATH]; BOOL bAllocMem = FALSE; DWORD dwSize;
if (!pDriverName || !*pDriverName) { return; }
hToken = RevertToPrinterSelf();
DBGMSG(DBG_CLUSTER, ("RemovePendingUpgradeForDeletedDriver Driver "TSTR"\n", pDriverName));
StringCchPrintf(pDriver, COUNTOF(pDriver), L"Version-%d", dwVersion);
// The local spooler and cluster spooler have different sets of drivers.
// The root registry is different.
if (pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_CLUSTER_REG) { hRootKey = pIniSpooler->hckRoot; } else { SplRegCreateKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szRegistryRoot, 0, KEY_READ | DELETE, NULL, &hRootKey, NULL, NULL); }
if (hRootKey && SplRegCreateKey(hRootKey, szPendingUpgrades, 0, KEY_READ | DELETE, NULL, &hUpgradeKey, NULL, pIniSpooler) == ERROR_SUCCESS && SplRegCreateKey(hUpgradeKey, pDriver, 0, KEY_READ | DELETE, NULL, &hVersionKey, NULL, pIniSpooler) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Delete driver subkey, if any (since reg apis are not case sensitive)
SplRegDeleteKey(hVersionKey, pDriverName, pIniSpooler); }
if (hVersionKey) { SplRegCloseKey(hVersionKey, pIniSpooler); }
if (hUpgradeKey) { SplRegCloseKey(hUpgradeKey, pIniSpooler); }
// Do not close the root key if the spooler is a cluster spooler
if (hRootKey && !(pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_CLUSTER_REG)) { SplRegCloseKey(hRootKey, pIniSpooler); }
if (hToken) { ImpersonatePrinterClient(hToken); }
return; }
BOOL NotifyDriver( PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIDRIVER pIniDriver, DWORD dwDriverEvent, DWORD dwParameter ) /*++
Function description: Calls DrvDriverEvent, to allow the driver to cleanup some of it's private files. The function is called inside SplSem.
Parameters: pIniSpooler - pointer to INISPOOLER struct. pIniEnvironment - pointer to INIENVIRONMENT struct. pIniVersion - pointer to INIVERSION struct. pIniDriver - pointer to the INIDRIVER struct of the driver to be notified. dwDriverEvent - the type of Driver Event (delete | initialize) dwParameter - LPARAM to pass to DrvDriverEvent. Contains dwDeleteFlag for DRIVER_EVENT_DELETE
Return Values: TRUE if DrvDriverEvent returns TRUE or if it need not be called. FALSE if DrvDriverEvent could not be called or if it returns FALSE.
--*/ { WCHAR szDriverLib[MAX_PATH]; FARPROC pfnDrvDriverEvent; HINSTANCE hDrvLib = NULL; LPBYTE pDriverInfo = NULL; DWORD cbBuf; BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
// Check if the driver could have been used by the system. Version number should be
// 2 or 3, Environment should match with the global szEnvironment.
if (((pIniVersion->cMajorVersion != SPOOLER_VERSION) && (pIniVersion->cMajorVersion != COMPATIBLE_SPOOLER_VERSION)) || lstrcmpi(pIniEnvironment->pName,szEnvironment)) {
return TRUE; }
// Get the directory where the driver files are stored.
if( pIniDriver->pConfigFile && GetDriverVersionDirectory(szDriverLib, (DWORD)(COUNTOF(szDriverLib) - wcslen(pIniDriver->pConfigFile) - 2), pIniSpooler, pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, pIniDriver, NULL)) {
if((StrNCatBuff(szDriverLib, COUNTOF(szDriverLib), szDriverLib, L"\\", pIniDriver->pConfigFile, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS)) { //
// Load the driver dll for the version being deleted.
if (hDrvLib = LoadDriver(szDriverLib)) { if (pfnDrvDriverEvent = GetProcAddress(hDrvLib, "DrvDriverEvent")) {
// If the DrvDriverEvent is supported Copy pIniDriver Info into a
// DRIVER_INFO_3 struct and call the DrvDriverEvent Function.
cbBuf = GetDriverInfoSize( pIniDriver, 3, pIniVersion, pIniEnvironment, NULL, pIniSpooler );
if (pDriverInfo = (LPBYTE) AllocSplMem(cbBuf)) {
if (CopyIniDriverToDriverInfo( pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, pIniDriver, 3, pDriverInfo, pDriverInfo + cbBuf, NULL, pIniSpooler )) {
// Leave the semaphore before calling into the spooler
LeaveSplSem(); SplOutSem();
try {
bReturn = (BOOL) pfnDrvDriverEvent(dwDriverEvent, 3, pDriverInfo, (LPARAM) dwParameter);
SetLastError( GetExceptionCode() ); DBGMSG(DBG_ERROR, ("NotifyDriver ExceptionCode %x Driver %ws Error %d\n", GetLastError(), szDriverLib, GetLastError() )); bReturn = FALSE; } EnterSplSem(); } } } } } }
if (pDriverInfo) { FreeSplMem(pDriverInfo); }
if (hDrvLib) { UnloadDriver(hDrvLib); }
return bReturn; }
PDRVREFCNT DecrementFileRefCnt( PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIDRIVER pIniDriver, LPCWSTR pszFileName, LPCWSTR pszDirectory, DWORD dwDeleteFlag ) /*++
Function description: Decrements the driver file usage reference counts and deletes unused files depending on dwDeleteFlag.
Paramaters: pIniEnvironment - pointer to INIENVIRONMENT pIniVersion - pointer to INIVERSION struct. This struct contains the ref counts. pIniDriver - pointer to INIDRIVER szFileName - driver file name whose ref count is to be decremented. szDirectory - Directory where the files are located. dwDeleteFlag - unused files are deleted if this flag contains DPD_DELETE_UNUSED_FILES or DPD_DELETE_ALL_FILES
Return Value: pointer to the DRVREFCNT which was decremented NULL if memory allocation fails.
--*/ {
PDRVREFCNT pdrc,*pprev; LPWSTR pszDelFile=NULL; WCHAR szTempDir[MAX_PATH+5],szTempFile[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cbSize; PDRVREFCNT pReturn = NULL;
pdrc = pIniVersion->pDrvRefCnt; pprev = &(pIniVersion->pDrvRefCnt);
// Go thru the list of ref count nodes in the Iniversion struct and find the node
// corresponding to szFileName.
while (pdrc != NULL) { if (lstrcmpi(pszFileName,pdrc->szDrvFileName) == 0) {
if (pdrc->refcount == 1 && ((dwDeleteFlag & DPD_DELETE_UNUSED_FILES) || (dwDeleteFlag & DPD_DELETE_ALL_FILES)) ) {
// Delete the file, the size is needed later when we pass the file
// to be deleted.
cbSize = sizeof(pszDirectory[0])*(wcslen(pszDirectory)+1); cbSize += sizeof(pszFileName[0])*(wcslen(pszFileName)+1);
if (!BoolFromStatus(StrCatAlloc(&pszDelFile, pszDirectory, pszFileName, NULL))) {
pReturn = NULL; goto CleanUp; }
if (pIniDriver) {
if (!lstrcmpi(pszFileName, pIniDriver->pDriverFile)) {
FilesUnloaded(pIniEnvironment, pszDelFile, NULL, pIniDriver->dwDriverAttributes); } else if (!lstrcmpi(pszFileName, pIniDriver->pConfigFile)) {
FilesUnloaded(pIniEnvironment, NULL, pszDelFile, pIniDriver->dwDriverAttributes); } }
// We are about to delete a driver file. Delete the same file from
// the cluster disk too (if applicable)
if (pIniEnvironment->pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER) { WCHAR szFilePath[MAX_PATH] = {0};
// If DeleteFile fails, there isn't much we can do about it.
// The file will remain on the cluster disk.
if (StrNCatBuff(szFilePath, MAX_PATH, pIniEnvironment->pIniSpooler->pszClusResDriveLetter, L"\\", szClusterDriverRoot, L"\\", pIniEnvironment->pDirectory, L"\\", pIniVersion->szDirectory, L"\\", pszFileName, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS && SplDeleteFile(szFilePath)) { DBGMSG(DBG_CLUSTER, ("DecrementFilesRefCnt Deleted szFilePath "TSTR" from cluster\n", szFilePath)); } }
if (!SplDeleteFile(pszDelFile)) {
// Move the file to a temp directory and delete on REBOOT.
// Create the temp directory and new tempfile.
StringCchCopy(szTempDir, COUNTOF(szTempDir), pszDirectory); StringCchCat(szTempDir, COUNTOF(szTempDir), L"temp");
// CreateDirectory will fail, if szTempDir already
// exists. Since we don't check for any errors, subsequent functions
// may fail.
GetTempFileName(szTempDir, pszFileName, 0, szTempFile); SplMoveFileEx(pszDelFile, szTempFile, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING); SplMoveFileEx(szTempFile, NULL, MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT); }
*pprev = pdrc->pNext; }
// Decrement the ref cnt for the file.
if (pdrc->refcount > 0) pdrc->refcount--; pReturn = pdrc; break;
} pprev = &(pdrc->pNext); pdrc = pdrc->pNext; }
if (pszDelFile) { FreeSplMem(pszDelFile); } return pReturn; }
BOOL SplGetPrinterDriver( HANDLE hPrinter, LPWSTR pEnvironment, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pDriverInfo, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded ) { DWORD dwDontCare;
return SplGetPrinterDriverEx(hPrinter, pEnvironment, Level, pDriverInfo, cbBuf, pcbNeeded, 0, 0, &dwDontCare, &dwDontCare ); }
BOOL LocalGetPrinterDriverDirectory( LPWSTR pName, LPWSTR pEnvironment, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pDriverInfo, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded ) { PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler; BOOL bReturn;
pIniSpooler = FindSpoolerByNameIncRef( pName, NULL );
if( !pIniSpooler ){ return ROUTER_UNKNOWN; }
bReturn = SplGetPrinterDriverDirectory( pName, pEnvironment, Level, pDriverInfo, cbBuf, pcbNeeded, pIniSpooler );
FindSpoolerByNameDecRef( pIniSpooler ); return bReturn; }
BOOL SplGetPrinterDriverDirectory( LPWSTR pName, LPWSTR pEnvironment, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pDriverInfo, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler ) { DWORD cb; WCHAR string[MAX_PATH]; BOOL bRemote=FALSE; PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment; HANDLE hImpersonationToken; DWORD ParmError; SHARE_INFO_1501 ShareInfo1501; PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor = NULL; PSHARE_INFO_2 pShareInfo = (PSHARE_INFO_2)pIniSpooler->pDriversShareInfo;
DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ("GetPrinterDriverDirectory\n"));
if ( pName && *pName ) {
if ( !MyName( pName, pIniSpooler )) {
return FALSE;
} else { bRemote = TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
pIniEnvironment = FindEnvironment( pEnvironment, pIniSpooler );
if ( !pIniEnvironment ) {
LeaveSplSem(); SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_ENVIRONMENT ); return FALSE; }
// Ensure that the directory exists
GetDriverDirectory( string, COUNTOF(string), pIniEnvironment, NULL, pIniSpooler );
hImpersonationToken = RevertToPrinterSelf();
CreateCompleteDirectory( string );
if (hImpersonationToken && !ImpersonatePrinterClient( hImpersonationToken )) { LeaveSplSem(); return FALSE; }
cb = GetDriverDirectory( string, COUNTOF(string), pIniEnvironment, bRemote ? pName : NULL, pIniSpooler ) * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR);
*pcbNeeded = cb;
if (cb > cbBuf) {
StringCbCopy((PWSTR)pDriverInfo, cbBuf, string);
memset( &ShareInfo1501, 0, sizeof ShareInfo1501 );
// Also ensure the drivers share exists
if ( bRemote ) {
if ( rc = (*pfnNetShareAdd)(NULL, 2, (LPBYTE)pIniSpooler->pDriversShareInfo, &ParmError )) {
DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("NetShareAdd failed: Error %d, Parm %d\n", rc, ParmError)); }
else if (pSecurityDescriptor = CreateDriversShareSecurityDescriptor( )) {
ShareInfo1501.shi1501_security_descriptor = pSecurityDescriptor;
if (rc = (*pfnNetShareSetInfo)(NULL, pShareInfo->shi2_netname, 1501, &ShareInfo1501, &ParmError)) {
DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("NetShareSetInfo failed: Error %d, Parm %d\n", rc, ParmError));
LocalFree(pSecurityDescriptor); } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL LocalEnumPrinterDrivers( LPWSTR pName, LPWSTR pEnvironment, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pDriverInfo, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded, LPDWORD pcReturned ) { PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler; BOOL bReturn;
pIniSpooler = FindSpoolerByNameIncRef( pName, NULL );
if( !pIniSpooler ){ return ROUTER_UNKNOWN; }
bReturn = SplEnumPrinterDrivers( pName, pEnvironment, Level, pDriverInfo, cbBuf, pcbNeeded, pcReturned, pIniSpooler);
FindSpoolerByNameDecRef( pIniSpooler ); return bReturn; }
Routine Name
Routine Description:
Finds a certain driver in a list of drivers. None of the arguments can or will be null.
Arguments: pDriverList - array of DRIVER INFO 6 strucutres cDrivers - number of drivers in the list pszName - name of the driver we are looking for pszEnv - environment of the driver we are looking for dwVersion - version of the driver we are looking for
Return Value:
valid pointer to driver info 6 structure if the driver is found NULL if the driver was not found
--*/ DRIVER_INFO_6* FindDriverInList( DRIVER_INFO_6 *pDriverList, DWORD cDrivers, LPCWSTR pszName, LPCWSTR pszEnv, DWORD dwVersion ) { DWORD uIndex; DRIVER_INFO_6 *pDrv6 = NULL;
for (pDrv6 = pDriverList, uIndex = 0; pDrv6 && uIndex < cDrivers; pDrv6++, uIndex++) { if (!_wcsicmp(pDrv6->pName, pszName) && !_wcsicmp(pDrv6->pEnvironment, pszEnv) && pDrv6->cVersion == dwVersion) { break; } }
// Check if driver was found
return uIndex == cDrivers ? NULL : pDrv6; }
Routine Name
Routine Description:
Helper function for SplEnumAllClusterPrinterDrivers. Calculates the bytes needed to hold all printer driver strucutres on all the spoolers hosted by the spooler process. Note that we may ask for more bytes than we really need. This is beacuse we enumerate the drivers on the local spooler and on cluster spoolers and we count duplicates again. In order to count the exact number of bytes needed, we would need to loop through the drivers and search each of them in all spoolers. This would be too slow.
pszRemote - NULL if the caller is local on the machine, a string otherwise
Return Value:
Count of bytes needed to store all the drivers
--*/ DWORD GetBufferSizeForPrinterDrivers( LPWSTR pszRemote ) { PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler; PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment; PINIVERSION pIniVersion; PINIDRIVER pIniDriver; DWORD cbNeeded = 0;
for (pIniSpooler = pLocalIniSpooler; pIniSpooler; pIniSpooler = pIniSpooler->pIniNextSpooler) { //
// We want either a pIniSpooler that is not a clusrer, or
// a pIniSpooler that is a cluster spooler that is not
// in pending deletion or offline. We could optimize this so it
// skips win32spl spoolers.
if (!(pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER) || pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER && !(pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_PENDING_DELETION || pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_OFFLINE)) { for (pIniEnvironment = pIniSpooler->pIniEnvironment; pIniEnvironment; pIniEnvironment = pIniEnvironment->pNext) { for (pIniVersion = pIniEnvironment->pIniVersion; pIniVersion; pIniVersion = pIniVersion->pNext) { for (pIniDriver = pIniVersion->pIniDriver; pIniDriver; pIniDriver = pIniDriver->pNext) { //
// Omit drivers that are currently in a pending deletion
// state.
if (!(pIniDriver->dwDriverFlags & PRINTER_DRIVER_PENDING_DELETION)) { cbNeeded += GetDriverInfoSize(pIniDriver, 6, pIniVersion, pIniEnvironment, pszRemote, pIniSpooler); } } } } } }
return cbNeeded; }
Routine Name
Routine Description:
Helper function for SplEnumAllClusterPrinterDrivers. This function relies on its caller to validate the arguments. This function loops through all the drivers on all pIniSpooler and stores driver information in a buffer. There won't be duplicate drivers in the list. If 2 pIniSpooler have the same driver, then the oldest is enumerated.
pszRemote - NULL if the caller is local on the machine, a string otherwise pDriverBuf - buffer to hold the strcutures cbBuf - buffer size in bytes pcReturned - number of structures returned
Return Value:
Win32 error code
--*/ DWORD PackClusterPrinterDrivers( LPWSTR pszRemote, LPBYTE pDriverBuf, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcReturned ) { PINIDRIVER pIniDriver; PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment; PINIVERSION pIniVersion; PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler; DRIVER_INFO_6 *pListHead = (DRIVER_INFO_6 *)pDriverBuf; LPBYTE pEnd = pDriverBuf + cbBuf; DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
for (pIniSpooler = pLocalIniSpooler; pIniSpooler; pIniSpooler = pIniSpooler->pIniNextSpooler) { //
// Either pIniSpooler is not a cluster, or it is a cluster and
// it is not pending deletion or offline. We could optimize this so it
// skips win32spl spoolers.
if (!(pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER) || pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER && !(pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_PENDING_DELETION || pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_OFFLINE)) { for (pIniEnvironment = pIniSpooler->pIniEnvironment; pIniEnvironment; pIniEnvironment = pIniEnvironment->pNext) { for (pIniVersion = pIniEnvironment->pIniVersion; pIniVersion; pIniVersion = pIniVersion->pNext) { for (pIniDriver = pIniVersion->pIniDriver; pIniDriver; pIniDriver = pIniDriver->pNext) { //
// Make sure that we don't enumerate drivers that are pending deletion.
if (!(pIniDriver->dwDriverFlags & PRINTER_DRIVER_PENDING_DELETION)) { DRIVER_INFO_6 *pDrv6 = NULL;
if (pDrv6 = FindDriverInList(pListHead, *pcReturned, pIniDriver->pName, pIniEnvironment->pName, pIniDriver->cVersion))
{ //
// The driver that we are currently enumerating is older than the
// driver that we have in the list. We need to update the driver
// time in the list. The list always has the oldest driver.
if (CompareFileTime(&pDrv6->ftDriverDate, &pIniDriver->ftDriverDate) > 0) { pDrv6->ftDriverDate = pIniDriver->ftDriverDate; } } else { //
// Add the driver to the driver list
if (pEnd = CopyIniDriverToDriverInfo(pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, pIniDriver, 6, pDriverBuf, pEnd, pszRemote, pIniSpooler)) { pDriverBuf += sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_6);
(*pcReturned)++; } else { //
// Severe error occured
goto CleanUp; } } } } } } } }
return dwError; }
Routine Name
Routine Description:
Enumerates the driver on all the spoolers hosted by the spooler process. It does not enumerate duplicates. This function is a helper function for EnumPrinterDrivers, when the latter is called with "allcluster" environment. The only consumer for this is Windows Update. Windows update needs to update all the drivers on all the spoolers on a machine, and uses EnumPrinterDrivers with "allcluster" environment.
pszRemote - NULL if the caller is local on the machine, a string otherwise Level - must be 6 pDriverInfo - buffer to hold the strcutures cbBuf - buffer size in bytes pcbNeeded - pointer to receive the count of bytes needed pcReturned - number of structures returned. Must be a valid pointer
Return Value:
TRUE, if getting the drivers was successful FALSE, otherwise. Use GetLastError for error code
--*/ BOOL SplEnumAllClusterPrinterDrivers( LPWSTR pszRemote, DWORD dwLevel, LPBYTE pDriverInfo, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded, LPDWORD pcReturned) { DWORD dwError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
if (pcbNeeded && pcReturned) { *pcReturned = 0;
if (dwLevel == 6) { EnterSplSem();
// Calculate the bytes needed for our driver structures
*pcbNeeded = GetBufferSizeForPrinterDrivers(pszRemote);
dwError = cbBuf < *pcbNeeded ? ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER : PackClusterPrinterDrivers(pszRemote, pDriverInfo, cbBuf, pcReturned);
LeaveSplSem(); } else { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; } }
return dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS; }
BOOL SplEnumPrinterDrivers( LPWSTR pName, LPWSTR pEnvironment, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pDriverInfo, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded, LPDWORD pcReturned, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler ) { PINIDRIVER pIniDriver; PINIVERSION pIniVersion; BOOL bAllDrivers; DWORD cb, cbStruct; LPBYTE pEnd; LPWSTR lpRemote = NULL; PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment;
DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ("EnumPrinterDrivers\n"));
if ( pName && *pName ) {
if ( !MyName( pName, pIniSpooler )) {
return FALSE;
} else {
lpRemote = pName; } }
return FALSE; }
if (!_wcsicmp(pEnvironment, EPD_ALL_LOCAL_AND_CLUSTER)) { return SplEnumAllClusterPrinterDrivers(lpRemote, Level, pDriverInfo, cbBuf, pcbNeeded, pcReturned); }
switch (Level) {
case 1: cbStruct = sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_1); break;
case 2: cbStruct = sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_2); break;
case 3: cbStruct = sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_3); break;
case 4: cbStruct = sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_4); break;
case 5: cbStruct = sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_5); break;
case 6: cbStruct = sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_6); break; }
bAllDrivers = !_wcsicmp(pEnvironment, L"All");
if ( bAllDrivers ) pIniEnvironment = pIniSpooler->pIniEnvironment; else pIniEnvironment = FindEnvironment( pEnvironment, pIniSpooler );
if ( !pIniEnvironment ) {
LeaveSplSem(); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_ENVIRONMENT); return FALSE; }
do {
pIniVersion = pIniEnvironment->pIniVersion;
while ( pIniVersion ) {
pIniDriver = pIniVersion->pIniDriver;
while ( pIniDriver ) {
// Don't consider drivers that are pending deletion for enumeration.
if (!(pIniDriver->dwDriverFlags & PRINTER_DRIVER_PENDING_DELETION)) { DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ("Driver found - %ws\n", pIniDriver->pName));
cb += GetDriverInfoSize( pIniDriver, Level, pIniVersion, pIniEnvironment, lpRemote, pIniSpooler ); }
pIniDriver = pIniDriver->pNext; }
pIniVersion = pIniVersion->pNext; }
if ( bAllDrivers ) pIniEnvironment = pIniEnvironment->pNext; else break; } while ( pIniEnvironment );
DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ("Required is %d and Available is %d\n", cb, cbBuf));
if (cbBuf < cb) {
SetLastError( ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ); LeaveSplSem(); return FALSE; }
DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ("Now copying contents into DRIVER_INFO structures\n"));
if ( bAllDrivers ) pIniEnvironment = pIniSpooler->pIniEnvironment;
pEnd = pDriverInfo+cbBuf;
do {
pIniVersion = pIniEnvironment->pIniVersion;
while ( pIniVersion ) {
pIniDriver = pIniVersion->pIniDriver;
while ( pIniDriver ) {
// Don't consider printer drivers that are pending deletion for
// enumeration.
if (!(pIniDriver->dwDriverFlags & PRINTER_DRIVER_PENDING_DELETION)) {
if (( pEnd = CopyIniDriverToDriverInfo( pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, pIniDriver, Level, pDriverInfo, pEnd, lpRemote, pIniSpooler )) == NULL){ LeaveSplSem(); return FALSE; }
pDriverInfo += cbStruct; (*pcReturned)++; }
pIniDriver = pIniDriver->pNext; }
pIniVersion = pIniVersion->pNext; }
if ( bAllDrivers ) pIniEnvironment = pIniEnvironment->pNext; else break; } while ( pIniEnvironment );
LeaveSplSem(); return TRUE; }
DWORD GetDriverInfoSize( PINIDRIVER pIniDriver, DWORD Level, PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, LPWSTR lpRemote, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler ) { DWORD cbDir, cb=0, cchLen; WCHAR string[INTERNET_MAX_HOST_NAME_LENGTH + MAX_PATH + 1]; LPWSTR pStr; DWORD cFiles = 0;
switch (Level) {
case 1: cb=sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_1) + wcslen(pIniDriver->pName)*sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR); break;
case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case DRIVER_INFO_VERSION_LEVEL:
cbDir = GetDriverVersionDirectory( string, COUNTOF(string), pIniSpooler, pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, pIniDriver, lpRemote) + 1;
SPLASSERT(pIniDriver->pDriverFile); cb+=wcslen(pIniDriver->pDriverFile) + 1 + cbDir;
SPLASSERT(pIniDriver->pDataFile); cb+=wcslen(pIniDriver->pDataFile) + 1 + cbDir;
SPLASSERT(pIniDriver->pConfigFile); cb+=wcslen(pIniDriver->pConfigFile) + 1 + cbDir;
cb += wcslen( pIniDriver->pName ) + 1 + wcslen( pIniEnvironment->pName ) + 1;
if ((Level == 2) || (Level == 5)) {
// For the strings in the struct
cb *= sizeof(WCHAR); if (Level == 2) { cb += sizeof( DRIVER_INFO_2 ); } else { //
// Level 5
cb += sizeof( DRIVER_INFO_5 ); }
} else {
// Level 3 or 4 or 6.
if ( pIniDriver->pHelpFile && *pIniDriver->pHelpFile ) cb += wcslen(pIniDriver->pHelpFile) + cbDir + 1;
if ( pIniDriver->pMonitorName && *pIniDriver->pMonitorName ) cb += wcslen(pIniDriver->pMonitorName) + 1;
if ( pIniDriver->pDefaultDataType && *pIniDriver->pDefaultDataType) cb += wcslen(pIniDriver->pDefaultDataType) + 1;
if ( (pStr=pIniDriver->pDependentFiles) && *pStr ) {
// There are 4 distinctive files in the file set
// (driver, data , config, help).
cFiles = 4; while ( *pStr ) { cchLen = wcslen(pStr) + 1; cb += cchLen + cbDir; pStr += cchLen; cFiles++; } //
// Make room for final \0
++cb; }
if ( (Level == 4 || Level == 6 || Level == DRIVER_INFO_VERSION_LEVEL) && (pStr = pIniDriver->pszzPreviousNames) && *pStr) {
while ( *pStr ) {
cchLen = wcslen(pStr) + 1; cb += cchLen; pStr += cchLen; }
// Make room for final \0
++cb; }
if (Level==6 || Level == DRIVER_INFO_VERSION_LEVEL) {
if (pIniDriver->pszMfgName && *pIniDriver->pszMfgName) cb += wcslen(pIniDriver->pszMfgName) + 1;
if (pIniDriver->pszOEMUrl && *pIniDriver->pszOEMUrl) cb += wcslen(pIniDriver->pszOEMUrl) + 1;
if (pIniDriver->pszHardwareID && *pIniDriver->pszHardwareID) cb += wcslen(pIniDriver->pszHardwareID) + 1;
if (pIniDriver->pszProvider && *pIniDriver->pszProvider) cb += wcslen(pIniDriver->pszProvider) + 1;
cb *= sizeof(WCHAR);
switch (Level) { case 3: cb += sizeof( DRIVER_INFO_3 ); break; case 4: cb += sizeof( DRIVER_INFO_4 ); break; case 6: cb += sizeof( DRIVER_INFO_6 ); break; case DRIVER_INFO_VERSION_LEVEL: cb += sizeof( DRIVER_INFO_VERSION ) + cFiles * sizeof(DRIVER_FILE_INFO) + sizeof(ULONG_PTR); break; } }
break; default: DBGMSG(DBG_ERROR, ("GetDriverInfoSize: level can not be %d", Level) ); cb = 0; break; }
return cb; }
LPBYTE CopyMultiSzFieldToDriverInfo( LPWSTR pszz, LPBYTE pEnd, LPWSTR pszPrefix, DWORD cchPrefix ) /*++
Routine Description: Copies a multi sz field from IniDriver to DriverInfo structure. If a pszPrefix is specified that is appended before each string.
Arguments: pszz : entry in pIniDriver (this could be dependent files ex. PSCRIPT.DLL\0QMS810.PPD\0PSCRPTUI.DLL\0PSPCRIPTUI.HLP\0PSTEST.TXT\0\0 or previous names ex. OldName1\0OldName2\0\0 ) pEnd : end of buffer to which it needs to be copied pszPrefix : Prefix to copy when copying to user buffer. For dependent files this will be driver directory path cchPrefix : length of prefix
Return Value: after copying where is the buffer end to copy next field
--*/ { LPWSTR pStr1, pStr2; DWORD cchSize, cchLen;
if ( !pszz || !*pszz ) return pEnd;
pStr1 = pszz; cchSize = 0;
while ( *pStr1 ) {
cchLen = wcslen(pStr1) + 1; cchSize += cchPrefix + cchLen; pStr1 += cchLen; }
// Make room for the last \0.
pEnd -= cchSize * sizeof(WCHAR);
pStr1 = pszz; pStr2 = (LPWSTR) pEnd;
// Here, we assume that the buffer size has been validated up front. The
// string copying routines are adding nothing here. We just use them
// because we have to.
while ( *pStr1 ) {
if ( pszPrefix ) {
StringCchCopy(pStr2, cchPrefix + 1, pszPrefix); pStr2 += cchPrefix; }
// This should really be rewritten to make this function able to
// validate buffer sizes before packing the strings. In practice,
// the buffer is always checked by the spooler APIs first which
// makes this safe.
cchLen = wcslen(pStr1) + 1;
CopyMemory(pStr2, pStr1, cchLen * sizeof(*pStr2));
pStr2 += cchLen; pStr1 += cchLen; }
*pStr2 = '\0';
return pEnd; }
LPBYTE CopyIniDriverToDriverInfo( PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIDRIVER pIniDriver, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pDriverInfo, LPBYTE pEnd, LPWSTR lpRemote, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler ) /*++
Routine Description: This routine copies data from the IniDriver structure to an DRIVER_INFO_X structure.
pIniEnvironment pointer to the INIENVIRONMENT structure
pIniVersion pointer to the INIVERSION structure.
pIniDriver pointer to the INIDRIVER structure.
Level Level of the DRIVER_INFO_X structure
pDriverInfo Buffer of the DRIVER_INFO_X structure
pEnd pointer to the end of the pDriverInfo
lpRemote flag which determines whether Remote or Local
pIniSpooler pointer to the INISPOOLER structure Return Value:
if the call is successful, the return value is the updated pEnd value.
if the call is unsuccessful, the return value is NULL.
--*/ { LPWSTR *pSourceStrings, *SourceStrings; WCHAR string[INTERNET_MAX_HOST_NAME_LENGTH + MAX_PATH + 1]; DWORD i, j; DWORD *pOffsets; LPWSTR pTempDriverPath=NULL; LPWSTR pTempConfigFile=NULL; LPWSTR pTempDataFile=NULL; LPWSTR pTempHelpFile=NULL;
switch (Level) {
return CopyIniDriverToDriverInfoVersion(pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, pIniDriver, pDriverInfo, pEnd, lpRemote, pIniSpooler); break;
case 1: pOffsets = DriverInfo1Strings; break;
case 2: case 5: pOffsets = DriverInfo2Strings; break;
case 3: case 4: pOffsets = DriverInfo3Strings; break; case 6: pOffsets = DriverInfo6Strings; break;
default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL); return NULL; }
for (j=0; pOffsets[j] != -1; j++) { }
SourceStrings = pSourceStrings = AllocSplMem(j * sizeof(LPWSTR));
if ( pSourceStrings ) {
switch (Level) {
case 1: *pSourceStrings++=pIniDriver->pName;
pEnd = PackStrings(SourceStrings, pDriverInfo, pOffsets, pEnd); break;
case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6:
i = GetDriverVersionDirectory(string, (DWORD)(COUNTOF(string) - wcslen(pIniDriver->pDriverFile) - 1), pIniSpooler, pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, pIniDriver, lpRemote); if(!i) { pEnd = NULL; goto Fail; } string[i++] = L'\\';
*pSourceStrings++ = pIniDriver->pName;
*pSourceStrings++ = pIniEnvironment->pName;
StringCchCopy(&string[i], COUNTOF(string) - i, pIniDriver->pDriverFile);
if (( pTempDriverPath = AllocSplStr(string) ) == NULL){
DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("CopyIniDriverToDriverInfo: AlloSplStr failed\n")); pEnd = NULL; goto Fail; }
*pSourceStrings++ = pTempDriverPath;
StringCchCopy(&string[i], COUNTOF(string) - i, pIniDriver->pDataFile);
if (( pTempDataFile = AllocSplStr(string) ) == NULL){
DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("CopyIniDriverToDriverInfo: AlloSplStr failed\n")); pEnd = NULL; goto Fail; }
*pSourceStrings++ = pTempDataFile;
if ( pIniDriver->pConfigFile && *pIniDriver->pConfigFile ) {
StringCchCopy(&string[i], COUNTOF(string) - i, pIniDriver->pConfigFile );
if (( pTempConfigFile = AllocSplStr(string) ) == NULL) {
DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("CopyIniDriverToDriverInfo: AlloSplStr failed\n")); pEnd = NULL; goto Fail; }
*pSourceStrings++ = pTempConfigFile;
} else {
*pSourceStrings++=0; }
if ( Level == 3 || Level == 4 || Level == 6 ) {
if ( pIniDriver->pHelpFile && *pIniDriver->pHelpFile ) {
StringCchCopy(&string[i], COUNTOF(string) - i, pIniDriver ->pHelpFile);
if (( pTempHelpFile = AllocSplStr(string) ) == NULL) { DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("CopyIniDriverToDriverInfo: AlloSplStr failed\n")); pEnd = NULL; goto Fail; } *pSourceStrings++ = pTempHelpFile; } else {
*pSourceStrings++=0; }
*pSourceStrings++ = pIniDriver->pMonitorName;
*pSourceStrings++ = pIniDriver->pDefaultDataType;
if (Level == 6) {
((PDRIVER_INFO_6)pDriverInfo)->ftDriverDate = pIniDriver->ftDriverDate;
((PDRIVER_INFO_6)pDriverInfo)->dwlDriverVersion = pIniDriver->dwlDriverVersion;
*pSourceStrings++ = pIniDriver->pszMfgName;
*pSourceStrings++ = pIniDriver->pszOEMUrl;
*pSourceStrings++ = pIniDriver->pszHardwareID;
*pSourceStrings++ = pIniDriver->pszProvider; }
pEnd = PackStrings( SourceStrings, pDriverInfo, pOffsets, pEnd );
if ( Level == 3 || Level == 4 || Level == 6 ) {
// Dependent files need to be copied till \0\0
// so need to do it outside PackStirngs
if ( pIniDriver->cchDependentFiles ) {
pEnd = CopyMultiSzFieldToDriverInfo( pIniDriver->pDependentFiles, pEnd, string, i); ((PDRIVER_INFO_3)pDriverInfo)->pDependentFiles = (LPWSTR) pEnd; } else { ((PDRIVER_INFO_3)pDriverInfo)->pDependentFiles = NULL; }
// pszzPreviousNames is multi-sz too
if ( Level == 4 || Level == 6) {
if ( pIniDriver->cchPreviousNames ) {
pEnd = CopyMultiSzFieldToDriverInfo( pIniDriver->pszzPreviousNames, pEnd, NULL, 0); ((PDRIVER_INFO_4)pDriverInfo)->pszzPreviousNames = (LPWSTR) pEnd; } else {
((PDRIVER_INFO_4)pDriverInfo)->pszzPreviousNames = NULL; }
((PDRIVER_INFO_3)pDriverInfo)->cVersion = pIniDriver->cVersion; } else { //
// Level == 2 or Level = 5.
if (Level == 2) {
((PDRIVER_INFO_2)pDriverInfo)->cVersion = pIniDriver->cVersion;
} else {
PDRIVER_INFO_5 pDriver5;
pDriver5 = (PDRIVER_INFO_5) pDriverInfo; pDriver5->cVersion = pIniDriver->cVersion;
if (!pIniDriver->dwDriverAttributes) {
// Driver Attributes has not been initialized as yet; do it now
CheckDriverAttributes(pIniSpooler, pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, pIniDriver); }
pDriver5->dwDriverAttributes = pIniDriver->dwDriverAttributes; pDriver5->dwConfigVersion = GetDriverFileVersion(pIniVersion, pIniDriver->pConfigFile); pDriver5->dwDriverVersion = GetDriverFileVersion(pIniVersion, pIniDriver->pDriverFile); } }
FreeSplStr( pTempDriverPath ); FreeSplStr( pTempConfigFile ); FreeSplStr( pTempDataFile ); FreeSplStr( pTempHelpFile ); FreeSplMem( SourceStrings );
} else {
DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("Failed to alloc driver source strings.\n")); pEnd = NULL; }
return pEnd; }
LPBYTE CopyIniDriverToDriverInfoVersion( IN PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, IN PINIVERSION pIniVersion, IN PINIDRIVER pIniDriver, IN LPBYTE pDriverInfo, IN LPBYTE pEnd, IN LPWSTR lpRemote, IN PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler ) /*++
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
This routine copy data from pIniDriver to the pDriverInfo as a DRIVER_INFO_VERSION
pIniEnvironment pointer to the INIENVIRONMENT structure pIniVersion pointer to the INIVERSION structure. pIniDriver pointer to the INIDRIVER structure. pDriverInfo Buffer big enough to fit a DRIVER_INFO_VERSION and the strings that needs to be packed pEnd pointer to the end of the pDriverInfo lpRemote flag which determines whether Remote or Local pIniSpooler pointer to the INISPOOLER structure
Return Value:
Returns the pointer to the "end" of pDriverInfo if success. NULL if it failes.
--*/ { LPWSTR *pSourceStrings = NULL; LPWSTR *SourceStrings = NULL; DRIVER_INFO_VERSION *pDriverVersion; WCHAR szDriverVersionDir[INTERNET_MAX_HOST_NAME_LENGTH + MAX_PATH + 1]; DWORD cStrings; LPWSTR pTempDllFile = NULL;
pDriverVersion = (DRIVER_INFO_VERSION *)pDriverInfo;
if (!GetDriverVersionDirectory(szDriverVersionDir, COUNTOF(szDriverVersionDir), pIniSpooler, pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, pIniDriver, lpRemote)) { pEnd = NULL; } else { for (cStrings=0; DriverInfoVersionStrings[cStrings] != 0xFFFFFFFF; cStrings++);
if (!(pSourceStrings = SourceStrings = AllocSplMem(cStrings * sizeof(LPWSTR)))) { DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("Failed to alloc driver source strings.\n")); pEnd = NULL; } else { *pSourceStrings++ = pIniDriver->pName; *pSourceStrings++ = pIniEnvironment->pName; *pSourceStrings++ = pIniDriver->pMonitorName; *pSourceStrings++ = pIniDriver->pDefaultDataType; *pSourceStrings++ = pIniDriver->pszMfgName; *pSourceStrings++ = pIniDriver->pszOEMUrl; *pSourceStrings++ = pIniDriver->pszHardwareID; *pSourceStrings++ = pIniDriver->pszProvider; //
// Pack the strings at the end of pDriverInfo
pEnd = PackStrings( SourceStrings, pDriverInfo, DriverInfoVersionStrings, pEnd );
if (pEnd) { if (pIniDriver->cchPreviousNames == 0) { pDriverVersion->pszzPreviousNames = NULL; } else { pEnd = CopyMultiSzFieldToDriverInfo(pIniDriver->pszzPreviousNames, pEnd, NULL, 0); if (pEnd) { pDriverVersion->pszzPreviousNames = (LPWSTR) pEnd; } }
if (pEnd) { pDriverVersion->cVersion = pIniDriver->cVersion; pDriverVersion->ftDriverDate = pIniDriver->ftDriverDate; pDriverVersion->dwlDriverVersion = pIniDriver->dwlDriverVersion; pDriverVersion->dwFileCount = 3;
if (pIniDriver->pHelpFile && *pIniDriver->pHelpFile) { pDriverVersion->dwFileCount++; }
if (pIniDriver->cchDependentFiles) { for (pTempDllFile = pIniDriver->pDependentFiles; *pTempDllFile; pTempDllFile += wcslen(pTempDllFile) + 1, pDriverVersion->dwFileCount++ ); }
// Pack in the file names and versions in pDriverVersion->pFileInfo.
pEnd = CopyIniDriverFilesToDriverInfo(pDriverVersion, pIniVersion, pIniDriver, szDriverVersionDir, pEnd);
// When we are done, the end shoud not be less than the
// start of the buffer plus the driver info version buffer
// size. If these have overlapped, we are in serious trouble.
SPLASSERT(pEnd >= pDriverInfo + sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_VERSION)); } } } }
return pEnd; }
LPBYTE CopyIniDriverFilesToDriverInfo( IN LPDRIVER_INFO_VERSION pDriverVersion, IN PINIVERSION pIniVersion, IN PINIDRIVER pIniDriver, IN LPCWSTR pszDriverVersionDir, IN LPBYTE pEnd ) /*++
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
This routine copy data from pIniDriver to the pDriverInfo->pFileInfo. The number of files is already filled in pDriverInfo->dwFileCount
pDriverVersion pointer to a DRIVER_INFO_VERSION structure pIniVersion pointer to the INIVERSION structure. pIniDriver pointer to the INIDRIVER structure. pszDriverVersionDir string containing the driver version directory pEnd pointer to the end of the pDriverInfo
Return Value:
Returns the pointer to the "end" of pDriverInfo if success. NULL if it failes.
--*/ { DWORD dwIndex = 0; LPWSTR pTempDllFile = NULL; DWORD dwFileSetCount = pDriverVersion->dwFileCount;
// Reserve space for DRIVER_FILE_INFO array
pEnd = (LPBYTE)ALIGN_DOWN(pEnd, ULONG_PTR); pEnd -= dwFileSetCount * sizeof(DRIVER_FILE_INFO);
pDriverVersion->pFileInfo = (DRIVER_FILE_INFO*)pEnd; //
// For each file call FillDriverInfo and fill in the entry
// in the array of DRIVER_FILE_INFO.
if (dwIndex >= pDriverVersion->dwFileCount || !(pEnd = FillDriverInfo(pDriverVersion, dwIndex++, pIniVersion, pszDriverVersionDir, pIniDriver->pDriverFile, DRIVER_FILE, pEnd))) { goto End; }
if (dwIndex >= dwFileSetCount || !(pEnd = FillDriverInfo(pDriverVersion, dwIndex++, pIniVersion, pszDriverVersionDir, pIniDriver->pConfigFile, CONFIG_FILE, pEnd))) { goto End; }
if (dwIndex >= dwFileSetCount || !(pEnd = FillDriverInfo(pDriverVersion, dwIndex++, pIniVersion, pszDriverVersionDir, pIniDriver->pDataFile, DATA_FILE, pEnd))) { goto End; }
if (pIniDriver->pHelpFile && *pIniDriver->pHelpFile) { if (dwIndex >= dwFileSetCount || !(pEnd = FillDriverInfo(pDriverVersion, dwIndex++, pIniVersion, pszDriverVersionDir, pIniDriver->pHelpFile, HELP_FILE, pEnd))) { goto End; } }
if (pIniDriver->cchDependentFiles) { for (pTempDllFile = pIniDriver->pDependentFiles; *pTempDllFile; pTempDllFile += wcslen(pTempDllFile) + 1) { if (dwIndex >= dwFileSetCount || !(pEnd = FillDriverInfo(pDriverVersion, dwIndex++, pIniVersion, pszDriverVersionDir, pTempDllFile, DEPENDENT_FILE, pEnd))) { goto End; }
} }
return pEnd; }
LPBYTE FillDriverInfo ( LPDRIVER_INFO_VERSION pDriverVersion, DWORD Index, PINIVERSION pIniVersion, LPCWSTR pszPrefix, LPCWSTR pszFileName, DRIVER_FILE_TYPE FileType, LPBYTE pEnd ) /*++
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
This routine copy a file name and version into the pDriverInfo->pFileInfo entry
pDriverVersion pointer to a DRIVER_INFO_VERSION structure Index index in the pDriverInfo->pFileInfo array of pIniVersion pointer to the INIVERSION structure. pszPrefix prefix string for file name. This should be the driver version directory pszFileName file name, no path FileType file type: Driver, Config, Data, etc pEnd pointer to the end of the pDriverInfo
Return Value:
Returns the pointer to the "end" of pDriverInfo if success. NULL if it failes.
--*/ { LPWSTR pszTempFilePath = NULL; LPBYTE pszNewEnd = NULL; DWORD dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if ((dwRet = StrCatAlloc(&pszTempFilePath, pszPrefix, L"\\", pszFileName, NULL)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(dwRet); pszNewEnd = NULL;
} else { //
// Packs the file name into pDriverInfo
pszNewEnd = PackStringToEOB(pszTempFilePath, pEnd); //
// Fills in the offset in pDriverVersion where the string was packed.
// We cannot store pointers because we don't marshall anything else
// but the structure at the begining of the buffer. We could marshall
// the array of DRIVER_FILE_INFO but there is no way to update the buffer
// size between 32 and 64 bits in Win32spl.dll ( UpdateBufferSize ) since we
// don't know how many files are by that time.
pDriverVersion->pFileInfo[Index].FileNameOffset = MakeOffset((LPVOID)pszNewEnd, (LPVOID)pDriverVersion);
pDriverVersion->pFileInfo[Index].FileVersion = 0;
pDriverVersion->pFileInfo[Index].FileType = FileType;
if (!GetDriverFileCachedVersion(pIniVersion, (LPWSTR)pszNewEnd, &pDriverVersion->pFileInfo[Index].FileVersion)) { pszNewEnd = NULL; }
return pszNewEnd; }
BOOL WriteDriverIni( PINIDRIVER pIniDriver, PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler ) { HKEY hEnvironmentsRootKey, hEnvironmentKey, hDriversKey, hDriverKey; HKEY hVersionKey; HANDLE hToken; DWORD dwLastError=ERROR_SUCCESS; PINIDRIVER pUpdateIniDriver;
hToken = RevertToPrinterSelf();
if ((dwLastError = SplRegCreateKey(pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_CLUSTER_REG ? pIniSpooler->hckRoot : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pIniSpooler->pszRegistryEnvironments, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hEnvironmentsRootKey, NULL, pIniSpooler)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("WriteDriverIni Created key %ws\n", pIniSpooler->pszRegistryEnvironments));
if ((dwLastError = SplRegCreateKey(hEnvironmentsRootKey, pIniEnvironment->pName, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hEnvironmentKey, NULL, pIniSpooler)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("WriteDriverIni Created key %ws\n", pIniEnvironment->pName));
if ((dwLastError = SplRegCreateKey(hEnvironmentKey, szDriversKey, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hDriversKey, NULL, pIniSpooler)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("WriteDriverIni Created key %ws\n", szDriversKey)); DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("WriteDriverIni Trying to create version key %ws\n", pIniVersion->pName)); if ((dwLastError = SplRegCreateKey(hDriversKey, pIniVersion->pName, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hVersionKey, NULL, pIniSpooler)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("WriteDriverIni Created key %ws\n", pIniVersion->pName)); if ((dwLastError = SplRegCreateKey(hVersionKey, pIniDriver->pName, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hDriverKey, NULL, pIniSpooler)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE,(" WriteDriverIni Created key %ws\n", pIniDriver->pName));
RegSetString(hDriverKey, szConfigurationKey, pIniDriver->pConfigFile, &dwLastError, pIniSpooler);
RegSetString(hDriverKey, szDataFileKey, pIniDriver->pDataFile, &dwLastError, pIniSpooler);
RegSetString(hDriverKey, szDriverFile, pIniDriver->pDriverFile, &dwLastError, pIniSpooler);
RegSetString(hDriverKey, szHelpFile, pIniDriver->pHelpFile, &dwLastError, pIniSpooler);
RegSetString(hDriverKey, szMonitor, pIniDriver->pMonitorName, &dwLastError, pIniSpooler);
RegSetString(hDriverKey, szDatatype, pIniDriver->pDefaultDataType, &dwLastError, pIniSpooler);
RegSetMultiString(hDriverKey, szDependentFiles, pIniDriver->pDependentFiles, pIniDriver->cchDependentFiles, &dwLastError, pIniSpooler);
RegSetMultiString(hDriverKey, szPreviousNames, pIniDriver->pszzPreviousNames, pIniDriver->cchPreviousNames, &dwLastError, pIniSpooler);
RegSetDWord(hDriverKey, szDriverVersion, pIniDriver->cVersion, &dwLastError, pIniSpooler);
RegSetDWord(hDriverKey, szTempDir, pIniDriver->dwTempDir, &dwLastError, pIniSpooler);
RegSetDWord(hDriverKey, szAttributes, pIniDriver->dwDriverAttributes, &dwLastError, pIniSpooler);
RegSetString(hDriverKey, szMfgName, pIniDriver->pszMfgName, &dwLastError, pIniSpooler);
RegSetString(hDriverKey, szOEMUrl, pIniDriver->pszOEMUrl, &dwLastError, pIniSpooler);
RegSetString(hDriverKey, szHardwareID, pIniDriver->pszHardwareID, &dwLastError, pIniSpooler);
RegSetString(hDriverKey, szProvider, pIniDriver->pszProvider, &dwLastError, pIniSpooler);
RegSetBinaryData(hDriverKey, szDriverDate, (LPBYTE)&pIniDriver->ftDriverDate, sizeof(FILETIME), &dwLastError, pIniSpooler);
RegSetBinaryData(hDriverKey, szLongVersion, (LPBYTE)&pIniDriver->dwlDriverVersion, sizeof(DWORDLONG), &dwLastError, pIniSpooler);
SplRegCloseKey(hDriverKey, pIniSpooler);
if(dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
SplRegDeleteKey(hVersionKey, pIniDriver->pName, pIniSpooler); } }
SplRegCloseKey(hVersionKey, pIniSpooler); }
SplRegCloseKey(hDriversKey, pIniSpooler); }
SplRegCloseKey(hEnvironmentKey, pIniSpooler); }
SplRegCloseKey(hEnvironmentsRootKey, pIniSpooler); }
ImpersonatePrinterClient( hToken );
if ( dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
SetLastError( dwLastError ); return FALSE;
} else { return TRUE; } }
BOOL DeleteDriverIni( PINIDRIVER pIniDriver, PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler ) { HKEY hEnvironmentsRootKey, hEnvironmentKey, hDriversKey; HANDLE hToken; HKEY hVersionKey; DWORD LastError= 0; DWORD dwRet = 0;
hToken = RevertToPrinterSelf();
if ((dwRet = SplRegCreateKey(pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_CLUSTER_REG ? pIniSpooler->hckRoot : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pIniSpooler->pszRegistryEnvironments, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hEnvironmentsRootKey, NULL, pIniSpooler) == ERROR_SUCCESS)) { if ((dwRet = SplRegOpenKey(hEnvironmentsRootKey, pIniEnvironment->pName, KEY_WRITE, &hEnvironmentKey, pIniSpooler)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if ((dwRet = SplRegOpenKey(hEnvironmentKey, szDriversKey, KEY_WRITE, &hDriversKey, pIniSpooler)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if ((dwRet = SplRegOpenKey(hDriversKey, pIniVersion->pName, KEY_WRITE, &hVersionKey, pIniSpooler)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if ((dwRet = SplRegDeleteKey(hVersionKey, pIniDriver->pName, pIniSpooler)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { LastError = dwRet; DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("Error:RegDeleteKey failed with %d\n", dwRet)); }
SplRegCloseKey(hVersionKey, pIniSpooler); } else { LastError = dwRet; DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("Error: RegOpenKeyEx <version> failed with %d\n", dwRet)); } SplRegCloseKey(hDriversKey, pIniSpooler); } else { LastError = dwRet; DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("Error:RegOpenKeyEx <Drivers>failed with %d\n", dwRet)); } SplRegCloseKey(hEnvironmentKey, pIniSpooler); } else { LastError = dwRet; DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("Error:RegOpenKeyEx <Environment> failed with %d\n", dwRet)); } SplRegCloseKey(hEnvironmentsRootKey, pIniSpooler); } else { LastError = dwRet; DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("Error:RegCreateKeyEx <Environments> failed with %d\n", dwRet)); }
ImpersonatePrinterClient( hToken );
if (LastError) { SetLastError(LastError); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
VOID SetOldDateOnSingleDriverFile( LPWSTR pFileName ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine changes the Date / Time of the file.
The reason for doing this is that, when AddPrinterDriver is called we move the Driver file from the ScratchDiretory to a \version directory. We then want to mark the original file for deletion. However Integraphs install program ( an possibly others ) rely on the file still being located in the scratch directory. By setting the files date / time back to an earlier date / time we will not attemp to copy this file again to the \version directory since it will be an older date.
It is then marked for deletion at reboot.
pFileName Just file Name ( not fully qualified )
pDir Directory where file to be deleted is located
Return Value:
--*/ { FILETIME WriteFileTime; HANDLE hFile;
if ( pFileName ) {
DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE,("Attempting to delete file %ws\n", pFileName));
if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ("CreateFile %ws succeeded\n", pFileName));
DosDateTimeToFileTime(0xc3, 0x3000, &WriteFileTime); SetFileTime(hFile, &WriteFileTime, &WriteFileTime, &WriteFileTime); CloseHandle(hFile);
} else { DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("CreateFile %ws failed with %d\n", pFileName, GetLastError())); } } }
VOID SetOldDateOnDriverFilesInScratchDirectory( PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE pInternalDriverFiles, DWORD FileCount, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler ) { HANDLE hToken;
// Run as SYSTEM so we don't run into problems
// Changing the file time or date
hToken = RevertToPrinterSelf();
do { SetOldDateOnSingleDriverFile(pInternalDriverFiles[--FileCount].pFileName); } while (FileCount);
PINIVERSION FindVersionEntry( PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, DWORD dwVersion ) { PINIVERSION pIniVersion;
pIniVersion = pIniEnvironment->pIniVersion;
while (pIniVersion) { if (pIniVersion->cMajorVersion == dwVersion) { return pIniVersion; } else { pIniVersion = pIniVersion->pNext; } } return NULL; }
PINIVERSION CreateVersionEntry( PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, DWORD dwVersion, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler ) { PINIVERSION pIniVersion = NULL; WCHAR szTempBuffer[MAX_PATH]; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
try {
pIniVersion = AllocSplMem(sizeof(INIVERSION)); if ( pIniVersion == NULL ) { leave; }
pIniVersion->signature = IV_SIGNATURE;
if (!BoolFromHResult(StringCchPrintf(szTempBuffer, COUNTOF(szTempBuffer), L"Version-%d", dwVersion))) { leave; }
pIniVersion->pName = AllocSplStr( szTempBuffer );
if ( pIniVersion->pName == NULL ) { leave; }
if (!BoolFromHResult(StringCchPrintf(szTempBuffer, COUNTOF(szTempBuffer), L"%d", dwVersion))) { leave; }
pIniVersion->szDirectory = AllocSplStr(szTempBuffer);
if ( pIniVersion->szDirectory == NULL ) { leave; }
pIniVersion->cMajorVersion = dwVersion;
// Initialize the Driver Files Reference count list.
pIniVersion->pDrvRefCnt = NULL;
// Create the version directory. This will write it out to the
// registry since it will create a new directory.
if ( !CreateVersionDirectory( pIniVersion, pIniEnvironment, TRUE, pIniSpooler )) {
// Something Went Wrong Clean Up Registry Entry
DeleteDriverVersionIni( pIniVersion, pIniEnvironment, pIniSpooler ); leave; }
// insert version entry into version list
InsertVersionList( &pIniEnvironment->pIniVersion, pIniVersion );
bSuccess = TRUE;
} finally {
if ( !bSuccess && pIniVersion != NULL ) {
FreeSplStr( pIniVersion->pName ); FreeSplStr( pIniVersion->szDirectory ); FreeSplMem( pIniVersion ); pIniVersion = NULL; } }
return pIniVersion; }
BOOL SetDependentFiles( IN OUT LPWSTR *ppszDependentFiles, IN OUT LPDWORD pcchDependentFiles, IN OUT PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE pInternalDriverFiles, IN DWORD FileCount, IN BOOL bFixICM, IN BOOL bMergeDependentFiles ) /*++
Routine Description: Sets dependentFiles field in IniDriver
Arguments: pDependentFiles : copy the field to this (copy file names only, not full path) cchDependentFiles : this is the character count (inc. \0\0) of the field pInternalDriverFiles: array of INTERNAL_DRV_FILE structures FileCount : number of entries in previous array bFixICM : For Win95 drivers ICM files should be used as Color\<icm-file> in the dependent file list since that is how SMB point and print needs it.
Return Value: TRUE success (memory will be allocated) FALSE else
--*/ { BOOL bRet = TRUE; LPCWSTR pFileName = NULL; LPWSTR pStr = NULL; LPWSTR pszDependentFiles = NULL; DWORD cchDependentFiles = 0; DWORD i;
for ( i = cchDependentFiles = 0; i < FileCount && bRet ; ++i ) {
pFileName = FindFileName(pInternalDriverFiles[i].pFileName);
if (pFileName) { cchDependentFiles += wcslen(pFileName)+1;
if ( bFixICM && IsAnICMFile(pInternalDriverFiles[i].pFileName) ) cchDependentFiles += 6; } else { bRet = FALSE;
// Make room for the last \0.
if (bRet) { pszDependentFiles = AllocSplMem(cchDependentFiles*sizeof(WCHAR));
bRet = pszDependentFiles != NULL; }
if (bRet) { //
// Use this to count down the amount of buffer space left which copying
// the string. Subtract one for the final terminating NULL;
SIZE_T cchBufferLeft = cchDependentFiles - 1;
for ( i=0, pStr = pszDependentFiles; i < FileCount && bRet ; ++i ) {
pFileName = FindFileName(pInternalDriverFiles[i].pFileName);
if (pFileName) { if ( bFixICM && IsAnICMFile(pInternalDriverFiles[i].pFileName) ) {
bRet = BoolFromHResult(StringCchCopyEx(pStr, cchBufferLeft, L"Color\\", &pStr, &cchBufferLeft, 0)) && BoolFromHResult(StrCchCopyMultipleStr(pStr, cchBufferLeft, pFileName, &pStr, &cchBufferLeft));
} else {
bRet = BoolFromHResult(StrCchCopyMultipleStr(pStr, cchBufferLeft, pFileName, &pStr, &cchBufferLeft)); } } else { bRet = FALSE;
// The space for this NULL has been reserved up front.
*pStr = '\0'; }
// If everything succeeded so far, we have two multi-sz strings that
// represent the old and the new dependent files, what we want to do
// is to merge the resulting set of files together
if (bRet && bMergeDependentFiles) { PWSTR pszNewDependentFiles = pszDependentFiles; DWORD cchNewDependentFiles = cchDependentFiles;
pszDependentFiles = NULL; cchDependentFiles = 0;
bRet = MergeMultiSz(*ppszDependentFiles, *pcchDependentFiles, pszNewDependentFiles, cchNewDependentFiles, &pszDependentFiles, &cchDependentFiles);
FreeSplMem(pszNewDependentFiles); }
if (bRet) { *ppszDependentFiles = pszDependentFiles;
pszDependentFiles = NULL; *pcchDependentFiles = cchDependentFiles; } else { *pcchDependentFiles = 0; *ppszDependentFiles = NULL; }
return bRet; }
PINIDRIVER CreateDriverEntry( IN PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, IN PINIVERSION pIniVersion, IN DWORD Level, IN LPBYTE pDriverInfo, IN DWORD dwFileCopyFlags, IN PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, IN OUT PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE pInternalDriverFiles, IN DWORD FileCount, IN DWORD dwTempDir, IN PINIDRIVER pOldIniDriver ) { PINIDRIVER pIniDriver; PDRIVER_INFO_2 pDriver = (PDRIVER_INFO_2)pDriverInfo; PDRIVER_INFO_3 pDriver3 = (PDRIVER_INFO_3)pDriverInfo; PDRIVER_INFO_4 pDriver4 = (PDRIVER_INFO_4)pDriverInfo; PDRIVER_INFO_6 pDriver6 = (PDRIVER_INFO_6)pDriverInfo; PDRIVER_INFO_VERSION pDriverVersion = (PDRIVER_INFO_VERSION)pDriverInfo; LPWSTR pszzPreviousNames; BOOL bFail = FALSE, bUpdate; BOOL bCoreFilesSame = TRUE; DWORD dwDepFileIndex, dwDepFileCount, dwLen;
bUpdate = pOldIniDriver != NULL;
if ( !(pIniDriver = (PINIDRIVER) AllocSplMem(sizeof(INIDRIVER))) ) {
return NULL; }
// If it is an update pIniDriver is just a place holder for strings
if ( !bUpdate ) {
pIniDriver->signature = ID_SIGNATURE; pIniDriver->cVersion = pIniVersion->cMajorVersion;
} else {
UpdateDriverFileRefCnt(pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, pOldIniDriver, NULL, 0, FALSE); CopyMemory(pIniDriver, pOldIniDriver, sizeof(INIDRIVER)); }
// For the core driver files, we want to see if any of them have changed, if
// they are the same and the behaviour is APD_COPY_NEW_FILES, then we merge
// the dependent files. This is to handle plugins correctly.
AllocOrUpdateStringAndTestSame(&pIniDriver->pDriverFile, FindFileName(pInternalDriverFiles[0].pFileName), bUpdate ? pOldIniDriver->pDriverFile : NULL, FALSE, &bFail, &bCoreFilesSame);
AllocOrUpdateStringAndTestSame(&pIniDriver->pConfigFile, FindFileName(pInternalDriverFiles[1].pFileName), bUpdate ? pOldIniDriver->pConfigFile : NULL, FALSE, &bFail, &bCoreFilesSame);
AllocOrUpdateStringAndTestSame(&pIniDriver->pDataFile, FindFileName(pInternalDriverFiles[2].pFileName), bUpdate ? pOldIniDriver->pDataFile : NULL, FALSE, &bFail, &bCoreFilesSame);
pIniDriver->dwTempDir = dwTempDir;
switch (Level) { case 2: AllocOrUpdateString(&pIniDriver->pName, pDriver->pName, bUpdate ? pOldIniDriver->pName : NULL, FALSE, &bFail);
pIniDriver->pHelpFile = pIniDriver->pDependentFiles = pIniDriver->pMonitorName = pIniDriver->pDefaultDataType = pIniDriver->pszzPreviousNames = NULL;
pIniDriver->cchDependentFiles = pIniDriver->cchPreviousNames = 0; break;
case 3: case 4: pIniDriver->pszMfgName = NULL; pIniDriver->pszOEMUrl = NULL; pIniDriver->pszHardwareID = NULL; pIniDriver->pszProvider = NULL;
case DRIVER_INFO_VERSION_LEVEL : case 6: AllocOrUpdateString(&pIniDriver->pName, pDriver3->pName, bUpdate ? pOldIniDriver->pName : NULL, FALSE, &bFail);
dwDepFileIndex = 3; dwDepFileCount = FileCount - 3;
// Look for the help file
{ LPWSTR pszHelpFile = NULL;
if (Level == DRIVER_INFO_VERSION_LEVEL) { DWORD HelpFileIndex;
// Search for the help file in the array of file infos. All inbox
// drivers have a help file, but IHV printer drivers may not have
// one. Therefore it is not safe to assume we always have a help file
if (S_OK == FindIndexInDrvFileInfo(pDriverVersion->pFileInfo, pDriverVersion->dwFileCount, HELP_FILE, &HelpFileIndex)) { pszHelpFile = (LPWSTR)((LPBYTE)pDriverVersion + pDriverVersion->pFileInfo[HelpFileIndex].FileNameOffset); } } else { //
// Level is 3,4 or 6
pszHelpFile = pDriver3->pHelpFile; }
if (pszHelpFile && *pszHelpFile) { AllocOrUpdateString(&pIniDriver->pHelpFile, FindFileName(pInternalDriverFiles[3].pFileName), bUpdate ? pOldIniDriver->pHelpFile : NULL, FALSE, &bFail);
++dwDepFileIndex; --dwDepFileCount; } else { pIniDriver->pHelpFile = NULL; } }
if ( dwDepFileCount ) {
// We want to merge the dependent files if:
// 1. None of the Core files have changed.
// 2. The call was made with APD_COPY_NEW_FILES.
BOOL bMergeDependentFiles = bCoreFilesSame && dwFileCopyFlags & APD_COPY_NEW_FILES;
if ( !bFail && !SetDependentFiles(&pIniDriver->pDependentFiles, &pIniDriver->cchDependentFiles, pInternalDriverFiles+dwDepFileIndex, dwDepFileCount, !wcscmp(pIniEnvironment->pName, szWin95Environment), bMergeDependentFiles) ) { bFail = TRUE; } } else {
pIniDriver->pDependentFiles = NULL; pIniDriver->cchDependentFiles = 0; }
AllocOrUpdateString(&pIniDriver->pMonitorName, (Level == DRIVER_INFO_VERSION_LEVEL) ? pDriverVersion->pMonitorName : pDriver3->pMonitorName, bUpdate ? pOldIniDriver->pMonitorName : NULL, FALSE, &bFail);
AllocOrUpdateString(&pIniDriver->pDefaultDataType, (Level == DRIVER_INFO_VERSION_LEVEL) ? pDriverVersion->pDefaultDataType : pDriver3->pDefaultDataType, bUpdate ? pOldIniDriver->pDefaultDataType : NULL, FALSE, &bFail);
pIniDriver->cchPreviousNames = 0;
if ( Level == 4 || Level == 6 || Level == DRIVER_INFO_VERSION_LEVEL) {
pszzPreviousNames = (Level == DRIVER_INFO_VERSION_LEVEL) ? pDriverVersion->pszzPreviousNames : pDriver4->pszzPreviousNames;
for ( ; pszzPreviousNames && *pszzPreviousNames; pszzPreviousNames += dwLen) {
dwLen = wcslen(pszzPreviousNames) + 1;
pIniDriver->cchPreviousNames += dwLen; }
if ( pIniDriver->cchPreviousNames ) {
if ( !(pIniDriver->pszzPreviousNames = AllocSplMem(pIniDriver->cchPreviousNames * sizeof(WCHAR))) ) {
bFail = TRUE;
} else {
CopyMemory( (LPBYTE)(pIniDriver->pszzPreviousNames), (Level == DRIVER_INFO_VERSION_LEVEL) ? pDriverVersion->pszzPreviousNames : pDriver4->pszzPreviousNames, pIniDriver->cchPreviousNames * sizeof(WCHAR)); }
} else {
pIniDriver->pszzPreviousNames = NULL; }
if (Level == 6 || Level == DRIVER_INFO_VERSION_LEVEL) {
AllocOrUpdateString(&pIniDriver->pszMfgName, (Level == DRIVER_INFO_VERSION_LEVEL) ? pDriverVersion->pszMfgName : pDriver6->pszMfgName, bUpdate ? pOldIniDriver->pszMfgName : NULL, FALSE, &bFail);
AllocOrUpdateString(&pIniDriver->pszOEMUrl, (Level == DRIVER_INFO_VERSION_LEVEL) ? pDriverVersion->pszOEMUrl : pDriver6->pszOEMUrl, bUpdate ? pOldIniDriver->pszOEMUrl : NULL, FALSE, &bFail);
AllocOrUpdateString(&pIniDriver->pszHardwareID, (Level == DRIVER_INFO_VERSION_LEVEL) ? pDriverVersion->pszHardwareID : pDriver6->pszHardwareID, bUpdate ? pOldIniDriver->pszHardwareID : NULL, FALSE, &bFail);
AllocOrUpdateString(&pIniDriver->pszProvider, (Level == DRIVER_INFO_VERSION_LEVEL) ? pDriverVersion->pszProvider : pDriver6->pszProvider, bUpdate ? pOldIniDriver->pszProvider : NULL, FALSE, &bFail);
pIniDriver->dwlDriverVersion = (Level == DRIVER_INFO_VERSION_LEVEL) ? pDriverVersion->dwlDriverVersion : pDriver6->dwlDriverVersion; pIniDriver->ftDriverDate = (Level == DRIVER_INFO_VERSION_LEVEL) ? pDriverVersion->ftDriverDate : pDriver6->ftDriverDate; }
default: DBGMSG(DBG_ERROR, ("CreateDriverEntry: level can not be %d", Level) ); return NULL; }
// Added calls to update driver files ref counts.
if ( !bFail && UpdateDriverFileRefCnt(pIniEnvironment,pIniVersion,pIniDriver,NULL,0,TRUE) ) {
// Update the files minor version
UpdateDriverFileVersion(pIniVersion, pInternalDriverFiles, FileCount);
// UMPD\KMPD detection
CheckDriverAttributes(pIniSpooler, pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, pIniDriver);
if ( WriteDriverIni(pIniDriver, pIniVersion, pIniEnvironment, pIniSpooler)) {
if ( bUpdate ) { CopyNewOffsets((LPBYTE) pOldIniDriver, (LPBYTE) pIniDriver, IniDriverOffsets);
// Remove temp files and directory, if any.
if (pOldIniDriver->dwTempDir && (dwTempDir == 0)) {
RemoveDriverTempFiles(pIniSpooler, pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, pOldIniDriver); }
pOldIniDriver->dwDriverAttributes = pIniDriver->dwDriverAttributes; pOldIniDriver->cchDependentFiles = pIniDriver->cchDependentFiles; pOldIniDriver->dwTempDir = pIniDriver->dwTempDir; pOldIniDriver->cchPreviousNames = pIniDriver->cchPreviousNames;
if(Level == 6) { pOldIniDriver->dwlDriverVersion = pIniDriver->dwlDriverVersion; pOldIniDriver->ftDriverDate = pIniDriver->ftDriverDate; }
FreeSplMem( pIniDriver );
return pOldIniDriver; } else { pIniDriver->pNext = pIniVersion->pIniDriver; pIniVersion->pIniDriver = pIniDriver;
return pIniDriver; } } }
// Get here only for failure cases.
FreeStructurePointers((LPBYTE) pIniDriver, (LPBYTE) pOldIniDriver, IniDriverOffsets); FreeSplMem( pIniDriver );
return NULL;
BOOL IsKMPD( LPWSTR pDriverName ) /*++
Function Description: Determines if the driver is kernel or user mode. If the dll cant be loaded or the required export is not found, the spooler assumes that the driver runs in kernel mode.
Parameters: pDriverName -- Driver file name
Return Values: TRUE if kernel mode; FALSE otherwise
REMARK: to be rewritten to not make any assumption if something went wrong. --*/ { DWORD dwOldErrorMode, dwUserMode, cb; HANDLE hInst; BOOL bReturn = TRUE; BOOL (*pfnDrvQuery)(DWORD, PVOID, DWORD, PDWORD);
// Avoid popups from loadlibrary failures
dwOldErrorMode = SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS);
hInst = LoadLibraryExW(pDriverName, NULL, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH);
if (hInst) {
// Check if the printer driver DLL exports DrvQueryDriverInfo entrypoint
pfnDrvQuery = (BOOL (*)(DWORD, PVOID, DWORD, PDWORD)) GetProcAddress(hInst, "DrvQueryDriverInfo");
if ( pfnDrvQuery ) {
try {
if ( pfnDrvQuery(DRVQUERY_USERMODE, &dwUserMode, sizeof(dwUserMode), &cb) ) bReturn = (dwUserMode == 0);
SetLastError( GetExceptionCode() ); DBGMSG(DBG_ERROR, ("IsKMPD ExceptionCode %x Driver %ws Error %d\n", GetLastError(), pDriverName, GetLastError() )); } }
FreeLibrary(hInst); }
return bReturn; }
BOOL IniDriverIsKMPD ( PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIDRIVER pIniDriver ) /*++
Function Description: Determines if the driver is kernel or user mode. For Whistler we save pIniDriver->dwDriverAttributes under registry. pIniDriver->dwDriverAttributes could be un-initialized at the time we do the check to see if a driver is KM or UM.
Parameters: pIniSpooler -- pointer to INISPOOLER pIniEnvironment -- pointer to INIENVIRONMENT pIniVersion -- pointer to INVERSION pIniDriver -- pointer to INIDRIVER
Return Values: TRUE if kernel mode; FALSE otherwise --*/ { //
// Call IsKMPD if dwDriverAttributes is not initialized
if ( pIniDriver->dwDriverAttributes == 0 ) {
CheckDriverAttributes(pIniSpooler, pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, pIniDriver); }
return (BOOL)(pIniDriver->dwDriverAttributes & DRIVER_KERNELMODE); }
VOID CheckDriverAttributes( PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIDRIVER pIniDriver ) /*++
Function Description: Updates the pIniDriver->dwDriverAttributes field
Parameters: pIniSpooler -- pointer to INISPOOLER pIniEnvironment -- pointer to INIENVIRONMENT pIniVersion -- pointer to INVERSION pIniDriver -- pointer to INIDRIVER
Return Values: NONE --*/ { WCHAR szDriverFile[MAX_PATH]; PINIDRIVER pUpdateIniDriver;
if( GetDriverVersionDirectory( szDriverFile, COUNTOF(szDriverFile), pIniSpooler, pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, pIniDriver, NULL) && StrNCatBuff(szDriverFile, COUNTOF(szDriverFile), szDriverFile, L"\\", FindFileName(pIniDriver->pDriverFile), NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { pIniDriver->dwDriverAttributes = IsKMPD(szDriverFile) ? DRIVER_KERNELMODE : DRIVER_USERMODE; //
// Update other pIniDriver structs with the new driver attributes.
for (pUpdateIniDriver = pIniVersion->pIniDriver; pUpdateIniDriver; pUpdateIniDriver = pUpdateIniDriver->pNext) {
if (pUpdateIniDriver == pIniDriver) { //
// Already updated this driver
continue; }
if (!_wcsicmp(FindFileName(pIniDriver->pDriverFile), FindFileName(pUpdateIniDriver->pDriverFile))) {
pUpdateIniDriver->dwDriverAttributes = pIniDriver->dwDriverAttributes; } } } return; }
BOOL FileInUse( PINIVERSION pIniVersion, LPWSTR pFileName ) /*++
Function Description: Finds if the file specified by pFileName is used by any driver.
Parameters: pIniVersion - pointer to INIVERSION struct where the ref counts are stored pFileName - Name of the driver related file
Return Value: TRUE if file is in Use FALSE otherwise --*/ { PDRVREFCNT pdrc;
if (!pFileName || !(*pFileName)) { return FALSE; }
pdrc = pIniVersion->pDrvRefCnt;
while (pdrc != NULL) { if (_wcsicmp(pFileName,pdrc->szDrvFileName) == 0) { return (pdrc->refcount > 1); } pdrc = pdrc->pNext; }
return FALSE;
BOOL FilesInUse( PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIDRIVER pIniDriver )
Function Description: FilesInUse checks if any of the driver files are used by another driver
Parameters: pIniVersion - pointer to INIVERSION struct where the ref counts are stored pIniDriver - pointer to INIDRIVER struct where the filenames are stored
Return Value: TRUE if any file is in Use FALSE otherwise --*/ { LPWSTR pIndex;
if (FileInUse(pIniVersion,pIniDriver->pDriverFile)) { return TRUE; } if (FileInUse(pIniVersion,pIniDriver->pConfigFile)) { return TRUE; } if (FileInUse(pIniVersion,pIniDriver->pDataFile)) { return TRUE; } if (FileInUse(pIniVersion,pIniDriver->pHelpFile)) { return TRUE; }
pIndex = pIniDriver->pDependentFiles; while (pIndex && *pIndex) { if (FileInUse(pIniVersion,pIndex)) return TRUE; pIndex += wcslen(pIndex) + 1; }
return FALSE; }
BOOL DuplicateFile( PDRVFILE *ppfile, LPCWSTR pFileName, BOOL *pbDuplicate ) /*++
Function Description: Detects repeated filenames in INIDRIVER struct. The function adds nodes to the list of filenames.
Parameters: ppfile - pointer to a list of filenames seen till now pFileName - name of the file pbDuplicate - pointer to flag to indicate duplication
Return Values: TRUE - if successful FALSE - otherwise --*/ { PDRVFILE pfile = *ppfile,pfiletemp;
*pbDuplicate = FALSE;
if (!pFileName || !(*pFileName)) { return TRUE; }
while (pfile) { if (pfile->pFileName && (lstrcmpi(pFileName,pfile->pFileName) == 0)) { *pbDuplicate = TRUE; return TRUE; } pfile = pfile->pnext; }
if (!(pfiletemp = AllocSplMem(sizeof(DRVFILE)))) { return FALSE; } pfiletemp->pnext = *ppfile; pfiletemp->pFileName = pFileName; *ppfile = pfiletemp;
return TRUE; }
BOOL InternalIncrement( PDRVREFNODE *pNew, PDRVFILE *ppfile, PINIVERSION pIniVersion, LPCWSTR pFileName ) /*++
Function Description: InternalIncrement calls IncrementFileRefCnt and saves the pointer to to the DRVREFCNT in a DRVREFNODE. These pointers are used to readjust the ref counts if any intermediate call to IncrementFileRefCnt fails.
Parameters: pNew - pointer to a variable which contains a pointer to a DRVREFNODE. The new DRVREFNODE is assigned to this variable. ppfile - list of filenames seen so far. pIniVersion - pointer to INIVERSION struct. pFileName - Name of the file whose ref cnt is to be incremented.
Return Value: TRUE if memory allocation and call to IncrementFileRefCnt succeeds FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { PDRVREFNODE ptemp; BOOL bDuplicate;
if (!pFileName || !pFileName[0]) { return TRUE; }
if (!DuplicateFile(ppfile, pFileName, &bDuplicate)) { return FALSE; }
if (bDuplicate) { return TRUE; }
if (!(ptemp = AllocSplMem(sizeof(DRVREFNODE)))) { return FALSE; }
ptemp->pNext = *pNew; *pNew = ptemp;
if ((*pNew)->pdrc = IncrementFileRefCnt(pIniVersion,pFileName)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
BOOL InternalDecrement( PDRVREFNODE *pNew, PDRVFILE *ppfile, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIDRIVER pIniDriver, LPCWSTR pFileName, LPCWSTR pDirectory, DWORD dwDeleteFlag ) /*++
Function Description: InternalDecrement calls DecrementFileRefCnt and saves the pointer to to the DRVREFCNT in a DRVREFNODE. These pointers are used to readjust the ref counts if any intermediate call to DecrementFileRefCnt fails.
Parameters: pNew - pointer to a variable which contains a pointer to a DRVREFNODE. The new DRVREFNODE is assigned to this variable. ppfile - list of filenames seen so far. pIniEnvironment - pointer to INIENVIRONMENT. pIniVersion - pointer to INIVERSION struct. pIniDriver - pointer to INIDRIVER. pFileName - Name of the file whose ref cnt is to be decremented. pDirectory - Directory where the files are stored. dwDeleteFlag - Flag to delete files.
Return Value: TRUE if memory allocation and call to DecrementFileRefCnt succeeds FALSE otherwise.
{ PDRVREFNODE ptemp; BOOL bDuplicate;
if( !pFileName || !pFileName[0] ){ return TRUE; }
if (!DuplicateFile(ppfile, pFileName, &bDuplicate)) { return FALSE; }
if (bDuplicate) { return TRUE; }
if (!(ptemp = AllocSplMem(sizeof(DRVREFNODE)))) { return FALSE; }
ptemp->pNext = *pNew; *pNew = ptemp;
if ((*pNew)->pdrc = DecrementFileRefCnt(pIniEnvironment,pIniVersion,pIniDriver,pFileName, pDirectory,dwDeleteFlag)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
BOOL UpdateDriverFileRefCnt( PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIDRIVER pIniDriver, LPCWSTR pDirectory, DWORD dwDeleteFlag, BOOL bIncrementFlag ) /*++
Function Description: UpdateDriverRefCnt calls the functions to increment or decrement the ref cnts for the driver related files. If any call fails, the ref cnts are returned to their previous values.
Parameters: pIniEnvironment : pointer to INIENVIRONMENT pIniVersion : pointer to INIVERSION struct which contains the ref cnts. pIniDriver : pointer to INIDRIVER struct which contains driver info. pDirectory : Directory where the files are stored. dwDeleteFlag: Flag to delete the files. bIncrementFlag: TRUE if driver added FALSE if driver deleted.
Return Values: TRUE if success FALSE otherwise. --*/ { LPWSTR pIndex; PDRVREFNODE phead=NULL,ptemp=NULL; BOOL bReturn = TRUE; PDRVFILE pfile = NULL,pfiletemp; PDRVREFCNT pDrvRefCnt, *ppDrvRefCnt;
pIndex = pIniDriver->pDependentFiles;
if (bIncrementFlag) { //
// Adding driver entry. Increment fileref counts.
if (!InternalIncrement(&phead,&pfile,pIniVersion,pIniDriver->pDriverFile) || !InternalIncrement(&phead,&pfile,pIniVersion,pIniDriver->pConfigFile) || !InternalIncrement(&phead,&pfile,pIniVersion,pIniDriver->pHelpFile) || !InternalIncrement(&phead,&pfile,pIniVersion,pIniDriver->pDataFile)) {
bReturn = FALSE; goto CleanUp;
while (pIndex && *pIndex) { if (!InternalIncrement(&phead,&pfile,pIniVersion,pIndex)) { bReturn = FALSE; goto CleanUp; } pIndex += wcslen(pIndex) + 1; }
} else { //
// Deleting driver entry. Decrement fileref counts.
if (!InternalDecrement(&phead,&pfile,pIniEnvironment,pIniVersion,pIniDriver,pIniDriver->pDriverFile, pDirectory,dwDeleteFlag) || !InternalDecrement(&phead,&pfile,pIniEnvironment,pIniVersion,pIniDriver,pIniDriver->pConfigFile, pDirectory,dwDeleteFlag) || !InternalDecrement(&phead,&pfile,pIniEnvironment,pIniVersion,pIniDriver,pIniDriver->pHelpFile, pDirectory,dwDeleteFlag) || !InternalDecrement(&phead,&pfile,pIniEnvironment,pIniVersion,pIniDriver,pIniDriver->pDataFile, pDirectory,dwDeleteFlag)) {
bReturn = FALSE; goto CleanUp; }
while (pIndex && *pIndex) { if (!InternalDecrement(&phead,&pfile,pIniEnvironment,pIniVersion,pIniDriver,pIndex,pDirectory,dwDeleteFlag)) { bReturn = FALSE; goto CleanUp; } pIndex += wcslen(pIndex) + 1; } }
if (bReturn) { //
// When delete the file, remove the RefCnt nodes with count = 0.
// We want to keep the node when we don't delete the file because the node
// contains info about how many times the file was updated (dwVersion).
// Client apps (WINSPOOL.DRV) rely on this when decide to reload the driver files.
while (ptemp = phead) { if (ptemp->pdrc && ptemp->pdrc->refcount == 0 && (dwDeleteFlag & DPD_DELETE_UNUSED_FILES || dwDeleteFlag & DPD_DELETE_ALL_FILES)) { FreeSplStr(ptemp->pdrc->szDrvFileName); FreeSplMem(ptemp->pdrc); } phead = phead->pNext; FreeSplMem(ptemp); }
} else { // Adjust the ref counts.
while (ptemp = phead) { if (ptemp->pdrc) { if (bIncrementFlag) { ptemp->pdrc->refcount--; } else { ptemp->pdrc->refcount++; if (ptemp->pdrc->refcount == 1) { ptemp->pdrc->pNext = pIniVersion->pDrvRefCnt; pIniVersion->pDrvRefCnt = ptemp->pdrc; } } } phead = phead->pNext; FreeSplMem(ptemp); }
// When delete the file, remove the RefCnt nodes with count = 0.
// We want to keep the node when we don't delete the file because the node
// contains info about how many times the file was updated (dwVersion).
// Client apps (WINSPOOL.DRV) rely on this when decide to reload the driver files.
ppDrvRefCnt = &(pIniVersion->pDrvRefCnt); while (pDrvRefCnt = *ppDrvRefCnt) { if (pDrvRefCnt->refcount == 0 && dwDeleteFlag) { *ppDrvRefCnt = pDrvRefCnt->pNext; FreeSplStr(pDrvRefCnt->szDrvFileName); FreeSplMem(pDrvRefCnt); } else { ppDrvRefCnt = &(pDrvRefCnt->pNext); } } }
while (pfiletemp = pfile) { pfile = pfile->pnext; FreeSplMem(pfiletemp); }
return bReturn;
VOID UpdateDriverFileVersion( IN PINIVERSION pIniVersion, IN PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE pInternalDriverFiles, IN DWORD FileCount ) { PDRVREFCNT pdrc; DWORD dwIndex;
if (pInternalDriverFiles && pIniVersion) { for (dwIndex = 0 ; dwIndex < FileCount ; dwIndex ++) { //
// Don't do anything for non-executable files
if (!IsEXEFile(pInternalDriverFiles[dwIndex].pFileName)) { continue; }
// Search the entry in pIniVersion's list of files
for (pdrc = pIniVersion->pDrvRefCnt; pdrc && lstrcmpi(FindFileName(pInternalDriverFiles[dwIndex].pFileName), pdrc->szDrvFileName) != 0; pdrc = pdrc->pNext);
if (pdrc) { if (pInternalDriverFiles[dwIndex].hFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //
// We can come in here from a pending upgrade when we don't know the
// version.
pdrc->bInitialized = FALSE; } else if (pInternalDriverFiles[dwIndex].bUpdated) { pdrc->dwFileMinorVersion = pInternalDriverFiles[dwIndex].dwVersion; pdrc->bInitialized = TRUE; } } } } }
PDRVREFCNT IncrementFileRefCnt( PINIVERSION pIniVersion, LPCWSTR pFileName ) /*++
Function Description: IncrementFileRefCnt increments/initializes to 1 the ref count node for pFileName in the IniVersion Struct.
Parameters: pIniversion - pointer to the INIVERSION struct. pFileName - Name of the file whose ref cnt is to be incremented.
Return Values: Pointer to the ref cnt that was incremented NULL if memory allocation fails.
--*/ { PDRVREFCNT pdrc;
if (!pIniVersion || !pFileName || !(*pFileName)) { return NULL; }
pdrc = pIniVersion->pDrvRefCnt;
while (pdrc != NULL) {
if (lstrcmpi(pFileName,pdrc->szDrvFileName) == 0) { pdrc->refcount++; return pdrc; } pdrc = pdrc->pNext; }
if (!(pdrc = (PDRVREFCNT) AllocSplMem(sizeof(DRVREFCNT)))) return NULL; pdrc->refcount = 1; pdrc->dwVersion = 0; pdrc->dwFileMinorVersion = 0; pdrc->dwFileMajorVersion = 0; pdrc->bInitialized = 0; if (!(pdrc->szDrvFileName = AllocSplStr(pFileName))) { FreeSplMem(pdrc); return NULL; } pdrc->pNext = pIniVersion->pDrvRefCnt; pIniVersion->pDrvRefCnt = pdrc;
return pdrc; }
DWORD GetEnvironmentScratchDirectory( LPWSTR pDir, DWORD MaxLength, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, BOOL Remote ) { PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler = pIniEnvironment->pIniSpooler;
if (Remote) {
if( StrNCatBuff( pDir, MaxLength, pIniSpooler->pMachineName, L"\\", pIniSpooler->pszDriversShare, L"\\", pIniEnvironment->pDirectory, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return 0;
} else {
if( StrNCatBuff( pDir, MaxLength, pIniSpooler->pDir, L"\\", szDriverDir, L"\\", pIniEnvironment->pDirectory, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return 0; } }
return wcslen(pDir);
BOOL CreateVersionDirectory( PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, BOOL bUpdate, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler ) /*++
Routine Description:
Creates a version directory if necessary for the environment. If a version number file exists instead of a directory, a tmp directory is created, and pIniVersion is updated appropriately.
We will update the registry if we need to create a directory by re-writing the entire version entry. This is how the version entry in the registry is initially created.
pIniVersion - Version of drivers that the directory will hold. If the directory already exists, we will modify pIniVersion->szDirectory to a temp name and write it to the registry.
pIniEnvironment - Environment to use.
bUpdate - Indicates whether we should write out the IniVersion registry entries. We need to do this if we just alloced the pIniVersion, or if we have changed directories.
Return Value:
BOOL - TRUE = Version directory and registry created/updated. FALSE = Failure, call GetLastError().
--*/ { WCHAR ParentDir[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR Directory[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwParentLen=0; DWORD dwAttributes = 0; BOOL bCreateDirectory = FALSE; BOOL bReturn = TRUE; HANDLE hToken;
if((StrNCatBuff ( ParentDir, COUNTOF(ParentDir), pIniSpooler->pDir, L"\\drivers\\" , pIniEnvironment->pDirectory, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) || (StrNCatBuff ( Directory, COUNTOF(Directory), pIniSpooler->pDir, L"\\drivers\\", pIniEnvironment->pDirectory, L"\\", pIniVersion->szDirectory, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) ) { bReturn = FALSE; SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); goto End; }
DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ("The name of the version directory is %ws\n", Directory)); dwAttributes = GetFileAttributes( Directory );
hToken = RevertToPrinterSelf();
if (dwAttributes == 0xffffffff) {
bCreateDirectory = TRUE;
} else if (!(dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) {
LPWSTR pszOldDirectory = pIniVersion->szDirectory;
DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("CreateVersionDirectory: a file <not a dir> exists by the name of %ws\n", Directory));
GetTempFileName(ParentDir, L"SPL", 0, Directory);
// GetTempFileName creates the file. (Small window where someone
// else could grab our file name.)
// We created a new dir, so modify the string.
dwParentLen = wcslen(ParentDir); pIniVersion->szDirectory = AllocSplStr(&Directory[dwParentLen+1]);
if (!pIniVersion->szDirectory) {
pIniVersion->szDirectory = pszOldDirectory;
// Memory allocation failed, just revert back to old and
// let downwind code handle failure case.
bReturn = FALSE;
} else {
FreeSplStr(pszOldDirectory); bCreateDirectory = TRUE; } }
if( bCreateDirectory ){
if( CreateCompleteDirectory( Directory )){
// Be sure to update the registry entries.
bUpdate = TRUE;
} else {
// Fail the operation since we couldn't create the directory.
bReturn = FALSE; } }
if( bUpdate ){
// Directory exists, update registry.
bReturn = WriteDriverVersionIni( pIniVersion, pIniEnvironment, pIniSpooler); }
ImpersonatePrinterClient( hToken );
return bReturn; }
BOOL WriteDriverVersionIni( PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler ) /*++
Routine Description:
Writes out the driver version registry entries.
Note: assumes we are running in the system context; callee must call RevertToPrinterSelf()!
pIniVersion - version to write out
pIniEnvironment - environment the version belongs to
Return Value:
TRUE = success FALSE = failure, call GetLastError()
--*/ { HKEY hEnvironmentsRootKey = NULL; HKEY hEnvironmentKey = NULL; HKEY hDriversKey = NULL; HKEY hVersionKey = NULL; DWORD dwLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL bReturnValue;
try {
// The local spooler and cluster spoolers do not share the same resgirty location
// for environments, drivers, processors etc.
if ( !PrinterCreateKey( pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_CLUSTER_REG ? pIniSpooler->hckRoot : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, (LPWSTR)pIniSpooler->pszRegistryEnvironments, &hEnvironmentsRootKey, &dwLastError, pIniSpooler )) {
leave; }
if ( !PrinterCreateKey( hEnvironmentsRootKey, pIniEnvironment->pName, &hEnvironmentKey, &dwLastError, pIniSpooler )) {
leave; }
if ( !PrinterCreateKey( hEnvironmentKey, szDriversKey, &hDriversKey, &dwLastError, pIniSpooler )) {
leave; }
if ( !PrinterCreateKey( hDriversKey, pIniVersion->pName, &hVersionKey, &dwLastError, pIniSpooler )) {
leave; }
RegSetString( hVersionKey, szDirectory, pIniVersion->szDirectory, &dwLastError, pIniSpooler ); RegSetDWord( hVersionKey, szMajorVersion, pIniVersion->cMajorVersion, &dwLastError, pIniSpooler ); RegSetDWord( hVersionKey, szMinorVersion, pIniVersion->cMinorVersion ,&dwLastError, pIniSpooler );
} finally {
if (hVersionKey) SplRegCloseKey(hVersionKey, pIniSpooler);
if (hDriversKey) SplRegCloseKey(hDriversKey, pIniSpooler);
if (hEnvironmentKey) SplRegCloseKey(hEnvironmentKey, pIniSpooler);
if (hEnvironmentsRootKey) SplRegCloseKey(hEnvironmentsRootKey, pIniSpooler);
if (dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
SetLastError(dwLastError); bReturnValue = FALSE;
} else {
bReturnValue = TRUE; }
} return bReturnValue; }
BOOL DeleteDriverVersionIni( PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler ) { HKEY hEnvironmentsRootKey, hEnvironmentKey, hDriversKey; HANDLE hToken; HKEY hVersionKey; BOOL bReturnValue = FALSE; DWORD Status;
hToken = RevertToPrinterSelf();
if ( RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pIniSpooler->pszRegistryEnvironments, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hEnvironmentsRootKey, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if ( RegOpenKeyEx( hEnvironmentsRootKey, pIniEnvironment->pName, 0, KEY_WRITE, &hEnvironmentKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if ( RegOpenKeyEx( hEnvironmentKey, szDriversKey, 0, KEY_WRITE, &hDriversKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
Status = RegDeleteKey( hDriversKey, pIniVersion->pName );
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
bReturnValue = TRUE;
} else {
DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ( "DeleteDriverVersionIni failed RegDeleteKey %x %ws error %d\n", hDriversKey, pIniVersion->pName, Status )); }
RegCloseKey(hDriversKey); }
RegCloseKey(hEnvironmentKey); }
RegCloseKey(hEnvironmentsRootKey); }
ImpersonatePrinterClient( hToken );
return bReturnValue; }
BOOL SplGetPrinterDriverEx( HANDLE hPrinter, LPWSTR pEnvironment, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pDriverInfo, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded, DWORD dwClientMajorVersion, DWORD dwClientMinorVersion, PDWORD pdwServerMajorVersion, PDWORD pdwServerMinorVersion ) { PINIDRIVER pIniDriver=NULL; PINIVERSION pIniVersion=NULL; PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment; DWORD cb; LPBYTE pEnd; PSPOOL pSpool = (PSPOOL)hPrinter; PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler; LPWSTR psz;
if ((dwClientMajorVersion == (DWORD)-1) && (dwClientMinorVersion == (DWORD)-1)) { dwClientMajorVersion = dwMajorVersion; dwClientMinorVersion = dwMinorVersion; }
if (!ValidateSpoolHandle(pSpool, PRINTER_HANDLE_SERVER )) {
LeaveSplSem(); return FALSE; }
pIniSpooler = pSpool->pIniSpooler;
if (!(pIniEnvironment = FindEnvironment(pEnvironment, pIniSpooler))) { LeaveSplSem(); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_ENVIRONMENT); return FALSE; }
// If the printer handle is remote or a non-native driver is asked for,
// then return back a compatible driver; Else return pIniPrinter->pIniDriver
if ( (pSpool->TypeofHandle & PRINTER_HANDLE_REMOTE_CALL) || lstrcmpi(szEnvironment, pIniEnvironment->pName) ) {
pIniDriver = FindCompatibleDriver(pIniEnvironment, &pIniVersion, pSpool->pIniPrinter->pIniDriver->pName, dwClientMajorVersion, FIND_COMPATIBLE_VERSION | DRIVER_SEARCH);
// For Windows 9x drivers if no driver with same name is found
// then we look for a driver with name in the pszzPreviousNames field
if ( !pIniDriver && !wcscmp(pIniEnvironment->pName, szWin95Environment) && (psz = pSpool->pIniPrinter->pIniDriver->pszzPreviousNames) ) {
for ( ; !pIniDriver && *psz ; psz += wcslen(psz) + 1 ) pIniDriver = FindCompatibleDriver(pIniEnvironment, &pIniVersion, psz, 0, FIND_COMPATIBLE_VERSION | DRIVER_SEARCH);
if (!pIniDriver && Level == 1) {
// SMB code calls GetPrinterDriver level 1 to findout which
// driver name to send to Win9x client in GetPrinter info
// If we do not have Win9x printer driver installed and previous
// names field is not NULL our best guess is the first one in
// the pszzPreviousNames. This is expected to be the popular
// driver on Win9x. If client already has the driver they can
// print
psz = pSpool->pIniPrinter->pIniDriver->pszzPreviousNames; *pcbNeeded = ( wcslen(psz) + 1 ) * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_1); if ( *pcbNeeded > cbBuf ) {
LeaveSplSem(); SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return FALSE; }
((LPDRIVER_INFO_1)pDriverInfo)->pName = (LPWSTR)(pDriverInfo + sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_1));
StringCbCopy(((LPDRIVER_INFO_1)pDriverInfo)->pName, cbBuf, psz);
LeaveSplSem(); return TRUE; } }
if ( !pIniDriver ) {
LeaveSplSem(); return FALSE; } } else {
pIniDriver = pSpool->pIniPrinter->pIniDriver;
pIniVersion = FindVersionForDriver(pIniEnvironment, pIniDriver); }
cb = GetDriverInfoSize( pIniDriver, Level, pIniVersion,pIniEnvironment, pSpool->TypeofHandle & PRINTER_HANDLE_REMOTE_CALL ? pSpool->pFullMachineName : NULL, pSpool->pIniSpooler ); *pcbNeeded=cb;
if (cb > cbBuf) { LeaveSplSem(); SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return FALSE; } pEnd = pDriverInfo+cbBuf; if (!CopyIniDriverToDriverInfo(pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, pIniDriver, Level, pDriverInfo, pEnd, pSpool->TypeofHandle & PRINTER_HANDLE_REMOTE_CALL ? pSpool->pFullMachineName : NULL, pIniSpooler)) { LeaveSplSem(); SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); return FALSE; } LeaveSplSem(); return TRUE; }
PINIVERSION FindCompatibleVersion( PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, DWORD dwMajorVersion, int FindAnyVersion ) { PINIVERSION pIniVersion;
if (!pIniEnvironment) { return NULL; }
for ( pIniVersion = pIniEnvironment->pIniVersion; pIniVersion != NULL; pIniVersion = pIniVersion->pNext ) {
if ( (FindAnyVersion & DRIVER_UPGRADE) ? (pIniVersion->cMajorVersion >= dwMajorVersion) : (pIniVersion->cMajorVersion <= dwMajorVersion)) {
// Pre version 2 is not comparable with version 2 or newer
if ( dwMajorVersion >= 2 && pIniVersion->cMajorVersion < 2 && ((FindAnyVersion & FIND_ANY_VERSION)==FIND_COMPATIBLE_VERSION) && lstrcmpi(pIniEnvironment->pName, szWin95Environment) ) {
return NULL; }
return pIniVersion; } }
return NULL; }
PINIDRIVER FindCompatibleDriver( PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINIVERSION * ppIniVersion, LPWSTR pDriverName, DWORD dwMajorVersion, int FindAnyDriver ) { PINIVERSION pIniVersion; PINIDRIVER pIniDriver = NULL;
try {
*ppIniVersion = NULL;
if (!pIniEnvironment) { leave; }
pIniVersion = FindCompatibleVersion( pIniEnvironment, dwMajorVersion, FindAnyDriver );
if ( pIniVersion == NULL) { leave; }
while (pIniVersion){
// Pre version 2 is not comparable with version 2 or newer
if ( dwMajorVersion >= 2 && ((FindAnyDriver & FIND_ANY_VERSION) == FIND_COMPATIBLE_VERSION) && pIniVersion->cMajorVersion < 2 ) {
break; }
if ( pIniDriver = FindDriverEntry( pIniVersion, pDriverName ) ) {
// We found the driver. Break the loop and return succesfully.
*ppIniVersion = pIniVersion; leave; }
pIniVersion = pIniVersion->pNext; }
} finally {
if ( pIniDriver == NULL ) {
return pIniDriver;
VOID InsertVersionList( PINIVERSION* ppIniVersionHead, PINIVERSION pIniVersion )
Routine Description:
Insert a version entry into the verions linked list.
Versions are stored in decending order (2, 1, 0) so that when a version is needed, we get the highest first.
ppIniVersionHead - Pointer to the head of the pIniVersion head.
pIniVersion - Version structure we want to add.
Return Value:
{ SplInSem();
// Insert into single-linked list code. We take the address of
// the head pointer so that we can avoid special casing the
// insert into empty list case.
for( ; *ppIniVersionHead; ppIniVersionHead = &(*ppIniVersionHead)->pNext ){
// If the major version of the pIniVersion we're inserting
// is > the next pIniVersion on the list, insert it before
// that one.
// 4 3 2 1
// ^
// New '3' gets inserted here. (Note: duplicate versions should
// never be added.)
if( pIniVersion->cMajorVersion > (*ppIniVersionHead)->cMajorVersion ){ break; } }
// Link up the new version.
pIniVersion->pNext = *ppIniVersionHead; *ppIniVersionHead = pIniVersion; }
PINIDRIVER FindDriverEntry( PINIVERSION pIniVersion, LPWSTR pszName ) { PINIDRIVER pIniDriver;
if (!pIniVersion) { return NULL; }
if (!pszName || !*pszName) { DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("Passing a Null Printer Driver Name to FindDriverEntry\n")); return NULL; }
pIniDriver = pIniVersion->pIniDriver;
// Only return the driver if it is not pending deletion.
while (pIniDriver) { if (!lstrcmpi(pIniDriver->pName, pszName) && !(pIniDriver->dwDriverFlags & PRINTER_DRIVER_PENDING_DELETION)) { return pIniDriver; } pIniDriver = pIniDriver->pNext; } return NULL; }
VOID DeleteDriverEntry( PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIDRIVER pIniDriver ) { PINIDRIVER pPrev, pCurrent; if (!pIniVersion) { return; }
if (!pIniVersion->pIniDriver) { return; } pPrev = pCurrent = NULL; pCurrent = pIniVersion->pIniDriver;
while (pCurrent) { if (pCurrent == pIniDriver) { if (pPrev == NULL) { pIniVersion->pIniDriver = pCurrent->pNext; } else{ pPrev->pNext = pCurrent->pNext; } //
// Free all the entries in the entry
FreeStructurePointers((LPBYTE) pIniDriver, NULL, IniDriverOffsets); FreeSplMem(pIniDriver); return; } pPrev = pCurrent; pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext; } return; }
BOOL CheckFileCopy( PINIVERSION pIniVersion, LPWSTR pTargetFile, LPWSTR pSourceFile, PWIN32_FIND_DATA pSourceData, DWORD dwSourceVersion, DWORD dwFileCopyFlags, LPBOOL pbCopyFile, LPBOOL pbTargetExists)
Function Description: This functions determines if the target exists and if it should be overwritten.
Return Values: TRUE if successful; FALSE otherwise. --*/
{ WIN32_FIND_DATA DestFileData, SourceFileData, *pSourceFileData; HANDLE hFileExists; BOOL bReturn = FALSE, bSourceFileHandleCreated = FALSE; DWORD dwTargetVersion = 0;
*pbCopyFile = *pbTargetExists = FALSE;
pSourceFileData = pSourceData ? pSourceData : &SourceFileData;
// Get Source File Date & Time Stamp
hFileExists = FindFirstFile( pSourceFile, pSourceFileData );
if (hFileExists == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { goto CleanUp; }
FindClose( hFileExists );
// Get Target File Date Time
hFileExists = FindFirstFile( pTargetFile, &DestFileData );
if (hFileExists == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { //
// Copy the source since there is no target
*pbCopyFile = TRUE; bReturn = TRUE; }
goto CleanUp; }
*pbTargetExists = TRUE; FindClose(hFileExists);
// Check Source File version and LastWrite Times vs Target File if only new files
// are to be copied
if (dwFileCopyFlags == APD_COPY_NEW_FILES) {
EnterSplSem(); bReturn = GetDriverFileCachedVersion (pIniVersion, pTargetFile, &dwTargetVersion); LeaveSplSem();
if(!bReturn) { goto CleanUp; }
if (dwSourceVersion > dwTargetVersion) { *pbCopyFile = TRUE;
} else {
if (dwSourceVersion == dwTargetVersion) {
if(CompareFileTime(&(pSourceFileData->ftLastWriteTime), &DestFileData.ftLastWriteTime) != FIRST_FILE_TIME_GREATER_THAN_SECOND) {
// Target File is up to date. It doesn't need to be updated.
DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ("UpdateFile Target file is up to date\n"));
} else { *pbCopyFile = TRUE; } } } } else { *pbCopyFile = TRUE; }
bReturn = TRUE;
return bReturn; }
BOOL UpdateFile( PINIVERSION pIniVersion, HANDLE hSourceFile, LPWSTR pSourceFile, DWORD dwVersion, LPWSTR pDestDir, DWORD dwFileCopyFlags, BOOL bImpersonateOnCreate, LPBOOL pbFileUpdated, LPBOOL pbFileMoved, BOOL bSameEnvironment, BOOL bWin95Environment )
Function Description: The file times are checked to verify if the file needs to be copied.
If the file already exists in the version directory, then it is copied into ...\environment\version\new. The corresponding file, which is present in environment\version, is copied to \version\old. The new file is marked for move on REBOOT.
New files are copied into env\version.
Parameters: hSourceFile -- file handle pSourceFile -- file name pDestDir -- driver directory (e.g system32\spool\w32x86\3) bImpersonateOnCreate -- flag to impersonate client on any file creation pbFilesUpdated -- Have any new files been copied or moved ? pbFileMoved -- Have any old files been moved ? bSameEnvironment -- flag to indicate if the machine env == driver env bWin95Environment -- flag to indicate if the driver env == win95
Return Values: TRUE if successful; FALSE otherwise --*/
{ HANDLE hToken = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WCHAR szTargetFile[MAX_PATH], szNewFile[MAX_PATH]; LPWSTR pFileName; BOOL bReturn = FALSE, bCopyFile, bTargetExists; DWORD FileAttrib;
WIN32_FIND_DATA SourceFileData;
*pbFileMoved = FALSE;
pFileName = wcsrchr(pSourceFile, L'\\'); if (!pFileName || !pDestDir || !*pDestDir) { //
// Invalid file name. Fail the call.
SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto CleanUp; }
// Set the target directory.
if(StrNCatBuff(szTargetFile, COUNTOF(szTargetFile), pDestDir, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto CleanUp; }
if (bWin95Environment && IsAnICMFile(pSourceFile)) { if((StrNCatBuff(szTargetFile, COUNTOF(szTargetFile), szTargetFile, L"\\Color", NULL)!=ERROR_SUCCESS)) { goto CleanUp; } }
if((StrNCatBuff(szTargetFile, COUNTOF(szTargetFile), szTargetFile, pFileName, NULL)!=ERROR_SUCCESS)) { goto CleanUp; }
// Check if the file has to be copied given the version, timestamp and flags.
if (!CheckFileCopy(pIniVersion, szTargetFile, pSourceFile, &SourceFileData, dwVersion, dwFileCopyFlags, &bCopyFile, &bTargetExists)) { goto CleanUp; }
if (bCopyFile) {
if (!bImpersonateOnCreate) { hToken = RevertToPrinterSelf(); }
if((StrNCatBuff(szNewFile, COUNTOF(szNewFile), pDestDir, L"\\New", pFileName, NULL)!=ERROR_SUCCESS)) { goto CleanUp; }
// Leave Spooler semaphore for copying the files
if (!InternalCopyFile(hSourceFile, &SourceFileData, szNewFile, OVERWRITE_IF_TARGET_EXISTS)) {
// InternalCopyFile failed. Fail the call. It isn't obvious what is the reason
// we call InternalCopyFile instead of CopyFile.
EnterSplSem(); goto CleanUp; }
} else {
*pbFileMoved = TRUE; bReturn = TRUE; goto CleanUp; }
if (bCopyFile) {
if (!bSameEnvironment) {
if (bTargetExists) {
DWORD dwAttr;
dwAttr = GetFileAttributes(szTargetFile);
// Check if the function succeeded and the target file is write protected.
// Some non native drivers, notably Win 9x drivers, can be copied over to
// the drivers directory and have the read only attribute. When we update
// a non native driver, we want to make sure that it is not write protected.
if (dwAttr != (DWORD)-1 && dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) {
SetFileAttributes(szTargetFile, dwAttr & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY); } }
if (!SplMoveFileEx(szNewFile, szTargetFile, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING)) { // MoveFile failed
goto CleanUp; }
} else {
if (bTargetExists) {
// Move the file on REBOOT. It may get moved earlier if the driver
// can be unloaded.
if (SplMoveFileEx(szNewFile, szTargetFile, MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT)) {
*pbFileMoved = TRUE; //
// Don't fail the call here. MoveFileEx with MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT will just write the registry.
// We'll need this only if the driver is still loaded, which we find out only later.
// If the driver is not loaded, we'll actually move these files later and this call won't make sense.
// So,don't fail the api call at this point because MoveFileEx. Hopefully, one day MoveFileEx won't
// be hard-coded to write only two PendingFileRenameOperations values.
} else {
if (!SplMoveFileEx(szNewFile, szTargetFile, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING)) { goto CleanUp; } *pbFileMoved = TRUE; } }
*pbFileUpdated = TRUE; }
bReturn = TRUE;
if (hToken != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ImpersonatePrinterClient(hToken); }
return bReturn; }
BOOL CopyAllFilesAndDeleteOldOnes( PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE pInternalDriverFiles, DWORD dwFileCount, LPWSTR pDestDir, DWORD dwFileCopyFlags, BOOL bImpersonateOnCreate, LPBOOL pbFileMoved, BOOL bSameEnvironment, BOOL bWin95Environment ) /*++
Function Description: This function loops thru all the files in the driver_info struct and calls an update routine.
Parameters: pInternalDriverFiles -- array of INTERNAL_DRV_FILE structures dwFileCount -- number of files in file set pDestDir -- driver directory (e.g system32\spool\w32x86\3) bImpersonateOnCreate -- flag to impersonate client on any file creation pbFileMoved -- Have any old files been moved ? bSameEnvironment -- flag to indicate if the machine env == driver env bWin95Environment -- flag to indicate if the driver env == win95
Return Values: TRUE if successful; FALSE otherwise
--*/ { BOOL bRet = TRUE; DWORD dwCount; BOOL bFilesUpdated; BOOL bFilesMoved = TRUE;
*pbFileMoved = TRUE;
for (dwCount = 0 ; dwCount < dwFileCount ; ++dwCount) {
bFilesUpdated = FALSE;
if (!(bRet = UpdateFile(pIniVersion, pInternalDriverFiles[dwCount].hFileHandle, pInternalDriverFiles[dwCount].pFileName, pInternalDriverFiles[dwCount].dwVersion, pDestDir, dwFileCopyFlags, bImpersonateOnCreate, &bFilesUpdated, &bFilesMoved, bSameEnvironment, bWin95Environment))) {
// Files could not be copied correctly.
break; }
if (bFilesUpdated) { pInternalDriverFiles[dwCount].bUpdated = TRUE; }
if(!bFilesMoved) { *pbFileMoved = FALSE; } }
return bRet; }
BOOL CopyFilesToFinalDirectory( PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE pInternalDriverFiles, DWORD dwFileCount, DWORD dwFileCopyFlags, BOOL bImpersonateOnCreate, LPBOOL pbFilesMoved )
Function Description: This function copies all the new files into the the correct directory i.e ...\environment\version.
The files which already exist in the version directory are copied in ...\environment\version\new. The corresponding files, which are present in environment\version, are copied to \version\old.
The common files are upgraded when the old files can be unloaded from either the kernel (for KMPD) or the spooler (for UMPD)
Parameters: pIniSpooler -- pointer to the INISPOOLER struct pIniEnvironment -- pointer to the driver environment struct pIniVersion -- pointer to the driver version struct pInternalDriverFiles -- array of INTERNAL_DRV_FILE structures dwFileCount -- number of files in file setes dwFileCount -- number of files bImpersonateOnCreate -- flag to impersonate client on any file creation pbFileMoved -- Have any old files been moved ?
Return Values: TRUE if successful; FALSE otherwise
{ WCHAR szDestDir[INTERNET_MAX_HOST_NAME_LENGTH + MAX_PATH + 1]; LPWSTR pStringEnd = NULL; DWORD dwIndex; BOOL bRet = FALSE, bSameEnvironment, bWin95Environment;
// Initialize szDestDir to an empty string. This is to due a bogus prefix
// bug. In practice GetEnvironment scratch directory cannot fail under
// these conditions.
szDestDir[0] = L'\0';
GetEnvironmentScratchDirectory( szDestDir, MAX_PATH, pIniEnvironment, FALSE );
if (!BoolFromHResult(StringCchCat(szDestDir, COUNTOF(szDestDir), L"\\")) || !BoolFromHResult(StringCchCat(szDestDir, COUNTOF(szDestDir), pIniVersion->szDirectory))) { goto CleanUp; }
// pStringEnd points to the NULL character in szDestDir
pStringEnd = (LPWSTR) szDestDir + wcslen(szDestDir);
bSameEnvironment = !lstrcmpi(pIniEnvironment->pName, szEnvironment);
// Create the Old directory
if (!BoolFromHResult(StringCchCat(szDestDir, COUNTOF(szDestDir), L"\\Old"))) { goto CleanUp; }
if (!DirectoryExists(szDestDir) && !CreateDirectoryWithoutImpersonatingUser(szDestDir)) {
// Failed to create Old directory
goto CleanUp; } *pStringEnd = L'\0';
// Create the New Directory.
if (!BoolFromHResult(StringCchCat(szDestDir, COUNTOF(szDestDir), L"\\New"))) { goto CleanUp; }
if (!DirectoryExists(szDestDir) && !CreateDirectoryWithoutImpersonatingUser(szDestDir)) {
// Failed to create New directory
goto CleanUp; } *pStringEnd = L'\0';
// Create the Color Directory if necessary
if (!wcscmp(pIniEnvironment->pName, szWin95Environment)) {
for (dwIndex = 0 ; dwIndex < dwFileCount ; ++dwIndex) {
// Search for ICM files that need the Color directory
if (IsAnICMFile(pInternalDriverFiles[dwIndex].pFileName)) {
// Create the Color Directory
if (!BoolFromHResult(StringCchCat(szDestDir, COUNTOF(szDestDir), L"\\Color"))) { goto CleanUp; }
if (!DirectoryExists(szDestDir) && !CreateDirectoryWithoutImpersonatingUser(szDestDir)) {
// Failed to create Color directory.
goto CleanUp; } *pStringEnd = L'\0';
break; } }
bWin95Environment = TRUE;
} else {
bWin95Environment = FALSE; }
DBGMSG(DBG_CLUSTER, ("CopyFilesToFinalDirectory szDestDir "TSTR"\n", szDestDir));
bRet = CopyAllFilesAndDeleteOldOnes(pIniVersion, pInternalDriverFiles, dwFileCount, szDestDir, dwFileCopyFlags, bImpersonateOnCreate, pbFilesMoved, bSameEnvironment, bWin95Environment);
if (!bRet) { SPLASSERT( GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS ); }
return bRet; }
DWORD GetDriverVersionDirectory( LPWSTR pDir, DWORD MaxLength, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINIVERSION pIniVersion, PINIDRIVER pIniDriver, LPWSTR lpRemote ) { WCHAR pTempDir[MAX_PATH];
if (lpRemote) {
if( StrNCatBuff(pDir, MaxLength, lpRemote, L"\\", pIniSpooler->pszDriversShare, L"\\", pIniEnvironment->pDirectory, L"\\", pIniVersion->szDirectory, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return 0; }
} else {
if( StrNCatBuff(pDir, MaxLength, pIniSpooler->pDir, L"\\", szDriverDir, L"\\", pIniEnvironment->pDirectory, L"\\", pIniVersion->szDirectory, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return 0; }
if (pIniDriver && pIniDriver->dwTempDir) {
StringCchPrintf(pTempDir, COUNTOF(pTempDir), L"%d", pIniDriver->dwTempDir);
if( StrNCatBuff(pDir, MaxLength, pDir, L"\\", pTempDir, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return 0; } }
return wcslen(pDir); }
PINIVERSION FindVersionForDriver( PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINIDRIVER pIniDriver ) { PINIVERSION pIniVersion; PINIDRIVER pIniVerDriver;
pIniVersion = pIniEnvironment->pIniVersion;
while (pIniVersion) {
pIniVerDriver = pIniVersion->pIniDriver;
while (pIniVerDriver) {
if ( pIniVerDriver == pIniDriver ) {
return pIniVersion; } pIniVerDriver = pIniVerDriver->pNext; } pIniVersion = pIniVersion->pNext; } return NULL; }
LPWSTR GetFileNameInScratchDir( LPWSTR pPathName, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment ) { WCHAR szDir[INTERNET_MAX_HOST_NAME_LENGTH + MAX_PATH + 1]; LPCWSTR pszFileName; LPWSTR pszReturn = NULL;
// Initialize the szDir to a known string value. This was a bogus prefix bug,
// but, it is probably a good idea anyway.
szDir[0] = L'\0';
if ((pszFileName = FindFileName(pPathName)) && wcslen(pszFileName) < MAX_PATH && GetEnvironmentScratchDirectory(szDir, (DWORD)(COUNTOF(szDir) - wcslen(pszFileName) - 2), pIniEnvironment, FALSE) && BoolFromHResult(StringCchCat(szDir, COUNTOF(szDir), L"\\")) && BoolFromHResult(StringCchCat(szDir, COUNTOF(szDir), pszFileName))) { pszReturn = AllocSplStr(szDir); }
return pszReturn; }
BOOL CreateInternalDriverFileArray( DWORD Level, LPBYTE pDriverInfo, INTERNAL_DRV_FILE **ppInternalDriverFiles, LPDWORD pFileCount, BOOL bUseScratchDir, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, BOOL bFileNamesOnly ) /*++
Routine Description:
Creates the array of INTERNAL_DRV_FILE structures. For each file in file set, we build an array with information about the file: file name, driver minor version, file handle, if the file was updated. The field regrading updating is initialized to FALSE and modified later.
Level : level of driver info structure pDriverInfo : pointer to driver info structure pInternalDriverFiles : allocate memory to this array for list of file names pFileCount : will point to number of files on return bUseScratchDir : Should a scratch directory be used for file names pIniEnvironment : environment the version belongs to
Return Value: TRUE = success *ppInternalDriverFiles will (routine allocates memory) give the internal list of files *pFileCount will give number of files specified by the driver info FALSE = failure, call GetLastError()
--*/ { LPWSTR pStr; DWORD dDepFileCount = 0, dFirstDepFileIndex, Count, Size; BOOL bReturnValue = TRUE, bInSplSem = TRUE; PDRIVER_INFO_2 pDriverInfo2 = NULL; PDRIVER_INFO_3 pDriverInfo3 = NULL; PDRIVER_INFO_VERSION pDriverVersion = NULL; LPWSTR pDependentFiles = NULL, pDependentFilestoFree = NULL; LPWSTR pFileName = NULL;
if ( !ppInternalDriverFiles || !pFileCount) { bReturnValue = FALSE; SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); goto End; }
*pFileCount = 0; *ppInternalDriverFiles = NULL;
switch (Level) { case 2: *pFileCount = 3; pDriverInfo2 = (PDRIVER_INFO_2) pDriverInfo; break;
case 3: case 4: case 6: *pFileCount = 3; dFirstDepFileIndex = 3; pDriverInfo3 = (PDRIVER_INFO_3) pDriverInfo;
// For any environment other than Win95 we build dependent files
// without other DRIVER_INFO_3 files (i.e. ConfigFile etc)
if ( _wcsicmp(pIniEnvironment->pName, szWin95Environment) ) {
if ( !BuildTrueDependentFileField(pDriverInfo3->pDriverPath, pDriverInfo3->pDataFile, pDriverInfo3->pConfigFile, pDriverInfo3->pHelpFile, pDriverInfo3->pDependentFiles, &pDependentFiles) ) { bReturnValue = FALSE; SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); pDependentFilestoFree = NULL; goto End; } pDependentFilestoFree = pDependentFiles;
} else {
pDependentFiles = pDriverInfo3->pDependentFiles; }
if ( pDriverInfo3->pHelpFile && *pDriverInfo3->pHelpFile ) {
if(wcslen(pDriverInfo3->pHelpFile) >= MAX_PATH) { bReturnValue = FALSE; SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); *pFileCount = 0; goto End; } ++*pFileCount; ++dFirstDepFileIndex; }
for ( dDepFileCount = 0, pStr = pDependentFiles ; pStr && *pStr ; pStr += wcslen(pStr) + 1) {
if(wcslen(pStr) >= MAX_PATH) { bReturnValue = FALSE; SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); *pFileCount = 0; goto End; } ++dDepFileCount; }
*pFileCount += dDepFileCount; break;
pDriverVersion = (LPDRIVER_INFO_VERSION)pDriverInfo; *pFileCount = pDriverVersion->dwFileCount;
break; default: bReturnValue = FALSE; SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); goto End; break;
try { *ppInternalDriverFiles = (INTERNAL_DRV_FILE *) AllocSplMem(*pFileCount * sizeof(INTERNAL_DRV_FILE));
if ( !*ppInternalDriverFiles ) { bReturnValue = FALSE; leave; }
for ( Count = 0; Count < *pFileCount; Count++ ) { (*ppInternalDriverFiles)[Count].pFileName = NULL; (*ppInternalDriverFiles)[Count].hFileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; (*ppInternalDriverFiles)[Count].dwVersion = 0; (*ppInternalDriverFiles)[Count].bUpdated = FALSE; }
switch (Level) { case 2: if ( bUseScratchDir ) { (*ppInternalDriverFiles)[0].pFileName = GetFileNameInScratchDir( pDriverInfo2->pDriverPath, pIniEnvironment); (*ppInternalDriverFiles)[1].pFileName = GetFileNameInScratchDir( pDriverInfo2->pConfigFile, pIniEnvironment); (*ppInternalDriverFiles)[2].pFileName = GetFileNameInScratchDir( pDriverInfo2->pDataFile, pIniEnvironment); } else { (*ppInternalDriverFiles)[0].pFileName = AllocSplStr(pDriverInfo2->pDriverPath); (*ppInternalDriverFiles)[1].pFileName = AllocSplStr(pDriverInfo2->pConfigFile); (*ppInternalDriverFiles)[2].pFileName = AllocSplStr(pDriverInfo2->pDataFile); }
case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: if ( bUseScratchDir ) { (*ppInternalDriverFiles)[0].pFileName = GetFileNameInScratchDir( pDriverInfo3->pDriverPath, pIniEnvironment); (*ppInternalDriverFiles)[1].pFileName = GetFileNameInScratchDir( pDriverInfo3->pConfigFile, pIniEnvironment); (*ppInternalDriverFiles)[2].pFileName = GetFileNameInScratchDir( pDriverInfo3->pDataFile, pIniEnvironment);
if ( pDriverInfo3->pHelpFile && *pDriverInfo3->pHelpFile ) { (*ppInternalDriverFiles)[3].pFileName = GetFileNameInScratchDir( pDriverInfo3->pHelpFile, pIniEnvironment); } } else { (*ppInternalDriverFiles)[0].pFileName = AllocSplStr(pDriverInfo3->pDriverPath); (*ppInternalDriverFiles)[1].pFileName = AllocSplStr(pDriverInfo3->pConfigFile); (*ppInternalDriverFiles)[2].pFileName = AllocSplStr(pDriverInfo3->pDataFile);
if ( pDriverInfo3->pHelpFile && *pDriverInfo3->pHelpFile ) { (*ppInternalDriverFiles)[3].pFileName = AllocSplStr(pDriverInfo3->pHelpFile); } }
if ( dDepFileCount ) { for (pStr = pDependentFiles, Count = dFirstDepFileIndex; *pStr ; pStr += wcslen(pStr) + 1) {
if ( bUseScratchDir ) { (*ppInternalDriverFiles)[Count++].pFileName = GetFileNameInScratchDir( pStr, pIniEnvironment); } else { (*ppInternalDriverFiles)[Count++].pFileName = AllocSplStr(pStr); } } }
for ( Count = 0 ; Count < *pFileCount ; Count++ ) {
pFileName = MakePTR(pDriverVersion, pDriverVersion->pFileInfo[Count].FileNameOffset);
if ( bUseScratchDir ) { (*ppInternalDriverFiles)[Count].pFileName = GetFileNameInScratchDir( pFileName, pIniEnvironment); } else { (*ppInternalDriverFiles)[Count].pFileName = AllocSplStr(pFileName); } }
break; }
for ( Count = 0 ; Count < *pFileCount ; ) { if ( !(*ppInternalDriverFiles)[Count++].pFileName ) { DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("CreateInternalDriverFileArray failed to allocate memory %d\n", GetLastError()) ); bReturnValue = FALSE; leave; } }
if (bFileNamesOnly) { leave; } //
// CreateFile may take a long time, if we are trying to copy files
// from a server and server crashed we want a deadlock to be
// detected during stress.
pIniEnvironment->cRef++; LeaveSplSem(); SplOutSem(); bInSplSem = FALSE; for ( Count = 0 ; Count < *pFileCount ; ++Count ) {
(*ppInternalDriverFiles)[Count].hFileHandle = CreateFile((*ppInternalDriverFiles)[Count].pFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL);
if ( (*ppInternalDriverFiles)[Count].hFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("CreateFileNames failed to Open %ws %d\n", (*ppInternalDriverFiles)[Count].pFileName, GetLastError()) ); bReturnValue = FALSE; leave; } }
// Build the array of file versions.
// Stay out of Spooler CS since we might do a LoadLibrary over the network.
if (Level == DRIVER_INFO_VERSION_LEVEL) { bReturnValue = GetDriverFileVersions((DRIVER_INFO_VERSION*)pDriverInfo, *ppInternalDriverFiles, *pFileCount);
} else { bReturnValue = GetDriverFileVersionsFromNames(*ppInternalDriverFiles, *pFileCount); }
} finally {
if (!bReturnValue) {
CleanupInternalDriverInfo(*ppInternalDriverFiles, *pFileCount);
*pFileCount = 0; *ppInternalDriverFiles = NULL; } }
if ( !bInSplSem ) {
SplOutSem(); EnterSplSem(); SPLASSERT(pIniEnvironment->signature == IE_SIGNATURE); pIniEnvironment->cRef--; }
return bReturnValue; }
DWORD CopyFileToClusterDirectory ( IN PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, IN PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, IN PINIVERSION pIniVersion, IN PINTERNAL_DRV_FILE pInternalDriverFiles, IN DWORD FileCount ) /*++
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
Copy the updated driver files on the cluster disk
pIniSpooler - Spooler pIniEnvironment - Environment pIniVersion - Version pInternalDriverFiles - pointer to array of INTERNAL_DRV_FILE FileCount - number of elemnts in array
Return Value:
Last error
--*/ { DWORD uIndex;
for (uIndex = 0; uIndex < FileCount && LastError == ERROR_SUCCESS; uIndex++) { //
// If the file was updated, it needs to go onto the cluster disk
if (pInternalDriverFiles[uIndex].bUpdated) { WCHAR szDir[MAX_PATH] = {0};
if ((LastError = StrNCatBuff(szDir, MAX_PATH, pIniSpooler->pszClusResDriveLetter, L"\\", szClusterDriverRoot, NULL)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Let's assume foo is an x86 version 3 driver and k: is the
// cluster drive letter. The file foo.dll will be copied to the
// K:\PrinterDrivers\W32x86\3\foo.dll. If foo.icm is an ICM file
// installed with a 9x driver, then it will be copied to
// K:\PrinterDrivers\WIN40\0\foo.icm. This is the design. We keep
// 9x ICM files in the Color subdirectory.
LastError = CopyFileToDirectory(pInternalDriverFiles[uIndex].pFileName, szDir, pIniEnvironment->pDirectory, pIniVersion->szDirectory, IsAnICMFile(pInternalDriverFiles[uIndex].pFileName) && !_wcsicmp(pIniEnvironment->pName, szWin95Environment) ? L"Color" : NULL); } } }
return LastError; }
Routine Name
Routine Description:
This starts a system restore point, if we are on the right sku (PER or PRO).
pszDriverName - The name of the driver to install. phRestorePoint - The restore point handle to be used in EndSystemRestorePoint.
Return Value:
TRUE - The system restore point was set, or it didn't have to be set. FALSE - An error occurred, Last Error is set.
--*/ BOOL LocalStartSystemRestorePoint( IN PCWSTR pszDriverName, OUT HANDLE *phRestorePoint ) { #ifndef _WIN64
BOOL bRet = FALSE; OSVERSIONINFOEX osvi = { 0 }; HANDLE hRestorePoint = NULL; DWORDLONG dwlConditionMask = 0;
osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osvi); osvi.wProductType = VER_NT_WORKSTATION; VER_SET_CONDITION(dwlConditionMask, VER_PRODUCT_TYPE, VER_LESS_EQUAL);
// We only do checkpointing on server and we don't do it for remote
// admin cases. We are invoked during upgrade before the SR client
// is installed, since it doesn't make sense to put in a restore
// point here anyway, also fail the call.
if (!dwUpgradeFlag && VerifyVersionInfo( &osvi, VER_PRODUCT_TYPE, dwlConditionMask) && S_OK == CheckLocalCall()) {
hRestorePoint = StartSystemRestorePoint( NULL, pszDriverName, hInst, IDS_DRIVER_CHECKPOINT);
bRet = hRestorePoint != NULL; } else { //
// On SRV skus, we don't set system restore points, but that is OK.
bRet = TRUE; }
*phRestorePoint = hRestorePoint;
return bRet;
*phRestorePoint = NULL; return TRUE;