Copyright (c) 1990 - 1996 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
This module has all the initialization functions for the Local Print Provider
Dave Snipp (DaveSn) 15-Mar-1991
Revision History:
Felix Maxa (amaxa) 18-Jun-2000 Modified SplCreateSpooler to special case cluster pIniSpooler Modified LoadPrintProcessor to be able to copy the print processor from the cluster disk Added SplCreateSpoolerWorkerThread ClusterAddDriversFromClusterDisk ClusterAddVersionDrivers ClusterAddOrUpdateDriverFromClusterDisk, all part of the DCR regarding installing rpinter drivers on clusters
Adina Trufinescu (adinatru) 07-December 1998 Commented InitializePrintMonitor2 ; Changed back to the old interface - InitializePrintMonitor - which is defined in localmon.c
Khaled Sedky (khaleds) 1-September 1998 Modified InitializePrintProcessor amd added LoadPrintProcessor as a result of merging winprint and localspl
Steve Wilson (swilson) 1-November 1996 Added ShadowFile2 so spooler can delete crashing shadowfiles.
Muhunthan Sivapragasam (MuhuntS) 1-June-1995 Driver info 3 changes; Changes to use RegGetString, RegGetDword etc
Matthew A Felton (MattFe) 27-June-1994 pIniSpooler - allow other providers to call the spooler functions in LocalSpl
#include <precomp.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <lm.h>
#include <winbasep.h>
#include <faxreg.h>
#include "clusspl.h"
#include "jobid.h"
#include "filepool.hxx"
UINT gcClusterIniSpooler = 0; #if DBG
HANDLE ghbtClusterRef = 0; #endif
MONITORREG gMonitorReg = { sizeof( MONITORREG ), &SplRegCreateKey, &SplRegOpenKey, &SplRegCloseKey, &SplRegDeleteKey, &SplRegEnumKey, &SplRegQueryInfoKey, &SplRegSetValue, &SplRegDeleteValue, &SplRegEnumValue, &SplRegQueryValue };
VOID SplCreateSpoolerWorkerThread( PVOID pv );
DWORD ClusterAddOrUpdateDriverFromClusterDisk( HKEY hVersionKey, LPCWSTR pszDriverName, LPCWSTR pszEnvName, LPCWSTR pszEnvDir, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler );
BOOL Old2NewShadow( PSHADOWFILE pShadowFile1, PSHADOWFILE_3 pShadowFile2, DWORD *pnBytes );
VOID FreeIniVersion( PINIVERSION pIniVersion );
BOOL NotIniSpooler( BYTE *pMem );
PINIDRIVER GetDriverList( HKEY hVersionKey, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINIVERSION pIniVersion );
PINIVERSION GetVersionDrivers( HKEY hDriversKey, LPWSTR VersionName, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment );
VOID GetPrintSystemVersion( PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler );
VOID InitializeSpoolerSettings( PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler );
VOID WaitForSpoolerInitialization( VOID );
BOOL ValidateProductSuite( PWSTR SuiteName );
LPWSTR FormatRegistryKeyForPrinter( LPWSTR pSource, /* The string from which backslashes are to be added. */ LPWSTR pScratch /* Scratch buffer for the function to write in; */ ); /* must be at least as long as pSource. */
WCHAR *szSpoolDirectory = L"\\spool"; WCHAR *szPrintShareName = L""; /* No share for printers in product1 */ WCHAR *szPrintDirectory = L"\\printers"; WCHAR *szDriversDirectory = L"\\drivers"; WCHAR *gszNT4EMF = L"NT EMF 1.003"; WCHAR *gszNT5EMF = L"NT EMF 1.008";
SHARE_INFO_2 DriversShareInfo={NULL, /* Netname - initialized below */ STYPE_DISKTREE, /* Type of share */ NULL, /* Remark */ 0, /* Default permissions */ SHI_USES_UNLIMITED, /* No users limit */ SHI_USES_UNLIMITED, /* Current uses (??) */ NULL, /* Path - initialized below */ NULL}; /* No password */
// Do not access these directly always go via pIniSpooler->pszRegistr...
// This will then work for multiple pIniSpoolers
PWCHAR ipszRoot = L"Print"; PWCHAR ipszRegistryRoot = L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Print"; PWCHAR ipszRegistryPrinters = L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Print\\Printers"; PWCHAR ipszRegSwPrinters = L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Print\\Printers"; PWCHAR ipszRegistryMonitors = L"Monitors"; PWCHAR ipszRegistryMonitorsHKLM = L"\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Print\\Monitors"; PWCHAR ipszRegistryEnvironments = L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Print\\Environments"; PWCHAR ipszClusterDatabaseEnvironments = L"Environments"; PWCHAR ipszRegistryEventLog = L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\EventLog\\System\\Print"; PWCHAR ipszRegistryProviders = L"Providers"; PWCHAR ipszEventLogMsgFile = L"%SystemRoot%\\System32\\LocalSpl.dll"; PWCHAR ipszDriversShareName = L"print$"; PWCHAR ipszRegistryForms = L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Print\\Forms"; PWCHAR ipszRegistryProductOptions = L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ProductOptions"; PWCHAR ipszRegistryWin32Root = L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Print\\Providers\\LanMan Print Services\\Servers"; PWCHAR ipszRegistryClusRepository = SPLREG_CLUSTER_LOCAL_ROOT_KEY;
WCHAR *szPrinterData = L"PrinterDriverData"; WCHAR *szConfigurationKey = L"Configuration File"; WCHAR *szDataFileKey = L"Data File"; WCHAR *szDriverVersion = L"Version"; WCHAR *szTempDir = L"TempDir"; WCHAR *szDriverAttributes = L"DriverAttributes"; WCHAR *szDriversKey = L"Drivers"; WCHAR *szPrintProcKey = L"Print Processors"; WCHAR *szPrintersKey = L"Printers"; WCHAR *szEnvironmentsKey = L"Environments"; WCHAR *szDirectory = L"Directory"; WCHAR *szDriverIni = L"Drivers.ini"; WCHAR *szDriverFile = L"Driver"; WCHAR *szDriverDir = L"DRIVERS"; WCHAR *szPrintProcDir = L"PRTPROCS"; WCHAR *szPrinterDir = L"PRINTERS"; WCHAR *szClusterPrinterDir= L"Spool"; WCHAR *szPrinterIni = L"\\printer.ini"; WCHAR *szAllSpools = L"\\*.SPL"; WCHAR *szNullPort = L"NULL"; WCHAR *szComma = L","; WCHAR *szName = L"Name"; WCHAR *szShare = L"Share Name"; WCHAR *szPort = L"Port"; WCHAR *szPrintProcessor = L"Print Processor"; WCHAR *szDatatype = L"Datatype"; WCHAR *szDriver = L"Printer Driver"; WCHAR *szLocation = L"Location"; WCHAR *szDescription = L"Description"; WCHAR *szAttributes = L"Attributes"; WCHAR *szStatus = L"Status"; WCHAR *szPriority = L"Priority"; WCHAR *szDefaultPriority = L"Default Priority"; WCHAR *szUntilTime = L"UntilTime"; WCHAR *szStartTime = L"StartTime"; WCHAR *szParameters = L"Parameters"; WCHAR *szSepFile = L"Separator File"; WCHAR *szDevMode = L"Default DevMode"; WCHAR *szSecurity = L"Security"; WCHAR *szSpoolDir = L"SpoolDirectory"; WCHAR *szNetMsgDll = L"NETMSG.DLL"; WCHAR *szMajorVersion = L"MajorVersion"; WCHAR *szMinorVersion = L"MinorVersion"; WCHAR *szTimeLastChange = L"ChangeID"; WCHAR *szHelpFile = L"Help File"; WCHAR *szMonitor = L"Monitor"; WCHAR *szDependentFiles = L"Dependent Files"; WCHAR *szPreviousNames = L"Previous Names"; WCHAR *szDNSTimeout = L"dnsTimeout"; WCHAR *szTXTimeout = L"txTimeout"; WCHAR *szNTFaxDriver = FAX_DRIVER_NAME; WCHAR *szObjectGUID = L"ObjectGUID"; WCHAR *szDsKeyUpdate = L"DsKeyUpdate"; WCHAR *szDsKeyUpdateForeground = L"DsKeyUpdateForeground"; WCHAR *szAction = L"Action"; WCHAR *szMfgName = L"Manufacturer"; WCHAR *szOEMUrl = L"OEM URL"; WCHAR *szHardwareID = L"HardwareID"; WCHAR *szProvider = L"Provider"; WCHAR *szDriverDate = L"DriverDate"; WCHAR *szLongVersion = L"DriverVersion"; WCHAR *szClusDrvTimeStamp = L"TimeStamp"; const WCHAR szDiscardTSJobs[] = L"DiscardTSJobs"; const WCHAR szDisableFilePooling[] = L"DisableServerFilePooling";
WCHAR *szRegistryRoot = L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Print"; WCHAR *szEMFThrottle = L"EMFThrottle"; WCHAR *szFlushShadowFileBuffers = L"FlushShadowFileBuffers"; WCHAR *szPendingUpgrades = L"PendingUpgrades";
WCHAR *szPrintPublishPolicy = L"Software\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\Printers";
WCHAR *szClusterDriverRoot = L"PrinterDrivers"; WCHAR *szClusterNonAwareMonitors = L"OtherMonitors";
#if DBG
WCHAR *szDebugFlags = L"DebugFlags"; #endif
WCHAR *szEnvironment = LOCAL_ENVIRONMENT; WCHAR *szWin95Environment = L"Windows 4.0"; const WCHAR gszCacheMasqPrinters[] = L"CacheMasqPrinters";
// Time before a job is assumed abandond and deleted during FastPrint
// operation
// NT 3.1 No Version ( Version 0 ) User Mode
// NT 3.5 and 3.51 Version 1 User Mode
// NT 4.0 Version 2 Kernel Mode
DWORD dwMajorVersion = SPOOLER_VERSION; DWORD dwMinorVersion = 0;
// Unique Printer ID counter which increases monotonically. Wraps at 4G.
DWORD dwUniquePrinterSessionID = 0;
// Globals for EMF job scheduling
DWORD dwNumberOfEMFJobsRendering = 0; BOOL bUseEMFScheduling = FALSE; SIZE_T TotalMemoryForRendering = 0; SIZE_T AvailMemoryForRendering = 0; DWORD dwLastScheduleTime = 0;
PJOBDATA pWaitingList = NULL; PJOBDATA pScheduleList = NULL;
DWORD dwFlushShadowFileBuffers = 0; // default for uninitialized
// Time to sleep if the LocalWritePrinter WritePort doesn't write any bytes
// but still returns success.
BOOL gbRemoteFax = TRUE;
BOOL Initialized = FALSE;
#define POOL_TIMEOUT 120000 // 2 minutes
#define MAX_POOL_FILES 50
// Allowing remote connection policy.
ERemoteRPCEndPointPolicy gRemoteRPCEndPointPolicy;
// Global for KM Printers Blocking Policy
// by default it is
// 1 "blocked" for Server and
// 0 "not blocked" for Workstation
DWORD DefaultKMPrintersAreBlocked;
// Read from the registry if the HKLM\...\Print\ServerInstallTimeOut DWORD entry exists
// Otherwise default 5 mins.
DWORD gdwServerInstallTimeOut;
// 0 - Not upgrading, 1 - performing upgrade
DWORD dwUpgradeFlag = 0;
LPWSTR szRemoteDoc; LPWSTR szLocalDoc; LPWSTR szFastPrintTimeout; LPWSTR szRaw = L"RAW";
PRINTPROVIDOR PrintProvidor = {LocalOpenPrinter, LocalSetJob, LocalGetJob, LocalEnumJobs, LocalAddPrinter, SplDeletePrinter, SplSetPrinter, SplGetPrinter, LocalEnumPrinters, LocalAddPrinterDriver, LocalEnumPrinterDrivers, SplGetPrinterDriver, LocalGetPrinterDriverDirectory, LocalDeletePrinterDriver, LocalAddPrintProcessor, LocalEnumPrintProcessors, LocalGetPrintProcessorDirectory, LocalDeletePrintProcessor, LocalEnumPrintProcessorDatatypes, LocalStartDocPrinter, LocalStartPagePrinter, LocalWritePrinter, LocalEndPagePrinter, LocalAbortPrinter, LocalReadPrinter, LocalEndDocPrinter, LocalAddJob, LocalScheduleJob, SplGetPrinterData, SplSetPrinterData, LocalWaitForPrinterChange, SplClosePrinter, SplAddForm, SplDeleteForm, SplGetForm, SplSetForm, SplEnumForms, LocalEnumMonitors, LocalEnumPorts, LocalAddPort, LocalConfigurePort, LocalDeletePort, LocalCreatePrinterIC, LocalPlayGdiScriptOnPrinterIC, LocalDeletePrinterIC, LocalAddPrinterConnection, LocalDeletePrinterConnection, LocalPrinterMessageBox, LocalAddMonitor, LocalDeleteMonitor, SplResetPrinter, SplGetPrinterDriverEx, LocalFindFirstPrinterChangeNotification, LocalFindClosePrinterChangeNotification, LocalAddPortEx, NULL, LocalRefreshPrinterChangeNotification, LocalOpenPrinterEx, LocalAddPrinterEx, LocalSetPort, SplEnumPrinterData, SplDeletePrinterData, SplClusterSplOpen, SplClusterSplClose, SplClusterSplIsAlive, SplSetPrinterDataEx, SplGetPrinterDataEx, SplEnumPrinterDataEx, SplEnumPrinterKey, SplDeletePrinterDataEx, SplDeletePrinterKey, LocalSeekPrinter, LocalDeletePrinterDriverEx, LocalAddPerMachineConnection, LocalDeletePerMachineConnection, LocalEnumPerMachineConnections, LocalXcvData, LocalAddPrinterDriverEx, SplReadPrinter, LocalDriverUnloadComplete, LocalGetSpoolFileHandle, LocalCommitSpoolData, LocalCloseSpoolFileHandle, LocalFlushPrinter, LocalSendRecvBidiData, LocalAddDriverCatalog, };
DWORD FinalInitAfterRouterInitCompleteThread( DWORD dwUpgrade );
#if DBG
VOID InitializeDebug( PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler );
PDBG_POINTERS DbgSplGetPointers( VOID ); #endif
BOOL DllMain( HANDLE hModule, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpRes ) { BOOL bRet = TRUE;
switch(dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:
DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hModule); hInst = hModule;
bRet = InitializeLocalspl();
if (bRet) { bRet = LocalMonInit(hInst); }
case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH : ShutdownPorts( pLocalIniSpooler ); break;
default: break; }
return bRet;
BOOL InitializeLocalspl( VOID ) { BOOL bRet = TRUE;
#if DBG
gpDbgPointers = DbgGetPointers();
if( gpDbgPointers ){
hcsSpoolerSection = gpDbgPointers->pfnAllocCritSec(); SPLASSERT( hcsSpoolerSection );
ghbtClusterRef = gpDbgPointers->pfnAllocBackTrace(); }
if( !hcsSpoolerSection ){
// Must be using the free version of spoolss.dll.
bRet = InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&SpoolerSection, 0x80000000); } #else
bRet = InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&SpoolerSection, 0x80000000); #endif
return bRet; }
VOID SplDeleteSpoolerThread( PVOID pv ) { PINIPORT pIniPort; PINIPORT pIniPortNext;
PINIMONITOR pIniMonitor; PINIMONITOR pIniMonitorNext; PSHARE_INFO_2 pShareInfo;
// Remove the cache entry associated with this pIniSpooler. At this time the pIniSpooler
// is in pending deletion, so nobody is using it anymore.
CacheDeleteNode(pIniSpooler->pMachineName + 2);
// Cleanup the port monitors.
ShutdownMonitors( pIniSpooler );
// Close Cluster Access Token
if (pIniSpooler->hClusterToken != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) NtClose(pIniSpooler->hClusterToken);
// Delete All the Strings
FreeStructurePointers((LPBYTE)pIniSpooler, NULL, IniSpoolerOffsets);
DeleteShared( pIniSpooler );
// Run all of the environments down if this isn't the local ini-spoolers
// environment. This frees up the memory for all of the drivers and also
// handles the driver ref-counts.
if (pIniSpooler->pIniEnvironment != pLocalIniSpooler->pIniEnvironment && pIniSpooler->pIniEnvironment) {
for(pIniEnvironment = pIniSpooler->pIniEnvironment; pIniEnvironment; pIniEnvironment = pNextEnvironment) {
pNextEnvironment = pIniEnvironment->pNext;
FreeIniEnvironment(pIniEnvironment); } }
// Delete ports and monitors.
// Note that there is no reference counting here. By the time
// we get here all jobs and printers should be deleted (otherwise
// the pIniSpooler reference count would be != 0). Therefore,
// even though we don't refcount ports and monitors, we should
// be ok.
// Remove all ports.
for( pIniPort = pIniSpooler->pIniPort; pIniPort; pIniPort = pIniPortNext ){
pIniPortNext = pIniPort->pNext;
if( !DeletePortEntry( pIniPort )){ DBGMSG( DBG_ERROR, ( "Unable to delete port %ws %x %x %d", pIniPort->pName, GetMonitorHandle(pIniPort), pIniPort->Status, pIniPort->cJobs )); } }
// Remove all the monitors.
for( pIniMonitor = pIniSpooler->pIniMonitor; pIniMonitor; pIniMonitor = pIniMonitorNext ){
pIniMonitorNext = pIniMonitor->pNext;
if( !pIniMonitor->cRef ){
FreeIniMonitor( pIniMonitor ); } }
// Close cluster resource key handle.
if( pIniSpooler->hckRoot ){ SplRegCloseKey( pIniSpooler->hckRoot, pIniSpooler ); }
// Close cluster resource key handle.
if( pIniSpooler->hckPrinters ){ SplRegCloseKey( pIniSpooler->hckPrinters, pIniSpooler ); }
// Keep a counter of cluster pIniSpoolers.
if( pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER ){ --gcClusterIniSpooler; }
// Free the shared bitmap and shared driver info.
vDeleteJobIdMap( pIniSpooler->hJobIdMap );
pShareInfo = (PSHARE_INFO_2)pIniSpooler->pDriversShareInfo; FreeSplStr( pShareInfo->shi2_remark ); FreeSplStr( pShareInfo->shi2_path );
FreeSplMem( pIniSpooler->pDriversShareInfo );
// Shut down the file pool for this ini-spooler. It should not delete any of
// the files.
if (pIniSpooler->hFilePool != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { (VOID)DestroyFilePool(pIniSpooler->hFilePool, FALSE); }
// Free this IniSpooler
FreeSplMem( pIniSpooler );
DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "SplDeleteSpooler: Refcount 0 %x\n", pIniSpooler )); }
BOOL SplDeleteSpooler( HANDLE hSpooler ) { PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler = (PINISPOOLER) hSpooler; BOOL bReturn = FALSE; PINISPOOLER pCurrentIniSpooler = pLocalIniSpooler;
HANDLE hThread; DWORD ThreadId;
// Whoever calls this must have deleted all the object associated with
// this spooler, ie all printers etc, just make certain
if( pIniSpooler != pLocalIniSpooler ){
// Mark us as pending deletion.
pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags |= SPL_PENDING_DELETION;
DBGMSG(DBG_CLUSTER, ("SplDeleteSpooler: Deleting %x\n cRef %u\n", pIniSpooler, pIniSpooler->cRef ));
// pIniPrinters now acquire a reference to pIniSpooler.
if( pIniSpooler->cRef == 0 ){
SPLASSERT( pIniSpooler->pIniPrinter == NULL );
//( pIniSpooler->pIniPort == NULL ) &&
//( pIniSpooler->pIniForm == NULL ) &&
//( pIniSpooler->pIniMonitor == NULL ) &&
//( pIniSpooler->pIniNetPrint == NULL ) &&
//( pIniSpooler->pSpool == NULL ))
// Take this Spooler Off the Linked List if it's on it.
while (( pCurrentIniSpooler->pIniNextSpooler != NULL ) && ( pCurrentIniSpooler->pIniNextSpooler != pIniSpooler )) {
pCurrentIniSpooler = pCurrentIniSpooler->pIniNextSpooler;
// May not be on the linked list if it was removed earlier by
// clustering.
if( pCurrentIniSpooler->pIniNextSpooler ){
SPLASSERT( pCurrentIniSpooler->pIniNextSpooler == pIniSpooler ); pCurrentIniSpooler->pIniNextSpooler = pIniSpooler->pIniNextSpooler; }
// Hack for port monitors.
// Some monitors will call ClosePrinter, which deletes the very
// last printer and allows the pIniSpooler to be destroyed.
// Unfortunately, we call back to the monitors to close themselves
// in the same thread, which the monitor does not support.
// Create a new thread and shut everything down.
if (hThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)SplDeleteSpoolerThread, (PVOID)pIniSpooler, 0, &ThreadId )) { CloseHandle(hThread); } else { //
// Bug 54840
// What do we do if we can't create a thread to shut down?
// Sleep and retry?
DBGMSG(DBG_ERROR, ("Unable to create SplDeleteSpoolerThread\n")); }
bReturn = TRUE; } }
return bReturn; }
BOOL SplCloseSpooler( HANDLE hSpooler ) { PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler = (PINISPOOLER) hSpooler;
if ((pIniSpooler == NULL) || (pIniSpooler == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) || (pIniSpooler == pLocalIniSpooler) || (pIniSpooler->signature != ISP_SIGNATURE) || (pIniSpooler->cRef == 0)) {
DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("SplCloseSpooler InvalidHandle %x\n", pIniSpooler )); LeaveSplSem(); return FALSE;
DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("SplCloseSpooler %x %ws cRef %d\n",pIniSpooler, pIniSpooler->pMachineName, pIniSpooler->cRef-1));
LeaveSplSem(); return TRUE; }
BOOL SplRegCopyTree( HKEY hDest, HKEY hSrc )
Function Description: Recursives copies every key and value from under hSrc to hDest
Parameters: hDest - destination key hSrc - source key
Return Value: TRUE if successful; FALSE otherwise --*/
{ BOOL bStatus = FALSE; DWORD dwError, dwIndex, cbValueName, cbData, cbKeyName, dwType; DWORD cKeys, cMaxValueNameLen, cMaxValueLen, cMaxKeyNameLen, cValues;
LPBYTE lpValueName = NULL, lpData = NULL, lpKeyName = NULL; HKEY hSrcSubKey = NULL, hDestSubKey = NULL;
// Get the max key name length and value name length and data size for
// allocating the buffers
if (dwError = RegQueryInfoKey( hSrc, NULL, NULL, NULL, &cKeys, &cMaxKeyNameLen, NULL, &cValues, &cMaxValueNameLen, &cMaxValueLen, NULL, NULL )) { SetLastError(dwError); goto CleanUp; }
// Adjust for the NULL char
++cMaxValueNameLen; ++cMaxKeyNameLen;
// Allocate the buffers
lpValueName = AllocSplMem( cMaxValueNameLen * sizeof(WCHAR) ); lpData = AllocSplMem( cMaxValueLen ); lpKeyName = AllocSplMem( cMaxKeyNameLen * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if (!lpValueName || !lpData || !lpKeyName) { goto CleanUp; }
// Copy all the values in the current key
for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < cValues; ++dwIndex) { cbData = cMaxValueLen; cbValueName = cMaxValueNameLen;
// Retrieve the value name and the data
dwError = RegEnumValue( hSrc, dwIndex, (LPWSTR) lpValueName, &cbValueName, NULL, &dwType, lpData, &cbData );
if (dwError) { SetLastError( dwError ); goto CleanUp; }
// Set the value in the destination
dwError = RegSetValueEx( hDest, (LPWSTR) lpValueName, 0, dwType, lpData, cbData );
if (dwError) { SetLastError( dwError ); goto CleanUp; } }
// Recursively copies all the subkeys
for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < cKeys; ++dwIndex) { cbKeyName = cMaxKeyNameLen;
// Retrieve the key name
dwError = RegEnumKeyEx( hSrc, dwIndex, (LPWSTR) lpKeyName, &cbKeyName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
if (dwError) { SetLastError( dwError ); goto CleanUp; }
// Open the source subkey
if (dwError = RegOpenKeyEx( hSrc, (LPWSTR) lpKeyName, 0, KEY_READ, &hSrcSubKey )) { SetLastError( dwError ); goto CleanUp; }
// Create the destination subkey
if (dwError = RegCreateKeyEx( hDest, (LPWSTR) lpKeyName, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE | DELETE, NULL, &hDestSubKey, NULL )) { SetLastError( dwError ); goto CleanUp; }
// Copy the subkey tree
if (!SplRegCopyTree( hDestSubKey, hSrcSubKey )) { goto CleanUp; }
// Close the registry handle
RegCloseKey( hDestSubKey ); RegCloseKey( hSrcSubKey );
hDestSubKey = NULL; hSrcSubKey = NULL; }
bStatus = TRUE;
// Free allocated resources
if (lpValueName) { FreeSplMem( lpValueName ); } if (lpData) { FreeSplMem( lpData ); } if (lpKeyName) { FreeSplMem( lpKeyName ); }
// Close registry handles
if (hDestSubKey) { RegCloseKey( hDestSubKey ); } if (hSrcSubKey) { RegCloseKey( hSrcSubKey ); }
return bStatus; }
VOID MigratePrinterData()
Function Description: When the spooler starts up for the first time after upgrade, the printer data is moved from HKLM\Software to HKLM\System
Parameters: None
Return Values: None --*/
{ HKEY hSysPrinters = NULL, hSwPrinters = NULL;
// Migrate the data only immediately following upgrade
if (!dwUpgradeFlag) { return; }
// Open the source and destination keys for the migration
if (( RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, ipszRegSwPrinters, 0, KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ | DELETE, &hSwPrinters ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) &&
( RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, ipszRegistryPrinters, 0, KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ | DELETE, &hSysPrinters ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) ) { //
// Recursively copy the keys and the values from Software to System
SplRegCopyTree( hSysPrinters, hSwPrinters ); }
// Close the registry handles
if (hSwPrinters) { RegCloseKey( hSwPrinters ); } if (hSysPrinters) { RegCloseKey( hSysPrinters ); }
// Delete the printers key from the software since it is no longer
// accessed by the spooler
RegDeleteKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, ipszRegSwPrinters );
return; }
NTSTATUS IsCCSetLinkedtoSoftwareHive ( PBOOL pbIsLinked ) /*++
Function Description: Checks to see if it is a link between SYSTEM hive and SOFTWARE hive Only Nt Apis manage to do this. Parameters: OUT pbIsLinked - TRUE if there is a symbolic link between SYSTEM hive and SOFTWARE hive Return Values:
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; UNICODE_STRING KeyName; HANDLE KeyHandle;
*pbIsLinked = FALSE;
RtlInitUnicodeString(&KeyName, L"\\Registry\\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Print\\Printers");
InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &KeyName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE | OBJ_OPENLINK, (HANDLE)NULL, NULL);
// Open CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Print\\Printers key
Status = NtOpenKey( (PHANDLE)(&KeyHandle), MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &ObjectAttributes );
RtlInitUnicodeString(&ValueName, L"SymbolicLinkValue");
// Query CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Print\\Printers for SymbolicLinkValue
Status = NtQueryValueKey(KeyHandle, &ValueName, KeyValueFullInformation, ValueBuffer, sizeof (ValueBuffer), &len ); if( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) {
// It's not enough that the value exists, it should be a REG_LINK value
keyInfo = ( PKEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION ) ValueBuffer; *pbIsLinked = ( keyInfo->Type == REG_LINK );
NtClose(KeyHandle); }
return Status; }
DWORD LinkControlSet ( LPCTSTR pszRegistryPrinters ) /*++
Function Description: Create a symbolic volatile link from SYSTEM hive to SOFTWARE hive Parameters:
Return Values: ERROR_SUCCESS if succeeded --*/ { HKEY hCCSKey; DWORD dwRet; BOOL bIsLinked = FALSE; PWCHAR pszRegistryPrintersFullLink = L"\\Registry\\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Print\\Printers";
dwRet = IsCCSetLinkedtoSoftwareHive(&bIsLinked);
// IsCCSetLinkedtoSoftwareHive returns NTSTATUS
// If the link is not there , IsCCSetLinkedtoSoftwareHive fails with STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
// That's not an error.
if (bIsLinked) {
dwRet = SplDeleteThisKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, NULL, (LPWSTR)pszRegistryPrinters, FALSE, NULL );
if( dwRet == ERROR_SUCCESS || dwRet == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
if( dwRet == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { dwRet = RegSetValueEx( hCCSKey, _T("SymbolicLinkValue"), 0, REG_LINK, (CONST BYTE *)pszRegistryPrintersFullLink, (_tcsclen(pszRegistryPrintersFullLink) * sizeof(WCHAR)));
RegCloseKey(hCCSKey); }
} }
return dwRet; }
DWORD BackupPrintersToSystemHive( LPWSTR pszSwRegistryPrinters ) /*++
Function Description: Because the print registry data location was moved to SOFTWARE hive, we need to create a symbolic registry link between the new location and the old one in SYSTEM hive. We are doing this for applications that read directly from registry print data and rely on the old location.
Parameters: pszSwRegistryPrinters - the new printer data location under SOFTWARE hive
Return Values: FALSE if the printer keys are not in SOFTWARE hive Since this fuction's failure might stop spooler working, Control set's cleanup and link failures are not considered fatal. Only apps that access printer data directly will fail. --*/
{ HKEY hKey; DWORD dwRet; HKEY hSwPrinters = NULL;
// Check the existence of pszSwRegistryPrinters
dwRet = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pszSwRegistryPrinters, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE | KEY_CREATE_LINK, NULL, &hSwPrinters, NULL);
if ( dwRet != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto End; } //
// Create a volatile link between current location in SOFTWARE hive and the old one in SYSTEM hive
// Because it is volatile, this link must be created after each reboot (every time when spooler starts)
// A failure at this level is not fatal since spooler doesn't rely on SYSTEM hive location anymore
dwRet = LinkControlSet(ipszRegistryPrinters);
if ( hSwPrinters ){
RegCloseKey( hSwPrinters ); }
return dwRet; }
BOOL CleanupDeletedPrinters ( PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler ) /*++
Routine Description:
Deletes the printers in pending deletion for real if they have no more jobs and if they are not referenced anymore
pIniSpooler - not null
Return Value:
BOOL - ignored
if(pIniSpooler) {
pIniPrinter = pIniSpooler->pIniPrinter;
while (pIniPrinter) {
if (pIniPrinter->Status & PRINTER_PENDING_DELETION && !pIniPrinter->cJobs && !pIniPrinter->cRef ) {
DeletePrinterForReal(pIniPrinter, INIT_TIME);
// The link list will have changed underneath us
// DeletePrinterForReal leaves the Spooler CS
// Lets just loop through again from the beginning
pIniPrinter = pIniSpooler->pIniPrinter;
} else
pIniPrinter = pIniPrinter->pNext; }
bRet = TRUE; }
return bRet; }
HANDLE SplCreateSpooler( LPWSTR pMachineName, DWORD Level, PBYTE pSpooler, LPBYTE pReserved ) { HANDLE hReturn = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler = NULL; PSPOOLER_INFO_2 pSpoolerInfo2 = (PSPOOLER_INFO_2)pSpooler; DWORD i; WCHAR Buffer[MAX_PATH]; PSHARE_INFO_2 pShareInfo = NULL; LONG Status; HANDLE hToken = NULL; DWORD dwRet;
hToken = RevertToPrinterSelf();
if (!hToken) { goto SplCreateDone; }
// Validate Parameters
if ( pMachineName == NULL ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_NAME ); goto SplCreateDone; }
if( Level == 1 && ( pSpoolerInfo2->SpoolerFlags & SPL_CLUSTER_REG || !pSpoolerInfo2->pszRegistryRoot || !pSpoolerInfo2->pszRegistryPrinters )){
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); goto SplCreateDone; }
DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ("SplCreateSpooler %ws %d %x %x\n", pMachineName, Level, pSpooler, pReserved ));
if( (pSpoolerInfo2->SpoolerFlags & (SPL_TYPE_LOCAL | SPL_PRINT)) && !(pSpoolerInfo2->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER) ){
if ( dwRet = (BackupPrintersToSystemHive( pSpoolerInfo2->pszRegistryPrinters )) != ERROR_SUCCESS ){
WCHAR szError[256];
StringCchPrintf(szError, COUNTOF(szError), L"%x", dwRet);
if (pLocalIniSpooler != NULL) {
pIniSpooler = FindSpooler( pMachineName, pSpoolerInfo2->SpoolerFlags );
if (pSpoolerInfo2->SpoolerFlags & SPL_OPEN_EXISTING_ONLY && !pIniSpooler) {
SetLastError( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ); goto SplCreateDone; } }
// Make sure we clear out a request to only open an existing inispooler.
// This is not a useful flag except for when we are searching for inispoolers.
pSpoolerInfo2->SpoolerFlags &= ~SPL_OPEN_EXISTING_ONLY;
if ( pIniSpooler == NULL ) {
pIniSpooler = AllocSplMem( sizeof(INISPOOLER) );
if (pIniSpooler == NULL ) { DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("Unable to allocate IniSpooler\n")); goto SplCreateDone; }
pIniSpooler->signature = ISP_SIGNATURE; INCSPOOLERREF( pIniSpooler );
pIniSpooler->hClusSplReady = NULL; //
// Setup the job id map.
pIniSpooler->hJobIdMap = hCreateJobIdMap( 256 );
pIniSpooler->pMachineName = AllocSplStr( pMachineName );
if ( pIniSpooler->pMachineName == NULL || pIniSpooler->hJobIdMap == NULL ) {
DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("Unable to allocate\n")); goto SplCreateDone; }
// A cluster spooler owns its drivers, ports, pprocessors, etc. In order to manage those
// resources, the cluster spooler needs to have information about the driver letter of
// the cluster disk. Also the spooler needs to know its own cluster resource GUID
if( pSpoolerInfo2->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER ) { pIniSpooler->pszClusResDriveLetter = AllocSplStr(pSpoolerInfo2->pszClusResDriveLetter); pIniSpooler->pszClusResID = AllocSplStr(pSpoolerInfo2->pszClusResID);
if (!pIniSpooler->pszClusResDriveLetter || !pIniSpooler->pszClusResID) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto SplCreateDone; }
// When a node is upgraded, the resource dll writes a key in the registry. When the cluster spooler
// fails over for the first time on the node that was upgraded, then it will try to read that key
// in the registry. Then it will know if it has to do upgrade specific tasks, like upgrading its
// printer drivers.
Status = ClusterSplReadUpgradeKey(pIniSpooler->pszClusResID, &pIniSpooler->dwClusNodeUpgraded);
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError( Status ); goto SplCreateDone; }
DBGMSG(DBG_CLUSTER, ("SplCreateSpooler cluster ClusterUpgradeFlag %u\n", pIniSpooler->dwClusNodeUpgraded)); } else { //
// For a non cluster type spooler, these properties are meaningless.
pIniSpooler->pszClusResDriveLetter = NULL; pIniSpooler->pszClusResID = NULL; }
if (pSpoolerInfo2->pDir) { pIniSpooler->pDir = AllocSplStr( pSpoolerInfo2->pDir );
if (!pIniSpooler->pDir) { DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("Unable to allocate pSpoolerInfo2-pDir\n")); goto SplCreateDone; }
StringCchCopy(&Buffer[0], COUNTOF(Buffer), pIniSpooler->pDir); } else { i = GetSystemDirectory(Buffer, COUNTOF(Buffer));
StringCchCopy(&Buffer[i], COUNTOF(Buffer) - i, szSpoolDirectory);
if (pSpoolerInfo2->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER) { //
// For a cluster type spooler, the directory where it stores its driver files is of the form:
// pDir = C:\Windows\system32\spool\Drivers\spooler-resource-GUID
StrCatAlloc(&pIniSpooler->pDir, Buffer, szDriversDirectory, L"\\", pIniSpooler->pszClusResID, NULL); } else { //
// For the local spooler, the directory where it stores its driver files is the following:
// pDir = C:\Windows\system32\spool\Drivers
StrCatAlloc(&pIniSpooler->pDir, Buffer, NULL); }
if (!pIniSpooler->pDir) { DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("Unable to Allocate pIniSpooler->pDir\n")); goto SplCreateDone; } }
// DriverShareInfo
pIniSpooler->pDriversShareInfo = AllocSplMem( sizeof( SHARE_INFO_2));
if ( pIniSpooler->pDriversShareInfo == NULL ) { DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("Unable to Alloc pIniSpooler->pDriversShareInfo\n")); goto SplCreateDone; }
pShareInfo = (PSHARE_INFO_2)pIniSpooler->pDriversShareInfo;
if ( pIniSpooler->pDriversShareInfo == NULL ) goto SplCreateDone;
pShareInfo->shi2_netname = NULL; pShareInfo->shi2_type = STYPE_DISKTREE; pShareInfo->shi2_remark = NULL; pShareInfo->shi2_permissions = 0; pShareInfo->shi2_max_uses = SHI_USES_UNLIMITED; pShareInfo->shi2_current_uses = SHI_USES_UNLIMITED; pShareInfo->shi2_path = NULL; pShareInfo->shi2_passwd = NULL;
// Find end of "<winnt>\system32\spool"
i = wcslen(Buffer);
// Make <winnt>\system32\spool\drivers
StringCchCopy(&Buffer[i], COUNTOF(Buffer) - i, szDriversDirectory);
pShareInfo->shi2_path = AllocSplStr(Buffer);
if ( pShareInfo->shi2_path == NULL ) { DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("Unable to alloc pShareInfo->shi2_path\n")); goto SplCreateDone; }
pShareInfo->shi2_netname = ipszDriversShareName;
*Buffer = L'\0'; LoadString(hInst, IDS_PRINTER_DRIVERS, Buffer, (sizeof Buffer / sizeof *Buffer));
pShareInfo->shi2_remark = AllocSplStr(Buffer);
if ( pShareInfo->shi2_remark == NULL ) { DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("SplCreateSpooler Unable to allocate\n")); goto SplCreateDone; }
pIniSpooler->pIniPrinter = NULL; pIniSpooler->pIniEnvironment = NULL; pIniSpooler->pIniNetPrint = NULL; pIniSpooler->cNetPrinters = 0;
// No need to initialize shared resources.
pIniSpooler->pSpool = NULL; pIniSpooler->pDefaultSpoolDir = NULL; pIniSpooler->bEnableRetryPopups = FALSE; pIniSpooler->dwRestartJobOnPoolTimeout = DEFAULT_JOB_RESTART_TIMEOUT_ON_POOL_ERROR; pIniSpooler->bRestartJobOnPoolEnabled = TRUE;
if (( pSpoolerInfo2->pszRegistryMonitors == NULL ) && ( pSpoolerInfo2->pszRegistryEnvironments == NULL ) && ( pSpoolerInfo2->pszRegistryEventLog == NULL ) && ( pSpoolerInfo2->pszRegistryProviders == NULL ) && ( pSpoolerInfo2->pszEventLogMsgFile == NULL ) && ( pSpoolerInfo2->pszRegistryForms == NULL ) && ( pSpoolerInfo2->pszDriversShare == NULL )) {
DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("SplCreateSpooler Invalid Parameters\n")); goto SplCreateDone; }
if( !( pSpoolerInfo2->SpoolerFlags & SPL_CLUSTER_REG ) && ( pSpoolerInfo2->pszRegistryPrinters == NULL )){
DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("SplCreateSpooler Invalid RegistryPrinters\n")); goto SplCreateDone; }
if ( pSpoolerInfo2->pDefaultSpoolDir != NULL ) { pIniSpooler->pDefaultSpoolDir = AllocSplStr( pSpoolerInfo2->pDefaultSpoolDir );
if ( pIniSpooler->pDefaultSpoolDir == NULL ) { DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("SplCreateSpooler Unable to allocate\n")); goto SplCreateDone;
} }
pIniSpooler->pszRegistryMonitors = AllocSplStr( pSpoolerInfo2->pszRegistryMonitors );
// The spooler stores data about environemnts, versions, drivers and print processors
// in the regsitry (or cluster data base). This data is accessed via pIniSpooler->
// pszRegistryEnvironemts
if (pSpoolerInfo2->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER) { //
// For a cluster spooler pIniSpooler->hckRoot maps to Parameters key of the spooler
// resource in the cluster database. pIniSpooler->pszRegistryEnvironments is a key
// called "Environemts" under hckRoot.
pIniSpooler->pszRegistryEnvironments = AllocSplStr(ipszClusterDatabaseEnvironments); } else { //
// For local spooler pIniSpooler->pszRegistryEnvironments is the following string:
// System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments. It is used relative to HKLM
pIniSpooler->pszRegistryEnvironments = AllocSplStr(!pLocalIniSpooler ? pSpoolerInfo2->pszRegistryEnvironments : pLocalIniSpooler->pszRegistryEnvironments); }
pIniSpooler->pszRegistryEventLog = AllocSplStr( pSpoolerInfo2->pszRegistryEventLog ); pIniSpooler->pszRegistryProviders = AllocSplStr( pSpoolerInfo2->pszRegistryProviders ); pIniSpooler->pszEventLogMsgFile = AllocSplStr( pSpoolerInfo2->pszEventLogMsgFile );
if (pSpoolerInfo2->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER) { //
// The driver share for a cluster spooler is of the form \\server\print$\spooler-resource-GUID
StrCatAlloc(&pIniSpooler->pszDriversShare, pSpoolerInfo2->pszDriversShare, L"\\", pIniSpooler->pszClusResID, szDriversDirectory, NULL); } else { //
// The driver share for the local spooler is \\server\print$
StrCatAlloc(&pIniSpooler->pszDriversShare, pSpoolerInfo2->pszDriversShare, NULL); }
pIniSpooler->pszRegistryForms = AllocSplStr( pSpoolerInfo2->pszRegistryForms ) ; pIniSpooler->hClusterToken = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; pIniSpooler->hFilePool = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if ( pIniSpooler->pszRegistryMonitors == NULL || pIniSpooler->pszRegistryEnvironments == NULL || pIniSpooler->pszRegistryEventLog == NULL || pIniSpooler->pszRegistryProviders == NULL || pIniSpooler->pszEventLogMsgFile == NULL || pIniSpooler->pszDriversShare == NULL || pIniSpooler->pszRegistryForms == NULL ) {
DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("SplCreateSpooler Unable to allocate\n")); goto SplCreateDone;
pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags = pSpoolerInfo2->SpoolerFlags;
// Initialize the shared resources (pShared).
if( !InitializeShared( pIniSpooler )){ DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "SplCreateSpooler: InitializeShared Failed %d\n", GetLastError() )); goto SplCreateDone; }
// Create the print share if necessary. This is always needed
// since the cluster printers are shared, while the local ones
// on this node aren't.
if(pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_ALWAYS_CREATE_DRIVER_SHARE ){
if( !AddPrintShare( pIniSpooler )){ goto SplCreateDone; } }
// Open and store the printer and root key from
// the resource registry.
if( pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_CLUSTER_REG ){
SPLASSERT( Level == 2 );
// Set up the DS Cluster info. If we fail here, we can't publish printers, but let's
// not abort the cluster.
Status = InitializeDSClusterInfo(pIniSpooler, &hToken); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("InitializeDSClusterInfo FAILED: %d\n", Status)); }
pIniSpooler->hckRoot = OpenClusterParameterKey( pSpoolerInfo2->pszResource );
if( !pIniSpooler->hckRoot ) { goto SplCreateDone; }
Status = SplRegCreateKey( pIniSpooler->hckRoot, szPrintersKey, 0, KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ | DELETE, NULL, &pIniSpooler->hckPrinters, NULL, pIniSpooler );
if( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ){ SetLastError( Status ); goto SplCreateDone; }
} else {
DWORD dwDisposition;
Status = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pSpoolerInfo2->pszRegistryRoot, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ | DELETE, NULL, &pIniSpooler->hckRoot, &dwDisposition );
if( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ){ SetLastError( Status ); goto SplCreateDone; }
Status = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pSpoolerInfo2->pszRegistryPrinters, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ | DELETE, NULL, &pIniSpooler->hckPrinters, &dwDisposition );
if( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ){ SetLastError( Status ); goto SplCreateDone; }
pIniSpooler->pfnReadRegistryExtra = pSpoolerInfo2->pfnReadRegistryExtra; pIniSpooler->pfnWriteRegistryExtra = pSpoolerInfo2->pfnWriteRegistryExtra; pIniSpooler->pfnFreePrinterExtra = pSpoolerInfo2->pfnFreePrinterExtra;
// Success add to Linked List
if ( pLocalIniSpooler != NULL ) {
pIniSpooler->pIniNextSpooler = pLocalIniSpooler->pIniNextSpooler; pLocalIniSpooler->pIniNextSpooler = pIniSpooler;
} else {
// First One is Always LocalSpl
pLocalIniSpooler = pIniSpooler; pIniSpooler->pIniNextSpooler = NULL;
// This function will update the global varaiable dwUpgradeFlag
QueryUpgradeFlag( pIniSpooler );
InitializeEventLogging( pIniSpooler );
// Only initialize forms if this is not a clustered spooler.
if( !( pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER )){ InitializeForms( pIniSpooler ); }
// Originally ports were a per-machine (manual) resource. However,
// this has changed for clustering in 5.0, so that ports can be
// stored in the cluster registry. Note that monitors are still
// manual resources, since there isn't an easy way to install them
// on a remote machine.
BuildAllPorts( pIniSpooler );
InitializeSpoolerSettings( pIniSpooler );
if ( pIniSpooler == pLocalIniSpooler ) {
GetPrintSystemVersion( pIniSpooler );
BuildEnvironmentInfo( pIniSpooler );
if ( dwUpgradeFlag ) {
// The problem is that we have built-in forms, and
// custom forms (duplicates disallowed).On NT4, we
// may have a custom "A6" form. When we upgrade to NT5,
// and we have a new built-in from "A6." We need to
// rename the custom form to "A6 Custom," otherwise we'll
// have duplicates.
UpgradeForms(pIniSpooler); }
} else if (pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER) {
HANDLE hThread; DWORD dwThreadId; DWORD dwError;
// The setup creates the registry strucutre for the local spooler:
// Environments {Windows NT x86, Windows IA64, etc}
// For a cluster spooler we need to create it ourselves in the
// cluster database
if ((dwError = CreateClusterSpoolerEnvironmentsStructure(pIniSpooler)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Create all the environments, versions, drivers, processors strurctres
// This function always returns FALSE. We cannot take its return value
// into account.
// Now we launch a thread to do time consuming tasks that can
// be performed with the spooler on line. These inlude ungrading
// printer drivers, copying ICM profiles from the cluster disk etc.
// We need to bump the ref count so that the worker thread has
// a valid pIniSpooler. The worker thread will decref the pinispooler
// when it is done
// The event has manual reset and is not signaled.
pIniSpooler->hClusSplReady = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
// If the thread is created, then SplCreateSpoolerWorkerThread will
// close the hClusSplReady event handle.
if (pIniSpooler->hClusSplReady && (hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)SplCreateSpoolerWorkerThread, (PVOID)pIniSpooler, 0, &dwThreadId))) { CloseHandle(hThread); } else { //
// Either CreateEvent or CreatreThread failed.
dwError = GetLastError();
if (pIniSpooler->hClusSplReady) { CloseHandle(pIniSpooler->hClusSplReady);
pIniSpooler->hClusSplReady = NULL; }
DBGMSG(DBG_ERROR, ("Unable to create SplCreateSpoolerWorkerThread\n")); } }
// An error occured
if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(dwError); goto SplCreateDone; } } else { //
// This is the case of a network spooler. You get one of those when
// you make a true printer connection
pIniSpooler->pIniEnvironment = pLocalIniSpooler->pIniEnvironment; }
// Read Printer Info from Registry (cluster databse for cluster spooler)
// There's no cleanup in any of this code--it doesn't free any allocated memory!
if( !BuildPrinterInfo( pIniSpooler, (BOOL) dwUpgradeFlag )){ goto SplCreateDone; }
if( pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER ){
// Keep a counter of pIniSpoolers.
++gcClusterIniSpooler; }
// We need to perform some costly initialization, so we increase the refcount
// on the pIniSpooler and will do the lengthy operations outside the global
// critical section
INCSPOOLERREF(pIniSpooler); LeaveSplSem();
// GetDNSMachineName may fail, but that's okay. Just don't be surprised
// if pszFullMachineName is NULL.
GetDNSMachineName(pIniSpooler->pMachineName + 2, &pIniSpooler->pszFullMachineName);
if (Level == 2 && pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER) { LPWSTR *ppszIPAddresses = NULL; DWORD cIPAddreeses = 0;
// The cluster resource calls us with level 2. In this case we want to add a node
// tothe cache, but we want the node to support the name and IP addresses we want.
// The resource tells us all the IP addresses the cluster spooler is dependent on.
if (BuildIPArrayFromCommaList(pSpoolerInfo2->pszAddress, &ppszIPAddresses, &cIPAddreeses) != S_OK || CacheCreateAndAddNodeWithIPAddresses(pIniSpooler->pMachineName + 2, TRUE, ppszIPAddresses, cIPAddreeses) != S_OK) { EnterSplSem(); goto SplCreateDone; } } else if (pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & (SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER | SPL_TYPE_LOCAL)) { //
// We skip the \\ prepended to the server name. Cache nodes for cluster pIniSpooler
// are alwasy searched first. That is why in CacheCreateAndAddNode we indicate
// the type of the spooler.
if (CacheCreateAndAddNode(pIniSpooler->pMachineName + 2, pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER) != S_OK) { EnterSplSem(); goto SplCreateDone; } }
EnterSplSem(); DECSPOOLERREF(pIniSpooler);
} else {
// Initialize the DS.
if (pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_PRINT) { InitializeDS(pIniSpooler); }
hReturn = (HANDLE)pIniSpooler;
// Check if an error occurred while creating the spooler.
if (hReturn == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && pIniSpooler) { //
// This will prevent leaking allocated fields
if ( !pIniSpooler ) { if (!(pSpoolerInfo2->SpoolerFlags & SPL_OPEN_EXISTING_ONLY)) { SplLogEvent( NULL, LOG_ERROR, MSG_INIT_FAILED, FALSE, L"Spooler", L"SplCreateSpooler", L"Unknown Error", NULL ); } }
if (hToken) { ImpersonatePrinterClient(hToken); }
// Set the event that the cluster spooler is initialized
if (pIniSpooler && pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER && pIniSpooler->hClusSplReady) { SetEvent(pIniSpooler->hClusSplReady); }
return hReturn; }
BOOL InitializePrintProvidor( LPPRINTPROVIDOR pPrintProvidor, DWORD cbPrintProvidor, LPWSTR pFullRegistryPath ) { HANDLE hSchedulerThread; HANDLE hFinalInitAfterRouterInitCompleteThread; DWORD ThreadId; BOOL bSucceeded = TRUE; WCHAR Buffer[MAX_PATH]; DWORD i; PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler = NULL; static LPWSTR pMachineName = NULL; static LPWSTR pszDriverShareName = NULL; SPOOLER_INFO_1 SpoolerInfo1; BOOL bInSem = FALSE;
try {
if (!InitializeWinSpoolDrv()) leave;
// Make sure sizes of structres are good
// !! LATER !!
// We could change this to succeed even on failure
// if we point all the routines to a function which returns failure
if (!InitializeNet()) leave;
// JobIdMap initialized when spooler created.
// Allocate LocalSpl Global IniSpooler
Buffer[0] = Buffer[1] = L'\\'; i = MAX_PATH-2; OsVersionInfoEx.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX); OsVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); if ( !GetComputerName(Buffer+2, &i) || !GetVersionEx((POSVERSIONINFO)&OsVersionInfoEx) || !GetVersionEx(&OsVersionInfo)) {
DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("GetComputerName/OSVersionInfo failed.\n")); leave; }
pMachineName = AllocSplStr(Buffer); if ( pMachineName == NULL ) leave;
pszDriverShareName = AllocSplStr(ipszDriversShareName); /* print$ */
if ( pszDriverShareName == NULL ) { leave; }
SpoolerInfo1.pszDriversShare = pszDriverShareName;
// Read value for Allow remote connection policy.
if (FAILED(GetServerPolicy(szRegisterSpoolerRemoteRpcEndPoint, (ULONG*)(&gRemoteRPCEndPointPolicy)))) { DBGMSG(DBG_ERROR, ("Failing to read the remote connections policy.\n")); leave; }
if (!InitializeSecurityStructures()) leave;
// Use Defaults
SpoolerInfo1.pDir = NULL; SpoolerInfo1.pDefaultSpoolDir = NULL;
SpoolerInfo1.pszRegistryRoot = ipszRegistryRoot; SpoolerInfo1.pszRegistryPrinters = ipszRegSwPrinters; SpoolerInfo1.pszRegistryMonitors = ipszRegistryMonitorsHKLM; SpoolerInfo1.pszRegistryEnvironments = ipszRegistryEnvironments; SpoolerInfo1.pszRegistryEventLog = ipszRegistryEventLog; SpoolerInfo1.pszRegistryProviders = ipszRegistryProviders; SpoolerInfo1.pszEventLogMsgFile = ipszEventLogMsgFile; SpoolerInfo1.pszRegistryForms = ipszRegistryForms;
SpoolerInfo1.pfnReadRegistryExtra = NULL; SpoolerInfo1.pfnWriteRegistryExtra = NULL; SpoolerInfo1.pfnFreePrinterExtra = NULL;
pLocalIniSpooler = SplCreateSpooler( pMachineName, 1, (PBYTE)&SpoolerInfo1, NULL );
if ( pLocalIniSpooler == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("InitializePrintProvidor Unable to allocate pLocalIniSpooler\n")); leave; }
pIniSpooler = pLocalIniSpooler;
#if DBG
InitializeDebug( pIniSpooler ); #endif
// !! LATER !!
// Why is this done inside critical section ?
EnterSplSem(); bInSem = TRUE;
if (!LoadString(hInst, IDS_REMOTE_DOC, Buffer, MAX_PATH)) leave;
szRemoteDoc = AllocSplStr( Buffer ); if ( szRemoteDoc == NULL ) leave;
if (!LoadString(hInst, IDS_LOCAL_DOC, Buffer, MAX_PATH)) leave;
szLocalDoc = AllocSplStr( Buffer ); if ( szLocalDoc == NULL ) leave;
if (!LoadString(hInst, IDS_FASTPRINT_TIMEOUT, Buffer, MAX_PATH)) leave;
szFastPrintTimeout = AllocSplStr( Buffer ); if ( szFastPrintTimeout == NULL ) leave;
hSchedulerThread = CreateThread( NULL, INITIAL_STACK_COMMIT, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)SchedulerThread, pIniSpooler, 0, &ThreadId );
hFinalInitAfterRouterInitCompleteThread = CreateThread( NULL, INITIAL_STACK_COMMIT, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)FinalInitAfterRouterInitCompleteThread, (LPVOID)ULongToPtr(dwUpgradeFlag), 0, &ThreadId );
if (!SchedulerSignal || !PowerManagementSignal || !hSchedulerThread || !hFinalInitAfterRouterInitCompleteThread) {
DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("Scheduler/FinalInitAfterRouterInitCompleteThread not initialised properly: Error %d\n", GetLastError())); leave; }
if ( !SetThreadPriority( hSchedulerThread, dwSchedulerThreadPriority ) ) {
DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("Setting Scheduler thread priority failed %d\n", GetLastError())); }
CloseHandle( hSchedulerThread ); CloseHandle( hFinalInitAfterRouterInitCompleteThread );
// Read online/offline status for local printers from current config
CopyMemory( pPrintProvidor, &PrintProvidor, min(sizeof(PRINTPROVIDOR), cbPrintProvidor));
LeaveSplSem(); bInSem = FALSE;
CloseProfileUserMapping(); // !!! We should be able to get rid of this
// Get the default value for DefaultKMPrintersAreBlocked. It depends
// what type of OS is running. If we cannot identify the type of OS,
// the default is set to "blocked"
DefaultKMPrintersAreBlocked = GetDefaultForKMPrintersBlockedPolicy();
gdwServerInstallTimeOut = GetServerInstallTimeOut();
Initialized = TRUE;
} finally {
if ( bInSem ) { LeaveSplSem(); }
return Initialized; }
PINIPORT CreatePortEntry( LPWSTR pPortName, PINIMONITOR pIniMonitor, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler ) { DWORD cb; PINIPORT pIniPort = NULL; HANDLE hPort = NULL; BOOL bPlaceHolder = FALSE; BOOL bInitCS = FALSE;
// This is a placeholder if there is no monitor and later if there is no
// partial print provider.
bPlaceHolder = pIniMonitor == NULL;
SPLASSERT( pIniSpooler->signature == ISP_SIGNATURE );
if (!pPortName || !*pPortName || wcslen(pPortName) >= MAX_PATH) {
SetLastError(ERROR_UNKNOWN_PORT); return NULL; }
if (!pIniMonitor) {
/* Don't bother validating the port if we aren't initialised.
* It must be valid, since we wrote it in the registry. * This fixes the problem of attempting to open a network * printer before the redirector has initialised, * and the problem of access denied because we're currently * in the system's context. */ if (Initialized) {
// !! Warning !!
// Watch for deadlock:
// spoolss!OpenPrinterPortW -> RPC to self printer port
// localspl!CreatePortEntry
// localspl!ValidatePortTokenList
// localspl!SetPrinterPorts
// localspl!LocalSetPrinter
// spoolss!SetPrinterW
// spoolss!RpcSetPrinter
// spoolss!winspool_RpcSetPrinter
// If we can't open the port then fail the call since this
// spooler did not know this name before.
LeaveSplSem(); if ( !OpenPrinterPortW(pPortName, &hPort, NULL) ){ EnterSplSem(); goto Cleanup; } else {
bPlaceHolder = FALSE; ClosePrinter(hPort); }
EnterSplSem(); } }
cb = sizeof(INIPORT) + wcslen(pPortName)*sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR);
if (pIniPort=AllocSplMem(cb)) {
StringCbCopy((LPWSTR)(pIniPort+1), cb - sizeof(*pIniPort), pPortName);
pIniPort->pName = (LPWSTR)(pIniPort+1); pIniPort->signature = IPO_SIGNATURE; pIniPort->pIniMonitor = pIniMonitor; pIniPort->IdleTime = GetTickCount() - 1; pIniPort->bIdleTimeValid = FALSE; pIniPort->ErrorTime = 0; pIniPort->hErrorEvent = NULL; pIniPort->InCriticalSection = 0;
pIniPort->hPortThreadRunning = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if ( !pIniPort->hPortThreadRunning ) { goto Cleanup; } if (pIniMonitor) { pIniPort->Status |= PP_MONITOR; }
if (bPlaceHolder) { pIniPort->Status |= PP_PLACEHOLDER; }
if (!(bInitCS = InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&(pIniPort->MonitorCS), 0x80000000))) { goto Cleanup; }
LinkPortToSpooler( pIniPort, pIniSpooler ); }
if ( pIniPort && (!pIniPort->hPortThreadRunning || !bInitCS) ) { DeletePortEntry(pIniPort); } return pIniPort; }
BOOL DeletePortEntry( PINIPORT pIniPort )
Routine Description:
Free pIniPort resources then delete it. If the pIniPort is on a pIniSpooler's linked list, remove it too.
pIniPort - Port to delete. May or may not be on a pIniSpooler.
Return Value:
TRUE - deleted FALSE - not deleted (may be in use).
{ PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler;
SPLASSERT ( ( pIniPort != NULL) || ( pIniPort->signature == IPO_SIGNATURE) );
// We had better already closed the port monitor.
SPLASSERT( !GetMonitorHandle(pIniPort) && !(pIniPort->Status & PP_THREADRUNNING) && !pIniPort->cJobs);
if (pIniPort->cRef) { pIniPort->Status |= PP_DELETING; return FALSE; }
pIniSpooler = pIniPort->pIniSpooler;
// If currently linked to a pIniSpooler, delink it.
if( pIniSpooler ){
SPLASSERT( pIniSpooler->signature == ISP_SIGNATURE );
DelinkPortFromSpooler( pIniPort, pIniSpooler ); }
if (pIniPort->ppIniPrinter) FreeSplMem(pIniPort->ppIniPrinter);
return TRUE; }
VOID FreeIniMonitor( PINIMONITOR pIniMonitor ) { if( pIniMonitor ){
FreeSplStr( pIniMonitor->pMonitorDll );
if( pIniMonitor->hModule ){ FreeLibrary( pIniMonitor->hModule ); }
if( pIniMonitor->pMonitorInit ){
FreeSplStr( (LPWSTR)pIniMonitor->pMonitorInit->pszServerName );
if( pIniMonitor->pMonitorInit->hckRegistryRoot ){ SplRegCloseKey( pIniMonitor->pMonitorInit->hckRegistryRoot, pIniMonitor->pIniSpooler ); }
FreeSplMem( pIniMonitor->pMonitorInit ); }
FreeSplMem( pIniMonitor ); } }
#ifdef _SPL_CLUST
LPMONITOR2 InitializePrintMonitor2( PMONITORINIT pMonitorInit, PHANDLE phMonitor ) { return(LocalMonInitializePrintMonitor2(pMonitorInit,phMonitor)); } #endif
PINIMONITOR CreateMonitorEntry( LPWSTR pMonitorDll, LPWSTR pMonitorName, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler )
Routine Description:
Return Value:
Valid pIniMonitor - This means everything worked out fine.
NULL - This means the monitor DLL was found, but the initialisation routine returned FALSE. This is non-fatal, as the monitor may need the system to reboot before it can run properly.
-1 - This means the monitor DLL or the initialization routine was not found.
{ WCHAR szRegistryRoot[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cb, cbNeeded, cReturned, dwRetVal; PPORT_INFO_1 pPorts, pPort; PINIMONITOR pIniMonitor; UINT uOldErrMode; PMONITOR2 (*pfnInitializePrintMonitor2)(PMONITORINIT, PHANDLE) = NULL; PINIMONITOR pReturnValue = (PINIMONITOR)-1;
HANDLE hKeyOut; LPWSTR pszPathOut;
SPLASSERT( (pIniSpooler != NULL) || (pIniSpooler->signature == ISP_SIGNATURE)); SplInSem();
cb = sizeof(INIMONITOR) + wcslen(pMonitorName)*sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR); pIniMonitor = AllocSplMem(cb);
if( !pIniMonitor ){ goto Fail; }
StringCbCopy((LPWSTR)(pIniMonitor+1), cb - sizeof(*pIniMonitor), pMonitorName);
pIniMonitor->pName = (LPWSTR)(pIniMonitor+1); pIniMonitor->signature = IMO_SIGNATURE; pIniMonitor->pMonitorDll = AllocSplStr(pMonitorDll);
pIniMonitor->pIniSpooler = pIniSpooler;
if( !pIniMonitor->pMonitorDll ){ goto Fail; }
// Load the library, but don't show any hard error popups if it's an
// invalid binary.
INCSPOOLERREF( pIniSpooler ); LeaveSplSem(); uOldErrMode = SetErrorMode( SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS ); pIniMonitor->hModule = LoadLibrary(pMonitorDll); SetErrorMode( uOldErrMode ); EnterSplSem(); DECSPOOLERREF( pIniSpooler );
if (!pIniMonitor->hModule) {
DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("CreateMonitorEntry( %ws, %ws ) LoadLibrary failed %d\n", pMonitorDll ? pMonitorDll : L"(NULL)", pMonitorName ? pMonitorName : L"(NULL)", GetLastError())); goto Fail; }
GetRegistryLocation( pIniSpooler->hckRoot, pIniSpooler->pszRegistryMonitors, &hKeyOut, &pszPathOut );
dwRetVal = StrNCatBuff( szRegistryRoot, COUNTOF(szRegistryRoot), pszPathOut, L"\\", pMonitorName, NULL );
if (dwRetVal != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PRINT_MONITOR); goto Fail; } //
// Try calling the entry points in the following order:
// InitializePrintMonitor2 (used for clustering),
// InitializePrintMonitor,
// InitializeMonitorEx,
// InitializeMonitor
(FARPROC)pfnInitializePrintMonitor2 = GetProcAddress( pIniMonitor->hModule, "InitializePrintMonitor2" );
if( !pfnInitializePrintMonitor2 ){
// If this is clustered spooler, then only InitializePrintMonitor2
// monitors are supported.
if( pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER ){ goto Fail; }
// Add the parth to the Monitor name here.
pReturnValue = InitializeDMonitor( pIniMonitor, szRegistryRoot );
if( pReturnValue == NULL || pReturnValue == (PINIMONITOR)-1 ){
goto Fail; }
} else {
PMONITORINIT pMonitorInit; DWORD Status; PMONITOR2 pMonitor2 = NULL;
INCSPOOLERREF( pIniSpooler ); LeaveSplSem();
// kKeyOut must either be not HKLM, or it must not be a cluster.
// If it is both a cluster and also uses HKLM, then we have an error.
// This should never happen because only win32spl uses an absolute
// path.
SPLASSERT( (hKeyOut != HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) || !(pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER ));
pMonitorInit = (PMONITORINIT)AllocSplMem( sizeof( MONITORINIT ));
if( !pMonitorInit ){ goto FailOutsideSem; }
pMonitorInit->pszServerName = AllocSplStr( pIniSpooler->pMachineName );
if( !pMonitorInit->pszServerName ){ goto FailOutsideSem; }
pMonitorInit->cbSize = sizeof( MONITORINIT ); pMonitorInit->hSpooler = (HANDLE)pIniSpooler; pMonitorInit->pMonitorReg = &gMonitorReg; pMonitorInit->bLocal = ( pIniSpooler == pLocalIniSpooler );
pIniMonitor->pMonitorInit = pMonitorInit;
Status = SplRegCreateKey( hKeyOut, szRegistryRoot, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE | DELETE, NULL, &pMonitorInit->hckRegistryRoot, NULL, pIniSpooler ); //
// If we can't create the hck root key, then fail
// the call. We should log an event here too.
if( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ){
pMonitor2 = (*pfnInitializePrintMonitor2)( pMonitorInit, &pIniMonitor->hMonitor );
if( pMonitor2 ){
DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ( "CreateMonitorEntry: opened %x %x on %x\n", pIniMonitor, pIniMonitor->hMonitor, pIniSpooler ));
// Succeeded, copy over the pMonitor2 structure into
// pIniMonitor->Monitor2.
CopyMemory((LPBYTE)&pIniMonitor->Monitor2, (LPBYTE)pMonitor2, min(pMonitor2->cbSize, sizeof(MONITOR2)));
// Check if the monitor2 supports Shutdown.
// Raid#: 193150 - Accept any size Monitor2 as long as it supports Shutdown
if( !pIniMonitor->Monitor2.pfnShutdown ){
DBGMSG( DBG_ERROR, ( "Invalid print monitor %ws (no shutdown)\n", pMonitorName )); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PRINT_MONITOR); DECSPOOLERREF( pIniSpooler ); goto FailOutsideSem; }
// Initialize an uplevel monitor for downlevel support.
InitializeUMonitor( pIniMonitor );
} else {
DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "CreateMonitorEntry: InitializePrintMonitor2 failed %d\n", GetLastError() )); }
} else {
DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "CreateMonitorEntry: Unable to create hckRoot "TSTR"\n", pMonitorName )); }
EnterSplSem(); DECSPOOLERREF( pIniSpooler );
if( !pMonitor2 ){ goto Fail; }
pIniMonitor->bUplevel = TRUE; }
// Check if the monitor supports essential functions
if ( (!pIniMonitor->Monitor2.pfnOpenPort && !pIniMonitor->Monitor2.pfnOpenPortEx) || !pIniMonitor->Monitor2.pfnClosePort || !pIniMonitor->Monitor2.pfnStartDocPort || !pIniMonitor->Monitor2.pfnWritePort || !pIniMonitor->Monitor2.pfnReadPort || !pIniMonitor->Monitor2.pfnEndDocPort ) {
DBGMSG(DBG_ERROR, ("Invalid print monitor %ws\n", pMonitorName)); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PRINT_MONITOR);
goto Fail; }
if (FindMonitor(pMonitorName, pIniSpooler)) {
if ((pIniMonitor->Monitor2.pfnEnumPorts) && !(*pIniMonitor->Monitor2.pfnEnumPorts)( pIniMonitor->hMonitor, NULL, 1, NULL, 0, &cbNeeded, &cReturned)) {
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { if (pPorts = AllocSplMem(cbNeeded)) { pPort = pPorts; if ((*pIniMonitor->Monitor2.pfnEnumPorts)( pIniMonitor->hMonitor, NULL, 1, (LPBYTE)pPorts, cbNeeded, &cbNeeded, &cReturned)) {
while (cReturned--) { CreatePortEntry(pPort->pName, pIniMonitor, pIniSpooler); pPort++; } } FreeSplMem(pPorts); } } }
DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("CreateMonitorEntry( %ws, %ws, %ws ) returning %x\n", pMonitorDll ? pMonitorDll : L"(NULL)", pMonitorName ? pMonitorName : L"(NULL)", szRegistryRoot, pIniMonitor));
// Success, link it up.
pIniMonitor->pNext = pIniSpooler->pIniMonitor; pIniSpooler->pIniMonitor = pIniMonitor;
return pIniMonitor;
FreeIniMonitor( pIniMonitor );
return pReturnValue; }
BOOL BuildAllPorts( PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler ) { DWORD cchData, cbDll, cMonitors; WCHAR Dll[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR MonitorName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR RegistryPath[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hKey, hKey1, hKeyOut; LPWSTR pszPathOut; LONG Status; PINIMONITOR pReturnValue = (PINIMONITOR)-1;
PINISPOOLER pIniSpoolerMonitor;
// For pLocalIniSpooler or clustered spooler, read the monitors out
// of HKLM (the same monitors used in pLocalIniMonitor). This is because
// you install a monitor for each node, then that monitor is initialized
// for the local spooler and all clustered spoolers.
// You install monitors on the node, not on specific cluster groups.
if( pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_LOCAL ){ pIniSpoolerMonitor = pLocalIniSpooler; } else { pIniSpoolerMonitor = pIniSpooler; }
GetRegistryLocation( pIniSpoolerMonitor->hckRoot, pIniSpooler->pszRegistryMonitors, &hKeyOut, &pszPathOut );
Status = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyOut, pszPathOut, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey);
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
cMonitors=0; cchData = COUNTOF( MonitorName );
while (RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, cMonitors, MonitorName, &cchData, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("Found monitor %ws\n", MonitorName));
if (RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, MonitorName, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey1) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
cbDll = sizeof(Dll);
if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey1, L"Driver", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)Dll, &cbDll) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
CreateMonitorEntry(Dll, MonitorName, pIniSpooler); }
RegCloseKey(hKey1); }
cMonitors++; cchData = COUNTOF( MonitorName ); }
return TRUE; }
Current Directory == <NT directory>\system32\spool\printers pFindFileData->cFileName == 0 */
BOOL BuildPrinterInfo( PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, BOOL UpdateChangeID ) { WCHAR PrinterName[MAX_PRINTER_NAME]; WCHAR szData[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szDefaultPrinterDirectory[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cbData, i; DWORD cbSecurity, dwLastError; DWORD cPrinters, Type; HKEY hPrinterKey; PINIPRINTER pIniPrinter; PINIPORT pIniPort; LONG Status; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES SecurityAttributes; PKEYDATA pKeyData = NULL; BOOL bUpdateRegistryForThisPrinter = UpdateChangeID; BOOL bWriteDirectory = FALSE; BOOL bAllocMem = FALSE; BOOL bNoPorts = FALSE; LPWSTR szPortData;
// Has user specified Default Spool Directory ?
cbData = sizeof( szData ); *szData = (WCHAR)0;
Status = SplRegQueryValue( pIniSpooler->hckPrinters, SPLREG_DEFAULT_SPOOL_DIRECTORY, NULL, (LPBYTE)szData, &cbData, pIniSpooler );
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // found a value, so verify the directory
if (!(pIniSpooler->pDefaultSpoolDir = AllocSplStr( szData ))) // Copies szData to pDefaultSpoolDir
return FALSE; } else { bWriteDirectory = TRUE; // No registry directory, so create one
// Copy pDefaultSpoolDir to szDefaultPrinterDirectory
GetPrinterDirectory(NULL, FALSE, szDefaultPrinterDirectory, COUNTOF(szDefaultPrinterDirectory), pIniSpooler);
if (!pIniSpooler->pDefaultSpoolDir) return FALSE;
// Create the directory with the proper security, or fail trying
SecurityAttributes.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); SecurityAttributes.lpSecurityDescriptor = CreateEverybodySecurityDescriptor(); SecurityAttributes.bInheritHandle = FALSE;
// CreateDirectory limits the length of a directory to 248 (MAX_PATH-12)
// characters. By calculating the length, we ensure that an escape sequence
// will not lead to the creation of a directory with a name longer than 248
if (wcslen(szDefaultPrinterDirectory) > MAX_PATH - 12 || !CreateDirectory(szDefaultPrinterDirectory, &SecurityAttributes)) {
// Failed to create the directory? Back to factory default
bWriteDirectory = TRUE;
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) {
// In the clustered case, just fail.
if( pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER ){ return FALSE; }
DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("Failed to create DefaultSpoolDirectory %ws\n", szDefaultPrinterDirectory)); FreeSplStr(pIniSpooler->pDefaultSpoolDir);
pIniSpooler->pDefaultSpoolDir = NULL; // This tells GetPrinterDirectory to alloc pDefaultSpoolDir
GetPrinterDirectory(NULL, FALSE, szDefaultPrinterDirectory, COUNTOF(szDefaultPrinterDirectory), pIniSpooler);
if (!pIniSpooler->pDefaultSpoolDir) return FALSE;
Status = CreateDirectory(szDefaultPrinterDirectory, &SecurityAttributes);
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS && Status != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("Failed to create DefaultSpoolDirectory %ws\n", szDefaultPrinterDirectory)); FreeSplStr(pIniSpooler->pDefaultSpoolDir); pIniSpooler->pDefaultSpoolDir = NULL; return FALSE; } } }
if (bWriteDirectory) { Status = SetPrinterDataServer( pIniSpooler, SPLREG_DEFAULT_SPOOL_DIRECTORY, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) pIniSpooler->pDefaultSpoolDir, wcslen(pIniSpooler->pDefaultSpoolDir)*sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR)); }
cPrinters=0; cbData = COUNTOF(PrinterName);
while( SplRegEnumKey( pIniSpooler->hckPrinters, cPrinters, PrinterName, &cbData, NULL, pIniSpooler ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("Found printer %ws\n", PrinterName));
if( SplRegCreateKey( pIniSpooler->hckPrinters, PrinterName, 0, KEY_READ, NULL, &hPrinterKey, NULL, pIniSpooler ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ){
if ( pIniPrinter = AllocSplMem(sizeof(INIPRINTER) )) {
// Reference count the pIniSpooler.
pIniPrinter->signature = IP_SIGNATURE; GetSystemTime( &pIniPrinter->stUpTime );
// Give the printer a unique session ID to pass around in notifications
pIniPrinter->dwUniqueSessionID = dwUniquePrinterSessionID++;
cbData = sizeof(szData); *szData = (WCHAR)0;
if (SplRegQueryValue(hPrinterKey, szName, NULL, (LPBYTE)szData, &cbData, pIniSpooler) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
pIniPrinter->pName = AllocSplStr(szData);
// Get Spool Directory for this printer
cbData = sizeof(szData); *szData = (WCHAR)0;
if (SplRegQueryValue( hPrinterKey, szSpoolDir, &Type, (LPBYTE)szData, &cbData, pIniSpooler) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if ( *szData != (WCHAR)0 ) {
pIniPrinter->pSpoolDir = AllocSplStr(szData); }
// Get ObjectGUID for this printer
cbData = sizeof(szData); *szData = (WCHAR)0;
if (SplRegQueryValue( hPrinterKey, szObjectGUID, &Type, (LPBYTE)szData, &cbData, pIniSpooler) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if ( *szData != (WCHAR)0 ) { pIniPrinter->pszObjectGUID = AllocSplStr(szData); } }
// Get DsKeyUpdate and DsKeyUpdateForeground for this printer
cbData = sizeof(pIniPrinter->DsKeyUpdate ); SplRegQueryValue( hPrinterKey, szDsKeyUpdate, &Type, (LPBYTE) &pIniPrinter->DsKeyUpdate, &cbData, pIniSpooler);
cbData = sizeof(pIniPrinter->DsKeyUpdateForeground ); SplRegQueryValue( hPrinterKey, szDsKeyUpdateForeground, &Type, (LPBYTE) &pIniPrinter->DsKeyUpdateForeground, &cbData, pIniSpooler);
if ( !(pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CACHE) ) {
// We make sure that DsKeyUpdateForeground is consistent
// when the spooler startsup. Otherwise DsKeyUpdateForeground might be
// set without dwAction being set and the printer will always be in the
// IO_PENDING state.
if (pIniPrinter->DsKeyUpdateForeground & (DS_KEY_PUBLISH | DS_KEY_REPUBLISH | DS_KEY_UNPUBLISH)) { if (pIniPrinter->DsKeyUpdateForeground & DS_KEY_PUBLISH) { pIniPrinter->dwAction |= DSPRINT_PUBLISH; } else if (pIniPrinter->DsKeyUpdateForeground & DS_KEY_REPUBLISH) { pIniPrinter->dwAction |= DSPRINT_REPUBLISH; } else if (pIniPrinter->DsKeyUpdateForeground & DS_KEY_UNPUBLISH) { pIniPrinter->dwAction |= DSPRINT_UNPUBLISH; }
pIniPrinter->DsKeyUpdateForeground &= ~(DS_KEY_PUBLISH | DS_KEY_REPUBLISH | DS_KEY_UNPUBLISH);
} else { pIniPrinter->DsKeyUpdateForeground = 0; }
} else {
// For connections, dwAction is read from registry. It is updated by
// caching code with the value on the server.
cbData = sizeof(pIniPrinter->dwAction); SplRegQueryValue( hPrinterKey, szAction, &Type, (LPBYTE) &pIniPrinter->dwAction, &cbData, pIniSpooler); }
// Make Certain this Printers Printer directory exists
// with correct security
if ((pIniPrinter->pSpoolDir) && (wcscmp(pIniPrinter->pSpoolDir, szDefaultPrinterDirectory) != 0)) {
SecurityAttributes.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); SecurityAttributes.lpSecurityDescriptor = CreateEverybodySecurityDescriptor();
SecurityAttributes.bInheritHandle = FALSE;
if (!CreateDirectory(pIniPrinter->pSpoolDir, &SecurityAttributes)) {
// Failed to Create the Directory, revert back
// to the default
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("Could not create printer spool directory %ws %d\n", pIniPrinter->pSpoolDir, GetLastError() )); pIniPrinter->pSpoolDir = NULL; }
LocalFree(SecurityAttributes.lpSecurityDescriptor); }
cbData = sizeof(szData); *szData = (WCHAR)0;
if (SplRegQueryValue( hPrinterKey, szShare, &Type, (LPBYTE)szData, &cbData, pIniSpooler) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
pIniPrinter->pShareName = AllocSplStr(szData);
cbData = sizeof(szData); *szData = (WCHAR)0;
dwLastError = SplRegQueryValue( hPrinterKey, szPort, &Type, (LPBYTE)szData, &cbData, pIniSpooler );
if ((dwLastError == ERROR_MORE_DATA) && (szPortData = AllocSplMem(cbData))) { bAllocMem = TRUE; dwLastError = SplRegQueryValue( hPrinterKey, szPort, &Type, (LPBYTE)szPortData, &cbData, pIniSpooler ); } else { bAllocMem = FALSE; szPortData = szData; }
if (dwLastError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (pKeyData = CreateTokenList(szPortData)) {
if (!ValidatePortTokenList( pKeyData, pIniSpooler, TRUE, &bNoPorts)) {
LogFatalPortError(pIniSpooler, pIniPrinter->pName);
FreePortTokenList(pKeyData); pKeyData = NULL;
} else {
// If there are no ports on the printer, just log
// a warning message, but only for pooled printers.
if (bNoPorts && pKeyData->cTokens > 1) {
SplLogEvent( pIniSpooler, LOG_WARNING, MSG_NO_PORT_FOUND_FOR_PRINTER, TRUE, pIniPrinter->pName, szPortData, NULL ); }
pIniPrinter->ppIniPorts = AllocSplMem(pKeyData->cTokens * sizeof(PINIPORT)); } } }
if (bAllocMem) { FreeSplMem(szPortData); szPortData = NULL; }
cbData = sizeof(szData); *szData = (WCHAR)0;
if (SplRegQueryValue( hPrinterKey, szPrintProcessor, &Type, (LPBYTE)szData, &cbData, pIniSpooler ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// We are trying to find the environment relative to the pIniSpooler.
// The local spooler and cluster spoolers do not share the same
// environment strucutres anymore
if (pIniEnv = FindEnvironment(szEnvironment, pIniSpooler)) { pIniPrinter->pIniPrintProc = FindPrintProc(szData, pIniEnv); } }
cbData = sizeof(szData); *szData = (WCHAR)0;
if (SplRegQueryValue( hPrinterKey, szDatatype, &Type, (LPBYTE)szData, &cbData, pIniSpooler ) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
pIniPrinter->pDatatype = AllocSplStr(szData);
cbData = sizeof(szData); *szData = (WCHAR)0;
if (SplRegQueryValue( hPrinterKey, szDriver, &Type, (LPBYTE)szData, &cbData, pIniSpooler ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
pIniPrinter->pIniDriver = (PINIDRIVER)FindLocalDriver(pIniSpooler, szData);
if (!pIniPrinter->pIniDriver) { //
// The hosting node of the cluster spooler was upgraded to Whistler.
if (pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER && pIniSpooler->dwClusNodeUpgraded &&
// The driver was not found in the cluster spooler, not on the cluster disk.
// We attempt to install the driver from the local spooler to our cluster
// spooler. This will get the driver files on the cluster disk.
AddLocalDriverToClusterSpooler(szData, pIniSpooler) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Search again for the driver that must have been added
pIniPrinter->pIniDriver = (PINIDRIVER)FindLocalDriver(pIniSpooler, szData); } }
if (!pIniPrinter->pIniDriver) { SplLogEvent(pLocalIniSpooler, LOG_ERROR, MSG_NO_DRIVER_FOUND_FOR_PRINTER, TRUE, pIniPrinter->pName, szData, NULL); } }
cbData = sizeof(szData); *szData = (WCHAR)0;
if (SplRegQueryValue( hPrinterKey, szLocation, &Type, (LPBYTE)szData, &cbData, pIniSpooler ) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
pIniPrinter->pLocation = AllocSplStr(szData);
cbData = sizeof(szData); *szData = (WCHAR)0;
if (SplRegQueryValue( hPrinterKey, szDescription, &Type, (LPBYTE)szData, &cbData, pIniSpooler ) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
pIniPrinter->pComment = AllocSplStr(szData);
cbData = sizeof(szData); *szData = (WCHAR)0;
if (SplRegQueryValue( hPrinterKey, szParameters, &Type, (LPBYTE)szData, &cbData, pIniSpooler ) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
pIniPrinter->pParameters = AllocSplStr(szData);
cbData = sizeof(szData); *szData = (WCHAR)0;
if (SplRegQueryValue( hPrinterKey, szSepFile, &Type, (LPBYTE)szData, &cbData, pIniSpooler ) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
pIniPrinter->pSepFile = AllocSplStr(szData);
cbData = sizeof(pIniPrinter->Attributes);
SplRegQueryValue( hPrinterKey, szAttributes, NULL, (LPBYTE)&pIniPrinter->Attributes, &cbData, pIniSpooler );
cbData = sizeof(pIniPrinter->Status);
Status = SplRegQueryValue( hPrinterKey, szStatus, &Type, (LPBYTE)&pIniPrinter->Status, &cbData, pIniSpooler );
pIniPrinter->Status |= PRINTER_FROM_REG;
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
} else {
// Half formed printers should be deleted
// before they cause us trouble
if ( pIniPrinter->Status & PRINTER_PENDING_CREATION ) {
cbData = sizeof(pIniPrinter->Priority);
SplRegQueryValue( hPrinterKey, szPriority, &Type, (LPBYTE)&pIniPrinter->Priority, &cbData, pIniSpooler );
cbData = sizeof(pIniPrinter->DefaultPriority);
SplRegQueryValue( hPrinterKey, szDefaultPriority, &Type, (LPBYTE)&pIniPrinter->DefaultPriority, &cbData, pIniSpooler );
cbData = sizeof(pIniPrinter->UntilTime);
SplRegQueryValue( hPrinterKey, szUntilTime, &Type, (LPBYTE)&pIniPrinter->UntilTime, &cbData, pIniSpooler );
cbData = sizeof(pIniPrinter->StartTime);
SplRegQueryValue( hPrinterKey, szStartTime, &Type, (LPBYTE)&pIniPrinter->StartTime, &cbData, pIniSpooler );
cbData = sizeof(pIniPrinter->dnsTimeout);
if ( SplRegQueryValue( hPrinterKey, szDNSTimeout, &Type, (LPBYTE)&pIniPrinter->dnsTimeout, &cbData, pIniSpooler ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
pIniPrinter->dnsTimeout = DEFAULT_DNS_TIMEOUT; }
cbData = sizeof(pIniPrinter->txTimeout);
if ( SplRegQueryValue( hPrinterKey, szTXTimeout, &Type, (LPBYTE)&pIniPrinter->txTimeout, &cbData, pIniSpooler ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
pIniPrinter->txTimeout = DEFAULT_TX_TIMEOUT; }
cbData = sizeof( pIniPrinter->cChangeID ) ;
if ( SplRegQueryValue( hPrinterKey, szTimeLastChange, &Type, (LPBYTE)&pIniPrinter->cChangeID, &cbData, pIniSpooler ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
// Current Registry Doesn't have a UniqueID
// Make sure one gets written
bUpdateRegistryForThisPrinter = TRUE;
pIniPrinter->dwPrivateFlag = 0; pIniPrinter->cbDevMode = 0; pIniPrinter->pDevMode = NULL;
if (SplRegQueryValue( hPrinterKey, szDevMode, &Type, NULL, &pIniPrinter->cbDevMode, pIniSpooler ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if (pIniPrinter->cbDevMode) {
pIniPrinter->pDevMode = AllocSplMem(pIniPrinter->cbDevMode);
SplRegQueryValue( hPrinterKey, szDevMode, &Type, (LPBYTE)pIniPrinter->pDevMode, &pIniPrinter->cbDevMode, pIniSpooler ); } }
// A Provider might want to Read Extra Data from Registry
if ( pIniSpooler->pfnReadRegistryExtra != NULL ) {
pIniPrinter->pExtraData = (LPBYTE)(*pIniSpooler->pfnReadRegistryExtra)(hPrinterKey);
Status = SplRegQueryValue( hPrinterKey, szSecurity, NULL, NULL, &cbSecurity, pIniSpooler );
if ((Status == ERROR_MORE_DATA) || (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS)) {
/* Use the process' heap to allocate security descriptors,
* so that they can be passed to the security API, which * may need to reallocate them. */ if (pIniPrinter->pSecurityDescriptor = LocalAlloc(0, cbSecurity)) {
if (Status = SplRegQueryValue( hPrinterKey, szSecurity, NULL, pIniPrinter->pSecurityDescriptor, &cbSecurity, pIniSpooler ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
pIniPrinter->pSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ( "RegQueryValue returned %d on Permissions for %ws (%ws)\n", Status, pIniPrinter->pName ? pIniPrinter->pName : szNull, PrinterName) ); } }
} else {
pIniPrinter->pSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ( "RegQueryValue (2) returned %d on Permissions for %ws (%ws)\n", Status, pIniPrinter->pName ? pIniPrinter->pName : szNull, PrinterName) ); }
pIniPrinter->MasqCache.bThreadRunning = FALSE; pIniPrinter->MasqCache.cJobs = 0; pIniPrinter->MasqCache.Status = 0; pIniPrinter->MasqCache.dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if ( pIniPrinter->pName && pIniPrinter->pShareName && pKeyData && pIniPrinter->ppIniPorts && pIniPrinter->pIniPrintProc && pIniPrinter->pIniDriver && pIniPrinter->pLocation && pIniPrinter->pComment && pIniPrinter->pSecurityDescriptor #if DBG
&& ( IsValidSecurityDescriptor (pIniPrinter->pSecurityDescriptor) ? TRUE : (DBGMSG( DBG_SECURITY, ( "The security descriptor for %ws (%ws) is invalid\n", pIniPrinter->pName ? pIniPrinter->pName : szNull, PrinterName)), /* (sequential evaluation) */ FALSE) ) #endif /* DBG */
) {
pIniPrinter->pIniFirstJob = pIniPrinter->pIniLastJob = NULL;
INCDRIVERREF( pIniPrinter->pIniDriver );
for (i=0; i<pKeyData->cTokens; i++) {
pIniPort = (PINIPORT)pKeyData->pTokens[i]; pIniPrinter->ppIniPorts[i] = pIniPort;
pIniPort->ppIniPrinter =
ReallocSplMem(pIniPort->ppIniPrinter, pIniPort->cPrinters * sizeof(pIniPort->ppIniPrinter), (pIniPort->cPrinters+1) * sizeof(pIniPort->ppIniPrinter));
if (!pIniPort->ppIniPrinter) { DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("Failed to allocate memory for printer info\n." )); }
pIniPort->ppIniPrinter[pIniPort->cPrinters] = pIniPrinter;
// With the new monitors localspl does the
// redirection for LPT, COM ports
if ( !pIniPort->cPrinters++ ) CreateRedirectionThread(pIniPort);
pIniPrinter->cPorts = pKeyData->cTokens; pIniPrinter->Priority = pIniPrinter->Priority ? pIniPrinter->Priority : DEF_PRIORITY;
pIniPrinter->Attributes &= ~PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECT;
// I f we're upgrading, fix the NT4 bug that broke Masc printers.
// UpdateChangeID is passed into us as dwUpgradeFlag, so it determines
// if we're in an upgrade state.
// The rules: Printer name starts with \\ // Port Name starts with \\ // It's on a local IniSpooler.
// The NETWORK and LOCAL bits are not set.
// If all the rules are met, set the NETWORK and LOCAL bits so the printer
// will behave properly.
if ( UpdateChangeID && (wcslen(pIniPrinter->pName) > 2) && pIniPrinter->cPorts && (*pIniPrinter->ppIniPorts)->pName && (wcslen((*pIniPrinter->ppIniPorts)->pName) > 2) && pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_LOCAL) { WCHAR * pNameStr = pIniPrinter->pName; WCHAR * pPortStr = (*pIniPrinter->ppIniPorts)->pName; DWORD MascAttr = (PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_NETWORK | PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_LOCAL);
if ((pNameStr[0] == L'\\') && (pNameStr[1] == L'\\') && (pPortStr[0] == L'\\') && (pPortStr[1] == L'\\') && ((pIniPrinter->Attributes & MascAttr) == 0)) { pIniPrinter->Attributes |= MascAttr; }
// If there were no ports for the printer, we set the state to
// work offline, but not if this was a masque printer. (In
// which case PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_NETWORK is also set).
if (bNoPorts && !(pIniPrinter->Attributes & PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_NETWORK)) { pIniPrinter->Attributes |= PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_WORK_OFFLINE; }
pIniPrinter->pNext = pIniSpooler->pIniPrinter;
pIniPrinter->pIniSpooler = pIniSpooler;
pIniSpooler->pIniPrinter = pIniPrinter;
if ( bUpdateRegistryForThisPrinter ) {
UpdatePrinterIni( pIniPrinter , UPDATE_CHANGEID ); bUpdateRegistryForThisPrinter = UpdateChangeID; }
} else {
DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ( "Initialization of printer failed:\
\n\tpPrinterName:\t%ws\ \n\tKeyName:\t%ws\ \n\tpShareName:\t%ws\ \n\tpKeyData:\t%08x\ \n\tpIniPrintProc:\t%08x", pIniPrinter->pName ? pIniPrinter->pName : szNull, PrinterName, pIniPrinter->pShareName ? pIniPrinter->pShareName : szNull , pKeyData, pIniPrinter->pIniPrintProc ) );
/* Do this in two lumps, because otherwise NTSD might crash.
* (Raid bug #10650) */ DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ( " \n\tpIniDriver:\t%08x\
\n\tpLocation:\t%ws\ \n\tpComment:\t%ws\ \n\tpSecurity:\t%08x\ \n\tStatus:\t\t%08x %s\n\n", pIniPrinter->pIniDriver, pIniPrinter->pLocation ? pIniPrinter->pLocation : szNull, pIniPrinter->pComment ? pIniPrinter->pComment : szNull, pIniPrinter->pSecurityDescriptor, pIniPrinter->Status, ( pIniPrinter->Status & PRINTER_PENDING_DELETION ? "Pending deletion" : "" ) ) );
FreeStructurePointers((LPBYTE)pIniPrinter, NULL, IniPrinterOffsets);
if (pIniPrinter->pSecurityDescriptor) { LocalFree(pIniPrinter->pSecurityDescriptor); pIniPrinter->pSecurityDescriptor = NULL; }
if (( pIniSpooler->pfnFreePrinterExtra != NULL ) && ( pIniPrinter->pExtraData != NULL )) {
(*pIniSpooler->pfnFreePrinterExtra)( pIniPrinter->pExtraData );
// Reference count the pIniSpooler.
FreeSplMem(pIniPrinter); }
FreePortTokenList(pKeyData); pKeyData = NULL; } SplRegCloseKey( hPrinterKey, pIniSpooler ); }
cbData = COUNTOF(PrinterName); }
if ( pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_LOCAL) {
szFilename[0] = L'\0';
// FP Change
// Initialize the File pool.
if (pIniSpooler->hFilePool == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (GetPrinterDirectory(NULL, FALSE, szFilename, MAX_PATH, pIniSpooler)) { RetVal = CreateFilePool( &pIniSpooler->hFilePool, szFilename, L"FP", L".SPL", L".SHD", POOL_TIMEOUT, MAX_POOL_FILES ); if (FAILED(RetVal)) { DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "SplCreateSpooler: Initialization of FilePool Failed %x\n", RetVal )); } } else { DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ("CreateFilePool: GetPrinterDirectory Failed\n")); } }
// Read .SHD/.SPL files from common printer directory
ProcessShadowJobs( NULL, pIniSpooler );
// If any printer has a separate Printer directory process them
// also
if( GetPrinterDirectory(NULL, FALSE, szData, COUNTOF(szData), pIniSpooler) ) {
for ( pIniPrinter = pIniSpooler->pIniPrinter; pIniPrinter; pIniPrinter = pIniPrinter->pNext ) {
if ((pIniPrinter->pSpoolDir != NULL) && (_wcsicmp(szData, pIniPrinter->pSpoolDir) != 0)) {
ProcessShadowJobs(pIniPrinter, pIniSpooler);
} } } }
UpdateReferencesToChainedJobs( pIniSpooler );
// Finally, go through all Printers looking for PENDING_DELETION
// if there are no jobs for that Printer, then we can delete it now
DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ("BuildPrinterInfo returned\n"));
return TRUE; }
/* InitializePrintProcessor
* * Allocates and initialises an INIPRINTPROC structure for the specified * print processor and environment. * * Arguments: * * hLibrary - Handle to a previously loaded library , * * pIniEnvironment - Data structure for the requested environment * The pIniPrintProc field is initialised with the chain of print * processor structures * * pPrintProcessorName - The Print Processor name e.g. WinPrint * * pDLLName - The DLL name, e.g. WINPRINT * * Returns: * * The allocated PiniPrintProc if no error was detected, otherwise FALSE. * * */ PINIPRINTPROC InitializePrintProcessor( HINSTANCE hLibrary, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, LPWSTR pPrintProcessorName, LPWSTR pDLLName ) { DWORD cb, cbNeeded, cReturned; PINIPRINTPROC pIniPrintProc; BOOL rc; DWORD Error; SIZE_T cchString = 0;
DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("InitializePrintProcessor( %08x, %08x ,%ws, %ws)\n", hLibrary, pPrintProcessorName, pPrintProcessorName, pDLLName));
cb = sizeof(INIPRINTPROC) + wcslen(pPrintProcessorName)*sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR) + wcslen(pDLLName)*sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR);
if (!(pIniPrintProc = (PINIPRINTPROC)AllocSplMem(cb))) {
DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("Failed to allocate %d bytes for print processor\n.", cb)); return NULL; }
__try {
FreeSplMem(pIniPrintProc); SetLastError(GetExceptionCode()); return NULL; }
/* Typical strings used to build the full path of the DLL:
* * pPathName = C:\NT\SYSTEM32\SPOOL\PRTPROCS * pEnvironment = W32X86 * pDLLName = WINPRINT.DLL */
pIniPrintProc->hLibrary = hLibrary;
if (!pIniPrintProc->hLibrary) {
DeleteCriticalSection(&pIniPrintProc->CriticalSection); FreeSplMem(pIniPrintProc); DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("Failed to LoadLibrary(%ws)\n", pDLLName)); return NULL; }
pIniPrintProc->EnumDatatypes = (pfnEnumDatatypes) GetProcAddress(pIniPrintProc->hLibrary, "EnumPrintProcessorDatatypesW");
if (!pIniPrintProc->EnumDatatypes) {
DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("Failed to GetProcAddress(EnumDatatypes)\n")); DeleteCriticalSection(&pIniPrintProc->CriticalSection); FreeLibrary(pIniPrintProc->hLibrary); FreeSplMem(pIniPrintProc); return NULL; }
rc = (*pIniPrintProc->EnumDatatypes)(NULL, pPrintProcessorName, 1, NULL, 0, &cbNeeded, &cReturned);
if (!rc && ((Error = GetLastError()) == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)) {
pIniPrintProc->cbDatatypes = cbNeeded;
if (!(pIniPrintProc->pDatatypes = AllocSplMem(cbNeeded))) {
DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("Failed to allocate %d bytes for print proc datatypes\n.", cbNeeded)); DeleteCriticalSection(&pIniPrintProc->CriticalSection); FreeLibrary(pIniPrintProc->hLibrary); FreeSplMem(pIniPrintProc); return NULL; }
if (!(*pIniPrintProc->EnumDatatypes)(NULL, pPrintProcessorName, 1, (LPBYTE)pIniPrintProc->pDatatypes, cbNeeded, &cbNeeded, &pIniPrintProc->cDatatypes)) {
Error = GetLastError(); DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("EnumPrintProcessorDatatypes(%ws) failed: Error %d\n", pPrintProcessorName, Error)); }
} else if(rc) {
DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("EnumPrintProcessorDatatypes(%ws) returned no data\n", pPrintProcessorName));
} else {
DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("EnumPrintProcessorDatatypes(%ws) failed: Error %d\n", pPrintProcessorName, Error)); }
pIniPrintProc->Install = (pfnInstallPrintProcessor) GetProcAddress(pIniPrintProc->hLibrary, "InstallPrintProcessor");
pIniPrintProc->Open = (pfnOpenPrintProcessor) GetProcAddress(pIniPrintProc->hLibrary, "OpenPrintProcessor");
pIniPrintProc->Print = (pfnPrintDocOnPrintProcessor) GetProcAddress(pIniPrintProc->hLibrary, "PrintDocumentOnPrintProcessor");
pIniPrintProc->Close = (pfnClosePrintProcessor) GetProcAddress(pIniPrintProc->hLibrary, "ClosePrintProcessor");
pIniPrintProc->Control = (pfnControlPrintProcessor) GetProcAddress(pIniPrintProc->hLibrary, "ControlPrintProcessor");
pIniPrintProc->GetPrintProcCaps = (pfnGetPrintProcCaps) GetProcAddress(pIniPrintProc->hLibrary, "GetPrintProcessorCapabilities");
/* pName and pDLLName are contiguous with the INIPRINTPROC structure:
*/ pIniPrintProc->pName = (LPWSTR)(pIniPrintProc+1);
StringCbCopy(pIniPrintProc->pName, cb - sizeof(*pIniPrintProc), pPrintProcessorName);
cchString = wcslen(pIniPrintProc->pName) + 1;
pIniPrintProc->pDLLName = (LPWSTR)(pIniPrintProc->pName + cchString);
StringCbCopy(pIniPrintProc->pDLLName, cb - sizeof(*pIniPrintProc) - cchString*sizeof(WCHAR), pDLLName);
pIniPrintProc->signature = IPP_SIGNATURE;
pIniPrintProc->pNext = pIniEnvironment->pIniPrintProc;
pIniEnvironment->pIniPrintProc = pIniPrintProc;
return pIniPrintProc; }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
We start up the local print processor, we need to bump the reference count on it library instance so that the cleanup code does not accidentally unload localspl.dll while it is running.
pIniEnvironment - The environment to add the print processor to.
Return Value:
--*/ HRESULT InitializeLocalPrintProcessor( IN PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment ) { HRESULT hRetval = E_FAIL; HINSTANCE hLocalSpl = NULL; WCHAR szFilename[MAX_PATH];
if (SUCCEEDED(hRetval)) { hRetval = GetModuleFileName(hInst, szFilename, COUNTOF(szFilename)) ? S_OK : GetLastErrorAsHResult(); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hRetval)) { hLocalSpl = LoadLibrary(szFilename);
hRetval = hLocalSpl ? S_OK : GetLastErrorAsHResult(); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hRetval)) { hRetval = InitializePrintProcessor(hLocalSpl, pIniEnvironment, L"WinPrint", L"localspl.dll") ? S_OK : GetLastErrorAsHResult();
if (SUCCEEDED(hRetval)) { hLocalSpl = NULL; } }
return hRetval; }
/* LoadPrintProcessor
* * Loads the DLL for the required Print Processor and then calls * InitializePrintProcessor for the necesary allocation and * initialization of an INIPRINTPROC structure for the specified * print processor and environment. * * Arguments: * * pIniEnvironment - Data structure for the requested environment * The pIniPrintProc field is initialised with the chain of print * processor structures * * pPrintProcessorName - The Print Processor name e.g. WinPrint * * pDLLName - The DLL name, e.g. WINPRINT * * pInitSpooler * * Returns: * * PINIPRINTPROC if no error was detected, otherwise NULL. * * */ PINIPRINTPROC LoadPrintProcessor( PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, LPWSTR pPrintProcessorName, LPWSTR pDLLName, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler ) { WCHAR string[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwOldErrMode = 0; HINSTANCE hLibrary; DWORD MinorVersion = 0; DWORD MajorVersion = 0; PINIPRINTPROC pIniProc;
DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("LoadPrintProcessor( %08x, %ws, %ws )\n", pIniEnvironment, pPrintProcessorName, pDLLName));
/* Originally:
* Typical strings used to build the full path of the DLL: * * pPathName = C:\NT\SYSTEM32\SPOOL\PRTPROCS * pEnvironment = W32X86 * pDLLName = WINPRINT.DLL * But after merging winprint and localspl , e.g. of setting * pPathName = C:\NT\SYSTEM32 * pDllName = LOCALSPL.DLL */
if( StrNCatBuff ( string, COUNTOF(string), pIniSpooler->pDir, L"\\PRTPROCS\\", pIniEnvironment->pDirectory, L"\\", pDLLName, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
return NULL; }
dwOldErrMode = SetErrorMode( SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS );
hLibrary = LoadLibrary(string);
// We are a cluster spooler and we cannot find the library for a print
// processor. We will try to copy the print processor from the cluster.
// disk.
if (pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER && !hLibrary && GetLastError() == ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND) { WCHAR szSourceFile[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szDestDir[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwError;
DBGMSG(DBG_CLUSTER, ("LoadPrintProcessor File not found "TSTR"\n", string));
if ((dwError = StrNCatBuff(szDestDir, COUNTOF(szDestDir), pIniSpooler->pDir, L"\\PRTPROCS\\", pIniEnvironment->pDirectory, NULL)) == ERROR_SUCCESS && (dwError = StrNCatBuff(szSourceFile, COUNTOF(szSourceFile), pIniSpooler->pszClusResDriveLetter, L"\\", szClusterDriverRoot, L"\\", pIniEnvironment->pDirectory, L"\\", pDLLName, NULL)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Make sure the destination directory exists
// Try to copy the print proc file from the cluster disk
if (CopyFile(szSourceFile, string, FALSE) && (hLibrary = LoadLibrary(string))) { DBGMSG(DBG_CLUSTER, ("LoadPrintProc copied "TSTR" to "TSTR"\n", szSourceFile, string)); } else { dwError = GetLastError(); } } }
if (hLibrary) { if (!GetBinaryVersion(string, &MajorVersion, &MinorVersion)) { DBGMSG(DBG_ERROR, ("GetBinaryVersion failed. Error %u\n", GetLastError())); } }
SetErrorMode( dwOldErrMode ); /* Restore error mode */
pIniProc = InitializePrintProcessor(hLibrary, pIniEnvironment, pPrintProcessorName, pDLLName);
if (pIniProc) { pIniProc->FileMajorVersion = MajorVersion; pIniProc->FileMinorVersion = MinorVersion; }
return pIniProc; }
Current Directory == c:\winspool\drivers pFindFileData->cFileName == win32.x86 */
/* BuildEnvironmentInfo
* * * The registry tree for Environments is as follows: * * Print * � * �� Environments * � � * � �� Windows NT x86 * � � � * � � �� Drivers * � � � � * � � � �� Agfa Compugraphic Genics (e.g.) * � � � * � � � : * � � � : * � � � * � � �� Print Processors * � � � * � � �� WINPRINT : WINPRINT.DLL (e.g.) * � � * � � : * � � : * � � * � �� Windows NT R4000 * � * �� Printers * * * */ BOOL BuildEnvironmentInfo( PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler ) { WCHAR Environment[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szData[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cbData, cb; DWORD cchBuffer = COUNTOF(Environment); DWORD cEnvironments=0, Type; HKEY hEnvironmentsKey, hEnvironmentKey; LPWSTR pDirectory; PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment; LONG Status;
// The local spooler and cluster spooler have each different places
// where they store information about environments
if (pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_CLUSTER_REG) { Status = SplRegOpenKey(pIniSpooler->hckRoot, pIniSpooler->pszRegistryEnvironments, KEY_READ, &hEnvironmentsKey, pIniSpooler); } else { Status = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pIniSpooler->pszRegistryEnvironments, 0, KEY_READ, &hEnvironmentsKey); }
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DBGMSG(DBG_CLUSTER, ("RegOpenKey of %ws Failed: Error = %d\n", szEnvironmentsKey, Status));
return FALSE; }
// Enumerate the subkeys of "Environment".
// This will give us "Windows NT x86", "Windows NT R4000", * and maybe others:
while (SplRegEnumKey(hEnvironmentsKey, cEnvironments, Environment, &cchBuffer, NULL, pIniSpooler) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
DBGMSG(DBG_CLUSTER, ("Found environment "TSTR"\n", Environment));
// For each environment found, create or open the key:
if (SplRegCreateKey(hEnvironmentsKey, Environment, 0, KEY_READ, NULL, &hEnvironmentKey, NULL, pIniSpooler) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
cbData = sizeof(szData);
pDirectory = NULL;
// Find the name of the directory associated with this environment,
// e.g. "Windows NT x86" -> "W32X86"
// "Windows NT R4000" -> "W32MIPS"
if (RegGetString(hEnvironmentKey, szDirectory, &pDirectory, &cbData, &Status, TRUE, pIniSpooler)) {
DBGMSG(DBG_CLUSTER, ("BuildEnvInfo pDirectory "TSTR"\n", pDirectory)); }
cb = sizeof(INIENVIRONMENT) + wcslen(Environment)*sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR);
if (pDirectory && (pIniEnvironment=AllocSplMem(cb))) {
StringCbCopy((LPWSTR)(pIniEnvironment+1), cb - sizeof(*pIniEnvironment), Environment);
pIniEnvironment->pName = (LPWSTR)(pIniEnvironment+1); pIniEnvironment->signature = IE_SIGNATURE; pIniEnvironment->pDirectory = pDirectory; pIniEnvironment->pNext = pIniSpooler->pIniEnvironment; pIniSpooler->pIniEnvironment = pIniEnvironment; pIniEnvironment->pIniVersion = NULL; pIniEnvironment->pIniPrintProc = NULL; pIniEnvironment->pIniSpooler = pIniSpooler; if(!_wcsicmp(Environment,LOCAL_ENVIRONMENT)) {
(VOID)InitializeLocalPrintProcessor(pIniEnvironment); }
BuildDriverInfo(hEnvironmentKey, pIniEnvironment, pIniSpooler); BuildPrintProcInfo (hEnvironmentKey, pIniEnvironment, pIniSpooler);
DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("Data for environment %ws created:\
\n\tpDirectory: %ws\n", Environment, pDirectory)); }
SplRegCloseKey(hEnvironmentKey, pIniSpooler); }
cchBuffer = COUNTOF(Environment); }
SplRegCloseKey(hEnvironmentsKey, pIniSpooler);
if (!(pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER)) { pThisEnvironment = FindEnvironment(szEnvironment, pIniSpooler); }
return FALSE; }
BOOL BuildDriverInfo( HKEY hKeyEnvironment, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler )
Routine Description:
Creates driver and version ini structures based on environment.
hKeyEnvironment - Registry key specifying environment.
pIniEnvironment - Structure for environemnt. Will be initialized to hold pIniVersions and pIniDrivers.
Return Value:
TRUE - Success, False - Failure.
{ WCHAR szVersionName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cchBuffer; DWORD cVersion; HKEY hDriversKey; DWORD Status; PINIVERSION pIniVersionList, pIniVersion;
Status = SplRegCreateKey(hKeyEnvironment,szDriversKey, 0, KEY_READ, NULL, &hDriversKey, NULL, pIniSpooler);
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DBGMSG(DBG_ERROR, ("RegOpenKeyEx of %ws failed: Error = %d\n", szDriversKey, Status)); return FALSE; }
DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE,("RegCreateKeyEx succeeded in BuildDriverInfo\n"));
for( pIniVersionList = NULL, cVersion = 0;
cchBuffer = COUNTOF( szVersionName ), SplRegEnumKey(hDriversKey, cVersion, szVersionName, &cchBuffer, NULL, pIniSpooler) == ERROR_SUCCESS;
cVersion++ ){
DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE,("Version found %ws\n", szVersionName));
// If it isn't a version -- remember we look for current
// drivers before we upgrade, just move on.
if (_wcsnicmp(szVersionName, L"Version-", 8)) { continue; }
pIniVersion = GetVersionDrivers( hDriversKey, szVersionName, pIniSpooler, pIniEnvironment );
if( pIniVersion ){ InsertVersionList( &pIniVersionList, pIniVersion ); } } SplRegCloseKey(hDriversKey, pIniSpooler); pIniEnvironment->pIniVersion = pIniVersionList;
return TRUE; }
/* BuildPrintProcInfo
* * Opens the printproc subkey for the specified environment and enumerates * the print processors listed. * * For each print processor found, calls InitializePrintProcessor to allocate * and inintialize a data structure. * * This function was adapted to use SplReg functions. Those functions are * cluster aware. * * Arguments: * * hKeyEnvironment - The key for the specified environment, * used for Registry API calls. * * pIniEnvironment - Data structure for the environment. * The pIniPrintProc field will be initialised to contain a chain * of one or more print processors enumerated from the registry. * * Return: * * TRUE if operation was successful, otherwise FALSE */ BOOL BuildPrintProcInfo( HKEY hKeyEnvironment, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler ) { WCHAR PrintProcName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR DLLName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cchBuffer, cbDLLName; DWORD cPrintProcs = 0; HKEY hPrintProcKey, hPrintProc; DWORD Status; PINIPRINTPROC pIniPrintProc;
if ((Status = SplRegOpenKey(hKeyEnvironment, szPrintProcKey, KEY_READ, &hPrintProcKey, pIniSpooler)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { cchBuffer = COUNTOF(PrintProcName);
while (SplRegEnumKey(hPrintProcKey, cPrintProcs, (LPTSTR)PrintProcName, &cchBuffer, NULL, pIniSpooler) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("BuildPrintProcInfo Print processor found: %ws\n", PrintProcName));
if (SplRegOpenKey(hPrintProcKey, PrintProcName, KEY_READ, &hPrintProc, pIniSpooler) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { cbDLLName = sizeof(DLLName);
if (SplRegQueryValue(hPrintProc, szDriverFile, NULL, (LPBYTE)DLLName, &cbDLLName, pIniSpooler) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { pIniPrintProc = LoadPrintProcessor(pIniEnvironment, PrintProcName, DLLName, pIniSpooler); }
SplRegCloseKey(hPrintProc, pIniSpooler); }
// Don't delete the key !! If winprint.dll was corrupt,
// then we nuke it and we are hosed since there is no UI
// to add print procs.
// We can afford to be a little slow on init, since we only
// do it once.
cchBuffer = COUNTOF(PrintProcName); cPrintProcs++; }
SplRegCloseKey(hPrintProcKey, pIniSpooler);
DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("End of print processor initialization.\n"));
} else {
DBGMSG (DBG_WARNING, ("SplRegOpenKey failed: Error = %d\n", Status));
return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
#define SetOffset(Dest, Source, End) \
if (Source) { \ Dest=End; \ End+=wcslen(Source)+1; \ }
#define SetPointer(struc, off) \
if (struc->off) { \ struc->off += (ULONG_PTR)struc/sizeof(*struc->off); \ }
#define WriteString(hFile, pStr) \
if (pStr) {\ rc = WriteFile(hFile, pStr, wcslen(pStr)*sizeof(WCHAR) + \ sizeof(WCHAR), &BytesWritten, NULL); \ if (!rc) { \ DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("WriteShadowJob: WriteFile failed %d\n", \ GetLastError())); \ } \ }
#define AddSize(pStr, dwSize) \
if (pStr) { \ dwSize = dwSize + (wcslen(pStr) + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR); \ }
VOID __inline CopyString( IN OUT BYTE *pBuffer, IN OUT ULONG_PTR *pdwOffset, IN OUT SIZE_T *pcbRemaining, IN PCWSTR pStr) { if (pStr) {
PWSTR pszEnd = 0;
StrCbCopyMultipleStr((LPWSTR)(pBuffer + *pdwOffset), *pcbRemaining, pStr, &pszEnd, pcbRemaining);
*pdwOffset = (pszEnd - (LPWSTR)pBuffer) * sizeof(WCHAR); } }
BOOL WriteShadowJob( IN PINIJOB pIniJob, IN BOOL bLeaveCS ) { BOOL bAllocBuffer = FALSE; BOOL bRet = FALSE; BOOL bFileCreated = FALSE; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE hImpersonationToken = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD BytesWritten, cbSize, dwType, dwData, dwcbData; SIZE_T cbRemaining = 0; ULONG_PTR dwOffset, cb; SHADOWFILE_3 ShadowFile = {0}; LPWSTR pEnd; WCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; BYTE ShdFileBuffer[MAX_STATIC_ALLOC]; LPBYTE pBuffer; HKEY hPrintRegKey = NULL; BOOL UsePools = TRUE;
// Only update if this is not a direct job and the spooler requests it.
// Also don't update if the shadow file has been deleted at some other point.
// This check must be performed in the CS else the FilePool starts leaking
// jobs.
if ( (pIniJob->Status & JOB_DIRECT) || (pIniJob->pIniPrinter->pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_NO_UPDATE_JOBSHD) || (pIniJob->Status & JOB_SHADOW_DELETED) ) {
bRet = TRUE;
// Setting this to FALSE prevents us reentering the CS accidentally.
bLeaveCS = FALSE; goto CleanUp; }
if (bLeaveCS) {
LeaveSplSem(); SplOutSem(); }
// FP Change
// if we don't have a handle to a filepool item, we
// revert to the old methods.
if (pIniJob->hFileItem == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { UsePools = FALSE; }
if (!UsePools) { GetFullNameFromId(pIniJob->pIniPrinter, pIniJob->JobId, FALSE, szFileName, COUNTOF(szFileName), FALSE); }
hImpersonationToken = RevertToPrinterSelf();
if (UsePools) { HRESULT RetVal = S_OK; //
// FP Change
// We Get a write handle from the pool for the shadow files and
// truncate it for use.
RetVal = GetWriterFromHandle(pIniJob->hFileItem, &hFile, FALSE);
if (SUCCEEDED(RetVal)) { //
// Even if we can't set the file pointer, we have signalled to the
// file pool that a writer is busy with this file pool object.
bFileCreated = TRUE;
if (INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER == SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN)) { DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ( "WriteShadowJob Failed to set File pointer. Error %d\n", GetLastError() )); hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } } else { DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ( "WriteShadowJob Failed to get File Handle from Pool Item. Error %x\n", RetVal )); hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } } else { //
// Open file in Cached IO. Big performance gain.
bFileCreated = TRUE; } }
bRet = ImpersonatePrinterClient(hImpersonationToken);
if(!bRet) { DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ( "Failed ot impersonate client \n" ));
goto CleanUp;
if ( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ( "WriteShadowJob failed to open shadow file "TSTR"\n Error %d\n", szFileName, GetLastError() ));
bRet = FALSE;
goto CleanUp;
// We need to be able to tell if a shadow file was saved in .NET or in a previous OS
// version before an upgrade.
ShadowFile.signature = SF_SIGNATURE_3_DOTNET; ShadowFile.cbSize = sizeof( SHADOWFILE_3 ); ShadowFile.Version = SF_VERSION_3; ShadowFile.Status = pIniJob->Status; ShadowFile.JobId = pIniJob->JobId; ShadowFile.Priority = pIniJob->Priority; ShadowFile.Submitted = pIniJob->Submitted; ShadowFile.StartTime = pIniJob->StartTime; ShadowFile.UntilTime = pIniJob->UntilTime; ShadowFile.Size = pIniJob->Size; ShadowFile.dwValidSize = pIniJob->dwValidSize; ShadowFile.cPages = pIniJob->cPages; ShadowFile.dwReboots = pIniJob->dwReboots; if(pIniJob->pSecurityDescriptor) ShadowFile.cbSecurityDescriptor=GetSecurityDescriptorLength( pIniJob->pSecurityDescriptor);
if (pIniJob->pDevMode) { ShadowFile.pDevMode=(LPDEVMODE)pEnd; cb = pIniJob->pDevMode->dmSize + pIniJob->pDevMode->dmDriverExtra; cb = ALIGN_UP(cb,ULONG_PTR); cb /= sizeof(WCHAR); pEnd += cb; }
if (pIniJob->pSecurityDescriptor) { ShadowFile.pSecurityDescriptor=(PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)pEnd; cb = ShadowFile.cbSecurityDescriptor; cb = ALIGN_UP(cb,ULONG_PTR); cb /= sizeof(WCHAR); pEnd += cb; }
ShadowFile.NextJobId = pIniJob->NextJobId;
SetOffset( ShadowFile.pNotify, pIniJob->pNotify, pEnd ); SetOffset( ShadowFile.pUser, pIniJob->pUser, pEnd ); SetOffset( ShadowFile.pDocument, pIniJob->pDocument, pEnd ); SetOffset( ShadowFile.pOutputFile, pIniJob->pOutputFile, pEnd ); SetOffset( ShadowFile.pPrinterName, pIniJob->pIniPrinter->pName, pEnd ); SetOffset( ShadowFile.pDriverName, pIniJob->pIniDriver->pName, pEnd ); SetOffset( ShadowFile.pPrintProcName, pIniJob->pIniPrintProc->pName, pEnd ); SetOffset( ShadowFile.pDatatype, pIniJob->pDatatype, pEnd ); SetOffset( ShadowFile.pParameters, pIniJob->pParameters, pEnd ); SetOffset( ShadowFile.pMachineName, pIniJob->pMachineName, pEnd );
if (cbSize > MAX_STATIC_ALLOC) {
if (!(pBuffer = (LPBYTE) AllocSplMem(cbSize))) {
DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("WriteShadowJob: Memory Allocation failed %d\n", GetLastError()));
bRet = FALSE;
goto CleanUp; } bAllocBuffer = TRUE;
cbRemaining = cbSize;
} else {
pBuffer = (LPBYTE) ShdFileBuffer;
cbRemaining = COUNTOF(ShdFileBuffer); }
// Copy SHADOWFILE_3 and data pointed thru it, into the buffer
dwOffset = 0;
CopyMemory(pBuffer + dwOffset, &ShadowFile, sizeof(SHADOWFILE_3)); dwOffset += sizeof(SHADOWFILE_3);
if (pIniJob->pDevMode) {
CopyMemory(pBuffer + dwOffset, pIniJob->pDevMode, pIniJob->pDevMode->dmSize + pIniJob->pDevMode->dmDriverExtra); dwOffset += (pIniJob->pDevMode->dmSize + pIniJob->pDevMode->dmDriverExtra); dwOffset = ALIGN_UP(dwOffset,ULONG_PTR); }
if (pIniJob->pSecurityDescriptor) {
CopyMemory(pBuffer + dwOffset, pIniJob->pSecurityDescriptor, ShadowFile.cbSecurityDescriptor); dwOffset += ShadowFile.cbSecurityDescriptor; dwOffset = ALIGN_UP(dwOffset,ULONG_PTR); }
// CopyString is defined at the start of the function
CopyString(pBuffer, &dwOffset, &cbRemaining, pIniJob->pNotify); CopyString(pBuffer, &dwOffset, &cbRemaining, pIniJob->pUser); CopyString(pBuffer, &dwOffset, &cbRemaining, pIniJob->pDocument); CopyString(pBuffer, &dwOffset, &cbRemaining, pIniJob->pOutputFile); CopyString(pBuffer, &dwOffset, &cbRemaining, pIniJob->pIniPrinter->pName); CopyString(pBuffer, &dwOffset, &cbRemaining, pIniJob->pIniDriver->pName); CopyString(pBuffer, &dwOffset, &cbRemaining, pIniJob->pIniPrintProc->pName); CopyString(pBuffer, &dwOffset, &cbRemaining, pIniJob->pDatatype); CopyString(pBuffer, &dwOffset, &cbRemaining, pIniJob->pParameters); CopyString(pBuffer, &dwOffset, &cbRemaining, pIniJob->pMachineName);
// Copy the structure into the Shadow file. Buffers need not be buffered since the
// file is opened in WRITE_THROUGH mode.
bRet = WriteFile( hFile, pBuffer, cbSize, &BytesWritten, NULL);
// Flush the file buffers if the corresponding flag is set in the registry
if (dwFlushShadowFileBuffers == 0) {
// Avoid repeated initializations
dwFlushShadowFileBuffers = 2;
// flag has to be initialized from the registry
dwcbData = sizeof(DWORD); if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szRegistryRoot, 0, KEY_READ, &hPrintRegKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if (RegQueryValueEx(hPrintRegKey, szFlushShadowFileBuffers, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwData, &dwcbData) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if (dwData == 1) { // Flush the shadow file buffers
dwFlushShadowFileBuffers = 1; } }
RegCloseKey(hPrintRegKey); } }
if (dwFlushShadowFileBuffers == 1) { bRet = FlushFileBuffers(hFile); }
if (!bRet) {
DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("WriteShadowJob: WriteFile failed %d\n", GetLastError())); }
if (bAllocBuffer) { FreeSplMem(pBuffer); }
if (!UsePools && hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //
// FP Change
// Only close the file if it's a non-pooled file.
if (!CloseHandle(hFile)) { DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("WriteShadowJob CloseHandle failed %d %d\n", hFile, GetLastError())); } }
// Reenter the CS if we were asked to leave it.
if (bLeaveCS) {
EnterSplSem(); }
// We can be called just before the shadow file was deleted (or sent back to
// the file pool) and then either recreate the shadow file on the disk or
// potentially leak a file pool handle. The final DeleteJob when the reference
// count is zero will see that the shadow file has already been deleted and will
// not attempt to clean it up. So, we remove the JOB_SHADOW_DELETED bit here to
// ensure that this will not happen.
if (bFileCreated) {
InterlockedAnd((LONG*)&(pIniJob->Status), ~JOB_SHADOW_DELETED); }
return bRet; }
#undef CopyString
#undef AddSize
VOID ProcessShadowJobs( PINIPRINTER pIniPrinter, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler ) { WCHAR wczPrintDirAllSpools[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wczPrinterDirectory[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE fFile; BOOL b; PWIN32_FIND_DATA pFindFileData; PINIJOB pIniJob; UINT ErrorMode;
SPLASSERT( pIniSpooler->signature == ISP_SIGNATURE );
// Don't Process Shadow Jobs during Upgrade
if ( dwUpgradeFlag != 0 || !( pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_PRINT )) {
return; }
if( GetPrinterDirectory(pIniPrinter, FALSE, wczPrintDirAllSpools, (COUNTOF(wczPrintDirAllSpools) - COUNTOF(szAllSpools)), pIniSpooler) &&
GetPrinterDirectory(pIniPrinter, FALSE, wczPrinterDirectory, COUNTOF(wczPrinterDirectory), pIniSpooler) ) {
StringCchCat(wczPrintDirAllSpools, COUNTOF(wczPrintDirAllSpools), szAllSpools);
if ( pFindFileData = AllocSplMem(sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATA) )) {
fFile = FindFirstFile( wczPrintDirAllSpools, pFindFileData );
if ( fFile != (HANDLE)-1 ) {
while( b ) {
if ( !(pFindFileData->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { ReadShadowJob(wczPrinterDirectory, pFindFileData, pIniSpooler); }
b = FindNextFile(fFile, pFindFileData); }
FindClose( fFile );
FreeSplMem( pFindFileData ); } }
SetErrorMode(ErrorMode); }
#define CheckPointer( strptr ) \
if( strptr ) { \ if( (ULONG_PTR)(strptr + wcslen(strptr) + 1) > (ULONG_PTR)pEnd ) { \ bRet = FALSE; \ goto BailOut; \ } \ }
// make sure all pointers contain embedded data bounded within the pShadowFile (not passed the end).
BOOL CheckAllPointers( PSHADOWFILE_3 pShadowFile, DWORD dwSize ) { LPBYTE pEnd = (LPBYTE)pShadowFile + dwSize; BOOL bRet = TRUE;
try {
CheckPointer(pShadowFile->pDatatype); CheckPointer(pShadowFile->pNotify); CheckPointer(pShadowFile->pUser); CheckPointer(pShadowFile->pDocument); CheckPointer(pShadowFile->pOutputFile); CheckPointer(pShadowFile->pPrinterName); CheckPointer(pShadowFile->pDriverName); CheckPointer(pShadowFile->pPrintProcName); CheckPointer(pShadowFile->pParameters); CheckPointer(pShadowFile->pMachineName);
// Now check the rest of the two data structures
if( (ULONG_PTR)pShadowFile->pSecurityDescriptor + pShadowFile->cbSecurityDescriptor > (ULONG_PTR)pEnd ) { bRet = FALSE; goto BailOut; }
if( pShadowFile->pDevMode ) {
bRet = ((ULONG_PTR)pShadowFile->pDevMode < (ULONG_PTR)pEnd) ? BoolFromHResult(SplIsValidDevmodeW((PDEVMODE)pShadowFile->pDevMode, (ULONG_PTR)pEnd - (ULONG_PTR)pShadowFile->pDevMode)) : FALSE; }
BailOut: return bRet; }
#undef CheckPointer
PINIJOB ReadShadowJob( LPWSTR szDir, PWIN32_FIND_DATA pFindFileData, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler )
Routine Description:
Reads a *.spl/*.shd file and partially validates the file.
szDir -- pointer to spool directory string
pFindFileData -- found file data (spl file)
pIniSpooler -- spooler the *.spl belongs to
Return Value:
Allocated pIniJob.
Warning: Changing the format of SHADOWFILE requires modifying the data integrity checks performed here!
If the shadow file structure size is grown, then when reading, you must check the old sizes before touching memory. Current layout is:
| DWORD | ... | String | DWORD | DWORD | StringData | StringData | *--------------------------------------* ^ This is the SHADOWFILE_3 structure.
If you grow it, then the next field will point to StringData, and won't be valid--you can't touch it since you'll corrupt the string.
SPLASSERT( pIniSpooler->signature == ISP_SIGNATURE );
if (!BoolFromStatus(StrNCatBuff(szFileName, COUNTOF(szFileName), szDir, L"\\", pFindFileData->cFileName, NULL))) {
goto Fail; }
if (hFileSpl == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("ReadShadowJob CreateFile( %ws ) failed: LastError = %d\n", szFileName, GetLastError()));
goto Fail; }
CharUpper(szFileName); pExt = wcsstr(szFileName, L".SPL");
if (!pExt) goto Fail;
pExt[2] = L'H'; pExt[3] = L'D';
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("ReadShadowJob CreateFile( %ws ) failed: LastError = %d\n", szFileName, GetLastError()));
goto Fail; }
nFileSizeLow = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL);
if (nFileSizeLow == 0xffffffff) { DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("ReadShadowJob GetFileSize( %ws ) failed: LastError = %d\n", szFileName, GetLastError()));
goto Fail; }
if ( nFileSizeLow < sizeof( SHADOWFILE ) || !(pShadowFile=AllocSplMem(nFileSizeLow))) {
goto Fail; }
rc = ReadFile(hFile, pShadowFile, nFileSizeLow, &BytesRead, NULL);
// If Shadow file is old style, then convert it to new
if (rc && (BytesRead == nFileSizeLow) && ( pShadowFile->signature == SF_SIGNATURE || pShadowFile->signature == SF_SIGNATURE_2 )) {
BOOL bStatus;
if (!(pShadowFile3 = AllocSplMem(nFileSizeLow + sizeof(SHADOWFILE_3) - sizeof(SHADOWFILE))) ) {
goto Fail; }
bStatus = Old2NewShadow((PSHADOWFILE)pShadowFile, pShadowFile3, &BytesRead); nFileSizeLow = BytesRead; // This is used in CheckAllPointers, below
FreeSplMem(pShadowFile); pShadowFile = pShadowFile3;
if( !bStatus ){ goto Fail; } }
// Initial size of SF_3/SF_3_DOTNET must include pMachineName.
if (!rc || (pShadowFile->signature != SF_SIGNATURE_3 && pShadowFile->signature != SF_SIGNATURE_3_DOTNET) || (BytesRead != nFileSizeLow) || (BytesRead < pShadowFile->cbSize ) || (BytesRead < sizeof( SHADOWFILE_3 )) || (pShadowFile->Status & (JOB_SPOOLING | JOB_PENDING_DELETION))) {
DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ( "Error reading shadow job:\
\n\tReadFile returned %d: Error %d\ \n\tsignature = %08x\ \n\tBytes read = %d; expected %d\ \n\tFile size = %d; expected %d\ \n\tStatus = %08x %s\n", rc, ( rc ? 0 : GetLastError() ), pShadowFile->signature, BytesRead, nFileSizeLow, sizeof(*pShadowFile), pShadowFile->Size, pShadowFile->Status, ( (pShadowFile->Status & JOB_SPOOLING) ? "Job is spooling!" : "" ) ) );
goto Fail; }
if (!CloseHandle(hFile)) { DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("CloseHandle failed %d %d\n", hFileSpl, GetLastError())); } hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if (!CloseHandle(hFileSpl)) { DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("CloseHandle failed %d %d\n", hFileSpl, GetLastError())); } hFileSpl = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// Check number of reboots on this file & delete if too many
if (pShadowFile->dwReboots > 1) { DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("Corrupt shadow file %ws\n", szFileName));
if ( pShadowFile->pDocument && pShadowFile->pDriverName ) { SplLogEvent(pIniSpooler, LOG_ERROR, MSG_BAD_JOB, FALSE, pShadowFile->pDocument + (ULONG_PTR)pShadowFile/sizeof(*pShadowFile->pDocument), pShadowFile->pDriverName + (ULONG_PTR)pShadowFile/sizeof(*pShadowFile->pDriverName), NULL); } goto Fail; }
// If the job is a TS Job, and the registry printer policies DiscardTSJobs
// key is set, we just discard it.
if ((pShadowFile->Status & JOB_TS) && (pIniSpooler->dwSpoolerSettings & SPOOLER_DISCARDTSJOBS)) { goto Fail; }
if (pIniJob = AllocSplMem(sizeof(INIJOB))) {
pIniJob->signature = IJ_SIGNATURE; pIniJob->Status = pShadowFile->Status & (JOB_PAUSED | JOB_REMOTE | JOB_PRINTED | JOB_COMPLETE ); pIniJob->JobId = pShadowFile->JobId; pIniJob->Priority = pShadowFile->Priority; pIniJob->Submitted = pShadowFile->Submitted; pIniJob->StartTime = pShadowFile->StartTime; pIniJob->UntilTime = pShadowFile->UntilTime; pIniJob->Size = pShadowFile->Size; pIniJob->dwValidSize = pShadowFile->dwValidSize; pIniJob->cPages = pShadowFile->cPages; pIniJob->cbPrinted = 0; pIniJob->NextJobId = pShadowFile->NextJobId; pIniJob->dwReboots = pShadowFile->dwReboots;
pIniJob->dwJobNumberOfPagesPerSide = 0; pIniJob->dwDrvNumberOfPagesPerSide = 0; pIniJob->cLogicalPages = 0; pIniJob->cLogicalPagesPrinted = 0;
pIniJob->WaitForWrite = NULL; pIniJob->WaitForRead = NULL; pIniJob->hWriteFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// Additional fields for SeekPrinter.
pIniJob->WaitForSeek = NULL; pIniJob->bWaitForEnd = FALSE; pIniJob->bWaitForSeek = FALSE; pIniJob->liFileSeekPosn.u.HighPart = 0; pIniJob->liFileSeekPosn.u.LowPart = 0;
SetPointer(pShadowFile, pDatatype); SetPointer(pShadowFile, pNotify); SetPointer(pShadowFile, pUser); SetPointer(pShadowFile, pDocument); SetPointer(pShadowFile, pOutputFile); SetPointer(pShadowFile, pPrinterName); SetPointer(pShadowFile, pDriverName); SetPointer(pShadowFile, pPrintProcName); SetPointer(pShadowFile, pParameters); SetPointer(pShadowFile, pMachineName);
if( (pShadowFile->cbSecurityDescriptor > 0) && pShadowFile->pSecurityDescriptor ) pShadowFile->pSecurityDescriptor = (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)((LPBYTE)pShadowFile + (ULONG_PTR)pShadowFile->pSecurityDescriptor);
if (pShadowFile->pDevMode) pShadowFile->pDevMode = (LPDEVMODEW)((LPBYTE)pShadowFile + (ULONG_PTR)pShadowFile->pDevMode);
// check the length of the embedded strings as well as DevMode and Security structs.
if( !CheckAllPointers( pShadowFile, nFileSizeLow )) { DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("CheckAllPointers() failed; bad shadow file %ws\n", pFindFileData->cFileName ));
goto Fail; }
// Discard any jobs which were NT JNL 1.000 since the fonts might not
// be correct
if ( pShadowFile->pDatatype != NULL ) { if (!lstrcmpi( pShadowFile->pDatatype, L"NT JNL 1.000" )) {
DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("Deleteing job Datatype %ws %ws %ws\n", pShadowFile->pDatatype, pFindFileData->cFileName, szFileName)); FreeSplMem(pIniJob); goto Fail; } }
pIniJob->pIniDriver = (PINIDRIVER)FindLocalDriver(pIniSpooler, pShadowFile->pDriverName);
if ((pIniJob->pIniPrinter = FindPrinter(pShadowFile->pPrinterName,pIniSpooler)) && pIniJob->pIniDriver && (pIniJob->pIniPrintProc = FindPrintProc(pShadowFile->pPrintProcName, FindEnvironment(szEnvironment, pIniSpooler)))) {
// Notice that MaxJobId is really the number of job slots in the pJobIdMap, so
// the maximum job id we can allow is (MaxJobId - 1).
if (pIniJob->JobId >= MaxJobId( pIniSpooler->hJobIdMap )) { // If the job id is too huge (i.e. from a corrupt file) then we might allocate
// too much unnecessary memory for the JobIdMap!
// Notice we need to ask for (JobId+1) number of slots in the map!.
if( !ReallocJobIdMap( pIniSpooler->hJobIdMap, pIniJob->JobId + 1 )) {
// probably a bad job id, dump the job!
DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("Failed to alloc JobIdMap in ShadowFile %ws for JobId %d\n", pFindFileData->cFileName, pIniJob->JobId ));
goto Fail; } } else {
if( bBitOn( pIniSpooler->hJobIdMap, pIniJob->JobId )) {
// A bad job id from a corrupt shadowfile; dump the job!
DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("Duplicate Job Id in ShadowFile %ws for JobId %d\n", pFindFileData->cFileName, pIniJob->JobId ));
goto Fail; } }
SPLASSERT( pIniSpooler->hJobIdMap != NULL ); vMarkOn( pIniSpooler->hJobIdMap, pIniJob->JobId);
pIniJob->pIniPrinter->cJobs++; pIniJob->pIniPrinter->cTotalJobs++;
INCDRIVERREF( pIniJob->pIniDriver );
pIniJob->pIniPrintProc->cRef++; pIniJob->pIniPort = NULL;
if (pShadowFile->pSecurityDescriptor) { if (pIniJob->pSecurityDescriptor = LocalAlloc(LPTR, pShadowFile->cbSecurityDescriptor)) { memcpy(pIniJob->pSecurityDescriptor, pShadowFile->pSecurityDescriptor, pShadowFile->cbSecurityDescriptor);
if (pShadowFile->signature != SF_SIGNATURE_3_DOTNET && !GrantJobReadPermissionToLocalSystem(&pIniJob->pSecurityDescriptor)) { LocalFree(pIniJob->pSecurityDescriptor);
pIniJob->pSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
goto Fail; } } else { DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("Failed to alloc ini job security descriptor.\n")); } }
if (pShadowFile->pDevMode) {
cb=pShadowFile->pDevMode->dmSize + pShadowFile->pDevMode->dmDriverExtra; if (pIniJob->pDevMode=AllocSplMem(cb)) memcpy(pIniJob->pDevMode, pShadowFile->pDevMode, cb); else DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("Failed to alloc ini job devmode.\n")); }
pIniJob->pNotify = AllocSplStr( pShadowFile->pNotify); pIniJob->pUser = AllocSplStr( pShadowFile->pUser); pIniJob->pDocument = AllocSplStr( pShadowFile->pDocument); pIniJob->pOutputFile = AllocSplStr( pShadowFile->pOutputFile); pIniJob->pDatatype = AllocSplStr( pShadowFile->pDatatype); pIniJob->pParameters = AllocSplStr( pShadowFile->pParameters);
if( pShadowFile->pMachineName ){ pIniJob->pMachineName = AllocSplStr( pShadowFile->pMachineName ); } else { pIniJob->pMachineName = AllocSplStr( pIniSpooler->pMachineName ); }
// FP Change
// Add the files to the File pool if :-
// a. We dont want to KeepPrintedJobs for the printer,
// b. the printer does not have its own spool directory; or
// c. SpoolerSettings do not have filepooling disabled.
if ( !(pIniJob->pIniPrinter->Attributes & PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_KEEPPRINTEDJOBS) && pIniJob->pIniPrinter->pSpoolDir == NULL && !(pIniSpooler->dwSpoolerSettings & SPOOLER_NOFILEPOOLING)) { pIniJob->pszSplFileName = AllocSplStr( szFileName );
if ((pIniJob->pIniPrinter->pIniSpooler->hFilePool != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && pIniJob->pszSplFileName && SUCCEEDED(ConvertFileExt(pIniJob->pszSplFileName, L".SHD", L".SPL"))) { if (FAILED(GetFileItemHandle( pIniJob->pIniPrinter->pIniSpooler->hFilePool, &pIniJob->hFileItem, pIniJob->pszSplFileName ))) { pIniJob->hFileItem = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; FreeSplStr(pIniJob->pszSplFileName); pIniJob->pszSplFileName = NULL; } } else { FreeSplStr(pIniJob->pszSplFileName); pIniJob->pszSplFileName = NULL; } } else { pIniJob->pszSplFileName = NULL; pIniJob->hFileItem = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
pIniJob->pIniNextJob = NULL; pIniJob->pStatus = NULL;
if (pIniJob->pIniPrevJob = pIniJob->pIniPrinter->pIniLastJob) pIniJob->pIniPrevJob->pIniNextJob=pIniJob;
if (!pIniJob->pIniPrinter->pIniFirstJob) pIniJob->pIniPrinter->pIniFirstJob = pIniJob;
} else {
DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("Failed to find printer %ws\n",pShadowFile->pPrinterName));
goto Fail; }
} else {
DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("Failed to allocate ini job.\n")); }
FreeSplMem( pShadowFile );
return pIniJob;
if (pShadowFile) { FreeSplMem(pShadowFile); }
if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && !CloseHandle(hFile)) { DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("CloseHandle failed %d %d\n", hFile, GetLastError())); } if (hFileSpl != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && !CloseHandle(hFileSpl)) { DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING, ("CloseHandle failed %d %d\n", hFileSpl, GetLastError())); }
pFileSpec = wcsrchr(szFileName, L'\\');
if (pFileSpec) {
StringCchCopy(pFileSpec, COUNTOF(szFileName) - (pFileSpec - szFileName), pFindFileData->cFileName); }
return FALSE; }
VOID GetDiscardTSJobsSettings( PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler ) { //
// If the Printer Policy to Discard TS Jobs is set we shall
// discard the jobs on spooler restart as a security precaution
// otherwise the normal behaviour is that we keep the jobs.
// However this by design causes a job to print on the TS port
// irrespective of the current user or printer.
DWORD RegValue = 0; DWORD RegValueSize = sizeof(RegValue); HKEY RegKey = NULL; DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD RegValueType;
dwError = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szPrintPublishPolicy, 0, KEY_READ, &RegKey );
if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwError = RegQueryValueEx( RegKey, szDiscardTSJobs, NULL, (LPDWORD) &RegValueType, (LPBYTE) &RegValue, &RegValueSize );
if ( RegValueType == REG_DWORD && dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS && RegValue > 0) { pIniSpooler->dwSpoolerSettings |= SPOOLER_DISCARDTSJOBS; } }
if (RegKey) { RegCloseKey( RegKey ); } }
BOOL Old2NewShadow( PSHADOWFILE pShadowFile1, PSHADOWFILE_3 pShadowFile3, DWORD *pnBytes )
Routine Description:
Converts an original format *.shd file to a new format (version 2).
pShadowFile1 -- pointer to version 1 shadow file
pShadowFile2 -- pointer to version 2 shadow file
*pnBytes -- pointer to number of bytes read from version 1 shadow file. On return, pnBytes contains the number of bytes in the version 2 shadow file.
Return Value:
Author: Steve Wilson (NT)
{ DWORD cbOld; DWORD cbDiff;
switch( pShadowFile1->signature ){ case SF_SIGNATURE: cbOld = sizeof( SHADOWFILE ); cbDiff = sizeof( SHADOWFILE_3 ) - sizeof( SHADOWFILE ); break; case SF_SIGNATURE_2: cbOld = sizeof ( SHADOWFILE_2 ); cbDiff = sizeof( SHADOWFILE_3 ) - sizeof( SHADOWFILE_2 ); break; default: return FALSE; }
if( *pnBytes < cbOld ){ return FALSE; }
// Copy everything except signature.
MoveMemory((PVOID)(&pShadowFile3->Status), (PVOID)(&pShadowFile1->Status), cbOld - sizeof( pShadowFile1->signature ));
// Now update signature and size.
pShadowFile3->signature = SF_SIGNATURE_3_DOTNET; pShadowFile3->cbSize = *pnBytes + cbDiff;
// Move strings.
MoveMemory((PVOID)(pShadowFile3 + 1), ((PBYTE)pShadowFile1) + cbOld, *pnBytes - cbOld );
pShadowFile3->pNotify += pShadowFile1->pNotify ? cbDiff/sizeof *pShadowFile1->pNotify : 0; pShadowFile3->pUser += pShadowFile1->pUser ? cbDiff/sizeof *pShadowFile1->pUser : 0; pShadowFile3->pDocument += pShadowFile1->pDocument ? cbDiff/sizeof *pShadowFile3->pDocument : 0; pShadowFile3->pOutputFile += pShadowFile1->pOutputFile ? cbDiff/sizeof *pShadowFile3->pOutputFile : 0; pShadowFile3->pPrinterName += pShadowFile1->pPrinterName ? cbDiff/sizeof *pShadowFile3->pPrinterName : 0; pShadowFile3->pDriverName += pShadowFile1->pDriverName ? cbDiff/sizeof *pShadowFile3->pDriverName : 0; pShadowFile3->pPrintProcName += pShadowFile1->pPrintProcName ? cbDiff/sizeof *pShadowFile3->pPrintProcName : 0; pShadowFile3->pDatatype += pShadowFile1->pDatatype ? cbDiff/sizeof *pShadowFile3->pDatatype : 0; pShadowFile3->pParameters += pShadowFile1->pParameters ? cbDiff/sizeof *pShadowFile3->pParameters : 0;
pShadowFile3->pDevMode = (PDEVMODE) (pShadowFile1->pDevMode ? (ULONG_PTR) pShadowFile1->pDevMode + cbDiff : 0);
pShadowFile3->pSecurityDescriptor = (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) (pShadowFile1->pSecurityDescriptor ? (ULONG_PTR) pShadowFile1->pSecurityDescriptor + cbDiff : 0);
pShadowFile3->Version = SF_VERSION_3;
// The first shadow file didn't have dwReboots.
if( pShadowFile1->signature == SF_SIGNATURE ){ pShadowFile3->dwReboots = 0; }
pShadowFile3->pMachineName = NULL;
*pnBytes += cbDiff;
return TRUE; }
PINIVERSION GetVersionDrivers( HKEY hDriversKey, LPWSTR szVersionName, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment ) { HKEY hVersionKey; WCHAR szDirectoryValue[MAX_PATH]; PINIDRIVER pIniDriver; DWORD cMajorVersion, cMinorVersion; DWORD cbData; DWORD Type; PINIVERSION pIniVersion = NULL;
if (SplRegOpenKey(hDriversKey, szVersionName, KEY_READ, &hVersionKey, pIniSpooler) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("GetVersionDrivers SplRegOpenKey on "TSTR" failed\n", szVersionName)); return NULL; }
cbData = sizeof(szDirectoryValue);
if (SplRegQueryValue(hVersionKey, szDirectory, &Type, (LPBYTE)szDirectoryValue, &cbData, pIniSpooler)!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("Couldn't query for directory in version structure\n")); goto Done; }
cbData = sizeof(DWORD);
if (SplRegQueryValue(hVersionKey, szMajorVersion, &Type, (LPBYTE)&cMajorVersion, &cbData, pIniSpooler)!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("Couldn't query for major version in version structure\n")); goto Done; }
cbData = sizeof(DWORD);
if (SplRegQueryValue(hVersionKey, szMinorVersion, &Type, (LPBYTE)&cMinorVersion, &cbData, pIniSpooler)!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("Couldn't query for minor version in version structure\n")); goto Done; }
DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("Got all information to build the version entry\n"));
// Now build the version node structure.
pIniVersion = AllocSplMem(sizeof(INIVERSION));
if( pIniVersion ){
pIniVersion->signature = IV_SIGNATURE; pIniVersion->pName = AllocSplStr(szVersionName); pIniVersion->szDirectory = AllocSplStr(szDirectoryValue); pIniVersion->cMajorVersion = cMajorVersion; pIniVersion->cMinorVersion = cMinorVersion; pIniVersion->pDrvRefCnt = NULL;
if (!pIniVersion->pName || !pIniVersion->szDirectory) { FreeIniVersion(pIniVersion); pIniVersion = NULL; } else {
pIniDriver = GetDriverList(hVersionKey, pIniSpooler, pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion);
pIniVersion->pIniDriver = pIniDriver;
while (pIniDriver) { if (!UpdateDriverFileRefCnt(pIniEnvironment,pIniVersion,pIniDriver,NULL,0,TRUE)) { FreeIniVersion(pIniVersion); pIniVersion = NULL; break; } pIniDriver = pIniDriver->pNext; } } }
Done: SplRegCloseKey(hVersionKey, pIniSpooler); return pIniVersion; }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
This handles the memory in an inidriver after first decrementing the driver ref-count correctly.
pIniEnvironment - The environment of the driver. pIniVersion - The version of the driver. pIniDriver - The driver to delete.
Return Value:
--*/ VOID FreeIniDriver( IN PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, IN PINIVERSION pIniVersion, IN PINIDRIVER pIniDriver ) { if (pIniEnvironment && pIniVersion && pIniDriver) { //
// This is to reverse the ref-count for when the spooler is first created.
UpdateDriverFileRefCnt(pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, pIniDriver, NULL, 0, FALSE);
// The monitors will be deleted shortly. So we don't need to worry about
// the language monitors.
FreeStructurePointers((LPBYTE) pIniDriver, NULL, IniDriverOffsets); FreeSplMem(pIniDriver); } }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
This frees all the memory in an ini-version without handling either the drivers or the driver ref-counts in it.
pIniVersion - The version to delete.
Return Value:
--*/ VOID FreeIniVersion( IN PINIVERSION pIniVersion ) { PDRVREFCNT pdrc,pdrctemp;
FreeSplStr( pIniVersion->pName ); FreeSplStr( pIniVersion->szDirectory );
pdrc = pIniVersion->pDrvRefCnt;
while (pdrc) { FreeSplStr(pdrc->szDrvFileName); pdrctemp = pdrc->pNext; FreeSplMem(pdrc); pdrc = pdrctemp; }
FreeSplMem( pIniVersion ); }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
This runs all of the drivers in an iniVersion and then calls FreeIniVersion to free the contents of the iniversion.
pIniEnvironment - The environment used for handling driver ref-counts. pIniVersion - The version to delete.
Return Value:
--*/ VOID DeleteIniVersion( IN PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, IN PINIVERSION pIniVersion ) { if (pIniVersion && pIniEnvironment) { PINIDRIVER pIniDriver = NULL; PINIDRIVER pNextIniDriver = NULL;
for(pIniDriver = pIniVersion->pIniDriver; pIniDriver; pIniDriver = pNextIniDriver) { pNextIniDriver = pIniDriver->pNext;
FreeIniDriver(pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion, pIniDriver); }
FreeIniVersion(pIniVersion); } }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
This runs all of the ini-versions in an environvironment and then deletes the environment.
pIniEnvironment - The environment to free.
Return Value:
--*/ VOID FreeIniEnvironment( IN PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment ) { if (pIniEnvironment) { PINIVERSION pIniVersion = NULL; PINIVERSION pNextIniVersion = NULL;
for(pIniVersion = pIniEnvironment->pIniVersion; pIniVersion; pIniVersion = pNextIniVersion) { pNextIniVersion = pIniVersion->pNext;
DeleteIniVersion(pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion); }
FreeIniPrintProc(pIniEnvironment->pIniPrintProc); FreeStructurePointers((LPBYTE)pIniEnvironment, NULL, IniEnvironmentOffsets); FreeSplMem(pIniEnvironment); } }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
This deletes all of the print processor fields.
pIniPrintProc - The print processor to delete.
Return Value:
--*/ VOID FreeIniPrintProc( IN PINIPRINTPROC pIniPrintProc ) { if (pIniPrintProc) { FreeLibrary(pIniPrintProc->hLibrary); DeleteCriticalSection(&pIniPrintProc->CriticalSection); FreeStructurePointers((LPBYTE)pIniPrintProc, NULL, IniPrintProcOffsets); FreeSplMem(pIniPrintProc); } }
PINIDRIVER GetDriverList( HKEY hVersionKey, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINIVERSION pIniVersion ) { PINIDRIVER pIniDriverList = NULL; DWORD cDrivers = 0; PINIDRIVER pIniDriver; WCHAR DriverName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cchBuffer =0;
pIniDriverList = NULL;
cchBuffer = COUNTOF(DriverName);
while (SplRegEnumKey(hVersionKey, cDrivers++, DriverName, &cchBuffer, NULL, pIniSpooler) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { cchBuffer = COUNTOF(DriverName);
DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("Found a driver - "TSTR"\n", DriverName));
pIniDriver = GetDriver(hVersionKey, DriverName, pIniSpooler, pIniEnvironment, pIniVersion);
if (pIniDriver != NULL) { pIniDriver->pNext = pIniDriverList; pIniDriverList = pIniDriver; }
// On a cluster, a driver may have changed while the cluster spooler
// was hosted by another node. Here we check if we need to update or
// add a new driver
if (pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER && ClusterCheckDriverChanged(hVersionKey, DriverName, pIniEnvironment->pName, pIniVersion->pName, pIniSpooler)) { DWORD dwError;
// Add or update the driver.
if ((dwError = ClusterAddOrUpdateDriverFromClusterDisk(hVersionKey, DriverName, pIniEnvironment->pName, pIniEnvironment->pDirectory, pIniSpooler)) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
{ WCHAR szError[20];
DBGMSG(DBG_CLUSTER, ("GetDriverList failed to add/update driver "TSTR". Win32 error %u\n", DriverName, dwError));
StringCchPrintf(szError, COUNTOF(szError), L"%u", dwError);
SplLogEvent(pIniSpooler, LOG_ERROR, MSG_CANT_ADD_UPDATE_CLUSTER_DRIVER, FALSE, DriverName, pIniSpooler->pMachineName, szError, NULL); }
EnterSplSem(); } }
return pIniDriverList; }
PINIDRIVER GetDriver( HKEY hVersionKey, LPWSTR DriverName, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, PINIENVIRONMENT pIniEnvironment, PINIVERSION pIniVersion ) { HKEY hDriverKey = NULL; DWORD Type; WCHAR szData[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szTempDir[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cbData; DWORD Version; DWORD DriverAttributes; LPWSTR pConfigFile, pDataFile, pDriver; LPWSTR pHelpFile, pMonitorName, pDefaultDataType, pDependentFiles, pTemp; LPWSTR pDriverName, pszzPreviousNames; LPWSTR pszMfgName, pszOEMUrl, pszHardwareID, pszProvider; FILETIME DriverDate; DWORDLONG DriverVersion; PINIDRIVER pIniDriver = NULL; DWORD cb, cLen, cchDependentFiles = 0, cchPreviousNames = 0; DWORD dwTempDir, dwLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
pDriverName = pConfigFile = pDataFile = pDriver = pHelpFile = pTemp = NULL; pMonitorName = pDefaultDataType = pDependentFiles = pszzPreviousNames = NULL; pszMfgName = pszOEMUrl = pszHardwareID = pszProvider = NULL;
if ((dwLastError = SplRegOpenKey(hVersionKey, DriverName, KEY_READ, &hDriverKey, pIniSpooler)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto Fail; } else {
if ( !(pDriverName=AllocSplStr(DriverName)) ) { dwLastError = GetLastError(); goto Fail; }
RegGetString( hDriverKey, szConfigurationKey, &pConfigFile, &cLen, &dwLastError, TRUE, pIniSpooler ); if (!pConfigFile) { goto Fail; }
RegGetString( hDriverKey, szDataFileKey, &pDataFile, &cLen, &dwLastError, TRUE, pIniSpooler ); if ( !pDataFile ) { goto Fail; }
RegGetString( hDriverKey, szDriverFile, &pDriver, &cLen, &dwLastError, TRUE, pIniSpooler ); if ( !pDriver ) { goto Fail; }
RegGetString( hDriverKey, szHelpFile, &pHelpFile, &cLen, &dwLastError, FALSE, pIniSpooler );
RegGetString( hDriverKey, szMonitor, &pMonitorName, &cLen, &dwLastError, FALSE, pIniSpooler );
RegGetString( hDriverKey, szDatatype, &pDefaultDataType, &cLen, &dwLastError, FALSE, pIniSpooler );
RegGetMultiSzString( hDriverKey, szDependentFiles, &pDependentFiles, &cchDependentFiles, &dwLastError, FALSE, pIniSpooler );
RegGetMultiSzString( hDriverKey, szPreviousNames, &pszzPreviousNames, &cchPreviousNames, &dwLastError, FALSE, pIniSpooler );
RegGetString( hDriverKey, szMfgName, &pszMfgName, &cLen, &dwLastError, FALSE, pIniSpooler );
RegGetString( hDriverKey, szOEMUrl, &pszOEMUrl, &cLen, &dwLastError, FALSE, pIniSpooler );
RegGetString( hDriverKey, szHardwareID, &pszHardwareID, &cLen, &dwLastError, TRUE, pIniSpooler );
RegGetString( hDriverKey, szProvider, &pszProvider, &cLen, &dwLastError, TRUE, pIniSpooler );
cbData = sizeof(DriverDate); if (SplRegQueryValue(hDriverKey, szDriverDate, NULL, (LPBYTE)&DriverDate, &cbData, pIniSpooler)!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// don't leave the data uninitialized
DriverDate.dwLowDateTime = DriverDate.dwHighDateTime = 0; }
cbData = sizeof(DriverVersion); if (SplRegQueryValue(hDriverKey, szLongVersion, NULL, (LPBYTE)&DriverVersion, &cbData, pIniSpooler)!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// don't leave the data uninitialized
DriverVersion = 0; }
// Retrieve the version number
cbData = sizeof(DWORD); if (SplRegQueryValue(hDriverKey, szDriverAttributes, &Type, (LPBYTE)&DriverAttributes, &cbData, pIniSpooler) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DriverAttributes = 0; }
// Retrieve the version number
cbData = sizeof(DWORD); if (SplRegQueryValue(hDriverKey, szDriverVersion, &Type, (LPBYTE)&Version, &cbData, pIniSpooler) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { Version = 0; }
// Retrieve the TempDir number
cbData = sizeof(DWORD); if (SplRegQueryValue(hDriverKey, szTempDir, &Type, (LPBYTE)&dwTempDir, &cbData, pIniSpooler) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwTempDir = 0; }
// After REBOOT temp directories are deleted. So check for the presence of the
// directory on spooler startup.
if (dwTempDir && pIniEnvironment && pIniVersion) { StringCchPrintf(szTempDir, COUNTOF(szTempDir), L"%d", dwTempDir);
if(StrNCatBuff(szData, COUNTOF(szData), pIniSpooler->pDir, L"\\drivers\\", pIniEnvironment->pDirectory, L"\\", pIniVersion->szDirectory, L"\\", szTempDir, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (!DirectoryExists(szData)) { // Files must have been moved in Reboot, reset dwTempDir to 0
dwTempDir = 0; } } }
SplRegCloseKey(hDriverKey, pIniSpooler); hDriverKey = NULL; }
// Win95 driver needs every file as a dependent file for point and print.
// For others we eliminate duplicates
if ( pIniEnvironment && _wcsicmp(pIniEnvironment->pName, szWin95Environment) ) {
pTemp = pDependentFiles; pDependentFiles = NULL;
if ( !BuildTrueDependentFileField(pDriver, pDataFile, pConfigFile, pHelpFile, pTemp, &pDependentFiles) ) goto Fail;
FreeSplMem(pTemp); for ( pTemp = pDependentFiles ; pTemp && *pTemp ; pTemp += wcslen(pTemp) + 1 ) ;
if ( pTemp ) cchDependentFiles = (DWORD) (pTemp - pDependentFiles + 1); else cchDependentFiles = 0;
pTemp = NULL; }
cb = sizeof( INIDRIVER );
if ( pIniDriver = AllocSplMem( cb )) {
pIniDriver->signature = ID_SIGNATURE; pIniDriver->pName = pDriverName; pIniDriver->pDriverFile = pDriver; pIniDriver->pDataFile = pDataFile; pIniDriver->pConfigFile = pConfigFile; pIniDriver->cVersion = Version; pIniDriver->pHelpFile = pHelpFile; pIniDriver->pMonitorName = pMonitorName; pIniDriver->pDefaultDataType = pDefaultDataType; pIniDriver->pDependentFiles = pDependentFiles; pIniDriver->cchDependentFiles = cchDependentFiles; pIniDriver->pszzPreviousNames = pszzPreviousNames; pIniDriver->cchPreviousNames = cchPreviousNames; pIniDriver->dwTempDir = dwTempDir; pIniDriver->pszMfgName = pszMfgName; pIniDriver->pszOEMUrl = pszOEMUrl; pIniDriver->pszHardwareID = pszHardwareID; pIniDriver->pszProvider = pszProvider; pIniDriver->dwlDriverVersion = DriverVersion; pIniDriver->ftDriverDate = DriverDate; pIniDriver->dwDriverAttributes = DriverAttributes;
DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ("Data for driver %ws created:\
\n\tpDriverFile:\t%ws\ \n\tpDataFile:\t%ws\ \n\tpConfigFile:\t%ws\n\n", pDriverName, pDriver, pDataFile, pConfigFile));
if ( pIniDriver->pMonitorName && *pIniDriver->pMonitorName ) {
// Don't we add ref the monitor here?
pIniDriver->pIniLangMonitor = FindMonitor(pIniDriver->pMonitorName, pIniSpooler);
// Cluster spoolers do not have keep their own lists of language monitors.
// This is because most language monitors are not cluster aware. Therefore,
// cluster spooler share language monitors with the local spooler.
if (pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER && !pIniDriver->pIniLangMonitor && pLocalIniSpooler) { //
// We try to find the langauge monitor off the local spooler
pIniDriver->pIniLangMonitor = FindMonitor(pIniDriver->pMonitorName, pLocalIniSpooler); }
if (!pIniDriver->pIniLangMonitor) { DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("Can't find print monitor %ws\n", pIniDriver->pMonitorName)); }
return pIniDriver; }
FreeSplStr( pDriverName ); FreeSplStr( pConfigFile ); FreeSplStr( pDataFile ); FreeSplStr( pHelpFile ); FreeSplStr( pMonitorName ); FreeSplStr( pDefaultDataType ); FreeSplStr( pDependentFiles ); FreeSplStr( pszzPreviousNames ); FreeSplStr( pDriver ); FreeSplStr( pTemp); FreeSplStr( pszMfgName); FreeSplStr( pszOEMUrl); FreeSplStr( pszProvider); FreeSplStr( pszHardwareID);
if( hDriverKey ) { SplRegCloseKey(hDriverKey, pIniSpooler); }
SetLastError( dwLastError ); return NULL; }
PINIDRIVER FindLocalDriver( PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, LPWSTR pz ) { PINIVERSION pIniVersion;
if ( !pz || !*pz ) { return NULL; }
// During Upgrade we load any driver so we have a valid printer, which might not be able to boot.
return FindCompatibleDriver(GetLocalArchEnv(pIniSpooler), &pIniVersion, pz, dwMajorVersion, dwUpgradeFlag); }
BOOL FindLocalDriverAndVersion( PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, LPWSTR pz, PINIDRIVER *ppIniDriver, PINIVERSION *ppIniVersion ) { if ( !pz || !*pz || !ppIniDriver || !ppIniVersion) { return FALSE; }
// During Upgrade we load any driver so we have a valid printer, which might not be able to boot.
*ppIniDriver = FindCompatibleDriver( GetLocalArchEnv(pIniSpooler), ppIniVersion, pz, dwMajorVersion, dwUpgradeFlag );
if ( !*ppIniDriver || !*ppIniVersion ) {
return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
#if DBG
VOID InitializeDebug( PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler ) { DWORD Status; HKEY hKey = pIniSpooler->hckRoot; DWORD cbData; INT TimeOut = 60;
cbData = sizeof(DWORD);
Status = SplRegQueryValue( hKey, szDebugFlags, NULL, (LPBYTE)&MODULE_DEBUG, &cbData, pIniSpooler );
// Wait until someone turns off the Pause Flag
if ( Status != NO_ERROR ) return;
while ( MODULE_DEBUG & DBG_PAUSE ) { Sleep(1*1000); if ( TimeOut-- == 0) break; }
DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("DebugFlags %x\n", MODULE_DEBUG)); } #endif
VOID GetPrintSystemVersion( PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler ) { DWORD Status; HKEY hKey; DWORD cbData;
hKey = pIniSpooler->hckRoot;
cbData = sizeof(DWORD); RegQueryValueEx(hKey, szMinorVersion, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwMinorVersion, &cbData); DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("This Minor Version - %d\n", dwMinorVersion));
cbData = sizeof(DWORD); RegQueryValueEx(hKey, L"FastPrintWaitTimeout", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwFastPrintWaitTimeout, &cbData); DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("dwFastPrintWaitTimeout - %d\n", dwFastPrintWaitTimeout));
cbData = sizeof(DWORD); RegQueryValueEx(hKey, L"FastPrintThrottleTimeout", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwFastPrintThrottleTimeout, &cbData); DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("dwFastPrintThrottleTimeout - %d\n", dwFastPrintThrottleTimeout));
// If the values look invalid use Defaults
if (( dwFastPrintThrottleTimeout == 0) || ( dwFastPrintWaitTimeout < dwFastPrintThrottleTimeout)) {
DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ("Bad timeout values FastPrintThrottleTimeout %d FastPrintWaitTimeout %d using defaults\n", dwFastPrintThrottleTimeout, dwFastPrintWaitTimeout));
dwFastPrintThrottleTimeout = FASTPRINT_THROTTLE_TIMEOUT; dwFastPrintWaitTimeout = FASTPRINT_WAIT_TIMEOUT;
// Calculate a reasonable Threshold based on the two timeouts
dwFastPrintSlowDownThreshold = dwFastPrintWaitTimeout / dwFastPrintThrottleTimeout;
// FastPrintSlowDownThreshold
cbData = sizeof(DWORD); RegQueryValueEx(hKey, L"FastPrintSlowDownThreshold", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwFastPrintSlowDownThreshold, &cbData); DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("dwFastPrintSlowDownThreshold - %d\n", dwFastPrintSlowDownThreshold));
// PortThreadPriority
cbData = sizeof dwPortThreadPriority; Status = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, SPLREG_PORT_THREAD_PRIORITY, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwPortThreadPriority, &cbData);
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS || (dwPortThreadPriority != THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST && dwPortThreadPriority != THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL && dwPortThreadPriority != THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL && dwPortThreadPriority != THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL && dwPortThreadPriority != THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST)) {
SetPrinterDataServer( pIniSpooler, SPLREG_PORT_THREAD_PRIORITY, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &dwPortThreadPriority, sizeof dwPortThreadPriority ); } DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("dwPortThreadPriority - %d\n", dwPortThreadPriority));
// SchedulerThreadPriority
cbData = sizeof dwSchedulerThreadPriority; Status = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, SPLREG_SCHEDULER_THREAD_PRIORITY, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwSchedulerThreadPriority, &cbData);
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS || (dwSchedulerThreadPriority != THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST && dwSchedulerThreadPriority != THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL && dwSchedulerThreadPriority != THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL && dwSchedulerThreadPriority != THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL && dwSchedulerThreadPriority != THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST)) {
SetPrinterDataServer( pIniSpooler, SPLREG_SCHEDULER_THREAD_PRIORITY, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &dwSchedulerThreadPriority, sizeof dwSchedulerThreadPriority ); } DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("dwSchedulerThreadPriority - %d\n", dwSchedulerThreadPriority));
// WritePrinterSleepTime
cbData = sizeof(DWORD); RegQueryValueEx(hKey, L"WritePrinterSleepTime", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwWritePrinterSleepTime, &cbData); DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("dwWritePrinterSleepTime - %d\n", dwWritePrinterSleepTime));
// ServerThreadPriority
cbData = sizeof(DWORD); RegQueryValueEx(hKey, L"ServerThreadPriority", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwServerThreadPriority, &cbData); DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("dwServerThreadPriority - %d\n", dwServerThreadPriority));
// ServerThreadTimeout
cbData = sizeof(DWORD); RegQueryValueEx(hKey, L"ServerThreadTimeout", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&ServerThreadTimeout, &cbData); DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("ServerThreadTimeout - %d\n", ServerThreadTimeout));
// EnableBroadcastSpoolerStatus
cbData = sizeof(DWORD); RegQueryValueEx(hKey, L"EnableBroadcastSpoolerStatus", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwEnableBroadcastSpoolerStatus, &cbData); DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("EnableBroadcastSpoolerStatus - %d\n", dwEnableBroadcastSpoolerStatus ));
// NetPrinterDecayPeriod
cbData = sizeof(DWORD); RegQueryValueEx(hKey, L"NetPrinterDecayPeriod", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&NetPrinterDecayPeriod, &cbData); DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("NetPrinterDecayPeriod - %d\n", NetPrinterDecayPeriod));
// RefreshTimesPerDecayPeriod
cbData = sizeof(DWORD); RegQueryValueEx(hKey, L"RefreshTimesPerDecayPeriod", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&RefreshTimesPerDecayPeriod, &cbData); DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("RefreshTimesPerDecayPeriod - %d\n", RefreshTimesPerDecayPeriod));
if ( RefreshTimesPerDecayPeriod == 0 ) {
// BrowsePrintWorkstations
cbData = sizeof( BrowsePrintWorkstations ); RegQueryValueEx( hKey, L"BrowsePrintWorkstations", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&BrowsePrintWorkstations, &cbData );
DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ("BrowsePrintWorkstations - %d\n", BrowsePrintWorkstations )); }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
This routine looks at the sku to determine whether we should allowing sharing out and printing to a fax driver.
We don't allow sharing the fax printer on Personal & Professional. We also don't allow sharing of the fax printer on a Web Blade.
Return Value:
TRUE - We can share out the fax driver.
--*/ BOOL AllowFaxSharing( VOID ) { BOOL bAllowFaxSharing = TRUE;
DWORDLONG dwlConditionMask = 0; OSVERSIONINFOEX osvi = { 0 };
osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osvi);
// We allow sharing if it isn't WORKSTATION or PRO.
bAllowFaxSharing = !VerifyVersionInfo(&osvi, VER_PRODUCT_TYPE, dwlConditionMask);
if (bAllowFaxSharing) { ZeroMemory(&osvi, sizeof(osvi));
osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osvi); osvi.wSuiteMask = VER_SUITE_BLADE;
// We allow sharing if it isn't a web blade.
bAllowFaxSharing = !VerifyVersionInfo(&osvi, VER_SUITENAME, dwlConditionMask); }
return bAllowFaxSharing; }
VOID InitializeSpoolerSettings( PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler ) { HKEY hKey; HKEY hKeyProvider; DWORD cbData; DWORD dwLastError; DWORD Status; DWORD CacheMasqPrinters;
DWORDLONG dwlConditionMask = 0; OSVERSIONINFOEX osvi;
hKey = pIniSpooler->hckRoot;
// BeepEnabled
cbData = sizeof pIniSpooler->dwBeepEnabled; Status = SplRegQueryValue(hKey, SPLREG_BEEP_ENABLED, NULL, (LPBYTE)&pIniSpooler->dwBeepEnabled, &cbData, pIniSpooler);
if (Status!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("BeepEnabled - SplRegQueryValue failed with error %u\n", Status)); }
pIniSpooler->dwBeepEnabled = !!pIniSpooler->dwBeepEnabled;
SetPrinterDataServer(pIniSpooler, SPLREG_BEEP_ENABLED, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &pIniSpooler->dwBeepEnabled, sizeof pIniSpooler->dwBeepEnabled);
if( pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER ){
// Restart job time.
cbData = sizeof( pIniSpooler->dwJobCompletionTimeout ); Status = SplRegQueryValue( hKey, L"JobCompletionTimeout", NULL, (LPBYTE)&pIniSpooler->dwJobCompletionTimeout, &cbData, pIniSpooler );
if( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ){ pIniSpooler->dwJobCompletionTimeout = DEFAULT_JOB_COMPLETION_TIMEOUT; }
DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ("JobCompletionTimeout - %d\n", pIniSpooler->dwJobCompletionTimeout )); }
// Retrieve whether we want to cache masq printer settings, default is FALSE.
cbData = sizeof(CacheMasqPrinters);
Status = SplRegQueryValue(hKey, gszCacheMasqPrinters, NULL, (BYTE *)&CacheMasqPrinters, &cbData, pIniSpooler);
// We only set the bit for caching masq printers if CacbeMasqPrinters is
// non-NULL.
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS && CacheMasqPrinters != 0) {
pIniSpooler->dwSpoolerSettings |= SPOOLER_CACHEMASQPRINTERS; }
// Some Folks like the NT FAX Service Don't want people to be able
// to remotely print with specific printer drivers.
if (!AllowFaxSharing()) {
pIniSpooler->pNoRemotePrintDrivers = AllocSplStr(szNTFaxDriver); pIniSpooler->cchNoRemotePrintDrivers = wcslen(szNTFaxDriver) + 1; gbRemoteFax = FALSE; }
// If this is embedded NT, then allow masq printers to get non-RAW
// jobs. This is for Xerox.
dwlConditionMask = 0; ZeroMemory(&osvi, sizeof(osvi));
if (VerifyVersionInfo( &osvi, VER_SUITENAME, dwlConditionMask)) {
pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags |= SPL_NON_RAW_TO_MASQ_PRINTERS; }
Status = SplRegCreateKey( pIniSpooler->hckRoot, pIniSpooler->pszRegistryProviders, 0, KEY_READ, NULL, &hKeyProvider, NULL, pIniSpooler );
if( Status == NO_ERROR ){
DWORD Flags;
// NonRawToMasqPrinters
cbData = sizeof( Flags ); Status = SplRegQueryValue( hKeyProvider, SPLREG_NON_RAW_TO_MASQ_PRINTERS, NULL, (LPBYTE)&Flags, &cbData, pIniSpooler );
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if (Flags) { pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags |= SPL_NON_RAW_TO_MASQ_PRINTERS; } }
// EventLog
cbData = sizeof( Flags ); Status = SplRegQueryValue( hKeyProvider, SPLREG_EVENT_LOG, NULL, (LPBYTE)&Flags, &cbData, pIniSpooler );
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
pIniSpooler->dwEventLogging = Flags;
} else {
Status = SetPrinterDataServer( pIniSpooler, SPLREG_EVENT_LOG, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&pIniSpooler->dwEventLogging, sizeof( pIniSpooler->dwEventLogging )); }
// NetPopup
cbData = sizeof( Flags ); Status = SplRegQueryValue( hKeyProvider, SPLREG_NET_POPUP, NULL, (LPBYTE)&Flags, &cbData, pIniSpooler );
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
pIniSpooler->bEnableNetPopups = !!Flags;
if (Flags != 1 && Flags != 0) { Status = SetPrinterDataServer( pIniSpooler, SPLREG_NET_POPUP, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&pIniSpooler->bEnableNetPopups, sizeof( pIniSpooler->bEnableNetPopups )); } } else {
Status = SetPrinterDataServer( pIniSpooler, SPLREG_NET_POPUP, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&pIniSpooler->bEnableNetPopups, sizeof( pIniSpooler->bEnableNetPopups )); }
// NetPopupToComputer
cbData = sizeof( Flags ); Status = SplRegQueryValue( hKeyProvider, SPLREG_NET_POPUP_TO_COMPUTER, NULL, (LPBYTE)&Flags, &cbData, pIniSpooler );
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
pIniSpooler->bEnableNetPopupToComputer = !!Flags;
if (Flags != 1 && Flags != 0) { Status = SetPrinterDataServer( pIniSpooler, SPLREG_NET_POPUP_TO_COMPUTER, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&pIniSpooler->bEnableNetPopupToComputer, sizeof( pIniSpooler->bEnableNetPopupToComputer )); } } else {
Status = SetPrinterDataServer( pIniSpooler, SPLREG_NET_POPUP_TO_COMPUTER, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&pIniSpooler->bEnableNetPopupToComputer, sizeof( pIniSpooler->bEnableNetPopupToComputer )); }
// RetryPopup
cbData = sizeof( Flags ); Status = SplRegQueryValue( hKeyProvider, SPLREG_RETRY_POPUP, NULL, (LPBYTE)&Flags, &cbData, pIniSpooler );
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
pIniSpooler->bEnableRetryPopups = !!Flags;
if (Flags != 1 && Flags != 0) { Status = SetPrinterDataServer( pIniSpooler, SPLREG_RETRY_POPUP, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&pIniSpooler->bEnableRetryPopups, sizeof( pIniSpooler->bEnableRetryPopups )); } } else {
Status = SetPrinterDataServer( pIniSpooler, SPLREG_RETRY_POPUP, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&pIniSpooler->bEnableRetryPopups, sizeof( pIniSpooler->bEnableRetryPopups )); }
// RestartJobOnPoolError
cbData = sizeof( Flags ); Status = SplRegQueryValue( hKeyProvider, SPLREG_RESTART_JOB_ON_POOL_ERROR, NULL, (LPBYTE)&Flags, &cbData, pIniSpooler );
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
pIniSpooler->dwRestartJobOnPoolTimeout = Flags;
} else {
Status = SetPrinterDataServer( pIniSpooler, SPLREG_RESTART_JOB_ON_POOL_ERROR, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&pIniSpooler->dwRestartJobOnPoolTimeout, sizeof( pIniSpooler->dwRestartJobOnPoolTimeout )); }
// RestartJobOnPoolEnabled
cbData = sizeof( Flags ); Status = SplRegQueryValue( hKeyProvider, SPLREG_RESTART_JOB_ON_POOL_ENABLED, NULL, (LPBYTE)&Flags, &cbData, pIniSpooler );
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
pIniSpooler->bRestartJobOnPoolEnabled = !!Flags;
if (Flags != 1 && Flags != 0) { Status = SetPrinterDataServer( pIniSpooler, SPLREG_RESTART_JOB_ON_POOL_ENABLED, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&pIniSpooler->bRestartJobOnPoolEnabled, sizeof( pIniSpooler->bRestartJobOnPoolEnabled )); } } else {
Status = SetPrinterDataServer( pIniSpooler, SPLREG_RESTART_JOB_ON_POOL_ENABLED, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&pIniSpooler->bRestartJobOnPoolEnabled, sizeof( pIniSpooler->bRestartJobOnPoolEnabled )); }
SplRegCloseKey( hKeyProvider, pIniSpooler ); } GetDiscardTSJobsSettings( pIniSpooler ); GetServerFilePoolSettings( pIniSpooler ); }
VOID GetServerFilePoolSettings( PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler ) { //
// We read the registry key DisableServerFilePooling from
// HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print once on spooler startup.
// If the value is set, filepooling for the server is disabled.
DWORD RegValue = 0; DWORD RegValueSize = sizeof(RegValue); HKEY RegKey = NULL; DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD RegValueType;
dwError = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, ipszRegistryRoot, 0, KEY_READ, &RegKey );
if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwError = RegQueryValueEx( RegKey, szDisableFilePooling, NULL, (LPDWORD) &RegValueType, (LPBYTE) &RegValue, &RegValueSize );
if ( RegValueType == REG_DWORD && dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS && RegValue > 0) { pIniSpooler->dwSpoolerSettings |= SPOOLER_NOFILEPOOLING; } }
if (RegKey) { RegCloseKey( RegKey ); } }
DWORD FinalInitAfterRouterInitComplete( DWORD dwUpgrade, PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler )
Routine Description:
This thread does LocalSpl initialization that has to happen after the router has completely initialized.
There are 2 jobs:- Upgrading Printer Driver Data Sharing Printers
Ensures that printers are shared. This case occurs when the spooler service not running on startup (and the server is), and then the user starts the spooler.
We also get the benefit of closing down any invalid printer handles (in the server).
dwUpgrade != 0 upgrade printer driver data.
Return Value:
DWORD - ignored
{ DWORD dwPort; PINIPORT pIniPort; PINIMONITOR pIniLangMonitor; PINIPRINTER pIniPrinter; PINIPRINTER pIniPrinterNext;
// Do Not share all the printers during an Upgrade.
if ( dwUpgrade ) {
return 0; }
// Try pending driver upgrades on spooler startup
// Delete printers in pending deletion state with no jobs
// Re-share all shared printers.
for( pIniPrinter = pIniSpooler->pIniPrinter; pIniPrinter; pIniPrinter = pIniPrinterNext ) {
if ( pIniPrinter->Attributes & PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_SHARED ) { //
// Up the ref count to prevent deletion
// Unshare it first. We are doing it both to close all handles in the
// server ( for the case when the printer is shared ) or to just unshare
// the printer if the policy says so ( we cleared the attribute above )
ShareThisPrinter( pIniPrinter, pIniPrinter->pShareName, FALSE );
// We are checking if the printer is still shared ( the attribute could have been
// cleared as a result of the remote connctions policy being off or , if that's
// not the case, as a result of leaving the Spooler semaphore in ShareThisPrinter)
if ( pIniPrinter->Attributes & PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_SHARED ) {
BOOL bReturn;
// Now share it again.
bReturn = ShareThisPrinter( pIniPrinter, pIniPrinter->pShareName, TRUE );
if( !bReturn ){
DWORD rc = GetLastError();
if( rc != NERR_ServerNotStarted && rc != NERR_DuplicateShare ){
WCHAR szError[256];
DBGMSG( DBG_WARNING, ( "NetShareAdd failed %lx\n", rc));
StringCchPrintf(szError, COUNTOF(szError), L"+ %d", rc);
SplLogEvent( pIniSpooler, LOG_ERROR, MSG_SHARE_FAILED, TRUE, szError, pIniPrinter->pName, pIniPrinter->pShareName, NULL ); } } }
DECPRINTERREF( pIniPrinter ); pIniPrinterNext = pIniPrinter->pNext;
} else {
// The unshared case.
pIniPrinterNext = pIniPrinter->pNext; }
if (pIniPrinterNext) INCPRINTERREF(pIniPrinterNext);
for ( dwPort = 0 ; dwPort < pIniPrinter->cPorts ; ++dwPort ) {
pIniPort = pIniPrinter->ppIniPorts[dwPort];
// Bidi monitor can inform spooler of errors. First
// printer will keep the port at the beginning
if ( pIniPort->ppIniPrinter[0] != pIniPrinter ) continue;
if ( !pIniPort->hMonitorHandle && dwUpgradeFlag == 0 ) {
LPTSTR pszPrinter; TCHAR szFullPrinter[ MAX_UNC_PRINTER_NAME ];
if( pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER ){
pszPrinter = szFullPrinter; StringCchPrintf(szFullPrinter, COUNTOF(szFullPrinter), L"%ws\\%ws", pIniSpooler->pMachineName, pIniPrinter->pName); } else {
pszPrinter = pIniPrinter->pName; }
if ( pIniPrinter->Attributes & PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_ENABLE_BIDI ) pIniLangMonitor = pIniPrinter->pIniDriver->pIniLangMonitor; else pIniLangMonitor = NULL;
OpenMonitorPort(pIniPort, pIniLangMonitor, pszPrinter); ReleaseMonitorPort(pIniPort); } }
if (pIniPrinterNext) DECPRINTERREF(pIniPrinterNext);
return 0; }
DWORD FinalInitAfterRouterInitCompleteThread( DWORD dwUpgrade )
Routine Description:
Async thread called when initializing provider.
Return Value:
{ return FinalInitAfterRouterInitComplete( dwUpgrade, pLocalIniSpooler ); }
// DEBUG PURPOSE ONLY - - returns TRUE if pMem is an IniSpooler, FALSE otherwise
BOOL NotIniSpooler( BYTE *pMem ) { PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler;
for (pIniSpooler = pLocalIniSpooler ; pIniSpooler ; pIniSpooler = pIniSpooler->pIniNextSpooler) if (pIniSpooler == (PINISPOOLER) pMem) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
BOOL ValidateProductSuite( PWSTR pszSuiteName ) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; LONG Rslt; HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD Type = 0; DWORD Size = 0; PWSTR pszProductSuite = NULL; PWSTR psz;
Rslt = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, ipszRegistryProductOptions, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey);
if (Rslt != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto exit;
Rslt = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, L"ProductSuite", NULL, &Type, NULL, &Size ); if (!Size || Rslt != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto exit;
pszProductSuite = AllocSplMem(Size); if (!pszProductSuite) { goto exit; }
Rslt = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, L"ProductSuite", NULL, &Type, (LPBYTE) pszProductSuite, &Size ); if (Rslt != ERROR_SUCCESS || Type != REG_MULTI_SZ) goto exit;
for(psz = pszProductSuite ; *psz && wcscmp(psz, pszSuiteName) ; psz += wcslen(psz) + 1) ; if (*psz) bRet = TRUE;
if (hKey) RegCloseKey(hKey);
return bRet; }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
Takes in a driver key and a cluster type pIniSpooler. It will add a driver from the cluster disk to the cluster spooler. If the driver already exists in the list of drivers, then it will attempt to upgrade it.
hKeyVersion - key to Ex. "Environments\Windows NT x86\Drivers\Version-3" pszDriverName - name a a driver pszEnvName - environemnt of the driver pszenvDir - directory for the driver files on the disk (Ex. w32x86) pIniSpooler - cluster type pIniSpooler
Return Value:
Win32 error code
--*/ DWORD ClusterAddOrUpdateDriverFromClusterDisk( IN HKEY hKeyVersion, IN LPCWSTR pszDriverName, IN LPCWSTR pszEnvName, IN LPCWSTR pszEnvDir, IN PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler ) { LPWSTR pszzPathDepFiles = NULL; DRIVER_INFO_6 Drv = {0}; HKEY hDrvKey = NULL; WCHAR szVerPath[10] = {0}; DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; WCHAR szData[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szPathConfigFile[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szPathDataFile[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szPathDriverFile[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szPathHelpFile[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cbData; DWORD cLen;
// Open the driver's key
if ((dwError = SplRegOpenKey(hKeyVersion, pszDriverName, KEY_READ, &hDrvKey, pIniSpooler)) == ERROR_SUCCESS && (dwError = (Drv.pName = AllocSplStr(pszDriverName)) ? ERROR_SUCCESS : GetLastError()) == ERROR_SUCCESS && RegGetString(hDrvKey, szConfigurationKey, &Drv.pConfigFile, &cLen, &dwError, TRUE, pIniSpooler) && RegGetString(hDrvKey, szDataFileKey, &Drv.pDataFile, &cLen, &dwError, TRUE, pIniSpooler) && RegGetString(hDrvKey, szDriverFile, &Drv.pDriverPath, &cLen, &dwError, TRUE, pIniSpooler) && (dwError = Drv.pConfigFile && Drv.pDataFile && Drv.pDriverPath ? ERROR_SUCCESS : ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) == ERROR_SUCCESS && RegGetString(hDrvKey, szHelpFile, &Drv.pHelpFile, &cLen, &dwError, FALSE, pIniSpooler) && RegGetString(hDrvKey, szMonitor, &Drv.pMonitorName, &cLen, &dwError, FALSE, pIniSpooler) && RegGetString(hDrvKey, szDatatype, &Drv.pDefaultDataType, &cLen, &dwError, FALSE, pIniSpooler) && RegGetMultiSzString(hDrvKey, szDependentFiles, &Drv.pDependentFiles, &cLen, &dwError, FALSE, pIniSpooler) && RegGetMultiSzString(hDrvKey, szPreviousNames, &Drv.pszzPreviousNames,&cLen, &dwError, FALSE, pIniSpooler) && RegGetString(hDrvKey, szMfgName, &Drv.pszMfgName, &cLen, &dwError, FALSE, pIniSpooler) && RegGetString(hDrvKey, szOEMUrl, &Drv.pszOEMUrl, &cLen, &dwError, FALSE, pIniSpooler) && RegGetString(hDrvKey, szHardwareID, &Drv.pszHardwareID, &cLen, &dwError, TRUE, pIniSpooler) && RegGetString(hDrvKey, szProvider, &Drv.pszProvider, &cLen, &dwError, TRUE, pIniSpooler) && (dwError = ClusterFindLanguageMonitor(Drv.pMonitorName, pszEnvName, pIniSpooler)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { cbData = sizeof(Drv.ftDriverDate); SplRegQueryValue(hDrvKey, szDriverDate, NULL, (LPBYTE)&Drv.ftDriverDate, &cbData, pIniSpooler);
cbData = sizeof(Drv.dwlDriverVersion); SplRegQueryValue(hDrvKey, szLongVersion, NULL, (LPBYTE)&Drv.dwlDriverVersion, &cbData, pIniSpooler);
cbData = sizeof(Drv.cVersion); SplRegQueryValue(hDrvKey, szDriverVersion, NULL, (LPBYTE)&Drv.cVersion, &cbData, pIniSpooler);
// We need the matching version <-> directory on disk
// Ex. Version-3 <-> 3
StringCchPrintf(szVerPath, COUNTOF(szVerPath), L"%u", Drv.cVersion);
// Get fully qualified driver file paths. We will do an add printer driver
// without using the scratch directory. So the files have to be fully
// qualified
if ((dwError = StrNCatBuff(szPathDriverFile, COUNTOF(szPathDriverFile), pIniSpooler->pszClusResDriveLetter, L"\\", szClusterDriverRoot, L"\\", pszEnvDir, L"\\", szVerPath, L"\\", Drv.pDriverPath, NULL)) == ERROR_SUCCESS && (dwError = StrNCatBuff(szPathDataFile, COUNTOF(szPathDataFile), pIniSpooler->pszClusResDriveLetter, L"\\", szClusterDriverRoot, L"\\", pszEnvDir, L"\\", szVerPath, L"\\", Drv.pDataFile, NULL)) == ERROR_SUCCESS && (dwError = StrNCatBuff(szPathConfigFile, COUNTOF(szPathConfigFile), pIniSpooler->pszClusResDriveLetter, L"\\", szClusterDriverRoot, L"\\", pszEnvDir, L"\\", szVerPath, L"\\", Drv.pConfigFile, NULL)) == ERROR_SUCCESS && (dwError = StrNCatBuff(szPathHelpFile, COUNTOF(szPathHelpFile), pIniSpooler->pszClusResDriveLetter, L"\\", szClusterDriverRoot, L"\\", pszEnvDir, L"\\", szVerPath, L"\\", Drv.pHelpFile, NULL)) == ERROR_SUCCESS && (dwError = StrNCatBuff(szData, COUNTOF(szData), pIniSpooler->pszClusResDriveLetter, L"\\", szClusterDriverRoot, L"\\", pszEnvDir, L"\\", szVerPath, L"\\", NULL)) == ERROR_SUCCESS && (dwError = StrCatPrefixMsz(szData, Drv.pDependentFiles, &pszzPathDepFiles)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { LPWSTR pszTempDriver = Drv.pDriverPath; LPWSTR pszTempData = Drv.pDataFile; LPWSTR pszTempConfig = Drv.pConfigFile; LPWSTR pszTempHelp = Drv.pHelpFile; LPWSTR pszTempDep = Drv.pDependentFiles;
DBGMSG(DBG_CLUSTER, ("ClusterAddOrUpDrv szPathDriverFile = "TSTR"\n", szPathDriverFile)); DBGMSG(DBG_CLUSTER, ("ClusterAddOrUpDrv szPathDataFile = "TSTR"\n", szPathDataFile)); DBGMSG(DBG_CLUSTER, ("ClusterAddOrUpDrv szPathConfigFile = "TSTR"\n", szPathConfigFile)); DBGMSG(DBG_CLUSTER, ("ClusterAddOrUpDrv szPathHelpFile = "TSTR"\n", szPathHelpFile));
Drv.pDriverPath = szPathDriverFile; Drv.pEnvironment = (LPWSTR)pszEnvName; Drv.pDataFile = szPathDataFile; Drv.pConfigFile = szPathConfigFile; Drv.pHelpFile = szPathHelpFile; Drv.pDependentFiles = pszzPathDepFiles;
if (!SplAddPrinterDriverEx(NULL, 6, (LPBYTE)&Drv, APD_COPY_NEW_FILES | APD_DONT_COPY_FILES_TO_CLUSTER, pIniSpooler, FALSE, DO_NOT_IMPERSONATE_USER)) { dwError = GetLastError(); }
// Restore pointers
Drv.pDriverPath = pszTempDriver; Drv.pConfigFile = pszTempConfig; Drv.pDataFile = pszTempData; Drv.pHelpFile = pszTempHelp; Drv.pDependentFiles = pszTempDep; } }
FreeSplStr(Drv.pName); FreeSplStr(Drv.pDriverPath); FreeSplStr(Drv.pConfigFile); FreeSplStr(Drv.pDataFile); FreeSplStr(Drv.pHelpFile); FreeSplStr(Drv.pMonitorName); FreeSplStr(Drv.pDefaultDataType); FreeSplStr(Drv.pDependentFiles); FreeSplStr(Drv.pszzPreviousNames); FreeSplStr(Drv.pszMfgName); FreeSplStr(Drv.pszOEMUrl); FreeSplStr(Drv.pszProvider); FreeSplStr(Drv.pszHardwareID); FreeSplStr(pszzPathDepFiles);
if (hDrvKey) { SplRegCloseKey(hDrvKey, pIniSpooler); }
DBGMSG(DBG_CLUSTER, ("ClusterAddOrUpdateDriverFromClusterDisk returns Win32 error %u\n", dwError));
return dwError; }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
This routine will be launched in a separate thread to perform time consuming initialization as part of SplCreateSpooler when the spooler is a cluster spooler. Tasks that it will do include copying down ICM profiles from the cluster disk. The caller needs to AddRef the pIniSpooler so that it doesn't become invalid (deleted) while we are using it.
This function closes the hClusSplReady event handle.
Return Value:
--*/ VOID SplCreateSpoolerWorkerThread( IN PVOID pv ) { PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler; WCHAR szDir[MAX_PATH];
pIniSpooler = (PINISPOOLER)pv;
if (pIniSpooler && pIniSpooler->SpoolerFlags & SPL_TYPE_CLUSTER && pIniSpooler->hClusSplReady) { HANDLE hSplReady = pIniSpooler->hClusSplReady;
// Waiting for the creating function (SplCreateSpooler) to terminate
WaitForSingleObject(pIniSpooler->hClusSplReady, INFINITE);
pIniSpooler->hClusSplReady = NULL;
// We use hSplReady so we do not hold the critical section while doing CloseHandle
// If the node was upgraded, we need to upgrade the print drivers
// We cannot load ntprint and printui. So we create a process and
// call an entry point in ntprint. That one will enumerate all the
// cluster drivers and will try to upgrade them based on the new cab.
if (pIniSpooler->dwClusNodeUpgraded) { DWORD dwError; DWORD dwCode = 0; LPWSTR pszCommand = NULL; LPWSTR pszExe = NULL;
// We need to pass as argument the name of the cluster spooler
if ((dwError = StrCatSystemPath(L"rundll32.exe", kSystemDir, &pszExe)) == ERROR_SUCCESS && (dwError = StrCatAlloc(&pszCommand, L"rundll32.exe ntprint.dll,PSetupUpgradeClusterDrivers ", pIniSpooler->pMachineName, NULL)) == ERROR_SUCCESS && (dwError = RunProcess(pszExe, pszCommand, INFINITE, &dwCode)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// dwCode is the return code of the function PSetupUpgradeClusterDrivers in ntprint,
// executed inside the rundll32 process
if (dwCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// We upgraded all the printer drivers, now we delete the key from the registry
// so we don't go though upgrading printer drivers again next time when the
// cluster group comes online on this node
ClusterSplDeleteUpgradeKey(pIniSpooler->pszClusResID); } else { DBGMSG(DBG_WARN, ("Error upgrading cluster drivers! dwCode %u\n", dwCode)); } }
FreeSplMem(pszCommand); FreeSplMem(pszExe);
DBGMSG(DBG_CLUSTER, ("SplCreateSpoolerWorkerThread dwError %u dwCode %u\n", dwError, dwCode)); }
// Set resource private property ClusterDriverDirectry. This will be used by the
// ResDll to perform clean up when the spooler is deleted
if (StrNCatBuff(szDir, COUNTOF(szDir), pIniSpooler->pszClusResDriveLetter, L"\\", szClusterDriverRoot, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { SplRegSetValue(pIniSpooler->hckRoot, SPLREG_CLUSTER_DRIVER_DIRECTORY, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szDir, (wcslen(szDir) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), pIniSpooler); }
DBGMSG(DBG_CLUSTER, ("SplCreateSpoolerWorkerThread terminates pIniSpooler->cRef %u\n", pIniSpooler->cRef)); } }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
This routine logs a message when a printer cannot be brought up because its ports are missing.
pszName - The name of the printer.
Return Value:
--*/ VOID LogFatalPortError( IN PINISPOOLER pIniSpooler, IN PCWSTR pszName ) { DWORD LastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; WCHAR szError[40] = {0};
LastError = GetLastError();
StringCchPrintf(szError, COUNTOF(szError), L"%u (0x%x)", LastError, LastError);