Copyright (c) 1997-2003 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved
Module Name:
IRDA printing support in localmon
Author: Muhunthan Sivapragasam (MuhuntS) 27-Oct-97
User Mode -Win32
Revision History: // @@END_DDKSPLIT
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <af_irda.h>
#include "irda.h"
#define PRINTER_HINT_BIT 0x08
#define WRITE_TIMEOUT 60000 // 60 seconds
typedef struct _IRDA_INFO { DWORD dwBeginTime; DWORD dwSendPduLen; WSAOVERLAPPED WsaOverlapped; WSABUF WsaBuf; LPBYTE pBuf; } IRDA_INFO, *PIRDA_INFO;
if ( WSAStartup(WSAVerReq, &WSAData) == ERROR_SUCCESS && (hSock = socket(AF_IRDA, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) != INVALID_SOCKET ) {
closesocket(hSock); bRet = TRUE; }
WSACleanup(); return bRet; }
VOID CheckAndAddIrdaPort( PINILOCALMON pIniLocalMon ) { PINIPORT pIniPort;
for ( pIniPort = pIniLocalMon->pIniPort ; pIniPort && !IS_IRDA_PORT(pIniPort->pName) ; pIniPort = pIniPort->pNext ) ;
if ( pIniPort || !IsIRDAInstalled() ) return;
// Add the port to the list and write to registry
LcmCreatePortEntry(pIniLocalMon, szIRDA);
if ( (pIniPort = LcmCreatePortEntry(pIniLocalMon, szIRDA)) && !WriteProfileString(szPorts, szIRDA, L"") ) {
DeletePortNode(pIniLocalMon, pIniPort); } */ // @@END_DDKSPLIT
VOID CloseIrdaConnection( PINIPORT pIniPort ) { PIRDA_INFO pIrda = (PIRDA_INFO) pIniPort->pExtra;
if ( pIrda ) {
if ( pIrda->WsaOverlapped.hEvent ) WSACloseEvent(pIrda->WsaOverlapped.hEvent);
FreeSplMem(pIrda); pIniPort->pExtra = NULL; }
if ( (SOCKET)pIniPort->hFile != INVALID_SOCKET ) {
closesocket((SOCKET)pIniPort->hFile); pIniPort->hFile = (HANDLE)INVALID_SOCKET; } }
DWORD IrdaConnect( PINIPORT pIniPort ) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; WORD WSAVerReq = MAKEWORD(1,1); DWORD dwIndex, dwNeeded = BUF_SIZE, dwEnableIrLPT = TRUE, dwLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS, dwSendPduLen; LPSTR pBuf = NULL; WSADATA WSAData; SOCKET Socket = INVALID_SOCKET; IAS_QUERY IasQuery; PIRDA_INFO pIrda; PDEVICELIST pDevList; SOCKADDR_IRDA PrinterAddr = { AF_IRDA, 0, 0, 0, 0, "IrLPT" };
SPLASSERT(pIniPort->hFile == (HANDLE)INVALID_SOCKET && pIniPort->pExtra == NULL);
if ( dwLastError = WSAStartup(WSAVerReq, &WSAData) ) goto Done;
if ( !(pBuf = AllocSplMem(dwNeeded)) ) {
dwLastError = GetLastError(); goto Done; }
dwLastError = WSAGetLastError(); goto Done; }
if ( dwNeeded > BUF_SIZE ) {
FreeSplMem(pBuf); if ( !(pBuf = AllocSplMem(dwNeeded)) ) {
dwLastError = GetLastError(); goto Done; }
if ( getsockopt(Socket, SOL_IRLMP, IRLMP_ENUMDEVICES, (LPSTR)pBuf, &dwNeeded) == SOCKET_ERROR ) {
dwLastError = WSAGetLastError(); goto Done; } }
pDevList = (PDEVICELIST) pBuf;
// Any of the devices a printer?
for ( dwIndex = 0 ; dwIndex < pDevList->numDevice ; ++dwIndex ) {
if ( (pDevList->Device[dwIndex].irdaDeviceHints1 & PRINTER_HINT_BIT) || (pDevList->Device[dwIndex].irdaDeviceHints2 & PRINTER_HINT_BIT) ) break; }
// Any printers found?
if ( dwIndex == pDevList->numDevice ) {
dwLastError = ERROR_PRINTER_NOT_FOUND; goto Done; }
// Move printer's address into the socket address
memcpy(PrinterAddr.irdaDeviceID, pDevList->Device[dwIndex].irdaDeviceID, sizeof(PrinterAddr.irdaDeviceID));
dwIndex = 0; dwNeeded = sizeof(dwSendPduLen); bRet = SOCKET_ERROR != setsockopt(Socket, SOL_IRLMP, IRLMP_IRLPT_MODE, (LPCSTR)&dwEnableIrLPT, sizeof(dwEnableIrLPT)) && SOCKET_ERROR != connect(Socket, (const struct sockaddr *)&PrinterAddr, sizeof(PrinterAddr)) && // @@BEGIN_DDKSPLIT
// What size should we use for sends?
SOCKET_ERROR != getsockopt(Socket, SOL_IRLMP, IRLMP_SEND_PDU_LEN, (char *)&dwSendPduLen, &dwNeeded) && // @@BEGIN_DDKSPLIT
// No buffering (i.e. buffer size of 0)
SOCKET_ERROR != setsockopt(Socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (LPCSTR)&dwIndex, sizeof(dwIndex));
if ( bRet ) {
SPLASSERT(pIniPort->pExtra == NULL);
dwNeeded = sizeof(IRDA_INFO) + dwSendPduLen;
if ( !(pIrda = (PIRDA_INFO) AllocSplMem(dwNeeded)) ) {
bRet = FALSE; dwLastError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Done; }
pIniPort->hFile = (HANDLE)Socket; pIniPort->pExtra = (LPBYTE)pIrda;
pIrda->dwSendPduLen = dwSendPduLen; pIrda->pBuf = ((LPBYTE) pIrda) + sizeof(IRDA_INFO);
} else dwLastError = WSAGetLastError();
Done: FreeSplMem(pBuf);
if ( !bRet ) {
if ( Socket != INVALID_SOCKET ) closesocket(Socket);
FreeSplMem(pIniPort->pExtra); pIniPort->pExtra = NULL; }
return bRet ? ERROR_SUCCESS : dwLastError; }
BOOL AbortThisJob( PINIPORT pIniPort ) /*++
Tells if the job should be aborted. A job should be aborted if it has been deleted or it needs to be restarted.
--*/ { BOOL bRet = FALSE; DWORD dwNeeded; LPJOB_INFO_1 pJobInfo = NULL;
dwNeeded = 0;
GetJob(pIniPort->hPrinter, pIniPort->JobId, 1, NULL, 0, &dwNeeded);
if ( GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) goto Done;
if ( !(pJobInfo = (LPJOB_INFO_1) AllocSplMem(dwNeeded)) || !GetJob(pIniPort->hPrinter, pIniPort->JobId, 1, (LPBYTE)pJobInfo, dwNeeded, &dwNeeded) ) goto Done;
bRet = (pJobInfo->Status & JOB_STATUS_DELETING) || (pJobInfo->Status & JOB_STATUS_DELETED) || (pJobInfo->Status & JOB_STATUS_RESTART); Done: if ( pJobInfo ) FreeSplMem(pJobInfo);
return bRet; }
VOID IrdaDisconnect( PINIPORT pIniPort ) { BOOL bRet; DWORD dwRet, dwSent, dwFlags; SOCKET Socket = (SOCKET) pIniPort->hFile; PIRDA_INFO pIrda = (PIRDA_INFO) pIniPort->pExtra;
// If the job has already been cancelled close socket and quit
if ( Socket == INVALID_SOCKET ) goto Done;
// If a send is pending wait for all the data to go through indefinitly
if ( pIrda->WsaOverlapped.hEvent ) {
do {
dwRet = WaitForSingleObject(pIrda->WsaOverlapped.hEvent, WRITE_TIMEOUT);
if ( dwRet == WAIT_TIMEOUT ) {
// If user has cancelled the job close connection
if ( AbortThisJob(pIniPort) ) goto Done; } else if ( dwRet != WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) goto Done; } while ( dwRet == WAIT_TIMEOUT );
// IRDA can only send the whole packet so we do not check dwSent
// No more sends
shutdown(Socket, SD_SEND);
Done: CloseIrdaConnection(pIniPort); }
BOOL IrdaStartDocPort( IN OUT PINIPORT pIniPort ) { HANDLE hToken; DWORD dwLastError; //
// If remote guest is the first user to print, then the connect fails.
// Thus we need to revert to system context before calling IrdaConnect
hToken = RevertToPrinterSelf();
if (!hToken) { return FALSE; } dwLastError = IrdaConnect(pIniPort);
if ( dwLastError ) {
SetLastError(dwLastError); return FALSE; } else return TRUE; }
BOOL IrdaWritePort( IN HANDLE hPort, IN LPBYTE pBuf, IN DWORD cbBuf, IN LPDWORD pcbWritten ) { INT iRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwSent, dwFlags, dwTimeout, dwBuffered; PINIPORT pIniPort = (PINIPORT)hPort; SOCKET Socket = (SOCKET) pIniPort->hFile; PIRDA_INFO pIrda = (PIRDA_INFO)pIniPort->pExtra;
*pcbWritten = 0;
// When we have to close socket we fail the write.
// If anothe write comes through it is because user wanted to retry
if ( Socket == INVALID_SOCKET ) {
SetJob(pIniPort->hPrinter, pIniPort->JobId, 0, NULL, JOB_CONTROL_RESTART); iRet = WSAENOTSOCK; goto Done; }
// This is the time spooler issued the write to us
pIrda->dwBeginTime = GetTickCount();
do {
// If event is non-NULL at the beginning we have a pending write from
// last WritePort call
if ( pIrda->WsaOverlapped.hEvent ) {
dwTimeout = GetTickCount() - pIrda->dwBeginTime;
// We want to wait for WRITE_TIMEOUT time from the time spooler
// issued the WritePort.
// If it is already more than that still check what happened to the
// write before returning
if ( dwTimeout > WRITE_TIMEOUT ) dwTimeout = 0; else dwTimeout = WRITE_TIMEOUT - dwTimeout;
// Let's wait for the timeout period for the last send to complete
if ( WAIT_OBJECT_0 != WaitForSingleObject(pIrda->WsaOverlapped.hEvent, dwTimeout) ) {
iRet = ERROR_TIMEOUT; goto Done; }
// What happened to the last send?
if ( WSAGetOverlappedResult(Socket, &pIrda->WsaOverlapped, &dwSent, FALSE, &dwFlags) == FALSE ) {
iRet = WSAGetLastError(); CloseIrdaConnection(pIniPort); goto Done; }
// IRDA can only send the whole packet so we do not check dwSent
// Reset the manual reset event and do the next send
// Have we already sent all the data?
if ( cbBuf == 0 ) {
WSACloseEvent(pIrda->WsaOverlapped.hEvent); pIrda->WsaOverlapped.hEvent = NULL; goto Done; } } else {
pIrda->WsaOverlapped.hEvent = WSACreateEvent();
if ( !pIrda->WsaOverlapped.hEvent ) {
iRet = GetLastError(); CloseIrdaConnection(pIniPort); goto Done; } }
do {
// Have we already sent all the data?
if ( cbBuf == 0 ) {
WSACloseEvent(pIrda->WsaOverlapped.hEvent); pIrda->WsaOverlapped.hEvent = NULL; goto Done; }
// Send no more than pIrda->dwSendPduLen
if ( cbBuf < pIrda->dwSendPduLen ) dwBuffered = cbBuf; else dwBuffered = pIrda->dwSendPduLen;
pIrda->WsaBuf.len = dwBuffered; pIrda->WsaBuf.buf = pIrda->pBuf;
CopyMemory(pIrda->pBuf, pBuf, dwBuffered);
// We are asking a non-blocking send. Typically this will
// return with I/O pending
if ( WSASend(Socket, &pIrda->WsaBuf, 1, &dwSent, MSG_PARTIAL, &pIrda->WsaOverlapped, NULL) != NO_ERROR ) {
iRet = WSAGetLastError(); break; }
pBuf += dwSent; cbBuf -= dwSent; *pcbWritten += dwSent; } while ( iRet == NO_ERROR );
if ( iRet == WSA_IO_PENDING ) {
// Lie to spooler we sent the whole data. Next time we will find out
pBuf += dwBuffered; cbBuf -= dwBuffered; *pcbWritten += dwBuffered; iRet = NO_ERROR; } else {
DBGMSG(DBG_ERROR, ("IrdaWritePort: WSASend failed %d\n", iRet)); CloseIrdaConnection(pIniPort); } } while ( cbBuf && iRet == NO_ERROR );
Done: if ( iRet != ERROR_SUCCESS ) SetLastError(iRet);
return iRet == ERROR_SUCCESS; }
VOID IrdaEndDocPort( PINIPORT pIniPort ) { IrdaDisconnect(pIniPort); }