Copyright (c) 1990-2003 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved
Module Name:
User Mode -Win32
Revision History:
Adina Trufinescu (adinatru) 07-December 1998-2003 Commented LocalMonInitializePrintMonitor2 that used to be called by InitializePrintMonitor2; Changed back to the old interface - InitializePrintMonitor which initialize LcmhMonitor to a MONITOREX structure. MONITOREX structure are filled with old style functions(LcmxNAME) that (don't takes hMonitor as parameter).This functions calls LcmNAME functions passing LcmhMonitor as hMonitor parameter.
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "lmon.h"
#include "irda.h"
HANDLE LcmhMonitor; HANDLE LcmhInst; CRITICAL_SECTION LcmSpoolerSection; DWORD LocalmonDebug;
DWORD LcmPortInfo1Strings[]={FIELD_OFFSET(PORT_INFO_1, pName), (DWORD)-1};
DWORD LcmPortInfo2Strings[]={FIELD_OFFSET(PORT_INFO_2, pPortName), FIELD_OFFSET(PORT_INFO_2, pMonitorName), FIELD_OFFSET(PORT_INFO_2, pDescription), (DWORD)-1};
WCHAR szPorts[] = L"ports"; WCHAR gszPorts[] = L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Ports"; WCHAR szPortsEx[] = L"portsex"; /* Extra ports values */ WCHAR szFILE[] = L"FILE:"; WCHAR szLcmCOM[] = L"COM"; WCHAR szLcmLPT[] = L"LPT"; WCHAR szIRDA[] = L"IR";
extern WCHAR szWindows[]; extern WCHAR szINIKey_TransmissionRetryTimeout[];
BOOL LocalMonInit(HANDLE hModule) { LcmhInst = hModule;
return TRUE; }
BOOL LcmEnumPorts( HANDLE hMonitor, LPWSTR pName, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pPorts, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded, LPDWORD pcReturned ) { PINILOCALMON pIniLocalMon = (PINILOCALMON)hMonitor; PINIPORT pIniPort; DWORD cb; LPBYTE pEnd; DWORD LastError=0;
pIniPort = pIniLocalMon->pIniPort;
while (pIniPort) {
if ( !(pIniPort->Status & PP_FILEPORT) ) {
cb+=GetPortSize(pIniPort, Level); } pIniPort=pIniPort->pNext; }
if (cb <= cbBuf) {
pEnd=pPorts+cbBuf; *pcReturned=0;
pIniPort = pIniLocalMon->pIniPort; while (pIniPort) {
if (!(pIniPort->Status & PP_FILEPORT)) {
pEnd = CopyIniPortToPort(pIniPort, Level, pPorts, pEnd);
if( !pEnd ){ LastError = GetLastError(); break; }
switch (Level) { case 1: pPorts+=sizeof(PORT_INFO_1); break; case 2: pPorts+=sizeof(PORT_INFO_2); break; default: DBGMSG(DBG_ERROR, ("EnumPorts: invalid level %d", Level)); LastError = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; goto Cleanup; } (*pcReturned)++; } pIniPort=pIniPort->pNext; }
} else
Cleanup: LcmLeaveSplSem();
if (LastError) {
SetLastError(LastError); return FALSE;
} else
return TRUE; }
BOOL LcmxEnumPorts( LPWSTR pName, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pPorts, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded, LPDWORD pcReturned ) { return LcmEnumPorts(LcmhMonitor, pName, Level, pPorts, cbBuf, pcbNeeded, pcReturned); }
BOOL LcmOpenPort( HANDLE hMonitor, LPWSTR pName, PHANDLE pHandle ) { PINILOCALMON pIniLocalMon = (PINILOCALMON)hMonitor; PINIPORT pIniPort; BOOL bRet = FALSE;
if ( IS_FILE_PORT(pName) ) {
// We will always create multiple file port
// entries, so that the spooler can print
// to multiple files.
DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("Creating a new pIniPort for %ws\n", pName)); pIniPort = LcmCreatePortEntry( pIniLocalMon, pName ); if ( !pIniPort ) goto Done;
pIniPort->Status |= PP_FILEPORT; *pHandle = pIniPort; bRet = TRUE; goto Done; }
pIniPort = FindPort(pIniLocalMon, pName);
if ( !pIniPort ) goto Done;
// For LPT ports language monitors could do reads outside Start/End doc
// port to do bidi even when there are no jobs printing. So we do a
// CreateFile and keep the handle open all the time.
// But for COM ports you could have multiple devices attached to a COM
// port (ex. a printer and some other device with a switch)
// To be able to use the other device they write a utility which will
// do a net stop serial and then use the other device. To be able to
// stop the serial service spooler should not have a handle to the port.
// So we need to keep handle to COM port open only when there is a job
// printing
if ( IS_COM_PORT(pName) ) {
bRet = TRUE; goto Done; }
// If it is not a port redirected we are done (succeed the call)
if ( ValidateDosDevicePort(pIniPort) ) {
bRet = TRUE;
// If it isn't a true dosdevice port (ex. net use lpt1 \\<server>\printer)
// then we need to do CreateFile and CloseHandle per job so that
// StartDoc/EndDoc is issued properly for the remote printer
if ( (pIniPort->Status & PP_DOSDEVPORT) && !(pIniPort->Status & PP_COMM_PORT) ) {
CloseHandle(pIniPort->hFile); pIniPort->hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
(VOID)RemoveDosDeviceDefinition(pIniPort); } }
Done: if ( !bRet && pIniPort && (pIniPort->Status & PP_FILEPORT) ) DeletePortNode(pIniLocalMon, pIniPort);
if ( bRet ) *pHandle = pIniPort;
LcmLeaveSplSem(); return bRet; }
BOOL LcmxOpenPort( LPWSTR pName, PHANDLE pHandle ) { return LcmOpenPort(LcmhMonitor, pName, pHandle); }
BOOL LcmStartDocPort( HANDLE hPort, LPWSTR pPrinterName, DWORD JobId, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pDocInfo) { PINIPORT pIniPort = (PINIPORT)hPort; PDOC_INFO_1 pDocInfo1 = (PDOC_INFO_1)pDocInfo; DWORD Error = 0;
DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("StartDocPort(%08x, %ws, %d, %d, %08x)\n", hPort, pPrinterName, JobId, Level, pDocInfo));
if (pIniPort->Status & PP_STARTDOC) { return TRUE; }
LcmEnterSplSem(); pIniPort->Status |= PP_STARTDOC; LcmLeaveSplSem();
pIniPort->hPrinter = NULL; pIniPort->pPrinterName = AllocSplStr(pPrinterName);
if (pIniPort->pPrinterName) {
if (OpenPrinter(pPrinterName, &pIniPort->hPrinter, NULL)) {
pIniPort->JobId = JobId;
// For COMx port we need to validates dos device now since
// we do not do it during OpenPort
if ( IS_COM_PORT(pIniPort->pName) && !ValidateDosDevicePort(pIniPort) ) {
goto Fail; }
if ( IS_FILE_PORT(pIniPort->pName) ) {
if (pDocInfo1 && pDocInfo1->pOutputFile && pDocInfo1->pOutputFile[0]){
DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("Print to file and the handle is %x\n", hFile));
if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) SetEndOfFile(hFile);
pIniPort->hFile = hFile; } else if ( IS_IRDA_PORT(pIniPort->pName) ) {
if ( !IrdaStartDocPort(pIniPort) ) goto Fail; } else if ( !(pIniPort->Status & PP_DOSDEVPORT) ) {
// For non dosdevices CreateFile on the name of the port
if ( pIniPort->hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) SetEndOfFile(pIniPort->hFile);
} else if ( !IS_COM_PORT(pIniPort->pName) ) {
if ( !FixupDosDeviceDefinition(pIniPort) ) goto Fail; } } } // end of if (pIniPort->pPrinterName)
if (pIniPort->hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) goto Fail;
return TRUE;
LcmEnterSplSem(); pIniPort->Status &= ~PP_STARTDOC; LcmLeaveSplSem();
if (pIniPort->hPrinter) { ClosePrinter(pIniPort->hPrinter); }
if (pIniPort->pPrinterName) { FreeSplStr(pIniPort->pPrinterName); }
if (Error) SetLastError(Error);
return FALSE; }
BOOL LcmWritePort( HANDLE hPort, LPBYTE pBuffer, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbWritten) { PINIPORT pIniPort = (PINIPORT)hPort; BOOL rc;
DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("WritePort(%08x, %08x, %d)\n", hPort, pBuffer, cbBuf));
if ( IS_IRDA_PORT(pIniPort->pName) ) rc = IrdaWritePort(pIniPort, pBuffer, cbBuf, pcbWritten); else if ( !pIniPort->hFile || pIniPort->hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; } else {
rc = WriteFile(pIniPort->hFile, pBuffer, cbBuf, pcbWritten, NULL); if ( rc && *pcbWritten == 0 ) {
SetLastError(ERROR_TIMEOUT); rc = FALSE; } }
DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("WritePort returns %d; %d bytes written\n", rc, *pcbWritten));
return rc; }
BOOL LcmReadPort( HANDLE hPort, LPBYTE pBuffer, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbRead) { PINIPORT pIniPort = (PINIPORT)hPort; BOOL rc;
DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("ReadPort(%08x, %08x, %d)\n", hPort, pBuffer, cbBuf));
if ( !pIniPort->hFile || pIniPort->hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || !(pIniPort->Status & PP_COMM_PORT) ) {
rc = ReadFile(pIniPort->hFile, pBuffer, cbBuf, pcbRead, NULL);
DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("ReadPort returns %d; %d bytes read\n", rc, *pcbRead));
return rc; }
BOOL LcmEndDocPort( HANDLE hPort ) { PINIPORT pIniPort = (PINIPORT)hPort;
DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("EndDocPort(%08x)\n", hPort));
if (!(pIniPort->Status & PP_STARTDOC)) { return TRUE; }
// The flush here is done to make sure any cached IO's get written
// before the handle is closed. This is particularly a problem
// for Intelligent buffered serial devices
// For any ports other than real LPT ports we open during StartDocPort
// and close it during EndDocPort
if ( !(pIniPort->Status & PP_COMM_PORT) || IS_COM_PORT(pIniPort->pName) ) {
if ( IS_IRDA_PORT(pIniPort->pName) ) {
IrdaEndDocPort(pIniPort); } else {
CloseHandle(pIniPort->hFile); pIniPort->hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if ( pIniPort->Status & PP_DOSDEVPORT ) {
(VOID)RemoveDosDeviceDefinition(pIniPort); }
if ( IS_COM_PORT(pIniPort->pName) ) {
pIniPort->Status &= ~(PP_COMM_PORT | PP_DOSDEVPORT); FreeSplStr(pIniPort->pDeviceName); pIniPort->pDeviceName = NULL; } } }
SetJob(pIniPort->hPrinter, pIniPort->JobId, 0, NULL, JOB_CONTROL_SENT_TO_PRINTER);
// Startdoc no longer active.
pIniPort->Status &= ~PP_STARTDOC;
return TRUE; }
BOOL LcmClosePort( HANDLE hPort ) { PINIPORT pIniPort = (PINIPORT)hPort;
FreeSplStr(pIniPort->pDeviceName); pIniPort->pDeviceName = NULL;
if (pIniPort->Status & PP_FILEPORT) {
LcmEnterSplSem(); DeletePortNode(pIniPort->pIniLocalMon, pIniPort); LcmLeaveSplSem(); } else if ( pIniPort->Status & PP_COMM_PORT ) {
(VOID) RemoveDosDeviceDefinition(pIniPort); if ( pIniPort->hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
if ( pIniPort->hNotify ) {
SplUnregisterForDeviceEvents(pIniPort->hNotify); pIniPort->hNotify = NULL; } // @@END_DDKSPLIT
CloseHandle(pIniPort->hFile); pIniPort->hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } pIniPort->Status &= ~(PP_COMM_PORT | PP_DOSDEVPORT); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL LcmAddPortEx( HANDLE hMonitor, LPWSTR pName, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pBuffer, LPWSTR pMonitorName ) { PINILOCALMON pIniLocalMon = (PINILOCALMON)hMonitor; LPWSTR pPortName; DWORD Error; LPPORT_INFO_1 pPortInfo1; LPPORT_INFO_FF pPortInfoFF;
switch (Level) { case (DWORD)-1: pPortInfoFF = (LPPORT_INFO_FF)pBuffer; pPortName = pPortInfoFF->pName; break;
case 1: pPortInfo1 = (LPPORT_INFO_1)pBuffer; pPortName = pPortInfo1->pName; break;
default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL); return(FALSE); } if (!pPortName) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return(FALSE); } if (PortExists(pName, pPortName, &Error)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return(FALSE); } if (Error != NO_ERROR) { SetLastError(Error); return(FALSE); } if (!LcmCreatePortEntry(pIniLocalMon, pPortName)) { return(FALSE); } if (!WriteProfileString(szPorts, pPortName, L"")) { LcmDeletePortEntry( pIniLocalMon, pPortName ); return(FALSE); } return TRUE; }
BOOL LcmxAddPortEx( LPWSTR pName, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pBuffer, LPWSTR pMonitorName ) { return LcmAddPortEx(LcmhMonitor, pName, Level, pBuffer, pMonitorName); }
BOOL LcmGetPrinterDataFromPort( HANDLE hPort, DWORD ControlID, LPWSTR pValueName, LPWSTR lpInBuffer, DWORD cbInBuffer, LPWSTR lpOutBuffer, DWORD cbOutBuffer, LPDWORD lpcbReturned) { PINIPORT pIniPort = (PINIPORT)hPort; BOOL rc;
DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("GetPrinterDataFromPort(%08x, %d, %ws, %ws, %d, ", hPort, ControlID, pValueName, lpInBuffer, cbInBuffer));
if ( !ControlID || !pIniPort->hFile || pIniPort->hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || !(pIniPort->Status & PP_DOSDEVPORT) ) {
rc = DeviceIoControl(pIniPort->hFile, ControlID, lpInBuffer, cbInBuffer, lpOutBuffer, cbOutBuffer, lpcbReturned, NULL);
DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE, ("%ws, %d, %d)\n", lpOutBuffer, cbOutBuffer, lpcbReturned));
return rc; }
BOOL LcmSetPortTimeOuts( HANDLE hPort, LPCOMMTIMEOUTS lpCTO, DWORD reserved) // must be set to 0
if (reserved != 0) return FALSE;
if ( !(pIniPort->Status & PP_DOSDEVPORT) ) {
if ( GetCommTimeouts(pIniPort->hFile, &cto) ) { cto.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = lpCTO->ReadTotalTimeoutConstant; cto.ReadIntervalTimeout = lpCTO->ReadIntervalTimeout; return SetCommTimeouts(pIniPort->hFile, &cto); }
return FALSE; }
VOID LcmShutdown( HANDLE hMonitor ) { PINIPORT pIniPort; PINIPORT pIniPortNext; PINILOCALMON pIniLocalMon = (PINILOCALMON)hMonitor;
// Delete the ports, then delete the LOCALMONITOR.
for( pIniPort = pIniLocalMon->pIniPort; pIniPort; pIniPort = pIniPortNext ){ pIniPortNext = pIniPort->pNext; FreeSplMem( pIniPort ); }
FreeSplMem( pIniLocalMon ); }
BOOL LcmxXcvOpenPort( LPCWSTR pszObject, ACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess, PHANDLE phXcv ) { return LcmXcvOpenPort(LcmhMonitor, pszObject, GrantedAccess, phXcv); }
#ifdef _SPL_CLUST
MONITOR2 Monitor2 = { sizeof(MONITOR2), LcmEnumPorts, LcmOpenPort, NULL, // OpenPortEx is not supported
LcmStartDocPort, LcmWritePort, LcmReadPort, LcmEndDocPort, LcmClosePort, NULL, // AddPort is not supported
LcmAddPortEx, NULL, // ConfigurePort is not supported
NULL, // DeletePort is not supported
LcmGetPrinterDataFromPort, LcmSetPortTimeOuts, LcmXcvOpenPort, LcmXcvDataPort, LcmXcvClosePort, LcmShutdown };
LPMONITOR2 LocalMonInitializePrintMonitor2( PMONITORINIT pMonitorInit, PHANDLE phMonitor ) { LPWSTR pPortTmp; DWORD dwCharCount=1024, rc, i, j; PINILOCALMON pIniLocalMon = NULL; LPWSTR pPorts = NULL;
// If we are clustered (e.g., bLocal is FALSE), then we don't want to
// initialize, since local ports can't be used with clustering.
if( !pMonitorInit->bLocal ){ return NULL; }
do { FreeSplMem((LPVOID)pPorts);
dwCharCount *= 2; pPorts = (LPWSTR) AllocSplMem(dwCharCount*sizeof(WCHAR)); if ( !pPorts ) {
DBGMSG(DBG_ERROR, ("Failed to alloc %d characters for ports\n", dwCharCount)); goto Fail; }
rc = GetProfileString(szPorts, NULL, szNULL, pPorts, dwCharCount); //
// GetProfileString will does not return the proper character count for long port names.
// fail the call if the port list length exceeds 1mb
if ( !rc || dwCharCount >= 1024*1024 ) {
DBGMSG(DBG_ERROR, ("GetProfilesString failed with %d\n", GetLastError())); goto Fail; }
} while ( rc >= dwCharCount - 2 );
pIniLocalMon = (PINILOCALMON)AllocSplMem( sizeof( INILOCALMON ));
if( !pIniLocalMon ){ goto Fail; }
pIniLocalMon->signature = ILM_SIGNATURE; pIniLocalMon->pMonitorInit = pMonitorInit;
// dwCharCount is now the count of return buffer, not including
// the NULL terminator. When we are past pPorts[rc], then
// we have parsed the entire string.
dwCharCount = rc;
// We now have all the ports
for( j = 0; j <= dwCharCount; j += rc + 1 ){
pPortTmp = pPorts + j;
rc = wcslen(pPortTmp);
if( !rc ){ continue; }
if (!_wcsnicmp(pPortTmp, L"Ne", 2)) {
i = 2; //
// For Ne-ports
if ( rc > 2 && pPortTmp[2] == L'-' ) ++i; for ( ; i < rc - 1 && iswdigit(pPortTmp[i]) ; ++i ) ;
if ( i == rc - 1 && pPortTmp[rc-1] == L':' ) { continue; } }
LcmCreatePortEntry(pIniLocalMon, pPortTmp); }
*phMonitor = (HANDLE)pIniLocalMon;
return &Monitor2;
FreeSplMem( pPorts ); FreeSplMem( pIniLocalMon );
return NULL; }
MONITOREX MonitorEx = { sizeof(MONITOR), { LcmxEnumPorts, LcmxOpenPort, NULL, LcmStartDocPort, LcmWritePort, LcmReadPort, LcmEndDocPort, LcmClosePort, NULL, // AddPort not supported
LcmxAddPortEx, NULL, // ConfigurePort not supported
NULL, // DeletePort not supported
LcmGetPrinterDataFromPort, LcmSetPortTimeOuts, // SetPortTimeOuts not supported
LcmxXcvOpenPort, LcmXcvDataPort, LcmXcvClosePort } };
DWORD GetPortStrings( PWSTR *ppPorts, PDWORD pdwUsed ) { DWORD sRetval = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; HKEY hPortKey = NULL;
if (ppPorts && pdwUsed) { sRetval = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszPorts, 0, KEY_READ, &hPortKey);
if (sRetval == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwcValues = 0; DWORD dwMaxValueName = 0;
sRetval = RegQueryInfoKey(hPortKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &dwcValues, &dwMaxValueName, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (sRetval == ERROR_SUCCESS) { PWSTR pPorts = NULL; DWORD cbMaxMemNeeded = ((dwcValues * (dwMaxValueName + 1) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
pPorts = (LPWSTR)AllocSplMem(cbMaxMemNeeded);
if (pPorts) { DWORD sTempRetval = ERROR_SUCCESS; INT CharsAvail = cbMaxMemNeeded/sizeof(WCHAR); INT cIndex = 0; PWSTR pPort = NULL; DWORD dwCurLen = 0;
for (pPort = pPorts; (sTempRetval == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (CharsAvail > 0); cIndex++) { if (dwCurLen) { dwCurLen++; CharsAvail -= dwCurLen; pPort += dwCurLen; }
dwCurLen = dwMaxValueName + 1; sTempRetval = RegEnumValue(hPortKey, cIndex, pPort, &dwCurLen, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); }
if ((sTempRetval == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) && (CharsAvail > 0)) { *pPort = L'\0'; *ppPorts = pPorts; CharsAvail--; *pdwUsed = (cbMaxMemNeeded / sizeof(WCHAR)) - CharsAvail; } else { sRetval = sTempRetval;
if (sRetval == ERROR_SUCCESS) { sRetval = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } } else { sRetval = GetLastError(); } }
RegCloseKey(hPortKey); } }
return sRetval; }
LPMONITOREX WINAPI InitializePrintMonitor( IN LPTSTR pszRegistryRoot ) /*++
Routine Description: Fill the monitor function table. Spooler makes call to this routine to get the monitor functions.
Arguments: pszRegistryRoot : Registry root to be used by this dll
Return Value: Pointer to monitor function table
--*/ { LPWSTR pPortTmp; DWORD dwCharCount=0, rc, i; DWORD sRetval = ERROR_SUCCESS; PINILOCALMON pIniLocalMon = NULL; LPWSTR pPorts = NULL;
if ( !pszRegistryRoot || !*pszRegistryRoot ) {
if (sRetval = GetPortStrings(&pPorts, &dwCharCount) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(sRetval); goto Fail; }
pIniLocalMon = (PINILOCALMON)AllocSplMem( sizeof( INILOCALMON ));
if( !pIniLocalMon ){ goto Fail; }
pIniLocalMon->signature = ILM_SIGNATURE;
// We now have all the ports
for(pPortTmp = pPorts; pPortTmp && *pPortTmp; pPortTmp += rc + 1){
rc = wcslen(pPortTmp);
if (!_wcsnicmp(pPortTmp, L"Ne", 2)) {
i = 2;
// For Ne- ports
if ( rc > 2 && pPortTmp[2] == L'-' ) ++i; for ( ; i < rc - 1 && iswdigit(pPortTmp[i]) ; ++i ) ;
if ( i == rc - 1 && pPortTmp[rc-1] == L':' ) { continue; } }
LcmCreatePortEntry(pIniLocalMon, pPortTmp); }
LcmhMonitor = (HANDLE)pIniLocalMon;
return &MonitorEx;
FreeSplMem( pPorts ); FreeSplMem( pIniLocalMon );
return NULL;
#if 0
// Since the DDK is a standalone DLL, we need a DLL init routine.
// However, the NT version is a library and we call LocamonInit
// directly, so this isn't needed.
VOID LocalMonCleanUp( VOID ) { DeleteCriticalSection(&LcmSpoolerSection); }
BOOL DllMain( HANDLE hModule, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpRes) { switch (dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:
LocalMonInit(hModule); DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hModule); return TRUE;
LocalMonCleanUp(); return TRUE; }
return TRUE; }