Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Holds logging routines.
Albert Ting (AlbertT) 24-May-1996
Revision History:
#include "spllibp.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#if DBG
#include "trace.hxx"
** Turn off memory tracing. Turning this on keeps all the back traces in ** memory. #if i386
TBackTraceDB* gpBackTraceDB;
BackTrace DB
TBackTraceDB:: TBackTraceDB( VOID ) : _pTraceHead( NULL )
Routine Description:
Initialize the trace database.
Generally you will have just one database that holds all the traces.
Return Value:
{ _pMemBlock = new TMemBlock( kBlockSize, TMemBlock::kFlagGlobalNew ); }
TBackTraceDB:: ~TBackTraceDB( VOID )
Routine Description:
Destroy the back trace database.
Return Value:
{ delete _pMemBlock; }
BOOL TBackTraceDB:: bValid( VOID ) { return _pMemBlock && _pMemBlock->bValid(); }
HANDLE TBackTraceDB:: hStore( IN ULONG ulHash, IN PVOID pvBackTrace )
Routine Description:
Store a backtrace into the database.
ulHash - Hash for this backtrace.
pvBackTrace - Actual backtrace; must be NULL terminated.
Return Value:
HANDLE - backtrace handle.
{ TTrace *ptRet; TTrace **ppTrace;
// First see if we can find a backtrace. If we can't, then
// pTrace will hold the slot where it should be.
ptRet = ptFind( ulHash, pvBackTrace, &ppTrace );
if( !ptRet ){
// Didn't find one; add it.
ptRet = TTrace::pNew( this, ulHash, pvBackTrace, ppTrace ); }
return ptRet; }
PLONG TBackTraceDB:: plGetCount( HANDLE hData )
Routine Description:
Get data from a HANDLE retrieved from hStore. There is one ULONG per stack backtrace.
hData - Returned from hStore.
Return Value:
{ TTrace *ptTrace = static_cast<TTrace*>( hData ); return &ptTrace->lCount(); }
TBackTraceDB::TTrace* TBackTraceDB:: ptFind( IN ULONG ulHash, IN PVOID pvBackTrace, OUT TTrace ***pppTrace OPTIONAL )
Routine Description:
Find a backtrace in the database. If one does not exist, then return NULL and a pointer to where it would exist in the database.
ulHash - Hash of the backtrace.
pvBackTrace - Backtrace to find.
pppTrace - If not found, this holds the address of where it should be stored in the database. Adding the trace here is sufficient to add it.
Return Value:
TTrace* the actual trace, NULL if not found.
{ //
// Traverse the binary tree until we find the end or the
// right one.
TTrace **ppTrace = &_pTraceHead;
while( *ppTrace ){
// Check if this one matches ours.
COMPARE Compare = (*ppTrace)->eCompareHash( ulHash );
if( Compare == kEqual ){
// Now do slow compare in case the hash is a collision.
Compare = (*ppTrace)->eCompareBackTrace( pvBackTrace );
if( Compare == kEqual ){
// Break out of while loop and quit.
break; } }
ppTrace = ( Compare == kLess ) ? &(*ppTrace)->_pLeft : &(*ppTrace)->_pRight; }
if( pppTrace ){ *pppTrace = ppTrace; } return *ppTrace; }
COMPARE TBackTraceDB:: TTrace:: eCompareHash( ULONG ulHash ) const
Routine Description:
Quickly compare two trace hashes.
ulHash - Input hash.
Return Value:
{ if( _ulHash < ulHash ){ return kLess; }
if( _ulHash > ulHash ){ return kGreater; }
return kEqual; }
COMPARE TBackTraceDB:: TTrace:: eCompareBackTrace( PVOID pvBackTrace ) const
Routine Description:
Compare backtrace to one stored in this.
pvBackTrace - Must be NULL terminated.
Return Value:
COMAARE: kLess, kEqual, kGreater.
{ PVOID *pSrc; PVOID *pDest;
for( pSrc = (PVOID*)this, pDest = (PVOID*)&pvBackTrace; *pSrc && *pDest; pSrc++, pDest++ ) {
if ( *pSrc != *pDest ){ return (ULONG_PTR)*pSrc < (ULONG_PTR)*pDest ? kLess : kGreater; } } return kEqual; }
TBackTraceDB::TTrace* TBackTraceDB:: TTrace:: pNew( IN TBackTraceDB *pBackTraceDB, IN ULONG ulHash, IN PVOID pvBackTrace, OUT TTrace ** ppTrace )
Routine Description:
Constructs a new TTrace and puts it in pBackTraceDB.
Assumes the trace does _not_ exist already, and ppTrace points to the place where it should be stored to ensure the database is kept consistent.
pBackTraceDB - Storage for the new trace.
ulHash - Hash for the trace.
pvBackTrace - The actual backtrace.
ppTrace - Where the trace should be stored in the database.
Return Value:
TTrace* - New trace, NULL if failed.
{ COUNT cCalls; PVOID *ppvCalls;
// Calculate size of backtrace. Start with cCalls = 1 so that
// we include 1 extra for the NULL terminator.
for( ppvCalls = (PVOID*)pvBackTrace, cCalls = 1; *ppvCalls; ++ppvCalls, ++cCalls )
COUNTB cbSize = OFFSETOF( TTrace, apvBackTrace ) + cCalls * sizeof( PVOID );
TTrace* pTrace = (TTrace*)pBackTraceDB->_pMemBlock->pvAlloc( cbSize );
if( pTrace ){
pTrace->_pLeft = NULL; pTrace->_pRight = NULL; pTrace->_ulHash = ulHash; pTrace->_lCount = -1;
CopyMemory( pTrace->apvBackTrace, (PVOID*)pvBackTrace, cCalls * sizeof( PVOID ));
// Add it in the right spot into the database.
*ppTrace = pTrace; }
return pTrace; }
Back tracing: abstract base class.
BOOL VBackTrace::gbInitialized = FALSE;
VBackTrace:: VBackTrace( ULONG_PTR fOptions1, ULONG_PTR fOptions2 ) : _fOptions1( fOptions1 ), _fOptions2( fOptions2 ) { }
VBackTrace:: ~VBackTrace( VOID ) { }
BOOL VBackTrace:: bInit( VOID ) {
gbInitialized = InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&gcsBackTrace, 0x80000000); gpBackTraceDB = new TBackTraceDB();
return gbInitialized && (gpBackTraceDB != NULL);
return TRUE;
VOID VBackTrace:: vDone( VOID ) {
if( gbInitialized ) { DeleteCriticalSection(&gcsBackTrace); }
PLONG VBackTrace:: plGetCount( HANDLE hData ) {
return gpBackTraceDB->plGetCount( hData );
return NULL;
HANDLE VBackTrace:: hCapture( ULONG_PTR Info1, ULONG_PTR Info2, ULONG_PTR Info3, PULONG pHash )
Routine Description:
In the case that tracing is disabled, this function is coded to return NULL.
Return Value:
{ return NULL; }
#endif // ndef TRACE_ENABLED
Back tracing to memory.
TBackTraceMem:: TBackTraceMem( ULONG_PTR fOptions1, ULONG_PTR fOptions2 ) : VBackTrace( fOptions1, fOptions2 ), _uNextFree( 0 ) { _pLines = new TLine[kMaxCall]; if( _pLines ){ ZeroMemory( _pLines, sizeof( TLine[kMaxCall] )); } }
TBackTraceMem:: ~TBackTraceMem( VOID ) { UINT i; TLine* pLine;
if( _pLines ){ for( i=0, pLine = _pLines; i< kMaxCall; i++, pLine++ ){
if( _fOptions1 & kString ){ DbgFreeMem( (PVOID)pLine->_Info1 ); }
if( _fOptions2 & kString ){ DbgFreeMem( (PVOID)pLine->_Info2 ); } } delete [] _pLines; } }
VOID TBackTraceMem:: vCaptureLine( IN OUT TLine* pLine, IN ULONG_PTR Info1, IN ULONG_PTR Info2, IN ULONG_PTR Info3, OUT PVOID apvBackTrace[kMaxDepth+1], OPTIONAL OUT PULONG pulHash OPTIONAL )
Routine Description:
Captures information into a TLine structure; freeing previous contents if necessary.
pLine - Fully initialized pLine structure. On output, everything _except_ _hTrace is filled in.
** Both apvBackTrace && pulHash must both be valid if either is valid **
apvBackTrace - Buffer to receive backtrace.
pulHash - Buffer to receive ulHash.
Return Value:
{ //
// Free memory if necessary.
if( _fOptions1 & kString ) { DbgFreeMem( (PVOID)pLine->_Info1 ); }
if( _fOptions2 & kString ) { DbgFreeMem( (PVOID)pLine->_Info2 ); }
pLine->_TickCount = GetTickCount(); pLine->_Info1 = Info1; pLine->_Info2 = Info2; pLine->_Info3 = Info3;
pLine->_ThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); pLine->_hTrace = NULL;
if( apvBackTrace && pulHash ){
ULONG ulHash;
// Capture a backtrace at this spot for debugging.
UINT uDepth = RtlCaptureStackBackTrace( 2, kMaxDepth, apvBackTrace, pulHash );
// NULL terminate.
apvBackTrace[uDepth] = NULL; } #else
apvBackTrace[0] = NULL; *pulHash = 0; #endif
HANDLE TBackTraceMem:: hCapture( ULONG_PTR Info1, ULONG_PTR Info2, ULONG_PTR Info3, PULONG pHash ) { UINT uDepth; TLine* pLine; ULONG ulHash; PVOID apvBackTrace[kMaxDepth+1];
if( !_pLines ){ return NULL; }
EnterCriticalSection( &gcsBackTrace );
pLine = &_pLines[_uNextFree];
vCaptureLine( pLine, Info1, Info2, Info3, apvBackTrace, &ulHash ); pLine->_hTrace = gpBackTraceDB->hStore( ulHash, apvBackTrace );
if( _uNextFree == kMaxCall ) _uNextFree = 0;
LeaveCriticalSection( &gcsBackTrace );
if( pHash ) { *pHash = ulHash; }
return (PVOID)pLine->_hTrace; }
Backtracing to File.
COUNT TBackTraceFile::gcInstances;
TBackTraceFile:: TBackTraceFile( ULONG_PTR fOptions1, ULONG_PTR fOptions2 ) : VBackTrace( fOptions1, fOptions2 ) { TCHAR szFile[kMaxPath];
EnterCriticalSection( &gcsBackTrace );
StringCchPrintf( szFile, COUNTOF(szFile), TEXT( "spl_%d.%d.log" ), GetCurrentProcessId(), gcInstances );
LeaveCriticalSection( &gcsBackTrace );
OutputDebugStringA( "SPLLIB: Unable to open file " ); OutputDebugString( szFile ); OutputDebugStringA( "\n" ); return; } }
TBackTraceFile:: ~TBackTraceFile( VOID ) { if( _hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ){ CloseHandle( _hFile ); } }
HANDLE TBackTraceFile:: hCapture( ULONG_PTR Info1, ULONG_PTR Info2, ULONG_PTR Info3, PULONG pHash ) { TLine Line; PVOID apvBackTrace[kMaxDepth+1]; DWORD cbWritten;
CHAR szLine[kMaxLineStr]; szLine[0] = 0;
ULONG ulHash;
// Capture a backtrace at this spot for debugging.
UINT uDepth = RtlCaptureStackBackTrace( 2, kMaxDepth, apvBackTrace, &ulHash ); #endif
EnterCriticalSection( &gcsBackTrace );
// Print out strings as appropriate.
if( _fOptions1 & kString ) { WriteFile( _hFile, (LPCVOID)Info1, lstrlenA( (LPCSTR)Info1 ), &cbWritten, NULL ); }
if( _fOptions2 & kString ) { WriteFile( _hFile, (LPCVOID)Info2, lstrlenA( (LPCSTR)Info2 ), &cbWritten, NULL ); }
// Print out the hex info.
StringCchPrintfA(szLine, COUNTOF(szLine), "\n\t%08x: %08x %08x %08x threadid=%x tc=%x < %x >: ", this, Info1, Info2, Info3, GetCurrentThreadId(), GetTickCount(), Info1 + Info2 );
if( _hFile ) { WriteFile( _hFile, szLine, lstrlenA( szLine ), &cbWritten, NULL ); }
// Print out the backtrace.
UINT i; szLine[0] = '\t'; CHAR *pszLineEnd = &szLine[1]; size_t cRemaining = COUNTOF(szLine)-1; for( i=0; i < uDepth; ++i ) { StringCchPrintfAEx( pszLineEnd, cRemaining, pszLineEnd, cRemaining, "%08x ", apvBackTrace[i] ); }
if( _hFile && i ) { //
// Countof(szLine)-cRemaining is the number of characters that were copied to szLine.
// We add 2 for the first character and the null character at the end.
WriteFile( _hFile, szLine, COUNTOF(szLine)-cRemaining+2, &cbWritten, NULL ); }
// Add extra blank line.
szLine[0] = '\n'; WriteFile( _hFile, szLine, 1, &cbWritten, NULL );
LeaveCriticalSection( &gcsBackTrace );
// Free memory if necessary.
if( _fOptions1 & kString ) { DbgFreeMem( (PVOID)Info1 ); }
if( _fOptions2 & kString ) { DbgFreeMem( (PVOID)Info2 ); }
if( pHash ) { *pHash = ulHash; }
return NULL; }
#endif // #ifdef DBG