Copyright (c) 1995-97 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Routines for installing monitors
Muhunthan Sivapragasam (MuhuntS) 30-Nov-1995
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
// Keys to search INF files
TCHAR cszPortMonitorSection[] = TEXT("PortMonitors"); TCHAR cszPortMonitorDllKey [] = TEXT("PortMonitorDll"); TCHAR cszMonitorInf[] = TEXT("*.inf");
typedef struct _MON_INFO { LPTSTR pszName; LPTSTR pszDllName; BOOL bInstalled; } MON_INFO, *PMON_INFO;
typedef struct _MONITOR_SETUP_INFO { PMON_INFO *ppMonInfo; DWORD dwCount; LPTSTR pszInfFile; // Valid only for OEM disk INF
VOID FreeMonInfo( PMON_INFO pMonInfo ) /*++
Routine Description: Free memory for a MON_INFO structure and the strings in it
Arguments: pMonInfo : MON_INFO structure pointer
Return Value: Nothing
--*/ { if ( pMonInfo ) {
LocalFreeMem(pMonInfo->pszName); LocalFreeMem(pMonInfo->pszDllName);
LocalFreeMem(pMonInfo); } }
PMON_INFO AllocMonInfo( IN LPTSTR pszName, IN LPTSTR pszDllName, OPTIONAL IN BOOL bInstalled, IN BOOL bAllocStrings ) /*++
Routine Description: Allocate memory for a MON_INFO structure and create strings
Arguments: pszName : Monitor name pszDllName : Monitor DLL name bAllocStrings : TRUE if routine should allocated memory and create string copies, else just assign the pointers
Return Value: Pointer to the created MON_INFO structure. NULL on error.
--*/ { PMON_INFO pMonInfo;
pMonInfo = (PMON_INFO) LocalAllocMem(sizeof(*pMonInfo));
if ( !pMonInfo ) return NULL;
if ( bAllocStrings ) {
pMonInfo->pszName = AllocStr(pszName); pMonInfo->pszDllName = AllocStr(pszDllName);
if ( !pMonInfo->pszName || (pszDllName && !pMonInfo->pszDllName) ) {
FreeMonInfo(pMonInfo); return NULL;
} } else {
pMonInfo->pszName = pszName; pMonInfo->pszDllName = pszDllName; }
pMonInfo->bInstalled = bInstalled;
return pMonInfo; }
VOID PSetupDestroyMonitorInfo( IN OUT HANDLE h ) /*++
Routine Description: Free memory allocated to a MONITOR_SETUP_INFO structure and its contents
Arguments: h : A handle got by call to PSetupCreateMonitorInfo
Return Value: Nothing
if ( pMonitorSetupInfo ) {
if ( pMonitorSetupInfo->ppMonInfo ) {
for ( Index = 0 ; Index < pMonitorSetupInfo->dwCount ; ++Index ) FreeMonInfo(pMonitorSetupInfo->ppMonInfo[Index]);
LocalFreeMem(pMonitorSetupInfo->ppMonInfo); pMonitorSetupInfo->ppMonInfo = NULL; }
LocalFreeMem(pMonitorSetupInfo->pszInfFile); LocalFreeMem(pMonitorSetupInfo->pszServerName); pMonitorSetupInfo->pszInfFile = NULL; pMonitorSetupInfo->pszServerName = NULL;
LocalFreeMem(pMonitorSetupInfo); } }
PMONITOR_SETUP_INFO CreateMonitorInfo( LPCTSTR pszServerName ) /*++
Routine Description: Finds all installed and installable monitors.
Arguments: pSelectedDrvInfo : Pointer to the selected driver info (optional)
Return Value: A pointer to MONITOR_SETUP_INFO on success, NULL on error
--*/ { PMONITOR_SETUP_INFO pMonitorSetupInfo = NULL; PMON_INFO *ppMonInfo; PMONITOR_INFO_2 pMonitor2; LONG Index, Count = 0; BOOL bFail = TRUE; DWORD dwNeeded, dwReturned; LPBYTE pBuf = NULL; LPTSTR pszMonName;
// First query spooler for installed monitors. If we fail let's quit
if ( !EnumMonitors((LPTSTR)pszServerName, 2, NULL, 0, &dwNeeded, &dwReturned) ) {
if ( GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER || !(pBuf = LocalAllocMem(dwNeeded)) || !EnumMonitors((LPTSTR)pszServerName, 2, pBuf, dwNeeded, &dwNeeded, &dwReturned) ) {
goto Cleanup; } }
// We know how many monitors we have to display now
pMonitorSetupInfo = (PMONITOR_SETUP_INFO) LocalAllocMem(sizeof(*pMonitorSetupInfo));
if ( !pMonitorSetupInfo ) goto Cleanup;
ZeroMemory(pMonitorSetupInfo, sizeof(*pMonitorSetupInfo));
// pMonitorSetupInfo->dwCount could be adjusted later not to list duplicate
// entries. We are allocating max required buffer here
pMonitorSetupInfo->dwCount = dwReturned;
pMonitorSetupInfo->ppMonInfo = (PMON_INFO *) LocalAllocMem(pMonitorSetupInfo->dwCount*sizeof(PMON_INFO));
ppMonInfo = pMonitorSetupInfo->ppMonInfo;
if ( !ppMonInfo ) goto Cleanup;
for ( Index = 0, pMonitor2 = (PMONITOR_INFO_2) pBuf ; Index < (LONG) dwReturned ; ++Index, (LPBYTE)pMonitor2 += sizeof(MONITOR_INFO_2) ) {
*ppMonInfo++ = AllocMonInfo(pMonitor2->pName, pMonitor2->pDLLName, TRUE, TRUE); }
bFail = FALSE;
Cleanup: if ( pBuf ) LocalFreeMem(pBuf);
if ( bFail ) {
PSetupDestroyMonitorInfo(pMonitorSetupInfo); pMonitorSetupInfo = NULL; }
return pMonitorSetupInfo; }
BOOL AddPrintMonitor( IN LPCTSTR pszName, IN LPCTSTR pszDllName ) /*++
Routine Description: Add a print monitor by calling AddMonitor to spooler
Arguments: pszName : Name of the monitor pszDllName : Monitor dll name
Return Value: TRUE if monitor was succesfully added or it is already installed, FALSE on failure
--*/ { MONITOR_INFO_2 MonitorInfo2;
MonitorInfo2.pName = (LPTSTR) pszName; MonitorInfo2.pEnvironment = NULL; MonitorInfo2.pDLLName = (LPTSTR) pszDllName;
// Call is succesful if add returned TRUE, or monitor is already installed
if ( AddMonitor(NULL, 2, (LPBYTE) &MonitorInfo2) || GetLastError() == ERROR_PRINT_MONITOR_ALREADY_INSTALLED ) {
return TRUE; } else {
return FALSE; } }
BOOL InstallOnePortMonitor(HWND hwnd, HINF hInf, LPTSTR pMonitorName, LPTSTR pSectionName, LPTSTR pSourcePath) /*++
Routine Description: Install one port monitor by copying files and calling spooler to add it
Arguments: hwnd : Window handle of current top-level window hInf : handle to the INF file pMonitorName : port monitor display name pSectionName : install section within the INF for the port monitor
Return Value: TRUE if a port monitor was successfully installed FALSE if not
{ DWORD NameLen = MAX_PATH; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; HSPFILEQ InstallQueue = {0}; PVOID pQueueContext = NULL; LPTSTR pMonitorDllName;
if ((pMonitorDllName = LocalAllocMem(NameLen * sizeof(TCHAR))) == NULL) { goto Cleanup; } //
// Find the port monitor DLL name
if (!SetupGetLineText(NULL, hInf, pSectionName, cszPortMonitorDllKey, pMonitorDllName, NameLen, NULL)) { goto Cleanup; }
// perform the installation
if ((InstallQueue = SetupOpenFileQueue()) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { goto Cleanup; }
if (!SetupInstallFilesFromInfSection(hInf, NULL, InstallQueue, pSectionName, pSourcePath, SP_COPY_IN_USE_NEEDS_REBOOT | SP_COPY_NOSKIP)) { goto Cleanup; }
// Commit the file queue. This gets all files copied over.
pQueueContext = SetupInitDefaultQueueCallback(hwnd); if ( !pQueueContext ) { goto Cleanup; }
bSuccess = SetupCommitFileQueue(hwnd, InstallQueue, SetupDefaultQueueCallback, pQueueContext);
if ( !bSuccess ) goto Cleanup;
bSuccess = AddPrintMonitor(pMonitorName, pMonitorDllName);
Cleanup: if (pQueueContext) { SetupTermDefaultQueueCallback(pQueueContext); }
if (pMonitorDllName) { LocalFreeMem(pMonitorDllName); pMonitorDllName = NULL; } SetupCloseFileQueue(InstallQueue);
if (!bSuccess) { LPTSTR pszFormat = NULL, pszPrompt = NULL, pszTitle = NULL;
pszFormat = GetStringFromRcFile(IDS_ERROR_INST_PORT_MONITOR); pszTitle = GetStringFromRcFile(IDS_INSTALLING_PORT_MONITOR);
if ( pszFormat && pszTitle) { DWORD dwBufSize;
dwBufSize = (lstrlen(pszFormat) + lstrlen(pMonitorName) + 2) * sizeof(TCHAR); pszPrompt = LocalAllocMem(dwBufSize);
if ( pszPrompt ) { StringCbPrintf(pszPrompt, dwBufSize, pszFormat, pMonitorName);
MessageBox(hwnd, pszPrompt, pszTitle, MB_OK);
LocalFreeMem(pszPrompt); }
} LocalFreeMem(pszFormat); LocalFreeMem(pszTitle); }
return bSuccess; }
BOOL InstallAllPortMonitorsFromInf(HWND hwnd, HINF hInfFile, LPTSTR pSourcePath) /*++
Routine Description: Install all port monitors listed in one INF
Arguments: hwnd : Window handle of current top-level window hInfFile : handle of the INF file pSourcePath : path to the INF file (without the name of the INF)
Return Value: TRUE if at least one port monitor was successfully installed FALSE if not
{ LPTSTR pMonitorName = NULL, pSectionName= NULL; DWORD NameLen = MAX_PATH; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; INFCONTEXT Context = {0};
if (((pMonitorName = LocalAllocMem(NameLen * sizeof(TCHAR))) == NULL) || ((pSectionName = LocalAllocMem(NameLen * sizeof(TCHAR))) == NULL)) { goto Cleanup; }
// Go through the list of port monitors
if (!SetupFindFirstLine(hInfFile, cszPortMonitorSection, NULL, &Context)) { goto Cleanup; }
do { //
// get the key name
if (!SetupGetStringField(&Context, 0, pMonitorName, NameLen, NULL)) { goto Cleanup; } //
// get the section name
if (!SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, pSectionName, NameLen, NULL)) { goto Cleanup; } bSuccess = InstallOnePortMonitor(hwnd, hInfFile, pMonitorName, pSectionName, pSourcePath) || bSuccess;
} while (SetupFindNextLine(&Context, &Context));
Cleanup: if (pMonitorName) { LocalFreeMem(pMonitorName); } if (pSectionName) { LocalFreeMem(pSectionName); }
return bSuccess; }
BOOL PSetupInstallMonitor( IN HWND hwnd ) /*++
Routine Description: Install a print monitor by copying files, and calling spooler to add it
Arguments: hwnd : Window handle of current top-level window
Return Value: TRUE if at least one port monitor was successfully installed FALSE if not
--*/ { PMONITOR_SETUP_INFO pMonitorSetupInfo = NULL; PMON_INFO *ppMonInfo, pMonInfo; HINF hInf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; INFCONTEXT InfContext; TCHAR szInfPath[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR pszTitle, pszPrintMonitorPrompt; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData ={0}; HANDLE hFind; size_t PathLen; BOOL bRet = FALSE;
pszTitle = GetStringFromRcFile(IDS_INSTALLING_PORT_MONITOR); pszPrintMonitorPrompt = GetStringFromRcFile(IDS_PROMPT_PORT_MONITOR);
if (!pszTitle || ! pszPrintMonitorPrompt) { goto Cleanup; }
// Ask the user where the inf file with the port monitor info resides
if ( !PSetupGetPathToSearch(hwnd, pszTitle, pszPrintMonitorPrompt, cszMonitorInf, TRUE, szInfPath) ) {
goto Cleanup; }
// find the INF(s) in the path. There must be one else SetupPromptForPath would've complained
PathLen = _tcslen(szInfPath); if (PathLen > MAX_PATH - _tcslen(cszMonitorInf) - 2) // -2 for terminating zero and backslash
{ DBGMSG(DBG_WARN, ("PSetupInstallMonitor: Path too long\n")); SetLastError(ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW); goto Cleanup; }
if (szInfPath[PathLen-1] != _T('\\')) { szInfPath[PathLen++] = _T('\\'); szInfPath[PathLen] = 0; }
StringCchCat(szInfPath, COUNTOF(szInfPath), cszMonitorInf);
hFind = FindFirstFile(szInfPath, &FindData);
do { if (PathLen + _tcslen(FindData.cFileName) >= MAX_PATH) { DBGMSG(DBG_WARN, ("PSetupInstallMonitor: Path for %s%s too long - file skipped\n", szInfPath, FindData.cFileName)); SetLastError(ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW); continue; }
StringCchCopy(&(szInfPath[PathLen]), COUNTOF(szInfPath) - PathLen, FindData.cFileName);
hInfFile = SetupOpenInfFile(szInfPath, _T("Printer"), INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL);
if (hInfFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //
// if the file has a section on port monitors, install it
if ( SetupGetLineCount(hInfFile, cszPortMonitorSection) > 0 ) { //
// cut off the INF name from the path
szInfPath[PathLen -1] = 0;
// bRet should be TRUE if there was at least one print monitor successfully installed
bRet = InstallAllPortMonitorsFromInf(hwnd, hInfFile, szInfPath) || bRet; //
// Put the trailing backslash back on
szInfPath[PathLen -1] = _T('\\'); }
SetupCloseInfFile(hInfFile); } } while ( FindNextFile(hFind, &FindData) );
FindClose(hFind); }
Cleanup: if (pszTitle) { LocalFreeMem(pszTitle); } if (pszPrintMonitorPrompt) { LocalFreeMem(pszPrintMonitorPrompt); }
return bRet; }
HANDLE PSetupCreateMonitorInfo( IN HWND hwnd, IN LPCTSTR pszServerName ) /*++
Routing Description: Returns structure (MONITOR_SETUP_INFO) with all installed port monitors. Arguments: hwnd - usused window handle pszServerName - the server on which to look for installed monitors Return Value: A pointer to MONITOR_SETUP_INFO on success, NULL on error --*/ { return (HANDLE) CreateMonitorInfo(pszServerName); }
BOOL PSetupEnumMonitor( IN HANDLE h, IN DWORD dwIndex, OUT LPTSTR pMonitorName, IN OUT LPDWORD pdwSize ) /*++
Routing Description: Gets the name of the monitor at "position" dwIndex in the MONITOR_SETUP_INFO structure pointed to by h. Arguments: hwnd - usused window handle pszServerName - the server on which to look for installed monitors Return Value: A pointer to MONITOR_SETUP_INFO on success, NULL on error --*/ { PMONITOR_SETUP_INFO pMonitorSetupInfo = (PMONITOR_SETUP_INFO) h; PMON_INFO pMonInfo; DWORD dwNeeded;
if(!pMonitorSetupInfo) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
if ( dwIndex >= pMonitorSetupInfo->dwCount ) {
SetLastError(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS); return FALSE; }
pMonInfo = pMonitorSetupInfo->ppMonInfo[dwIndex];
dwNeeded = lstrlen(pMonInfo->pszName) + 1; if ( dwNeeded > *pdwSize ) {
*pdwSize = dwNeeded; SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return FALSE; }
StringCchCopy(pMonitorName, *pdwSize, pMonInfo->pszName); return TRUE; }