Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1998 All rights reserved.
Module Name:
VDataRefresh routines. Handles talking to downlevel clients (NT 3.5, wfw, lm, win95) which do not support full notifications.
Note that the spooler simulates all single DWORD notifications for down-down level clients (wfw, lm, win95) so we don't have to handle polling.
Albert Ting (AlbertT) 07-12-95
Revision History:
#include "precomp.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#if DBG
VDataRefresh handling: downlevel case.
VDataRefresh:: VDataRefresh( IN MDataClient* pDataClient, IN PFIELD_TABLE pFieldTable, IN DWORD fdwWatch ) : VData( pDataClient, pFieldTable ), _fdwWatch( fdwWatch ) { ExecGuard._hPrinterWait = NULL; }
VDataRefresh:: ~VDataRefresh( VOID ) { SPLASSERT( !ExecGuard._hPrinterWait ); }
VOID VDataRefresh:: vProcessNotifyWork( IN TNotify* pNotify ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( pNotify ); DWORD dwChange;
// Notification caught. We must signal that caught it before
// issuing the refresh, since there may be notifications between
// the refresh and the FNPCN, which would be lost.
// Just issue a refresh since we don't support hot notifications.
BOOL bSuccess = FindNextPrinterChangeNotification( m_shNotify, &dwChange, 0, NULL );
if( !bSuccess ){
DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "DataRefresh.vProcessNotifyWork: %x FNPCN %x failed: %d\n", this, static_cast<HANDLE>(m_shNotify), GetLastError( )));
INFO Info; Info.dwData = TPrinter::kExecReopen | TPrinter::kExecDelay;
_pDataClient->vContainerChanged( kContainerStateVar, Info ); return; }
// Filter out any extranous watch flags that were set. This
// may happen when the printer goes down and all flags are set.
if( dwChange & ~_fdwWatch ){ DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "VDataRefresh:vProcessNotifyWork: extra flags %x: %x %x\n", this, dwChange, _fdwWatch )); } dwChange &= _fdwWatch;
CONTAINER_CHANGE ContainerChange = kContainerNull; INFO Info;
Info.dwData = TPrinter::kExecRefresh;
if( dwChange & PRINTER_CHANGE_PRINTER ){ Info.dwData |= TPrinter::kExecRefreshContainer; } if( dwChange & PRINTER_CHANGE_JOB ){ Info.dwData |= TPrinter::kExecRefreshItem; }
_pDataClient->vContainerChanged( kContainerStateVar, Info ); }
Worker thread functions for Refresh.
STATEVAR VDataRefresh:: svNotifyStart( IN STATEVAR StateVar )
Routine Description:
Begin downlevel notifications.
HACK: To support downlevel providers that don't support F*PCN calls, we must open a separate handle.
Return Value:
{ TStatus Status; TStatusB bStatus;
ExecGuard._hPrinterWait = _pDataClient->hPrinterNew();
if( !ExecGuard._hPrinterWait ){ goto Fail; }
// Get the notification handle.
m_shNotify = FindFirstPrinterChangeNotification( ExecGuard._hPrinterWait, _fdwWatch, 0, 0 );
if( !m_shNotify ) { DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "DataRefresh.svNotifyStart: FFPCN failed %d\n", GetLastError( ))); goto Fail; }
DBGMSG( DBG_NOTIFY, ( "DataRefresh.svNotifyStart: %x FFPCN success returns 0x%x\n", _pDataClient, static_cast<HANDLE>(m_shNotify) ));
// Successfully opened, request that it be registered and then
// refresh.
return (StateVar & ~TPrinter::kExecNotifyStart) | TPrinter::kExecRegister | TPrinter::kExecRefreshAll;
// Force a reopen. Everything gets reset (handles closed, etc.) when
// the reopen occurs.
return StateVar | TPrinter::kExecDelay | TPrinter::kExecReopen; }
STATEVAR VDataRefresh:: svNotifyEnd( IN STATEVAR StateVar )
Routine Description:
Stop downlevel notifications.
Return Value:
{ TStatusB bStatus;
DBGMSG( DBG_NOTIFY, ( "DataRefresh.svNotifyEnd: handle %x\n", static_cast<HANDLE>(m_shNotify) )); //
// Unregister from TNotify.
_pPrintLib->pNotify()->sUnregister( this );
// If we have a notification event, close it.
m_shNotify = NULL;
// Close our separate printer.
if( ExecGuard._hPrinterWait ){ bStatus DBGCHK = ClosePrinter( ExecGuard._hPrinterWait ); ExecGuard._hPrinterWait = NULL; }
return StateVar & ~TPrinter::kExecNotifyEnd; }
Static services.
BOOL VDataRefresh:: bGetPrinter( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN DWORD dwLevel, IN OUT PVOID* ppvBuffer, CHANGE IN OUT PDWORD pcbBuffer )
Routine Description:
Gets printer information, reallocing as necessary.
hPrinter - Printer to query.
dwLevel - PRINTER_INFO_x level to retrieve.
ppvBuffer - Buffer to store information. If *ppvBuffer is NULL, then it is allocated. On failure, this buffer is freed and NULLed
pcbBuffer - Initial buffer size. On exit, actual.
Return Value:
TRUE = success, FALSE = fail.
{ DWORD cbNeeded;
// Pre-initialize *pcbPrinter if it's not set.
if( !*pcbBuffer ){ *pcbBuffer = kMaxPrinterInfo2; }
SPLASSERT( *pcbBuffer < 0x100000 );
if( !( *ppvBuffer )){
*ppvBuffer = (PVOID)AllocMem( *pcbBuffer ); if( !*ppvBuffer ){ *pcbBuffer = 0; return FALSE; } }
if( !GetPrinter( hPrinter, dwLevel, (PBYTE)*ppvBuffer, *pcbBuffer, &cbNeeded )){
FreeMem( *ppvBuffer ); *ppvBuffer = NULL;
if( GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ){ *pcbBuffer = 0; return FALSE; }
*pcbBuffer = cbNeeded + kExtraPrinterBufferBytes; SPLASSERT( *pcbBuffer < 0x100000 );
goto Retry; } return TRUE; }
BOOL VDataRefresh:: bGetJob( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN DWORD dwJobId, IN DWORD dwLevel, IN OUT PVOID* ppvBuffer, CHANGE IN OUT PDWORD pcbBuffer )
Routine Description:
Gets printer job information, reallocing as necessary.
hPrinter - Printer to query.
dwLevel - JOB_INFO_x level to retrieve.
ppvBuffer - Buffer to store information. If *ppvBuffer is NULL, then it is allocated. On failure, this buffer is freed and NULLed
pcbBuffer - Initial buffer size. On exit, actual.
Return Value:
TRUE = success, FALSE = fail.
{ DWORD cbNeeded;
// Pre-initialize *pcbPrinter if it's not set.
if( !*pcbBuffer ){ *pcbBuffer = kInitialJobHint; }
SPLASSERT( *pcbBuffer < 0x100000 );
if( !( *ppvBuffer )){
*ppvBuffer = (PVOID)AllocMem( *pcbBuffer ); if( !*ppvBuffer ){ *pcbBuffer = 0; return FALSE; } }
if( !GetJob( hPrinter, dwJobId, dwLevel, (PBYTE)*ppvBuffer, *pcbBuffer, &cbNeeded )){
FreeMem( *ppvBuffer ); *ppvBuffer = NULL;
if( GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ){ *pcbBuffer = 0; return FALSE; }
*pcbBuffer = cbNeeded + kExtraPrinterBufferBytes; SPLASSERT( *pcbBuffer < 0x100000 );
goto Retry; } return TRUE; }
BOOL VDataRefresh:: bGetPrinterDriver( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN LPCTSTR pszEnvironment, IN DWORD dwLevel, IN OUT PVOID* ppvBuffer, CHANGE IN OUT PDWORD pcbBuffer )
Routine Description:
Gets printer driver information, reallocing as necessary.
hPrinter - Printer to query.
pszEnvironment - Environment.
dwLevel - DRIVER_INFO_x level to retrieve.
ppvBuffer - Buffer to store information. If *ppvBuffer is NULL, then it is allocated. On failure, this buffer is freed and NULLed
pcbBuffer - Initial buffer size. On exit, actual.
Return Value:
TRUE = success, FALSE = fail.
{ DWORD cbNeeded;
// Pre-initialize *pcbPrinter if it's not set.
if( !*pcbBuffer ){ *pcbBuffer = kInitialDriverInfo3Hint; }
if( !( *ppvBuffer )){
*ppvBuffer = (PVOID)AllocMem( *pcbBuffer ); if( !*ppvBuffer ){ *pcbBuffer = 0; return FALSE; } }
if( !GetPrinterDriver( hPrinter, (LPTSTR)pszEnvironment, dwLevel, (PBYTE)*ppvBuffer, *pcbBuffer, &cbNeeded )){
FreeMem( *ppvBuffer ); *ppvBuffer = NULL;
if( GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ){ *pcbBuffer = 0; return FALSE; }
*pcbBuffer = cbNeeded; goto Retry; } return TRUE; }
BOOL VDataRefresh:: bEnumJobs( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN DWORD dwLevel, IN OUT PVOID* ppvBuffer, CHANGE IN OUT PDWORD pcbBuffer, OUT PDWORD pcJobs )
Routine Description:
Enumerates job information, reallocing as necessary.
hPrinter - Printer to query.
dwLevel - JOB_INFO_x level to retrieve.
ppvBuffer - Buffer to store information. If *ppvBuffer is NULL, then it is allocated. On failure, this buffer is freed and NULLed
pcbBuffer - Initial buffer size. On exit, actual.
pcJobs - Number of jobs returned.
Return Value:
TRUE = success, FALSE = fail.
{ DWORD cbNeeded;
// Pre-initialize *pcbPrinter if it's not set.
if( !*pcbBuffer ){ *pcbBuffer = kInitialJobHint; }
if( !( *ppvBuffer )){
*ppvBuffer = (PVOID)AllocMem( *pcbBuffer ); if( !*ppvBuffer ){ *pcbBuffer = 0; *pcJobs = 0; return FALSE; } }
if( !EnumJobs( hPrinter, 0, (DWORD)-1, dwLevel, (PBYTE)*ppvBuffer, *pcbBuffer, &cbNeeded, pcJobs )){
FreeMem( *ppvBuffer ); *ppvBuffer = NULL;
if( GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ){ *pcbBuffer = 0; *pcJobs = 0; return FALSE; }
*pcbBuffer = cbNeeded + kExtraJobBufferBytes; goto Retry; } return TRUE; }
BOOL VDataRefresh:: bEnumPrinters( IN DWORD dwFlags, IN LPCTSTR pszServer, IN DWORD dwLevel, IN OUT PVOID* ppvBuffer, CHANGE IN OUT PDWORD pcbBuffer, OUT PDWORD pcPrinters )
Routine Description:
Enumerates printer information, reallocing as necessary.
dwFlags - Scope of query.
pszServer - Server to query.
dwLevel - PRINTER_INFO_x level to retrieve.
ppvBuffer - Buffer to store information. If *ppvBuffer is NULL, then it is allocated. On failure, this buffer is freed and NULLed
pcbBuffer - Initial buffer size. On exit, actual.
pcPrinters - Number of printers returned.
Return Value:
TRUE = success, FALSE = fail.
{ DWORD cbNeeded;
// Pre-initialize *pcbPrinter if it's not set.
if( !*pcbBuffer ){ *pcbBuffer = kInitialPrinterHint; }
if( !( *ppvBuffer )){
*ppvBuffer = (PVOID)AllocMem( *pcbBuffer ); if( !*ppvBuffer ){ *pcbBuffer = 0; *pcPrinters = 0; return FALSE; } }
if( !EnumPrinters( dwFlags, (LPTSTR)pszServer, dwLevel, (PBYTE)*ppvBuffer, *pcbBuffer, &cbNeeded, pcPrinters )){
FreeMem( *ppvBuffer ); *ppvBuffer = NULL;
if( GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ){ *pcbBuffer = 0; *pcPrinters = 0; return FALSE; }
*pcbBuffer = cbNeeded; goto Retry; } return TRUE; }
BOOL VDataRefresh:: bEnumDrivers( IN LPCTSTR pszServer, IN LPCTSTR pszEnvironment, IN DWORD dwLevel, IN OUT PVOID *ppvBuffer, CHANGE IN OUT PDWORD pcbBuffer, OUT PDWORD pcDrivers )
Routine Description:
Enumerates driver information, reallocing as necessary.
dwFlags - Scope of query.
pszServer - Server to query.
dwLevel - DRIVER_INFO_x level to retrieve.
ppvBuffer - Buffer to store information. If *ppvBuffer is NULL, then it is allocated. On failure, this buffer is freed and NULLed
pcbBuffer - Initial buffer size. On exit, actual.
pcPrinters - Number of printers returned.
Return Value:
TRUE = success, FALSE = fail.
{ DWORD cbNeeded;
// Pre-initialize *pcbPrinter if it's not set.
if( !*pcbBuffer ){ *pcbBuffer = kInitialDriverHint; }
if( !( *ppvBuffer )){
*ppvBuffer = (PVOID)AllocMem( *pcbBuffer ); if( !*ppvBuffer ){ *pcbBuffer = 0; *pcDrivers = 0; return FALSE; } }
if( !EnumPrinterDrivers( (LPTSTR)pszServer, (LPTSTR)pszEnvironment, dwLevel, (PBYTE)*ppvBuffer, *pcbBuffer, &cbNeeded, pcDrivers )){
FreeMem( *ppvBuffer ); *ppvBuffer = NULL;
if( GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ){ *pcbBuffer = 0; *pcDrivers = 0; return FALSE; }
*pcbBuffer = cbNeeded; goto Retry; } return TRUE; }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
Allocates the buffer needed to hold the dev mode.
hPrinter - Opened printer handle pszPrinterName - Pointer to printer name ppDevMode - Pointer where to return devmode bFillWithDefault - Flag indicates to fill dev mode with default information. TRUE fill allocated dev mode, FALSE do not fill
Return Value:
TRUE success, FALSE error occurred.
--*/ BOOL VDataRefresh:: bGetDefaultDevMode( IN HANDLE hPrinter, IN LPCTSTR pszPrinterName, OUT PDEVMODE *ppDevMode, IN BOOL bFillWithDefault ) { LONG lResult = 0; PDEVMODE pDevMode = NULL;
// Call document properties to get the size of the dev mode.
lResult = DocumentProperties( NULL, hPrinter, (LPTSTR)pszPrinterName, NULL, NULL, 0 ); //
// If the size of the dev mode was returned.
if( lResult > 0 ) { pDevMode = (PDEVMODE)AllocMem( lResult ); }
// If allocated then copy back the pointer.
if( pDevMode ) { if( bFillWithDefault ) { //
// Call document properties to get the default dev mode.
lResult = DocumentProperties( NULL, hPrinter, (LPTSTR)pszPrinterName, pDevMode, NULL, DM_OUT_BUFFER );
if( lResult >= 0 ) { *ppDevMode = pDevMode; } else { FreeMem( pDevMode ); } }
return *ppDevMode != NULL; }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
Enumerates the ports on the specified machine.
pszServer - Server to query. dwLevel - PORT_INFOX level to retrieve. ppvPorts - Buffer to store information. If *ppvBuffer is NULL, then it is allocated. On failure, this buffer is freed and NULLed pcbPorts - Initial buffer size. On exit, actual. pcPorts - Number of ports returned.
Return Value:
TRUE success, FALSE error occurred.
BOOL VDataRefresh:: bEnumPorts( IN LPCTSTR pszServer, IN DWORD dwLevel, IN OUT PVOID *ppvPorts, CHANGE IN OUT PDWORD pcbPorts, OUT PDWORD pcPorts ) { DWORD cbNeeded;
// Pre-initialize *pcbPorts if it's not set.
if( !*pcbPorts ){ *pcbPorts = kEnumPortsHint; }
if( !(*ppvPorts)){
*ppvPorts = (PVOID)AllocMem( *pcbPorts );
if( !*ppvPorts ){ *pcbPorts = 0; *pcPorts = 0; DBGMSG( DBG_WARN,( "VDataRefresh::bEnumPorts can't alloc %d %d\n", *pcbPorts, GetLastError( ))); return FALSE; } }
if( !EnumPorts( (LPTSTR)pszServer, dwLevel, (PBYTE)*ppvPorts, *pcbPorts, &cbNeeded, pcPorts ) ){
FreeMem( *ppvPorts ); *ppvPorts = NULL;
if( GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ){ *pcbPorts = 0; *pcPorts = 0; return FALSE; }
*pcbPorts = cbNeeded; goto Retry; }
return TRUE;
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
Enumerates the ports on the specified machine. With maximum level specified.
pszServer - Server to query. dwLevel - Max PORT_INFOX level to retrieve. We try this level and decrement until dwLevel is zero. ppvPorts - Buffer to store information. If *ppvBuffer is NULL, then it is allocated. On failure, this buffer is freed and NULLed pcbPorts - Initial buffer size. On exit, actual. pcPorts - Number of ports returned.
Return Value:
TRUE success, FALSE error occurred.
BOOL VDataRefresh:: bEnumPortsMaxLevel( IN LPCTSTR pszServer, IN PDWORD pdwLevel, IN OUT PVOID *ppvPorts, CHANGE IN OUT PDWORD pcbPorts, OUT PDWORD pcPorts ) { BOOL bStatus = FALSE;
// Try all levels to level zero.
for( ; *pdwLevel; (*pdwLevel)-- ) { bStatus = bEnumPorts( pszServer, *pdwLevel, ppvPorts, pcbPorts, pcPorts ); //
// If the call succeeded then we are done.
if( bStatus ) { break; } else { //
// The call failed and it is not invalid level then
// exit with error.
if( GetLastError() != ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL ) { break; } } }
return bStatus; }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
Enumerates the ports on the specified machine.
pszServer - Server to query. dwLevel - PORT_INFOX level to retrieve. ppvPorts - Buffer to store information. If *ppvBuffer is NULL, then it is allocated. On failure, this buffer is freed and NULLed pcbPorts - Initial buffer size. On exit, actual. pcPorts - Number of ports returned.
Return Value:
TRUE success, FALSE error occurred.
BOOL VDataRefresh:: bEnumMonitors( IN LPCTSTR pszServer, IN DWORD dwLevel, IN OUT PVOID *ppvMonitors, CHANGE IN OUT PDWORD pcbMonitors, OUT PDWORD pcMonitors ) { DWORD cbNeeded;
// Pre-initialize *pcbMonitors if it's not set.
if( !*pcbMonitors ){ *pcbMonitors = kEnumMonitorsHint; }
if( !(*ppvMonitors)){
*ppvMonitors = (PVOID)AllocMem( *pcbMonitors );
if( !*ppvMonitors ){ *pcbMonitors = 0; *pcMonitors = 0; DBGMSG( DBG_WARN,( "VDataRefresh::bEnumMonitors can't alloc %d %d\n", *pcbMonitors, GetLastError( ))); return FALSE; } }
if( !EnumMonitors( (LPTSTR)pszServer, dwLevel, (PBYTE)*ppvMonitors, *pcbMonitors, &cbNeeded, pcMonitors ) ){
FreeMem( *ppvMonitors ); *ppvMonitors = NULL;
if( GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ){ *pcbMonitors = 0; *pcMonitors = 0; return FALSE; }
*pcbMonitors = cbNeeded; goto Retry; }
return TRUE;
TDataRJob:: TDataRJob( IN MDataClient* pDataClient ) : VDataRefresh( pDataClient, &TDataNJob::gFieldTable, kfdwWatch ) { ExecGuard._cbJobHint = kInitialJobHint; UIGuard._pJobs = NULL; }
TDataRJob:: ~TDataRJob( VOID ) { FreeMem( UIGuard._pJobs ); }
Data interface for Refresh.
HITEM TDataRJob:: GetItem( IN NATURAL_INDEX NaturalIndex ) const { SPLASSERT( UIGuard._pJobs ); SPLASSERT( NaturalIndex < VData::UIGuard._cItems );
return (HITEM)&UIGuard._pJobs[NaturalIndex]; }
HITEM TDataRJob:: GetNextItem( IN HITEM hItem ) const { SPLASSERT( UIGuard._pJobs );
// NULL passed in, return first item.
if( !hItem ){ return &UIGuard._pJobs[0]; }
PJOB_INFO_2 pJob2 = (PJOB_INFO_2)hItem; return (HITEM)( pJob2 + 1 ); }
INFO TDataRJob:: GetInfo( IN HITEM hItem, IN DATA_INDEX DataIndex ) const { SPLASSERT( hItem ); SPLASSERT( DataIndex < _pFieldTable->cFields );
INFO Info = kInfoNull; PJOB_INFO_2 pJob2 = (PJOB_INFO_2)hItem; BOOL bString = FALSE;
// Translate the index into the appropriate field.
FIELD Field = _pFieldTable->pFields[DataIndex];
switch( Field ){
case JOB_NOTIFY_FIELD_DOCUMENT: Info.pszData = pJob2->pDocument; bString = TRUE; break;
case JOB_NOTIFY_FIELD_STATUS: Info.dwData = pJob2->Status; break;
case JOB_NOTIFY_FIELD_STATUS_STRING: Info.pszData = pJob2->pStatus; bString = TRUE; break;
case JOB_NOTIFY_FIELD_USER_NAME: Info.pszData = pJob2->pUserName; bString = TRUE; break;
case JOB_NOTIFY_FIELD_TOTAL_PAGES: Info.dwData = pJob2->TotalPages; break;
// In chicago, PagesPrinted is overloaded so that if
// TotalPages is zero, PagesPrinted is actually BytesPrinted.
Info.dwData = pJob2->TotalPages ? pJob2->PagesPrinted : 0; break;
case JOB_NOTIFY_FIELD_TOTAL_BYTES: Info.dwData = pJob2->Size; break;
// In chicago, PagesPrinted is overloaded so that if
// TotalPages is zero, PagesPrinted is actually BytesPrinted.
Info.dwData = !pJob2->TotalPages ? pJob2->PagesPrinted : 0; break;
case JOB_NOTIFY_FIELD_SUBMITTED: Info.pSystemTime = &pJob2->Submitted; break;
Info.pszData = gszNULL; break;
DBGMSG( DBG_ERROR, ( "DataRJob.GetInfo: Unimplemented field %d\n", Field )); break; }
if( bString && !Info.pszData ){ Info.pszData = gszNULL; }
return Info; }
IDENT TDataRJob:: GetId( IN HITEM hItem ) const { SPLASSERT( hItem );
PJOB_INFO_2 pJob2 = (PJOB_INFO_2)hItem; return pJob2->JobId; }
NATURAL_INDEX TDataRJob:: GetNaturalIndex( IN IDENT Id, OUT PHITEM phItem OPTIONAL ) const { COUNT cItems = VData::UIGuard._cItems; PJOB_INFO_2 pJob2 = UIGuard._pJobs;
if( phItem ){ *phItem = NULL; }
// If no _pJobs, return 0. This may happen if during a refresh,
// the selected item is deleted.
if( pJob2 ){
// Look for a JobId that matches ours.
for( i = 0; i < cItems; ++i ){ if( pJob2[i].JobId == Id ){
if( phItem ){ *phItem = (HITEM)&pJob2[i]; } return i; } } }
DBGMSG( DBG_DATARINFO, ( "DataRefresh.GetNaturalIndex: Item %d not found (cItems = %d, pJob2 = %x) %x\n", Id, cItems, pJob2, this ));
return kInvalidNaturalIndexValue; }
STATEVAR TDataRJob:: svRefresh( IN STATEVAR StateVar )
Routine Description:
Refresh the printer data object.
Return Value:
{ if( !m_shNotify ) { return TPrinter::kExecReopen; }
// !! HACK !!
// Nuke extraneous refreshes by resetting m_shNotify.
if( !ResetEvent( m_shNotify )) { DBGMSG( DBG_ERROR, ( "DataRefresh.svRefresh: reset %x failed %d\n", static_cast<HANDLE>(m_shNotify), GetLastError( ))); }
// Check if jobs need to be refreshed.
if( StateVar & TPrinter::kExecRefreshItem ){
// Attempt an enum of approximately the same size as last time.
DWORD cJobs = 0; DWORD cbJobs = ExecGuard._cbJobHint; PJOB_INFO_2 pJobs = (PJOB_INFO_2)AllocMem( cbJobs );
if( !pJobs ){ goto Fail; }
bStatus DBGCHK = bEnumJobs( _pDataClient->hPrinter(), 2, (PVOID*)&pJobs, &cbJobs, &cJobs );
if( bStatus ){ ExecGuard._cbJobHint = cbJobs;
// Inform the printer that we have new data.
// vRequestBlockProcess adopts pJobs, so we don't free it here.
vBlockAdd( cJobs, 0, (HBLOCK)pJobs ); pJobs = NULL; }
FreeMem( pJobs );
if( !bStatus ){
// Failed; delay then reopen.
goto Fail; } }
// Check if the printer needs to be refreshed.
if( StateVar & TPrinter::kExecRefreshContainer ){
// Update printer name.
PPRINTER_INFO_2 pPrinter2 = NULL; DWORD cbPrinter2 = kMaxPrinterInfo2;
TStatusB bStatus( DBG_WARN );
bStatus DBGCHK = TDataRJob::bGetPrinter( _pDataClient->hPrinter(), 2, (PVOID*)&pPrinter2, &cbPrinter2 );
if( bStatus ){
// Inform the printer that we have new data.
// vRequestBlockProcess adopts pPrinter2, so we don't free it here.
vBlockAdd( kInvalidCountValue, 0, (HBLOCK)pPrinter2 ); pPrinter2 = NULL; }
FreeMem( pPrinter2 );
if( !bStatus ){ goto Fail; }
return StateVar & ~TPrinter::kExecRefreshAll;
// If we get NERR_QNotFound, then this is a masq case where
// the printer is no longer shared. Don't bother retrying.
DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
if( dwError == NERR_QNotFound ){
INFO Info; Info.dwData = kConnectStatusInvalidPrinterName;
_pDataClient->vContainerChanged( kContainerConnectStatus, Info );
return TPrinter::kExecError; }
// !! LATER !!
// Put error in status bar.
SPLASSERT( dwError );
return StateVar | TPrinter::kExecReopen | TPrinter::kExecDelay; }
UI Thread interaction routines.
VOID TDataRJob:: vBlockProcessImp( IN DWORD dwParam1, IN DWORD dwParam2, IN HBLOCK hBlock ADOPT )
Routine Description:
Take a job block and update the internal data structure. This function will call back into _pPrinter to refresh the screen.
dwParam1 - job count
hBlock - PJOB_INFO_2 block
Return Value:
// If dwParam is an invalid count value, then we have printer
// information. Else it is job information.
if( dwParam1 == kInvalidCountValue ){
PPRINTER_INFO_2 pPrinter2 = (PPRINTER_INFO_2)hBlock; INFO Info;
// Update all printer information.
// Note: We do not update strServer, because the printer
// name in PRINTER_INFO_2 already includes the server name!
Info.pszData = pPrinter2->pPrinterName; _pDataClient->vContainerChanged( kContainerName, Info );
Info.dwData = pPrinter2->Status; _pDataClient->vContainerChanged( kContainerStatus, Info );
Info.dwData = pPrinter2->Attributes; _pDataClient->vContainerChanged( kContainerAttributes, Info );
FreeMem( pPrinter2 );
} else {
// Must save the selections since we are deleting and
// re-adding them.
// No need to grab any critical sections since we are in
// the UI thread.
FreeMem( UIGuard._pJobs ); UIGuard._pJobs = (PJOB_INFO_2)hBlock; VData::UIGuard._cItems = dwParam1;
// Job count is stored in dwParm; pass to vContainerChanged.
INFO Info; Info.dwData = dwParam1; _pDataClient->vContainerChanged( kContainerReloadItems, Info ); _pDataClient->vContainerChanged( kContainerRefreshComplete, kInfoNull );
_pDataClient->vRestoreSelections(); } }
VOID TDataRJob:: vBlockDelete( IN HBLOCK hBlock )
Routine Description:
Free a Block. Called when the PostMessage fails and the job block needs to be destroyed.
hBlock - Job block to delete.
Return Value:
{ FreeMem( hBlock ); }
TDataRPrinter:: TDataRPrinter( IN MDataClient* pDataClient ) : VDataRefresh( pDataClient, &TDataNPrinter::gFieldTable, kfdwWatch ) { ExecGuard._cbPrinterHint = kInitialPrinterHint; UIGuard._pPrinters = NULL;
// Determine whether this is a printer or a server.
TCHAR szDataSource[kPrinterBufMax]; LPTSTR pszDataSource = _pDataClient->pszPrinterName( ARRAYSIZE(szDataSource), szDataSource );
_bSinglePrinter = TDataRPrinter::bSinglePrinter( pszDataSource ); }
TDataRPrinter:: ~TDataRPrinter( VOID ) { FreeMem( UIGuard._pPrinters ); }
BOOL TDataRPrinter:: bSinglePrinter( LPCTSTR pszDataSource ) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
// Check if it's a single printer vs. a server. The only
// way I can think of doing this is to look for the format
// "\\server." This works fine for Win9x downlevel printers
// however fails for internet connected printers.
// So adding to the hack we will do a little more checking
// and look if the printer name has a prfix string of
// http:// or https://. So what we are saying is that printer
// names of this form are considered a masq printers.
if( pszDataSource ) { bReturn = pszDataSource[0] == TEXT( '\\' ) && pszDataSource[1] == TEXT( '\\' ) && _tcschr( &pszDataSource[2], TEXT( '\\' ));
if( !bReturn ) { bReturn = !_tcsnicmp( pszDataSource, gszHttpPrefix0, _tcslen(gszHttpPrefix0) ) || !_tcsnicmp( pszDataSource, gszHttpPrefix1, _tcslen(gszHttpPrefix1) );
} }
return bReturn; }
Data interface for Refresh.
HITEM TDataRPrinter:: GetItem( IN NATURAL_INDEX NaturalIndex ) const { SPLASSERT( UIGuard._pPrinters ); SPLASSERT( NaturalIndex < VData::UIGuard._cItems );
return (HITEM)&UIGuard._pPrinters[NaturalIndex]; }
HITEM TDataRPrinter:: GetNextItem( IN HITEM hItem ) const { SPLASSERT( UIGuard._pPrinters );
// Requesting first item.
if( !hItem ){ SPLASSERT( VData::UIGuard._cItems > 0 ); return (HITEM)&UIGuard._pPrinters[0]; }
PPRINTER_INFO_2 pPrinter2 = (PPRINTER_INFO_2)hItem; return (HITEM)( pPrinter2 + 1 ); }
INFO TDataRPrinter:: GetInfo( IN HITEM hItem, IN DATA_INDEX DataIndex ) const { SPLASSERT( hItem ); SPLASSERT( DataIndex < _pFieldTable->cFields );
INFO Info = kInfoNull; PPRINTER_INFO_2 pPrinter2 = (PPRINTER_INFO_2)hItem;
// Translate the index into the appropriate field.
FIELD Field = _pFieldTable->pFields[DataIndex]; BOOL bString = FALSE;
switch( Field ){
// Skip the server prefix and extra backslash.
Info.pszData = pPrinter2->pPrinterName + (pPrinter2->pServerName ? _tcslen( pPrinter2->pServerName ) + 1 : 0); break;
Info.dwData = pPrinter2->cJobs; break;
Info.dwData = pPrinter2->Attributes; break;
Info.dwData = pPrinter2->Status; break;
Info.pszData = pPrinter2->pComment; bString = TRUE; break;
Info.pszData = pPrinter2->pLocation; bString = TRUE; break;
Info.pszData = pPrinter2->pDriverName; bString = TRUE; break;
Info.pszData = pPrinter2->pPortName; bString = TRUE; break;
DBGMSG( DBG_ERROR, ( "DataRPrinter.GetInfo: Unimplemented field %d\n", Field )); break; }
if( bString && !Info.pszData ){ Info.pszData = gszNULL; }
return Info; }
IDENT TDataRPrinter:: GetId( IN HITEM hItem ) const { SPLASSERT( hItem );
return kInvalidIdentValue; }
return kInvalidNaturalIndexValue; }
STATEVAR TDataRPrinter:: svRefresh( IN STATEVAR StateVar )
Routine Description:
Refresh the printer data object.
Return Value:
{ //
// !! HACK !!
// Nuke extraneous refreshes by resetting m_shNotify.
if( !ResetEvent( m_shNotify )) { DBGMSG( DBG_ERROR, ( "DataRefresh.svRefresh: reset %x failed %d\n", static_cast<HANDLE>(m_shNotify), GetLastError( ))); }
// Attempt an enum of approximately the same size as last time.
DWORD cPrinters = 0; DWORD cbPrinters = ExecGuard._cbPrinterHint; PPRINTER_INFO_2 pPrinters = (PPRINTER_INFO_2)AllocMem( cbPrinters );
if( pPrinters ){
TStatusB bStatus;
if( _bSinglePrinter ){
cPrinters = 1; bStatus DBGCHK = TDataRJob::bGetPrinter( _pDataClient->hPrinter(), 2, (PVOID*)&pPrinters, &cbPrinters );
} else {
// It's a server, but it's stored in the printer name string
// since that's where we put the datasource.
TCHAR szServerBuffer[kPrinterBufMax]; LPTSTR pszServer = _pDataClient->pszPrinterName( ARRAYSIZE(szServerBuffer), szServerBuffer );
bStatus DBGCHK = bEnumPrinters( PRINTER_ENUM_NAME, pszServer, 2, (PVOID*)&pPrinters, &cbPrinters, &cPrinters ); }
if( bStatus ){
ExecGuard._cbPrinterHint = cbPrinters;
// Inform the printer that we have new data.
// vRequestBlockProcess adopts pJobs, so we don't free it here.
vBlockAdd( cPrinters, 0, (HBLOCK)pPrinters );
return StateVar & ~TPrinter::kExecRefreshAll;
} else {
// If we get NERR_QNotFound, then this is a masq case where
// the printer is no longer shared. Don't bother retrying.
DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
INFO Info;
if( dwError == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ){
Info.dwData = kConnectStatusAccessDenied;
} else {
Info.dwData = kConnectStatusInvalidPrinterName; }
_pDataClient->vContainerChanged( kContainerConnectStatus, Info );
return TPrinter::kExecError; } }
// !! LATER !!
// Put error in status bar.
SPLASSERT( GetLastError( ));
return StateVar | TPrinter::kExecReopen | TPrinter::kExecDelay; }
UI Thread interaction routines.
VOID TDataRPrinter:: vBlockProcessImp( IN DWORD dwParam1, IN DWORD dwParam2, IN HBLOCK hBlock ADOPT )
Routine Description:
Take a item block and update the internal data structure. This function will call back into _pPrinter to refresh the screen.
dwParam1 - Item count
hBlock - PJOB_INFO_2 block
Return Value:
// No need to grab any critical sections since we are in
// the UI thread.
FreeMem( UIGuard._pPrinters ); UIGuard._pPrinters = (PPRINTER_INFO_2)hBlock; VData::UIGuard._cItems = dwParam1;
// Item count is stored in dwParm; pass to vContainerChanged.
INFO Info; Info.dwData = dwParam1; _pDataClient->vContainerChanged( kContainerReloadItems, Info ); _pDataClient->vContainerChanged( kContainerRefreshComplete, kInfoNull ); }
VOID TDataRPrinter:: vBlockDelete( IN HBLOCK hBlock )
Routine Description:
Free a Block. Called when the PostMessage fails and the Item block needs to be destroyed.
hBlock - Item block to delete.
Return Value:
{ FreeMem( hBlock ); }