Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1999 All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Print queue drag & drop related stuff
Lazar Ivanov (LazarI) 10-Mar-2000
Revision History:
#include "precomp.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "dragdrop.hxx"
#include <initguid.h>
#include "guids.h"
// CPrintQueueDT - print queue drop target impl.
QITABLE_DECLARE(CPrintQueueDT) class CPrintQueueDT: public CUnknownMT<QITABLE_GET(CPrintQueueDT)>, // MT impl. of IUnknown
public IDropTarget, public IPrintQueueDT, public CSimpleWndSubclass<CPrintQueueDT> { private: // private members
void DrawVisualFeedBack() const; void VisualFeedBack(const POINTL &ptl, BOOL bRemove = FALSE); int GetTargetItem(const POINTL &ptl) const; HRESULT DropMoveJob(const DragDrop::JOBINFO &job, POINTL ptl); HRESULT DropPrintFiles(IDataObject *pDataObj); DWORD RightClickChooseEffect(const POINTL &ptl, DWORD dwEffectIn); HRESULT GetPrinterName(LPTSTR pszName, UINT nMaxLength);
// static services
static DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc_PrintFiles(LPVOID lpParameter);
public: // construction/destruction
CPrintQueueDT(); ~CPrintQueueDT();
// IUnknown
// IPrintQueueDT
STDMETHODIMP RegisterDragDrop(HWND hwndLV, TPrinter *pPrinter); STDMETHODIMP RevokeDragDrop();
// IDropTarget
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DragEnter( /* [unique][in] */ IDataObject *pDataObj, /* [in] */ DWORD grfKeyState, /* [in] */ POINTL pt, /* [out][in] */ DWORD *pdwEffect);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DragOver( /* [in] */ DWORD grfKeyState, /* [in] */ POINTL pt, /* [out][in] */ DWORD *pdwEffect);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Drop( /* [unique][in] */ IDataObject *pDataObj, /* [in] */ DWORD grfKeyState, /* [in] */ POINTL pt, /* [out][in] */ DWORD *pdwEffect);
// implement CSimpleWndSubclass<CPrintQueueDT>
LRESULT WindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
private: // private data
LONG m_cRef; // ref count
TPrinter *m_pPrinter; // target print queue
COleComInitializer m_ole2; // make sure OLE2 is initialized.
AUTO_SCROLL_DATA m_asd; // drag & drop autoscroll stuff (declared in shlobjp.h)
DWORD m_grfKeyStateLast; // we need this to implement IDropTarget::Drop correctly
DWORD m_dwEffect; // save the last effect to implement IDropTarget::DragOver
int m_iLastItem; // last item selected (visual feedback)
// QueryInterface table
QITABLE_BEGIN(CPrintQueueDT) QITABENT(CPrintQueueDT, IDropTarget), // IID_IDropTarget
QITABENT(CPrintQueueDT, IPrintQueueDT), // IID_IPrintQueueDT
// CPrintQueueDT
void CPrintQueueDT::DrawVisualFeedBack() const { ASSERT(IsAttached()); int iCount = ListView_GetItemCount(m_hwnd); ASSERT(iCount && m_iLastItem <= iCount && m_iLastItem >= 0);
RECT rc; if( m_iLastItem < ListView_GetItemCount(m_hwnd) ) { ListView_GetItemRect(m_hwnd, m_iLastItem, &rc, LVIR_BOUNDS); } else { ListView_GetItemRect(m_hwnd, m_iLastItem-1, &rc, LVIR_BOUNDS); InflateRect(&rc, 0, -abs(rc.bottom - rc.top)); }
// draw a standard XOR line
HDC hDC = GetDC(m_hwnd);
if( hDC ) { CAutoHandlePen shPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 2, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW));
if( shPen ) { HGDIOBJ hObjOld = SelectObject(hDC, shPen);
SetROP2(hDC, R2_XORPEN); MoveToEx(hDC, rc.left+1, rc.top+1, NULL); LineTo(hDC, rc.right-1, rc.top+1);
SelectObject(hDC, hObjOld); }
ReleaseDC(m_hwnd, hDC); } }
void CPrintQueueDT::VisualFeedBack(const POINTL &ptl, BOOL bRemove) { ASSERT(IsAttached()); if( bRemove && -1 != m_iLastItem ) { // hide the latest visual feedback
DrawVisualFeedBack(); m_iLastItem = -1; } else { int iItem = GetTargetItem(ptl); if( iItem != -1 && iItem != m_iLastItem ) { if( -1 != m_iLastItem ) { // hide the latest visual feedback
DrawVisualFeedBack(); m_iLastItem = -1; }
// save the lastest item and draw the new
// visual feedback
m_iLastItem = iItem; DrawVisualFeedBack(); } else { if( -1 == iItem && -1 != m_iLastItem ) { // hide the latest visual feedback
DrawVisualFeedBack(); m_iLastItem = -1; } } } }
int CPrintQueueDT::GetTargetItem(const POINTL &ptl) const { ASSERT(IsAttached()); LV_HITTESTINFO info = {0}; int iItem = -1;
// find the item on this point
info.pt.x = ptl.x; info.pt.y = ptl.y; ScreenToClient(m_hwnd, &info.pt); iItem = ListView_HitTest(m_hwnd, &info);
if( (info.flags & LVHT_ONITEM) && iItem != -1 ) { // get the header RECT here
RECT rcHeader; HWND hwndHeader = ListView_GetHeader(m_hwnd); ASSERT(hwndHeader); GetWindowRect(hwndHeader, &rcHeader); MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_hwnd, reinterpret_cast<LPPOINT>(&rcHeader), 2);
// check if the point is inside the header.
if( PtInRect(&rcHeader, info.pt) ) { // this item is partially covered from the header -
// not a valid item.
iItem = -1; } else { RECT rcItem; ListView_GetItemRect(m_hwnd, iItem, &rcItem, LVIR_BOUNDS); if( abs(rcItem.top - info.pt.y) > (abs(rcItem.bottom - rcItem.top)/2) ) { // this point is in the lower half of the item rect -
// go to the next item (not a problem if iItem == count
iItem ++; } } }
return iItem; }
HRESULT CPrintQueueDT::DropMoveJob(const DragDrop::JOBINFO &job, POINTL ptl) { ASSERT(IsAttached()); IDENT jobID = -1; int iItem = GetTargetItem(ptl); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// get the position of the job we are mving in front of
if( iItem < ListView_GetItemCount(m_hwnd) ) { LVITEM lvi = {0}; lvi.iItem = iItem; lvi.iSubItem = 0; lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM;
if( ListView_GetItem(m_hwnd, &lvi) ) { jobID = m_pPrinter->pData()->GetId((HITEM)lvi.lParam); } }
// calculate the new & old position of the job moved
NATURAL_INDEX uNewPos = (-1 == jobID) ? iItem : m_pPrinter->pData()->GetNaturalIndex(jobID, NULL); NATURAL_INDEX uOldPos = (-1 == job.dwJobID) ? job.iItem : m_pPrinter->pData()->GetNaturalIndex(job.dwJobID, NULL);
if( uNewPos > uOldPos ) { uNewPos--; }
if( uNewPos != uOldPos ) { CAutoHandlePrinter shPrinter = NULL; DWORD dwAccess = 0;
if( ERROR_SUCCESS == TPrinter::sOpenPrinter(job.szPrinterName, &dwAccess, &shPrinter) ) { DWORD cbJob2 = 0; CAutoPtrSpl<JOB_INFO_2> spJob2 = NULL;
if( VDataRefresh::bGetJob(shPrinter, job.dwJobID, 2, spJob2.GetPPV(), &cbJob2) ) { // set the new position and call SetJob to reorder.
spJob2->Position = uNewPos+1; if( !SetJob(shPrinter, job.dwJobID, 2, spJob2.GetPtrAs<LPBYTE>(), 0) ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); MessageBeep((UINT)-1); } } } }
return hr; }
HRESULT CPrintQueueDT::DropPrintFiles(IDataObject *pDataObj) { HRESULT hr = E_UNEXPECTED; CRefPtrCOM<IStream> spStream;
// we create a background therad which will attempt to print
// documents in pDataObj
hr = CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream(IID_IDataObject, pDataObj, &spStream);
if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { CAutoPtr<CCookiesHolder> spThreadInfo = new CCookiesHolder; if( spThreadInfo && spThreadInfo->SetCount(2) ) { // as we pass pointer to ourselves to the thread proc
// we need to AddRef ourselves here
// setup the cookie holder
spThreadInfo->SetCookie<IStream*>(0, spStream); spThreadInfo->SetCookie<CPrintQueueDT*>(1, this);
// spin the background thread here
DWORD dwThreadId; CAutoHandleNT shThread = TSafeThread::Create(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)CPrintQueueDT::ThreadProc_PrintFiles, spThreadInfo, 0, &dwThreadId);
if( shThread ) { // the thread will take care to free this memory
spThreadInfo.Detach(); spStream.Detach(); hr = S_OK; } else { // thread creation failed. setup appropriate HRESULT from
// last error
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
// compensate the AddRef above
Release(); } } else { // new CCookiesHolder has failed
return hr; }
HRESULT CPrintQueueDT::GetPrinterName(LPTSTR pszName, UINT nMaxLength) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; TCHAR szCurrentPrinterName[kPrinterBufMax]; if( pszName ) { if( m_pPrinter ) { m_pPrinter->pszPrinterName(ARRAYSIZE(szCurrentPrinterName), szCurrentPrinterName); lstrcpyn(pszName, szCurrentPrinterName, nMaxLength); hr = S_OK; } else { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } }
return hr; }
DWORD WINAPI CPrintQueueDT::ThreadProc_PrintFiles(LPVOID lpParameter) { TCHAR szPrinterName[kPrinterBufMax]; HRESULT hr = E_UNEXPECTED; CAutoPtr<CCookiesHolder> spThreadInfo = (CCookiesHolder *)lpParameter;
if( spThreadInfo ) { // make sure OLE2 is initialized.
COleComInitializer ole2(TRUE);
// get the cookies
CAutoPtrCOM<IStream> spStream = spThreadInfo->GetCookie<IStream*>(0); CAutoPtrCOM<CPrintQueueDT> spPrintQueueDT = spThreadInfo->GetCookie<CPrintQueueDT*>(1);
if( ole2 && spStream && spPrintQueueDT ) { UINT uCount = 0; CAutoPtrPIDL pidlPrinter; CRefPtrCOM<IShellFolder> spLocalPrnFolder; CRefPtrCOM<IDropTarget> spPrinterDT;
for( ;; ) { // attempt to get IDropTarget for the printer name
if( SUCCEEDED(hr = spPrintQueueDT->GetPrinterName(szPrinterName, ARRAYSIZE(szPrinterName))) && SUCCEEDED(hr = ShellServices::CreatePrinterPIDL(NULL, szPrinterName, &spLocalPrnFolder, &pidlPrinter)) && SUCCEEDED(hr = spLocalPrnFolder->GetUIObjectOf(NULL, 1, pidlPrinter.GetPPCT(), IID_IDropTarget, &uCount, spPrinterDT.GetPPV())) ) { // unmarshal the data object from the stream
CRefPtrCOM<IDataObject> spDataObj; hr = CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream(spStream, IID_IDataObject, spDataObj.GetPPV());
if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream relases the stream -
// make sure we don't release twice
// simulate drag & drop over the printer object here
DWORD dwEffect = DROPEFFECT_COPY; hr = SHSimulateDrop(spPrinterDT, spDataObj, MK_LBUTTON, NULL, &dwEffect); } }
if( FAILED(hr) && ERROR_INVALID_PRINTER_NAME == SCODE_CODE(GetScode(hr)) ) { // this printer is probably a remote printer which the user is not connected to.
// he must be connected to the printer in order to be able to print. show up
// appropriate message to inform the user about this case and ask if he wants to
// connect to this printer and then print.
if( IDYES == iMessage(NULL, IDS_PRINTERS_TITLE, IDS_PRINT_NOTCONNECTED, MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION, kMsgNone, NULL) ) { // make a printer connection here.
UINT uLen = COUNTOF(szPrinterName);
// attempt to connect to this printer. if this fails it shows up the
// appropriate error message, so don't bother to show up UI here.
if( bPrinterSetup(NULL, MSP_NETPRINTER, uLen, szPrinterName, &uLen, NULL) ) { // release/reset the smart pointers and try to print again.
spLocalPrnFolder = NULL; spPrinterDT = NULL; pidlPrinter = NULL; continue; } } }
break; } } }
// setup the return value here
if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { DWORD dwErr = HRESULT_CODE(hr); SetLastError(dwErr); return dwErr; } }
// implement CSimpleWndSubclass<CPrintQueueDT>
LRESULT CPrintQueueDT::WindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch( uMsg ) { case WM_VSCROLL: case WM_HSCROLL: { // make sure the feedback is hidden when scrolling
POINTL ptl = {0}; VisualFeedBack(ptl, TRUE); } break;
default: break; }
// allways call the default processing
return DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); }
DWORD CPrintQueueDT::RightClickChooseEffect(const POINTL &ptl, DWORD dwEffectIn) { HMENU hMenu = NULL;
// pop up a menu to choose from.
if( dwEffectIn == DROPEFFECT_MOVE ) { // we're moving a job
hMenu = ShellServices::LoadPopupMenu(ghInst, POPUP_DRAGDROP_MOVE); SetMenuDefaultItem(hMenu, POPUP_DRAGDROP_MOVE, MF_BYCOMMAND); } else if( dwEffectIn == DROPEFFECT_COPY ) { // we are printing files
hMenu = ShellServices::LoadPopupMenu(ghInst, POPUP_DRAGDROP_PRINT); SetMenuDefaultItem(hMenu, POPUP_DRAGDROP_PRINT, MF_BYCOMMAND); }
if( hMenu ) { // show up the context menu
BOOL bReturn = TrackPopupMenu(hMenu, TPM_RETURNCMD|TPM_RIGHTBUTTON|TPM_LEFTALIGN, ptl.x, ptl.y, 0, m_hwnd, NULL);
// modify the dwEffectIn according the user choise
switch( bReturn ) { case IDM_DRAGDROP_PRINT: dwEffectIn = DROPEFFECT_COPY; break;
default: dwEffectIn = DROPEFFECT_NONE; }
DestroyMenu(hMenu); } else { // if hMenu is NULL (i.e. LoadMenu has falied) then
// cancel the whole operation
// return modified dwEffectIn.
return dwEffectIn; }
CPrintQueueDT::CPrintQueueDT() : m_cRef(1), m_pPrinter(NULL), m_ole2(TRUE), m_grfKeyStateLast(0), m_dwEffect(0), m_iLastItem(-1) { // nothing
CPrintQueueDT::~CPrintQueueDT() { if( IsAttached() ) { RevokeDragDrop(); } }
// IPrintQueueDT members
STDMETHODIMP CPrintQueueDT::RegisterDragDrop(HWND hwndLV, TPrinter *pPrinter) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
if( !IsAttached() && m_ole2 && hwndLV && pPrinter ) { // register this window for OLE2 drag & drop
hr = ::RegisterDragDrop(GetParent(hwndLV), static_cast<IDropTarget*>(this));
if( SUCCEEDED(hr) && Attach(hwndLV) ) { // make sure shell icon cache is initialized, so
// DAD_* functions behave correctly.
m_pPrinter = pPrinter; } }
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CPrintQueueDT::RevokeDragDrop() { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
if( IsAttached() && m_ole2 && m_pPrinter ) { // unregister this window for OLE2 drag & drop
hr = ::RevokeDragDrop(GetParent(m_hwnd));
Detach(); m_pPrinter = NULL; }
return hr; }
// this API is supposed to be declared in shlobjp.h, and exported from shell32.dll,
// but for some reason it isn't. duplicate the code here.
STDAPI_(BOOL) DAD_DragEnterEx3(HWND hwndTarget, const POINTL ptStart, IDataObject *pdtobj) { RECT rc; GetWindowRect(hwndTarget, &rc);
// If hwndTarget is RTL mirrored, then measure the
// the client point from the visual right edge
// (near edge in RTL mirrored windows). [samera]
POINT pt; if( GetWindowLong(hwndTarget, GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL ) pt.x = rc.right - ptStart.x; else pt.x = ptStart.x - rc.left;
pt.y = ptStart.y - rc.top; return DAD_DragEnterEx2(hwndTarget, pt, pdtobj); }
// IDropTarget
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CPrintQueueDT::DragEnter( /* [unique][in] */ IDataObject *pDataObj, /* [in] */ DWORD grfKeyState, /* [in] */ POINTL pt, /* [out][in] */ DWORD *pdwEffect) { ASSERT(IsAttached());
// save the last key state
m_grfKeyStateLast = grfKeyState;
// by default - none
// try to get DragDrop::g_cfPrintJob data first.
if( SUCCEEDED(pDataObj->GetData(&fmte, &medium)) ) { // aquire the JOBINFO
DragDrop::JOBINFO *pJobInfo = (DragDrop::JOBINFO *)GlobalLock(medium.hGlobal);
if( pJobInfo && pJobInfo->hwndLV == m_hwnd ) { // this is a print job from our window, accept this
*pdwEffect = DROPEFFECT_MOVE; }
// release medium
GlobalUnlock(medium.hGlobal); ReleaseStgMedium(&medium); } else { // try to get CF_HDROP data.
FORMATETC fmte2 = {CF_HDROP, NULL, DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, TYMED_HGLOBAL}; if( SUCCEEDED(pDataObj->QueryGetData(&fmte2)) ) { // we also accept files for printing
*pdwEffect = DROPEFFECT_COPY; } }
// store dwEffect for DragOver
m_dwEffect = *pdwEffect;
// invoke shell to do the standard stuff
DAD_DragEnterEx3(m_hwnd, pt, pDataObj); DAD_InitScrollData(&m_asd);
return S_OK;
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CPrintQueueDT::DragOver( /* [in] */ DWORD grfKeyState, /* [in] */ POINTL pt, /* [out][in] */ DWORD *pdwEffect) { ASSERT(IsAttached());
// effect was stored in DragEnter
*pdwEffect = m_dwEffect;
// convert to local coords
POINT pts = {pt.x, pt.y}; ScreenToClient(m_hwnd, &pts);
// assume coords of our window match listview
if( DAD_AutoScroll(m_hwnd, &m_asd, &pts) ) { *pdwEffect |= DROPEFFECT_SCROLL; }
if( DROPEFFECT_MOVE & (*pdwEffect) ) { // draw visual feedback if necessary
VisualFeedBack(pt, FALSE); }
// invoke shell to do the standard stuff
return S_OK; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CPrintQueueDT::DragLeave( void) { ASSERT(IsAttached());
// remove the visual feedback if any
POINTL ptl = {0}; VisualFeedBack(ptl, TRUE);
// invoke shell to do the standard stuff
return S_OK; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CPrintQueueDT::Drop( /* [unique][in] */ IDataObject *pDataObj, /* [in] */ DWORD grfKeyState, /* [in] */ POINTL pt, /* [out][in] */ DWORD *pdwEffect) { ASSERT(IsAttached()); HRESULT hr = E_UNEXPECTED;
if( m_grfKeyStateLast & MK_LBUTTON ) { *pdwEffect = m_dwEffect; } else { *pdwEffect = RightClickChooseEffect(pt, m_dwEffect); }
// do the drop here
if( DROPEFFECT_COPY == *pdwEffect ) { // we're printing the file(s) pDataObj to the printer
DropPrintFiles(pDataObj); } else if( DROPEFFECT_MOVE == *pdwEffect ) { // we are reordering jobs withing this print queue
STGMEDIUM medium = {0}; FORMATETC fmte = {DragDrop::g_cfPrintJob, NULL, DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, TYMED_HGLOBAL}; hr = pDataObj->GetData(&fmte, &medium);
if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { DragDrop::JOBINFO *pJobInfo = (DragDrop::JOBINFO *)GlobalLock(medium.hGlobal);
if( pJobInfo ) { hr = DropMoveJob(*pJobInfo, pt); GlobalUnlock(medium.hGlobal); }
ReleaseStgMedium(&medium); } }
// make sure to unlock the window for updating
return hr;
// common drag & drop APIs & data structures
namespace DragDrop {
// print job clipboard format (JOBINFO)
CLIPFORMAT g_cfPrintJob = 0;
// registers the clipboard format for a print job (JOBINFO)
void RegisterPrintJobClipboardFormat() { if( !g_cfPrintJob ) { g_cfPrintJob = static_cast<CLIPFORMAT>( RegisterClipboardFormat(TEXT("PrintJob32"))); } }
// creates IDataObject & IDropSource for a printer job objec
HRESULT CreatePrintJobObject(const JOBINFO &jobInfo, REFIID riid, void **ppv) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG;
if( ppv ) { *ppv = NULL; // reset this
// make sure print job data type is registered first
// instantiate CSimpleDataObjImpl template for JOBINFO
CAutoPtrCOM< CDataObj<> > spDataObj = new CDataObj<>; CAutoPtrCOM< CSimpleDataObjImpl<JOBINFO> > spJobObj = new CSimpleDataObjImpl<JOBINFO>(jobInfo, g_cfPrintJob, spDataObj);
if( spDataObj && spJobObj ) { hr = spJobObj->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
return hr; }
// instantiate a IPrintQueueDT implementation
HRESULT CreatePrintQueueDT(REFIID riid, void **ppv) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG;
if( ppv ) { *ppv = NULL; // reset this
// instantiate CPrintQueueDT
CAutoPtrCOM<CPrintQueueDT> spObj = new CPrintQueueDT;
if( spObj ) { hr = spObj->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
return hr; }
} // namespace DragDrop